"Quality is the parent, the source of all subjects and objects." - Robert Pirsig

Fits Observation: Henry Gurr’s How Our Mind Works

Henry S Gurr’s Article, Book, & Mind-Map, Projects

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*** Zen and the Art of ***
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** by Robert Pirsig **

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SUMMARY=> Robert Pirsig Zen Art Motorcycle Maint.

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SUMMARY=>Research Montana State UniversityMSU

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SUMMARY=>Maps+Info: ZMM Travel & Mountain Climb

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Thanks To Persons Who Created & Supported ZMMQ




Click any photo below: **OR**
Mouse Hover, Over Photo, For Album Description

These 12 Photos were taken by Robert Pirsig’s very own camera, as he Chris, Sylvia and John made that 1968 epic voyage upon which The Travel Narrative for Mr Pirsig’s ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘ (ZMM) book was based. Taken in 1968 along what is now known as ‘‘The ZMM Book Travel Route ‘‘ each photo scene is actually ‘‘Written-Into ‘‘ Mr. Pirsig’s book => ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘ (ZMM)

Author Robert Pirsig’s Own 12 Color Photos, Of His 1968 ZMM Travel Route Trip: Each Is Written-Into His ZMM Book. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 2nd Down.

Each of the 832 photographs in these Four Albums show a scene described in the book ‘‘Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘. Each photo was especially researched and photographed along the ZMM Route to show a specific ZMM Book Travel Description Passage: This passage is shown in quote marks below the respective photo. As you look at each of these photos, you will be viewing scenes similar to those that author Pirsig, Chris, and the Sutherlands might have seen, on that epic voyage, upon which the book ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘ was based. Thus it is, that these 832 photographs are ‘‘A Color Photo Illustrated Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘. Indeed ‘‘A Photo Show Book‘‘ for ZMM. Sights & Scenes Plus Full Explanation.

My ZMM Travel Route Research Findings, Are A Page-By-Page, Color Photo Illustrated ZMM. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Album.

Each of these 28 photos are Full Circle Panorama Photos Seven-Feet-Wide. They were taken along the Travel Route of the book ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘. They show a 360 degree view, made by stitching together eight photos. These Panoramic Photos, complement and add to those of my Photo Album ABOVE named  => ‘‘A Color Photo Illustrated ZMM Book, With Travel Route Sights & Scenes Explained‘‘.

ZMM Travel Route Research PANORAMIC PHOTOS 7ft wide! Henry Gurr, 2002 ZMM Research Trip. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 2nd Down.

This album shows what I saw  on my RETURN trip home (San Francisco California to Aiken South Carolina), Summer 2002. These 55 photos were taken along the Route of the “1849er’s Gold Rush to California” (In Reverse Direction). After I completed my ZMM Research, I RETURNED home by way of the Route of the ‘49’s Gold Rush. This route included the route of the “California Gold Rush Trail” (in Nevada & California), as well as portions of the Oregon Trail' all the way into Missouri. These 1849er’s Travel Route Photos, were taken AFTER I took those Photos shown in the above Album named “A Color Photo Illustrated ZMM Book, With Travel Route Sights & Scenes Explained”.

Henry Gurr’s 2002 Research Photos: California Gold Rush Trail & Oregon Trail. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 3rd Down.

Each of these seven 360 degree  Full Circle Panoramic Photos were taken along the route of the Gold Rush ‘1849’ers from Missouri to California. Each is 7 foot wide! These Panorama Photos complement and add to those of my Photo Album above named  => "Henry Gurr’s Research Photos: California Gold Rush Trail & Pioneer Oregon Trail".   AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Album.

California Gold RushTrail & Pioneer Oregon Trail PANORAMIC PHOTOS 7ft wide! Henry Gurr, 2002 ZMM RETURN Trip. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Album.

Enjoy 225 Photos of Flowers & Red Wing Blackbirds Along the ZMM Route. This Album of  Color Photos shows every Flower and Red Wing Blackbird (RWBB) that I could “get within my camera sights!!”  This was done in honor of the ZMM Narrator's emphasis of Flowers and Redwing Blackbirds in the book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”. I was very surprised to find RWBB's the entire travel route from Minneapolis to San Francisco.

In Honor of ZMM Narrator’s Emphasis: 225 Color Photos of ZMM Travel Route Flowers & Red Wing Blackbirds. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 5th Down.

These 165 photos show ‘‘Tourist Experiences’‘ the ZMM Traveler may have along the ZMM Route.

My 2002 ZMM Travel Route Experience: By Henry Gurr ZMMQ Site Master. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 3rd Down.

Starting Monday 19 July 2004, Mark Richardson traveled the ZMM Route, on his trusty Jakie Blue motorcycle. Mark made these 59 interesting photographs of what he saw along the way. As he toured, he pondered his own life destiny (past present future), and sought to discover his own deeper personal meaning of the book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”.

Mark Richardson’s 19 July 2004, ZMM Route Trip & Photo Journal. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 5th Down.

The former home (~1968) of John and Sylvia Sutherland, at 2649 South Colfax Ave, Minneapolis MN, shown in 18 photos. Despite John's quite negative disparaging statements in ZMM, about their home back in Minneapolis, this same house, shown in these photos, looks to us like a wonderful, beautiful home along a very nice, quiet, shady street, in a perfectly fine Minneapolis Neighborhood!

John & Sylvia Sutherland of “The ZMM Book”: 18Potos Of Former Minneapolis Home>2649 South Colfax Ave, AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 4th Down.

A 36 Photo Tour of Two University of South Carolina Buildings:  a) Etherredge Performing Arts Center Lobby + b) Ruth Patrick Science Education Center, some of which show “Built In Educational Displays

Site Master Henry Gurr's Campus: Photos Of Two Buildings (of 32 total), University of South Carolina Aiken. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 2nd Down.

A 105 Photo Tour of Science Building
At The University of South Carolina Aiken, Aiken SC.
Also showing a) Flowers & Exotic Plants In The Greenhouse
And b) The Rarely Seen Equipment Service Room & Dungeon.
Site Master Henry Gurr's Campus: Photos Of Science Building, One (of 32 total Buildings) At The University of South Carolina Aiken. AFTER the 5 Albums Comes Up, Read & ClickOn 5th Down.

IThese 15 photos show persons & scenes, related to how we got this ZMMQ WebSite going, back in ~2002. Included are "screen captures" of our software systems in use. A few of these photos show the screen views of what we were “looking at,” some including brief notes & hints on how to get around some of the problems we experienced.

Software We Used ~2002, In Creating and Maintaining This ZMMQ WebSite: Illustrated & Explained. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Albun.

Photos of Faculty, Administrators, and Students who were at Montana State College ~ 1956-1960. These persons, especially Sarah Vinke, were faculty (or colleagues of) ZMM author Robert Pirsig, during his teaching (1959 – 1961), as Professor of English, at Montana State College, Bozeman MT.

1947-60: Photos of MSC Faculty & Sarah Vinke (Vinki Vinche Finche Finch)

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Attention Workers In Neuroscience, Brain Science, Philosophy & Philosophy of Mind, Cognitive Science, Psychology, Learning Theory, Researchers and Theoreticians of Mind, Consciousness, & Brain Development.

'To Brain & Mind Scientist => This Webpage You Are Currently Reading Is Titled => “Thoughts, Ideas, Future Plans, Actions, That Become Consciousness In Our Mind, Are Each => A Single Coherent, Holistic, Unified Right Now View Of The World, Created As A Solution To The Problem Of How To Best Respond To Our Second By Second Sensory Input From Our Surrounding Environment.” where the “Official Start” '' is 20 Inches Below,

Please Know That This WebPage, And It’s Linked Pages =>

1) Introduces Henry Gur’s entirely new kind of => Theory Explanation Of How Our Mind Works. which Is Fully Confirmed By Direct Observation. And =>

…This Theory Explanation, Offers A Very Viable Answer To The Mind-Body Problem, And In So Doing, Closes The Explanatory Gap.

2) Are a General Theory Explanation, and has major parts that well agree with the conclusions of other experts, but the overall panorama of understanding is mostly not presented in existing literature.
3) This view Into The Workings Of Our Mind, is so different that => At first reading you will have difficulty perceiving what it says, and indeed, at first, you will not believe it has any truth.
4) For this reason: In your reading of the below (and other linked WebPages), you will have to go slow & let the ideas sink in, so you can begin to see that what is said, actually fits your own direct experience. This way the truth of what is presented will gradually be become evident.
5) And you will gradually come to see, that the ideas & conclusions of this Theory Explanation, do in fact, stand true to your own direct observation.
6) So, if you are young, and of agile flexible mind, and at the start of your career, you will discover this overall viewpoint, offers a way for you to see into The Workings Of Your Own Mind, not to be found any where else.
7) And from this, as you will discover, you will become more effective in your personal daily life, learn how to break out of problem hangups, and have more creative ideas. Effectively you will have a => A Brain Owner’s Manual.
7) And, from this, better understand the mind of other persons, and thus be able to better communicate with them.
8) AND as can be directly observed => The Mental Arrival Results of our Problem Solving Brain, are exactly the Source All Human Creativity!

You Actually Will See It Happen, As Mental Arrivals, Automatically, Spontaneously, Again And Again!
,,,Thus, as you will ever so gradually come to see & appreciate => Overall, any discussions of brain or mind, to most truly and accurately reflect actual direct observation. And thus must of necessity, include the ideas & conclusions presented below and in linked WebPages.

“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”

Isaac Newton

NOTICE This Document Below Is In Final Stage of Writing, And =>

...A) A few of the Blue Internet Links may be broken, plus
...B) For the Clickable Jump-Down Table Of Contents the Jump-Down’s now work properly. Please send Email, if you have suggestions, how to make this Table better!
...C) Due to the fact that This Document you are currently reading, is is very wordy. But in many cases this “wordy” is an attempt to be very clear & fully explicit and thus achieve clear understanding about ideas that (to the reader= you) are totally new & utterly strange as if from another world! Please send an Email if you see ways to improve this WebPage
...D) Also you will see many “repeats” of ideas or specialized work phrases. These “repeats” may seem excessive, such as for example a) automatically spontaneously generating constructing creating mentally Arrivals into Conscious Mind. OR b) The Human Brain, As A General Problem Solver, Is Observed To Find Automatically Spontaneously “Best Or Near Best” Solutions, That Correspond To Highest Mental Coherence: However, please understand that such “repeats” are done to “Drive The Point Home.”, for very important ideas that I have seen repeatedly happen, and thus know are both a) Very important, and b) “Repeatedly true by direct observation & beyond doubt.
...E) Although you may be troubled by too much repetition of ideas, these “repeats” may still be of value to you: This is because these “repeats” =>

1) Will be a useful review of ideas, and thus boost your understanding & comprehension of ideas.
2) And in reading these “repeats” these ideas will more fully integrate & solidify into your mind.
3) Many of these “repeats” are expressed in different words, which may be enough to suddenly shift your mind enough to achieve new clarify.
SIDE NOTE: On this WebPage you are currently reading, the meanings of “Best”, “Quality”, “Merit”, & “Coherence” are as stated in a Dictionary. For More On “Dictionary Meanings”, scroll down to .. Have A Meaning, Of That Of Most Dictionaries …

This Document (and most pages this ZMMQ website) for easier reading, can be adjusted down to ~7 inches wide. =>
… INSTRCTIONS => On you Internet Browser (Chrome, Edge, Opera, Safari) => At upper RIGHT, click on the middle Icon (Small Square Box) to get a page you can change the size of. Then ClickDrag edge of Browser Edge, to make the Page Width, narrower, until you get reading width (some times down to ~8 inches) what you want. Then ClickDrag the top of page to center it properly on your viewing screen.

Please email me (Click “Contact Me” At bottom This Document), if you want to suggest Edit Corrections, or you see ways to improve this WebPage, or have new information to suggest.

Henry Gurr ZMMQ SiteMaster Nov 7-13, 2022, &. Jan 12-20, 2023, May 15-21, 2023, & June 14, & Sept 25, 2023, March 14, 2024.

For a Fun, Easy To Read Introduction To The Essentials Of My Theory (Explanation) of How Our Mind Works, Please Study My MPPS Article “Memory, Perception, Insight, and Problem Solving – AHA---!!! (Click 3rd Blue Link Below where you see MPPS Article.)

This link will REALLY Help You Learn A Deep, Full Understanding Of The Flash Of Insight Phenomena And Other Similar Mental Arrivals (such as => Suddenly Realized, It Hit Me. Light-Bulb, Lightning Bolt, Bolt-From-The-Blue, It-Just-Dawned-On-Me, Epiphany, Etc) : You must learn this understanding, because this AHA experience (and the brain machinery which creates it), is what my Theory (Explanation) is totally built around. => As You Will See => It Is Important To Experience AHA’s At First Hand, And Clearly Observe These VERY Important Facts That =>

a) Our UN-Conscious Mind automatically, will find Optimal (Best or Near Best) Problem Solutions & Answers =>
b) Which then Mentally Arrive into our Conscious Mind.
c) You should eventually realize that => Every thought, every perception, is found by the same “machinery & methods”, as Mental Arrivals such as the Flash of Insight, but nearly all the time, we just don’t know it!
d) What this means is, (for our normal conscious thoughts and perception), we have NO awareness of our UN-conscious brain processes,
e) UNLESS there is a HALT, in our thinking, waiting for a Mental Arrival:
f) The sudden Mental Arrival into our Conscious Mind, is practically the ONLY way we know there 'must have been UN-conscious Problem Solving Brain Processes, running in our brain, with minimal clue of their presence!
g) Here It Is Important To Notice That => Our Problem Solving Ability, Indeed All Or Our Mental / Brain Functioning At All Moments, Depends On => Our Brain’s Own Internal Massive Memory: …
I) This “Brain’s Memory” is used to => i) Re-Call, Re-Member, Re-Construct, Re-Create => Answers, Thoughts, Ideas, Conclusions, Intentions, Behavior, Etc, as Mental Arrivals, into our Conscious Mind., and/or ii) Available for our other UN-Conscious Problem Solving Brain Processes.
h) To understand just how all this could be true, especially the role of Our Brain’s Memory, please study, especially Hopfield Neural Network Model, in My MPPS Article => (Click 3rd Blue Link Below where you see MPPS Article.)

NOTE1: Continued From g) Above: For Reasons & Discussion Given In PROPOSITION 3e) Below, (As Well As Mentioned Other Places) => In This Document You Are Currently Reading => Our Brain’s Own Internal Memory, Is Simply Called “Memory” OR “Brain’s Memory.
… ATTENTION1 => Our “Brain’s Memory” or just, “Memory”, should ALWAYS be understood to be FULL Name => Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory .
… ATTENTION2: Please Very Well Remember The above italic’d 11 Word Name AND Idea. … It is very important, as you can see in This Document’s 33 times, by > Edit > Find > … Biological Brain Neural ….
… (This “Brain’s Memory”, is analogous to your cell phone’s SD Memory Chip, and means the ABILITY TO HOLD (RETAIN), data, photographs, & text strings, and all manner of other “information”, etc. Which at a later time is available for the ReAccess & ReFurbish Cycle. (RRC) )
… Thus this above italicized 11 word name & idea, for “Brain’s Memory”, is a VERY important IDEA, because our brain thus => Simultaneously Solves The On-Coming-Life-Problems, And In The Same Process, Act As A Memory Retrieval, as will also be further discussed in This Document You Are Currently Reading.

Our Brain’s Neuron-Based Memory, Should Be Clearly Distinguished, From What Could Be Called “Human Remember Ability”. Officially called “Declarative memory”, or sometimes called “Explicit Memory”., which includes the Memory Recall of say =>Names, Poems, Songs, Stories, Data, Charts, Maps, Images, Visualizations, Etc.
… . BUT, OF COURSE, ALL THE WHILE, Our Normal Human Remember Ability, USES the above-mentioned Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory.” ''

NOTE2: As you read my MPPS Article (blue link next down), please pay special attention to EACH of the 32 discussions of word PERCEPTION, and study to see how => Memory, Perception, and "Flash Of Insight* Problem Solving are really just different outward manifestations of a single intellectual process which in turn can be understood as Networks of Neurons, that can solve problems. This VERY important idea is herein named => “ Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory”.
… You will need this full understanding of concept of PERCEPTION, in preparation for reading the rather long remainder of the Page You Are Reading Right Now.
Click Here To SKIP The Recommended MPPS Article => And JUMP DOWN To This Proto-Theory's Official Start..

NOTE3: As you read my MPPS Article you will notice cartoons, puzzles, and jokes, near the end but please do NOT look at these, until you are told (with link) to look at one. Otherwise you may MISS MY MESSAGE concerning How Our Mind Works with “Solving a Problem Called a Cartoon or Joke”

You should ALSO, start the practice of observing (and write notes) on your own Flash Of Insights, which you learn about in my => MPPS Article => “ Memory, Perception, Insight, and Problem Solving – **AHA** !!! ” CLICK HERE.

… ((NOTE: The above-mentioned “Compact Explanation”. Page, This is the 2nd down Blue Link in Menu at Top Left. ))

… ((NOTE: This is the 3rd down Blue Link in Menu at Top Left. )) => Where are collected into one WebPage, are the ALL of the Properties & Characteristics Of Every Mental Arrival: (These are such as “Flash Of Insight”, which come automatically, spontaneously, Into Our Conscious Mind, For Our Every Waking Moment, Second By Second:)
… The “Properties & Characteristics All Mental Arrivals, listed on this WebPage are collected & assembled, from scattered places in Henry Gurr’s 8 WebPages (Re. “How Our Mind Works” hereby listed in Menu at left.
…Also => Picture Analogies of Before & After A Mental Arrival are also shown.
… You will need to read this (Blue Link above) page,=> Because otherwise these various => Properties & Characteristics Of All Mental Arrivals , in their original scattered paces, are presented in a way, such that it is hard to see “The Big Picture”. …Please understand => This (Blue Link above) page, is an essential summary overview WebPage, which will prepare your mind for easier reading of Henry Gurr’s 8 WebPages (hereby listed In Menu Concerning => “How Our Mind Works”.
((NOTE: The above-mentioned “Properties & Characteristics” Page, is also the 3rd down Blue Link in Menu at Top Left. ))


Thoughts, Ideas, Future Plans, Actions, That Become Consciousness In Our Mind, Are Each => A Single Coherent, Holistic, Unified Right Now View Of The World, Created As A Solution To The Problem Of How To Best** Respond To Our Second By Second Sensory Input From Our Surrounding Environment.

A Striking New KIND of Theory (Explanation) of How Our Mind Works, In General & With Metaphor, Analogy, Simile, & Allegory !!!

Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works, With Practical Applications.”

Finding Single Best** (Or Near Best)** Solutions, is Practically The Only Way To Guide All Of Our Senses, In Perception, To Decode “What Is There”, And To Decide And Achieve Practical Future Actions. (ie Intention).

As you read the above Best**, you may immediately think of whacko, crazy people who make obviously bad decisions:
In this case see SPECIAL-NOTES below, especially 4) thru 5).

Most Of The Presentation Below Comes From Literature On Creativity, Mind, Brain Science, Vision, Psychology Especially Gestalt Psychology, Creative Problem Solving, Invention, Teaching, Learning, Writing, Philosophy, And Other Areas.

Click Here To Go To A CLICKABLE TABLE OF CONTENTS, Which You May Use To Go Directly To The Indicated Discussion: For example you will see “Go Directly to Start of The 23 PROPOSITIONS’ of Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” . This way you may skip over lengthy Introductory Overview Portions, until later when you may need them, or return to a portion you were studying previously.


I) Our Ideas, Thoughts, Perceptions, Future Plans, and Automatic, Spontaneous, Mental Arrivals (Similar To Flash Of Insight), That Suddenly Come Into Our Conscious Mind, Most Usefully May Be Considered To Be => Solutions To Life’s Oncoming Problems, Which Mentally Arrive Into Our Conscious Mind, From Spontaneous & Automatic UN-Conscious Brain Processes:
…= ] ''' As Is Observed In Ourselves And Other People, ''' these single (“only-one-at-a-time”), Optimum (Best or Near Best) Solutions (Answers, Thinking, Ideas, Future Plans, Intentions, Body Actions, Etc ), are Spontaneously & Automatically Generated, Constructed, Created, by Our Problem Solving Brain: And if the Solution is of sufficient Quality ( Fitness ), it Mentally Arrives into Our Conscious Mind. [=… These Solutions Always Include => Emotions & Feelings, plus a sense of does one’s body have the mental capacity and physical strength, as well as sense of readiness for action!! In other words => We know if we are mentally clear-eyed, fully competent and mentally & physically tuned, for the task as hand, and if sufficient level of preparedness.
II) In Addition => Another Spontaneous & Automatic UN-Conscious Brain Processes:, Responding To Sensory Input From Our Ever-Present Surroundings, Generates, Constructs, Creates => Our Everyday Conscious Mental Awareness, What Herein Will Be Called => “Primary Consciousness ''
AND THIS “Primary Consciousness, Is An Ever Present Mental Model (~”A Theater Stage”), Into Which Appear, The Above Mentioned Solutions To Life’s Oncoming Problems, '' These Are The => Herein Discussed Problem Solution Mental Arrivals, That Suddenly, Automatically, Spontaneously, Come Into Our Primary Conscious Mind.
… And this is an entirely Brain Generated, Constructed, Created, “Mental Model” of our external “real world” surroundings (What’s Out There), and is mostly experienced as vision, and nearly always available. Typically this Brain Generated, Constructed, Created, Primary Consciousness, comes into our awareness, when we wake up in the morning, and continues until we go to sleep at next night. To learn more, 6 Each > Do > Top > Edit > Find > saturation …
…It is a curious fact => To become, & remain Fully Conscious, Alert,& Mentally Ready To Act, our brain requires stimulation repeatedly, such as discussed above). To Read More, Scroll Down To => PROPOSITION 11a) Explanation): Primary Consciousness … This is where you read => Our Primary Consciousness, is a response to stimulation of our external world, arising from our 9 Sensed, & it appears that such Continuous Stimulation is required, for our Primary Coconsciousness to remain running normally.
… (Please also see below, Chart Which Compares Various Authors Own Discussed Types of Consciousness. )

III) As Is Observed In Ourselves And Other People, And True For Nearly All Of Our Problem Solving Brain Solutions (Answers), These Mental Models Are Generated, Constructed, Created => On the basis of Best or Near Best, (or Optimum Coherence, or Optimal Fit), for what is ”there” or “available”, such as in our surrounding external environment.
Click Here For Full Explanation Of => Mental Model That Automatically Forms Our Primary Consciousness Mind.
(NOTE: To Return To Here => At The Upper Left Of Your Browser, Click Your Browser’s Back Arrow.)

IV) Everyday Example(s) Of => Our Problem Solving Brain’s Automatic, Spontaneous, Generated, Constructed, Created, Optimum (Best or Near Best) Solutions (Answers) =>

A) Life’s Problems Our Brain Very Quickly, Yields A Valid, Near Optimum Problem Solution, (i.e. best or near best answers), to life’s problems coming at us:
B) Elementary Examples =>
1) What is the name of the Capital of Iowa?
2) Whose face is that?
3) How can I best get all these suitcases into my car?
4) Which sunset scene was the most glorious.
5) What manpower, materials, and time will it takes to build a pyramid.
6 In Writing and composition, typing, or hand-writing, and suddenly finding the correct word.
7) Operate the controls, clutch, gear shift, and steering wheel of a car.
8) Sudden Danger Recognition > Body Motion Evasive Action
9) Speaking words & sentences of the Chinese Language
C) Perception Examples: Our Brain’s General Problem Solving Response To Sensory Input From Our External Environment, Generally Called Perception, by various workers.
1) Perception Is A Human Ability, In which UN-Conscious Brain Processes automatically, responding to the 9 Senses, Generates, Constructs, Creates =>What is called a Mental Model of The Exterior World, that then Mentally Arrive into Conscious Mind, which in This Document, is called “Primary Consciousness ” .
2) A Sub Category Of Perception Is Called (by various workers), Pattern Recognition.
3) However In This Document You Are Currently Reading, Pattern Recognition is called a more general (more inclusive) term => Partial Fit Problem Solutions.
3)cont To learn more about “Partial Fit”, which is a very important & highly useful mental ability, please scroll to and read below at => On How Our Problem Solving Brain Achieves Perception, Pattern Recognition, Partial Fit Problem Solution
4) Related to Perception is what Owen Barfield calls ”Figuration”. => “Figuration is the construction by the "percipient mind" of the recognizable and namable objects we call "things." In other words, that "something . . . required in us to convert sensations into 'things'"; all that in the representation which is not sensation. (Figuration, Barfield says, presupposes of course that "the sense-organs must be related to the particles in such a way as to give rise to sensations")
D) As Pointed Out In My Above Mentioned MPPS Article => These Best or Near Best Solutions (which Mentally Arrive into Consciousness), Are Of Necessity derived from an Optimal (Best or Near Best) Fit To Memory of Similar Previous Optimal Solutions, but weighted to fit the current oncoming sensory input(s).
E) These Problem Solutions Are Based On An Optimal (Best or Near Best), Combined Fit Of =>
1) All sensory input up to that current moment,
2) All memories of similar circumstances, and
3) What was the survival success value of the previous actions, for that and similar circumstances.
F) These (“only-one-at-a-time”) Solutions nearly always include Future Plans, along with Optimal (Best or Near Best), Physical Actions that should be completed: Plus accompanying Emotions & Feelings.
G) Altogether these above D), only appear (as Mental Arrivals Into Conscious Mind) ONLY when they are of sufficient Quality, Merit, or Overall Coherence, or said figuratively, have sufficient “Resonance Strength”.
H) The Above-Mentioned “Solutions” (of the present existing problem), Effectively Perform An Associative Memory Retrieval, To Then Generate, Construct, Create => What Appears (as Mental Arrivals) Into Our Conscious Mind. And as importantly mentioned above this is automatically spontaneously done by our => “Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory”.
i) NOTE1: This WebPage you are currently reading, discusses extensively => “Mental Arrivals Into Conscious Mind”. Please be aware => A Mental Arrival, and “A Gestal\t” are both pointing at the SAME Mental Phenomena, and thus have close to the same meaning! Is Approximately The Same Meaning

… AND this means that ”The Enormous Body Of Research & Writing In The Area Of Gestalt Psychology”, will have much additional insight, into all the topics directly related to Henry Gurr’s “Explanation (Theory) Of How Our Mind Works, '' as are discussed in the TOP EIGHT Blue Links, In The At Left Main Menu.

NOTE: The 4 really interesting Gestalt principles are, proximity, similarity, continuation and closure, where proximity is possibly *the* most important. These Gestalt principles, or course should fit the overall discussion of this WebPage you are now reading, but would take added explanation. Please ask in an email, if you want to know more.

V) As Is Observed In Ourselves And Other People => The Above-Mentioned “Solutions”, A) thru H), That Mentally Arrive Into Our Conscious Mind, From Automatic, Spontaneous, UN-Conscious Brain Processes, Are Observed To Come Into Conscious Mind, In The Same Way, And Same Brain Machinery & Actions, As Are Used For => The Flash Of Insight, And Other Similar Mental Arrival Events.
…And these (“only-one-at-a-time”) automatic spontaneous Mental Arrival Solutions (Answers) => Are remarkably free of contradictions, inconsistencies, errors, non-factual data, and other spurious ideas or conclusions.
… These (“only-one-at-a-time”) Solutions (Answers, Thoughts, Ideas, Conclusions, Intentions, Behavior, Etc … with accompanying Future Plans, Emotions & Feelings, etc …. are generally Immediate, Whole, Clear, Understandable, and Full Of Meaning (such as in poetry or metaphor)
…. Immediately present with any one Mental Arrival Solution, ((Depending on circumstances)), ''Arrives' into Conscious Mind, usually one the following ~awareneses => Connotation, Essence, Implication, Interpretation, Nuance, Sense, Significance, Substance, Understanding, Value, Quality, Acceptation, Allusion, Bearing, Denotation, Intimation, Point, Purport, Import, etc. Or just simply Meaning.
But NOW, finally with the “achievement” mentioned in the BELOW Blue Link, => I Henry Gurr CLEARLY SEE THE FULL conclusion is that => Nearly ALL Mental Arrivals Are Generally Immediate, Whole, Complete, Clear, Understandable AND FULL OF MEANING, Such As In Poetry Or Metaphor.
….By the clear evidence seen, in the discussion (In this Blue Link >> Where I Ever So Gradually, Finally Fully Achieved A Full Realization, Of A VERY Important Idea (Concerning MEANING),
…Only then did I, finally and fully “see”. AND, please note well => This important “achievement” ''Mentally Arrived => ONLY after completion of very long series of writing & typing additions of many individual words (and word phrases), spread out over two years, and 6 different Save-As Files, each of which was accomplished by several writing sessions:
… AND as you can see (in above Blue Link) => None of these “Ideas” were achieved in just one writing. Rather, in each typing session, I would go as far as possible. Then, I would Save-As the document, then, ”Quit & Wait” until the next writing composition typing on my computer.

VI) ALSO: The Above A) Thru F), Will Be Seen To Be In Close Agreement With Robert Pirsig In His Book “Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance.” (ZMM):
Mr. Pirsig extensively discusses Quality, which is our Human Ability to Instantly See => What Is Good And Of Value (made apparent by action Pirsig calls Dynamic Quality, which is an ability built into us from the very beginnings of life on earth: )
… As will be fully discussed below in APPENDIX X, Robert Pirsig’s a) Dynamic Quality In Action, describes (necessarily & inescapably), the abilities that come from the inherent Problem Solving properties of our Human Mind, at each moment of time.
… Thus Pirsig’s Dynamic Quality is seen to be roughly equal to => b) Our Brain’s Automatic, Spontaneous, General Problem Solving Response as given in Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation of How Our Mind Works”

EXPLANATION: What Makes These Above-Mentioned => “Best And Near Best Solutions” Possible, Functional, Indeed Very Fast, Successful, & Amazingly Powerful Is =>

a) Our Brain’s Massive Computational Power,
b) Using and Supported by Our Brain’s Massive Memory Of => A Lifetime Of Successful Previous Problem Solutions, saved-up for this very purpose of previous “Best And Near Best Solutions” being immediately available to be adapted to a new circumstance, and appropriately use again.
c) These Previous Problem Solutions were from previous successful sensory perceptual decoding of the person’s surroundings, and included attendant planned-future-actions, that themselves were also previously successful.

The problem solutions (and concomitant plans plus emotions), present to conscious mind => A One-At-A-Time, Unified, Whole & Complete, Logical, Max Coherent, No Parts Left Out, Holistic, Full of Meaning, All-At-Once Solution => Good Answers, With Positive Feeling Of Success & joy, Emotional Satisfaction, & Feeling of Achievement, even Laughter! AND remarkably free of contradictions, inconsistencies, errors, non-factual data, and other spurious ideas & wrong conclusions. These are an immediate response to ongoing sensory input integrated with relevant memories, on a weighted basis to how recent, occurrence frequency, relation to circumstance, and survival value.
… As the book "Inside Jokes" so well points out, this sensation of joy is a huge reward (like a food reward), so we as a biological organism will pursue similar such problem-solving efforts in the future.

For Our Problem Solving Brain Be Sure to Note Well => The Above-Mentioned Problem Solutions, Then Stored In Brain’s Memory ARE =>An Automatic Spontaneous Optimizing Creative Memory Cycle =>, Which Achieves New Learning, Refinement Of Skills, Better Habits, Improved, Solidified, Updated Knowledge, And Many More Examples.
In Other Words => This is A Cycle Of Regenerative Upward Spiral Of Compounded, Creative, Building-On-(And Beyond)-The-Previous, Ever Improved Problem Solutions, Then Stored In Memory.

1) The Automatic Spontaneous Optimizing Creative Memory Cycle Steps Are => Original Memory > Memory ReAccesed > Provides Memory Base For Perception & Other What Do Next > Problem Solving Brain Mental Arrival to Consciousness With Future-Plans, Emotions & Feelings, Etc > Action > Success > Refine & Improve Solution Back Into Memory > Enhance & ReFurbish Memory. =>
2) Above Shortened To => A Regenerative Memory Cycle Of ReAccess & ReFurbish =>
3) Above Abbreviate To => ReAccess & ReFurbish Cycle.
4) Above Abbreviate To Useful Acronym => RRC << For more related Discussion & Problem Solving Brain usages > See 18 Each > Edit > Find > …RRC …

… This cycle is also discussed in the Single and Double-Loop Learning, discussed and diagramed, half way down this Wikipedia Page.

You Have Now Just Finished Reading => ABSTRACT & SUMMARY Which Started ~30 Inches Above.
…These ~30 inches of reading are a VERY Important Overview of => How Massive Brain Computational Power + Massive Memory Achieves => {+Single, “Only-One-At-A-Time”, Optimal Best or Near Best, Solutions that Automatically Spontaneously Mentaly Arrive into our Conscious Mind.):

Please Be Sure To Re-Read These & Re-Mind As Needed.

A Clickable TABLE Of CONTENTS For This Document You Are Currently Reading. You May Click A Line Of Blue Text To Jump To That Place. (NOTE: Click The Back Arrow, Usually In The Upper Left Of Your Browser, To Return To Where You Were.)

Official Start Of Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” . (This is ~36 inches above.) Please Read Down To The Introductory => “ABSTRACT & SUMMARY.”

AN EXPLANATION: What Makes These Above-Mentioned => “Best And Near Best Solutions” Possible, Functional, Indeed Very Fast, Successful, & Amazingly Powerful Is => Our Brain’s Massive Computational Power. (This is ~8 inches above.)
NOTE: Please Keep Reading Important Ideas Down to => “Please Be Sure To Re-Read These & Re-Mind As Needed.”

A Lengthily Expansion Upon And Further Explanation Of The FinePoints Of Henry Gurr’s Proto-Theory.

Our Brain Generates, Constructs, Creates => “Our Awareness Of Truth, Along With Arrival Of Pleasure In Reading Particularly Effective Lines Of Poetry. ” .

In Respond To Life’s Oncoming Problems, Our Problem Solving Brain Automatically, Spontaneously, Generates, Constructs, Creates, Solutions (Answers) Which Have A Sense Of => Immediate, Clear, Whole, Understandable, MEANINGS, Which Then Immediately Mentally Arrive Into Our Consciousness, Along With Our Ongoing Experience Of Primary Consciousness.

The Full Story Of How Did It Happen => My Gradual Full Realization of A Very Important IDEA & FACT Concerning This (Above-Mentioned) Final Full Insight Is This => … “-In Other Words, How Was It Finally Realized That => Our Problem Solving Brain, Along With Future Plans, Emotions & Sense Of Mental Readiness, ALSO => Makes Meaning, Sense of Truth, Beauty, Recognition, Insight, Knowing, Comprehension, Sense of Clear Understanding, and Importance. And All This With Felt Certainty by Henry Gurr

The Nature Of Creative Writing (And Creativity In General), And => What It Took To Evolve & Achieve => “A Gradual Full Realization Of A Very Important IDEA & FACT, Concerning MEANINGS.”
… NOTE: Please Keep Reading Important Ideas Down to => “END OF => A Very Lengthy Side Note: Re The Gestation Of A Very Important Series Of Ideas”.

Especially Study, And Keep In Mind, These Important 17 Major Points A) thru Q), Which Are Extensively Emphasized & Explained Various Places Throughout This Document You Are Currently Reading.

My First (& Continuing) Systematic Study Of The Flash Of Insight Type Phenomenon And Other Similar Mental Arrivals, by Henry Gurr.

What You Need To Know About The Flash of Insight.

The Required Main Components => To Devise A Theory Of How Our Mind Works.
… NOTE: Please Keep Reading Important Ideas Down to => “Theory Must Be Verified By Our Own Direct Observation of It’s Working In Real World:”

What Will Be Accomplished By A Theory Of How Our Mind Works..

U C Berkley Philosophy Professor John R Searle’s Own Writing On Mind, Provides A Foundation For A => Scientific Explanation Of Consciousness.
… Professor Searle’s Conclusions & Expectations, Are Fully Supported & Fulfilled By => Henry Gurr’s Theory (Explanation) of How Out Mind Works.

That This Theory Is About & How Can You Know Whether Valid & Why You Might Want To Learn About It: => This Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”

AN EMAIL LETTER TO FAMOUS NEW YORK TIMES AUTHOR, Giving A Short Overview Summary About My Extended Study Of The Consequences Of “Flash Of Insight, Sudden Illumination, **AHA** Light Bulb,” , And How This Has Lead To A Completely New & Unprecedented “Theory of How Our Mind Works,”

A Introductory Overview of the Content & Ideas Of => The 23 PROPOSITIONS of Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”

Each PROPOSITION Gives A Very Detailed Discussion Of => How In Response To Life’s Oncoming Requirements, Our General Problem Solving Brain, Finds Best (or Near Best), Solutions: A Single Solution (Answer) Appears Into Consciousness, When It Has Sufficient Quality Or Overall Coherence. This Is Accompanied With Emotions Plus Feelings, and Plans For Future Action (ie Intentional Behaviour).


You May Use (4 Inched Below) The Clickable TABLE Of CONTENTS For => APPENDIX I to XVII … OR Click Here For Beginning Of => APPENDIX I Thru XVII => These Appendix’s Have Real Life Applications Of Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”

This Is A Newly Evolved Explanation of “How Our Mind Works”.
And Discusses The Fact That Our Problem Solving Brain => Generates, Constructs, Creates => Our Absolutely Astounding & Wonderful View of the World, Called Primary Consciousness.
Please Be Aware =? Each Of These 23 PROPOSITIONS, Has Extensive Full Explanation=.

A Clickable TABLE Of CONTENTS For => APPENDIX I to XVII of This Document You Are Currently Reading. … You May Click A Line Of Blue Text To Jump To That Place. (Click The Back Arrow, Usually In The Upper Left Of Your Browser, To Return To Where You Were.)

APPENDIX 0: We Share All Of Our General Problem Solving Brain Features & Abilities With The Animal Kingdom! :

APPENDIX I: The role of the General Problem Solving Brain in Feelings & Emotions: Where The Mental Arrivals of feelings, Interplayed With Emotions, Are Well Stated By Owen Barfield, In His Book Poetic Diction:.

APPENDIX II: It is Noteworthy & Quite Amazing => The Problem Solving Brain Will (Usually & Repeatedly) Bring To Our Minds Important UN-Finished Business. And Even More Amazingly, The Reminders Will NOT Continue Once Satisfactory Completion (or Problem Resolution), Is Done!

APPENDIX III: It Is Important For You Notice When Any of the 8 Characteristics Of The Flash of Insight Type of Mental Arrivals Actually Happen To You.

APPENDIX IV: As You Work Through Any Task, You Will Experience This “Learning / Interest / Attention / Upward / Spiral” (L-I-A-U-S),

APPENDIX V: Some Consequences of => The Upward Learning Spiral of => Learning > Increases Interest > Which Increases Attention > Leading to Good Subsequent Understand > Which Enables Better Seeing & Better Learning > Leading To Ever More Learning: … This Upward Learning Spiral Is Ultimately A Property Of The Problem Solving Brain, Where Each New Solution, Is BETTER, And This IMPROVED Solution Goes Directly To Memory, To BETTER Guide Your NEXT Efforts!

APPENDIX VI: Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”. Will Provide You With Helpful & Efficient Methods (ie HEURISTICS), To Use Your Own Mind-Body:

Appendix VII The Lack Of Our Awareness Of The High-Powered Activity Of Our Automatic Spontaneous UN-Conscious General Problem Solving Brain, Happens For Important Reasons.

Appendix VIII Continued Discussion Of => The Lack Of Our Awareness Of The High-Powered Activity Of Our General Problem Solving Brain, Happens For Important Reasons.

APPENDIX IX: Some Consequences of Fact That We Have NO Awareness of The Workings of Our UN-Conscious Brain Processes.

APPENDIX X: In Book “Zen and The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance”, Robert Pirsig Discusses How We Automatically Know WHAT IS BEST. Mr Pirsig’s Conclusions Nicely Support, a) The writing in This Document => The Discussion of Professor J. J. Hopfield’s Conclusions (Network Of Neurons), and b) Nicely Fit Henry Gurr’s Proto-Theory => Our Problem Solving Brain (Network Of Neurons), Can and Does, Create BEST Or Near BEST Solutions:



APPENDIX XIII: Some Things Noticed In Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Re Merleau-Ponty, Since Such Supports My Theory of How Our Brain Works, Which Is Of Course My Motivation For Mentioning His Book =>

APPENDIX XIV: SPECIAL-NOTES, DETAILS, QUALIFICATIONS, and LIMITATIONS Re This Document Concerning => Henry Gurr’s “Panorama Explanation (Theory) Of How Our Mind Works” , Presented On The Page You Are Reading Right Now...

APPENDIX XV: Possible Errors, Confusions, & Mis-Directions, That May Come From Our General Problem Solving Brain.


APPENDIX XVII: A Preliminary List of => Specialized Phrases Used In This Document You Are Currently Reading, Each Provides For The Reader A Litany of Major Ideas, Each Of Which Is A Compact Way To Remember It.

APPENDIX XVIII: How The Ideas Of Poet, Linguist, & Philosopher Owen Barfield Partly Support The Discussion Of => “PROPOSITION 10c) How The Problem Solving Brain Is => THE WELL SPRING (BOTH SOURCE & MECHANISM OF) OF ALL HUMAN CREATIVITY, Including Social Creativity: ” These Owen Barfield Ideas (From His Many Very Insightful Books), Are Pointed Out & Discussed Below: Also shown is how Mr Barfield’s Ideas & Conclusions partly confirm above-mentioned “PROPOSITION 10d):

If You Know of Good Books, Authors, Articles, or have other Suggestions/Observations, Etc,
…Please Feel Free To Contact Me (HenryG__USCA.edu => With Any Idea That Would Make My Abovementioned Ideas & Conclusions Better!!

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.




NOTE: As You Read This Document, You Will Discover Long Wordy Phrases, => 1) Which seem clumsy and excessive. Plus 2) These same phrases are exactly repeated as explanation in other areas of This Document.
The Reasons For This Are => a) Making shorter, Abbreviations or Acronyms, places extra burden on reader to remember meaning. b) The long versions carries the needed full precise meaning. c) By using the exactly repeated as explanation in other areas of This Document, the reader can see how same ideas apply other topic areas. d) The fact that these phrases are repeated, tells you that these ideas are of higher importance.
…So .. from this => Please learn to quickly “spot” these phrases, and learn to “jump-over” those you already know. It is hoped this system will work for your benefit.


As Is Directly Observed => Our Problem Solving Brain, In Respond To Life’s Oncoming Problems, Automatically Spontaneously Generates, Constructs, Creates, Solutions (Answers) Which Have A Sense Of => Immediate, Clear, Whole, Understandable, MEANINGS, Which Then Immediately Mentally Arrive Into Our Consciousness, Along With Our Ongoing Experience Of Primary Consciousness.
Effective DATE-LINE May 12, 2019: =>-In Other Words Our Problem Solving Brain Makes Meaning, Sense of Truth, Beauty, Recognition, Insight, Knowing, Comprehension, Sense of Clear Understanding, and Importance. And All This With Felt Certainty

AND Although It Is Unknown (Even Inexplicable), How Our Brain Does It => Be Sure To Notice Very Well =>
Our Problem Solving Brain => In The Process Of Generating, Constructing, Creating, Forming, Assembling, Building, Making, Producing, These Optimal (Best or Near Best) Problem Solutions => These MEANINGS ARE ALSO THERE, Right-Before-Our-Mind’s-Eye,
…AND all this is apparently accomplished with similar methods, as it makes => Mental Arrivals generally and/or, Normal Perception, Vision, Hearing, Taste, Smell, Sense of Touch. With all these, Imagination and Feelings generally present.
… In addition, our brain (right along with those above), concurrently generates one the many-recognized Emotions, such as Happiness / Sadness, Fear, / Anger, Surprise / Disgust, which will be discussed more fully below. With “Feelings” also appropriately present.
… In other words, The Evolutionary Established Property Of Our Brain, as is Directly Observed, => Can MAKE Clarity, Understanding, Meaning (plus rest of the list above), right along with Perception, Primary Consciousness, and Our Body Motions.
A) To Get Some Idea Just What This Suddenly “Just There” Come To Mind, Automatically Spontaneously, Generated “MEANING” Does For Us => Please Study The Passages Below =>
AND As You Read Mr. Ben Thomas’s Words Below (especially as for Cat), Note That He Implies That Meaning Is … “Just There”! … “You Just See It!” …”You Just Know The Presence Of => “Clarity, Understanding, AND Meaning”
Writer Ben Thomas Says =>
“ ... an encounter with a cat carries a particular set of meanings for you - and those meanings determine which areas of your brain will perk up in the presence of a feline.”
.. ”Association and meaning”
… ”All this talk of “dimensions of association” points back to a far more profound idea about how our brains work: We understand the meaning of an object in terms of the meanings of other objects - other chunks of reality to which our brains have assigned certain characteristics. In the brain’s taxonomy, there are no discrete entries or “files” - just associations that are more strongly or more weakly correlated with other associations… “
… ”And that idea itself raises deeper quandaries: If associations define what an object or action “is,” as some neuroscientists have argued, then why does the concept of meaning - semantic representation - need to enter the picture at all? Instead of being a special type of mental function, might “meaning” itself simply be another word for ‘association’?” …”.
… ”Whatever that relationship turns out to be, the implication remains: In our brains, meaning and association go hand-in-hand. In the brain, even our most abstract concepts depend on our own real-world experiences.”
Click Here to read the remainder of this valuable article.
B) Also You Should Study Metaphor In Poetry. => For Example => On A Particularly Effective “Meaning-Full Line Of Poetry => You Can Feel Owen Barfield’s “Felt Change In Consciousness.” For example on a particularly effective line of poetry=> You should “Directly Experience The Sudden Making of Clarity, Understanding,; & Meaning”, which “Will Happen”:
…You can directly experience this in the following exercise => Please read & noticing your puzzlement the few words of 1) next down THEN => Directly observing your sudden experience of Meaning Suddenly Is THERE **AHA**. as you finish the reading the words of 2) 2nd next down =>

1). Thlee-piecee bamboo, two-piecee puff-puff, walk-along inside, no-can-see.
2) South Sea Islander’s Experience => Pidgin English for a three-masted screw steamer * with two smoke stack funnels.
C) After you finished reading above 1) & 2) => Did you actually experience Owen Barfield’s “Felt change in consciousness? Please tell me of your experiences, in email to HenryG__USCA.edu

((The above 1) & 2) are Owen Barfield’s book “Poetic Diction” , page 43 & 46 To learn more, see 20 instances of > Top > Do > Edit > Find > … Poetic Diction ... .. ..


Our Problem Solving Brain => Generates, Constructs, Creates, Our Sense Of => “Awareness Of Truth, Along With Arrival Of Pleasure In Reading Particularly Effective Lines Of Poetry. ” .
… In The Following Two Trails Of Discovery Are Described The Initial Emergence Two important Realizations: These Were Told In Henry Gurr’s Detailed Data Records Of What He Observed. + Edit Improvements =>

A) DATE-LINE January 27 2020 “Starting From A Small Incidental Observation, My Series of Conclusions Step By Step, Grows To A Very Important Realization, Concerning The Brain’s Creation Of Our Awareness Of Truth, Along With Arrival Of Pleasure In Reading Particularly Effective Lines Of Poetry. ” by Henry Gurr
”By happenstance, at the bottom of my computer screen, A Tiny Bit Of Color Draws My Attention. There my eye caught the following words on one of the System Tray Document Title Rectangle’s => ->a) “Connectives: New Poetic Insights ” At which point my mind (automatically) completes the whole phrase =>
b) “New Poetic Insights Are Pleasurable & These Go To Awareness Of Truth.”

At which point I say to self =>
-.c) “Now there is a good idea, so write it down.” (Here I was mentally remembering how this Italic’ed phrase relates to Owen Barfield’s writing re the experiencing of particularly effective lines of Poetry.) (See 6 inches above for full discussion,)
… ”Prior to my noticing abovementioned “A Tiny Bit Of Color”, of the Previous Evening I had been thinking the origins my knowledge & expectations for this =>

d) “What is likely to happen next (as my life unfolds), and how my ideas of “How Our Mind Works”, help provide an effective guide, what to watch for.”

… Then from this thinking, I suddenly remember when I read word & its idea => “Connectives” . =>: For some peculiar reason, I remember, and then automatically comes to my mind” =>

e) “For each connective arriving in our conscious mind, our Problem Solving Brain, automatically spontaneously, will find Better Connectives: And each successive new connective =>, Will Be Even Better Yet !!”

… The Bottom Line => This was my first indication that Our Problem Solving Brain, can Generate, Construct, Create, A Sense, Sensation, & Awareness of “Not Only Connectives but Also Truth of These Connectives.”
… And from this, slowly came the realization that => “Our Problem Solving Brain, automatically spontaneously, Generates, Constructs, Creates, sense of truth !!” .
… And from this, slowly came the added realization that => “Our Problem Solving Brain, automatically spontaneously, Generates, Constructs, Creates, not only sense of truth but also sense of meaning !!”
… NOTE: Although we have no conception how our Brain does it => These above mentioned “Problem Solving Brain, automatically spontaneously, Generates, Constructs, Creates …are an ability , very similar to how our Brain Generates, Constructs, Creates, say “Perception” of our surrounding world. “It’s just there”, with no conscious effort.

=>Continued From The Above => The Following is A Very Lengthily Added Explanation =>

B) Effective DATE-LINE February 8, 2018 =>

******** o0OOO0o ********
My GRADUAL FULL REALIZATION OF A VERY IMPORTANT IDEA & FACT Concerning This (Above-Mentioned) Final Full Insight That =>
“Similar To How Our Problem Solving Brain => Generates, Constructs, Creates, Perceptions, It ALSO Generates, Constructs, Creates => Meaning, Sense of Truth, Beauty, Recognition, Insight, Knowing, Comprehension, Sense of Clear Understanding, and Importance. And All This With Felt Certainty by Henry Gurr
******** o0OOO0o ********
… The table below (With Cptr Save-As Dates), was taken from The Word Processor Work Document, which I use to prepared the Page you are currently reading, Yes there’s a lot of text, but if you look closely, you can discern the mundane individual writing composition steps of, my Gradual Full Realization of “ A Very Important IDEA & FACT” Concerning Just How Problem Solving Brain Gives us “MEANINGS”:
… During the Writing Composition process, starting from a very “Ordinary Beginning’, my “Gradual Full Realization” automatically “came-to-mind”, step-by-step, as I would read (and re-read) various parts for good writing composition, in which then => I would see places that needed improving, or the reading would prompt even better word phrases to express the “Bigger Idea Panorama”, I automatically, spontaneously, wanted to emerge. Of course, the exact words would automatically, spontaneously, come to mind as Problem Solving Brain Mental Arrivals, and just as automatically, spontaneously, get typed into the Work Document. Thus gradually emerges, each with Felt Certainty the literal “Realizations of => Each of the new added words & word phrases, that you will see below.
… AND as you can see, none of these “Ideas” were achieved in one writing. Rather each typing session would go as far as possible. And when “The Well Went Dry”, I would Computer-Save the document, then, ”Quit & Wait” until the next writing composition typing on my computer. The virtues of this ”Quit & Wait” are fully discussed elsewhere in This Document you are currently reading. Find these By (~28 each) > Do > Top > Edit > Find > Quit & Wait …
… But, a better way to say was => Quit when out of Gumption, and come back a later time => hours, days, months, then the work flows more easily & productively!.
… By the evidence, as clearly seen in the Table below, the Gradual Full Realization, took the addition of many individual words (and word phrases), spread out over two years, and 6 different Save-As Files, each of which was accomplished by several writing sessions:
Now To The Point => The Clear advantages of =>1) We Must Prepare, Study, And Struggle, THEN QUIT & WAIT! 2) Alternatively, We Should Quit & Wait When Out Of Gumption, And Then Come Back A Later Time
… I believe that some discoveries can ONLY be found this way! AND this technique seems to go beyond normal Writing Composition. As said elsewhere on This Document => Often for a reader (or page editor),- I think this is because, the “Go as far as you can, then come back later”, effectively “drops the reader into to the middle of the action”, without prior knowing the previous sentences or other surrounding sentences. This gives a sufficiently different “perspective”, that newly needed fixes and creative improvements, will be suddenly noticed, automatically spontaneously => The needed “better ways to say it; creatively, just suddenly pop into Mind!” I realize, in retrospect, that such needed improvements would not be “realized” in any other way!
… Concerning each of these above mentioned creatively “new added words” =>Robert Pirsig in his book “Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance,” (ZMM) calls => “The birth of a new fact ..”


The Following Table Shows => Henry Gurr’s Gradual Step-By-Step => What It Took To Evolve & Achieve (As Is Stated 14 Inches Above In The Bolded Title) =>
… In the following Table => Each Calendar Dated Part was taken from My Word Processor Work Document, which I use to prepared the Page you are currently reading, As said above => You can see that => the Gradual Full Realization Of A New Very Important Idea => Came about only through, the addition of many individual words (sentences and word phrases), spread out over two years, and 6 different Save-As Files, each of which was the result of several writing sessions:
… In the Table below => Please remember that the sentences shown, illustrate how portions of this page you are reading right now, in its continuing development, step by step. =>

ZelmerPostCard02Feb 8, 2018(In A Nut Shell): => … These abovementioned “Solutions” Mentally Arrive, from the person’s unconscious brain processes, in the same way (and same brain actions). as for example, what we all experience as the Flash of Insight. These Mental Arrivals, are Immediate, All At Once, Logical, Complete, Whole, Maximum (or near maximum) Coherence, and in John Searle’s language, Unified Field, Moreover, these solutions are generally, clear, understandable, full of meaning, such as in poetry or metaphor, and are remarkably free of contradictions, errors, non-factual data, and other spurious ideas / conclusions.
Fix07May 12, 2019(In A Nut Shell): => … These abovementioned “Solutions” Mentally Arrive into our Conscious Mind, from automatic UN-conscious brain processes, in The Same Way, And Same Brain Machinery & Actions, As Are Used For => The Flash Of Insight, And Other Similar Mental Arrival Events. => … These (“only-one-at-a-time”) Solutions (answers, thoughts, ideas, conclusions, intentions, behavior, etc … with accompanying future plans & emotions …. are generally Immediate, Whole, Understandable, Full Of Meaning (such as in poetry or metaphor). And these (“only-one-at-a-time”) solutions are remarkably free of contradictions, inconsistencies, errors, non-factual data, and other spurious ideas or conclusions.
Fix10May 15, 2019 … These (“only-one-at-a-time”) Solutions (answers, thoughts, ideas, conclusions, intentions, behavior, etc … with accompanying future plans & emotions …. are generally Immediate, Whole, Clear, Understandable, and Full Of Meaning (such as in poetry or metaphor). => … AND although it is unknown (even inexplicable), how our brain does it => Be sure to notice very well => In the process of generating these Optimal (Best or Near Best) Solutions, our brain generates also automatically generates There-Right-Before-Our-Mind’s-Eye => Clear, Understandable, MEANING, that Just Arrives, along with our Immediate Experience of Primary Consciousness. In other words our Brain Makes Meaning and Clear Understanding, with apparently similar methods, as it makes Vision, Hearing, Taste, Smell, Sense of Touch, Perception & Imagination, Generally. => … To get some idea just what “MEANING” does for us => A) you should Study Poetry & Metaphor. B) Also “The Making of Meaning” will “Happen” by reading a few of the words that are found by > This Document > Top > Do > Edit > Find > … mean ...
MeaningHppn1August 29, 2019These (“only-one-at-a-time”) Solutions (Answers, Thoughts, Ideas, Conclusions, Intentions, Behavior, Etc … with accompanying future plans & emotions …. are generally Immediate, Whole, Clear, Understandable, and Full Of Meaning (such as in poetry or metaphor). => … AND although it is unknown (even inexplicable), how our brain does it => Be sure to notice very well => In the process of Generating, Constructing, Creating, these Optimal (Best or Near Best) Solutions, our brain Generates also There-Right-Before-Our-Mind’s-Eye => Clear, Understandable, MEANING, that Just Arrives, along with our Immediate Experience of Consciousness. In other words our Brain Makes Meaning and Clear Understanding, with apparently similar methods, as it makes Vision, Hearing, Taste, Smell, Sense of Touch, Perception & Imagination, Generally. AND as well as concurrently, one the many-recognized Emotions, such as Happiness / Sadness, Fear, / Anger, Surprise / Disgust, which will be discussed more fully below. => … In other words, it is an Evolutionary Established Property Of Our Brain => To MAKE Understanding AND Meaning, right along with Perception & Primary Consciousness. … To get some idea just what “MEANING” does for us => … A) You should Study Metaphor in Poetry. For example on a particularly effective line of poetry feel Owen Barfield’s “Felt change in consciousness.in his book “Poetic Diction” => … B) For 2nd example => You should “Directly Experience The Sudden Making of Clarity, Understanding & Meaning”, which Will Happen by reading & noticing your puzzlement the few words of text next down THEN => Directly observing your sudden experience of Meaning Suddenly Is THERE **AHA**. as you finish the reading the words of 2nd text next down: => … (NOTE: These 2 Texts are given below, where each “reading”, is spelled out how to do.)
MeaningExls1August 29, 2019AND Although It Is Unknown (Even Inexplicable), How Our Brain Does It => Be Sure To Notice Very Well => …In The Process Of Generating, Constructing, Creating, Right-Before-Our-Mind’s-Eye … These Optimal (Best or Near Best) Problem Solutions => As Directly Observed => Our Problem Solving Brain Automatically Generates => Clear, Whole, Understandable, MEANINGS, Which Then Immediately Mentally Arrive Into Our Consciousness, Along With Our Ongoing Experience Of Primary Consciousness. => … In Other Words Our Problem Solving Brain Makes Meaning, Sense of Truth, Beauty, Recognition, Insight, Knowing, Comprehension, Sense of Clear Understanding, and Importance. And All This With Felt Certainty

…AND all this is apparently accomplished with similar methods, as it makes => Mental Arrivals generally and/or, Normal Perception, Vision, Hearing, Taste, Smell, Sense of Touch. With all these, Imagination and Feelings generally present. … In addition, our brain (right along with those above), concurrently generates one the many-recognized Emotions, such as Happiness / Sadness, Fear, / Anger, Surprise / Disgust, which will be discussed more fully below. With “Feelings” also appropriately present.=> … In other words, The Evolutionary Established Property Of Our Brain, as is Directly Observed, => Can MAKE Clarity, Understanding, Meaning (plus rest of the list above), right along with Perception, Primary Consciousness, and Our Body Motions. => .. To get some idea just what “MEANING” does for us => … … A) You should Study Metaphor in Poetry. For example on a particularly effective line of poetry feel Owen Barfield’s “Felt change in consciousness.in his book “Poetic Diction” => … … B) For 2nd example => You should “Directly Experience The Sudden Making of Clarity, Understanding & Meaning”, which Will Happen by reading & noticing your puzzlement the few words of text next down THEN => Directly observing your sudden experience of Meaning Suddenly Is THERE **AHA**. as you finish the reading the words of 2nd text next down: => … (NOTE: These 2 Text are given below, where each “reading”, is spelled out how to do.) ||

HSG Ppr NotesJanuary 1, 2021”In my Emails, Reading Notes, and Written Detailed Data Records Of What Observed, I have gobs of good ideas to write into => my theory ** With good perception and full consciousness, I need to sort & prioritize into “work piles” the possible topics. [Then my written note, showing what’s on my mind, moves onto to a further realization > ] “Meaning comes right along with Perception and Primary Consciousness.=> … Meaning Is There! It is automatically generated along with the Problem Solving Brains Solution that Mentally Arrives into Consciousness. And with it is Sense of Correctness! ALSO there is knowing of the percent of what is correct (or percent UN- correct). Similar sense for the percentage of correct (or UN- correct) for coherence and/or fitness.”=> … “Meaning & Sense (Even if in error or somehow not valid), comes automatically with Primary Consciousness.”” => … “I need to resume my writing on my essay => “The Absolutely Astounding & Wonderful Gift Of Consciousness:” And write into this what Important Authors say about Consciousness or other forms of Perception & Awareness. I should use words of Poets, Philosophers, Writers, including Owen Barfield, F S C Northrop, as starters …” => **FOOTNOTE: My theory = “Panorama Explanation (Theory) of How Our Mind Works” This is O/c presented on the Page you are reading right now.


In This Table, Can Be Seen In Henry’s Writing Composition Steps, Illustrating How Came To His Mind => A Gradual Full Realization of => “These Very Important IDEAS & FACTS”

A) If you look closely, you can discern the individual writing composition steps of, my Gradual Full Realization of “ The Very Important IDEA & FACT” concerning just how Problem Solving Brain Gives us “Meanings”:
B) In the Table, you see the exact words, each word practically a new Mental Arrival, would come to mind and guide & how I would type each of the new added words & word phrases you see.

For The Above A) & B) Writing Composition Steps, EACH Step Is A Good Example of Robert Pirsig’s “The birth of a new fact.” As Stated in His Book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. (ZMM) =>
“The birth of a new fact is always a wonderful thing to experience. It’s dualistically called a "discovery" because of the presumption that it has an existence independent of anyone’s awareness of it. When it comes along, it always has, at first, a low value. Then, depending on the value-looseness of the observer and the potential quality of the fact, its value increases, either slowly or rapidly, or the value wanes and the fact disappears.”


DATE-LINE June 12 2023 by Henry Gurr “Above You Saw A Very Lengthily Report, Describing “How Did It Happen”, The It Was FINALLY Realized => “Our Problem Solving Brain Makes Meaning, Sense of Truth, Beauty, Recognition, Insight, Knowing, Comprehension, Sense of Clear Understanding, and Importance. And All This With Felt Certainty”.
… HOWEVER => In looking thru old Ken McClure Emails for something else, I discovered that this essential Meaning Conclusion was known 9 years earlier! Here is the state of my knowledge back then as re-constructed from emails March 28, 2014, April 1, 2014.
… Ken had recommended book => John K. Sheriff’s. “The Fate of Meaning: Charles Peirce, Structuralism, and Literature.” Princeton: 1989.
… Henry studied this valuable book closely, and saw much illumination concerning, not only Linguistics & Semiotics (Theory of Signs), but also clear discussion of how “modernist objectivism” negatively afflicted those early developers in the fields of Linguistics & Semiotics, such as Ferdinand de Saussure, and others. And in Sheriff’s book, saw many places, discussions of the detrimental effect of separation of mind-body, & subject-object etc, and other concerns. These are the concerns we have learned about from Owen Barfield, Michael Polanyi, Robert Pirsig and perhaps William James.
… From this study Henry also made an interesting discovery and Emailed to Ken => “What I find curious, in ALL of the Sheriff’s discussion of conclusions of Semiotics Workers and Philosophers, is the ABSENCE of any mention of what is it that “does the work” of the providing the meaning of a sign, for example!! Or how does the “work” analogy or metaphor get done? … Not any mention what is doing the doing or how … No consideration of the locus of the action (?brain?) … not even a hint of the fact that a certain idea (or some other form of understanding) gets realized into somebodies MIND, which REQUIRES someone’s brain Contrary to this, I have identified a passage nearest to saying mind or brain is the active agent, one is from your favorite, Charles Peirce!”
… To this Ken replied => “Insofar as the meaning is encompassed by calculation, any old calculating machine will do, so the absence shouldn't seem curious as far as that goes. Perhaps it is the original sin of western consciousness to reduce meaning to calculation; to indulge in that sin we must keep any such curiosity at bay. If we allow "meaning" to include the field of the organism, then more than calculation must be involved and "meaning" must take into account the satisfaction of the organism. If the organism is deemed to have a soul, the field now has a spiritual dimension in a way that makes Owen Barfield smile upon us.” … “How we adjudicate "the meaning of meaning" will probably come down to whether we grant priority to matter or spirit. Perhaps it is a matter of balance. It is hard to do justice to both, but in being put on earth a little space to learn to bear the beams of love, that is one of the difficult things we must try to do.”
… To this Henry replied => “Thanks for your thoughts below: I've been thinking on this, and come up with the following =>:

1) You say: "All calculators about the same" Not so fast!! Some calculators are better than others, especially when it comes to brains / minds that are doing the “calculating” !!
2) I had MERELY asked what “does the work” of the providing the meaning of a sign, for example!! Or what does the “work” of analogy or metaphor?? BUT ... I'm delighted that you go WAY beyond me, and recognize that " the meaning is encompassed by calculation". Good for you!
3) But I would add: This "Meaning By Calculation", produces, generates, creates, builds, and YES CONSTRUCTS MEANING,! and then => This meaning is placed into this special "human mental presentation arena & theater stage" called => "consciousness", for the entire and whole special purpose => For us to have, face to face, the constructed meaning before-our-very-eyes!! Presto, its there, We "see" the meaning. Yes indeed there is a lot of calculating going on!
4) BUT => You managed to miss my big point: I was not worried about the "quality" of the calculator, I was VERY concerned that Philosophers and Semiotics Crowd, thought the meaning of the sign (the signified), did NOT have a calculator: It JUST was there!! Which means that the contributions of human brains were completely "Out of Mind", Out of Their Mind!

CLOSURE => Thus We See That The Vital Conclusion => Our Problem Solving Brain Makes Meaning =>
… Was essentially known 9 years earlier. And the point here being that => Clearly our mind can forget such things, and only with difficulty get them back again, and possibly not at all!!

DATE-LINE June 14 2023 by Henry Gurr. More Discussion of => “Above You Saw A Very Lengthily Report, Describing “How Did It Happen”, The It Was FINALLY Realized => “Our Problem Solving Brain Makes Meaning, Sense of Truth, Beauty, Recognition, Insight, Knowing, Comprehension, Sense of Clear Understanding, and Importance. And All This With Felt Certainty”.
HOWEVER => In looking thru old Ken McClure Emails as mentioned above, I discovered that Ken’s email Sept 29, 2014. has addition good discussion of how our Brains Make Meaning =>

“Dear Henry, ”

“You asked for a Barfield citation to where he says, something to the effect: "Words mean more than they say." ”

“I do not have the cite, but I would point to Speaker's Meaning as a prolonged meditation on this idea. What "words mean" at any given moment is their lexical meaning or dictionary definition; the "more" will be invested in them by the speaker's meaning. Words may take on "the form of things unknown" in virtue of the creative energies of what Barfield is calling "the speaker." We might just as well call him "the poet." I think Owen would be quick to remind us that the tension between lexical meaning and speaker's meaning is not a contradiction but a polarity. And if ever there was a word that means more than it says it is the word "polarity" when spoken by Owen Barfield!”

“Looked at from another angle, Barfield's "speaker" might be Peirce's "interpretant." The same creative energies are at work. Is it not the work of the interpretant that turns two-termed dyadic meaning into triadic meaning? Furthermore, we can think of Barfield's "lexical meaning" as the essence of dyadic meaning: The word-definition template stands as the very model of the signifier-signified dyad. It is opened up creatively as the interpreter "interprets." And we might for these purposes call the interpretant "the reader." ”

“In neither process is creative freedom absolute. The poet can effectively exercise his creativity only if a reader accepts his metaphor as sufficiently true to entertain it at least provisionally. Although in the first instance that "reader" may be the poet (acting as reader), in order for words to come to "mean more than they say" a bunch of readers must agree to this acceptance, by, for instance, deeming a nascent metaphor to be true. It's not so different in science: The "more meaning" Einstein proposes to invest in "gravity" will bear fruit only if other folks are convinced it be true.”

“To think more on this, go to "Whitehead" in the index Michael Polanyi's Personal Knowledge. In one of those cites you will find a footnote where Whitehead says something like: There is no statement that perfectly expresses its meaning (not even one plus one is two). In a way, this looks at "Words mean more than they say" pessimistically: Since words cannot perfectly state their meaning, we have to make up the difference. I think Polanyi (and Whitehead) are stating the optimistic side of this: Because words cannot perfectly state their meaning, we are free to invest them with the creative energies of our personal knowledge. Once again, this is not an assertion of absolute freedom; but perhaps our freedom is sufficient, if we would but use it. (Leonard Cohen sums it up this way: There is a crack in everything; that's how the light gets in.) ”

“Hasta, Ken”

“PS: 1. To speak of a line of poetry as a mental arrival is itself a helpful point of departure. Way too often structural analysis of poetry gets swamped in its own mechanistic presuppositions. To see "the line" as an arrival stresses its sufficiency of expression and its provisional stasis; to see it as a "successive mental arrival" stresses its organic continuity and expansive reach of meaning. It's refreshing to begin the discussion in this light.”
“PS: 2. [Please ignore spelling errors.] There is no correlation between ability to spell and intelligence (and if there is, it's inverse).”

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib. except G) thru J).
Please Especially Study, And Keep In Mind, These Important 17 Major Points A) thru Q).
As You Will Eventually See, Each of These 17 Major Points, Are Extensively Emphasized & Explained Various Places Throughout This Document You Are Currently Reading =>

A) At any one moment of time, there is just ONE Optimal (Best or Near Best) Solution presented, automatically, spontaneously, as a Mental Arrival, into our Conscious Mind!

… Although comparatively rare, Google Searches can find authors that state essentially the same conclusion. These include George Lakoff, Daniel Dennett, and others. After Supplement TWO, page comes up > Edit > Find > … (author you want, from list above.)…

B) Once you think about it, finding “only-one-at-a-time”, Single Optimal (Best or Near Best) Answer / Solution, is the ONLY way to do it, both in fundamental brain theory and in brains dealing with a practical real world in practice.
C) Not only are these “only-one-at-a-time”, Single Optimal (Best or Near Best) Answer / Solution, remarkably good, for the situation at hand, they are ALSO Automatically “Tailored” to the ongoing immediate situation, AND “only-one-at-a-time”, Single Optimal is EXACTLY what is required for quick “single minded” decisions, and quick action for survival. In other words => One single (Best or Near Best), avoids the extra time to consider possible alternatives, and then even more time to choose which!
D) These Optimal (Best or Near Best) Problem Solutions, are found by automatic, spontaneous, UN-Conscious Brain Processes,
E) But it is Puzzling (Click Here) Why We Are Completely UN-Aware of the workings of our Conscious Mind: Click Here To Read Why We MUST Be Unaware Of What Our Problem Solving Brain Is Up-To in APPENDIX VII:
G) These “only-one-at-a-time” solutions depend on massive memory of a lifetime of experiences, stored there for there for this very purpose of finding previous “Best And Near Best Solutions” being immediately available to be adapted to a new circumstance, and appropriately use again. . (AFTER This Document Comes Up => See 17 each > Edit > Find > … “only-one-at-a-time” … )
I) (Educated Guess =>) If any beginning Partial Fit (a small start), is allowed to survive, the newly formed activation may spread by finding increased coherence in other memories, and/or be amplified by its own positive feedback regeneration. A nascent Mental Arrival responds to its own positive feedback regeneration AND ability to spread AND become stronger, likely all the while supplying growing negative feedback (suppression), to the other less-coherence-supporting nascent Mental Arrival Solutions. We can suppose eventually there is a Winner-Take-All, because the stronger coherences, grow at the diminishing expense of the other weaker ones. It is likely that such positive feedback regeneration, would once started guarantees a growing (ever winning) Single Solution. And, as is observed, the final completed solution, is an integrated => One-At-A-Time, Unified, Whole & Complete, Coherent, No Parts Left Out, Holistic, All-At-Once Solution, apparently arising from and determined by our sensory inputs (9 senses).

... And starting from nascent, the developing Mental Arrival, will grow to saturation and thus can’t self-grow any more. In other words: The Positive Feedback Growth is Self-Limiting. This provides an answer, to how endless, UN-stable positive feedback, will not lead to disaster: And in which case (hypothesis), rather than disaster, the saturation is big enough to actually break thru into a full Mental Arrival into Consciousness! Thus Solving (By Removing), The Problem Of => “How Does Our Brain Set The ~Threshold For A Solution To Appear Into Consciousness!

J) As explained 27 places in Page you are currently reading => Our Brain is thus effectively a “Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory.” .
K) This above G) is a VERY important italicized 11 word name & idea, as will also be further discussed, because our brain thus => Simultaneously Solves The On-Coming-Life-Problems, And In The Same Process, Act As A Memory Retrieval.
L) Thus, any and all Problem Solutions, that Mentally Arrive into our Conscious Mind, should be considered “Memory Retrievals”, despite the fact that we don’t ordinarily think of them as such.
M) As also will be discussed => How knowledge, experience, facts, and ideas must already be in your Brain’s Memory, available for our brain’s UN-Conscious problem solving processes, and from this your Problem Solving Brain is able to Generate, Construct, Create, a Solution that then Mentally Arrives into your Consciousness, whereupon you then “See” or “Perceive” or “Understand”: For example, to “get” the punchline of a joke, and fully suddenly "understand" the humor. Enough Knowledge must be in your brain’s memory; because problem solving requires memory, indeed massive amounts of brain’s memory!.
N) AND Be Sure to Note Well This Is =>An Optimizing Creative Memory Cycle =>, Which Achieves New Learning, Refinement Of Skills, Better Habits, Improved, Solidified, Updated Knowledge, And Many More Examples.

This is A Cycle Of Regenerative Upward Spiral Of Compounded, Creative, Building-On-(And Beyond)-The-Previous, Ever Improved Problem Solutions, Then Stored In Memory.

1) The Cycle Steps Are => Original Memory > Memory ReAccesed > Provides Memory Base For Perception & Other What Do Next > Problem Solving Brain Mental Arrival to Consciousness With Future-Plans, Emotions & Feelings, Etc > Action > Success > Refine & Improve Solution Back Into Memory > Enhance & ReFurbish Memory. =>
2) Above Shortened To => A Regenerative Memory Cycle Of ReAccess & ReFurbish =>
3) Above Abbreviate To => ReAccess & ReFurbish Cycle.
4) Useful Acronym => RRC << For more related Discussion & Problem Solving Brain usages > See 18 Each > Edit > Find > …RRC …

…This cycle is also discussed in the Single and Double-Loop Learning, discussed and diagramed, half way down this Wikipedia Page.

AND as stated in my MPPS Article =>

O) After any Mental Arrival, for example, => You will remember the problem solution, therefore you have new experience & new knowledge, which automatically will make newly refurbished brain memories. Thus we see that => Brain Memory is both required for problem solving, and (increased) memory, is the instantaneous result of problem solving, most especially if (and pretty much only if) Mentally Arrived into Consciousness!!
P) It is likely that the inter-neuron connections that were accessed, to achieve a Solution, were the self-same neurons, that are sub sequentially changed / up-dated, to effectively “hold” the new memories, as a result of the New Solution so created into Consciousness and at the same time saved into memory.
Q) There are important functional reasons why we are totally un-aware of our UN-conscious brain processes. Click here to go to Henry Gurr’s APPENDIX VII => Why Is It Necessary For The Workings Of Our Mind To Be Hidden From Us? .
R) Just how the above is at all possible (even indeed thinkable), for a physical biological brain, to accomplish the above , is factually and mathematically established by the Physics Theory of Princeton Physicist J J Hopfield.
S) An additional important Property of Mental Arrivals Is At > Top > Do > Edit > Find > …. (Even Inexplicable)
T) Although the Above Discussion Points A) thru P), are fairly compete, Please remember that => The various factors that effect What Our Problem Solving Brain Can & Will Make Available, As Mental Arrives, into Conscious Mind, is a whole lot more, than what is stated A) thru Q).

And We Must Remember => As Has Is Said In PROPOSITION 8b) Below =>
… What is Really happening in our, Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory.” '', are invisible tiny changing of inter-neuron connection strengths, which is what underlies what we “see”, “think”, and “become aware of”.

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My First (& Continued) Systematic Study Of The Flash Of Insight Type Phenomenon And Other Similar Mental Arrivals. by Henry Gurr.
… During my first years of teaching Physics USCA (starting ~1975), Education Professor Paul Wirtz helped me learn the Human Mental Development Theories of Jean Piaget who is rightfully very, very famous in educational circles. In extensively reading Piaget, I became more fully aware of The Flash of Insight (although not Piaget’s name for this phenomenon), and resolved to watch for its occurrence in => myself, my students, other people, and literature: This was the most essential base preparation for my ~1987 “Memory Perception Problem Solving ” Article => (Which is introduced at the very top of This Document you are currently reading, AND which may be accessed by > Click Here For My => MPPS Article => “Memory, Perception, Insight, and Problem Solving – **AHA** !!!” ):
… I have been making such observations of my own (& other person’s) Mental Arrivals ever since ~1987 => For example => As any noteworthy Mental Arrival came to my mind, I carefully wrote down all the relevant data, which in-turn has been the data observational basis of much of Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” .

Continuing From Paul Wirtz’s Above-Mentioned Help, Most Of => Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”, Has Gradually Been Realized (Came To My Mind), During My ~30 Years Of => “ “Learning Ever More About Teaching, ” =>
… I had a mission, and thus I was seriously digging into the literature on Teaching, Learning, Perception, Memory, Problem Solving, Insight, Creativity, Invention, Discovery, Adaption, Accommodation, Intelligence, Analogy, Metaphor, Mind-Brain Physiology, Gestalt Psychology, Etc.
… In this literature the Authors (& Researchers), I found illuminating were Fred Reines, Jean Piaget, Wolfgang Kohler, Betty Edwards, Tom Cornsweet, Richard L Gregory, Henri Poincaré, Daniel Dennett, J J Hopfield, Owen Barfield, Michael Polanyi, John K. Sheriff, Robert Pirsig, Thomas Kuhn, Ray Bradbury’s Zen and Art In Writing, and many more.


B) Instructive Examples Of My Sudden Realizations That “Came To My Mind” => In Process OF Writing This Document You Are Currently Reading. '''

To See These => Please THIRTY ONE TIMES => Do > Edit > Find > … came to my mind ... ( << This can usually be done by pressing the keyboard combination Ctrl + F (or) Edit + F depending on what your computer’s keys say.) After THIRTY ONE TIMES, will be returned back to here.

NOTE2: My MPPS Article (4th Blue Link Above), Explains =>

C) Why & When => I Started Watching & Listening Closely To What Students Say. AFTER this Blue Link comes up => Please scroll down to, and start reading at => “Robert Fuller” Then continue reading to=> “I worked out a new system.”

… AND because I needed answers how to help students, of course I started to write-down-full-research-data-record of what did & did not help the student. This “write-down-full-research-data-record” has continued ever since, especially when I notice a Flash Of Insight, In myself and other people.

D) How I First Discovered => The Flash of Insight as a Research Methodology, And Started Writing Full Research Paper Data Records, Is This => CONTINUING on above-mentioned Blue Link => Please scroll down to, and start reading at => “You will know when you have correctly found the case of a student's hang up ” Then continue reading to=> “I have (written) records of twenty four observations of hang-ups resolved by an insight jolt. I have helped students over some pretty big hurdles. I am reporting what happens based on this experience.”

Click Here => For my article “Discover And Resolve Tutoring ” (DART) This has more information about how to watch for the “Flash of Insight in Students”.

AND Of Course, C) & D) Above, Are The Formative Steps How I Henry Gurr Came To Realize => What Is Stated Below (On This Document You Are Reading Now) =>

******** o0OOO0o ********

PROPOSITION 16) The Overall Systematics (and Data) Of The Flash Of Insight Type Phenomenon => Illustrates The Research Uses Of => A Systematic Study of The Flash of Insight and similar Mental Arrivals.

A) To Illustrate The “Workings Of” The Above PROPOSITIONS 1) Thru 15),
B) For A Quite Valuable Research Tool (and Probe) Into The Workings of Our Own Mind!

You may wish read more about My Technique For Study Of The Flash of Insight, where “I carefully wrote down all the relevant data. After you finish reading, click your Browsers Upper Left Back Arrow to return here.

Please Notice & Think =>
… You should be aware that => Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” , ALSO (in part), wells agrees with the writings (and implied theory), of many insightful authors. They write quite perceptively about their own mode of discovery and their heart felt conclusions on how we all should best use our minds. Although not written with the idea of being a Philosophy of Mind, these works in their own way, many places essentially contain a Theory of How Our Mind Works!!
… These authors have formed their conclusions, from their own mode of discovery, independent of others, and thus when we find portions of mutual author agreement & support, we have found significant conclusions, likely to be truth bearing! The inquiring reader would do well to study the works of authors whose names and conclusions are on This Document You Are Currently Reading, : Top writers Re Mind, include => Michael Polanyi, Robert Pirsig, Owen Barfield, B F Skinner, John K Sheriff, Charles Peirce, George Lakoff. The resolute penetrating reader will see in => These and many Important Authors),show significant support for [[#HsgProtoTh | Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” , and conversely..

SIDE NOTE: You can easily read brief selected passages for each above (or below), mentioned author, by > Top > Do > Edit > Find > … Each Author Above Listed Name ... ( This can usually be done by pressing the keyboard combination Ctrl + F (or) Edit + F depending on what your computer’s keys say.) (Click The Back Arrow, perhaps several times, Usually In The Upper Left Of Your Browser, To Return To Where You Were.)

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib. except for parts of i) History & ii) Flash of Insight. Except for parts of d) & e).

What You Need To Know About The Flash of Insight.

Throughout History, The Flash Of Insight Is Widely Acknowledged To Be A Powerful Source Of Great Discoveries, And For This Reason =>

a) The Flash of Insight (and similar Mental Arrivals), have been extensively studied in Psychology, Research Referencing The Discovery Process, and featured in books and novels. In general, among many professions:
… Mathematicians, most especially, are most appreciative of the discovery power of the Flash Of Insight. They really DO understand how Insight & Flash of Insight have greatly contributed to the field of mathematics. This likely comes from their knowing the history of mathematical breakthroughs, most especially those of fellow & very famous Mathematician Henri Poincaré, who wrote up his own many wonderful (and highly productive of needed Math Break-Trough’s), Flash of Insight experiences, in great detail! For more about this, scroll down on This Document to “Tip Of An Iceberg”.
b) However => A lot of people (even experts), have a Mental BARRIER & saying =>
“This is just too fantastic! It is NOT possible for a Brain to find Best (or near Best), as the single fundamental criterion, as a basis for sensory perception and/or guiding our lives.”

… However, I Henry Gurr believes this above mentioned MENTAL BARRIER is much of the reason that Flash of Insight Research Literature (such as Psychology, Brain Research, Neuroscience, Cognitive Science, and Philosophy), mostly does not show a discussion of An Optimum (Best or Near Best), As The Single Fundamental Criterion, For Brain Operation.

c) Also in current day Western Culture, there is a partial “blind spot” to subjective qualities:
d) As a consequence of d), our Culture’s UN-questioned adoption of Scientific Materialism, where only material objects are deemed “real”. In this “scientific” proof-based mindset, subjective qualities, are treated as mere human subjective “testimony”, rather than being indisputable “reality”. Thus “subjective qualities”, such as => good, better, best, valuable, moral, honest, belief, truth, love, feelings, existing only in the human mind, and since not “material” such are deemed “not real”, and therefor => .
e) These subjective qualities are assumed to have “no objective reality”, meaning “NOT scientifically observable with physical instruments”, and thus have rather low credibility. And for this reason mostly ignored.
f) Moreover, for mental events, such as The Flash of Insight =>This low credibility is also comes from the trivializing conclusions such as =>
i) “It’s an events only in the mind”,.
ii) And especially so, since Flashes of Insight are “so crazy-out-of-the-blue, UN-Logical”.
iii) AND => This apparent “strange, puzzling origin of the Flash of Insight is so UN-logical” that it then =>
iv) The Flash of Insight Is thus => Deemed a side issue, and is thus mostly not directly applied to any theory (explanation) of how our brain or mind works.
g) This low status remains, despite facts that, The Flash of Insight & Similar Mind Events, have been the exact source of huge number of very important discoveries, in science, mathematics, industry, invention, and artistic creative works.
h) However, recent improvements in Electroencephalogram (EEG) and Functional Magnetic Resonance (FMRI), have made the Flash of Insight objectively observable, at least as “brain waves”.

Now, Where-As => Many Insightful Authors Can Be Found, Which Partly Have An Implied “Theory How Our Mind Works”.
There Unfortunately Is Not So Much To Be Found For Research Results Regarding The “Flash Of Insight or Other Similar Mental Arrivals”
… This Applies to Research Aras Such As => Psychology, Brain Research, Neuroscience, Cognitive Science, And Philosophy.
Big Exceptions Here Are =>

a) Gestalt Psychology, as is mentioned on This Document elsewhere.
b) Plenty of Discussion of Flash of Insight (As opposed to Research), are to be found in books, articles, encyclopedia, and internet: as is mentioned on This Document elsewhere..
c) My Nov 6, 2021, accidental discovery of An Excellent Research Report => “What Sudden Insights Look Like Inside The Brain.” Click Here. AFTER This Document comes up, you will read an excellent Interview Discussion of => “What your brain is doing when it has that "AHA moment.", reporting the Research of John Kounios, who leads “The Creativity Research Lab at Drexel University. [There he] uses electroencephalography (EEG) and other technology to record brain activity. The lab has been looking for something very specific: what goes on in the brain when a flash of insight hits.”

… "And an insight doesn't have to be related to a particular problem that you were thinking about. In real life, people have spontaneous insights all the time that have nothing to do with any problem that you've been working on. You could be walking down the street, and all of a sudden an idea pops into your head that solves a problem that you didn't even know you had. In that case, your brain may have been unconsciously processing ideas—for seconds, or for years. This is called incubation."
… "In insight problem solving, the work of solving goes on unconsciously and the final product gets dumped into the consciousness. Even if you're not aware of it, your brain chugs along and can come up with that solution. "
… "The timing of that flash is just about when they reach the solution. The specific area where this is happening, the right anterior superior temporal gyrus, connects to other areas of the brain. People who have damage in that area, due to strokes or other reasons, have trouble connecting disparate ideas to understand jokes or metaphors. Getting a joke often involves a sudden insight. A joke often leads you down a path, and then you get to the punchline and it goes somewhere else—that's what makes it funny.
… =There was another key finding. A few hundred milliseconds before that flash was a burst of a different kind of activity in the back of the brain—a burst of EEG alpha waves. Those are lower-frequency waves. Alpha waves have been studied for about 80 years, and what we know about them is that they're a measure of inhibition of the visual system. They are the opposite of neural activity—when alpha is high, neural activity is low. What we found is that just before an insight, a person's visual system is inhibited for a few hundred milliseconds. Think about it this way: when you ask people a difficult question, to concentrate on it, they often look away. They may look down at their feet or up at the sky, or even close their eyes to think, to focus. The brain does the exact same thing."= What sudden insights look like inside the brain” [= … The above-mentioned Research of John Kounios, very well fits & confirms => Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation of How Our Mind Works”, Presented on the Page you are reading right now. And Conversely.

… And eventually, perhaps in our PostModern Times, these “low credibility” assumptions will eventually change, so the long spurned subjective mental phenomenae, will finally become “objective”, despite the fact that => They are not directly (external to mind, physical world), experience-able, as is perhaps demanded of most other scientific observations.
… This above “long spurned subjective mental phenomena”, is a major thread very well explicated by Robert Pirsig, in his “Zen and The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance” (ZMM).

Not Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
IN SUMMARY: Our Cultures Blindness, To The Importance Of The Flash of Insight, is a consequence of our culture’s tacit acceptance of scientific materialism, and associated Nihilism, coming in the disillusioned aftermath of WWI. The works of Owen Barfield, Michael Polanyi, Robert Pirsig, Morris Berman, and others, discuss how IN-Adequate is this turn of Western Culture, and offer constructive ways out of it.
(Please send me an email with your thoughts & suggestions, or to ask for more information.)

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.


The Building Of A Viable Proto-Theory (Explanation) Of How Our Mind Works MUST =>

A) Start with THIS fundamental theory foundation ((The absolutely most vital clue, as supplied by Princeton Theoretical Physicist J. J. Hopfield’s Neural Network Model: )) =>

THE WAY, And As A Practical Matter, The ONLY LOGICAL WAY For A Brain To Operate At All Is => Find Single (singe-minded only one-at-a-time) Solutions (Answers ) Which Are Best (Or Near Best) Responses To Our Second By Second Sensory Input From Its Surrounding Environment. ….
… NOTE: To see the Truth of the above Bolded Statement, please > Do > Top > Edit > Find >

1) ……PROPOSITION 3b) Concerning “Single Best Or Near Best” … Then continue
2) ……PROPOSITION 3c) All This Provides Very Strong Additional Support ,,,
B) Include real world observations from, a deep & expansive study of the Flash of Insight Mental Process, and similar Mental Arrivals into the Conscious Mind, and as well, incorporate both, a study of literature, and observational data from our own daily experience, and other persons.
C) Include the results of a deep & expansive study of Gestalt Psychology, since these researchers have extensively studied (and very, very, well understood the holistic nature of), Conscious Perception and Insight Problem Solving, They got it right! In fact the Literature of Gestalt Psychology, no doubt is a Tremendous Data Storehouse with which to validate this Henry Gurr Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation of How Our Mind Works”, , and conversely!

… Building on Gestalt Psychology, French philosopher Merleau-Ponty (1908–1961), offers “original and influential work on embodiment, perception, and ontology”. (Just how Merleau-Ponty attempts to build further from the Gestaltist is discussed in Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy Re Merleau-Ponty. Click Here.
(NOTE: To Return To Here => Click Your Browser’s Back Arrow, Usually In The Upper Left Of Your Browser,)

D) Include The Absolutely Most Vital Clue, As Supplied By Princeton Theoretical Physicist J. J. Hopfield’s Neural Network Model: This is because Prof Hopfield has mathematically showed that Single, All At Once, Optimal (Best or Near Best) Solutions, To Complex Neural Network Input is indeed possible, indeed likely, for a biological brain.
D)cont: Hence a viable Theory of How Our Mind works, must include the ideas (and powerful results) of the research on => “Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory.”

E) Include How Memory Of Our Previous Optimal (Best or Near Best) Solutions, Is The Base For Our Newly Created Optimal (Best or Near Best) Solutions, Which In A Cycle , Are Ever Improved, regenerative upward spiral of ever improved memory. Accordingly all updates to memory are necessarily the successful product of ongoing optimized solutions, often novel, and quite creative. Thus brain memories continue to be improved, each memory re-visit, (retrieval re-activation,), because the new optimized solutions, and can creatively build upon and extend, the average of previous good solutions. These creatively improved memories in people, lead to learning, training, skills, insight, formation of habits, and expert performance.
AND TO REPEAT => Be Sure to Note Well This Is =>An Optimizing Creative Memory Cycle =>, Which Achieves New Learning, Refinement Of Skills, Better Habits, Improved, Solidified, Updated Knowledge, And Many More Examples.
This is A Cycle Of Regenerative Upward Spiral Of Compounded, Creative, Building-On-(And Beyond)-The-Previous, Ever Improved Problem Solutions, Then Stored In Memory.

1) The Cycle Steps Are => Original Memory > Memory ReAccesed > Provides Memory Base For Perception (& Other What Do Next) > Problem Solving Brain Mental Arrival to Consciousness With Future-Plans, Emotions & Feelings, Etc > Action > Success > Refine & Improve Solution Back Into Memory > Enhance & ReFurbish Memory. =>
2) Above Shortened To => A Regenerative Memory Cycle Of ReAccess & ReFurbish =>
3) Above Abbreviate To => ReAccess & ReFurbish Cycle.
4) Above Abbreviate To => Useful Acronym => RRC << For more related Discussion & Problem Solving Brain usages > See 18 Each > Edit > Find > …RRC …

…This cycle is also discussed in the Single and Double-Loop Learning, discussed and diagramed, half way down this Wikipedia Page.

The Above Discussion Of Creative Problem Solutions, As Mental Arrivals (Such As Flash Of Insight) … Is Partly Confirmed In WebPage =>
[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creativity | Wikipedia Creativity. Click Here.
… This Wikipedia says Creativity can Happen with Mental Arrivals =>

1`) Illumination or insight (where the creative idea bursts forth from its preconscious processing into [ sudden] conscious awareness);
2) …in especially frontal lobe working memory control processes[, where creative and innovative thoughts arise. (Apparently, creative insight or the "AHA" experience is then triggered in the temporal lobe
3) In Their Title Lines => Two articles mentioned in the Notes of this Wikipedia page, show “Insight”, which means the article will discuss how “Insight is also called the “Sudden Illumination” mental event, also called “the Flash Of Insight”.
a) "Fixation, Incubation, And Insight In Memory And Creative Thinking".
b) "Incubation, Insight, And Creative Problem Solving: A Unified Theory And A Connectionist Model".

… NOTE: These mental events called “Insight” and “Illumination” are seen to be effectively Mental Arrivals, equivalent to above-mentioned => Our Problem Solving Brain’s Solutions which are sudden, automatic, spontaneous, Mental Arrivals Into Conscious Mind.]

F) A Theory of How Our Mind Works => Must Have Good Fit To Our Own Direct Observations of Our Own Mind In Action, As Well Fit The important Theory Building Clues, Contained In The Huge Literature Of Psychology, Brain Research, Neuroscience, Cognitive Science, And Philosophy,
G) Be Consistent In Method & Procedure, With Other Natural Science Theories: “Methodological naturalism maintains that proper science requires strict adherence to empirical study and independent verification as a process for properly developing and evaluating explanations for observable phenomena … “

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
Theory Must Be Verified By Our Own Direct Observation of It’s Working In Real World:


Accurate Guiding of Real World Actions & Observations, Are The Purpose of Theory.

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.


The Results Of Building Of THIS=> [[#HsgProtoTh | Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation of How Our Mind Works”, Will ACCOMPLISH THE FOLLOWING =>

A) Shows With Help Of Hopfield Neural Network Model, Just Why (As We Observe), It Is ONLY “ONE At A Time” AND ONLY The Higher Quality (Best or near Best0 Solutions That Automatically, Spontaneously, Mentally Arrive Into Our Conscious Minds.
B) Shows That Consciously Aware Ideas, Plans, & Actions, Typically Arise As Mental Arrival Solutions To Identifiable Problems, and for the most part there is no time that the brain is not working on some problem.

C) In Agreement With Professor John R. Searle => A Unique Explanation of => How Our Problem Solving Brain, Responding To Our Ever-Present Surroundings, Generates, Constructs, Creates => Our Everyday Conscious Mental Awareness =>

Which Herein Will Be Called => Primary Consciousness, AND (As Observed) Is Automatically, Spontaneously “Just There”!
And As Observed, This Primary Consciousness, Is An Ever Present Mental Model (~”Theater Stage”), INTO WHICH APPEAR => The OTHER Herein Discussed Problem Solution Mental Arrivals, That Suddenly, Automatically, Spontaneously, Come Into Our (Primary) Conscious Mind.
… As observed, this Primary Consciousness is => An entirely Brain Generated, Constructed, Created, “Mental Model” of our external “real world” surroundings, and is mostly experienced as vision, and nearly always available, when we are awake.
… From direct observation, we can infer this Primary Consciousness, is an integrated => One-At-A-Time, Unified, Whole & Complete, Coherent, No Parts Left Out, Holistic, All-At-Once Solution, apparently arising from and determined by our sensory inputs (9 senses). This “Mental Model, gives us, an internal simulation of our external world, where we consciously visualize ourselves to be situated in that world. This is stated by Professor Searle, next down.

D) Professor John R. Searle’s Conclusions & Expectations => For “An Adequate Theory Of Consciousness. “ =>

IS FULFILLED BY => Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” :
This Proto-Theory, Provides A Physics-& Math-Based Foundation Explanation (And Support), That Fulfills What => Professor Searle Says As Follows =>
John R Searle’s “Theory of Mind & Darwin’s Legacy. “ Click Here. =>

“When we get to the topic of evolution, we will see the centrality of unity in enabling Consciousness to perform its biological functions.”
“The unified conscious field gives the organism vastly increased power.” … “The organism can coordinate an enormous number of simultaneous inputs within a single conscious field and can coordinate its behavior both in light of the sensory inputs and in light of its goals and the possible means for achieving its goals. It coordinates all of this in a way that simultaneously represents the past in the form of short-term and long-term memory and anticipates the future in the form of its plans, goals, and intentions. In the case of humans, consciousness also gives us the capacity for cooperating with con-specifics; and the specific form that human cooperation takes is the conscious use of language.”
Professor Searle Continues => “The Conscious Mind Functions Causally In Producing Behavior, And In Conscious Perception, The Environment Is Causally Presented To The Consciousness Of The Agent.”
“For example, in the presence of food, light reflected off the object will cause a conscious visual experience in the animal, and this experience will consciously motivate the animal to move toward the food.“
”intentionality is the way that the conscious organism has of relating to the environment.”

F) Continued From E) => Of Course There Are Many Brain Actions, And/Or Solutions That Do NOT Arrive Into Our (Primary) Conscious Mind: These solutions are important in running the body, and refurbishing memory, etc. But about these we have minimal immediate awareness, simply because Nature has decided that => Our Conscious Mind, doesn’t need to know. It is mostly after the fact that we deduce the existence of these UN-conscious brain processes.
G) Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation of How Our Mind Works”, Provides A Unique Explanation Of Analogy/Metaphor/Rhyme/Poetry, which is superior to what is currently found in literature, where in it is seen that => Most current day discussion of Analogy/Metaphor/Rhyme/Poetry, are really not much better than hand-waving explanations.

… This fact, the discerning reader may see in Internet discussions, or (in Blue Link below) you can study my (Henry Gurr’s) collection of “How Various Authors Try To Say ‘How Metaphors Function’ “ . Where these Authors’ offer their “Understanding” of Human Metaphor Mental Action, Thru History.
… NOTE: After (the Blue Link below comes up), you can find each of these Author’s Explanations by > Top > Edit > Find Maroon. This is done so you will be sure to notice each these, since the rather weak color is visually easy to miss.
… Alternately (In an email, you may ask me for evidence of “Not better than handwaving explanations.)
Here Please Be Aware That => Our Human Ability To Recognize, Synonym, Analogy, Metaphor, Simile, Reminiscent, Allegory, Allusion, Metonymy, Etc). Is Taken Up In TWO Webpages =>

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
H) Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation of How Our Mind Works”, Provides A Unique Explanation Of =>
How All Problem Solving Brain, Problem Solutions (Answers), Automatically Include Feelings, Emotions, Meaning, and Future Plans (Intentions), AND =>
(As Stated in The Below PROPOSITION 5b) => These So Created Future Plans, Are In Essence Intentions! And Once This Explanation Is Understood, It Provides A Viable Alternate & Brain Based, Explanation Of The Philosophical Problem Of Intention.

I) Discusses How => The Flash of Insight (and Other Similar Mental Arrivals), Are Seen To Be A Quite Valuable Research Tool (and Probe), Into Unconscious Workings of Our Own Mind! For Example =>
1) A Deep Study Of The Flash Of Insight, And Closely Observing It In Action, Shows What Our Problem Solving Brain Can Do, Spontaneously, Self-Organized, UN-Supervised, and On-Automatic.
2) The Overall Content (and Timing) Of A Flash Of Insight Or Other Mental Arrivals, May Be Used To Measure How WELL Our Perception System Is Working.
J) Henry Gurr’s Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation of How Our Mind Works”, Also => Has Important (even HUGE!), Implications For The Study of Mind, Artificial Intelligence, Ontology, Epistemology, Development of Language & Language Change, Functioning of Society, and Owen Barfield’s Evolution of Consciousness.
J) Thus I Believe The 23 PROPOSITIONS Discussion (Blue Link Below), Can Guide Us To Building A Proto-Theory (Explanation) of Mind and Consciousness , which I suspect will be as good a view as we will ever get!.
K) Other Henry Gurr Theory Accomplishments? Please send me an email with your thoughts & suggestions!

… Please well notice the above use of words “Problem Solving Brain Generated, Constructed, Created”: And these are a major consequence of Unconscious Brain Processes, which are in agreement with that described in =>Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”

... NOTE: As is discussed below => This above-mentioned Primary Consciousness created solution, is to be distinguished from other additional concurrent automatic, spontaneous, Problem Solution Mental Arrivals (as extensively discussed in This Document you are currently reading), which are much less a simulation of our external world.


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This Section Is Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.


This Document you are currently reading, will tell you of A Striking New Theory Of How Our Mind Works. It Is “A Radically New Kind of Theory” (A New KIND Of “Philosophy of Mind” }, that will require you to read slowly, closely, & think a lot about!
Technically, for This Document you are currently reading: is => “A Philosophy Of Mind” , and should be clearly distinguished from what is officially called A Theory of Mind (ToM) ((This ToM name, although clear in context, is quite misleading! It really sould better be called A Specific Person’s Understanding (Theory), Of How Another Person’s Mind Works And It’s Contents. ))

… Wikipedia goes on to say a person’s ToM re another person’s mind is => “.. Limited to just a single person’s understanding of how other person’s mind “works”, including => “ .. attribute mental states—beliefs, intents, desires, emotions, knowledge, etc.—to oneself, and to others, without trying to say how those mental states might come about.” … “The intuitive assumption that others are minded is an apparent tendency we all share. We anthropomorphize non-human animals, inanimate objects, and even natural phenomena. Daniel Dennett referred to this tendency as taking an "intentional stance" toward things: we assume they have intentions, to help predict future behavior. However, there is an important distinction between taking an "intentional stance" toward something and entering a "shared world" with it. The intentional stance is a detached and functional theory we resort to during interpersonal interactions. A shared world is directly perceived and its existence structures reality itself for the perceiver. It is not just automatically applied to perception; it in many ways constitutes perception.”
… As stated above => A persons understanding (theory), of how another person’s mind works is a ToM. This is very similar to => The Intentional Stance Is A Term Coined By Philosopher Daniel Dennett. After this WebPage comes up scroll down to => “ ... deeply embedded assumptions about the agent … ” , AND continue reading to “ … – the ‘personal stance’ – ....” .


ANY Theory (Explanation), Is A Clear, Well Organized, Compact, Summary Of Observations Of What Has Happened In This World. Good Theories Are Very Practical And Useful. Once you understand what the theory’s words mean, you will have an accurate & reliable guide (user’s manual), to get done what you want to do. This is because a good theory helps you see more clearly, think more completely, and guide you in efficient actions, with minimal waste. In other words, a good theory lets you understand what has happened, what is happening, predict what will happen, and guide your actions accordingly; HENCE THIS FOLLOWING CONCLUSION =>




This Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” summarizes the workings of your own mind, most especially the Flash of Insight **AHA** events that happen to you. To understand this, please read the next few lines below, marked by the a), and b). Please pay very close attention to how my descriptions of the Flash of Insight, fits your own direct experience!!!. AND as you read my PROPOSITIONS 1 -19, pay attention, how EACH Proposition Discussion fits your own direct experience!!!.

…This is a very good way to see-for-yourself, that my theory is valid, in actual real world practice!

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
Theory Must Be Verified By Our Own Direct Observation of It’s Working In Real World: These Observations, Must In Turn Fit The Reported Observations (and Writing), of Other Qualified Observers!


Thus the Purposes of Good Theories Are => a) Accurate Organizing of Observed Facts, b) Reliable Guiding of Real World Future Actions, c) Predicting Results, & d) Synchronizing (Making Sense Of) Required Observations.

You should be doing your very best at the following Five Major Efforts A) thru E):

A) Be Very Sure You REALLY Understand The TOP 12 Inches Of This Document You Are Currently Reading, Including Reading The Mentioned MPPS Article. MPPS Article => “Memory, Perception, Insight, and Problem Solving – AHA---!!! => To increase your own understanding (as described in MPPS article), you should actively watch for your OWN => EIGHTEEN CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FLASH OF INSIGHT/ PROBLEM-SOLVING EVENT, and write notes as to
1) Date and Time:
2) What you were doing:
3) What caused (brought about) this Flash Of Insight: (Why did it happen?)
4) What Problem Was Solved:
5) Any earlier conditions that lead-up to this “Bolt-From-The-Blue”?
6) As your days pass => Any later thoughts on this event, or further Mental Arrivals or Insights, building on the first.
7) Make it a habit to always have pen and paper in your pocket, so you can immediately write the above.
8) You will discover that you must immediately scratch out preliminary written notes, or what happened will vanish from your memory of it. Permanently!
B) Actively Watching & Writing Down 1) thru 8) Above, Will Convince You Of The Power & Characteristics Of Your UN-Conscious Mind, and That There Really IS An UN- Conscious Mind, With A Will Of It’s Own!!! Your written note will effectively be a Flash of Insight, Mental Arrival Diary!
C) To Help You To Further Know What To Look For, Please Study My An Anatomy Of An Idea Come To Mind. AFTER This “Anatomy” Page Comes Up (For Easiest Reading), Please Scroll Down To, And Start Reading AT Where You See PHRASE => ….. (And It’s Included Links), Hopes To ……
D) In C) Above => What You Will Be Learning At First Hand, Will Help Convince You Of The Factual Truth Of The Twenty One PROPOSITIONS of This Document You Are Currently Reading.

… ALSO => The very process of => Writing notes of what you did & learned, will help solidify all this in your mind, increase understanding and help build memory of This “solidify into mind”, is amply demonstrated by a) Any person watching how they do remember, after writing notes. For myself, when I’ve written Paper Scratch Notes, that are for an idea to be typed into a document, I can mostly get the typing done without looking at the notes! b) This “solidify into mind”, is also amply demonstrated for students remembering their physic, when they make written Lab Reports.

E) IN SUMMARY: You Will Be Building (In Your Mind), Your OWN Theory (Explanation) Of How Your OWN Mind Works. Ultimately, This Is The Best Kind Of Understanding:

… Altogether => You will see that “How Your Mind Works” is quite similar to The Mental Workings of other persons. Of course this is as expected, but is fun to watch anyway!

F) To Be Introduced To The Basics Of This Proto-Theory, Beginners Should First Read => Just The First Paragraph Of Each PROPOSITION 1) To 19), below: This Will Help You As A Beginner To Get Oriented.

a) To quickly move from one Proposition to the Next > Top > Do > Edit > Find > … Proposition … (This can usually be done by pressing the keyboard combination Ctrl + F (or) Edit + F depending on what your computer’s keys say.)
b) To Return To Where You Were => Click The Back Arrow, perhaps several times, Usually In The Upper Left Of Your Browser,
c) After you read G) below you will see a Link for “Go Directly To first of THE 23 PROPOSITIONS “
d) To get back-to some earlier reading place, do b) above, perhaps nineteen times!

G) As You Read This Proto-Theory’s 23 PROPOSITIONS About The Workings of Our Mind: You should pause, and for a while think about EACH … For example => Please check what I say against how well this FITS your OWN direct life experience! … In other words, you should first use you own mind (and intuition), to validate ANY theory, including mine! As was suggested in A) above, and write notes as to what you read and learned!
H) You will see that => After each the respective 23 PROPOSITIONS, I have written additional conclusions that a) Fit my own experience, and b) Also are widely & consistently corroborated in published literature. Of these you may have less experience, but hopefully these will at least reasonable to you, in light of what you already know. Some of my conclusions below, are stated as hypotheses, meaning more data and observations are needed to establish the creditability of what I say. I’ve tried to avoid making conjectures that are too speculative, or just my pure imaginative poetry!

What Should I Do If I See Questionable Parts In Henry Gurr’s Theory? You may find parts of > This Proto-Theory quite questionable. That is perfectly fine, since it is, after all, a PROTO-theory! Thus, for the puzzling parts of my Theory =>

1) Please Remember The Parts That Seem Wrong: And As Days Pass. Think On These, And Watch For Relevant Evidence. You might also use Google to search for more information. Eventually, after an AHA! Moment, you may suddenly see a new view that removes your doubt.

OR =>

2) Please Remember The Parts That Seem Wrong: Temporarily Suspend Judgement, And Consider The Questionable Parts As A Hypothesis To Be Tested. Then Just Wait! While you wait, you could study the other “seemingly good” parts of => This Proto-Theory. As you do this, your overall conclusions may gradually move from Questionable > To Insight > To YES that’s right!

… Of course, like a good scientist, you should be always on the alert for relevant evidence and data, and keep score of what parts of => This Proto-Theory work and do not. Even after any theory is “accepted” there should be a continuous Back-Checking for validity, and close examination of what seems wrong or puzzling.

3) Reading This Proto-Theory, will thus require close reading & going slow, so the meaning and new views can sink in!! You will be doing what Robert Pirsig says, “re-arranging a lot of intellectual furniture” ,. As Immanuel Kant said “A Copernican Revolution” ,. Or doing as Thomas Kuhn said a “Paradigm Shift” .
4) I believe => Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” will help people more effectively use their own mind. The first examples of this “how to” are in the above 1) & 2) Paragraphs. The alert reader will find many more similar examples from Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” : These are in essence, contained in my suggestions, in the first 24 inches of This Document You Are Currently Reading, There-in I give similar “What-You-Should-Do” suggestions, which are likewise based on This Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”.

Please Notice & Think => You should be aware that Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” , ALSO (in part), wells agrees with the writings (and implied theory), of many insightful authors. They write quite perceptively about their own mode of discovery and their heart felt conclusions on how we all should best use our minds. Although not written with the idea of being a Philosophy of Mind, these works in their own way, many places essentially contain a Theory of How Our Mind Works!!
… These authors have formed their conclusions, from their own mode of discovery, independent of others, and thus when we find portions of mutual author agreement & support, we have found significant conclusions, likely to be truth bearing! The inquiring reader would do well to study the works of authors whose names and conclusions are on This Document You Are Currently Reading, : Top writers Re Mind, include => Michael Polanyi, Robert Pirsig, Owen Barfield, B F Skinner, John K Sheriff, Charles Peirce, George Lakoff. The resolute penetrating reader will see in => These and many Important Authors),show significant support for [[#HsgProtoTh | Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” , and conversely..

SIDE NOTE: You Can Easily Read Brief Selected Passages For Each Above (Or Below), Mentioned Author, By > Top > Do > Edit > Find > … Each Above Listed Name ...
… This can usually be started & done by pressing the keyboard combination Ctrl + F (or) Edit + F depending on what your computer’s keys say.) (Click The Back Arrow, perhaps several times, Usually In The Upper Left Of Your Browser, To Return To Where You Were.


What is important about ANY theory (explanation) is that it helps you achieve improved real-world actions, more efficient, and better results. With a good theory, you can achieve your goals & get what you want, easier and faster than with a poor one. And among the many ways to test (& know) the truth of ANY theory, is to carefully write down, the times you see the theory “work” successfully in your own life!)
Of Course, IF The Theory Is ALSO Found “True To Reality”, That Quite Significant AND Highly Desirable, But “True To Reality”, Is Not An Absolute Necessity for the theory to be quite practically useful, and thus accepted and widely used. This is in agreement with Wikipedia saying “ Instrumentalists argue that scientific theories should only be evaluated on whether they are useful. In their view, whether theories are true or not is beside the point, because the purpose of science is to make predictions and enable effective technology.” …. ” Realists often point to the success of recent scientific theories as evidence for the truth (or near truth) of current theories.”

NOTES: How The Writing This Document Came To My Mind:

a) The ideas and conclusions stated in This Document You Are Currently Reading, are true to my own (Henry Gurr) direct experience & Observations. And I believe they are true to the mental workings of most other persons, and which in turn is corroborated by the relevant literature.
b) The expression “true to reality”, is a common expression understood by most readers, and sufficient for this discussion. However, both “truth” & “reality”, have uncertain meanings when philosophically examined, with careful analysis.
c) Concerning useful, but not necessarily philosophically “true” => See Heuristic on This Document You Are Currently Reading, at APPENDIX VI

… Moreover, I (Henry Gurr) strongly believe the ideas & conclusions presented hereby in This Document => Are valid, important, and provide and overall useful understanding, to guide my own and other person’s behavior. (In other words it’s a “Brain Owner’s User Manual.” ., as mentioned several other places on This Document You Are Currently Reading. (You may find a complete list of other > “Brain Owner’s User Manual.” > By > Do > Top > Edit > Find > …FOUR DIFFERENT )
Further, I strongly believe that anyone who well studies This Document You Are Currently Reading, will find these ideas & conclusions true to their own direct experience! In fact, these are the exact reasons why I have worked SO VERY HARD, to get these ideas & conclusions written up in This Document You Are Currently Reading.


Once You Understand This Proto-Theory You Will Become More Productive Towards Your Goals. But beyond this, you will have a far closer understanding of how your mind works, and how it can solve problems, in a Flash of Insight . You will understand just how new VERY GOOD ideas can mysteriously arrive “out of the blue”, and instantaneously pop into your mind (Plus what to do to make best use of these Flash of Insight occurrences, and your other skills) .
Because human the basic underlying functioning of the human mind a) Has been roughly the same for the last 100,000 years, and b) This functioning is about the same for all humans around the earth, you will have a very useful ability to more clearly ”see-into” those humans behavior and what they must have been thinking across time and culture.

This Knowledge Will Help You Better Understand Your “Mind At Work” In The Creation Of => Your own (and other people’s), new Sudden, Automatic, Spontaneous, Mental Arrivals. This Knowledge will help your understand other person’s => realizations, motivations, and limits, and thus get along better with them and your society.
… Moreover, when reading about what people of earlier times said or perceived, you will be able to more accurately decode their ancient understanding and interpretation of their world AS THEY SAW IT, and thus formed their views into their Writing and Archeological Artifacts !. The same for other cultures, or for any “other” Possible Worlds! And Besides It’s A VERY Interesting Theory, Full Of New Ideas!


…Reading this will likely be hard going, because Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” will be so unfamiliar, your reading of it below will require close reading & going slow so the meaning and new views will sink in!

…Much of the reading difficulty is because these ideas are so new and un familiar, it is hard to see what is meant: These ideas are so new because you have not been “exposed” to them. This is because such ideas are mostly NOT part of your culture. (This is fact, and that these ideas are mostly culturally missing, partly explains why these ideas fail to appear in my extensive literature research.)
… In other words your reading will be tough, but rewarding, intellectual work, in which you will see a valuable new (scientific / philosophical), understanding of the mind. Overall, you will gain a new set of practical ideas which, when put into practice, will help you be most effective, in using your own mind, and body.
Sincerely Henry Gurr ZMMQ SiteMaster May 30, 2019

END SECTION: What My Theory Is About & Why You Might Want To Learn About It.

This Letter Is => A Short Overview Summary About My Extended Study Of The Consequences Of The Quite General Mental Process, Variously Called =>
“Flash Of Insight, Sudden Illumination, **AHA** Light Bulb,” Which Then Discusses => How This Has Lead To A Completely New & Unprecedented “Theory of How Our Mind Works,”
… NOTE: Because Famous Author J. G. knew nothing about my project, a letter of this nature, of course, must somewhat repeat many of the topics on This Document you are currently reading.

Dear Mr J. G.

You perhaps already know, that brain process such as the Flash of Insight, are a direct result of important, fundamental, and deeply built-in, automatic brain problem solving processes, deserving our closest attention. However, despite the fact that Flashes of Insight have led to many amazing discoveries, our culture, brain scientists, and especially academic philosophers, as a group, tend to ignore the Flash Of Insight (and subjective mental events related to the Flash Of Insight). This is because they (especially Philosophers), do not trust anything that just mysteriously ‘happens’, or totally illogically comes “out-of-the-blue.”

However, the Flash of Insight can be an important starting point for a Theory of How Our Mind Works: Additionally the absolutely most vital clue for Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” , is supplied by Princeton Theoretical Physicist J. J. Hopfield’s Neural Network Model. The Hopfield Physics Theory, with its Mathematical Proof, tells us in broad brush strokes how a collection of interconnected neurons spontaneously, unsupervised, automatically, following its own rules, indeed might truly be able to find Optimal, (Best or Near Best) Solutions. AND indeed, be able to do so “suddenly” (came to my mind) as in The Flash of Insight!!

In addition, Hopfield’s Physics & Mathematical Theory, with its Mathematical Proof, solidly establishes how a network of neurons will produce a good, but not perfect, result very quickly. For a biological organism, this is clearly an ecologically advantageous trade off (This is in contrast to the usual digital computer that will produce a perfect, highly accurate, result but may take a very long time on certain problems).

In Building A Theory Of How Our Mind Works (ie A Philosophy Of Mind), The Properties Of Neural Networks (Of Which Hopfield’s Model Is An Example), Deserve Very Close Attention.
From Prof Hopfield’s results, the inescapable conclusion => Neural Networks MUST underlie, and be at the basic foundation of a Theory of How Our Mind Works, since such fits the following necessary biological conditions =>

a) Biological Neural Networks form a very powerful computational mechanism, which can create an unsophisticated brute force, all purpose, general problem-solving biological device, that gets Optimal (Best or Near Best) Problem Solutions by massive parallel processing and massive in-depth memory! This mechanism, in other words, is a crude but effective, one size fits all, quite powerful sledge hammer. (These are the powerful consequences of what here in is called the “Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory.” , which in turn is a VERY important italicized 11 word name & idea, as emphasized in this paragraph, and the next 3 paragraphs below.) .
b) Constitute a general problem-solving mechanisms, where we can see the possibility that => The Neural Networks actions are AUTOMATICALLY & SPONTANEOUSLY. self-built, self-organized, UN-supervised, follows its own rules, and runs fully on-automatic: The only apparent non-self (internal) control, seemingly comes from the sensory organs, external and internal.
c) As Is Required For ANY Theory (Explanation) of How Out (Biological Based) Mind Works => Such Neural Networks and their spontaneous actions must be, compatible with biological evolutionary development (phylogeny), from the very beginning of moving animals on earth.
d) Also Such Neural Networks and their spontaneous actions must be, compatible with biological growth and development (ontogeny), of a single organism from gestation to adult.

THUS: Neural Networks, such as proposed by Prof Hopfield, 1) Well fit what can be built up by means of Darwinian Evolution, and 2) Well fit what can be created from fertilized egg, growing to an adult, dynamically learning, and developing. ... Also such Neural Networks, as proposed, well fit what we see in the obvious fine-tuned behavior of animals and ourselves, both mentally and in subsequently emerged physical real-world body actions. Such a system supports Darwinian Survival, and thus we are here to tell the story!

From this I assert that: The cause and overall systematics of these Hopfield general solutions underlie and are the foundation of our mental life and resulting Consciousness. This conclusion, is the basis of Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” of How Our Mind Works.

More Over => This Conclusion Strongly Supports Prof John R Searle’s Own Stated Conclusions =>

[with the] " … enormous powers that Consciousness gives us. The organism can coordinate an enormous number of simultaneous inputs within a single conscious field and can coordinate its behavior both in light of the sensory inputs and in light of its goals and the possible means for achieving its goals. It coordinates all of this in a way that simultaneously represents the past in the form of short-term and long-term memory and anticipates the future in the form of its plans, goals, and intentions.

Besides Prof Searle, a number of Brain Scientists, & Philosophers have an understanding of Human Mental Processes that in part, agree with Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” And Conversely. Significant support is seen in the thinking of the following Authors => Tom Cornsweet, J J Hopfield, Robert Pirsig, Owen Barfield, Michael Polanyi, B F Skinner, John K Sheriff, Charles Peirce, Bessel van der Kolk, Jeffrey W. Cooney & Michael S. Gazzaniga, Daniel Dennett, George Lakoff, and many, many others. (If you want more information, please email.)

You should know that I’m an unknown newcomer to this study of mind, and of course no match to the range of knowledge or experience of other Philosophy of Mind Researchers. However, I hope you can accept new theory ideas from a newcomer, since Often A Beginner’s Mind is a virtue when it comes to realizing a new kind of theory and/or breakthrough ideas.

And based on my 30 years of searching, I believe This Proto-Theory Outlined Click Here will be quite different, at the frontier of science, from any point of view you have ever seen previously. Thus, this is likely to provide you with a considerably different Alternate Conception, for seeing into “How Our Mind Works”.

Most of what is presented below comes from the Literature on Creativity, Mind, Brain Science, Vision, Psychology Especially Gestalt, Creative Problem Solving, Invention, Teaching, Learning, Writing, Philosophy, etc. Most of this is previously known, but scattered in confusing, unrelated pieces of information. As such, most of what I say is not new, and much or all of it may already be known to you.

But I Believe What Deserves Your Attention Is This =>
A NEW Overall, Integrated, Unified, Thesis Panorama Where Things Fit And Make More Sense! Lots of puzzles and mysteries disappear! And the more I develop This Proto-Theory, the more these ideas fit into a larger and larger comprehensive whole! This, I believe, is the mark of a good theory!

As I’ve found in Electronic Troubleshooting => When puzzles are solved, and from this more & more ideas fit, and make sense => This means you are on the right track! (The “more-fit-sense-of-knowing-on-right-track”, needs more literature research.)

However, in extensive literature research, this full panorama is NOT found, to good approximation. In other words, my Henry Gurr “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” (At Blue Link Above). will be so UN-familiar, your reading of it below will take some, as Robert Pirsig says, “re-arranging a lot of intellectual furniture”, As Immanuel Kant said “A Copernican Revolution”, Or as Thomas Kuhn said a “Paradigm Shift”.((Of course, it you know of any writing (or author) that seems to be even partly similar to mine, please let me know. Click on Contact Me below.))

I trust this letter will be a suitable introduction, and hope you will find interesting. I will gladly send more information and answer your questions. Especially so, because our brain and sensory organs are marvelously complex & intricate, there must be a whole lot more to the story!

PS: It is a separate puzzle to me how this overall Proto-Theory (so very obvious in retrospect), can NOT be found in published literature.

Sincerely Henry Gurr,

Professor of Physics Emeritus,
University of South Carolina Aiken,
471 University Parkway,
Aiken South Carolina 29801
My University Home Page. Click Here for more about my career and contact information.

SIDE NOTE1: For ~30 Years Now), I’ve Of Course Watched My OWN Mind At Work,
And My~30 Years Of Watching & Learning About My Mind => Provides The Experience To Guide The Writing Of This Document You Are Currently Reading.
… For recent examples of my learning events, you can easily find 14 example passages (of my realizations=learning), that outline a few of my major realizations that suddenly happened (**AHA**), in the process of writing This Document you are currently reading.
Please > Top > Do > Edit > Find > … came to my mind ... ( This can usually be done by pressing the keyboard combination Ctrl + F (or) Edit + F depending on what your computer’s keys say.)

SIDE NOTE2: Please Be Aware That There Are Authors Who Are Especially Good At Observing Their Own Mind Creates Best Or Near Best Solutions (Answers). Automatically & Spontaneously. This includes => Robert Pirsig in his book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” (ZMM) … Mr Pirsig offers many examples, which have resulted from watching their own mind, and we can learn much from what he does in actual practice.
… Please send email if you are other such authors. Or have difficulty finding above mentioned examples.

Click Here To SKIP “Introductory OVERVIEW of THE 23 PROPOSITIONS”, And Go Directly To START OF THE PROPOSITIONS 1 thru 23:

At this point, it might be helpful for you dear reader, to take a break and think things over. Just make sure to return to here, when you are ready for more!

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
As You Read Below I Hope You Will Temporarily “Put On The Back Shelf”, Your Existing Conclusions Re Mind

Please, start with this Vantage Point and read my words with a “Beginners Mind”.
Then, excusing where I’m => Telling You What You Already Know

This Entire Section, Is A Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.

AN INTRODUCTORY OVERVIEW OF THE 23 PROPOSITIONS of Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”.

It Is Productine And Revealing To Consider That Everything The Brain Does Is General Problem Solving Which Finds A Single, Optimal (Best Or Near Best), Solutions To Life’s Oncoming Problems.

Only When A Single Solution Has Sufficient Quality Or Overall Coherence Does This Solution Appear In Conscious Mind, Concurrent With A Plan For Future Action (Our Intentions), Appropriate To The Situation.
The Optimal Problem Solutions (And Concomitant Plans + Emotions), In Response To Sensory Input, Have Accessed (And Utilized) All Relevant Memories, Which Then Are Subsequently Updated,
Thus Are Improved And Solidified, Such As In Learning And Formation Of Ever More Functional Habits, Or Ever Improvement Of Skilled Human Performances.

For Reasons That Will Be Supported Below: => To Achieve These Optimal (Best or Near Best) Solutions, It Is Necessary For Our Problem Solving Brain, To Calculate” How Well Current 9 Senses Inputs Fit Relevant Memories, With Weight More Heavily On => How Recent In Time, Relative Importance, And Salience,.

1) Because there is no way to know in advance, exactly what specific part of memory is important, the brain has no other recourse, it then MUST use ALL existing memory in order to determine the meaning of ongoing sensory inputs, and from all available potentials, calculate what parts are most salient, and then =>
2) Make a balanced, logically complete, plan for future action (intention), the unity of which is established and guaranteed by the a) criterion of optimum, and b) the use of a massive lifetime of memories, which themselves have the stamp of success and validity, as was tested in the real world of action, and survival! This is because, with every successful solution, our brain ~goes-back to“ and automatically improves those self-same previous successful memories, which, were used for any creative solution, which Mentally Arrived into our Consciousness.
3) This is the only viable way an animal’s brain (and mind) can get ANY answer, let alone an optimal (best or near-best) result, in respond to life’s oncoming problems.

( Editor RPG Comment: Besides brains using memory for finding solutions, they may also incorporate instinct, a kind of genetic memory: For example, humans nearly ubiquitously have a fear of snakes on an instinctive level and perceive "threat" without previously encountering an actual snake, or even hearing about one.)

CONCERNING THE MEANING OF WORDS => “Best Or Near Best” – “Problem Solutions” => That Mentally Arrive into Our Conscious Mind =>
… The above and below words, “greatest coherence”, “optimal”, maximal, and “best or near best problem solutions”, have somewhat equivalent meanings and results.
… As are used in this WebPage, for Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” : Moreover, herein, the meaning for these words (as well as most others herein), corresponds to most English Language Dictionaries.

NOTE1: Our God Given Body & Mind Comes With The Ability To Automatically Know => A) “What Is Good”, B) “What Is ~Best”, C) “How To Work In The ~Best Ways , E) What is Quality, And F) What Is The Cutting Edge Of Reality.

NOTE2: Above E) thru F) Are Major Topics So Very Well Explicated By Robert Pirsig, In His “Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance” '' (ZMM).
… What Mr. Pirsig says about his “Quality”, may be interpreted as the automatic spontaneous optimum seeking operation of our mind, and as such is strongly supported by Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” , and conversely.
… Mr Pirsig’s, “Quality” from his first book ZMM, and “Static Quality” vs “Dynamic Quality”, is from his second book “LILA” :

NOTE3: As You Will Eventually Come To Realize => Mr. Pirsig’s Two Books, Are Close To Presenting => “A Theory of How Our Mind Works” , AND has Conclusions That Nicely Support => ,

( Editor RPG Comment: In biological systems, this ~”Best”, isn’t necessarily always the superior ->–When going for “best:, there may be added resource consumption and requirements might not always pay off. Even in cognition itself, “best” doesn’t always pay off either, as in the class Ascidiacea [or sea squirt], which has a ganglia network in its larval stage, but loses it entirely when it matures! As far as I can tell, greater cognition is advantageous for rapid environmental change, whereas in constant environments it’s selected against. Human cognition may have reached its modern state due to a constantly shifting environment which evolution can’t program for quickly enough!)
… ….


CONCERNING THE MEANING OF => 47 Synonym Words, Related To Word => {+Optimum}+. These Are => apex, summit, top, crest, pinnacle, mountaintop, spire, heights, brow, crown, crest, peak, top, vertex, maximum, maximal, optimum, optimal, largest, greatest, tip, cap, vertex, zenith, high point, high spot, highlight, climax, culmination, consummation, epitome, ascendancy, crowning point, peak of perfection, best, near best, acme, apogee, prime, heyday, ne plus ultra, nonpareil, best part, perfection, top form, highest level, goes over the top, Plus similar listing for other languages! (A Glossary, is in preparation.)
NOTE1: The above list of ~44 Synonym Words, Is Another Way Of Telling Us That Humans Have Excellent Abilities, To Know Near Instantly, “What is ~Best”. This is because otherwise we would not so readily recognize and use these 44 synonym words.
… Of course, this is a natural consequence of our General Problem Solving Brain, as established by the Physics Theory of Professor Hopfield, as discussed many places This Document You Are Currently Reading.
NOTE2: Our Human Ability To Recognize, Synonym (And Analogy, Metaphor, Simile, Reminiscent, Metanony, Allegory, Allusion, Etc). Is Taken Up In This Webpage => On How Our Mind Achieves Perception, Pattern Recognition, Partial Fit Problem Solution, Where Even A Partial Fit Problem Solution, Can Be Highly Useful, AND How This In Turn Gives Us Synonym, Analogy, Metaphor, Similar, Similarity, Seems Like, Etc,.

Also See In This Document You Are Currently Reading, The Topics Of: => a) “Generate” b) “Construct”, c) “Create”, d) “Primary Consciousness”, as well as => e) “The ‘Seven (Plus/Minus Two) Solutions”’ f) In Consciousness” g) “Constructivism”, h) “Constructivist Epistemology”,….


Henry S Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation of How Our Mind Works” , Presented On The Page You Are Reading Right Now.

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
PROPOSITION 1): It Is Productive And Revealing To Consider That Everything Our Brain Does Is Holistic General Problem Solving =>
The Solutions Of Which Suddenly Mentally Arrive Into Our Conscious Mind, And Thereby Guide Our Actions, Both Physical Motions And Intellectual Accomplishments.

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
PROPOSITION 2a): To Be Clear: This Problem Solving Of PROPOSITION 1) Above, Is EVERYTHING Our Brain Does, In General, Using Our Entire Nervous System.
… Our Brain’s Problem Solution, upon achieving sufficient standards of Quality or Fitness, automatically presents to our Conscious Awareness, suddenly an integrated => One-At-A-Time, Unified, Whole & Complete, Coherent, No Parts Left Out, Holistic, All-At-Once Solution, apparently arising from and determined by our sensory inputs (9 senses). This is a single global, overall, Solution (Answer) or possibly Perception.
… In other words, we will say that these “Problem Solution(s) Suddenly Fully Formed, Mentally Arrive into our Conscious Mind.”
To Begin To See The Implications, Here Are A Few Elementary Examples. Of Course, The Range Of General Problems Solved Far Exceeds This Simplistic List.

a) Human Memory Ability (herein s/b called Remember): What is the name of the Capital of Iowa?
b) Perception: From the colored light patterns, whose face is that?
c) Thinking: How can I best get all these suitcases into my car?
d) Visualizing, Imagining => Which sunset scene was the most glorious.
e) Engineering Problem => The amount of manpower, materials, and time it takes to build a pyramid.
f) In Writing and composition, typing or hand-writing, and suddenly finding the correct word, to achieve a communicative purpose.
g) Moment By Moment => Operate the controls, clutch, gear shift, and steering wheel of a car, to follow a path on a map, through city streets to get to a new job.
h) Sudden Danger Recognition > Body Motion Evasive Action > Then Speaking Language > When a person suddenly realizes an imminent accident, they start avoidance action and simultaneously emit emotional warning words, or sometimes as expletive two words, which you can guess.
i) Even the Problem Solution that suddenly arrives “out of the blue”, resulting in the Flash Of Insight and other similar phenomena herein called Mental Arrivals, whether arrive suddenly, out of the blue or otherwise un-noticed.

In The Above, It Is Not Stated, But Nevertheless ALWAYS Implied That =>
Our Problem Solving Ability, Indeed All Or Our Mental / Brain Functioning At All Moments, Depends On => Our Brain’s Own Internal Massive Memory:
… (Hypothesis) When we perceive our surrounding world, our brain does a “Memory Partial Fit To Sensory Input,” as follows=> The sensory inputs from the surrounding world, are matched-up-against a massive lifetime of memories of previously recognized sensory input patterns (ie previous Problem Solutions), which have been previously saved into our massive associative memory bank, just on purpose, ready to be so used.
…(Hypothesis continued) The parts that have a rough “Partial Fit” Memory, start the Partial Fit Problem Solution, and from this, the “Solution” most likely gradually slides to Better And Better Partial Fits, When the solution is of sufficient Quality (Fitness), a Mental Model of “What Is Out There”. Mentally Arrives into Conscious Mind, which Is typically visual, and which we commonly call Consciousness. We all know that Consciousness is what we have when awake, and don’t have when asleep. This herein is called “Primary Consciousness” , a name chosen to make a clear distinction from other uses of the word Consciousness.
…In other words => During Perceiving of The External World => This resulting Partial Fit Problem Solution, is typically a Mental Model of “What Is Out There”, and in this case results in a Generated, Constructed, Created, “Primary Consciousness” .
…(Please also see Mental Model other places on This Document, and Wikipedia Blue Link next down.)
…In Summary => The Problem Solving “Brain’s Memory” of Past Success, is used for Future Action. Such as => i) Re-Call, Re-Member, Re-Construct, Re-Create … Generates, Constructs, Creates => Answers, Thoughts, Ideas, Conclusions, Intentions, Behavior, Etc, as => 1) Sudden Mental Arrivals, into our Conscious Mind., and/or 2) Available for our Other UN-Conscious Problem Solving Brain Processes.
… For Examples of How => “Our Brain’s Memory of Past Success, is used for Future Action” “ > Please > This Document > See the next 14 each > Top > Do > Edit > Find > … past ... .
In other words => PAST SUCCESS, Is Saved into Our Brain’s Memory, For The Very Purpose Of GUIDING FUTURE BEHAVIOUR,
This Is => Professor B. F, Skinner’s => “Selection By Consequences” . Discussed As Follows =>

This Entire Interlude Section, Is A Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.

A) FIRST PART Here Some Readers May Think =>
How can the brain make any plan for the future, which is unknowable? What criterion is used? What’s the base being assumed?

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
… Through the eons of Darwinian Evolution, it was found by direct (life & death), trial and error. that future actions and plans (for a problem coming at us in a given physical circumstance) can be successfully based on an average of past successful behavior, for a similar problem & physical circumstance. Hence the use of memory as stated above. In other words, by reusing past successful behavior, we and our Problem Solving Brain can predict good success in our future actions. This is sufficient to automatically set up our next series of body motions (and thoughts, conclusions, etc), and nearly always achieve success.
… Further support here => After this comes up please scroll down to => Eleanor Rosch's (1978, p. 28) criterion of the "maximum information with the least cognitive effort".

… The fact that a future plans are based on past successful behaviour, will also FORCE good logic and math completeness. This is because the solution (including future plans), was formed, in a large part, from previous innovative, Optimum (Best or Near Best), and long term successful actions as the result of some even earlier successful plan.
… And for these plans to have actually worked, indeed forces plans and physical completion of these plans, to be are coherent, unified, holistic, somewhat logical & mathematically complete and free of inconsistencies:
… All this, for the very reason that our surrounding world, is mathematically coherent that way! Thus, what is the best (or near best) behavior / action in a given situation can be based on what worked in the past, in that same or similar situation! This of course is exactly what always is accomplished, UN-Supervised & Automatically by the => “Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory.”

******** o0OOO0o ********

… In 1981 B. F. Skinner, gave an exceedingly important, career summary Science Magazine Article, Titled “Selection By Consequences” . (Thanks to Wikipedia, which shows Link To Whole Article.) Throughout his article he uses a form (style) of argumentation, as in this passage: => “People are said to store information about contingencies of [past] reinforcement and retrieve it for use on later occasions [future]. But they do not consult copies of earlier contingencies to discover how to behave; they behave in given ways because they have [unknowingly] been changed by those contingencies.”
In other words Prof Skinner everywhere uses a “selection by consequences” mode of explanation … AND In essence, he applies this same style of argument to “explain” all biology, from the very first living creatures, to actions of organisms, to individual humans, to societies of humans and culture. One size fits all!
Clearly Professor Skinner’s Science Mag Article major assertion => “Only past consequences figure in present moment’s selection of the animal’s behavior.” The whole article is composed of examples like this, and thus serve to illustrate Skinner’s mode of arguing: AND in this way he can "explain" ~all principles of evolution and current living creatures!
My sudden insight: > "Ok, this “selection by consequences” mode of explanation SHOULD be placed in parallel to other modes of explanation of various biological processes, even traditional causal ones, which Skinner derides!
Note well that Skinner does not ever mention brain “insides”, such as what we all call “memory” Here is a typical Skinner example statement=> ”Operant behavior [of an animal], is shaped and brought under the control of the environment without the intervention of a principle of mind.” You may see Professor Skinner’s entire article here => Prof Skinner’s Quite Excellent Discussion Of How An Organism Can Use Past Successful Experience, Saved Into Memory, To Guide Future Behavior. This article published in => Skinner, B. F (July 31, 1981). "Selection by Consequences" (PDF). Science. 213 (4507): 501–504.

Although Prof Skinner’s Article “Selection By Consequences “ May Seem Quaint & Too Simplistic, I Believe That =>
What Prof Skinner Says And Concludes, At Rock Bottom, Is All TRUE: AND WE MUST Keep His Viable Point Of View And His Useful Basic Theory On The Table, In Parallel With Whatever Else We May Conclude About Biology And Human Mind.
YES! Past success, saved into memory, controls future action! YES! Selection by Consequences: And from somewhere, stuck in my mind, is Skinner saying approximately “Behavior is the control of perception!”, and NOT the other way around! …
But Ultimately, Prof Skinner’s Work Is Not What We Should Want, Principally Because He Refuses (As Do Nearly All Behaviorists), To Even Whisper About What Is Inside Our Skull, Even To Use The Word Memory!
… Moreover, I (Henry Gurr), strongly believe we CAN successfully construct a satisfactory and useful, theoretical model (a Theoretical Model), for what must by inference, be inside us. I believe we can use available observations, clues, and data to appropriately infer the parts and pieces, wheels, gears, pulleys, of our Mind. …
Of Course We Must Recognize That Any Of Our Useful Theoretical Models (That We Can Logically Infer & Construct), Are Mostly In Our Imagination (Ie Imaginary), And Not Have A Factual Literal Independent Existence: But That Is Ok, So Long As =>

a) We find these Theoretical Models to be a useful, and productive, and helps us => Get- on-with our life, namely as a guide to how to best use our own mind / body! AND
b) We fully & always remember that we have adopted such Theoretical Model for this usefulness, and have provisionally set aside whether or not, certain of our Theoretical Models are literally factually true! AND

c) As we use such “Imaginary” Theoretical Models we will not worry too much because => Most (if not all), of what we know & believe are also of this “Imaginary” status! Eventually you may come to realize that this “Imaginary” status is ALSO true of major scientific ideas (really concepts), such as Chemical Bonds, The Biological Gene, The Force Of Gravity, The Particles As Waves In Quantum Mechanics, Elementary Particles In Physics even their Between Particle Forces, AND even our Own Money!! For All Of These And Many More => “Convenient Fiction” Is An Apt Term For Indicating Their Status in Our World Of Ideas & Concepts!

NOTE: Concerning The Above Mentioned “Theoretical Mental Models”: For Such Models, & Indeed, ANY Major Scientific Idea OR Major Theory => These “Models” Can Be VERY Useful BUT We Must NEVER Forget => These Are Created By Humans, & Thus Have Provisional Status! AND Are Not Any Final Truth. Click here, and AFTER the new page comes up scroll down to THIS => A NECESSARY SIDE NOTE & INTERLUDE: A GOOD THEORY IS MAGIC !!.
(On the above Blue Link => You may find a complete list of other > “Brain Owner’s User Manual.” > By > Do > Top > Edit > Find > …FOUR DIFFERENT )




******** o0OOO0o ********

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
PROPOSITION 3a): In General, For Each Of “Life's Oncoming Problems”, Our Brain Very Quickly, All At Once, Yields A Single, Optimum (Best or Near Best), Holistic, Over-All, Solution (Answer), That Then Suddenly, Automatically, Spontaneously, Mentally Appear In Conscious Mind
“PAST SUCCESSES, Are Saved into Our Brain’s Memory ” , =>
Good solutions (answers), quick reliable recognition of ”what is the problem situation” This is in agreement with U Cal Berkeley Philosopher Prof John R Searle’s Unified Field of Consciousness,
… These Solutions (Answers) Mentally Arrive into our Conscious Mind, with appropriate Emotions, Future Plans (Intentions), & followed by Solutions that guide optimum body motion responses, most of the time, be it =>

a) Physical => muscular actions like tool using, trail following, speaking or written communication, etc (Such as f) & h) above.)
b) Mental => memory, perception, thinking, ideas, etc. (Such as a) thru e) above.)

The Above PROPOSITION 3a): Statement MEANS =>
On A Time And Salience-Weighted Basis => Our Problem Solving Brain, Generates, Constructs, Creates =>
A General Problem Solution (Answer) For The Creative Optimal Joint Combined Synthesis of These =>

a) All the person’s current input from the 9 senses, responding to the real world.
b) Nearly all of a person’s past lifetime of experiences & thoughts retained in that person’s “Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory” << This may simply be called “Brain’s Memory” or “Memory”, in This Document you are currently reading:

CAUTION: This “Brain’s Memory” is NOT to be confused with “Personal Memories”, such as a Person Can Remember => Names, Numbers, Songs, Poems, Stories, Etc)

c) And although we have little knowledge how our Problem Solving Brain really operates (on the inside), we do have some very vital clues of just how it is possible, to create these Solutions (Answers). These clues may be best understood by studying => The Neuronal Motel of Princeton Physicist J J Hopfield. After this WebPage comes up, please scroll ~half way down to => A NETWORK OF NEURONS: A BRIEF INTRODUCTION.
d) Similar to c) above => We absolutely do not know just how nature has created within us the Mental Experiences that are presented into our Conscious Mind. This most especially includes =>

“Primary Consciousness” , An Automatically, Spontaneously, Generated (Constructed Created) As =>

i) A Mental Visual “Theater Stage”, A Mental Visual “Action Arena” or Platform Or “Performance Space”, INTO Which Can Then Appear =>
ii) The Other Herein Discussed Problem Solution Sudden Automatic Spontaneous, Mental Arrivals, That ADDITIONALLY Come Into Our Primary Consciousness Mind.
e) NOTE: During what we call Consciousness, we have such experiences as => Know, See, Be Aware Of, Think, Think About, Apprehend, Consider, Understand, Appreciate, Have Meaning, etc. And again, we absolutely do not know just how brain does this, or make us aware of other presentations into our Conscious Mind.

In The Above, Please Notice the Word “CREATIVE” => As Applied to => The Generation, Construction, Creation, of ANY Optimum Solution That Mentally Arrives Into Consciousness.
Our Brain’s Problem Solving With UN-Conscious Brain Processes, In Respond To Life’s Oncoming Problems, Automatically, Spontaneously, Generates, Constructs, Creates, Achieves => Solutions (Answers) Which Are Optimum, (Best Or Near Best, => Total Mental Solution Fitness). These Creative Solutions Are => De-Novo, Absolutely New, and Entering New Territory, For The Very First Time! Which Were Never Before Realized!

AND Just How Our Brain Does This, Requires A Good Understanding Of This Document You Are Currently Reading => Especially Following Discussion Which Includes Concepts Such As These =>

a) “Trial & Error”,
b) “To Fill In”,
c) “Slide to Better & Better”,
d) “Spontaneous Brain Slide”,
e) Quality Measure”,
f) “Degree of Partial Fit”
g) “Greatest Fitness”, and
h) “What Is Really Happening”.

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
It is my firm belief that => AS A GENERAL RULE => Each New Problem Solution Starts With => Memories Of PAST Optimal (Best or Near Best) & Successful Generated Constructed Created Problem Solutions.
… Although we mostly do not know what is happening inside of brains, we can speculate (educated guess) what is happening and state in human terms what these processes & mechanisms are.
… As is stated in the below PROPOSITION 5g) “We Must Learn To See! AND Successful “Seeing” Absolutely Depends On Prior Seeing Experiences & Memories Of Those Experiences. These Memories are necessary to Provide The “Basis” For Perception To Make Sense Of “What Is There”.
… Thus from the above => It is quite clear to me that (Hypothesis) => the process of perception using all 9 senses, require PREVIOUS successful perceptions, which have been stored in our brain’s massive associative memory, which have been previously saved into our brain’s memory, on purpose, ready to be so used.
… AND here I believe that => Not only are the PREVIOUS successful perceptions saved into brain’s memory, but ALSO saved to our grain’s memory are the equivalent of the signals from the 9 senses that lead to the formation of the successful PREVIOUS successful perceptions, that were saved to brain’s memory.
… (DATE-LINE May 14, 2023 by Henry Gurr: The previous sentence’s “idea” was a sudden, automatic, spontaneous, Mental Arrival last evening as I sat in the dark pondering how to more fully fille-in missing steps in my explanation the perception process, already on the WebPage you are currently reading. ) :
And Then, (Hypothesis) When faced with a life’s problem coming at us in a physical circumstance, our brain does a “Memory Partial Fit To Sensory Input,” as follows=> 1) The ongoing 9 senses inputs from the surrounding world, are matched-up-against a massive lifetime of memories of previously saved 9 senses inputs from the surrounding world. 2) Somehow, the part of the brain’s memories (of the previously saved 9 senses inputs) are accessed so that =>

i) The ACCESS to the various parts of the massive PREVIOUSLY saved memories of the 9 senses inputs from the surrounding world, are =>:
ii) Successively gradually “adjusted” for a slides to Better And Better Partial Fit to the existing present moments ongoing 9 senses inputs from the surrounding world.

… In other words => There is search in the brain’s memory for the previously saved 9 senses input patterns (ie previous Problem Solutions for a similar life’s problem coming at us in a similar physical circumstance), which have been previously saved into our massive associative memory bank, just on purpose, ready to be so used.
…(Hypothesis continued and stated in other words) The parts that have a rough “Partial Fit” Memory, start the Partial Fit Problem Solution, and from this, the “Solution” most likely gradually slides to Better And Better Partial Fits, When the solution is of sufficient Quality (Fitness), of “The Needed Solution”, It then Mentally Arrives into Conscious Mind.
… ] And Then, (Hypothesis) When there is a NEW successful perception, this is saved back into brain’s memory, as added content to the massive lifetime of memories of previously saved 9 senses inputs from and memories of, the surrounding world.
… ]This, of course, is what always happens whenever there has been a => Single (“only-one-at-a-time”), Optimum (Best or Near Best) Solution (Answer), that has been spontaneously & automatically generated, constructed, created, by Our Problem Solving Brain: And the Solution is of sufficient Quality ( Fitness ), for this Solution (Answer) to Mentally Arrives into Our Conscious Mind..

In Other Words => There Is A Slide To A Better And Better Solution (Partial) Fit, Better Than Any Previous Optimum (Best or Near Best) Solution)
We Can Suppose That => NEW Combinations Of Memories, Are Selectively Added, Based On Their Quality Of Partial Fit, Which Is On Their Ability To Make A Slide To Better & Better Partial Fit Problem Solution!
… As a consequence, Our Brain Will Spontaneously Brain Slide to ~Greatest Total Mental Solution Fitness: AND because the NEW Optimized (Solutions, can creatively build upon and extend the average of previous Best or Near Best Solutions: In doing this we can suppose that NEW Problem solution Combinations are brought in, leading to => Novel, Innovative, Indeed Creative Solutions, so as to achieve NEW Insights, and NEW Actions Leading To NEW Experiences, that Are Automatically, Combined Into The NEW Emerging Solution.
… In this way => Our Brain’s Memories continue to be creatively & innovatively improved, with each memory re-visit, (retrieval re-activation cycle, which are necessary for the New Mental Arrival Solution, to be automatically stored back into same locations of our Brain’s Memory, as Further Refurbished Memories.
TO REPEAT: As You Have Seen Above And Will Learn More Below => Be Sure to Note Well =>This Is An Optimizing Creative Memory Cycle =>, Which Achieves New Learning, Refinement Of Skills, Better Habits, Improved, Solidified, Updated Knowledge, And Many More Examples.
This is A Cycle Of Regenerative Upward Spiral Of Compounded, Creative, Building-On-(And Beyond)-The-Previous, Ever Improved Problem Solutions, Then Stored In Memory.

a) The Cycle Steps Are => Original Memory > Memory ReAccesed > Provides Memory Base For Perception & Other What Do Next > Problem Solving Brain Mental Arrival to Consciousness With Future-Plans, Emotions & Feelings, Etc > Action > Success > Refine & Improve Solution Back Into Memory > Enhance & ReFurbish Memory. =>
b) Above Shortened To => A Regenerative Memory Cycle Of ReAccess & ReFurbish =>
c) Above Abbreviates To => ReAccess & ReFurbish Cycle.
d) Above Abbreviates To => Useful Acronym => RRC << For more related Discussion & Problem Solving Brain usages > See 18 Each > Edit > Find > …RRC …

These Creatively Improved Memories In People, Lead To Learning, Training, Skills, Insight, Formation Of Better Habits, And Thus Expert Performance. These Genuine Creative Solutions, On Purpose, Keep On Building Up In Our Brain’s Memory, Our Whole Life!
… Please Note Well: As a General Rule => The net result of this Creative Brain Action To Generate, Construct, Create, (Even De-Novo Creative), Absolutely New Solutions (Answers), the value of which are seen in the areas of Invention, Discovery, and Other Creative Art Endeavors, where (often in a sudden, automatic, spontaneous, Mental Arrival, such as a Flash of Insight), emerge absolutely new, novel, innovative, indeed creative, ideas, processes, and scientific knowledge! These suddenly appear into this world, where no hint of these existed previously!
… And knowledge of how to promote “Invention, Discovery, and Other Creative Art Endeavors” => Is A Practical Real-World Application of this => “Theory Explanation of How Our Mind Works” , AND has Conclusions That Nicely Support => Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation of How Our Mind Works”, presented on this page you are reading right now.
… These creatively improved memories, saved into persons brains, distributed throughout a population over the generations, leads to cultural advances, ever escalating creation of new concepts & abstractions, leading to ever-changing language, and ultimately to Owen Barfield’s Evolution of Consciousness!: (For 15 more on this > Do > Edit > Find > … Evolution of Consciousness … .)

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
But This Raises A Number of Fundamental Questions:

A) How does our mind set the criterion, to even start the process of making a solution?
B) Or even set the threshold quality fitness criterion for the single solution to appear in Consciousness?
C) How do we understand the very important circumstance of “Partial Fit”, where the Problem Solving Brain, goes only “part way” finding a solution that would fully “fits” “Life’s Problems Coming At Us”. #SlideToB&B

PROPOSITION 3c): To Answer These Fundamental Questions => Below Is My Rather Long Hypothesis, For Brain Solution Mental Arrivals Of =>
… Any Nascent Mental Arrival likely starts quite small, and perhaps is one of several (or even many), local coherence concentrations that have the ability to grow, by some form of spreading activation (each of these to a better partial fit)., not unlike spreading growing roots of a plant.
… For example, a newly generated Nascent Mental Arrival might be precipitated into action by some small/large/sudden changes in 9 senses input, the meaning of which is decoded (solution), using positive coherences in memory.
… Some authors call this resonance. … USCA Psychologist William (Bill) House, says the “Slide To Better & Better”, is analogous to “Water sliding down a series of gullies”, similar to water flowing down a steep mountain stream. So “All Is Slide To Better & Better Partial Fit Problem Solution!”, is analogous to a liquid going downhill, following & guided by valleys, to lowest energy level.

1) If such a small (Nascent Mental Arrival) start is allowed to survive, the newly formed activation may spread by finding increased coherence in other memories (better partial fit), and/or be amplified by its own positive feedback regeneration.
2) In continued spreading and building, there might be mergers with other mutual-coherence-supporting activations (better partial fit). (In This Document you are currently reading, see also a related discussion expressed in terms of “Fitness” defined herein as => Quality Measure of Fitness.)
3) In other words, the nascent Mental Arrival responds to its own positive feedback regeneration AND ability to spread AND become stronger (better partial fit), likely all the while supplying ever growing suppression, to the other less-coherence-supporting nascent Mental Arrival Solutions.
4) We can suppose eventually there is a Winner-Take-All, because the stronger coherences, positive feedback, grow at the now diminishing expense of the other weaker ones.
5) It is likely that the above, are responses of positive feedback regeneration: This could have consequences such as =>
a) Once started, it guarantees a growing (ever winning, better & better partial fit ) Single Solution.
b) And starting from nascent, the developing Mental Arrival, will grow to saturation and thus can’t self-grow any more. In other words: The Positive Feedback Growth is Self-Limiting.
c) This provides an answer, to how endless, UN-stable positive feedback, will not lead to disaster:
d) And in which case (hypothesis), rather than disaster, the saturation is big enough to actually break thru into a full Mental Arrival into Consciousness!
e) This solves the problem of “How does our brain set the ~Threshold for a Solution To Appear Into Consciousness!
f) This also provides an answer to how, for example, our brain can respond so rapidly (~0.2 seconds) to sudden danger. And even how the Solution mental Arrival can Flash, Whole Complete, In An Instant, Into Our Awareness!
g) Once the Mental Arrival has thus reached the conscious level, this same positive feedback regeneration (along with continuous support from the senses and other solution coherences), will support this continuing Consciousness, until weakened by various means. =>
h) One such means, is called Neuron Synaptic Fatigue, or Short-Term Synaptic Depression. This gradually weakens the strength of any synapse connection. Upon sufficient overall weakening of the coherences mentioned above, this self-same positive feedback that once guaranteed growth (to saturation), will do the reverse. Once the weakening is started, the positive feedback will act to guarantee a continued weakening, until extinction.
i) Such extinction will happen, unless some other factors serve to keep the Mental Arrival present in Consciousness. These factors might be, changes in sensory input (motions in the visual field, or changes in person’s body posture), or maintenance if intrinsic interest by continues conscious active thinking or active imagination, even daydreaming: See list under Edit > Find > … Never Stays There …. This topic needs further study.

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
NOTE1: Concerning Above Mentioned Suppression => Suppression (Or Enhancement), In Human Visual Perception, Is Easy To Demonstrate. FIRST click here to RE-READ my brief introduction, and be SURE you UNDERSTAND why Flash of Insight (and other sudden, automatic, spontaneous, Mental Arrivals), are SO IMPORTANT!! THEN SECOND, click on it’s bottom link, to read my MPPS Article, “Memory Perception Insight And Problem Solving. AHA!”: After This Document comes up scroll down to read about Insight Problem Solving in Jokes, AND THERE THIRD SEE => Several demonstrations of VISUAL BLOCKAGES.
NOTE2: The Same (As In NOTE1), Can Be Said For Synaptic Fatigue, Or Short-Term Synaptic Depression, Or Other Forms Of Neuron Synapse Habituation. It is a fact that our human vision, will completely fade to nothing in ~0.5 seconds, were it not for our eyes continuing, involuntary, small step-motions called “saccades”: This Is Excellently Explained By Tom Cornsweet, In His Very Perceptive, All Time Classic Book “Visual Perception”.
… And as is done by experienced bird watchers or hunters => You can somewhat demonstrate visual fade, by fixating your gaze for 10 20 sec, into some trees. It will feel funny, put keep watching => The general non-moving scenery will somewhat fade, but anything moving will tend to stand out. For some animals (deer, frogs, etc), the fade (except for moving objects), is rather complete. In humans the, normal eye saccades prevent the full fade.
… And from this, we may conjecture that our brain has its own ways to work with (or prevent) synaptic fatigue, from un-wanted fading any one Mental Arrival. And similar for animals.
… There could be lots of other such ways, of which we have no knowledge of, but perhaps the “factors” mentioned above, are the most obvious & common.
NOTE3: The Two NOTES Above, Discussed A) Visual Blockage & B) A Similar Process Called Visual Fading.
… And from this, perhaps, you will not be surprised that (beyond those “Perceptual Blindness’s Mentioned In My MPPS Article. Click Here), that there are other forms of “blockage” or “failure to see or hear”, or “failure to perceive”.
And This “Perceptual Blindness”, Is An Important & Huge Topic that cannot be taken up here. But several more examples are below: Please notice that a good bit of the ‘failure to see”, is a result of “Only-One-At-A-Time” Brain Solutions, where THE SOLUTION CURRENTLY BEING SEEN, SHUTS OUT ANY OTHERS!

A) You are actively watching one set of actions, this shuts out seeing any other action(s), and you entirely fail to see other concurrent very obvious actions.
B) Your mind has been recently primed to see certain things, and in finding these, are thus diverted and blocked from seeing others. Example: You were told to look for one item, and thus fail to see others. Only later you see the other thing, and only then realize what has happened.
C) This B) is “visual priming”: Similar can happen when you see the familiar, and overlook the unfamiliar.
D) Mental Blockage happens when dealing with Difficult Intellectual Territory => Students or researchers, when trying to understand a complex book or research topic), may be stalled. And then, finally break-thru’s, Mental Arrival Solutions, might suddenly automatically spontaneously, start to happen! But only after a long struggle, and possibly giving up temporarily.
E) Similar to C) happens to Professional Scientists. As mentioned above => Read Thomas Kuhn’s “Structure of Scientific Revolutions”.
F) ''' The Whole Topic Procrastination, Is Also Where Mental Blockages also happens =>: This boils down to a person’s brain steering them away from starting a big job, that their brain “knows” will be a painful project, despite the project’s ultimate importance!

Right Click and Open New Tab, For My New WebPage => Procrastination AND How To Get Around Its Debilitating Grips,
…Alternatively => on Menu At Left, please Right ClickOn => The FIFTH Blue Link Down and open in a New Tab. For => “Henry Gurr’s Theory of Procrastination”

G) In general you should be watching for any of your Sudden Mental Arrival Type Of New Discoveries, whether => New ideas, new thinking, new methods, new tools, etc, and be keeping a written diary of these…AND as you do this => Give special attention, when & how, the discovery changes & makes better what you been doing for a long time. You will realize the “Better Way”, has been there all along, but since the “Previous Way” was a habit, you were channeled, and this determined what you actually did! This diverted your attention & Future Plans, AWAY from any “Better Way”. In other words => Your old habits and ways, effectively Blocked, anything new or better. This is a blockage similar to A) & B) above.

Hence The Following Rule => Adequate Is The Enemy Of Better! And You Will See This, If You Start Watching For It!
I … In the above examples, of course, the user’s brain’s solution was not necessarily what the user wanted, and thus might be considered a solution failure. However, the solution might alternately be seen as the best available, given the immediate situation & context, especially when the brain is dealing with contradictory information input, from the senses and/or intellectual material. After all when the brain must select, “Only-One-At-A-Time” Brain Solutions, in circumstances with multiple, or conflicting information, something has to be left out or omitted.
… Thus in these examples of “what the brain actually does” (or prevents), we must study and remember what happened. Then write out paper notes of what happened. This will help you to remember, and know, what to expect similar diversions might happen in the future.

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
PROPOSITION 3d): Concerning Our Problem Solving Brain’s Suddenly Automatically Spontaneously, Generates, Constructs, Creates =>
A “Single Optimal (Best Or Near Best) Solution” => HERE BE SURE TO CAREFULLY NOTE THESE PROPERTIES =>

a) ONLY ONE is a necessary mathematical correlate of a Mathematical MAXIMUM, either Local or Absolute. AND
b) This is very much what is observed => Our brain’s general problem solving solutions, which Mentally Arrives Into Our Conscious Mind, are BOTH => Single AND Near Optimum (Best or Near Best.).
c) The a) & b) above are well established by common observation and careful scientific studies, such as Gestalt Psychology, which extensively studied Conscious Perception and Flash of Insight Problem Solving. They got it right!

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
PROPOSITION 3e): All This (From PROPOSITION 3a): Down To Here On This Document) =>
Provides Very Strong Additional Support For The Idea That Biological Brains Indeed, As Directly Observed =>

A) Do In Fact Seek Best Or Near Best Solution To The Problem At Hand.
B) Moreover This Fits Logical & Real World Conditions =>
a) Where this Brain’s Single Solution, is a direct inescapable corollary to a condition a Mathematical Maximum => There can be ~”only-one-at-a-time”.
b) And we clearly see in this case => Best (Near Best, Optimum) Solution, must be taken as The Fundamental Criterion For Brain Operation. AND
c) As stated above => The fact that this is exactly what observed, most of the time gives very strong support for the veracity of Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” .
d) And this in turn points to the general applicability of the Hopfield Model}, as the basis for a Theory of How Our Mind Works.
e) And if the Hopfield Model is found lacking, then some other similar theory should be sought, perhaps some similar form of, Optimizing Biological Brain Neural Network, on this WebPage called => “'Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory.”

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
PROPOSITION 3f): A SUMMARY OF THE NECESSARY CONDITIONS FOR => The General Problem Solving Brain’s Solutions, That Suddenly Automatically Spontaneously Appear As Mental Arrivals Into Our Conscious Mind, Are As Follows =>:

a) These Solutions (Answers) Are Single One-At-A-Time AND Best Or Near Best, Having Near Optimal Mental Coherence.
b) Seeking the Best or Near Best Solution to the problem at hand, is practically (and theoretically), the ONLY way to define and achieve any practical real-world solution.
c) Both a) & b) are solidly supported by what we actually observe, namely. => Automatic, Spontaneous, Mental Arrivals are (pretty much) all at once, single, optimal (maximum or near maximum) solutions to the problem at hand. And are coherent, holistic, unified, logical, mathematically complete, no inconsistencies, and similar ways of saying it.
d) ATTENTION: The observed characteristic listed in a) & b), are necessary, in order for us to be effective in our own real-world, which is logically & mathematically itself, this way!! Please see additional discussion at Top > Edit > Find quick "single minded" .
e) HOWEVER, THIS RAISES THE QUESTION => What is it that, can guide (or cause), the unstructured mass called our brain, to be shaped & constrained to be this => logical mathematical way!!!
f) ANSWERE => As already implied => The “shaping & constraint” is provided by our having to successfully complete plans and actions in a world that is itself logical & mathematical! AND these conditions are thus subsequently stored in memory, where upon future solutions must of necessity meet the same conditions to become a solution.
g) Thus, as mentioned previously, any solution must include, logical and mathematical validity. AND as said previously “Only when a single solution has sufficient quality or overall coherence, will it appear in Consciousness, concurrent with a plan for future action (intentions), appropriate to the situation.” These conditions are thus constrained into any solution, by dynamic interaction with the physical world, which itself is that way!
h) IN SUMMARY;=> The Optimal (Best or Near Best) Problem Solutions (and concomitant Plans + Emotions), in response to Logical & Mathematically based sensory input, having accessed (and utilized) all relevant memories, which then are subsequently updated, thus are improved and solidified:
i) Thus the brain basis for all learning and formation of ever more functional habits, or ever improvement of skilled human performances, will come out to be Logically and Mathematically Consistent!! In other words we are trained to be able to “see” and “comprehend” a world that makes sense!

… Again this comes from => An Optimizing Creative Memory Cycle =>, Which Creatively Achieves => New Learning, Refinement Of Skills, Better Habits, Improved, Solidified, Updated Knowledge, For more related Discussion & Problem Solving Brain usages > See 18 Each > Edit > Find > …RRC …

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib. except possibly A) B) F) & G).
PROPOSITION 3g): It Is Productive and Revealing To Consider Our Brain As A =>
‘‘ “Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory, ” '' Which In Turn Is A VERY Important 11 Word Name & Idea! Which You Should Memorize!! .
An important characteristic of a Biological Problem Solving Brain, comes from the ability of its Biological Neural Network, to use “Memory” Contents, to =>

C) Please Note Well => Such Brain Actions, Function Automatically (when Finding Optimal (Best or Near Best) Solutions), and do so with NO external control NOR any supervision / guidance. This is the reason, in This Document you are currently reading, it says “Spontaneous & Automatic” so often! … Thus the results of this type of Memory, are Creative, Innovative, and Autonomous, in every sense of these words. (Please study these words in a dictionary, and remember!)

… Thus whenever you herein see either Spontaneous or Automatic, you may more properly (& best), think the word => Autonomous!

D) Notice in B), the assertion that all Problem Solutions, that Mentally Arrive into our Conscious Mind, Are Memory Retrievals, despite the fact that we don’t ordinarily think of them as such.
E) Just how Biological Problem Solving Brain actually funcrions, may be best understood by studying the Neural Model of Princeton Physicist J J Hopfield. After this WebPage comes up, please scroll ~half way down to => A NETWORK OF NEURONS: A BRIEF INTRODUCTION
E) The Above, A) & B) Are VERY Important Ideas: Please Remember These Characteristic Of What We Can Now Name => The ‘‘ “Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory”. ''
F) Other experts call this “Associative Computation”, OR ‘Auto-Associative Memory” OR Optimizing Problem Solving Accessed, Content Addressable, Associative Memory (That Can Self-Up-Date Memory Contents In Response To Experience & Learning), OR Hopfield Model of Neural Network.
G) In This Document you are currently reading, the special use of the term =. “Associative Memory” , is an extension of what Wikipedia says => “Associative Memory (psychology), is the ability to learn and remember the relationship between UN-related items. [In Computers, this may be called “Associative Storage”, or “Content-Addressable Memory”:
H) Our Brain’s “Memory” is used to hold facts, ideas, knowledge, instructions, images, etc for later use. This, in function, is similar to => TWO types of computer hardware “memory” that used in our typical digital computer => .
1) The computer’s Hard Drive (or Solid State Drive) with typically 500 to 2000 GB capacity.
2) The computer’s form of “memory” often called “Random Access Memory’ (RAM) with typically 1 to 8 GB capacity. RAM memory is similar in turn to the “Memory Chips” you likely use daily => a) “Secure Digital” (SD), and b) “USB memory sticks”. ]
H) Because our Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory”. '' can learn relationship between UN-Related items”, “ANYTHING, CAN MEAN ANYTHING!!” It’s totally arbitrary! Here are some examples =>
1) This scrap of paper I have just placed on my driveway, means I must be sure to close car trunk prior to rain.
2) This pile of salvaged lumber, means, watch out for rusty nails sticking up.
3) The color of blood means it has iron in it’s hemoglobin.
4) The color of Mars, means it has iron-rich dust, AND is the color of blood made by Mars, the God Of War. .
5) Because of its -red color in the night sky, associated with blood by the Ancient Romans, thus they named the planet Mars, for The God of War & Bloodshed. For further reading: After this WebPage comes up, please scroll down to | With Our Human Sign System :

Bottom Line: It Is Important To Remember The Properties Of The “Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory.”

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib. & Emphasis.
PROPOSITION 3h): In A Biological Brain Massive Amount of Brain’s Memory Is Key To How Brain Find Optimal (Best or Near Best) Real World Solutions, To Life’s Oncoming Problems!
… By practical necessity ALL our brain’s memory must be used, in order to determine the meaning of ongoing sensory inputs, what parts are most salient. This means nothing can be left out, when accessing memory. And if we pay attention, we see this is pretty much what happens, when our Problem Solving Brain, creates Best Or Near Best Solutions (Answers), to The Oncoming Problems of Life!
… IMORTANT => To see just how Memory is ACTUALLY “USED”, please review the above => PROPOSITION 3b) & 3c): Which Discusses => “My Rather Long Hypothesis, For Brain Solution Mental Arrivals Of => “All Is Slide To Better & Better Partial Fit Problem Solution!”

The Problem Solving Brain Can Generate, Construct, Create, A Mental Arrival Solution => Which Is A Slide To Better & Better Partial Fit.
This Leads To The MAJOR Conclusion For Mental Arrivals That => “ALL Brain Solutions Are Slide To Better & Better Partial Fit !
These Conclusions & Concepts & Language, Will Be Written Into The Following Discussions, As Perhaps I Henry Gurr, Should Have Already Been Doing All Along, As You Now See In => PROPOSITION 4a): FOR THE SPECIAL CASE OF =>

9 Senses Input To Our Problem Solving Brain => Resulting In Automatic Spontaneous Perception Of The EXTERNAL World =>
Which Will Generate, Construct, Create => A Partial Fit Problem Solution, Which In Turn Is Typically A Mental Model Of “What Is Out There”, And In This Case Results In A Generated, Constructed, Created, “Mental Theater Stage’ (Herein Called) “Primary Consciousness” .

Concerning The Formation Or, And What Mentally Appears In PRIMARY CONSCIOUSNESS => We Can Say The Following Equivalent, As Expressed In Human Understandable Words =>
NOTE: The Below Is An Abbreviated Version The Above Mentioned DATE-LINE May 14, 2023.
… (Hypothesis) When we perceive our surrounding world, our brain does a “Memory Partial Fit To Sensory Input,” as follows=> The 9 senses inputs from the surrounding world, are matched-up-against 9 senses inputs that were saved simultaneously along with our brain’s memory of a massive lifetime of memories of previously recognized sensory input patterns (ie previous Problem Solutions), which have been previously saved into our massive associative memory bank, just on purpose, ready to be so used.
…(Hypothesis continued) The parts that have a rough “Partial Fit” Memory, start the Partial Fit Problem Solution, and from this, the “Solution” most likely gradually slides to Better And Better Partial Fits, When the solution is of sufficient Quality (Fitness), a Mental Model of “What Is Out There”. Mentally Arrives into Conscious Mind, which Is typically visual, and which we commonly call Consciousness. We all know that Consciousness is what we have when awake, and don’t have when asleep. This herein is called “Primary Consciousness” , a name chosen to make a clear distinction from other uses of the word Consciousness.
…In other words => During Perceiving of The External World => This resulting Partial Fit Problem Solution, is typically a Mental Model of “What Is Out There”, and in this case results in a Generated, Constructed, Created, “Primary Consciousness” .
…Please see below, Chart Which Compares Various Authors Own Discussed Types of Consciousness.
… (Please also see Mental Model other places on This Document, and Wikipedia Blue Link next down.)
(Hypotheses) In Human Understandable Words, We Can Say, => During all times, there is a Slide to Better & Better Partial Fit Problem Solutions, based on A General Problem Solving Brain’s “Quality Measure of “the Degree of Partial Fit”, which we herein will call “ Fitness ”: This is “The Quality of Fit” of the incoming the sensory input, to the developing Mental Model: And if of sufficient Quality (i.e. sufficient Fitness), The Problem Solving Brain’s Response To Sensory Input From Our External Environment, will give us (as Mental Arrival) typically a Mental Model of “What Is Out There”, and in this case results in a Generated, Constructed, Created, Mental Arrival Of Primary Consciousness.
…We can suppose that the Total Quality of Fit is raised by, spreading activation to include other parts of memory that DO FIT: And (hypothesis), thus assemble an ever Better & Better Partial Fit, which increases to an Optimal (Best or Near Best) Partial Fit Problem Solution, of the composite memory parts, leading to a Solution having a High Total Quality Measure, and if of sufficient Quality (i.e. sufficient Fitness), arrive into Consciousness.
…Of course the parts that “DON’T FIT”, reduce the “Quality Measure of Fit”, i.e. reduce the Total Mental Solution Fitness, and may result in NO Mental Arrival, of “What Is Out There”. This “reduce”, in most cases, should not be considered as ”Perceptual Blindness”, which is a total failure to see “What Is There”!..
In Human Terms, This “Reduce”, May Be (Alternately) Viewed As A Sort Of ~ Trial And Error, To Step By Step, Fill In, And Slide To Better And Better Partial Fit, To The Final Mental Arrival, Of The Final Mental Model Of What’s There. Wherein, the parts that “don’t fit (hypothesis) are replaced by those that do.

SUMMARY: For The problem Solving Brain => A Partial Fit Problem Solution, Is Used To Start A Process, That By Spreading Activation, Builds To A Better & Better Partial Fit Problem Solutions: Of Course => ALL The While This Still Is A Partial Fit Problem Solution, Just Better And Better. Examples Of This Are Discussed And Demonstrated With Camouflage Photos, Click Here & AFTER This WebPage Comes Up, Scroll Down To => TAKING UP THE TOPIC OF => ANIMAL CAMOUFLAGE

Concerning Our Perceiving Of The EXTERNAL World => When Any On-Coming Partial Fit Problem Solution, Is Of Sufficient Quality, It Mentally Arrives Into Our Conscious Mind (Called herein Primary Consciousness), And Subsequently We Perceive A Glorious 3D World In Full Color Around Us!
… We not only see trees, we see branches, bark, leaves, and all waving in the wind! We see not only books, we see chapters, paragraphs, sentences, words, letters, numbers, and the flipping of pages!
This Is How, By Our Awake Conscious Mind, We Are Kept Grounded, By “Good O’l Reality'', And Not Go Off Into Dreaming Or Other Hallucinations!

AND: Once We Fully Understand The Above Creative “Partial Fit Problem Solution + Pattern Match + Partial Fit + Trial Fill In” Process, And Its Continued Optimizing, With Additional, “Trial And Error Fill-In”, We Can Advance To => PROPOSITION 4b): =>

PROPOSITION 4b): From The Above => AND Consistent With What Is Observed => NOW We Can GENERALIZE =>
Not Just Sensory Input Solution (Perception) Leading to “Primary Consciousness” , But EVERY Problem Solution That Suddenly Automatically Spontaneously Mentally Arrives Into This “Primary Consciousness” ,, Was Created As Stated In The Above, SUMMARY.
(Educated Guess =>) These in-turn are to adjust a composite of various parts by trial and error, to Partial Fit Fill In to an Optimum (Best or Near Best) Solution (Answer), to achieve a Final Mental Arrival: Of Course, the most important are Creating Optimal (Best or Near Best) Solutions To The Problems Of Oncoming Life.

Wikipedia, Contributes To These Ideas With Added Information Concerning Mental Models, That Are Mental Arrival Into Our Conscious Mind =>
… A) “A mental model, is a kind of internal symbol or representation of external reality, hypothesized to play a major role in cognition, reasoning and decision-making. Kenneth Craik suggested in 1943 that the mind constructs "small-scale models" of reality that it uses to anticipate events.” <=This Wikipedia statement agrees well with what I’m saying in PROPOSITIONS 5) & 6).

Ditto For Most Of The Remainder Of This Wikipedia Page, Saying For Examples =>
… B) “1983. In the same year, Dedre Gentner and Albert Stevens edited a collection of chapters in a book also titled Mental Models. The first line of their book explains the idea further: "One function of this chapter is to belabor the obvious; people's views of the world, of themselves, of their own capabilities, and of the tasks that they are asked to perform, or topics they are asked to learn, depend heavily on the conceptualizations that they bring [from their memory] to the task." (More about this is in their book Mental Models.” …( Click Blue Link Above, To See Remainder of Wikipedia Article.)..
… C) “One view of human reasoning is that it depends on mental models. In this view, mental models can be constructed from perception, imagination, or the comprehension of discourse (Johnson-Laird, 1983).”
END Wikipedia on Mental Model.

NOTE1: Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” , Discussed On This Document You Are Currently Reading, Is Related To Other Fields Of Inquiry, Such As =>
… ‘‘Decision Theory’‘, ‘‘Detection Theory’‘, ‘‘Signal Detection Theory’, “Brain Science”, “Dual Process Theory, “Brain Theory”, “Brain Physiology”, “Neural Networks”, “Cognitive Science”, “Cognitive Neuroscience”, “Neuroscience”, “Chaos”, “Dynamical Systems Analysis”. “Complex Systems”, “Complexity Science”. “Attractors”, “Strange Attractors”, Fractal:, “Hologram”, “Emergent Properties”, And Many More, Etc. For Example, Click Here To Learn Considerably More About These Topics > AFTER this Supplementary Information Page comes up > Please Read Surrounding Sentences Found By > Do > Top > Edit > Find > … signal … OR REPEAT SAME STEPS, for other words from above list, ,such as ... processattractor:…. Etc

NOTE2: This Document You Are Currently Reading, Discusses Sudden, Automatic, Spontaneous, Mental Arrivals Into Our Conscious Mind Of =>
The “Problem’s” Single Overall “Solution” Which => Is Equivalent To => What Is Loosely Called Either “Brain State” Or “Mind State” Or “State of Mind”:
… By comparison, the reader should especially note several (somewhat peculiar, and not effective), uses of word “symbol“, as way to “give-a” this idea of a ”Mind State” (State of Mind), or ~=”Brain State”. This specific use of “Symbol” occurs in a Wikipedia Pages, as appears in the discussions in =>

1) The sentence ~9 inches /\ABOVE/\ that has in it name Kenneth Craik . And
2) The 60 inches\/BELOW\/ At Section saying => PROPOSITION 7a .

PROPOSITION 4c): Consequences Of Further GENERALIZE =>
Once We Understand (As Discussed This Document), The “Problem Solution + Pattern Match + Partial Fit + Trial Fill In“ Process,
And Its Continued Improvements (Better & Better), By Means Of Additional =>“Trial And Error Fill-In”, AND Consistent With What Is Observed => We Can GENERALIZE AGAIN =>
… (Educated Guess =>)
For our EVERY physical location in the External 3D world, During Perceiving of This External World, Resulting In “Primary Consciousness” ,=> The brain is ALSO applying this same Partial Fit Process “at the OUTER EDGES of Current Perception”, but of course with less precision & resolution.
… (This process starts in the eye, which has a central area of very high resolution, with less and less resolution, further out, for a ~half-sphere periphery.)
… All this, of course is necessary for survival => In this “Partial Fit Process “at the OUTER EDGES of Current Perception”, we are thus ready, with premade expectations of what is there at the edges of => a) Both central vision & half-sphere peripheral vision, and b) Farther distance away from our current physical location, and c) in ANY 3D direction! All this in preparation for our imminent move in any direction, toward any one of these distant locations, all around us.
… We can further hypothesize, that this has been a major action & ability, since very early in the evolutionary origins of our animal ancestors’ => Their Problem Solving Brains, must have utilized the fact that, as an animal moves, distant scenery comes closer, and visual perception of it, gets mapped more accurately, until the best mapping is the current best solution to the animal’s “right before it’s very eyes’!
This means, of course, if the animal turns eyes, to a different direction, the edge mapping is steadily gets filled-in, with better and better vision, partial fit, to better & better resolution & detail. This is, of course, a fill-in of vision gaze, as the “eyes turn” and moves Its gaze, gradually “filling-in” what is essentially the beginnings of a new entire sphere of vision. =>
SIDE NOTE => … This “entire sphere of vision” is similar to what is accomplished by the 360 degree Photo Sphere Camera, which is what you see in Google Street Views (GSV). These GSV Photo Sphere Images are generally available by ClickDrag The Orange “PegMan” to a place of interest when you are using Google Maps:
AFTER This Google Street View (GSV) Comes Up, You Can Experience The “GSV Photo Sphere Image” By =>
Mouse on image =>

FIRST by ClickDrag way-way-up to essentially straight overhead. then
SECOND by ClickDrag way-way-up to essentially straight down.
THIRD by ClickDrag way-way-to-the-right (or left), and continue to 360 degree full circle.
FOURTH you can ClickOn the LowerRight (Plus Or Minus) Icons to Zoom In or Zoom Out.

At any time you may ClickOn the road ahead, to move the GSV Camera Location to approximately that road location. Repeated “ClickOn the road ahead”, will gradually move the GSV more and more ahead. This Henry Gurr calls “GSV Drive” on down the road.
AFTER This Google Street View (GSV) Comes Up => You Can Read about => “A SIDE NOTE, IN CASE YOU NEED IT LATER: … What To Do, When Using Google Street View (GSV) … And You Have a FAILURE-TO NORMALLY-RESPOND, WITH NO ERROR MSG.

NOTE: The Discussion ABOVE => The Problem Solving Brain’s => “Continued Improvements (Better & Better)” => Might Be Titled => “Dynamic Quality” = “The Leading Edge Of Perception!” , Which Robert Pirsig Calls “The Cutting Edge Of Reality” !
Which In Turn, Are Insights From Robert Pirsig’s Book “Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance.” =>

PROPOSITION 4d): AND Consistent With What Is Observed => We Can Further Hypothesize, In Human Understandable Terms That =>
Each Human Eye-Fixation, Results In The Next Version of “Primary Consciousness ” .
Each Fixation Produces An Automatic, Spontaneous, Mental Arrival, Showing A Spatial World (In Primary Consciousness), As A Problem Solution, Which Then Contributes A Respective Contribution Saved To Memory =>
… ](Educated Guesses =>) Our any one glance at our surrounding 3D Scenery, is like a photograph. And as we move around our native territory, many such glances could build up, in Brains Memory, sort of a Photo Album, of Many Photos.
… It is however, very UN-likely, that these images are separately stored in our brain this way. Far more likely, there is (starting likely at birth), the construction of a Mental Model of our surroundings, and every visual glance is (memory wise) contributing to this ever building & refining Mental Model Of The Surrounding Physical World. Each glance, each visual “scene”, is integrated into this ever growing, ever better, filling-in Mental Model, of what is all around us. We can suppose that the “fill-in’s”, are situated at the 3D Mental Model PLACE, where it best partially fits! (In fact study of vision, shows our eyes are programed to fixate on the places of greatest interest, OR those places that vision-wise need “filling in”.)
… Thus the 3D Mental Model, is gradually built up, one glance at a time, accumulated into an integrated over all 3D Mental Model of our native surroundings. This built up 3D Mental Model would (for example contain in brain memory), the equivalent of an Architects Model, of a Proposed Future City Environment.
…In particular, notice that an observer situating his eyes at any place in the City Model, can see 360 degrees, all around. Similarly, our brain’s 3D Mental Model, has this same ability, when we are situated at ANY point in our native environment! Of course our Mental 3D Model, will be quite accurate, hi resolution, some places, weak or incomplete, in others, or non-existent outside our native territory. But this does not prevent this from working, because of Partial Fit achieving Better & Better, conducts the “Fill-In” Process, even if it has to start from very small.

PROPOSITION 4e): Once We Understand, The Above “Problem Solution, Better & Better, Partial Fill-In Of (And At) The Leading Edge Of Perception!”,
We Can ALSO Hypothesize, That This “Mapping-In”… Of (And At) … “The Periphery Leading Edge Of Perception”, Was Originally Evolutionarily Developed For Animal’s Motion & Efficient Perception During That Motion.
But Now (hypothesis) This SAME System, Is Built Into Humans, With Virtually NO Modification. And That Being The Case, This SAME System Of “Mapping-In”… Of (And At) … “The Periphery Leading Edge Of Perception”, With Virtually NO Modification Will Work Similarly With ANY Human On-Coming Problem Of Life, ]
… (Educated Guess =>) The “abilities’ of this SAME System, is what also gives us Intellectual mental processes such as => thinking, reading, speaking, writing, mathematics, pen and paper planning & human cultural problem solving etc, as would be expected of a General Problem Solving Process!

PROPOSITION 4f): This Document You Are Currently Reading, Has An Earlier Stated Conclusion (Consistent With What Is Observed) => Which Is NOW AMENDED (UP-DATED) To The following=>
… For Life’s Oncoming “Living In This Physical World”’, Our General Problem Solving Brain, Using Vision & Other 8 Senses, Finds Best (or Near Best), Solution, which Mentally Appear as “Primary Consciousness ” : This Solution ONLY Appear Into Our “Primary Conscious” Consciousness, When The Solution Has Sufficient Quality Or Overall Coherence.
… AND into Our “Primary Conscious” , will appear solutions to Life’s Oncoming Problems: These are the Sudden Automatic Spontaneous Problem Solutions that Automatically include => Feelings, Emotions and Future Plans (Intentions) With Accompanying Emotions, & Feelings, Plus Appropriate External Body EMOTIONAL Expressions: AND along With Body Physical Adjustments, Are In Preparation For Appropriate Action(s).
… Feelings & Emotions Are Brain / Mind Preparation Signals To Our Body, Along With A Final Mind Decision => “Go – No-Go”.
… AND ALWAYS THESE ARE => “Partial-Fit Problem Solutions. (There may also be The Intellectual Achievements as listed above!)
… During Perceiving of The External World => Sometimes there is also "A FILL-IN" At The Edges of The Current Solution: For example “The Periphery Surrounding Leading Edges Of Perception!”, Whether Physical 3D Surrounding World OR The Halo Edges.
… In other words => This “Partial-Fit, Fill-In At The Periphery Edges of The Current Solution”: effectively achieves early preparation, readiness, so the perceptions system can quickly slide toward (and smoothly efficiently fill-in) the new needed solution: It can do this, because it is already partly there.
… Our Brain’s General Problem Solving System, is inherited from our animal ancestors: by Darwinian Evolutionary Development, And Thus => Since the beginning of animals on earth, their Problem Solving Brains are thus totally adjusted to the 3D features of their surroundings!
AND TO REPEAT => Be Sure to Note Well =>This Is An Optimizing Creative Memory Cycle =>, Which Achieves New Learning, Refinement Of Skills, Better Habits, Improved, Solidified, Updated Knowledge, And Many More Examples.
… This Is Dynamic Building, From One Partial Fit Solution, To The Next (Possibly Even Better) “Partial Fit” Solutions, which become Problem Solving Brain Mental Arrivals Into primary Consciousness.
… AND, please realize this => These Solutions with Concomitant Future Plan (Intention), leading to eve Better & Better “Partial Fit” Solutions, are all automatically remembered. This remembered constitutes and ever building of knowledge base, which essentially came from a person dynamically interacting with the surrounding world.

&#133; This is A Cycle Of Regenerative Upward Spiral Of Compounded, Creative, Building-On-(And Beyond)-The-Previous, Ever Improved Problem Solutions, Then Stored In Memory.

a) The Cycle Steps Are => Original Memory > Memory ReAccesed > Provides Memory Base For Perception & Other What Do Next > Problem Solving Brain Mental Arrival to Consciousness With Future-Plans, Emotions & Feelings, Etc > Action > Success > Refine & Improve Solution Back Into Memory > Enhance & ReFurbish Memory. =>
b) Above Shortened To => A Regenerative Memory Cycle Of ReAccess & ReFurbish =>
c) Above Abbreviate To => ReAccess & ReFurbish Cycle.
d) Above Abbreviate To => Useful Acronym => RRC << For more related Discussion & Problem Solving Brain usages > See 18 Each > Edit > Find > …RRC …

PROPOSITION 4g): Implied In The Above, Is The Idea That Even A “Partial Fit” Can Be A Useful Solution.
Where This “Partial Fit” Topic => Is Taken Up In WebPage Currently Under Development Here => On How Our Mind Achieves Perception, & Pattern Recognition, Where Even A Pattern Partial Fit Problem Solution, Can Be Highly Useful, AND How This In Turn Gives Us Analogy, Metaphor, Similarity, Etc,.

For Further Reading => Robert Pirsig Extensive & Powerful Use Of Metaphor and Analogy... AFTER This Page Comes Up => Scroll Down To The FIRST => Robert Pirsig Use

For Further Confirmation => Click Here For Article “The Importance of Perception”. This Article Well Summarizes What I Have Stated Above By Saying => “ …Our Perceptions, Depends On The Brain's Ability To Pattern Match To Innate And Learned Knowledge. The Inborn Patterns -- Templates -- Are So Fundamental That No Reality Can Exist Without Nature Presetting Them Into Organisms In The First Place.”
END OF Discussion For PROPOSITION 3a, b. c, d, e, & f AND PROPOSITION 4a, b, c, d, e, f, & g. =>

Please Remember => The ABOVE Important Many, Many, Points Above Concerning “The Problem Solving Brain Generates, Constructs, Creates, Mental Arrivals, WHERE => “All Is Slide To Better & Better Partial Fit Problem Solution! ”

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
PROPOSITION 5): Automatically Included In All Problem Solving Brain Solutions (Answers) Are In SUMMARY =>

A) Future Plans (Intentions) Which Includes Attendant Coordination Of The Planed Physical Body Motion To Accomplish This Plan,
B) While Being Open To The Ongoing Sensory Input From The External Environment Or Various Internal Body Self-Activated Processes. These Body Physical Adjustments, In Preparation For Appropriate Action(s), Which Are Accompanied By =>
D) Feelings & Emotions, With Emotional Face Expressions, Which Are Also Brain / Mind Preparation Signals To Our Body For Action & Movement.
E) Along With The Above => A Final Brain Mind Decision => “Go – No-Go”, Along With On Going Accompanying Emotions.
F) Along With The Above => The Just Emerged Future Plan, Starts Guiding Optimal (Best or Near Best) Action.

… To read about “it actually happened to me” examples of “Future Plans (Intentions) Plus Actions To Accomplish Plan => Click Here, And AFTER this page comes up > Do ( ~6 each) > Top > Edit > Find > intention
… Of course these plans with emotions & feelings, are Mental Arrivals into Consciousness.
… … The BELOW will discuss the details of the ABOVE A) thru F =>

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
PROPOSITION 5a): Corollary: The ”Only-One-At-A-Time”, Brain Solutions, Translates Into “Only-One-At-A-Time”, Emotions! Just recently I (Henry Gurr, associated this brain-based-truth, as the underlying reason for my teaching practice, started many years ago => In my teaching, after many years I finally understood that =>
Persons (Especially Students), Can Respond With (And Benefit From), Just & “Only One Emotion At A Time”! And on this account, when I was giving feedback, re a student’s work, I would tell the student =>

a) “This is very good work!”, and mention a) As many positive examples as could (look hard) be found, but b) carefully avoid mention any negatives. OR
b) “This is very un-satisfactory work!”, and a) Mention as many negative examples as can be found, but c) Carefully avoids mention of any positive examples! More on Emotion & Feedback To Student=> Discover & Resolve Tutoring. (DART), Click Here.

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
PROPOSITION 5b): ADDING TO 5a): => All Problem Solutions, Also Included Body Physical Adjustments, In Preparation For Appropriate Future Body & Mental Action(s), Which Automatically Take Into Account The Future Plan (Intention).
These Past Successful Solutions, Saved Into Memory, Thus Provide Basis For Future Plans (Intention) & Guides For Resultant Behaviour.
… Each plan for future action, includes attendant coordination of the physical motion to accomplish this, while being open to the ongoing sensory input from the external environment or various internal body self-activated processes..

PROPOSITION 5c): ADDING TO 5a) & 5b): =>These Problem Solving Brain Solutions (Answers) Plus Concurrent Created Future Plans, ARE IN ESSENCE INTENTIONS! And ONCE THIS ABOVE “PROPOSITION 5b): ADDING TO 5a): “ STATEMENT, IS THUS UNDERSTOOD AS FOLLOWS =>
To Provide A Viable, Brain Based, And Far More Successful, Alternate Explanation Of The Philosophical Problem Of Intention.. And as such, provides as is stated in John R Searle’s prescient words => “[a valid] understanding [of] intentions... a prerequisite for… [a] theory of mind.”
Thus ABOVE “PROPOSITION 5b): ADDING TO 5a) “ Statements, Properly Understood =>

a) Strongly supports John R Searle’s statements re consciousness, quoted elsewhere in This Document You Are Currently Reading, AND
b) This is in agreement with, Prof Searle discussed “co-created” & “attendant future plans”, in 1983, labeling these respectively as “intention-in-action” and “ prior intention.” (Quotations from John R Searle, as given by Wikipedia.)
c) This will lead us to finally realize that ANY “On The ‘Inside Of Brain” answer to “The Hard Problem Of Consciousness:” OR “The Problem Of Phenomenal Experience”, Is basically UN-Knowable. And we should => UN-Ask The Question.

From This, Readers Of This Document, Now Currently Reading => Should See TWO Contrasts Concerning => “The Long Standing Philosophical Problem of Intention: “

A) Explanation of Intention as being integral part of how our brain functions, every moment by moment of our day. From our Darwinian Heritage => All Problem Solutions (That Mentally Arrive into Consciousness0, Automatically and Always Include Future Plans, Each and Every Such Mentally Arrived Future Plan IS The Explanation of Human Intention.
B) Problematic Explanations of Intention, using word & logic based, philosophic discussions, as exemplified in, (for example) Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, fully discussed Next Below =>

Indeed, We Don’t Have To Look Far, To See That => Among Various Philosophers, There Seems NOT To Be Any Convergence Toward Any Common Agreement, About Where INTENTIONS Come From, As Is Shown Next => .

Here Are Some Problematic Examples Re “Intention”, From A Top Ranking Academic Philosophy WebSite, link below =>

1)” Philosophical perplexity about intention begins with its appearance in three disguises: [such as] intention for the future, as when I intend to complete this task … “ ...
2) “Acknowledging these problems, some philosophers turn back to Davidson and the project of reducing intention to desire and means-end belief … ““
3) “Some are convinced that the problem is hopeless. … “
4) “ .. the theory of intending as being embarked on intentional action remains incomplete.”
5) “The force of this objection is unclear. … “
6) “While there is something wrong with an account of what it is to ‘that appeals to being or doing’, it is not so obviously problematic to appeal to mental states that represent something as being or doing.”;.
7) “Along with such matters of detail, two problems of principle can be raised against the present approach.” [to intention.]”
8) “A deeper problem for the teleological approach is how to complete this construction with an account of prospective intention in terms of intention-with-which.”

… …
The Above Statements 1) Thru 8), Are Excerpts From Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy / Intention. These Excerpts Show That There Is NO AGREEMENT RE “THE PHILOSOPHIC PROBLEM of INTENTION, Or Even Progress Toward A Consensus..
… …

Now: In Order To See For Yourself, Other Examples Like 1) Thru 8), Above,> Please Go To > BLUE LINK Above > Do > Top Of Browser > Edit > Find > Problem

FURTHER Support For The Above Quotes 1) Thru 8), Are In Professor Jeff Speaks’ Article => “A Guide To Anscombe’s Intention” September 8, 2004 =>
…AND although most of Prof Jeff Speaks article is wordy obfuscation, this his final paragraph (excerpt below), nicely summarizes the Apparent (Unresolved) Current State Of The Academic Philosophic Understanding of Intention =>

“A fourth possibility which (for understandable historical reasons) Anscombe does not consider is that acts of intending are events of agents coming to be in certain brain states which, by virtue of their relations to external events and other brain states, qualify as intentions with a certain content.

…This is a view taken by many contemporary philosophers. There is a substantial body of literature devoted to the question of how, on this conception of mental states, we could have immediate knowledge of what we intend. See especially Sydney Shoemaker, ‘Self-Knowledge and “Inner Sense”: Lecture III: The Phenomenal Character of Experience’, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 54:2 (1994). “
… “So much (Anscombe thinks), for attempts to explain non-observational knowledge by claiming that it is knowledge only of a private domain of interior acts of intention.
… How can we explain this non-observational knowledge, then? Anscombe thinks that the answer is to be found by investigating an under-explored area of ancient and medieval philosophy: practical knowledge, and practical reasoning. She takes this up beginning in §32.”

Thus Ends The Discussion Of => The Current Status of => “The Long Standing Philosophical Problem of Intention: “

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
CLOSURE FOR PROPOSITION 5c): By Contrast With Either Of The Above Mentioned

A) Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy Quotes AND
B) Professor Jeff Speaks’ Article,

This Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”
C) “Offers A Far More Satisfactory Explanation Of “Intention”: In The Following Compact Summary =>

All Problem Solving Brain Solutions (That Mentally Arrive into Consciousness), Automatically Include Future Plans, Which in all respects ARE in fact Intentions For Action, Along With Needed Body Physical Adjustments, To Actually Accomplish These Future Plans:

… Accordingly, These Future Plans, are a full Preparation For =>The Next (Future) Appropriate Body & Mental Action(s) To Be Accomplished => And in nearly all respects fit the meaning of word Intention.
… Thus a very long history of A Person’s Past Success, (previously automatically stored into memory), Provides Basis, For Future Plans & Resultant Behaviour. Each plan for Future Action, is thus effectively an INTENTION, since it ALWAYS includes attendant coordination of the physical motion to accomplish this plan, while being open to the ongoing input, from the external environment.
SUMMARY: Our Problem Solving Brain’s Generated, Constructed, Created, Future Plans, Are In Essence Intentions! And Once This Explanation Is Understood, It Provides A Full Viable Alternate & Brain Based, Explanation Of => “The Long Standing Philosophical Problem Of Intention.”

PROPOSITION 5d): During Perception, In Response To Our Sensory Inputs (9 Senses), From Our Ever-Present Surroundings =>
Our Problem Solving Brain, Automatically, Spontaneously, Generates, Constructs, Creates => A Mental Model For What is “There”, Makes Us Aware, And Gives Us “Good O’l Reality”! Which In Turn IS Given To Us, What Is Herein Called “Primary Consciousness”.
… (Hypothesis) The parts that have a rough “Partial Fit” Memory, start the Partial Fit Problem Solution, and from this, the “Solution” most likely gradually slides to Better And Better Partial Fits, When the solution is of sufficient Quality (Fitness), a Mental Model of “What Is Out There”. Mentally Arrives into Conscious Mind, which Is typically visual, and which we commonly call Consciousness. We all know that Consciousness is: This is what we have when awake, and don’t have when asleep. This herein is called “Primary Consciousness” , a name chosen to make a clear distinction from other uses of the word Consciousness.
This Is A SPECIAL CASE Of Solutions, That Appear When Our Senses Are Stimulated, By Our Ever Present Environment, AND =>
Thus This “Primary Consciousness”. Is Automatically, Generated, Constructed, Created =>
… … A) Mental Visual “Theater Stage”, A Mental Visual “Action Arena” or Platform Or “Performance Space”, Into Which Then Can Appear =>
… … B) The Other Herein Discussed Problem Solution Sudden, Automatic, Spontaneous, Mental Arrivals, That ADDITIONALLY Come Into Our Primary Consciousness Mind.
… In other words => There is an entirely Brain Generated, Constructed, Created => “Mental Model” of our external “real world” surroundings, and is mostly experienced as vision, and nearly always available, during our perceiving of our External World => These Mental Models Are Automatically & Spontaneously => A Generated & Constructed & Created & Innovative Result From Perception, and/or Pattern Recognition Partial Fit, In Response To World Input To Or 9 Senses. These Responses To Sensory Input From Our External Environment, give us A) Our Primary Consciousness, which really is Our Conscious Mind.
…And it is INTO this Primary Consciousness, B) That the Other herein discussed Problem Solutions Suddenly Automatically Spontaneously Mentally Arrive into Conscious Mind.
… NOTE: Since A) Primary Consciousness and B) Other Mental Arrivals, are both solutions that appear in Consciousness, and have similar modes of creation, these need to be carefully distinguished, AND readers should learn their distinguishing features and actions, as is named above and other places on This Document currently reading.
… Our Brain’s General Problem Solving System, is inherited from our animal ancestors: by Darwinian Evolutionary Development
…Please see below, Chart Which Compares Various Authors Own Discussed Types of Consciousness.

NOTE: Our Brain’s General Problem Solving Response To Sensory Input From Our External Environment, Has Various Official Names, Assigned By Various Workers, Such As =>
1) Perception Is A Human Ability, In which UN-Conscious Brain Processes automatically, responding to the 9 Senses, Generates, Constructs, Creates => What is called a Mental Model of The Exterior World, that then Mentally Arrive into Conscious Mind, which in This Document, is called Primary Consciousness
2) Related to Perception is what Owen Barfield calls ”Figuration” .
3). A Sub Category Of Perception Is Called (by various workers), Pattern Recognition..
4) HOWEVER: FOR VERY IMPORTANT REASONS => In This Document You Are Currently Reading, Pattern Recognition Is Called A More General (More Inclusive) Term => Partial Fit Problem Solution, In Response To The Problems Coming At Us. “ .

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
For PROPOSITION 5b) => Concerning The Above Mentioned Theoretical Mental Models & ANY Major Scientific Idea OR Major Theory => These Can Be VERY Useful BUT We Must NEVER Forget => => These Are Created By Humans, & Thus Have Provisional Status! AND Are Not Any Final Truth. Click here, and AFTER the new page comes up scroll down to THIS => A NECESSARY SIDE NOTE & INTERLUDE: A GOOD THEORY IS MAGIC !!.
(You may find a complete list of other > “Brain Owner’s User Manual.” > By > Do > Top > Edit > Find > …FOUR DIFFERENT )

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
PROPOSITION 5e): Our General Problem Solving Brain Is Especially Good At Pattern Recognition, Itself A Specialized Form Of Perceptions:
' A) Many Of Our Perceptions, In Responses To Inputs From Our 9 Senses, In Response To Our Surrounding Physical World, Are Mentally experienced as Mental Arrivals Into Conscious Mind, Herein Called “Primary Consciousness”. ''.
But other Perceptions may arise from those Other herein discussed Problem Solution Sudden, Automatic, Spontaneous, Mental Arrivals, that will appear ADDITIONALLY INTO this “Primary Consciousness”.

In This Document You Are Currently Reading, you will see much discussion of “Perception”, and its two sub-categories =>

1) Called by other worker => “Pattern Recognition” and
2) For important reasons “Perception”, and “Pattern Recognition” are herein called by HSG => “Partial Fit Problem Solution”.

Both “Perception”, and “Pattern Recognition”, Are Of Course, Official Names Of Topics Discussed in a huge literature of psychology, brain research, neuroscience, cognitive science, and philosophy. And accordingly => This Document You Are Currently Reading, ALSO uses these concepts, with their standard meaning:
' However Please => When Reading Any Of This Literature, And You See The Word “Perception” (Or “Pattern Recognition”, You Should Remember The Discussion Of This Document, And Think => '‘‘ ““What is really happening in Perception (or Pattern Recognition) is => The Problem Solving Brain’s Finds and then Generates, Constructs, Creates => A Best Possible Partial Fit => Mental Model Of ‘What Is Out There, In The Surrounding Physical World; and this Mentally experienced as Primary Consciousness.”

PROPOSITION 5f): As Implied Above => Our Brain’s Pattern Recognition, And Indeed All Of Perception, Is An Automatic Process:
During Perceiving of The External World,=>These Mental Models Are An Automatic, Spontaneous, A Generated & Constructed & Created & Innovative Result From Perception, and/or Pattern Recognition, In Response To Real World Input To Or 9 Senses.
AND, As Is Observed, There Is Also An Automatic “Channeling” That Helps Us Stay “Focused And Stay On-Task”, Until The Idea, Thought, OR Job At Hand Is Completely Done.
In Other Words: Our Problem Solving Brain => Automatically Spontaneously Attends To The Big View, & Doesn’t Stop Sill Finished!
…But for this very reason, we must also notice the opposite truth, as expressed in the old Proverb =>

“Out of Sight, Out of Mind”! .

AND it’s reverse is thus also true =>

“Out of Mind, is Out of Sight” :

… This means, of course => That which is not readily available to your mind, is more difficult to see (observe, perceive), OR it is NOT seen at all! This is of course why “We Must Learn To See”, Out next topic below =>

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
PROPOSITION 5g): We Must Learn To See! AND This in Turn Requires Prior “Seeing’, That Will Automatically Makes The Needed (Learned) Memories.
Implicit In This Above Discussion Is The Clearly Demonstrated Experimental Inescapable Conclusion =>
…We Must Learn To See! AND Successful “Seeing” Absolutely Depends On Prior Seeing Experiences & Memories Of Those Experiences. These Memories Are Necessary, To Provide The “Basis” For Perception To Make Sense Of “What Is There”.
…This is, of course, a cycle that has been mentioned previously where => Memory enables perception, which with Problem Solving Brain, can lead Perception Plus plans & actions, the experience of which is automatically saved back into memory, but now at a higher level, which we recognize it as “learning”!
AND TO REPEAT => Be Sure to Note Well =>This Is An Optimizing Creative Memory Cycle =>, Which Achieves New Learning, Refinement Of Skills, Better Habits, Improved, Solidified, Updated Knowledge, And Many More Examples.
This is A Cycle Of Regenerative Upward Spiral Of Compounded, Creative, Building-On-The-(And Beyond)-Previous, Ever Improved Problem Solutions, Then Stored In Memory.

a) The Cycle Steps Are => Original Memory > Memory ReAccesed > Provides Memory Base For Perception & Other What Do Next > Problem Solving Brain Mental Arrival to Consciousness With Future-Plans, Emotions & Feelings, Etc > Action > Success > Refine & Improve Solution Back Into Memory > Enhance & ReFurbish Memory. =>
b) Above Shortened To => A Regenerative Memory Cycle Of ReAccess & ReFurbish =>
c) Above Abbreviate To => ReAccess & ReFurbish Cycle.
d) Above Abbreviate To => Useful Acronym => RRC << For more related Discussion & Problem Solving Brain usages > See 18 Each > Edit > Find > …RRC …

…This cycle is also discussed in the Single and Double-Loop Learning, discussed and diagramed, half way down this Wikipedia Page.

MEMORIES OF PREVIOUS “SEEING” ARE REQUIRED FOR ANY NEW“ SEEING”: THIS BECAUSE => NEEDED MEMORIES FOR NEW “SEEING” ARE CREATED FROM PRIOR SUCCESSFUL “SEEING & KNOWING”. This is hard to put into words, because this is clearly a “chicken & egg” impasse. The impasse comes from the fact that the formation of memory requires successful perception, but perception requires those vary same memories! Somewhat over saying it => “You must know something before you can learn it!”
… And not different from => The Chicken & Egg Conundrum”, each requires the other for anything to happen! (Thus Educated Guesses =>) Something(s) must START the foundation steps that will, in a developmental upward spiral, provide the learned abilities. Something must supply the needed beginning scaffold, for the learning-memory-perception cycle to begin!
… Saying the Chicken & Egg impasse also names => What happens when we are trying to learn a new area of knowledge. In order for us to learn about a topic, we must already know a great deal about that same topic. For the same reasons, the reverse is true. The more you learn, the more you are capable of learning!
… (Educated Guess =>) The foundation for the 3 above Paragraphs comes from fact that => Any perception (seeing, learning, problem solution, etc) => Must use previous real-world experience, saved into the Brain’s Memory. These In-Brain Memories are effectively templates, that can start the Problem Solving Brain decoding for “what is out there”, and “what is to be down”: Memories of prior experience, give “nucleating sites” to initiate Partial Fit Problem Solution. In other words more “hooks”, to further “open up doors’, that then lead to new perceptions (seeing, learning, problem solution, etc).
… From the above an especially important understandings for students to know => The more they know (from previous active learning & dynamic experience), , the more they are ready to learn more!
Of Course, All These Are A Direct Result Of => Major Properties Of The Problem Solving Brain, Which Are Fully Discussed in Above PROPOSITION 1 Thru PROPOSITION 3)

As Scientist-Philosopher Michael Polanyi Well Recognized => The Confusions That Can Come From The Above-Mentioned “Chicken & Egg Impasses”.
… Polanyi discusses the gradual recognition of the meaningful whole, which is how we work our way out from the confusing scatter of Seemingly Unrelated Pieces, to finally seeing a Whole Clear Meaning & Understanding! Again & again in Polanyi’s writing, he is showing us the “insides” of Learning To See!
… In the following excerpt by Drusilla Scott => Please take the time to see how Prof Polanyi is insightfully describing the Mental Arrivals, which he calls “Grasping” & “Joint Meaning”, which is provided into our Conscious Mind, by our Problem Solving Brain. Please note how Michael Polanyi, shows how “Confusion” is changed to “Sudden Seeing”, in Mental Arrivals, the equivalent to a ~Flash of Insight, below =>
Polanyi Expert, Lady Drusilla Scott In Her Book “Everyman: The Common Sense Of Michael Polanyi.” helps us understand Polanyi’s Theory, which gives more insight into what is happening in Partial Fit Problem Solution. In this passage he says how at first we are first =>

“.. being aware of a bit of particular bits [then our mind automatically, spontaneously, moves] to grasping how they hang together, what is their joint meaning, the real whole of which they are parts or to which they are dues. Sometimes when we have got used to this operation, it is so easy that it is not noticed; Sometimes when we are applying it to something new, it is very difficult and [when we have the [suddenly] illuminating “come-together” to full understanding this typically, constitutes discovery. It is done by shifting [automatically, spontaneously], our attention from the particular to the whole, the joint meaning, and when we do this it changes the way we are aware of the particulars -(as we see in the picture puzzle when the lines that we first thought were branches look quite different once we have seen them as features of a face).
… The theories of Gestalt psychology, as Polanyi used them, showed not just that there is tacit knowledge, such as your recognition of your child's face -- and explicit knowledge, such the school record of his height and weight -- but that there is throughout the whole range of knowledge, tacit and explicit, this same structure -- scattered meaningless particulars; being converted into parts of a meaningful whole, by a change of focus. [This was automatically, spontaneously, accomplished in a Mental Arrival, wherein => ] You stop attending to them [the parts] and start attending from them to a whole or a joint it renaming, which at first you only vaguely sense. But when the whole, the joint meaning, takes over, [and suddenly, automatically, spontaneously,] the particular bits have sunk into a subsidiary space in your attention and don’t appear the same.”

… These Professor Polanyi conclusions not only tell us how individual people achieve understanding of wholes formed from the parts. And, as he shows => This is also the basis of ANY new perception, and integral to any persons gradual steps of learning, especially students. He nicely gives us a powerful view into, the inside steps, of the process.
It Is A Matter Of Fact That => Michael Polanyi Studied Well, And Clearly Understood Our Perception Processes & So Very Well Understood The Ways Of Our Problem Solving Brain!
This Is Because Polanyi Clearly & Effectively Put To Good Use =>

1) The Whole Field of Gestalt Psychology AND
2) The Genetic Psychology of Jean Piaget:

And Attention =>There Is No Doubt Gestalt Psychology Research And The Research Of Jean Piaget), Considerably Illuminated Following Authors =>

A) As mentioned above => Michael Polanyi’s conclusions, some of which appear above discussion by Drusilla Scott.
B) Similarly for Prof Thomas Kuhn, in his book “Structure Of Scientific Revolutions”.
C) Myself, Henry Gurr, who was helped in his teaching by Gestalt Psychology & Piaget Genetic Psychology. And this teaching experience then morphed into discoveries in :”How Our Mind Works”, that you are currently reading about on This Document!.
D) Similarly For Prof Richard Langton Gregory’s book “The Intelligent Eye” which has many useful insights, and especially has abundant line drawings & diagrams that had their origin in Gestalt Psychology Research. See continued =>

SIDE NOTE: From This R. L. Gregory’s Book “The Intelligent Eye” => Strongly Support The Theory Presented On This Webpage =>
Some Illuminating Passages Are =>

a) Page 36 “We are lead at once to a fundamental way of thinking about perception. Perception is a matter of selecting the most likely object [an ‘object-hypothesis’]. But what are the plausible objects selected from? Not from the actual world of objects. Retinal images evidently serve to select from a stored repertoire of objects represented symbolically in the “visual” brain. Perception, it seems, must be a matter of seeing the present with [brain’s memory of] stored objects from the past”.
b) Page 61 “We have argued that to see correctly, is [for our Problem Solving Brain beforehand] to select an ‘object-hypothesis’, which not only fits the current facts [in a person’s combined sensory fields] but also is predictive. To describe perception as selection of ‘object-hypothesis’ is no vague analogy, to the use of the word ‘hypothesis’ in science. A scientific hypotheses must be capable of predicting future events if it is to have any power. The same should be true for perceptual ‘object-hypothesis’; Prediction makes possible to plan action before events.”


The Above Is Michael Polanyi Conclusions About How Our Brain “Zeros-In-On” The Correct (Whole) Perception =>
The Same Is ALSO Well Illustrated => In The Following Five Examples: These Are Quite Commonly Observed & Evident, AND Also Experimentally Well-Established:

1) Imprinting: Newly hatched ducklings don’t know their own mother. By instinct they merely have the program to follow anything that moves. With good luck, this movement is Mother Duck, and ever so gradually, the ducklings learn to see and recognize their mother as distinguished from other parts of their surroundings, stationary or moving. After a suitable time (several days), this stage of imprinting tapers off, and other learning, accommodation, and adaption can take over.
2) Perception Of Vertical Stripes: Within a certain several minute time period of a young kitten’s life, they must be exposed to vertical objects. If not, then they can’t see vertical objects the rest of their life!
3) Speaking with the accent of your native tongue (language): If a person older than say, age 10, moves to where a different language is spoken, they will retain pronunciation of their mother tongue, and not much if ever adopt that of their new language . This will persist for the rest of their life, showing how well they have originally been so precisely adapted to their mother tongue.
4) Most Newborn Mammals Have A Built Ability (Again Instinct), To Move To And Latch Onto Their Mother’s Nipple, Which Prompts Subsequent Sucking. This sucking of a newborn is a reflex that is applied to anything that touches the babies face. Similar to duckling imprinting, the sucking instinctual responses, start the general foundation exploration steps, that lay down pathways, which gradually expand memory of what’s there, and thus is a learning-memory-perception cycle, expanding into a learning of skilled performance and thus formation of skilled habit. Thus are laid down the memories, essential for all perception, and ready available skills: This is of course, a creative developmental upward spiral, where the learned abilities become the scaffold, from which make possible the needed perceptions and make possible the learning of skills, which when accessed in turn, make it possible to achieve the NEXT layer of learned abilities.

AND TO REPEAT => Be Sure to Note Well => This Is Of Course =>An Optimizing Creative Memory Cycle =>, Which Achieves New Learning, Refinement Of Skills, Better Habits, Improved, Solidified, Updated Knowledge, And Many More Examples.
This is A Cycle Of Regenerative Upward Spiral Of Compounded, Creative, Building-On-(And Beyond)-The-Previous, Ever Improved Problem Solutions, Then Stored In Memory.

a) The Cycle Steps Are => Original Memory > Memory ReAccesed > Provides Memory Base For Perception & Other What Do Next > Problem Solving Brain Mental Arrival to Consciousness With Future-Plans. Emotions & Feelings, Etc > Action > Success > Refine & Improve Solution Back Into Memory > Enhance & ReFurbish Memory. =>
b) Above Shortened To => A Regenerative Memory Cycle Of ReAccess & ReFurbish =>
c) Above Abbreviate To => ReAccess & ReFurbish Cycle.
d) Above Abbreviate To => Useful Acronym => RRC << For more related Discussion & Problem Solving Brain usages > See 18 Each > Edit > Find > …RRC …

…This cycle is also discussed in the Single and Double-Loop Learning, discussed and diagramed, half way down this Wikipedia Page.

5) Cont From Above: Instincts Are Evidently Another Form Of Memory, That Are Survival Selected (A Form Of Learning), Over Eons Of Time. The information content is in the genetic material that is transferred from generation to generation, by parents to child, at time of conception. By the evidence we may deduce that => Instinct successfully provides to the Problem Solving Brain The “what’s needed”, when other means of needed learning (or compensation, or accommodation, or adaption), may not (or did not) suffice. Instinct provides what’s needed (in a form of genetic memory), essentially immediately, when there is not sufficient available time, nor available needed encounter, with real world experiences, to provide the learning-memory-perception cycle, to happen, as discussed above. It also provides a starting point, a sort of “substrate” to begin building on.

…And although instinct comes from genetic memory, this is again the learning-memory-perception cycle, a regenerative upward spiral of ever improved memory, in this case the Genetic Memory that carries forward instinct, as we see it.)

6) Early Preparation Is Required => This Above Drusilla Scott mentioned, Learning To “See”, Involves All Modes (9 Senses) Of Perception, To Complete The Required Extensive On-Location Learning, To Build Up The Required Memory Base, Which In Turn Is Required For Some Future Partial Fit Problem Solution.

…To Repeat: It’s the learning-memory-perception cycle, in an ever building, ever improving, refurbishment of Brain’s Memory, with each memory re-visit, (=retrieval = re-activation = refurbished & improved memory), because the new optimized solutions, can creatively build upon and extend, upon the average of previous good solutions. These creatively improved memories in people, are the base for, and lead to => learning, training, skill building, insight, formation of habits, and formation of expert performance.
…This is accomplished by the cycle of creative, innovative optimal problem solutions, which when accessed, add to & refine & refurbish the relevant memories.
AND TO REPEAT => Be Sure to Note Well => This Is Again Of Course =>An Optimizing Creative Memory Cycle =>, Which Achieves New Learning, Refinement Of Skills, Better Habits, Improved, Solidified, Updated Knowledge, And Many More Examples.
This is A Cycle Of Regenerative Upward Spiral Of Compounded, Creative, Building-On-(And Beyond)-The-Previous, Ever Improved Problem Solutions, Then Stored In Memory.

a) The Cycle Steps Are => Original Memory > Memory ReAccesed > Provides Memory Base For Perception & Other What Do Next > Problem Solving Brain Mental Arrival to Consciousness With Future-Plans & Emotions Etc > Action > Success > Refine & Improve Solution Back Into Memory > Enhance & ReFurbish Memory. =>
b) Above Shortened To => A Regenerative Memory Cycle Of ReAccess & ReFurbish =>
c) Above Abbreviate To => ReAccess & ReFurbish Cycle.
d) Above Abbreviate To => Useful Acronym => RRC << For more related Discussion & Problem Solving Brain usages > See 18 Each > Edit > Find > …RRC …

…This cycle is also discussed in the Single and Double-Loop Learning, discussed and diagramed, half way down this Wikipedia Page.

7) Early Preparation Is Required => Example Of Learning To See From Oliver Sacks’ Book:

…Mr Sacks describes some 5 examples of adults who are blind because of opaque eye cataracts, but have otherwise good vision facilities. These people were expected to have good vision upon surgical replacement of their opaque cataracts with clear lenses. However, at first they could only see a blur, and it took a very long time to learn how to see usefully, and even then they never had fully comfortable vision, that they enjoyed using! Like the holdover of early youth speaking accent, these people never fully adapted.

8) Early Preparation Is Required => “Learning To See” Is Essentially Happening When A Student Completes Preliminary Reading of Assignment Early, and Comes Back Later For Continued Study.
As I’ve tried to Emphasize to My Students => Study your school assignment several days early. There will be those parts you can understand, but other parts will be very confusing: For those confusing parts, it’s ok to just quick-read (scan) through, without worrying that you have low comprehension. A day later, when you return to reading the same assignment, you will practically always find that the previously confused parts, are now quite clear. And you will wonder what your earlier difficulty was!

PLEASE NOTE WELL => A person’s existing Mental Blockage, Perceptual-Blindness, Confusion, Or Doubt, often is Automatically & Spontaneously => Cleared up by the Problem Solving Brain, by simply 1) Early preparation, 2) Struggle, and 3) Then Quit & Wait!
…And then => 4) When the person comes back, minutes to hours, or the next day, their brain may, by earlier having been exposed to the confusing scattered pieces, will with wait-time, automatically, with no effort, assemble the previous “Blockages” into a New Whole Clear Understanding, just like (above mentioned) Prof Polanyi said => “the [sudden] illuminating “come-together” to full understanding” (See similar results found by Michael Polanyi, elsewhere in This Document You Are Currently Reading.)

9) The Manifest Virtues of Early Preparation Are ALSO Seen At => Speaker’s Podium, On Theater Stage, Music Concert performers, Athletic Field, or Typing Keyboard=>

“Practice, Practice, Practice!!” … “Practice Makes Perfect!!!”
…In these and many more, Early Preparation (repetitive practice, plus write out paper notes, etc), will mentally get the brain ready, by putting into place what is needed, when your Problem Solving Brain “Gets-On-Stage”, and “Put-To-The-Test”!

8) My WebPage => “BRAIN OWNER’S USERS MANUAL Part 2” Variously Discusses Some Eight Examples Of How Our Problem Solving Brain Effectively Uses Preparation.!

AFTER this WebPage comes up scroll down to, and START READING AT => “Known To The Ancient Greeks and Romans …”, and CONTINUE READING down to => “The Phenomenon of “FLOW”. As you do this note especially => 1) thru 6) AND a) thru d).
(You may find a complete list of other > “Brain Owner’s User Manual.” > By > Do > Top > Edit > Find > …FOUR DIFFERENT )

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
A SUMMARY For PROPOSITION 5a, b, c, d, e, f, & g
… To Make Perception (& Partial Fit Problem Solution) Possible, Requires (Our Problem Solving Brain To) Recall Memories Of Preexisting Perceptions, Knowledge, Learning, And Skills: .. These Were Previously Saved Into Brain Memories, Which Then Are Used, Constructively (Even De-Novo Creative. Which were never before realized!), By Our Problem Solving Brain to Generate, Construct, Create => New, Ever More Further Successful Achieved Perception Partial Fit Decoding, Of =>

A) What Is “Out There”: (Located External Of The Person’s Body And/Or Even In To The Person’s Body).
B) And “What Is To Be Done Next”.

… To see just how Memory is actually used, you may want to review the above => PROPOSITION 3c): Which Is “My Rather Long Hypothesis”, For Brain Solution Mental Arrivals Of => “All Is Slide To Better & Better Partial Fit Problem Solution! “
… These Solutions include => Future Plans, as well as Feelings & Emotions, which together guide action, thinking, visualizing, Imagining, etc (to carry out the Future Plans), and if successful, are in turn Automatically Added Back Into & Refurbishes Memory, thus laying down Creatively, Ever Improved Brain’s Memories, for future use. (To see The FULL Statement 18 each > Do > Edit > Find > … RRC … )
… These improved memories are essential for subsequent improved levels of perception, and skill building, etc. Again, this is the learning-memory-perception cycle, a regenerative upward spiral of ever improved memory. This cycle, appears to start even before birth, with at most instincts, to both start and then temporarily guide the learning, accommodation, and adaption process.


A) Our Problem Solving Brain’s Massive Computational Power + Massive Memory => Generates, Constructs, Creates, Achieves => Single Best Or Near Best Optimal Solutions, To Guide Behaviour. .
B) These Solutions, If Successful, Are In Turn Automatically Added Back Into & Refurbishes Memory, Thus Laying Down Creatively Ever Improved Brain’s Memories.

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib. and Emphasis.
PROPOSITION 6): Building on PROPOSITION 5), We Must Be Aware That The Power Of The Problem Solving Brain Comes From Its Creative Use Of A Massive Whole Lifetime Of Remembered Optimal (Best or Near Best) Solutions To Sensory Inputs and/or Remembered Optimal (Best or Near Best) Solutions To Life’s Oncoming Problems,
Where Each Access Of these Remembered Solutions (herein called Memory), Results In Automatic Improvement & Modification Of That Self-Same Memory, Based On Real World Experience. The Net Effect Is “Learning” of Skills, Habits, Knowledge Etc.
… This accounts for the success of the brain’s response to sensory input for either =>

A) Created Perception, of “what is there” , appearing in Consciousness, as a Mental Arrival of a Mental Model into Primary Consciousness PLUS.
B) Created Optimal (Best or Near Best) Solutions to Life’s Oncoming Problem (with concomitant Future plans + feelings + emotions).

… This is most especially powerful, because each successful access of a previous creative innovative optimal Mental Model, necessarily optimal, re-constructs it again, to a new better & better optimum fit to current sensory input. This can result in a selectively refocused, more solidified Mental Models, stashed back into Newly Improved Memory.
… The Refurbished Brain’s Memory is thus Even Better, for the Next “Pattern Match, Partial Fit, Process”, that fits the memory of the previous “ trial- and- error-fill- in -of- what-was-there”!
… This is the upward spiral of learning and development of skills, habits, and expert performance. Herein this has been referred to as => “The learning-perception-memory cycle, a regenerative upward spiral of ever improved memory.
Again, This Is =>An Optimizing Creative Memory Cycle =>, Which Achieves New Learning, Refinement Of Skills, Better Habits, Improved, Solidified, Updated Knowledge,
For more related Discussion & Problem Solving Brain usages > See 18 Each > Edit > Find > …RRC …

This Is Again => The Upward Spiral Corollary: The More You Learn, The Better You Are Able To Learn: In Essence “The Prepared Mind, Stands On The Shoulders Of Giants”, And Can See Farther And Better!
… As discussed above, this arises because the power of the Problem Solving Brain, comes from its use of a massive whole lifetime of remembered creative solutions, based on sensory inputs: Each access results in automatic, novel, innovative, indeed creative, further memory refurbishment, based on each of these new experiences, which the brain had received, decoded, and then used for creative solutions for perception & body action. (Please see in above PROPOSITION 5c), Michael Polanyi passages, showing how confusion could change to seeing, in essentially a Flash of Insight when => “ … scattered meaningless particulars; being converted into parts of a meaningful whole by a [sudden mental arrival] change of focus” .)

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
A PUZZLE: Since Memory Is Such A Big Part Of Perception, And Indeed All Achievements Of Mind => It Is A Puzzle, that these USES of “Memory”, are NOT much mentioned in Research Literature on Memory, or the Philosophy Literature on Memory, that I can find. (These uses of ‘(our brain’s) memory are stated in This Document you are currently reading, especially PROPOSITION 6) above),
… Is this a partial proof, that major parts of my Theory of How Our Mind Works Thesis Panorama , is yet to be discovered by others?

SIDE NOTE1: Here Please Notice => The Word ”Remember”, Has In It “RE-Member”: So When We “Remember”, The Following Is Literally (And Figuratively), What Our Problem Solving Brain Is Doing!!That

1) “RE” means literally, to put “The Pieces’ back together again, the MEMBERS (ie the Parts). And Google finds this history =>
2) AND Please Notice => When We “Remember”, Our Problem Solving Brain Is Re-Creating History of Words => Literally (And Figuratively), Remembering Is " Bringing To Mind," What Is “Memorable” That Which Is Worth It!!
3) “memorable (adj.) mid-15c., from Middle French mémorable, from Latin memorabilis "that may be told; worthy of being remembered, remarkable," from memorare "to bring to mind," from memor "mindful of" (from PIE root *mer- "to remember"). Related: Memorably. (see memory).”

…Please notice how this fits the constructivist discussion above, where the brain brings back and RE-assembles the Members (Parts), that which were previously memorable, and thus stashed back into memory!
SIDE NOTE2: The Indo-European Linguistic Roots, Reaching Back to 4000 BC, Support The Above Re Word Re-Member:
Google also finds book Comparative Studies in Early Germanic Languages: With a Focus On Verbal Categories, which shows this interesting etymology on page 129 => “Old English munan and its derivative gemunan, [in turn] go back to the Indo-European etymin *men-, the core meaning of which is reconstructed as 'to think”, “to be mentally active'. Cognates of this root can be found all over the Indo-European linguistic area, ranging from Old Indian (manyate 'think"_ over Old Persian (mainyahay 'think'), to Greek (μξμσνα [~mximona ] "remember') and Latin (Meminisse 'remember', to name just a few.”
… Pages 130 -132, go on to discuss how, in just this one word, earlier languages reveal the active process of our ancestors’ “thinking” and ”keeping something in ones thoughts”. Thus, as Linguist Philosopher Poet Owen Barfield so well developed, we see reflected in the history of words, how ancient humans were thinking about their thinking and remembering. Owen Barfield calls this “Evolution Of Consciousness” [of what humans can be aware of, & in history were aware of], is evident so clearly recorded in the tapestry of our English Word History, And Global Usage!
SUMMARY: From The Above Please Notice => When We “Remember”, Our Problem Solving Brain Is Re-Creating History of Words (From Etymology) => Literally (And Figuratively), Remembering Is Re-Creating The Active Process Of Our Ancestors’ In Their => “Thinking” And ”Keeping Something In Ones Thoughts”. " AND Bringing To Mind," What Is “Memorable”! That Which Is Worth It!!


Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
PROPOSITION 7a): The “Problem’s” Single Overall “Solution”, That Mentally Arrives In Our Consciousness => Is Equivalent To => What Is Loosely Called Either “Brain State” Or “Mind State,”
Which, In Turn, Are Equivalent To => What Is Commonly Known As A Single => Percept, Thought, Idea, Realization, Or A Single Personal Memory, Such As A Person Remembers => Names, Numbers, Songs, Poems, Stories, Etc.
… Of course the single overall solution (a global Brain State), apparently has a large UN-conscious part that supports the conscious thought or idea, which Mentally Arrival into our Conscious Mind. As is observed, these Mental Arrivals have a direct relationship to perceptual awareness, thinking, cognition, reasoning, decision-making, and guidance of behavior. Click Here To Read.

For “Brain State” Wikipedia Offers Other More Esoteric Names, As In These Statements =>

a) A mental representation (or cognitive representation), (in philosophy of mind, cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and cognitive science), is a hypothetical internal cognitive symbol that represents external reality, or else a mental process that makes use of such a symbol: "a formal system for making explicit certain entities or types of information, together with a specification of how the system does this".
b) Mental representation is the mental imagery of things that are not actually present to the senses.
c) Mental representations also allow people to experience things right in front of them—though the process of how the brain interprets the representational content is debated.
d) Representationalism (also known as indirect realism) is the view that representations are the main way we access external reality
e) As mentioned above, the word “symbol“, is way to “capture” the idea of a ~”brain state”.

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
PROPOSITION 7b): The Single Optimum (Best or Near Best) Solution, Might Be (Hypothesis) A Concurrent Composite Of Up To Seven (Plus/Minus Two), Globally Optimized Solutions To Life’s Oncoming Problems, Which Are Presented In Consciousness.
A) Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation of How Our Mind Works”, Is A Considerable Extension Of Psychology Research Conclusions Concerning Human Memory Retrieval.

a) As a tentative hypothesis, any single solution, may be a concurrent composite of “Seven (Plus/Minus Two)”, solutions, willfully accessible to a person’s Consciousness.
b) The human ability to hold in mind at the same time, a capacity of “Seven (Plus/Minus Two)” is a long-standing scientific research result. For example:
1) A person can hold in conscious mind ten digits of a phone number (Editor RPG Comment: : Though usually, the first three digits of the phone number are an area code, and therefore relatively consistent, while the others change. This lets one offload the first 3 digits as one “chunk” and thus store & recall, six more digits..
2) For example => As I type, I can keep in mind this intended 8 word sentence.
c) These are our observed abilities (hold in mind a concurrent composite of “Seven (Plus/Minus Two)”, solutions), being willfully accessible to a person’s Consciousness, and are easily done while other tasks are not forgotten, and all the while the functioning of the above mentioned Primary Consciousnessis still “there”, and will return (came back to my mind), just as soon as I look up from my keyboard!
d) "The Magical Number Seven (Plus/Minus Two) Sets Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information" is one of the most highly cited papers in psychology. It was published in 1956 in Psychological Review by the cognitive psychologist George A. Miller of Harvard University's Department of Psychology. Originally published: March 1956.”

But How Can The Seven Plus/Minus Two Solutions Coexist, And Not Interfere With Each-Other?
…. To Answer This, I Postulate A Law, For That Which Is Obviously Required. Came to my mind => Perhaps we can invoke a concept similar to the physics concept of superposition and apply that here.
PROPOSITION 7c): A New Law For Problem Solving Brain => “ When each Mental Arrival achieves enough strength to be conscious, it simultaneously acquires the ability =>

A) To fully act & be effective, irrespective of any other active Mental Arrivals. And
B) To make itself impervious, with no cross integrations to or from, any other similarly endowed Mental Arrivals.

But, of course, it is quite difficult to imagine how the neuron substrate of these solutions, might do this.

You Can See How A) & B) Above Fit This Explanation Of Superposition =>
…. Superposition is where the net response of a system, caused by two or more stimuli (or solutions), is the sum of the responses that would have been caused by each stimulus (or solution), individually. In physics of waves (water, sound, light, radio, etc), this superposition (also called orthogonal), is where, in essence, one wave doesn’t know the others are there, and thus the result is simple addition. Thus a) no parts are missing, & b) no new “extraneous extras” are added.
…. Applying the Superposition Idea to Mind => Is the idea that a) One Mental Arrival Solution, neural substrate of one stimulus (or solutions) , does not alter the others. b) And somehow make itself impervious, with no cross integrations to or from, any other similarly endowed Mental Arrivals
…. It’s also possible that the Neural substrate of two Mental Arrivals Solutions overlap into each other, where solutions from one are added to the other to form a greater whole, yet not suppressing themselves, or anything missing. This could be something like when two transparent leaves of plastic each have something written on them and are laid atop each other; the resulting image, is a composite of the two, with nothing added or subtracted from either.
From This We See => This Hypothesis Of Holding => “Seven (Plus/Minus Two) Solutions”, Simultaneously In and Along With Primary Consciousness, Requires Considerably More A) Discussion And B) Future Research.

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
PROPOSITION 8a): The Philosopher David Chalmers, Proposed the "Hard Problem" Of Consciousness” Back In 1995: Ever Since There Seems To Have Been No Good Answer, As To How Our Brain Creates Consciousness.
… For a very long time, there has not been the slightest clue just how the brain creates our Consciousness. The Australian Philosopher David Chalmers, back in 1995, made himself famous by calling this ”The Hard Problem of Consciousness” Click Here. He introduced “the term ‘hard problem’ of consciousness, and contrasted this with the ‘easy problems’ " => Which is “the explaining the brain’s ability to discriminate, integrate information, report mental states, focus attention, etc.” Click of Link to read remainder of Wikipedia on “Hard Problem of Consciousness”

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
PROPOSITION 8b): Concerning The "Hard Problem" Of Consciousness” => This Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”, Has THIS IMPORTANT CONCLUSION =>
… As Shown By J. J. Hopfield Model => The Brain’s ~Mechanism For Generating, Constructing, Creating => Any Solution, Including Primary Consciousness, Is Deeply Submerged And Widely Dispersed In Tiny Invisible Adjustments Of Our Brain’s 100 Trillion Neuron Interconnection Points Called Synapses.
… In View Of This Neuron Sheer Complexity & Intricate Near Invisible Adjustments, For “What Is Going On” (On The Inside), We Realize That Any Attempt Study “Results of Thinking” or “How Ideas Arise” by Study of Brain’s Internal Process, Is Virtually Impossible. And Thus Will Simply Stop Asking “How It ‘Works’ Inside.“ .
Properly Understood, This Should Put An End To Any “Hard Questions of Consciousness”, or Other Similar Philosophical Questions, Because Such Questions Are => UN-Answerable.
… With the Hopfield Model, we have a mechanism for how our Brain Finds Optimal (Best or Near Best) General Problem Solutions, and presents these Solutions as Primary Consciousness or Other Mental Arrivals Into Primary Consciousness.
…This of course gives us an explanation of “how our brain “works as viewed from the outside”. And please notice => This Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” , is based ONLY on observing our Mental Processes, from the outside”
…Other than this, we have NO clue as to just how our brain “works in the inside”.
… This is because (as stated elsewhere This Document), presents the full explanations of how our brain works (as illustrated by the Hopfield Model), are widely dispersed in tiny adjustments of our brain’s 100 trillion neuron interconnections. For these reasons => Just how our brain “works”, will be forever a mystery! … Hence … It will have to be enough for us to know that => “When nature sees a need, it finds the way to supply it.” And with this, we should be content & satisfied.
… Please use Edit > Find > to read discussion at => “Of course, it is quite anthropomorphic to speak of nature this way!” )
… Thus This Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” Provides An Answer, by Revealing That ANY Answer To “The Hard Problem of Consciousness”, Is Basically UN-Knowable!! …

AND This Properly Understood, Will Lead Us To Finally Realize That Any “On The ‘Inside Of Brain” Answer To “The Hard Problem Of Consciousness:” OR “The Problem Of Phenomenal Experience”, Is Basically UN-Knowable.
… In other words, “UN-Ask” Any Questions or Discussions, similar to David Chalmers, about “The Hard Problem of Consciousness”!

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
PROPOSITION 9a): Here We Must Realize => Our Problem Solving Brain, Having Generated, Constructed, Created => Any One Optimum (Best or Near Best) General Solution For A Moment In Time, NEVER STAYS THERE.
It’s ALWAYS Moving To BETTER & BETTER Partial Fit Solutions => As Our Brain Appropriately Responds To The Next Of “Life’s Problems Coming At Us”
… As we commonly observe in ourselves, we see a response to a previous moment in time then flowing (morphing) into a response for the next arrived moment of time in our ongoing life. For purposes of a word explanation for what is actually continuous dynamic flow, we can explain this moment to moment as a regenerative on-going cycle => At each moment in time there happened a Situation Calling For A Solution with Concomitant Future Plan (Intention), leading to Physical Body Action, which of necessity flows into a resulting NEXT problem situation, …. and so on …. for all of one’s life.
… This Is Dynamic Building, From One Partial Fit Solution, To The Next (Possibly Even Better) “Partial Fit” Solutions, which become Problem Solving Brain Mental Arrivals Into primary Consciousness.
… AND, please realize this => These Solutions with Concomitant Future Plan (Intention), leading to eve Better & Better “Partial Fit” Solutions, are all automatically remembered. This remembered constitutes and ever building of knowledge base, which essentially came from a person dynamically interacting with the surrounding world.

D) (PROPOSITION 9b) In Fact We Can Even Observe, A FIRST Quick Mental Arrival Solution, Which Secondarily (Doesn’t Stay There, But Perhaps Right Away),

Moves To A SECOND Mental Arrival, In What Must Have Been A “Slide”, To An Even Better Partial Fit Solution (Or Merely Different Solution).
…Moving from one solution to a second solution, in a continuing dynamic flow (possibly by “Trial & Error” to find direction of better), can be readily observed in a person doing machine repair, carpentry, or building construction =>

a) This is where a worker, somewhat automatically, will pick up a mechanical part, {or piece of wood, or metal), and try one placement of the part (or try to get his hands into a tight spot), only to see an impasse and on-automatic, quickly try a different tack, in a nearly continuous flow cycle until success, or failure. …
b) Similar steps happen in writing composition (as I am doing now): In the dynamic process of writing composition. These “on-automatic, quickly try a different tac”, are FUN to watch as they spontaneously happen!, and come to my mind. For example => A series of needed words will Mentally Arrive, on-automatic, which then on-automatic I then type into a sentence (as I am doing now). A second later I realize (Mental Arrival), that my sentence is clumsy, or gibberish, which immediately on-automatic, leads to Mental Arrival of a better wording, which flows automatically to a few words deleted, and then more (now better) typing. … With my Spell Check turned on, automatically I notice “mis-spell” and I automatically do a click to fix-it wrong spelling, automatically move to the next spelling fix.
c) Other similar steps in the dynamic process of writing composition are => Sudden realization of bad grammar, may come mind as Mental Arrivals: Automatically, better phrasing comes to mind, which I type. These responses for correction, all nearly automatically, lead to better & better. Sometimes the realization of Better, can come minutes to hours later (as happened to me just now “out of the blue”, 2 hours later came to my mind), the word “dynamic”, which on-automatic, I have just now added into two sentences above, making needful addition, which was not realized at the time of the original sentence typing.
d) Likewise, all during this writing (and edit fixing) process, each of my Problem Solving Brain’s Optimum (Best or Near Best) Problem Solutions, were being newly stored into Memory, and are in effect New Learning, which adds to my writing composition skill, and collections of “Good Words & Phrases, for future writing.
E) In The Process Of Writing Composition, It Is Instructive To Watch Creativity In Action! => These Sudden New Arrivals, as they Pop Into One’s Mind, and you should especially take the time to notice them. Once you know what to watch for:=> These Sudden Mental Arrivals (into your consciousness), are FUN TO WATCH, as they happen =>
e) For example=> While typing, you may notice a scrambled sentence, but can’t think of a good way to fix it. Or suddenly become stuck for lack of what word to type next. A pause to take a sip of water, briefly relax & look out the window (or even a “Quit & Wait & Come Back Later) => AND SUDDENLY: WHEN YOU LEAST EXPECT IT => … VOLA !! What’s exactly needed => Will come sliding into Mind! …
f) Absolutely Wonderful!, Especially if New & Super Creative!!
g) As mentioned in c) above =An example of “the needed comes sliding into mind” is => my typing 2 lines above, The word VOLA, This was an => “on-automatic” ’out of the blue came to my mind’ . “ dynamically, just as was the word ‘dynamic, typed even earlier (In fact just now, I’ve competed MAJOR revisions to this g) much as described in b) above!)
F) In A Word Processor, The Edit > Find Becomes => A Useful Way To Check An Existing Document For Needed Editing Improvements.
…Only gradually did I come to realize this technique => When I am using a word processor for writing composition of a document, and I happen use the Edit > Find, AND have finished my original purpose of finding a certain word (or phrase) => I continue this “finding” for the entire document!! It is surprising how often errors, ill-formed sentences, or bad grammar can be found this way! And this technique seems to go beyond normal proof reading! I think this is because, the Edit > Find just drops me as a reader “into to the middle of the action”, without knowing the previous sentences. This gives a sufficiently different “angle of view”, that needed fixes and creative improvements, not otherwise noticed => just suddenly pop into Mind! … In retrospect, I realize these improvements would not be “realized” in any other way!
G) My WebPage => “BRAIN OWNER’S USERS MANUAL Part 2” Variously Discusses How Your Can Use Your Problem Solving Brain Most Effectively & Creatively => In Your Writing Composition, Where => Your Problem Solving Brain Is Always Automatically Moving To Better & Better Partial Fit!
Your Big Document Will Write Itself. AFTER this WebPage comes up, scroll down to, and start reading at => If your computer (or dog) “eats” your 2 hours of typing… , and continue reading down to … “the Phenomenon of FLOW”.

… AND As You Do This => Also Please ESPECIALLY NOTICE discussion at => Ray Bradbury says “The book writes itself”
(You may find a complete list of other > “Brain Owner’s User Manual.” > By > Do > Top > Edit > Find > …FOUR DIFFERENT )

H) As Can Be Directly Observed => From The Above, A NEW REALIZATION =>

The Problem Solving Brain, Shows Many Facets Of Our Human Creativity. And =>
It’s Fun To Watch These Sudden Automatic Spontaneous Mental Arrivals =>
Which May Be Easily Seen, In The Processes of Writing Composition!

This above NEW conclusion about Creativity in Writing Composition, came to my mind in a sudden automatic spontaneous Flash of Insight.
This then lead almost instantly, to a second to automatic spontaneous Flash of Insight => Mental Arrivals in general (which may be easily seen, in The Processes of Writing Composition,) are very similar to the automatic spontaneous Mental Arrival Problem Solutions that are no doubt happening more generally throughout human society over most of recorded human history. Such specifically Illustrates AND supports the below statement of PROPOSITION 10d) which says =>
The Human Problem Solving, Brain Is The Factual & Practical, Origin For The Creative & Innovative Force Behind ALL SOCIAL--CULTURAL CREATIVITY & INNOVATION => Be It Technological, Scientific, Mathematical, Literary, Theatrical, Musical, Or Sports!
I) Moment(s) of Consciousness UN-Occupied (McU):
… Even when we are NOT trying to do anything, our Conscious Mind will still never stay where it is: Even in our quietest moments, our Brain, on-automatic, generates, constructs, & creates, a continuous flow of conscious thoughts, such as UN-done projects, memories of lost opportunities, even long periods of daydreaming / reverie.
… Even a spontaneous “mental record player” in our head, of a favorite music CD, recently and repetitively listened to. This is proof enough, that “chunks of information”, continue to “circulate” in our mind, for days, even weeks, after the original event(s), that created the memory. (For more on this topic > Do > Top > Edit > Find > … McU …
… Of course, in addition to the above “Our Conscious Mind” always being active, our un-conscious brain processes never cease, as long as we are alive.


A) Things We Planned To Do, But Not Done Yet, Are Discussed At Length Here => :

It is Noteworthy & Quite Amazing That => Our Problem Solving Brain Will Automatically Usually & Repeatedly Bring-Back To Our Minds, Important UN-Finished Business, Loose-Ends, or Other UN-Done Needful Actions That Must Be Done! Click Here To Read More In APPENDIX II:

B) And Even More Amazingly, These Reminders Will NOT Continue Once Satisfactory Completion (or Problem Resolution), Is Done! Click Here AND Read More In APPENDIX II:
C) Always Moving To => Better & Better Partial Fit Problem Solution, Is Discussed In In A New WebPage, Currently Here =>

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib. and Emphasis.
PROPOSITION 10a): To Achieve Each New Optimum (Best or Near Best) Partial Fit, Solution (Answer), The Problem Solving Brain Accesses And Uses =>
A Massive Whole Life’s Worth Of Memories Of Previous Successful Solutions.
But The Very Act Of Accessing These Memories Of Previous Solutions, Further Improves & Solidifies These Self-Same Memories**.
… To see just how Memory is actually used, you may want to review the above => PROPOSITION 3b) & 3c): Which Is “My Rather Long Hypothesis, For Brain Solution Mental Arrivals Of => “All Is Slide To Better & Better Partial Fit Problem Solution! “
The Problem Solving Brain, Nearly Always, Uses Memory Creatively To Achieve Successful (And Thus Validated) Future Action: If These New Improved Innovative Solution Stand Test Of Success, by Achieving The Criterions Of Survival, The Brain Turns Around And Updates, Improves, And Refurbishes Those Self-Same Overall Brain’s Memories, With The New Experiences, Innovations, And Success-Validated Solutions.
… This Again Is =>An Optimizing Creative Memory Cycle =>, Which Achieves New Learning, Refinement Of Skills, Better Habits, Improved, Solidified, Updated Knowledge, For more related Discussion & Problem Solving Brain usages > See 18 Each > Edit > Find > …RRC …

PROPOSITION 10a)Continued => We Can Hypothesize That The Very Act Of Accessing Memories, Connects To The Very Exact Synapse Connections That Are To Be Updated, Then The Up-Dated Version Saved, Back To The Same Connections.
Learning And Habit Formation Are Two Examples Of Memory Update. (As Stated Above) This, Will Be Referred To Herein As => The Learning-Perception-Memory Cycle, A Regenerative Upward Spiral Of Ever Improved Memory. )
NOTE: The term “memory” (or brain’s memory), as used in This Document you are currently reading, is officially technically named:=> Problem Solving Accessed, Content Addressable, Associative Memory.
… Since this form of biological memory is VERY important, it is herein is fully, most accurately called => ‘‘ “Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory. ” ''.


Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib. and Emphasis.
PROPOSITION 10b): FOR The Problem Solving Brain’s Ongoing Generation, Construction, Creation, Of New Solutions => It Accesses & Uses Previous Creative Optimum (Best or Near Best) Solutions, Stored As Brain Memories, AND Then Goes Beyond To Creatively Finding Even Further Better, Best or Near Best Partial Fit Solution. .
… ''' These Memories Of Previous Creative Best or Near Best Partial Fit Solutions, Are Used For Making Even Better New Creative Problem Solutions.
… These Creative Solutions Are => De-Novo, Absolutely New, and Entering New Territory, For The Very First Time! Which Were Never Before Realized! And
… Thus Building Upon, And Creatively Going BEYOND Previous Creative Best Or Near Best Solutions, That Were Saved To Brain’s Memory. => '''

Thus Ever BETTER NEW Creative, Innovative Problem Solutions, Are In Turn Automatically Saved Back Into A Refurbished Brain Memory.
These NEW Creatively Improved & Solidified Solutions, Now Saved To Brain Memory, Will Be Available For Ongoing Creation of, Ever BEYOND Ever BETTER NEW Creative, Innovative Future Solutions.
Thus A Massive Whole Life’s Worth Of Memories Of Previous Creative Solutions, Which Were Stored In Brain’s Memory, For The Very Purpose Of Future Using Such, For Making Creative New Problem Solutions, Keeps On Creatively Getting Better & Better!

SUMMARY: The Problem Solving Brain’s Creative NEW Solutions, Being Always Best or Near Best, (For The Combined Stored Creative Solutions, Fit To Life’s On-Coming Problems), Nearly Always Will Creatively Go Well Beyond The Previous Solutions Saved To Brain’s Memory.
Thus These Stored To Brain’s Memories, In Future, Will Deliver Into Conscious Mind, Ever Better & Better Partial Fit, Mental Arrival Solutions.
… In other words => The Problem Solving Brain nearly always => Uses Memory Creatively To Achieve Ever Increasingly Effective, New Successful Future Actions: If These New Improved Innovative Solution Stand Test Of Successful Future Action (And Thus Validated) OR by Achieving The Criterions Of Survival (And Thus Validated) (Mentioned elsewhere in This Document), The Problem Solving Brain, Turns Around And Updates, Improves, And Refurbishes => Those Original Self-Same Overall Memories, With The NEW Experiences, Innovations, And Survival Success-Validated Solutions.
AND TO REPEAT => Be Sure to Note Well, AGAIN =>This Of Course is => An Optimizing Creative Memory Cycle =>, Which Achieves New Learning, Refinement Of Skills, Better Habits, Improved, Solidified, Updated Knowledge, And Many More Examples.
This is A Cycle Of Regenerative Upward Spiral Of Compounded, Creative, Building-On-(And Beyond)-The-Previous, Ever Improved Problem Solutions, Then Stored In Memory.

1) The Cycle Steps Are => Original Memory > Memory ReAccesed > Provides Memory Base For Perception & Other What Do Next > Problem Solving Brain Mental Arrival to Consciousness With Future-Plans, Emotions & Feelings, Etc > Action > Success > Refine & Improve Solution Back Into Memory > Enhance & ReFurbish Memory. =>
2) Above Shortened To => A Regenerative Memory Cycle Of ReAccess & ReFurbish =>
3) Above Abbreviate To => ReAccess & ReFurbish Cycle
4) Above Abbreviate To => Useful Acronym => RRC << For more related Discussion & Problem Solving Brain usages > See 18 Each > Edit > Find > …RRC …

…This cycle is also discussed in the Single and Double-Loop Learning, discussed and diagramed, half way down this Wikipedia Page.

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib. and Emphasis (Came to my mind Dec 27 2021.).
PROPOSITION 10c): The Problem Solving Brain’s Creative NEW Solutions, Being Always Best or Near Best => IS THE WELL SPRING (BOTH SOURCE & MECHANISM OF) OF ALL HUMAN CREATIVITY.
The Above PROPOSITION 10a) & 10b) Statements (Especially where saying Nearly Always Will Creatively Go Well Beyond Previous Solutions), Has HUGE IMPLICATIONS FOR OUR =>
A) Individual Persons Creativity as Scientists, Engineers, Writers, Authors & Composers, Computer Wizards, Etc. The origin of any person’s creativity, basically comes from => The Problem Solving Brain’s Ongoing Generation, Construction, Creation, Of New Solutions, It Accesses & Uses Previous Creative Optimum (Best or Near Best) Solutions, Stored As Brain Memories, AND Creatively Finds Even Further, Best or Near Best Partial Fit Solution. .And in doing so, Dep-Novo entering absolutely new territory! Which were never before realized! This of course leads to =>
B) The Origin of World’s Net Overall Social--Cultural Creativity & Innovation, Both Current Day AND Historical ! As Discussed In The Next Below:

… … … …
Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib. and Emphasis (Came to my mind Dec 27 2021.).
PROPOSITION 10d): The Problem Solving Brain’s Creative NEW Solutions, Being Always Best or Near Best => IS THE WELL SPRING (BOTH SOURCE & MECHANISM OF) OF ALL SOCIAL--CULTURAL CREATIVITY & INNOVATION, Both Current Day AND Historical:
Concerning The Below PROPOSITION 12b)-Bolded Statement, That Said =>-> Relevant Brain’s Memories Are Accessed, Used To Make Creative Innovative, Improved, New Solutions, Which Mentally Arrive Into Consciousness, And The Brain’s Self-Same Memory Correspondingly ReFurbished & Updated.
Here We Should Especially Notice That This Statement Must Be GENERALIZED TO => The Human Problem Solving, Brain Is The Factual & Practical, Sole Basis For The Creative & Innovative Force Behind ALL SOCIAL--CULTURAL CREATIVITY & INNOVATION => Be It Technological, Scientific, Mathematical, Literary, Theatrical, Musical, Or Sports!
… NOTE: The above bolded says ALL SOCIAL--CULTURAL CREATIVITY & INNOVATION: This, of course, may seem impossibly extreme!
… However, considering that all Human Societies are

1) Run by Humans, which are run by their Brains,
2) AND in total, each human actions, depends of Flash Of Insight type Mental Arrivals, then
3) It automatically, literally follows that the Human Mind is truly & inescapably The Total Well Spring of ALL Creativity & Innovation.
4) And for these reasons, useful & effective guidance for achievement of SOCIAL--CULTURAL CREATIVITY & INNOVATION, is => Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” , which in turn is “A Brain Owner’s Users Manual.”

… … … …

A) Confirmation Of => The Above “PROPOSITION 10d): Statement Re => The Problem Solving Brain’s Creative NEW Solutions, Being Always Best or Near Best => IS THE WELL SPRING (BOTH SOURCE & MECHANISM OF) OF ALL SOCIAL--CULTURAL CREATIVITY & INNOVATION, Both Current Day AND Historical: => “… ” Is Partly Confirmed In WebPage => National Advisory Committee on Creative and Cultural Education: All Our Futures: Creativity, Culture and Education Report to the Secretary of State for Education and Employment. Click Here.
… ”We said earlier that creativity is possible in all areas of human activity and not only in the arts. This is clearly true. Creative insights and advances have driven forward human culture in the sciences, in technology, in philosophy, the arts and the humanities. The history of science, indeed the essential process, is one of continuous conjectures and of reevaluations of established ideas: of new insights or information, challenging and building on existing knowledge. This is the source of the intellectual excitement and creative impulse of science: that it is concerned not only with facts, but with what count as facts; not only with observation but with explanation — with interpretation and with meaning. The processes of scientific analysis and investigation can involve the highest levels of creativity and insight. Discovery in science is not always strictly logical. It often results from unexpected leaps of imagination: from sudden moments of illumination in which the scientist grasps the answer to a problem and then sets out to verify it by calculation. This can be as true for children setting out as for experienced scientists. 2. ( << .) Creative Education NACCCE report 36
… The Same Report Offers The Following Explanation => Leap of the Imagination. Some of the most common science activities can provide opportunities for teachers to witness a creative leap of the imagination where children suddenly make a connection and move their own learning forward. Children were testing different materials to find out which one was waterproof. They used a range of materials, looked at them under a microscope and made the connection that those materials with holes allowed water to flow through and that the bigger the hole the faster the water flowed through the material. Whilst most children accepted that some fabrics were waterproof and some others were not, one child, silent for a while, obviously pondering on the different aspects of the activity, suddenly exclaimed, “We need to fill the holes to make it waterproof, if we crayoned over the fabric the wax would go into the holes”. This illustrates creative thinking in science where a child does not take the obvious route and also shows real understanding of the key idea.” ( << Information provided by the Association for Science Education.)
Martha Graham [Speaking of an Idea or Art in a Child said] => This expression is unique. If you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.

B) The Ideas In Above “PROPOSITION 10d):… Are Partly Confirmed In The Many Very Insightful Books of Poet, Linguist, & Philosopher Owen Barfield: These Owen Barfield Ideas Are Pointed Out & Discussed In APPENDIX XVIII: Click Here.

… (From Above Continued => Educated Guess =>)
PROPOSITION 10e): Our Problem Solving Brain, In Generating, Constructing, Creating, A Mental Arrival Solution => We Can Hypothesize That The Very Act Of Accessing Brain’s Memories,
Connects To The VERY EXACT SAME Synapse Connections That Are To Be NEXT Updated,
Whereupon The Up-Dated Version Is Automatically Saved, Back To The Self Same Synapse Connections, As Creatively Improved Re-Furbished Brain’s Memories.
… Learning and habit formation are two examples of this=> Brain’s Memory ReAccess, then Automatic Update as Creatively Improved Re-Furbished Brain’s Memories.

NOTE1: The Term Memory (Or Brain’s Memory), As Used In This Document You Are Currently Reading, Officially Technically Means => “Problem Solving Accessed, Content Addressable, Associative Memory”. . These characteristics of biological memory are VERY important, (and in This Document you are reading now) will be more properly called => Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving Accessed, Content Addressable, Associative Memory.” << PLEASE WELL REMEMBER !


PROPOSITION 11a): For Our Problem Solving Brain, There Are Two Similar “Actions”, Which Must Keep Distinct =>
A) “Primary Consciousness, Is An Ever Present ~’Mental Theater Stage’, A “Visual Mental Theater”, INTO WHICH APPEAR =>
B) The Other Herein Discussed Automatic Spontaneous Problem Solution Mental Arrivals, Which Also Appear Into Our Conscious Mind. ''
…The Above A) & B) Are, Of Course, Building Upon The Above Stated Conclusion, For Our Problem Solving Brain, That => “All Automatic Spontaneous Problem Solutions Are Generated, Constructed, Created, Including Primary Consciousness. ”

HOWEVER: Since A) & B) Are Different Consciousness Results, These A) & B) Need Clearly Distinguishable Names, AND Readers Should Learn Their Distinguishing Features and Actions, As Follows =>

A) is this always present when we are “Conscious”: The Problem Solving Brain is creating (An internal, To Our Mind’s Eye) => A simulation of our external world, where we consciously visualize ourselves to be situated in that world. (In other words => This is a mind created ”theater”.) AND into our Primary Consciousness can =>
B) Appear, our Other Sudden Automatic Spontaneous Mental Arrivals, as described throughout This Document You Are Currently Reading.

PROPOSITION 11a) Explanation): Primary Consciousness, As Discussed Above, Is Pretty Much The Same Mental Phenomenon, Which Is Simply Called Consciousness, By Most Authors, Including Philosophy Prof John R Searle, And Various Other Authors & Publications On This Subject. (To learn more Do > Edit > Find 9 each > … Types of Consciousness … .
… Not only is our Primary Consciousness, a response to stimulation of our external world, arising from our 9 Sensed, it appears that such Continuous Stimulation is {_required+}, for our Primary Coconsciousness to remain running normally, such as =>

a) We all experience situations where we will fall asleep or go into daydreaming. => Long boredom, reading while tired or driving a car with fatigue, and other low stimulation situations.
b) Another situation where UN-Stimulated, a person’s Consciousness drifts away into a very pleasant but seeming non-functional “awake-dreaming”. Persons while in these popular “Flotation Tanks”, for an hour or so of “Sensory Deprivation”, report gradually going into a state of consciousness, which is very relaxing, quite enjoyable, and from the testimonies, curative of stress and chronic pain. However good the Sensory Deprived Experience, it is a mindless state of mind, called “FLOAT”, where no productive efforts can be done … Not even compose a paragraph or a sentence, do future planning, think of a new work of art, or piece of music. More here => https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-35521560

… The above is what can be expressed in human words, how our Problem Solving Brains creates Solutions into our Conscious Mind of respectively => A) Primary Consciousness (An internal, To Our Mind’s Eye), The ”Theater”, Into which => B) Secondarily appear, our Other Mental Arrivals, that => Report, organize, and make sense of what we consciously experience.
… Note1: Beyond what is stated on This Document you are reading right now., what Mentally Arrives into Conscious Mind is always a whole lot more. To see additional important discussion > Do > Edit > Find > …. AND Although It Is Unknown ….
… Note2: And We Must Remember That In ALL Circumstances & Instants Of Time =>What is really happening in our , ‘‘ “Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory. ” '' Is Invisible Tiny Changing Of Inter-Neuron Connection Strengths: To See This Idea => Click Here AND AFTER This Comes Up => Scroll Down Princeton Theoretical Physicist J. J. Hopfield’s Neural Network Model.
…Please also see below, Chart Which Compares Various Authors Own Discussed Types of Consciousness.

PROPOSITION 11a): The Following As Already Stated In For Our Problem Solving Brain, There Are Two Similar “Consciousness Actions”, Which Must Keep Distinct =>
A) Primary Consciousness, Is An Ever Present ~”Mental Theater Stage”, A “Visual Mental Theater”, INTO WHICH APPEAR =>
B) The Other Herein Discussed Problem Solution Mental Arrivals That Additionally Appear Into Our Conscious Mind, Which Is, Of Course (In This Document Your are Reading Now), Also Called “Primary Consciousness.”

Since A) & B) Are Different Consciousness Results, These A) & B) Need Clearly Distinguishable Names, AND Readers Should Learn Their Distinguishing Features and Actions, As Follows => ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION =>
… The A) Above Is Commonly Called Consciousness (or The Several Specialized Names Given Below), Will Be This Document Newly Named Herein => Primary Consciousness,
…AND This Primary Consciousness, should be carefully distinguished from what herein is called B) “A Problem Solution Suddenly Automatically Spontaneously Mentally Arrived into our Conscious Mind.””
… Thus: Primary Consciousness herein names our (ordinary) “seeing” the 3D visual scene (mental Theater Stage) of our immediate surroundings. In other words “Good O’l Reality”! AND
… Be sure to note well => Primary Consciousness , apparently arises from, and it is an Optimal (Best or Near Best, Generated, Constructed, Created => Construction determined by, our sensory inputs (9 senses), automatically & spontaneously, responding to the immediate ever-present surrounding environment. And of course, probably using the ‘‘ “Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory. ” '', is used for the Generated, Constructed, Created for both =>

A) Our Primary Consciousness , AND the
B) The Other Problem Solutions,-that appears as a sudden, automatic, spontaneous, Mental Arrival, into our Awareness & Conscious Mind, which is herein called Primary Consciousness .

… Thus it is that our brain AND our sense organs, stimulated, and prompted by our ever present surrounding environment (and combining optimal partial fit with memory) => Constructs, what John R Searle calls a “unitary field”, somehow making us aware, and

A) Gives us our A) Primary Consciousness An Ever Present ~”Theater Stage”, A “Visual Theater”, INTO WHICH APPEAR =>
B) The Other Herein Discussed Problem Solution Sudden, Automatic, Spontaneous, Mental Arrivals That Also Appear Into Our Conscious Mind..

…This above A) is an, always present, internal simulation of our external world … where we consciously visualize ourselves to be situated in that world …. AND, INTO WHICH APPEAR =>
… B) Our Other sudden, automatic, spontaneous, Mental Arrivals into Conscious Mind, , which is, of course (in This Document your are reading now), also called “Primary Consciousness.
…And of course overall, A) Primary Consciousness & B) Other Mental Arrivals, function properly, only when our brain is functioning ~normally.

PROPOSITION 11a): SUMMARY; The Above Describes Two Types ( A) & B) ) Of Conscious “Actions”, That Can Be Expressed In Human Words, To Report, And Make Sense Of What We Consciously Experience.
…Please see Chart next below.
… (For more on “alive, and ready for action” Do > Top > Edit > Find > … PROPOSITION 16b) … )

From Wikipedia: An Excellent, Compact, Highly Recommended, Overview of the Current Research Status of Brain Science, Which Also Includes Full Discussion of Different Authors Views of Consciousness.
… The Above-mentioned Wikipedia Page Summarizes “Types of Consciousness”, Mentioning Various Authors, By Name, For Their Own Discussed => Types of Consciousness (or Processes) =>, which compare well with Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” .

The Below Chart Illustrates This Above-Mentioned Consciousness Comparison.

HSG Proto-Theory, incorporates two types of Consciousness =>a) When Awake: Primary Consciousnessb) Mental Arrivals Added Into Primary Consciousness
Ned Block, two types of Consciousness =>Phenomenal (P-consciousness)Access (A-consciousness
Philosophy Prof John R Searle, One Type =>Simply called consciousness.Simply called consciousness.
David Chalmers, two types, has argued that =>A-Consciousness can in principle be understood in mechanistic termsP-Consciousness, hard to understand, thus name “The Hard Problem of Consciousness”



Below Is An Excerpt From The Wikipedia (Link Above), Which Fills In Needed Details.
“Types Of Consciousness.”
… ”Many philosophers have argued that consciousness is a unitary concept that is understood intuitively by the majority of people in spite of the difficulty in defining it. Others, though, have argued that the level of disagreement about the meaning of the word indicates that it either means different things to different people (for instance, the objective versus subjective aspects of consciousness), or else is an umbrella term encompassing a variety of distinct meanings with no simple element in common.”
… ”Ned Block proposed a distinction between two types of consciousness that he called phenomenal (P-consciousness) and access (A-consciousness). P-consciousness, according to Block, is simply raw experience: it is moving, colored forms, sounds, sensations, emotions and feelings with our bodies' and responses at the center. These experiences, considered independently of any impact on behavior, are called qualia. A-consciousness, on the other hand, is the phenomenon whereby information in our minds is accessible for verbal report, reasoning, and the control of behavior. So, when we perceive, information about what we perceive is access conscious; when we introspect, information about our thoughts is access conscious; when we remember, information about the past is access conscious, and so on. Although some philosophers, such as Daniel Dennett, have disputed the validity of this distinction,[31] others have broadly accepted it. David Chalmers has argued that A-consciousness can in principle be understood in mechanistic terms, but that understanding P-consciousness is much more challenging: he calls this the hard problem of consciousness.”
… ”Some philosophers believe that Block's two types of consciousness are not the end of the story. William Lycan, for example, argued in his book Consciousness and Experience that at least eight clearly distinct types of consciousness can be identified (organism consciousness; control consciousness; consciousness of; state/event consciousness; reportability; introspective consciousness; subjective consciousness; self-consciousness)—and that even this list omits several more obscure forms.”

Above Wikipedia Link Also Mentions =>

1) “Philosophers have used the term 'consciousness' for four main topics: knowledge in general, intentionality, introspection (and the knowledge it specifically generates) and phenomenal experience.”
2) “ at least eight clearly distinct types of consciousness can be identified (organism consciousness; control consciousness; consciousness of; state/event consciousness; reportability; introspective consciousness; subjective consciousness; self-consciousness)—and that even this list omits several more obscure forms. ”

HSG NOTE1: From common usage, and as in Wikipedia passages above, we see that the single word “consciousness”, should NOT be applied to any ONE type of mental awareness, but rather should be seen as an umbrella term, that covers many different types mental phenomena. Left out of the Wikipedia discussion are => Self-Consciousness = State of total engrossed involvement in one’s self, such that we lose all awareness of other persons. Also a person’s involvement in “self’, may include extreme Joy / Elation / Flow (of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi ). Or perhaps go the other way, to ~complete un-awareness of self … like Zen’s “No-Mind”.
HSG NOTE2: Also left out of Wikipedia, are => Wikipedia Six Basic Emotions (Happiness / Sadness, Fear, / Anger, Surprise / Disgust,) But Wikipedia discusses other systems of basic emotions, which are additionally discussed on their WebPage. And there are various other emotional states to be included, such as Hunger, Dreams, and other Alternated States Of Consciousness,
HSG NOTE3: For more good discussion, please consult the already above mentioned => An Excellent, Compact, Highly Recommended, Overview of the Current Research Status of Brain Science, Which Comes Out In This Wikipedia Full Discussion of Consciousness. Click Here.
( END Wikipedia Excerpt: However, Is Highly Recommended that you study this entire Wikipedia Article on Consciousness, at Blue Link above. )

Consciousness On-Off Switch Discovered Deep In Brain. NewScientist.com, 2 July 2014.
… “Many theories abound but most agree that consciousness has to involve the integration of activity from several brain networks, allowing us to perceive our surroundings as one single unifying experience rather than isolated sensory perceptions. …. One proponent of this idea was Francis Crick, a pioneering neuroscientist who earlier in his career had identified the structure of DNA. Just days before he died in July 2004, Crick was working on a paper that suggested our consciousness needs something akin to an orchestra conductor to bind all of our different external and internal perceptions together.”
https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22329762-700-consciousness-on-off-switch- discovered-deep-in-brain/
… NOTE: This above article also reports some interesting discoveries about Consciousness, but in addition summarizes (similar to John R Searle), important conclusions concerning the net result of => “The System That Creates What We Call Consciousness”, And it is this ‘System” that, results in what is called Primary Consciousness, (as discussed in This Document You Are Currently Reading).
… This article mentions “Integration”, and “Unifying”, which discussion nicely fit Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” ,

Additional Discussion of Primary Consciousness.
… Primary Consciousness itself, can be altered or extended by Problem Solutions, giving newly arrived perceptions, arising from sudden shifts in attention, such as would be caused by loud noises, change in illumination, new movement in the visual field, etc.
… Primary Consciousness Is mostly experienced as a Visual Scene, and Is Nearly Constantly Available. In fact, it’s always there, even With Our Eyes Closed!! … An example of how this Primary Conscious, makes our General Awareness of Self & Surroundings, is this => While I’m resting (perhaps with eyes closed), and not much thinking of anything, suddenly a new good idea may suddenly, automatically, spontaneously, come into my Primary Conscious Mind. This (as is mentioned other places on this WebPage), shows how Primary Consciousness, is a Theater Stage, onto which Mental Arrivals may appear.
… IN OTHER WORDS: Our A) Primary Consciousness, is a Theater Stage, onto which appear B) Our Other Sudden Automatic Spontaneous Mental Arrivals => Even with eyes closed, we can add into our Primary Consciousness, all manner of things visualized, imagined, or thought-about: Such as -> Our immediate surroundings, or even those times & places of history worldwide, even alien cultures … All In Our Imagination. … All purely in the Mind’s Eye! …. Of such novels and science fiction are written & read!
… Note Well => Primary Consciousness, is nearly ALWAYS present, and only truly “gone”, when we are UN-conscious, such as sleep, brain injury, brain major malfunction, or under serious influence of alcohol, toxic chemicals, neuro-toxins, or medical anesthetics. Of course, Primary Consciousness may be somewhat fuzzy, as we come back to Consciousness, or from various forms of brain malfunction, or when asleep we are suddenly startled awake.

The Neat & Absolutely Astounding & Wonderful Properties Of Primary Conscious Are That =>
… We know when we are fully awake and fully conscious, and alive, and ready for action!! We know if we are mentally clear-eyed, fully competent and mentally & physically tuned, for the task as hand, feeling of high level of preparedness. Or we know the converse, such as light-headed, fuzzy minded, dizzy, or body out of balance. We know how much we are aware of (and typically in-tune-with), all 9 senses.
… Even more wonderful (and survival functional), we know the degree to which our overall mental condition (gumption), is up to handling the tasks facing us! We know if we are skilled enough, strong enough, have enough energy, and are in the correct place for action. These is especially important in dangerous situations when, we for example => Drive a car on very busy high speed highway, fly an airplane especially at take-off or landing, operating complex machinery especially negotiating through dangerous terrain, or critical building construction site maneuvers, not to mention leadership in warfare and international disputes, etc.
… Moreover (opposite to the above), we know the degree to which our overall mental & physical condition (low-gumption), IS NOT up to handling the tasks facing us! We generally know our functional level of Mind-Body-Tension. Such as Excessive Feelings Of => Over-Excited, Agitated, Ruffled, Upset, Keyed Up, Flustered, Over Wrought, Over Angered, Sick, Fever, Etc.
… Through it all => It is important to realize that with Primary Consciousness, => We generally know our “level of competence” (or lack of it)!
… And this sense of “ready for action” (or not “ready”), arrives with EVERY Problem Solving Brain Optimal (Best or Near Best) Problem Solution, and ALWAYS right along with =>

a) What is in our surrounding environment,
b) Needed Future Plans & Actions, and
c) Appropriate Feelings & Emotions.
d) A full sense of Meaning, Sense of Truth, Beauty, Recognition, Insight, Knowing, Comprehension, Sense, Clear Understanding, and Importance. And All This With Felt Certainty

NOTE1: Because This Document You Are Currently Reading, can’t keep endlessly repeating this (or other) important ideas => Please remember the above,
NOTE2: For more on “You-Can-Tell-How –Well-Your-Perception-System-Is-Working,“ … > Top > Do > Edit > Find > … PROPOSITION 16b) …

… As emphasized This Document => A) Primary Consciousness, is this always present, internal simulation of our external world, where we consciously visualize ourselves to be situated in that world. AND, into which B) Appear, our Other Sudden Automatic Spontaneous Mental Arrivals, as described throughout This Document You Are Currently Reading. Since A) Primary Consciousness and B) Other Mental Arrivals, are solutions that both appear in Consciousness, and have similar modes of creation, these need to be carefully distinguished =>

A) Primary Consciousness is stimulated by and fitted to our external 3D world, and mostly visual, and shifts with 3D World around us.
B) Most Other Solutions are called Mental Arrivals into Our Conscious Mind (Suddenly Automatically Spontaneously), which by contrast to above A), are mostly not visual, not present nearly all the time, and have less content re the external world. These Other Mental Arrivals are for examples such as new => Ideas, facts, thoughts, realizations, answers, conclusions, decisions, body motions, considerations, individual items of awareness, remembrances, reminisces, remember a name, etc. Depending on circumstances, Sudden, Automatic, Spontaneous, Mental Arrivals, might be includes the meaning of practically any word or concept, the understanding of a sentence, conceiving a way to do something, etc.

Some Added Thoughts About => Our Problem Solving Brain’s Entirely Generated, Constructed, Created => “Mental Model” Of Our External “Real World” Surroundings, Nearly Always Available As Primary Consciousness (Also On This Document Called Consciousness or Conscious Mind), Is Mostly Experienced As Vision.
… Surely primary, is our conscious perception of the full-color, 3D world around us moment by moment, even parts of it remaining even if we close our eyes. And we can deduce, that it is our ever-present & dominatingly large and continuous sensory input from the surrounding environment, that AUTOMATICALLY initiates (and controls), the resulting and ever-present Primary Consciousness.(Our Primary Consciousness “view” of our surrounding world is often called a Mental Model, of our world.) In other words, using sensory input and memory of past experiences, our Optimizing General Problem Solving Brain AUTOMATICALLY, SPONTANEOUSLY. CREATES, Primary Consciousness for us! And with this Our So Created World, We See Before Our Very Eyes!. And similarly for ALL our Other Mental arrivals.
… Overall our Primary Consciousness of the surrounding 3D world, as a Mental Model, not only shows us where we are currently located, and at the edges is ready to show us any other place we move to, all the while using, refurbishing, and updating, saved into our Brain’s Memory, as a Mental Model. In other words, our Problem Solving Brain Automatically Generates, Constructs. Creates, Our “Reality”! .
… This is the whole idea of. Our Problem Solving Brain’s Entirely => Generated, Constructed, Created Reality…. says => Our problem solving brain constructs, builds up, throughout our daily activity, our complete world in, and only in, our own minds. This leads, in turn, to the understanding that the whole universe. as we know it, strictly speaking, really exists only in our own minds.

From Wikipedia: Principles Of Mental Models.
“Mental models are based on a small set of fundamental assumptions (axioms), which distinguish them from other proposed representations in the psychology of reasoning (Byrne and Johnson-Laird, 2009). Each mental model represents a possibility. A mental model represents one possibility, capturing what is common to all the different ways in which the possibility may occur (Johnson-Laird and Byrne, 2002). Mental models are iconic, i.e., each part of a model corresponds to each part of what it represents (Johnson-Laird, 2006). Mental models are based on a principle of truth: they typically represent only those situations that are possible, and each model of a possibility represents only what is true in that possibility according to the proposition. However, mental models can represent what is false, temporarily assumed to be true, for example, in the case of counterfactual conditionals and counterfactual thinking (Byrne, 2005)”.

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Concerning Our Problem Solving Brain’s Entirely Generated, Constructed, Created => “Mental Model” Of Our External “Real World” Surroundings, That Is Mostly Experienced As Vision, And Nearly Always Available As Primary Consciousness.

… This is important for ALL of us to understand how => Our normal ongoing perception of the world around us, our brain is (automatically) forming memory traces of everything we see and think.
… Simultaneously, these on-going ‘perceptions (which use previously stored]-memory-trace-contents, together are actively (problem-solving brain again), combine to generate, construct, create => our general mental model of the world around us. This ‘constructed general mental model of the world around us (then stored in memory),’ is the very ‘thing’ that, in the ongoing future, is turned around and used for decoding (second by second) our next perceptions & thinking . Now, the more I think about it, the more I realize that this truth applies to the generate, construct, create => of absolutely everything that suddenly automatically spontaneously comes into our mind. =>
In Our Problem Solving Brain, Unconscious Processes, Automatically Generates, Construct, Create, With Dual Process Theory’s “Thinking Fast” => “A Mental Model” Of The Universe Around Us, From The Get-Go… It’s ALL Built-Up By And In, Our Own Human Brain, And Nearly Always Available As Primary Consciousness.
… This Is Dynamic Building, From One Partial Fit Solution, To The Next (Possibly Even Better) “Partial Fit” Solutions, which become Problem Solving Brain Mental Arrivals Into primary Consciousness.
… AND, please realize this => These Solutions with Concomitant Future Plan (Intention), leading to eve Better & Better “Partial Fit” Solutions, are all automatically remembered. This remembered constitutes and ever building of knowledge base, which essentially came from a person dynamically interacting with the surrounding world.

This Same Conclusion, Is Also Implied In All Of Robert Pirsig’s Book “Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance” (ZMM), Where Dynamic Quality Is The Cutting Edge Of Reality’, And Even Makes Our Reality! =>
… As Robert Pirsig says =>

a) “"Quality is the parent, the source of all subjects and objects." - “
b) “The birth of a new fact is always a wonderful thing to experience. It’s dualistically called a "discovery" because of the presumption that it has an existence independent of anyone’s awareness of it. When it comes along, it always has, at first, a low value. Then, depending on the value-looseness of the observer and the potential quality of the fact, its value increases, either slowly or rapidly, or the value wanes and the fact disappears. ”
c) “ The Quality which creates the world emerges as a relationship between man and his experience. He is a participant in the creation of all things. The measure of all things—it fits..”
d) “Quality is the continuing stimulus which our environment puts upon us to create the world in which we live. All of it. Every last bit of it.”

… This above phrase d) is asserted TWO times in ZMM, and “ All of it. Every last bit of it .” is asserted FOUR times, so Pirsig surely must really, really, mean it !.
AND From This, Our Readers Should Go On To Realize That This => “ Create The World In Which We Live .” => Means Our Problem Solving Brain, Generates, Constructs, Creates =>

A) Is the general foundational undergirding of ZMM.
B) This A) is most apparent when Pirsig uses the word ‘construct’, specifically with this meaning, NINE times in ZMM, quoting Albert Einstein and Henri’ Poincare’, along the way.
C) And I believe Pirsig’s “create the world in which we live .” applies (at most) to the part of the universe that is Problem Solving Brain Generated, Constructed, Created … in our own mind … which is all we can ever know.
D) This Generated, constructed, created, again is Pirsig’s Dynamic Quality, together building ALL of our knowledge the universe … in our mind is … which in turn Pirsig calls Static Quality.
E) In ZMM, Robert Pirsig summarizes how important this Problem Solving Brain Generated, Constructed, Created, is => “ ‘The sun of quality,’ he wrote, ‘does not revolve around the subjects and objects of our existence. It does not just passively illuminate them. It is not subordinate to them in any way. It has created them. They are subordinate to it!” …And at that point, when he wrote that, he knew he had reached some kind of culmination of thought he had been unconsciously striving for over a long period of time. .”

…As Robert Pirsig explained in ZMM, It was Sarah Vinke introduces the word ‘Quality’ and what it potentially could mean. With this, Sarah herself started a new and expanded understanding and usage for the word Quality. And it is this vastly expanded meaning that is used throughout the 2nd half of ZMM. Now after ZMM came out, readers asked a host of questions, which forced Pirsig to do a tremendous amount of further thinking. His answers were written into his second book “LILA” . Now in “LILA” , Pirsig breaks Quality into two different parts, which he called Static Quality and Dynamic Quality.
…Static Quality, is everything we know and feel and understand. In his Railroad Freight Train Analogy, he calls this Static Quality, which is the contents of the railroad train on the track of Quality. He means by Static Quality, that which is fixed, it’s given, it’s here.
…In contrast to Static Quality, Pirsig introduces Dynamic Quality, which the action of our mind finding and opening up the next split second of our life. Pirsig calls this ‘the cutting edge of reality’, which could also be called the cutting edge of new awareness, or the cutting edge of life’s next experience. In his railroad train analogy, Pirsig says of Dynamic Quality, ‘it’s the very front skin of the freight train locomotive’. Thus Dynamic Quality is that which is actively and always moving forward, just as the very front of the freight train engine is always moving, always cutting, Dynamically, into new territory.
Now To The Point => To me Mr Pirsig’s Dynamic Quality means, an action of our mind finding and opening up the next split second of our life, and thus the cutting edge of new awareness. This, of course, is an alternate but good description of the creation of our Conscious mind AND what is what is nearly always available to us as Primary Consciousness.

To Help Explain Just What He Means By “Quality’, Robert Pirsig Introduces His Railroad Freight Train Analogy, Which You Can Read In The Following ZMM Passage:

“In my mind now is an image of a huge, long railroad train, one of those 120-boxcar jobs that cross the prairies all the time with lumber and vegetables going east and with automobiles and other manufactured goods going west. I want to call this railroad train "knowledge" and subdivide in into two parts: Classic Knowledge and Romantic Knowledge.
In terms of the analogy, Classic Knowledge, the knowledge taught by the Church of Reason, is the engine and all the boxcars. All of them and everything that’s in them. If you subdivide the train into parts you will find no Romantic Knowledge anywhere. And unless you’re careful it’s easy to make the presumption that’s all the train there is. This isn’t because Romantic Knowledge is nonexistent or even unimportant. It’s just that so far the definition of the train is static and purposeless.
This was what I was trying to get at back in South Dakota when I talked about two whole dimensions of existence. It’s two whole ways of looking at the train.
Romantic Quality, in terms of this analogy, isn’t any "part" of the train. It’s the leading edge of the engine, a two-dimensional surface of no real significance unless you understand that the train isn’t a static entity at all. A train really isn’t a train if it can’t go anywhere. In the process of examining the train and subdividing it into parts we’ve inadvertently stopped it, so that it really isn’t a train we are examining. That’s why we get stuck.
The real train of knowledge isn’t a static entity that can be stopped and subdivided. It’s always going somewhere. On a track called Quality. And that engine and all those 120 boxcars are never going anywhere except where the track of Quality takes them; and Romantic Quality, the leading edge of the engine, takes them along that track.
Romantic reality is the cutting edge of experience. It’s the leading edge of the train of knowledge that keeps the whole train on the track. Traditional knowledge is only the collective memory of where that leading edge has been. At the leading edge there are no subjects, no objects, only the track of Quality ahead, and if you have no formal way of evaluating, no way of acknowledging this Quality, then the entire train has no way of knowing where to go. You don’t have pure reason—you have pure confusion. . …The leading edge is where absolutely all the action is. The leading edge contains all the infinite possibilities of the future. It contains all the history of the past. Where else could they be contained?
The past cannot remember the past. The future can’t generate the future. The cutting edge of this instant right here and now is always nothing less than the totality of everything there is.
Value, the leading edge of reality, is no longer an irrelevant offshoot of structure. Value is the predecessor of structure. It’s the preintellectual awareness that gives rise to it. Our structured reality is preselected on the basis of value, and really to understand structured reality requires an understanding of the value source from which it’s derived.
One’s rational understanding of a motorcycle is therefore modified from minute to minute as one works on it and sees that a new and different rational understanding has more Quality. One doesn’t cling to old sticky ideas because one has an immediate rational basis for rejecting them. Reality isn’t static anymore. It’s not a set of ideas you have to either fight or resign yourself to. It’s made up, in part, of ideas that are expected to grow as you grow, and as we all grow, century after century. With Quality as a central undefined term, reality is, in its essential nature, not static but dynamic. And when you really understand dynamic reality you never get stuck. It has forms but the forms are capable of change.”
NOTE: In Pirsig’s 2nd Book, He Introduced A Further Development Called “Static Quality” & “Dynamic Quality”.

Our Problem Solving Brain, Unconscious Processes, Automatically, Spontaneously, Generates, Constructs, Creates => “A Mental Model” Of The Universe Around Us, From The Get-Go. It’s All Built-Up By And In, Our Own Human Brain … In Our Own Human Mind.
The Above Sentence Describes => Robert Pirsig’s Quality (Dynamic Quality)
… And as Stated Above => Mr Pirsig’s Quality, is an alternate but good description of the creation of our Conscious mind AND what is what is nearly always available to us as Primary Consciousness.


For Further Reading Concerning Consciousness:

B) Collected Into One Webpage, Are ALL Of The Various Discussions On The Topic Of CONSCIOUSNESS, That Henry Gurr Could Find In His Documents & Emails.

… By reading this below summary overview WebPage =>

1) You will prepare your mind for future easier reading about Our Human Experience of Consciousness
2) Also by reading this page, you will become more familiar with => The Properties & Characteristics Of Consciousness as they happen in Any & All Mental Arrivals.
3) Overall, reading the below will help you to better see “The Big Picture”, as you happen to read any of Henry Gurr’s 8 WebPages (Top Main Menu At Left), “How Our Mind Works”.

Be Forewarned: This Blue Link Below is a NEW WebPage, and temporarily there are parts that still need further editing attention.
Click Here For => LIKE A SPARKLING DIAMOND The Wonderful, Wondrous, Gift Of Consciousness, HAS MANY SHINING FACETS!!



A Supplementary WebPage On Which Are Presented Three Side Issues That The Enthusiast In The Study Of Mind May Want To Eventually Understand These =>

ISSUE1: The Conclusions of A) “Dual Process Theories” Very Well Support => B) | Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works.” ]]

ISSUE2: How A) & B) Relate to C) Robert Pirsig’s “ Dynamic Quality” And In Turn Relate To =>

ISSUE3: The Huge Field Of Study Called “Constructivism (Constructivist Epistemology) ”

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Continuing From The Above-Mentioned “Three ISSUE WebPage” =>
Further Understanding For (Above Mentioned) Constructivist Epistemology, Is In The Work Of Antonio Damasio. Here Are Excerpts From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convergence-divergence_zone =>
… “The theory of convergence-divergence zones was proposed by Antonio Damasio, in 1989, to explain the neural mechanisms of recollection. [ie mentally constructed to make explicit memory] It also helps to explain other forms of consciousness: creative imagination, thought, the formation of beliefs and motivations ... ”
… ”It is based on two key assumptions: imagination is a simulation of perception, brain registrations of memories are self-excitatory neural networks (neurons can activate each other) … ”.
… Constructivism Epistemology is in the article’s concluding sentence => “ The memory of an episode of our life is preserved in such central CDZs. When we relive the perceptions, emotions and actions of a past experience, the excitation of this central CDZs activates all subordinated CDZs and the peripheral areas. It thereby reconstructs the previously lived experience.”
… END Excerpts: However, your continued reading of this Wikipedia Article Is Recommended! )

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On This Document You are Currently Reading, You have Repeatedly Seen Statements. Equivalent To CONSTRUCTIVIST EPISTEMOLOGY, Such As =>
“Our Problem Solving Brain Generates, Constructs, Creates =>

A) “Mental Modes” Of Our External “Real World” Surroundings, That Is Mostly Experienced As Vision, And Nearly Always Available As Primary Consciousness.
B) Solutions To The “Problems of Life Coming At Us”, Which Suddenly, Automatically, Spontaneously, Mentally Arrival Into Primary Conscious Mind.

Further Support For Constructivist Epistemology, Is Seen In The Following Article & Discussion. Such As => = … =] “Our Problem Solving Brain => With Unconscious Brain Processes, Automatically, Spontaneously, Generates, Constructs, Creates => ‘A Mental Model’, That Is Our Primary Consciousness

A) This Wikipedia Page Called “Consciousness or Conscious Mind”, Points To =>
The Fact(s) That => Human Remember Ability (Named Explicit Memory), IS ALSO CONSTRUCTIVE!
… Excerpts from .. Make This Very Point That Our Human Remember Ability => =>
NOTE: As you read this excerpt, please notice word(s), constructed, constructive, and construct =>
… ”Although people often think that memory operates like recording equipment, it is not the case. The molecular mechanisms underlying the induction and maintenance of memory are very dynamic and comprise distinct phases covering a time window from seconds to even a lifetime. In fact, research has revealed that our memories are constructed: "current hypotheses suggest that constructive processes allow individuals to simulate and imagine future episodes, happenings, and scenarios. Since the future is not an exact repetition of the past, simulation of future episodes requires a complex system that can draw on the past in a manner that flexibly extracts and recombines elements of previous experiences – a rather than a reproductive system. People can their memories when they encode them and/or when they recall them.”
… ”Cognitive neuroscientists consider memory as the retention, reactivation, and reconstruction of the experience-independent internal representation. The term of internal representation implies that such definition of memory contains two components: the expression of memory at the behavioral or conscious level, and the underpinning physical neural changes (Dudai 2007). The latter component is also called engram or memory traces (Semon 1904). Some neuroscientists and psychologists mistakenly equate the concept of engram and memory, broadly conceiving all persisting after-effects of experiences as memory; others argue against this notion that memory does not exist until it is revealed in behavior or thought (Moscovitch 2007).”
… NOTE => BOTH the above mentioned => “encode” (when originally experienced), and “recall”,(later), can possibly be with the same neuron circuitry. Thus the => … “ Convergence-divergence zones might be the neural networks where memories are [BOTH] stored and retrieved.”{See Antonio Damasio, 6 inches above.]
See also Wikipedia on Explicit Memory
Further, support for Constructivist Epistemology, is continued next below.

B) This Wikipedia Page Called “Imagination”, Points To => The Fact That Human IMAGINATION ABILITY, IS SIMILAR TO MEMORY, AND IS CONSTRUCTIVE!
Excerpts from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imagination Make This Point =>
NOTE: As you read this excerpt, please notice word(s), =>
"constructive". “recollections” (ie to re-assemble the collection, which is essentially constructive), or "reproductive" (ie to re-produce what already existed, which is essentially constructive).
… ”Imagination [like our dreams] is the ability to produce things, peoples and clubs in the mind without any immediate input of the senses (such as seeing or hearing). It is also described as the forming of experiences in the mind, which can be recreations [ie constructive] of past experiences such as vivid memories with imagined changes or that they are completely invented. Imagination helps make knowledge applicable in solving problems and is fundamental to integrating experience and the learning process. A basic training for imagination is listening to storytelling (narrative), in which the exactness of the chosen words is the fundamental factor to "evoke worlds"…. “
… ”Imagination is a cognitive process used in mental functioning and sometimes used in conjunction with psychological imagery. It is considered as such because it involves thinking about possibilities. The cognate term of mental imagery may be used in psychology for denoting the process of reviving in the mind of objects formerly given in sense perception. … “
… ”The notion of a "mind's eye" goes back at least to Cicero's reference to mentis oculi during his discussion of the orator's appropriate use of simile.” … “ some psychologists have preferred to describe this process as "imaging" or "imagery" or to speak of it as image (picture) “imagination”, (as opposed to productive mental imagination) … “
… Your continued reading of the above Three Wikipedia Articles Is Recommended! .

Bottom Lines For Our Problem Solving Brains “Generates, Constructs, Creates” =>
… Not only It Is Productive And Revealing To Consider That Everything Our Brain Does, Is Holistic General Problem Solving ….. We see also that, These Solutions Are All Are Constructive, AND Simultaneously & Spontaneously, Inherently, Creative, & Innovative“. Or Better .Said “All Is Re-Constructive”, since All Problem Solutions, that Mentally Arrive into our Conscious Mind, are Memory “Re-Constructions”, Rather Than “Memory Retrievals”, despite the fact that we don’t ordinarily think of them as such.
Further Support For How Our Problem Solving Brains “Generates, Constructs, Creates)” Is Found In The Constructivist Epistemology Orientation, Is Seen In The Above Article & Discussion.
… To repeat the above => An important character of a Biological Problem Solving Brain is the ability of its Biological Neural Network, to use Brain Memory Contents, to =>


As Robert Pirsig summarizes this by saying => “Quality is the continuing stimulus which our environment puts upon us to create the world in which we live. All of it. Every last bit of it.”

D) AND Of Course ALL Of The Above, Is Made Possible & Comes From Our ' ‘‘ “Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory. ” '' .


A) Primary Consciousness, Is The Visual & Mental Theater, Presented To Our Conscious Mind, In Which We Perceive, Apprehend, Discern, Comprehend, Reason, Know, Intuit, Insight, Visualize, Imagine, Understand, Have Meaning, Cognition, and Be Aware Of Our Surroundings!

This Primary Consciousness, Is An Ever Present Mental Model (~”Theater Stage”), INTO WHICH APPEAR =>

B) The Other Herein Discussed Problem Solution Mental Arrivals, That Also Suddenly, Automatically, Spontaneously, Come Into Our Primary Consciousness. Mind. (Also On This Document Called Consciousness or Conscious Mind),

The Above B) Is => An Entirely Brain Generated, Constructed, Created => “Mental Model” of our external “real world” surroundings (“What’s Out Ther”), And Is Mostly Experienced As Vision, And Nearly Always Available.
As Is True For Nearly All Of Our Problem Solving Brain Solutions (Answers), These Mental Models Are Generated, Constructed, Created =>
On the basis of Best or Near Best, (or Optimum Coherence, or Optimal Fit), For What Is ”There” Or “Available”, Such As In Our Surrounding External Environment.

All This Above Is In Agreement With => The More General Statement Given Near The Start Of This Document, You Are Currently Reading, and Duplicated Here =>

Thoughts, Ideas, Future Plans, Actions, That Become Consciousness In Our Mind, Are Each => A Single, Coherent, Holistic, Unified View Of The World, Generated, Constructed, Created, As A Solution To The Problem Of How To Best Respond To Our Second By Second Sensory Input From Our Surrounding Environment.

However, As Has Been Said Several Places On This Document =>
… “Remember That In ALL Circumstances & Instants Of Time =>What is really happening in our , ‘‘ “Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory. ” '' Is Invisible Tiny Changing Of Inter-Neuron Connection Strengths: To See This Idea => Click Here AND AFTER This Comes Up => Scroll Down Princeton Theoretical Physicist J. J. Hopfield’s Neural Network Model.
Primary Consciousness, as discussed above, is pretty much the same mental phenomenon, simply called consciousness, by Philosophy Prof John R Searle. His published conclusions, so very graphically bring to focus the powers of this marvelous facility!!


Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
The Learning-Memory-Perception Cycle (A Creative, Regenerative, Upward Spiral Of Ever Improved Previous Problem Solutions Saved to Brain’s Memory),
Is The Sole & Entire Brain Memory Basis Of => Our Problem Solving Brain’s Ability To Both =>

1) Guide And Achieve A Near-Optimum (Best or Near Best) Real-World Bodily Actions

(AND Repeating An Above Discussion)

A) A Coherent Primary Consciousness, A Mind’s Eye, Which Has All The Important & Wonderful Characteristics, discussed in Above PROPOSITION 11, Plus Providing a “Mental Stage”, A “Theater”, Into Which =>
B) Secondarily appear, Our Other Normal Problem Solving Brain Sudden, Automatic, Spontaneous, Mental Arrivals, That => Report, Organize, And Make Sense Of What We Consciously Experience.

[[230517:1223 HSG in studying how to properly introduce “THE MAKING OF MEANING” (P which is presently next below (as currently Posted), but hardly is a good “fit” at there :-(( ) S> study all of the following PROPOSITIONs 12 thru 22 and see no gd place for “meaning” except to put at last & make PROPOSITION 23.

PROPOSITION 12a): All The While: Relevant Brain’s Memories Are Accessed, Used To Make Creative, Innovative, Improved, NEW Solutions, Which Mentally Arrive Into Consciousness, The Brain’s SELF-SAME MEMORIES ARE CORRESPONDINGLY REFURBISHED & UPDATED.
… Thus it is that in many cases => Long after the relevant body motions (or intellectual thoughts), have been completed, the relative survival value (& success) of these long ago plans, these motions, actions, thoughts becomes part of the updated memories, thus stored away for reuse, as a basis for New Future Better & Better Solutions on an ongoing basis.
This Above PROPOSITION 12a): Is Seen To Be Very Significant,
Since It Says That, The Same Brain “Circuits” & “Methods”, That Originally Created Memories, Are Likely Re-Used, To Retrieve AND Creatively Improve Upon, Those Self-Same Memories.
… For more information see neuro imaging evidence in => Right Click & Select New Tab. And: AFTER thisWebPage comes up > Please > Do > Top > Edit > Find > … ''Implicit Memory, Constructive Memory, and Imagining the Future: A Career Perspective” by Daniel L. Schacter, Department of Psychology, Harvard University.

SUMMARY: AND TO REPEAT => Be Sure to Note Well => This Is Again Of Course =>An Optimizing Creative Memory Cycle =>, Which Achieves New Learning, Refinement Of Skills, Better Habits, Improved, Solidified, Updated Knowledge, And Many More Examples.
This is A Cycle Of Regenerative Upward Spiral Of Compounded, Creative, Building-On-(And Beyond)-The-Previous, Ever Improved Problem Solutions, Then Stored In Memory.

1) The Cycle Steps Are => Original Memory > Memory ReAccesed > Provides Memory Base For Perception & Other What Do Next > Problem Solving Brain Mental Arrival to Consciousness With Future-Plans, Emotions & Feelings, Etc > Action > Success > Refine & Improve Solution Back Into Memory > Enhance & ReFurbish Memory. =>
2) Above Shortened To => A Regenerative Memory Cycle Of ReAccess & ReFurbish =>
3) Above Abbreviate To => ReAccess & ReFurbish Cycle.
4) Above Abbreviate To => Useful Acronym => RRC << For more related Discussion & Problem Solving Brain usages > See 18 Each > Edit > Find > …RRC …

…This cycle is also discussed in the Single and Double-Loop Learning, discussed and diagramed, half way down this Wikipedia Page..

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
PROPOSITION 12b): In Order For Our Brain To Form Memories Of Our Life Events, We Must Be Awake & Conscious, AND Paying Fair Bit Of Attention To What Was Happening, As We Go About Life. =>
In Other Words => A Modicum Of Conscious Attention Is Necessary, In Order To Establish Normal Brain Memory Trace, Which Will Then Be Fully Available For Creation Of Any Future Problem Solution(s) To Mentally Arrive Into Consciousness. AND =>

PROPOSITION 12d): As Is Observed, When A Person Is Drowsy Or Unconscious Or There Is => IN-Sufficient Attention (Or Distracted, Or Multi-Tasking, Etc), Our Brains Memory Of its Solution Mental Arrivals, Will Be Reduced, Weak, Or Not At All.

SUMMARY: YES INDEED => Normal Brain’s Memory, Will Be Typically Formed For Those Problem Solution To Life’s Problems Coming At Us).=> But This is When & Mostly Only, When We Are Paying Attention.

… Although ALL our Perceptions & Behaviour, most likely, contribute to our Learning-Memory-Perception Cycle (A Regenerative Upward Spiral Of Ever Improved Brain Memory), typically, the problem solution that CAN Mentally Arrival into Our Consciousness, are ONLY those, that previously received a fair amount of the person’s Conscious Attention, while their Brain’s Memories were originally being formed.
… In other words => For Any Future Mental Arrival Solution, to be accessible into a person’s Consciousness, of necessity, for this task at hand, the person must have been a ) Consciously Paying Attention To It, or b) At least not been doing it “On-Automatic, such as => c) Doing By Pure Habit, or During Multi-Tasking, or Otherwise During Mental Distracted Conditions.
… SUMMARY => All our actions and thoughts create memory traces. HOWEVER => Useful Explicit Brain’s Memories, that will be available to Consciousness, MUST have been created during a fairly solid degree of Conscious Attention. Of course the converse is true => Low Conscious attention, produces either no (or low) useful memory trace, that will be available to specifically Conscious Mind.
…… …
… As is the case for much of This Document (Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”) the above PROPOSITIONS 12a),12b), & 12c), are based on many personal observations of HSG, wherein he watched his own level of attention to what was happening, as he went about life. And then judged the extent of his Learning & Improved Memory. Of course, this needs further research to establish its validity.
…… …

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
PROPOSITION 13): Although Evolutionarily Developed for Survival, The Problem Solving Brain System, for Finding “Single Optimal Best or Near Best Coherent Solutions Or Answers, For Real World Action” … Curiously Enough =.
Is ALSO Seen To Be Equally As Well Able To Find => Best or Near Best (Near Highest Quality, Optimum), Conscious Intellectual Coherence!
… In other words, our brain processes, originally evolved for guiding our animal ancestors’ bodily actions & other physical responses, => Curiously enough => Also apply equally as well to human intellectual processes!
…In other words =>This animal ancestor Problem Solving Brain System, originally developed for finding the single “near best solution or answer” for physical body motion in the physical world of Nature, works equally as well, for Intellectual Processes such as => Thinking, reading, speaking, writing, mathematics, pen and paper planning & human cultural problem solving etc, as would be expected of our Brain As A General Problem Solver!

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
PROPOSITION 14a): The Most Productive Way To Understand How A Physical System (Mammalian Brain), Can Do These Optimal (Best or Near Best) Solutions And Direct Needed Body Action, Is Princeton Physicist J. J. Hopfield’s Neural Network Model.

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
PROPOSITION 14b): The Hopfield Physics Based Neural Network Model, With A Quite General Mathematical Proof, Shows Just How A Real, Physical Collection Of Interconnected Biological Neurons, Spontaneously, Following Its Own Internal Quality Criterion, Might Truly And Reliably Be Able To Find Such “Near Best” Solutions.
… And if Hopfield’s Model is found lacking, then we should seek a very similar model which will fit the observed facts (mentioned hereabouts), just as well. These models are more generally known as a recurrent artificial neuron networks and biological neural networks, and function as optimize-finding, problem solving, content-addressable, memory systems. In the case of “artificial neuron networks”, of course are designed to closely simulate real brains, after which they are modeled.
… Biological Neuron Networks or Models in This Document you are currently reading, are called=> ‘‘ “Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory. ” '' ', as discussed below.

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
PROPOSITION 14c): In Fact The Hopfield Model Helps Us See, Just How It Is Indeed Physically Possible That PROPOSITIONS 1) thru 9) Can Be Accomplished By Brain Neuron Network Processes, Which Are Intrinsically Self-Organized, Un-Supervised, And Automatic Spontaneous.
… Moreover, we can see how such a system of neurons could be gradually evolutionarily developed in biological organisms, which grow from single fertilized embryo to maturity.

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
PROPOSITION 15): We Share All Of Our General Problem Solving Brain Features & Abilities With The Animal Kingdom!
… As my Memory Perception Problem Solving article says, “Because of our Darwinian Evolutionary Heritage, our Human Brain and How It Works, has the same processes, using same optimum-solution system, as those of The Animal Kingdom! Namely both use a ‘‘ “Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory. ” '' .
… Moreover, these same evolutionary origins of animal ancestors’, guarantees that ever since,=> Their brains have utilized “~near best single solutions”, as the single fundamental criterion for their perception and behavior. And we can, in this respect, see how practically all of biological brains, can be similarly understood, and modeled according to Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” . To further understand => Click Here and AFTER jump-down => Read brief introduction, and THEN click on link NEXT below the ”introduction”: This will bring-up my article “Memory Perception Insight And Problem Solving. AHA!” Now, AFTER this MPPS page comes up, scroll down to read more about how The Flash of Insight applies to Animals!'

ALSO SEE APPENDIX 0: We Share All Of Our General Problem Solving Brain Features & Abilities With The Animal Kingdom! :

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
PROPOSITION 16a): The Overall Systematics (and Data) Of Problem Solving Brain Mental Arrival Solutions Into Primary Conscious Mind, Like The Flash Of Insight Phenomenon =>

A) May Be Used To Illustrate The “Workings Of” The Above PROPOSITIONS 1) Thru 15), And Attendant Assertions.
B) But ALSO The Flash of Insight (and similar Mental Arrivals), Are Seen To Be A Quite Valuable Research Tool (and Probe), Into The Workings of Our Own Mind!

To See Just How This Is True, And Learn A Whole Lot More About The Workings Of The Flash Of Insight => Click Here & AFTER New WebPage Pops-Into-Place => Read (~20 Inches of) Instructions Down To Where You See Blue Link Words => “Memory, Perception, Insight … THEN Click On It To Go To My Article => “Memory Perception Insight And Problem Solving. AHA!!!”

WEBPAGE NAVIGATION NOTE => You will notice that the above “Blue Link” came up in a New Tab. seen newly added, at the top of your Browser. So, after you finish reading “Memory, Perception, Insight … “ THEN => At top you will need to => Click to the LEFT of the “New Tab”, and THEN click your Browsers Back Arrow at Upper Left to return here.)
By Means Of A Close Study Of Mental Arrivals, Into Our Conscious Mind. Such As Eureka, AHA, Illumination, The Light Cam On, Light-Bulb (As In Cartoons), Epiphany, Bolt From The Blue, It Dawned On Me, The Flash Of Insight And Others Similar =>
The Following Are Seen To Be True To Real World Test & Observation =>

A) The Flash of Insight mental event results in instant and permanent learning, thus providing an example of the inside steps of how we construct skills, habits, ideas, knowledge, in our mind:
B) The Flash Of Insight, Is ONE OF MANY OTHER Similar Phenomena, Herein Called Problem Solving Brain Solutions, As Mental Arrivals Into Our Primary Consciousness Mind. A partial list of Mental Arrivals include => Eureka, AHA, Illumination, The Light Cam On, Light-Bulb (as in cartoons), Epiphany, Bolt from the blue, It dawned on me, Etc More here => Please Go To => An Anatomy of An Idea Come To Mind, For A FULL Discussion Mental Arrivals & Other State(s) of Mind.
C) A Deep Study Of Mental Arrivals, Such As The Flash Of Insight, And Closely Observing These In Action, Shows What Our Problem Solving Brain Can Do, Suddenly, Spontaneously, Self-Organized, UN-Supervised, and On-Automatic. You will see, consistent with requirements of Darwinian Evolution, that our brain rapidly, reliably, and accurately, comes up with amazing solutions to problems! But it is puzzling why we are completely UN-Aware to our Conscious Mind.

… Mental Arrivals, such as The Flash of Insight (and similar), are part of a much larger class of similar observed mental phenomena, which surely arise from the same mental processes, and should be similarly studied. =>
Click Here For New Page => A Continued Discussion of => “Our Ability To See, Perceive, & Pattern Recognize, Herein Called => “Partial Fit Problem Solutions => Which Despite The Name, Are Still, Nevertheless, Very Valuable!”

D) Our General Problem Solving Brain’s Answers (Solutions), Become Known Into our Conscious Mind => ONLY-“One-At-A-Time”, At The Time Of The Flash Of Insight or Other Sudden, Automatic, Spontaneous, Mental Arrival, at which time, the Full, Complete, Whole All-At-Once Solution Mentally Arrives => With joy, Satisfaction, Achievement, Even Laughter. And as the book "Inside Jokes" so well points out, this sensation of joy is a huge reward (like a food reward), so we as a biological organism will pursue similar such problem solving efforts in the future.
E) Here Again We Must Note Well => The ONLY Reason We Are Aware AT ALL Of The Flash Of Insight (Or Other Mental Arrivals), Is Because Our Brain Has Previously Just Suddenly Come To A Halt :Stuck At A Place Where It Can NOT Satisfactorily Achieve A Needed Problem Solution.. ,
f) AND, importantly for survival, we are Immediately Consciously Aware & Know That => We are stuck, with no answer, and realize we have no good immediately available way forward to get an answer.
g) And since we know we have no direct way to get a good answer (solution), we know to Study The Problem, Actively Seek Solutions a) By trying every thing we can think of, b) Read books c) Ask Google & d) Ask our friends THEN ~Quit & Wait. for an answer to Suddenly Automatically Spontaneously Mentally Arrive, “Out of the Blue”, such as Flash of Insight.
h) OR alternatively => “Quit & Begin” => To seek other ways to move toward, toward what we originally wanted.
i) But most often the better method is -> Just Quit & Wait! For Complete Explanation Click Here To Go To => APPENDIX XI: QUIT & WAIT !!

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
PROPOSITION 16b): Mental Arrivals, Such As The Flash Of Insight => Is Like “The Tip Of An Iceberg”, Where Something Very Big Hidden Below” Cannot Easily Be Studied .
However, “The Something Big Hidden Below” Can Still Be Important, And Should Be Studied. For Example =>

2) When you have finished 1) above, scroll down and read the passages concerning Henri Poincare’
3) In Robert Pirsig’s Book Zen and the Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance , Closely study the several pages about Henri Poincare’s “Crystallizations”.

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib
PROPOSITION 16c): The Overall Content (and Timing) Of Mental Arrivals, Such As Flash Of Insight Or Others, May Be Used To Measure How WELL Your Perception System Is Working.
… As stated in PROPOSITION 16a): Mental Arrivals, Such as The Flash of Insight =>

A) Can Be Used As A Research Tool and In Written Documents Use To Illustrate The “Workings Of Your Mind”
B) And This PROPOSITION 16c:) Here ADDS This Idea => Mental Arrivals Such As The Flash Of Insight, And Other Similar => Can Be Used To Tell HOW WELL Your Perception System Is Working, As In The Following Examples =>
a) You are at a building construction site, and your eyes automatically “spot”, and lock-onto, a rusty nail sticking up out of an odd piece of lumber. If such happens quickly & easily, then you know your mind is alert and running well !
b) You happen to be near berry bushes (or looking into fruit bearing trees), and although you have no thought of fruit existence, your eyes “lay-on-to”, some fruit color, Suddenly Automatically Spontaneously, with no effort.. If such happens quickly & easily, then you know your mind is alert and running well !
c) You are outdoors, enjoying summer day, with nary a care in the world: Suddenly your eyes automatically swing to and “fixate” on a biting insect, or “lock-onto” a blood sucking tick: When these so called “Deer Ticks”, get on your body, they will eventually dig-in, and such your blood. From such tick “bites”, you can get dangerous disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. If you discover ticks quickly & easily, then you know your mind is alert and running well !
d) You are on a carefree walk on a forest trail, with no thought of danger: Until suddenly you stop, and just as suddenly your wondering why? A half second later, you realize you are looking a patch or Poison Ivy, or as happened to me, I was about to put my foot down on a 5 foot black snake. If such happens quickly & easily, then you know your mind is alert and running well !

Ditto for the following =>

e) You’ve been talking to a person about a difficult problem, with no thought of a swing in mood. Suddenly you become aware the person is getting very angry, even before they realize this!
f) You are walking to your car, on a pleasant sunny October afternoon. with a few streaks of Cirrus Clouds paint-brush, the otherwise light blue sky. You are thinking about your future plans, but in the corner of your eye. By reflex, your eyes, jump to the brilliant blue + orange of a Sun Dog!
g) In the winter night sky, even though partly obscured by pine trees, my eye’s side-view automatically pick out, and latch onto, the major stars of the Constellation of Orion,
h) The examples a) thru h), have been a regular part of my life, showing my mind is “primed” for then. But up to about age 40, examples e) thru g) never happened to me, until after I learned about these from other persons, and started to include these in my teaching.

… This are clear demonstrations of “before and after” my being “primed”. Up till age 40, I was perceptually blind. And because of this => Such wonderful Steller Views, were NOT a part of my life.

i) Similar to h), I can now regularly hear about 6 different night time “calls” from 6 different species of frogs. Up till about age 60, these were likewise not part of my life!
j) By contrast to the above examples => You can also study your mind at work, with ~Near Miss Mental Arrivals. You may notice your attention “jump-to” what our originally thought were any of the a) thru g) above. BUT when you get a good look, you realize it was something else, not important at all.

… Such attention “jump-to’s” may be wrong or disappointing, yes, but still useful for seeing how much (or if), your mind & memory are “primed for action”, literally and figuratively!

k) The idea of g), does in fact happen to us, which is nicely captured in Lewis Carroll's Sylvie and Bruno => Poem => “He thought he saw a Banker's Clerk Descending from the bus, He looked again and saw it was A hippopotamus.”

… Of course the reverse, would be far more likely, but not as funny to children. (To see other poem examples => AFTER the Lewis Carroll Page comes up > Do > Edit > Find > … He thought he saw … )

PROPOSITION 16d) Building From The Above, We Can ALSO ADD This Idea =>You Can Find (IN RETROSPECT), HOW WELL Your Mind Is WAS ALREADY Functioning, Fit And Ready, With Needed Alertness. Such As =>
a) At practically any moment your mind typically is telling you => How well was your mind ALREADY primed and “on the look-out” and ready for efficient action! .
b) Also you can tell if this “priming”, is ALREADY solidly implanted in your mind, OR
c) Deduce whether any of these happened because of recent exposure, conscious training, conscious practice, or another person “pointing out” one if these examples. Even recent listening of your favorite music, may spontaneously come into your “mental record player”!
d) And even more so, it any of the above examples, are first “caught your attention” from “the side of your eye” (peripheral vision), AND even more so, notice that these spontaneously happen even without these recently being in your experience! If such happens quickly & easily, then you know your mind is alert and running well !

In This Document You Are Currently Reading =>

A) For more on how our Primary Consciousness: Is “our mind” which is “fit” and “ready for action” > Do > Top > Do > Edit > Find > … gumption … )
B) (For more on Quality of “Total Mental Solution Fitness”~=> 19 each > Top > Do > Edit > Find > … fitness … )

For Further Reading On “Seeing Into The Real Life Workings of Our Own Mind” Click Here For “An Anatomy Of An Idea Come To Mind”. AFTER this WebPage comes up, scroll down to where you see =>… And It’s Included Links), Hopes To Accomplish The Following …

… A SOMEWHAT COMPLEX NAVIGATION NOTE => You will notice that => WHEN the above-mentioned “Anatomy” Page” , cams up in your Browser Page => You will see there appeared => a NEW ADDED TAB, which, as you may notice, along the top.. … Now, AFTER you finish reading => At top you will need to => Click on the TAB that is to the LEFT, and then click the Browser’s Back Arrow at Upper Left => To return HERE, where you are currently reading,.)

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
PROPOSITION 17): Persons Who Seriously Study Mental Arrivals Such As The Flash Of Insight (And Others), Will Eventually Realize => The Following SEVEN Very Important Conclusions About The Flash Of Insight (And Other Sudden, Automatic, Spontaneous, Mental Arrivals), Into Consciousness =>

1) EVERY thought, every perception, every plan, every person’s body motion, is found by the same (or similar) brain “machinery & methods”, as for the Flash of Insight, and other similar mental actions.
2) For our normal conscious thoughts and perception about to happen, just like the Flash or Insight => We have no awareness of the operation of this mental machinery, which cause our thoughts and perceptions, hence name “UN-Conscious Brain Processes”. Indeed, for nearly all the time => We just don’t have any feeling, or knowing, that we even have “Mental Processes!
3) Our first hint of awareness is a HALT, in our thinking or active work, stuck, WAITING for a Sudden, Automatic, Spontaneous, Mental Arrival:
a) Here We Must (As In Above PROPOSITION 16a) Item e), Note Well => The ONLY Reason We Are Aware AT ALL, That We Even Have “UN-Conscious Brain Processes”, Is Because Of =>

Our Problem Solving Brain Has Just Suddenly Automatically Spontaneously Come To A HALT', STUCK At A Place Where It Can’t Satisfactorily Achieve A (Consciously Aware), Needed Problem Solution.

b) AND, importantly for survival, we are Immediately Consciously Aware & Know That => We are stuck, with no answer, and realize we have no good immediately available way forward to get an answer.
c) And since we know we have no direct way to get a good answer (solution), we know to Study The Problem, Actively Seek Solutions a) By trying every thing we can think of, b) Read books c) Ask Google & d) Ask our friends THEN ~Quit & Wait. for an answer to Suddenly Automatically Spontaneously Mentally Arrive, “Out of the Blue”, such as Flash of Insight.
d) OR alternatively => “Quit & Begin” => To seek other ways to move toward, toward what we originally wanted.
e) But most often the better method is -> Just Quit & Wait! For Complete Explanation Click Here To Go To => APPENDIX XI: QUIT & WAIT !!
4) Thus (after the HALT STUCK), the sudden Flash of Insight (or other Mental Arrival into our Conscious Mind), is ONLY way we know => There 'must be UN-Conscious Problem Solving Brain Processes, running in our brain, with minimal clue of their presence, except when there is a Sudden, Automatic, Spontaneous, Mental Arrival.
5) In other words => Our brains are constantly, producing our mental awareness of ongoing perceptions into “Primary Conscious”, but we have absolutely NO awareness that our brains are doing this!
6) And We Don’t Know This, Most Of The Time, Simply Because Our Brain Is Continuously (and Unconsciously) Successfully Handling “Life’s Problems Coming At Us”, And NOT HIT A STICKING POINT, And Come To A Halt !
7) And It Is ONLY Because We Have Become Stuck At A Halt, That We Know That We MUST HAVE HAD Previous Unconscious Brain Processes, That Produced The Halt, And AT That Time, As Is Observed, We Know What Were The Reason For The Halt.
8) From the above, it is apparent that Nature, doesn’t want us to know about, or even be aware of, our brain workings. This is discussed next below.

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
PROPOSITION 18): Continuing From PROPOSITION 17): Above => We Have Ongoing Normal Mental Life & Ordinary Perceptions, WHEN We Are NOT Stuck, Blocked, Stuck At An Impasse, & Thus Waiting For That Flash Of Insight or Other Mental Arrival Solution.
BUT NOTE WELL => Before, During, and After This Waiting Time, We Have Not, Even Slightest Hint, Or Clue => That We Have An UN-Conscious Mind, OR What That UN-Conscious Mind, s Doing, In Order To Give Us This => Normal Mental Life & Ordinary Perceptions and/or Normal Mental Arrival Solution.

This general lack of our awareness of the high-powered activity of our General Problem Solving Brain, happens (hypothesis), for VERY important reasons. Click here to read APPENDIX VII: “The Reason Why Our Conscious Mind Is NOT, The Least Bit, Aware Of Our UN-conscious Mental Processes!“

This Fact That We Do Not Know What Our UN- Conscious Mind Is Doing (Or Mostly Don’t Have Even The Slightest Hint About It), Is Of Course What Makes Such Mental Arrivals As The Flash Of Insight, So Mysterious, And So Unbelievable .
This Also Is The Reasons Why My “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation of How Our Mind Works” => Is SO Hard To Understand, Let Alone Believe!
…Moreover, fact that our UN-conscious brain processes are so “totally out of mind”, leaves us with few ways to know of its existence, despite its extreme importance!
…Indeed, this is largely responsible for people in our culture not knowing much, if anything, about our UN- Conscious Mental Processes. This, strange to say, includes philosophers, scientists and other experts! This is a case of perceptual blindness, which is only cured by (any person’s) careful watching for the results, of its otherwise invisible processes!

Of Course, If There Is No Halt At A Sticking Point, Then The On-Going Solutions Simply Come Into Our Conscious Mind As Ongoing UN-Apparent Mental Arrivals, Otherwise Known As Our Natural Conscious Perceptions, Herein More Generally Called Primary Consciousness.
And I Believe (Hypothesis) (Came To My Mind), These problem Solving Brain, “Our Ongoing Natural Conscious Perceptions, Experienced As UN-Apparent Mental Arrivals”, Approximately IS The Explanation Of Our Experiences Of Our Conscious Mind And Consciousness, Herein More Generally Called Primary Consciousness. Or at least as can be expressed in words.

Closure For PROPOSITION 16a): Continuing With Item e) =>

e) Here we must note well that => Concerning Practically ANY Automatic Spontaneous Sudden Mental Arrival => The ONLY Reason We Are Aware AT ALL => Is Because Our Brain Has Just Suddenly Come To A Halt & Stuck , at a place where it can’t satisfactorily achieve a (consciously aware), needed Problem Solution.
f) AND, importantly for survival, we are Immediately Consciously Aware & Know That => We are stuck, with no answer, and realize we have no good way forward to get an answer.
g) AND we know we have no direct way to get the needed good answer (solution), except to ~Quit & Wait. … OR alternatively => We pretty soon, figure out to “Quit & Begin” seeking a alternate way to move toward, what we originally wanted.
n) Or just Quit & Wait for an answer to Mentally Arrive, “Out of the Blue”, such as Flash of Insight. For Complete Explanation Click Here To Go To => APPENDIX XI: QUIT & WAIT !!

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
Scientific Observations Of The Flash Of Insight (Specifically) And Mental Arrivals (Generally), Are Seen To Be A Very Effective Tool (Even Probe), for scientific observations of the Conscious and Un-Conscious Mind at work.
… And such scientific observations by Henry Gurr of his own Conscious and Un-Conscious Mind at work, became written detailed data records” that are the basis for what is reported in This Document you are reading now. Ultimately, these observations, are the basis for Henry Gurr’s overall Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”.
AND Clearly, We Can Get Even More Data Using The Study Of Published Literature. , as for example the study of the Insight Process In Humor, as is done in the book "Inside Jokes".

NOTE1: The Above PROPOSITIONS 1): Thru 18), Concerning Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” Once Fully Understood, Are Ultimately Seen To Be Basically Simple, Even Obvious, Once A Person Understands This Theory & Knows What to Look For. But despite this, it is only relatively recently, that I have been able to find literature, some portions of which, somewhat parallel my Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” … These include the works of Daniel Dennett, Matthew Hurley, Reginald Adams, Douglas Hofstadter, Victor A F Lamme, Artem Tsvetkov, Robert Pirsig, Donald D. Hoffman, Stephen Grossberg John Searle, George Lakoff, and others.
NOTE2: In This Document You Are Currently Reading, You Can Easily Read Brief Selected Passages For Some Of These Abovementioned Authors, By > Top > Do > Edit > Find > …(Each Author Name You Want.)…. (This can usually be quickly done by pressing the keyboard combination Ctrl + F (or) Edit + F depending on what your computer’s keys show.)
For more authors & resources on Henry Gurr’s Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation of How Our Mind Works”, (partly including the abovementioned Authors), Please consult his Supplemental Readings #1 Re Mind. Click Here:
For EVEN MORE authors & resources on Henry Gurr’s Proto-Theory (including the abovementioned), please consult his First Supplemental Readings Re Mind click here:

Readers Should Be Aware That There Are TWO Other Continuation Pages Of “Supplementary Information” Here =>
Supplementary Information #2, for Henry S Gurr’s Unified Panorama Explanation Into How Our Mind Works.
Supplementary Information #3, Featuring Professor James F Ross’ Book ‘Portraying Analogy’ Which Is Relevant To (And Supports), Henry S Gurr’s Unified Panorama Explanation Into How Our Mind Works.

… Our EVERY thought, every perception, every plan, every body motion action, is found by the same “machinery & methods”, as various Mental Arrival Solutions (such as the Flash of Insight Or other similar): But nearly all the time, we just don’t have any feeling, or knowing, that we have “mental processes.
… A sudden Mental Arrival into our Conscious Mind, is practically the ONLY way we know there MUST HAVE BEEN UN-Conscious Problem Solving Brain Processes.
… This general lack of our awareness of the high-powered activity of our General Problem Solving Brain, happens (hypothesis), for VERY important reasons. Click Here To See Appendix VII Thus it is apparent that Nature, doesn’t want us to know about, or even be aware of, our brain workings.
… The general fact that the operations of the UN-Conscious are so “totally out of mind”, leaves us with few ways to know of its existence, despite its extreme importance! This “out of mind”, is responsible for our culture not knowing much about our brain process or Mental arrivals. Philosophers especially, do not trust anything that just mysteriously ‘happens’, or totally illogically comes “out-of-the-blue.”
… Of course, if there is NO halt at a sticking point, then we have NO awareness of the on-going Unconscious Brain Processes, making non-apparent solutions, that simply come into our Conscious Mind as continuing Mental Arrivals, otherwise known as our natural conscious perceptions and thinking, or more generally Primary Consciousness. For the most part => We are simply & totally unaware that there are any Unconscious Brain Processes, making our Conscious Awareness.
And I Believe (Hypothesis) (Came To My Mind), This Approximately .. IS .. The Explanation Of Our Experiences Of Our Conscious Mind And Consciousness. Or At Least The Best Explanation, We Are Likely To Ever Get!!

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
PROPOSITION 19): Beyond The Above PROPOSITIONS 17) & 18) Explanations Of Consciousness =>
It Is NOT Necessary To Inquire Further Into How Consciousness Works =>
… … We Can Provisionally, And Simply, Take It (As Three Hypothesis), That =>

a) We who, second-by-second, are the users of this marvelous surrounding world awareness provided by Consciousness, can readily list what these advantages might be => i) Consciousness, helps us better “see”, what our perception puts before our “mind’s eye”, ii) Consciousness awareness automatically swing our attention an imminent danger, and iii) If danger is “seen”, quickly form of a plan of action, in which escape routs are “seen”, must surely enhance biological fitness and therefore survival.
b) We may reasonably assume that => Nature has given us our observed Consciousness, so that humans (and probably most animals and birds), will have increased mental efficiency and resultant body performance (as mentioned a( above), and thus improved general abilities, but most specifically for increased survival. All this is well understood by Professor John R Searle, and illustrated in his passages, duplicated in This Document You Are Currently Reading.
c) In Darwinian Evolutionary Biology, there is a general rule => When Nature finds a “need”, Nature finds a way. And especially => For “How Consciousness ‘Works’ Inside The Brain”, we should be content with what Nature has provided, and NOT Inquire further into the details of the brain’s mechanism for producing Consciousness.

And Although We All Know What Is Meant By This “Nature “ (Or “Mother Nature“ ) Manner Of Speaking, We Should Better Say The Following Concerning The Status Of Current Biological (Natural) Theory =>
… We observe, with Darwin, evident patterns in living creation: It looks as if there was a designer (relic of Original Participation), and a purpose (teleology), but as much as we can do is => Closely study the history of life on this earth, in the rock layers, form Theoretical Models, and say “This is what we see has happened, and we see these evident patterns”, and tease out in human terms => “Here are the “reasons”, and / or “Here is what is accomplished by these ‘reasons”. =>
… These “Reasons” and “Forming of Theoretical Models” is similar to what you have been seeing, in This Document, you are currently reading, concerning Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”. ''
… It is hoped, that you are seeing (as I do), the evident patterns (and research conclusions), concerning our evident mental functioning, and this will help you think & act, more clearly and productively.
… But beyond this, we really can’t say much about =>What is really happening inside our, ‘‘ “Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory ”. '' which In ALL Circumstances & Instants Of Time, Is making Invisible Tiny Changing Of Inter-Neuron Connection Strengths: This Idea Is Best Studied In The Hopfield Neural Network Model => Click Here AND AFTER This Comes Up => Scroll Down Princeton Theoretical Physicist J. J. Hopfield’s Neural Network Model.

SIDE NOTE: The Above “When Nature Finds A “Need”, Nature Finds A Way“ => Is Of Course A Quite Anthropomorphic Way To Speak Of Nature, As If. She Were An Active Agent, With A Mind & Wil & Purpose, Similar To That Of A Human.
But The Question Arises => How Ever Did This “Nature” Way Of Thinking Come About?
… Owen Barfield says our words “Nature’ or “Mother Nature” are a clear relics left over from the days (before 300 years ago), where ABSOLUTELY ALL actions were considered, as arising from effectively “Living Creatures With A Mind & Ability To Do” what we now call natural forces. We moderns are completely UN-aware of this World View which is called Original Participation. AFTER this WebPage comes up, you might > Top > Do > Edit > Find > .. Force … and (for the first 8 hits) read the words in surrounding sentences. Do the same for word .. Relic

(RPG Comment: The idea that Consciousness is all to the good, isn’t necessarily always true – the added resource consumption and requirements might not always pay off. See the following: https://www.britannica.com/animal/sea-squirt an animal which degenerates its brain when it becomes an adult. The male anglerfish also brain degenerates when it’s found a mate, and turns into a parasitic appendage on a female anglerfish).

Thesis Panorama Hsg Contrib.
Proposition 20a): As Observed (Hypothesis) =>Concomitant With Any Mental Arrival’s Future Plan (Intention), Expressed In Human Terms, There Must Be, = >

A) Be A Way, To Be Sure=> ~GUARANTEE That Any Future Plan Actually Proceeds Toward Full Completion:
B) And, there MUST Be A Way “check-off” when a Future Plan, Has Been Fully Completed, As Intended.
C) Hence (Hypothesis), again expressed in Human Terms =>There MUST Be A “Mental Intention List” of => ~”Items-Yet-To-Be-Done List”!

This means (Hypothesis2), AND when any Item IS actually done => There must be a “way” to “REMOVE” such now completed Intentions, from the equivalent of => ~”Items-Yet-To-Be-Done List”, = A “Mental Intention List”.

Thesis Panorama Hsg Contrib
Proposition 20b): The Existence Of This => “Mental Intention List”, And Actions A) thru C), Is Established By APPENDIX II: Which Says => It is Noteworthy & Quite Amazing => The Problem Solving Brain Will Automatically Usually & Repeatedly Bring-Back To Our Minds, Important UN-Finished Business, Loose-Ends, or Other Needful Actions That Must Be Done!

1) You should notice in your own life => Your Problem Solving Brain Will (Usually & Repeatedly) Bring To your Mind Important UN-Finished Projects, Jobs Need Done, Jobs Poorly Done, UN-Finished Plans & Intentions, Etc!
2) To understand this fully, you should notice => The relative occurrence of these, in your own life. All this has close relevance to Pirsig’s “Peace of Mind” and how to achieve it..
3) And SUPER AMAZINGLY, The Reminders {+Will NOT Continue} Once Satisfactory Completion (or Problem Resolution), Is Fully Completed !!!
4) The actual observations (came to my mind) that support 1) & 2), I (HSG) have been keenly aware of for over ~10 years, but only yesterday (March 5, 2019) (Came To My Mind) =>, did I get to thinking just how could a brain actually do this? I realized that this is the opposite of ordinary habit formation, which is one of our most usual way to establish & build new behavior, rather than remove it!
5) As yet I have no answer, but if trying to write out what could be said about this conundrum, did the full force of this below PROPOSITION 19), came to my mind… ((Also see PROPOSITION 9) )) … Suddenly with full force! AHA! As Continued Next =>

AFTER The Above PROPOSITIONS 20a) & 20b) Came To My Mind!… AHA!! A New Mental Arrival, Came To My Mind!, As Is This Next =>
Moreover, These PROPOSITIONS 20a) & 20b) => Summarize The NECESSARY Behavior of a Well Integrated, Functioning, Indeed Intelligent Mind =>
… Because otherwise there would be endless clutter, attempting to repeat actions, that were long ago satisfactorily completed! (see More in Appendix II, link above.)
… From this, we can conjecture this necessary feature of our minds, must also have parallels in the animal kingdom. And thus feature has its origins very early in animal evolutionary history.
… If you think about this, you will eventually realize the detailed reasons for this are =>

a) Future Plans (Intentions), along with their completion, are being Generated, Constructed, & Created, moment by moment (second by second), as we (or an animal), go about our daily lives.
b) Correspondingly the (equivalent of the above hypothesized) “Mental Intention List”, on a nearly continuous basis, is constantly being added to (and on a continuing basis mostly removed by completion).
c) Even in the event of a sudden danger, that immediately requires action, the other items in the Mental Intention List, should mostly be retained, so we (or an animal), can resume life after the danger, has been dealt with, For example, from the Mental Intention List “Food in that berry bush, I saw an hour ago.”

Of Course The Above Discussion Of “Mental Intention List”, Are Ideas Expressed In Human Understandable Words, However, we must always realize and remember => What is really happening is widely distributed tiny synapsis adjustments in our => ' Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory.”

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib
The Problem Solving Brain Will Come-To-A-Halt, When There Are NO Solutions Of Sufficient Quality Or Overall Coherence, For A Mental Arrival Appearance In Consciousness.
AND Even More Amazing That Instantly We Know, By Mental Arrival Solutions Into Our Primary Conscious Mind, That =>

A) We Are “Stuck” With No Solutions / Answers For Our On-Going Life, and
B) We Know Why We Are “Stuck”, In Terms of What Is Lacking Or Not Available!


And Here Note Well => The ONLY Reason We Are Aware AT ALL Of The Flash Of Insight … (Or Other Mental Arrivals A) thru H). ) … Is Because Our Problem Solving Brain Has Just Suddenly Come To A Halt. … And Is Stuck At A Place Where It Can NOT Satisfactorily Achieve A Needed Problem Solution.
…15)cont AND we become aware we are “stuck”, and also know we have NO way to consciously “go directly after” an answer, except to quit &wait, and hope a Mental Arrival Solution (Answer), will come “out of the blue”! ….But of course & sooner or later our Problem Solving Brain will automatically spontaneously Generate, Construct, Create => A Best Or Near Best Solution (Answer).
…1) AND, importantly for survival, we are Consciously Aware & Know We Are Stuck, With No Answer. We also instantly know pretty much what the problems is, and instantly know we have NO direct way to “move ahead” to an answer or solution:
…2) Thus, at first, we know we have no direct way to get a good answer (solution), except to ~”Quit & Wait”. for a Mental Arrival Solution (Answer), to Suddenly, Automatically Spontaneously, Mentally, Arrive, “Out of the Blue”, such as Flash of Insight.
…3) OR alternatively => “Quit & Begin” =>. To seek other ways to move toward, toward what we originally wanted, as follows in below 19) =>
…4) Given How Our Problem Solving Brain Operates, We Need To Remember: The Clear Advantages Of =>
…a) When Halted, Stuck, & Blocked With No Available Mental Arrival Solution (Answer) => We Must Prepare, Study, And Struggle For A Solution, THEN QUIT & WAIT! Or
…b) Alternatively, When Out Of Gumption, We Should Quit & Wait. And Only After Gumption Returns, Is It Possible To Continue Work.
…5) Thus most often the better method is => The virtues of this ”Quit & Wait”, as are fully discussed in => For Complete Explanation Click Here To Go To => APPENDIX XI: Virtues of QUIT & WAIT In Creative Problem Solving.
…6) Additionally, I Henry Gurr, believe that => “Some important discoveries can ONLY be found this “Quit & Wait” way! … AND this technique seems to go way beyond normal problem solving procedures. … I think this is because, after you “Go as far as you can, THEN COME BACK LATER”, effectively “drops the reader into to the middle of the action”, without the mind, much remembering any previous work. This gives a sufficiently DIFFERENT “PERSPECTIVE”, that new & newly needed fixes and creative improvements, will suddenly, automatically, spontaneously “just appear” into conscious mind => The needed “better ways to do it; just suddenly pop into Mind!” …..
….. But, A Better Way To Say This Is => In your work, when “The Creative Well Goes Dry”, and you are “Out of Gumption”, THEN => Quit And Come Back At A Later Time => Hours, days, months. Only then, you will see your work flowing more easily & productively!.

… For Example => Now, only here in my typing just now, do I suddenly “Mental Arrival” see” in retrospect, the importance of above-mentioned words these => Some much needed important improvements would NOT be “realized” in any other way!

…7) Thus, from a) The above example of ”Quit & Wait” and b) By the clear evidence seen, in the discussion (In this Blue Link >> Where I Ever So Gradually, Finally Fully Achieved A Full Realization, Of A VERY Important Idea (Concerning MEANING),

…Only then did I, finally and fully “see”. AND, please note well => This important “achievement” ''Mentally Arrived => ONLY after completion of very long series of writing & typing additions of many individual words (and word phrases), spread out over two years, and 6 different Save-As Files, each of which was accomplished by several writing sessions:
… AND as you can see (in above Blue Link) => None of these “Ideas” were achieved in just one writing. Rather, in each typing session, I would go as far as possible. Then, I would Save-As the document, then, ”Quit & Wait” until the next writing composition typing on my computer.


This PROPOSITION 22): ADDS This Idea => THE AUTOMATIC, SPONTANEOUS, ABILITIES TO IMMEDIATELY COME TO ATTENTION, Are Essentially Mental Arrivals, Which Have Evident Darwinian Biological Survival Value. This Is Illustrated In The Following Examples, Which Are Excerpts From PROPOSITION 16a) & 16b)

a) You are at a building construction site, and your eyes automatically “spot”, and lock-onto, a rusty nail sticking up out of an odd piece of lumber. If such happens to you quickly, easily, & reliably, then you know your mind is alert and running well !
b) You happen to be near berry bushes (or looking into fruit bearing trees), and although you have no thought of fruit existence, your eyes “lay-on-to”, some fruit color, Suddenly Automatically Spontaneously, with no effort.. If such happens quickly, easily, & reliably, then you know your mind is alert and running well !
c) You are outdoors, enjoying summer day, with nary a care in the world: Suddenly your eyes automatically swing to and “fixate” on a biting insect, or “lock-onto” a blood sucking tick: When these so called “Deer Ticks”, get on your body, they will eventually dig-in, and such your blood. From such tick “bites”, you can get dangerous disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. If you discover ticks quickly, easily,& reliably, then you know your mind is alert and running well !
d) You are on a carefree walk on a forest trail, with no thought of danger: Until suddenly you stop, and just as suddenly your wondering why? A half second later, you realize you are looking a patch or Poison Ivy, or as happened to me, I was about to put my foot down on a 5 foot black snake. If such happens quickly, easily, & reliably, then you know your mind is alert and running well !

Ditto for the following =>

e) You’ve been talking to a person about a difficult problem, with no thought of a swing in mood. Suddenly you become aware the person is getting very angry, even before they realize this!
f) You are walking to your car, on a pleasant sunny October afternoon. with a few streaks of Cirrus Clouds paint-brush, the otherwise light blue sky. You are thinking about your future plans, but in the corner of your eye. By reflex, your eyes, jump to the brilliant blue + orange of a Sun Dog!
g) In the winter night sky, even though partly obscured by pine trees, my eye’s side-view automatically pick out, and latch onto, the major stars of the Constellation of Orion,
h) The examples a) thru h), have been a regular part of my life, showing my mind is “primed” for then. But up to about age 40, examples e) thru g) never happened to me, until after I learned about these from other persons, and started to include these in my teaching.

This are clear demonstrations of “before and after” my being “primed”. Up till age 40, I was perceptually blind. And because of this => Such wonderful Steller Views, were NOT a part of my life.

i) Similar to h), I can now regularly hear about 6 different night time “calls” from 6 different species of frogs. Up till about age 60, these were likewise not part of my life!
j) By contrast to the above examples => You can also study your mind at work, with ~Near Miss Mental Arrivals. You may notice your attention “jump-to” what our originally thought were any of the a) thru g) above. BUT when you get a good look, you realize it was something else, not important at all.

Such attention “jump-to’s” may be wrong or disappointing, yes, but still useful for seeing how much (or if), your mind & memory are “primed for action”, literally and figuratively!

k) The idea of g), does in fact happen to us, which is nicely captured in Lewis Carroll's Sylvie and Bruno => Poem => “He thought he saw a Banker's Clerk Descending from the bus, He looked again and saw it was A hippopotamus.”

… Of course the reverse, would be far more likely, but not as funny to children. (To see other poem examples => AFTER the Lewis Carroll Page comes up > Do > Edit > Find > … He thought he saw … )
The Astounding Success of Flashes of Insight, And Their Solving Of Very Important Scientific Problems, Is Illustrated In The Following Examples, Which Were Very Excitedly Told By Geology Professor Allen Dennis.
… In my Geological Research, what was confusing, nonsense, and total blindness for some 3 years, was Flash of Insight, instantly change to a very good answer, with perfect clarity, and feeling of certainty. This resulted in one of my best Geological Research Papers, because so many confusing, puzzling things, came nicely & fit together overall!
… When using some really great analysis instruments at an Arizona Research Lab, the first data point showed that our existing explanations & hypothesis were totally wrong. And after finishing the data collection and puzzling over this unexpected result for 10 days, suddenly the amazing answer suddenly came, putting this nicely together, into a far better understanding of the geology of these rocks. This sudden discovery realization & experience was Just Serendipitous!
… In preparation to lead an international group on Geological Field Trip to interesting & unusual rock formations, a realization suddenly came => These rock formations were 100 Million Years younger that anyone could have imagined. This was pretty neat! Because this had astounding new meaning for rock formations under Gondwanaland, back then.
… Two other really big Flashes of Insight, are in my Masters Thesis.
' ****************

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib
Although It Is Unknown (Even Inexplicable), How Our Brain Does It =>
PROPOSITION 23): As Is Extensively & Repeatedly Discussed On This WebPage You Are Currently Reading => Be Sure To Notice Very Well, About Our Problem Solving Brain Generates Constructs Creates … MEANING … =>
Our Problem Solving Brain Optimum (Best or Near Best) Solutions => Generates, Constructs, Creates => All At once, Clear, Whole, Understandable, MEANINGS, Which Then Immediately Suddenly Automatically Spontaneously Mentally Arrive Into Our Consciousness, Along With Our Ongoing Experience Of Primary Consciousness. =>
-In Other Words Our Problem Solving Brain Makes Meaning, Sense of Truth, Beauty, Recognition, Insight, Knowing, Comprehension, Sense of Clear Understanding, and Importance. And All This With Felt Certainty }!
… As is true for all Mental Arrivals: => Our Problem Solving Brain uses Massively Inter-Connected Central Nervous System Neurons Working Together, To Achieve An Optimal (Best or Near Best) Solution Into Consciousness. To Both Direct And Achieve A Near-Optimum (Best or Near Best) Real-World Bodily Action, And At The Same Time Present Us With A Coherent Conscious, Even Intellectual, Understanding Of The Situation In Our Primary Consciousness’. Mind’s Eye


Obviously, There Are Lots Of Incomplete Parts Of My Thinking. For Example, Just How Is It Our Conscious Mind Is Able To Keep Track Of All Our Other, On-Going Perceptions, While A Flash Of Insight (or Other Mental Arrival), Is Happening? This Conceivably Might Be Answered By The Following Hypothesis:
… All the different thoughts and awareness presented to us in our Primary Consciousness, are clearly related to the psychologist’s observation that short term memory can hold Seven plus/minus Two thinking and memory items, as discussed in This Document You Are Currently Reading > Top > Do > Edit > Find > … Seven …. . (Justification for this assertions, and many others, will be supplied upon request.)
Clearly, The Overall Systematics (Or Patterns Of Occurrence) Of => A) On-Going Mental Arrivals Of Conscious Perceptions, B) When, C) Why, And D) How They Become Consciously Aware, Deserves Much Additional Study. … Some of the factors involved are: relevance, importance, signal strength, quiet mind, priority, or lack of other priority or other distracting input.

AND Remember That In ALL Circumstances & Instants Of Time => What is really happening in our , ‘‘ “Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory,” '' Is Invisible Tiny Changes Of Widely Spaced Inter-Neuron Synapsis Connection Strengths: To See This “Synapsis” Idea => Click Here AND AFTER This Comes Up => Scroll Down Princeton Theoretical Physicist J. J. Hopfield’s Neural Network Model.

… To learn more about => Deeply Submerged And Widely Dispersed In Tiny Invisible Adjustments in our Brain’s interconnections called Synapses > Do > Top > Edit > Find > …. PROPOSITION 8b) The Brain’s ~Mechanism For Creation Of Consciousness.

(Editor RPG Comment: The layering of cycle of improvements in memory, while it can make it more accurate & easily accessible, also occasionally makes it less reliable, depending on circumstances! Each access edits it, making it less like the original event. For example, this can be what is happening when there is implant of false memories, of even the most clear past events.

A Continued Discussion of “Our Ability To See, Perceive, & Pattern Recognize, Is Taken Up In A NEW Page Called => “Partial Fit Problem Solutions Can Be Very Valuable!” =>
On How Our Mind Achieves Perception, & Pattern Recognition, Where Even A Pattern Partial Fit Problem Solution, Can Be Highly Useful, AND How This In Turn Gives Us An Ever Improved & Vital Pattern Match Data Base, For The Nine Processes Of Perception, Such As Hearing, Touch, Taste, Smell, Body Kinesthetic, Heat, Pain, Balance, Vision..


In The Following Series of Appendix’s, Are Discussed, Additional Very Important Insights And Explanations, That Come From Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”, '' Included are =>

A) A continuation & amplification, of that already stated in above PROPOSITIONS 5) & 6), plus more about =>
B) The inter-related topics of Perception, Pattern Recognition, Partial Fit Problem Solution, which are =>
C) Topics in turn, which are so well identified & discussed by Michael Polanyi, in his own considerably different language & terms.

APPENDIX 0: We Share All Of Our General Problem Solving Brain Features & Abilities With The Animal Kingdom! :
… As my Memory Perception Problem Solving article says, “Because of our Darwinian Evolutionary Heritage (From The Animal Kingdom), our Human Brain and How It Works, likely has the quite similar processes, and likely uses a very similar “Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory”.
…. =And for These Reasons => All These Characteristics And Abilities Of Human Beings, Are Shared With The Animal Kingdom [= …. Thus in the evolutionary origins of our animal ancestors’ their brains, must have utilized “only one at a time best or near best solutions”, as the single fundamental criterion for their Problem Solving Brains to achieve perception and behavior. And this most certainly has been true ever since!
Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” , strongly supports (link below) relevant Wikipedia Article on Consciousness => “On July 7, 2012, eminent scientists from different branches of neuroscience gathered at the University of Cambridge to celebrate the Francis Crick Memorial Conference, which deals with consciousness in humans and pre-linguistic consciousness in nonhuman animals. After the conference, they signed in the presence of Stephen Hawking, the 'Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness', which summarizes the most important findings of the survey: … ‘We decided to reach a consensus and make a statement directed to the public that is not scientific. It's obvious to everyone in this room that animals have consciousness, but it is not obvious to the rest of the world. It is not obvious to the rest of the Western world or the Far East. It is not obvious to the society.’ … "Convergent evidence indicates that non-human animals …, including all mammals and birds, and other creatures, … have the necessary neural substrates of consciousness and the capacity to exhibit intentional behaviors.”
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consciousness END Wikipedia on Consciousness.

Some Observations From Henry Gurr Family That Report The Problems Solving Ability Of Animals: These Are Consistent With Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” .
… As my son David types code into his new AsRock Quad-Core Computer, our cat Freddie, squeezes onto his lap. Regularly she jumps down, paces the house, and then calls for her which-ever favorite food treat. She uses her own specialized vocabulary, to express the degree of urgency or how frustrated she is with the long wait, which she is most-sure this wait is most UN-necessary! But now that its colder, in addition, she with specially worded “Meaow^” or “Meeeooww#” or “Mymmooah”, signals David to follow her, & bring his warm lap down stairs, to the warmer Family Room, and place himself onto the Morris Chair, from Gram Hippensteel, where there is added a “Sheep’s Wool Softie Pad”, albeit, man-made. If David fails his duty, Princess will, go down the steps, and “Meeoowhoa”, all the while peeking out thru, the sliding glass door, to check if he is coming!
This Tugging At David’s Heart Strings, Is Interesting, Indeed Fun, To Closely Watch & Listen, To Her Problem Solving Brain, At It’s Best Work!
… …
This Reminds Henry Gurr Of Similar Exhaustive Problem Solving Trials Of A Squirrel, Decades Ago, Trying To Get At Suzanne’s Bird Feeder. Originally it was low to the ground, jump-up successful, as well as successful access walking the support wires. We carefully removed these eating accesses, but the copious overhead tree branches, were next to be each traversed, and possible jumps to the bird feeder, closely studied, by Friend Squirrel: Who successively visited (or revisited), on 4 different trees, each of the closest ~8 leap points, where imagined leaps were fully tested, with partial pantomimed, trial head motion!! This could go on for hours, for successive days on end. Persistence, pays! Ditto for Princess Kitty’s efforts!

Also See My MPPS Article => “Memory, Perception, Insight, and Problem Solving – AHA---!!! AFTER This MPPS WebPage Comes Up, Please Scroll Down To & Read How => Cows & Dogs have Flash Of Insights!!
… …
This Reminds Henry Gurr Of Similar Even More Ingenious & Exhaustive Problem Solving Trials Of Chimpanzees =>
Trying To Un-Lock The Steel Food Box At Jane Goodall’s Research Site, At The Gombe Stream Game Reserve, In What Is Now Tanzania, Africa.
…A well remember a National Geographic Magazine article, about 15 years ago, showed Jane Goodall’s wooden operations building, with a screened-in observation porch. About 25 feet downhill was the steel food box (about 2 x 2 x 6 feet), with Chimps gathered around where was the lock & remote pull wire release mechanism: The Chimps naturally extensively studied the box and endlessly tried to release the pull wire and get the food.
… The article explained (indeed emphasized) how hard the Chimps worked at getting into the food box. And indeed the Ingenious Chimp Problem Solving Brains were so successful, that Jane & crew had to build and rebuild the lock & pull wire, repeatedly, to stay ahead of the Chimps! The pure intelligence & persistence of the Chimps, was endlessly successful at circumventing the human’s intelligence, at making the lock harder & harder to circumvent!
…Unfortunately, Google is unsuccessful at finding any leads to this article. Or is it a book? Send email if you can help. The best Google result so far => A Photo Of Jane Goodall Sitting On (Different Smaller) Food Box And Chimp Begging For Banana, with caption => “In friendly persuasion, David Grey Beard nudges a restraining arm, hoping to get at bananas in a hinged box, the camp's only chimp-proof storage.“
…A second excellent article about Jane Goodall’s Chimpanzee Research => Jane Goodall’s Original Tale Of Chimpanzees Still Astonishes Today. National Geographic revisits Jane Goodall’s iconic 1963 article about the chimpanzees of Gombe Stream Game Reserve.

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
APPENDIX I: The Role Of The General Problem Solving Brain In Feelings & Emotions:
1) Feelings and emotions are a person’s own (subjective) internal sensations, always spontaneously arriving into Consciousness, along with any Problem Solution Mental Arrival. There are some 67 named consciously felt emotions, which we all have experienced & thus understand.
… As asserted above => Each Problem Solving Brain Solution (as Mental Arrival), not only will have future plans (Intention), each solution will have accompanying feelings and / or emotions, which we should well notice IS a survival-value-rated-part-of-the-solution, and becomes also part of the remembered event.
… Most of the time (as intended), the accompanying emotion may not be strong enough to be much noticed. But they are still there! (NOTE: A ~NO Emotion, is STILL a kind of Emotion, just as a Building Ground Floor (no elevation) is still an elevation.
IN SUMMARY: As Has Been Pointed Out Other Places In This Document You Are Currently Reading => We Should Remember That => All General Problem Solving Solutions Always Have With Them =>

a) Co-created future plans, feelings, and emotions.
b) A general sensation as to How Good (Valid, Veridical) The Solution Is.
c) A general sensation as to How Well Your Perception Body-Mind System Is Working”
d) The formation of a memory cycle => Cycle of Regenerative Upward Spiral Compounded, Ever Improved Brain Memory. Abbreviated as RRC.

SIDE NOTE: The remainder if this “APPENDIX I: The Role Of The General Problem Solving Brain In Feelings & Emotions” , is illustrated using the writings of Poet, Linguist, & Philosopher Owen Barfield: Click Here To See An Extensive INTRODUCTION TO OWEN BARFIELD, At The Start of “APPENDIX XVIII: How The Ideas Of Poet, Linguist, & Philosopher Owen Barfield Partly Support The Discussion Of => PROPOSITION 10c). ” :

2) The Mental Arrivals Of Feelings, Interplayed With Feelings & Emotions, Are Well Stated By Owen Barfield, In His Book Poetic Diction: =>
The Following Are Excerpts From The Internet Article =>
“OWEN BARFIELD: THE HISTORY OF LANGUAGE AND THE EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS” by Richard Patterson. Click Here., who has done an excellent job of zeroing-in-on Barfield’s writing re ~ ”just what comes into consciousness, as we interact with poetry.”
In Owen Barfield’s book Poetic Diction” : In his Preface to the Second Edition, Mr. Barfield, says his book is => "not merely a theory of poetic diction, but a theory of poetry, and not merely a theory of poetry, but a theory of knowledge". He could have added that his Poetic Diction”, : all together Owen Barfield’s books, are close to => “A Theory of How Our Mind Works” , AND has conclusions that nicely support => Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” '', which of course is presented on This Document you are reading right now.

… You will find that all of Prof Richard Patterson’s discussion is illuminating, but you should give special attention to the excerpts (in italic ~10 inches below), that Richard Patterson has chosen (for our attention), from Owen Barfield’s book Poetic Diction” : The Perceptive Reader can see( in book Poetic Diction” ), that Mr. Barfield very well helps us “see” the interplay of feelings & emotions, in the reading of Poetry!
… Below is a Very LONG C&P from Prof Richard Patterns” discussion and given example excerpts of Barfield’s words from Poetic Diction” '' (in italic): These show “Barfield’s understandings of the “Workings of Our Mind”, And Especially “How Our Mind Works With Words": Read slowly, this should be –“Worth-Your-Time” =>
In These Excerpts (in italic ~10 inches below) => Especially Study How Barfield’s Thinking, Is Carefully Showing Us How Our Mind Works With Words And Poetry, Wherein The Important End Products Are Feelings & Emotions!
… Of course, each word or poetry mental action, is necessarily a Problem Solution, which are Mental Arrivals Into Consciousness, .Such Barfield Poetic Mental Arrivals, are indicated in the Barfield passages, listed below as a) Thru i) by such phrases as =>

a) “A 'felt change of consciousness” .
b) “Appreciation takes place at the actual moment of change.”
c) “But the actual moment of the pleasure of appreciation depends upon something rarer and more transitory. It depends on the change itself..“
d) “Kindled by the passage from one plane of consciousness to another.”
e) “It [the meaning] lives during that moment of transition and then dies “
f) “and if it is to be repeated, some means must be found of renewing the transition itself.”
g) “It is the movement which is the apprehension of meaning and not the recognition of a codified relationship of a word to an overall linguistic system.”
h) “Language is the storehouse of imagination; it cannot continue to be itself without performing its function.”
i) “But its function is, to mediate transition from the UN-Individualized [the un-aware], … to the individualized human spirit,” [Which has suddenly, automatically, spontaneously, become aware.]

All these Barfield phrases (and many, many more from his book “Poetic Diction” ). is showing us how our mind works: AND these, in-turn supports my Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” '', and conversely!

Excerpts, That Richard Patterson Has Chosen (For Our Attention), From Owen Barfield’s Book “Poetic Diction” :

”An appreciation of poetry involves a ‘felt change of consciousness” … ”[A]n introspective analysis of my experience obliges me to say that appreciation of poetry involves a ‘felt change of consciousness’. The phrase must be taken with some exactness. Appreciation takes place at the actual moment of the change.” [ie at the exact moment of the Mental Arrival into Consciousness.] “It is not simply that the poet enables me to see with his eyes, and so to apprehend a larger and fuller world. He may indeed do this, as we shall see later; but the actual moment of the pleasure of appreciation depends upon something rarer and more transitory. It depends on the change itself.” '… “[T]he poetic mood, which, like the dreams to which it has so often been compared, is kindled by the passage from one plane of consciousness to another. It [the meaning] lives during that moment of transition and then dies, and if it is to be repeated, some means must be found of renewing the transition itself. It is the movement which is the apprehension of meaning and not the recognition of a codified relationship of a word to an overall linguistic system. ”

[Based On This Insight Into The Nature Of Poetic Diction, Barfield Develops A Theory Of Language And The Role Of Discursive Thought: Barfield’s Poetic Diction: Continues => ]

”New meaning is introduced into language by means of poetic diction, but it is immediately transformed into an element of discursive thought. The Meaning of life is continually being dried up, as it were, and left for dead in the human mind by the operation of a purely discursive intellectual activity, of which language – built, as it is, on the impact of sense perceptions – is the necessary tool. This discursive activity is inseparable from human self-consciousness, out of which it would kill, alike the given Meanings of which language, at its early stages, still retains an echo, and the meanings which individual poets have inserted into it later by their creative activity in metaphor. ‘Language’, wrote Emerson, in a flash of insight which covers practically all that has been written in these pages, ‘is fossil poetry.’ Living poetry, on the other hand – the present stir of aesthetic imagination – lights up only when the normal continuum of this process is interrupted in such a manner that a kind of gap is created, and an earlier impinges directly upon a later – a more living upon a more conscious.”

Mr. Richard Patterson Adds:

”As much as self-consciousness seems to appear here as a disease of the mind, Barfield is never advocating a complete return to primitive consciousness or an abandonment of discursive thought. This is perhaps one of the areas in which Steiner offered him a solution. Barfield’s theory of language has implicit in it a theory of the evolution of consciousness from a pre-logical, un-self-conscious direct experience of meaning through the development of reason and self-consciousness towards an ultimate goal in which full self-consciousness is able to coexist with a direct participation in meaning. This evolutionary development is not seen as inevitable, and in fact the extent to which reason and logic have replaced poetry implies a vulnerability in the process.”

Mr. Peterson’s Selections From Owen Barfield’s Poetic Diction: Continues

”Language is the storehouse of imagination; it cannot continue to be itself without performing its function. But its function is, to mediate transition from the un-individualized, dreaming spirit that carried the infancy of the world to the individualized human spirit, which has the future in its charge. If therefore they succeed in expunging from language all the substance of its past, in which it is naturally so rich, and finally converting it into the species of algebra that is best adapted to the uses of indoctrination and empirical science, a long and important step forward will have been taken in the selfless cause of the liquidation of the human spirit. (23) He later formulated the evolution of consciousness in terms of a distinction between “original participation” and “final participation.”

For The Perceptive Reader, Richard Patterns Whole Article Shows, In Essence, Owen Barfield ’s Thinking, AND Especially How Barfield’s Thinking In Turn, Is Carefully Showing Us How Our Mind Works With Words And Poetry, Wherein The Important End Products Are Feelings & Emotions!
… Of course, each word or poetry mental action, is necessarily a Problem Solution, which are Mental Arrivals Into Consciousness, .Such poetic Mental Arrivals, are indicated in the Barfield passages, repeated below, as a) thru i) by such phrases as =>

a) “A 'felt change of consciousness” .
b) “Appreciation takes place at the actual moment of change.”
c) “But the actual moment of the pleasure of appreciation depends upon something rarer and more transitory. It depends on the change itself..“
d) “Kindled by the passage from one plane of consciousness to another.”
e) “It [the meaning] lives during that moment of transition and then dies “
f) “and if it is to be repeated, some means must be found of renewing the transition itself.”
g) “It is the movement which is the apprehension of meaning and not the recognition of a codified relationship of a word to an overall linguistic system.”
h) “Language is the storehouse of imagination; it cannot continue to be itself without performing its function.”
i) “But its function is, to mediate transition from the un-individualized [the un-aware], … to the individualized human spirit,” [Which has suddenly, automatically, spontaneously, become aware.], '

All these Barfield phrases (and many, many more from his book “Poetic Diction” ). is showing us how our mind works: AND these, in-turn supports my Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” '', and conversely!

Information About Owen Barfield’s Book “Poetic Diction”
… Barfield Discusses Poetry's Meaning In Terms Of Both His Personal Experience And Objective Standards Of Criticism.
…Poetic Diction, first published in 1928, begins by asking why we call a given grouping of words "poetry" and why these arouse "aesthetic imagination" and produce pleasure in a receptive reader. Returning always to this personal experience of poetry, Owen Barfield at the same time seeks objective standards of criticism and a theory of poetic diction in broader philosophical considerations on the relation of world and thought. His profound musings explore concerns fundamental to the understanding and appreciation of poetry, including the nature of metaphor, poetic effect, the difference between verse and prose, and the essence of meaning. (Contributor: = Nobelist Howard Nemerov. )
NOTICE: This above book description, is on back cover of PD, and likely written by ?Wesleyan University Press.

NOTE1: You May Read Alternate Discussion Of Owen Barfield’s Book “Poetic Diction” > By > Edit > Find > … Insightful Books Of Poet, Linguist, & Philosopher …..

NOTE2: You May Read ~6 Pages Additional Discussion Of Owen Barfield’s Book “Poetic Diction” > By Continuing Read At “Bobby Matherne”, Next Below. …..

. UPDATE: An Email 26 May 2019, From Bobby Matherne, Announced His Just Completed. Review of Owen Barfield’s Book Poetic Diction” '': Below is a Very LONG C&P from Bobby Mathern’s discussion and examples of Barfield’s words (in italic): These show “Barfield’s “Workings of Our Mind, And Especially How Our Mind Works With Words":
… Please read slowly, and know that this will be well worth-your-time => Please especially read closely => The closing last 1/5 of Mr Matherne’s Review, where in his explanation of Poetic Diction” '', you will find more good examples of Barfield’s words (in italic):
… These words show Mr Barfield’s understanding of The Workings of Our Mind: … And, as you will see in most of Mr. Barfield’s writings, he has the beginnings of => “A Theory of How Our Mind Works” !!

' ******** Start Bobby Matherne ********

Excerpts From Bobby Matherne Review of Owen Barfield’s Poetic Diction” Which Say -> '

“Mr. Barfield Closes Out His Chapter On Poetic Diction Strangeness This Way:”
[page 177] At the risk of tedious repetition, I would insist once more that this aesthetic value of strangeness overlaps, but does not coincide with, the ancient and proverbial truism that familiarity breeds contempt. It is not correlative with wonder; for wonder is our reaction to things which we are conscious of not quite understanding, or at any rate of understanding less than we had thought. The element of strangeness in beauty has the contrary effect. It arises from contact with a different kind of consciousness from our own, different, yet not so remote that we cannot partly share it, as indeed, in such a connection, the mere word 'contact' implies. Strangeness, in fact, arouses wonder when we do not understand; aesthetic imagination when we do.
“Two of the people Barfield seems to most admire, and I would agree with him on that opinion, are Ralph Waldo Emerson and Rudolf Steiner. Emerson I discovered at eighteen when I entered college and found the bookstore there had books never found in my local rural libraries, such as a collection of Emerson's essays. Steiner I found in part due to Barfield himself and the high opinion he expressed of Steiner's writing on the evolution of consciousness and other subjects.”

[page 179] 'Language', wrote Emerson, in a flash of insight which covers practically all that has been written in these pages, 'is fossil poetry'. … Living poetry, on the other hand — the present stir of aesthetic imagination — lights up only when the normal continuum of this process is interrupted in such a manner that a kind of gap is created, and an earlier impinges directly upon a later — a more living upon a more conscious.

“Emerson's insights shared in his Essays poured an endless supply of insight into my still teenage brain which never left me.” …. Next Barfield refers the reader of Poetic Diction to the voluminous writings of Rudolf Steiner. As for myself as a reader of over 237 books of Rudolf Steiner, I can attest to an endless flood of insights I have acquired from Herr Steiner.”

[page 207] And here the reader is once more referred to the voluminous writings of Rudolf Steiner, who brought to bear upon precisely this ancient consciousness an amazing wealth of intuition, inspiration, and imagination, illuminating it out of an inexhaustible fertility in metaphor with a brilliant flood of poetic light.

“What better way of completing my review than a quote from Barfield's concluding paragraph, elaborating on what constitutes great poetry, in which he gives us a living creation to hold memorably in our hand.”

[page 181] Great poetry is the progressive incarnation of life in consciousness. Hence the absolute value of aesthetic pleasure as a criterion; for before we can feel it, we must have become aware in some degree of the actual progress — not merely of its results. Over the perpetual evolution of human consciousness, which is stamping itself upon the transformation of language, the spirit of poetry hovers, forever unable to alight. It is only when we are lifted above that transformation, so that we behold it as present movement, that our startled souls feel the little pat and the throbbing, feathery warmth, which tell us that she has perched. It is only when we have risen from beholding the creature into beholding creation that our mortality catches for a moment the music of the turning spheres.

”So rare: an academic book that leaves me breathless, saying under my breath, WOW!”

******** END Bobby Matherne Review Excerpts ********

To Mr Matherne’s Words, I Henry Gurr, Can Only Fully Agree!! WOW!!! WOW!!!!
… A closing thought, came to my mind, as I type the above => The reason Owen Barfield’s book “Poetic Diction” (written 1923), remains highly relevant & current in our times, is that Barfield “got-hold-of” a correct theory, when few others had a clue! This remains true of all of Barfield’s works!
Any Alert Researcher Of Mind, Should Study Owen Barfield: His Own Highly Penetrating Writings, Should Command Your Complete Attention. My HSG Experience & Testimony Here.
See also Other Prominent Authors, Who Like Barfield, Have Written Into Their Works, An Implied Theory of How Our Mind Works.

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
APPENDIX II: Observations That Continue The Ideas Of (and Are In Support Of), PROPOSITION 19) => Where It is Noteworthy & Quite Amazing =>

A) The Problem Solving Brain Will Automatically Usually & Repeatedly Bring-Back To Our Minds, Important UN-Finished Business, Regrets We Wish Would Not Have Happened, Loose-Ends, or Other Needful Actions That Must Be Done!

For Example1 => The many Minor Residual Problems, That Somehow Remain “A-Problem” For Us. Such as =>
1) Various UN-Wanted events of our life such as => “regrets”, or “losses”, or “griefs”, or “accidents past” “grievances”, or “annoyances”, botherations”, “something we wish never had happened” or =>
For Example2 => Various Situations That Haven’t Been Properly Been Finished-With (Or Can’t Be) =>
1) UN-Properly dealt with and/or
2) IN-Adequately resolved and/or
3) Somehow never laid to rest and/or
4) UN-Properly “buried”, or somehow never forgotten enough to move on with life.

B) And Just As Amazingly, These Above Mentioned Reminders Will STOP Once Satisfactory Completion (or Problem Resolution), Has Been Properly Fulfilled !
… Of course all this is quite functional, and exactly what should happen in a well-balanced, well-integrated, indeed intelligent organism. And in essence these ( “Usually & Repeatedly Bring-Back To Our Minds” ), are similar in function to Mental Arrival Future Plans (Intentions), bur merely arrived at by a different route.
… And we should immediately note (for the above ”The Reminders Will STOP” ) => Here is a case where => The brain mechanism for doing achieving the Stop can NOT be ordinary habituation (operant conditioning), which would reinforce and make stronger the reminders, to do it again. Wikipedia article on memory supports this saying => “Also relevant is the Zeigarnik effect which states that people remember uncompleted or interrupted tasks better than completed ones.”

So … Pay Attention … You Will Be Amazed … Indeed You Will Observe That => Automatically These Spontaneous & Repeated Reminders, Will Mentally Arrival Into Consciousness, Such As => Reminders of :

1) UN-Finished Business, UN-Resolved Loses, Griefs, or Grievances, (as discussed above),
2) Un-resolved puzzles (or peculiarities), you’ve encountered, OR
3) Un-completed projects, you’ve decided to do, but remain UN-done. Such as => Clean out the car, start house repair, build a new storage shed, lawn mower maintenance, write email to a friend, or write ideas for a book or article. And although these may have been, very long time, UN-done projects, the Reminders will still continue! .
3) Actions you have completed or planned, but still may have leftover worries or doubts =>You still will automatically get to worrying => What will happen, as other people finally see (or will see), your “not-so-good” finished work, that has some error (or embarrassing feature), you’ve just suddenly realized, has to be there. (See EXAMPLE1, EXAMPLE2, below.)
4) In such circumstances, at odd moments, you may have sudden twinges of small mental alarms, which remind you of these un-resolved parts of your life:
5) At odd moments Mental Arrivals will come => ”Oops”, Oh no”, “That is wrong”, I have to fix that quickly, etc! …

… So. Automatically & spontaneously your Problem Solving Brain will remind you of these major (or minor) UN-correct situations, “A-Problem Requiring Attention”: And the Reminders will automatically be there, by Mental Arrivals.
… And, typically these Reminders will be enough to start the process and if possible, carry these to completion => Fix, repair, resolve, or other forms of get-ti-done.
… Of course many “regrets”, or “losses” or “grievances”, or “accidents past”, are permanently UN-reparable, so these keep coming back to mind, as nagging, worrying, weights! And depending on circumstances, these may lead to “psychological problems”, requiring professional counseling. Especially UN-Resolvable, are all too often the after effects of a chaotic, troubled childhood, alcoholic parents being high on the list.

6) And even for already completed tasks (such as writing composition of This Document You Are Currently Reading, or an email), that you thought were, long ago, completely done with: Despite this, your mind will find (often Out Of The Blue) sudden Mental Arrivals, and will automatically, spontaneously, bring to your attention, the existence of various imperfections, factual errors, missing words, missing ideas, wrong text, & other needful fixes, & corrections, or other important needed ideas to add!

… Although this is quite functional, and just what you want, this is still an amazing property of our Problem Solving Brain. (For more on this topic >

a) Do > Top > Edit > Find > … steps happen in writing composition …
b) Do > Top > Edit > Find > … In Your Writing Composition … )
7) Similarly, in some event (or thinking about your life generally), you may get =>
a) Close to the physical scene of a long ago bad accident, at which point “what happened” will automatically come back, and you will prompted to start preventative watching, so it doesn’t happen again. ~”near-to-
b) Or, similarly, you have an experience (or happen to be thinking about) ideas ~Close to a along ago:: At which point, your mind (functioning as an associative memory retrieval) will Suddenly Automatically Spontaneously jump to this forgotten old memory, and it will come back fully.
b) Or, similarly, you suddenly have a feeling of having already experienced the present situation. Like walking into a restaurant and seeing or smelling a certain food. This is an experience called dé jà vu (or déjà vu), and again is an ability of our associative memory retrieval.
8) Or even with no evident prompting =>You will notice, at odd moments, you may remember (Mental Arrival), twinges of regret, loss / shame / sadness, etc, which remind you of these Un-Resolved Parts Of Your Life, Or Great Losses you wish never would have happened. And similarly, possibly your Mind, slides to some UN-Resolved Grievous Losses, Bad Debt, Big Frustration, Big Negatives, Bad Error In A Public Speaking Event, ,etc.
9) Other reminders will be prompted by seeing (or experiencing), something on a related topics, weighted by salience, how recent, relative importance, physical closeness, or idea similarity. Other examples include, automatic remembering of =>
a) When you catch sight of (or even think about) a person whom there was serious dispute, serious argument, serious fight or
b) You catch sight of an approach to a particular road intersection, because of a near-miss accident that happened there previously, etc.
10) In some cases, you had no idea these regrets even possibly existed, but just the same, they Spontaneously Come Automatically To Mind, most typically in Quiet Moments Consciousness Un-Occupied (McU) !
11) The existence of these UN-Finished, UN-Resolved Items, will over the day, weeks, years, spontaneously & repeatedly pop into your mind: Some of these, will remained just as intense, and their frequency of arrival not diminish, despite many years later.

Here Are Some Examples Where It Is Noticed A Person’s Mind Automatically, Goes To The Most Important Of The Needed Actions, Among Those That Needed Attention:

EXAMPLE1: A NASA Engineer’s Perception Instantly Finds An Serious Error, When Attention Slightly Begins To Go In That Direction: Of course Engineers are always looking for errors, and as true for all of us => Sometimes all that is needed is a redirection of attention. … I remember the following story told by Richard Feynman, as he was investigating the Challenger Spacecraft Accident: … A NASA Engineer was showing Feynman an electronic diagram of the spacecraft: Feynman saw a symbol on the diagram he did not know the meaning and started to point at it: Instantly the engineer saw (near by, un related), a grievous error, previously UN-recognized. He said ~”My God Dr Feynman, you are a genius!! This is serious, I have to tell management immediately!!”
EXAMPLE2: I Woke Up In The Middle Of The Night, In A Sweat, With Sudden Realization That, My Heavy Loading Job Could NOT Be Continued As Already Planned.
… EXPLANATION: I had already experienced some 4 instances of cracked steel roller-bearing from my loading of ~3 tons of lead. Of course, while I was loading lead, my mind was totally fixated on a difficult job, which was all new to me. Thus I was NOT in any way thinking, that if I continued as I had already planned, would result in more & more cracked rollers, and eventually my rollers, would be stuck, where even a repair, would be impossible. A disaster! Obviously =>
… But, I HAD to first realize, that my loading lead must be stopped, despite delays & expense of a fix-up of the cracked rollers: Obviously, I had to STOP, or an even bigger expenses and delay would otherwise surely result. But this reality took over 16 hours, to Suddenly Automatically Spontaneously Mental Arrive!, to realize, out of the blue, wake up, in the middle of the night!!

EXAMPLE3: As Is Typical For Lots Of Spontaneous Memories => Some Of These Reminders, Will Mentally Arrive In Quiet Moments When Your Conscious Mind Is UN-Occupied.

In My Own Quiet Moments of Consciousness UN-Occupied (McU), Recent Stimulating Events Ideas, or Even Music, Will Spontaneously “Come-Back”, for “Re-Play!
… My experience => I so much enjoy my G F Handel’s Messiah Music CD, that I will repeat play it till I’ve practically memorized the music: Following this, in a Moment of Consciousness UN-occupied (McU), my mind will spontaneous start a “mental record player” in my head, of this music! This mental music spontaneously happens at odd moments, many times per day, getting fewer per day, for up to 10 days later. We might conclude from this observation, that this is ~proof / support for a hypothesis => Ideas circulate as packages in our mind, waiting to be used, or paid attention to, for durations measured in days!. (For more on this topic > Do > Top > Edit > Find > … McU … )
EXAMPLE4: Archie Bunker on TV Program, Where Much Of The Humor, Was Based On His Automatic Knee-Jerk, Burst Of Stereotype Words, Triggered By Just As Stereotyped, Off-Hand Statements, Of His Friends. Archie" Bunker 1970s American television sitcom, In All in the Family got many of its laughs by playing on Archie's bigotry, which most always Mentally Arrived, from his UN resolved frustrations!, END Wikipedia on Archie Bunker.
13) Above mentioned in 1) thru 12) are cases where remembering was successful. However unfortunately there are (perhaps 2% of cases) of when we => Totally and completely forget! And some of these, the “Totally Forget” can result in quite a disaster!

APPENDIX II SUMMARY: It is Noteworthy & Quite Amazing =>

A) The Problem Solving Brain Will (Usually & Repeatedly) Bring To Our Minds Important {+UN-Finished Business!
B) And SUPER AMAZINGLY, The Reminders Will NOT Continue Once Satisfactory Completion (or Problem Resolution), Is Fully Completed !!!
C) These A) & B) stand to repeated observation, and are a quite amazing, and functional property of our own Problem Solving Brain!
D) These abilities of our Problem Solving Brain, must have been well established quite early in our animal evolutionary history, and thus are quite functional, well refined, integrated, balanced, and indeed intelligent!
E) The Problem Solving Brain Will (Usually & Repeatedly) Bring To Our Minds Important UN-Finished Projects, and this has close relevance to how you know you’ve completed Important tasks: AND if you’ve done the task with Quality; The net result is => Robert Pirsig’s “Peace of Mind” And How To Achieve It..

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
APPENDIX III: It Is Important For YOU To Notice => When Any The Above APPENDIX II, Items 1) thru 11) Actually Happen To You.
… One way or another, each of these examples in APPENDIX II, 1) thru 11), are much like Mental Arrivals, where you will realize in retrospect, that what came into your mind (including new skills & abilities), are Solutions to an important existing Problem, which you can identify, and likely was some UN finished business that needed Solved and Dealt With, in your life. (See also PROPOSITION 19.)
So … Pay Attention … And You Will See All This Happen IN Process! (<This sentence is another AHA Mental Arrival, came to my mind just now, as I was typing.) (
And again => This is Michael Polanyi’s “ … scattered meaningless particulars; being converted into parts of a meaningful whole by a change of focus”, which is true of all perceptual de-coding, otherwise mentioned in This Document You Are Currently Reading. Of course these actions discussed by Polanyi, are abilities of our Problem Solving Brain, giving us Problem Solutions, which are Best Or Near Best Solutions, Mentally Arrived into our Conscious Mind:
… A suggestion to help you study more of these => On This Document You Are Currently Reading > Do > Top > Do > Edit > Find > … Student,… and read each.)

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
APPENDIX IV: As You Work Through Any Task, You Will Experience This “Learning / Interest / Attention / Upward / Spiral” (L-I-A-U-S)..

Because It Is a Property of Your Problem Solving Brain: L-I-A-U-S Applies To ANYTHING You Do: Work, Writing Composition, Sports, Music, Travel, Etc,

As I’ve Tried to Emphasize to My Students => “This Is The Learning / Interest / Attention / Upward / Spiral” (L-I-A-U-S) =>

Get interested, because the more you are interested,
The more you pay attention, & the more you learn.
The more you learn, the more you know.
The more you know, the more your lessons will make sense.
The more sense your lessons make, the more you will overall understand.
The more you will understand your lessons, the more you can get interested.
The more get interested in your lessons, the more they will have meaning.
With more meaning, your lessons will be less pain & a whole lot more fun.
Less of a pain & a whole lot more fun, there will automatically be an increases your interest!

Which goes back to the beginning of the learning Cycle!

With More Interest => The Cycle Repeats => But NOW You Are At A Much Higher Place On The Learning / Interest / Attention / Upward / Spiral !!


Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
APPENDIX V: Some Important Consequences of The Learning Cycle => Learning > Interest > Aware > Understand > &Seeing: :
… This Document You Are Currently Reading, Discusses What Are Ultimately Properties Of Our Problem Solving Brain, Where Each New Solution, Is CREATIVELY BETTER, And This IMPROVED Solution, Is Stored Directly Back Into Memory, So To BETTER Guide, The Next Efforts! Again:
… These are all consequences of the herein emphasized => The learning-perception-memory cycle, a regenerative upward spiral of ever improved memory. Abbreviated RRC.

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
Thus, The Following Are True To Experience, Because That Is How Our Bain Automatically Operates! –Guaranteed!!:

The more you see, the more you are capable of seeing!
The more you know, the more you are capable of knowing!
The more you learn, the more you are capable of learning!
The more you are interested, the more you are capable of more interest, & thus more learning!
The more you do, the more you are capable of doing!
The more you manage the more you are capable of managing!
The more you experiment, the more you are capable of good experiments!
The more you practice any skill, sport, musical instrument etc, the more you are capable of these!

This IS How Our Problem Solving Bain Automatically Operates! –Guaranteed!!

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
A Continuation Of Ideas Discussed Near The Beginning Of IN This Document You Are Currently Reading. .
Altogether My Theory Of How Our Mind Works, Effectively Provides => “A Brain Owner’s USERS Manual! Which In Turn, Will Provide USEFUL HEURISTICS:
… For me a Heuristic, it an efficient method that always works, but you might not know why.
In partial agreement, Wikipedia Says => A heuristic technique (/hjuːˈrɪstɪk/; Ancient Greek: εὑρίσκω, "find" or "discover"), often called simply a heuristic, is any approach to problem solving, learning, or discovery that employs a practical method not guaranteed to be optimal or perfect, but sufficient for the immediate goals. Where finding an optimal solution is impossible or impractical, heuristic methods can be used to speed up the process of finding a satisfactory solution. Heuristics can be mental shortcuts that ease the cognitive load of making a decision. Examples of this method include using a rule of thumb, an educated guess, an intuitive judgment, guesstimate, stereotyping, profiling, or common sense.
Additional Reading Re Above Topics =>
… A) To Read Section > Do > Top > Edit > Find > HOW WILL THIS PROTO-THEORY HELP ME?
… B) You may find a complete list > “Brain Owner’s User Manual.” > By > Do > Top > Edit > Find > …FOUR DIFFERENT

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
APPENDIX VII: Why Is It Necessary For The Workings Of Our Mind To Be Hidden From Us? (A Continuation From Discussion of => PROPOSITION 18.)
There Are Many Reason Why Our Conscious Mind (~5% Of Brain), On Purpose, Does Not Know, Or Have Even The Slightest Hint Of What Our UN-Conscious Mind. (~95% Of Brain) Is Doing, Until After The Problem Solution Has Suddenly Automatically Spontaneously & Completely Come Into Mind, As A Mental Arrival.
… This widely known fact (that is very well experimentally verified), automatically came to my mind, with the following series of related & previously realized, speculative/tentative conclusions, concerning our Problem Solving Brain =>

1) Nature does not want the “Johnny-Come-Lately” facility we call Consciousness, to mess up, an existing Problem Solving Brain “solution in process”, which is already being accomplished by our UN- Conscious Mind.
2) It is clear to me, that UN-Conscious Brain Process, will be fastest, most reliable, and accurate, if allowed to go to completion, without outside interference, or other form of disturbance, until AFTER stable full completion of the then emerging Mental Arrival Solution.
3) The basic reasons (for this “not knowing”), being this => If our Conscious Mind knew about an impending solution in process, it might try to “listen in”, anticipate the results, or stop or shift the “solution” or change other on-going behavior: This in-turn, might affect what the UN- Conscious Mind is doing.
4) Thus the less powerful, less competent, Consciousness Mind, might disturb or misdirect, the processes of the UN-Conscious Problem Solution, WHILE already in process.
5) We must assume there are NOT other good ways to prevent this interference, such as “barrier walls” or “isolation boxes”, to prevent what is otherwise massive brain inter-connectivity of ALL brain parts!
6) If the Conscious Mind was allowed to have some effect on the UN- Conscious Mind, this might set up a positive feed-back loop, which could hard to control.
7) But => AFTER the Problem Solution is fully presented as a Mental Arrival (into Conscious Mind), this fully formed Optimal (Best or Near Best) Solution, is of course, itself un-changeable. And subsequent Conscious Mind activity can’t alter this, what has already come into Consciousness. What is done, is done:
8) And, AFTER is fully presented to our Conscious Mind, this same Conscious Mind has plenty of time to STOP, or CHANGE the course of any subsequent body actions or thinking conclusions, such as => Change, or even stop, the newly emerged Problem Solution. In other words, Conscious Mind can greatly change => The newly emerged Problem Solution, with its Future Planed or even Set In Body Motion, from previous original UN- Conscious Mind Solution.

SUMMARY: => After the Problem Solution is fully presented as a Sudden, Automatic, Spontaneous, Mental Arrival, the fully formed Solution itself is UN-Changeable), But subsequent Conscious Mind activity can actually alter, stop, improve, and/or redirect the Future Plans (or Body Motion), that came with the Original Solution. In fact, these TWO “Systems” work in parallel, and potentially one of the “Systems” can improve upon (or even go beyond), the other is highly functional, and just what we want ! .

9) All this of course indicates that our Conscious Mind. does have some power of its own. Such power may additionally include => Language, Thinking-With-Language-&-Logic, Symbolic Meaning, etc. (Or merely seem that way.) (This may be related to the somewhat independent powers of the Right Brain, versus the Left Brain?)
10) This Consciousness-System Power or ability thus seems to run in parallel to the UN-Conscious General Problem Solver Brain System: Both “Systems” seems to have its OWN memory, and seem to have independent solutions of their own: These characteristics are in full agreement with the Dual Process Theories, discussed elsewhere in This Document You Are Currently Reading.
11) Thus I conclude that our Conscious Mind System CAN have solutions different from the UN-Conscious (General Problem Solver Brain) System, and Conscious Mind System (perhaps using Language, Thinking-With-Language-&-Logic, Symbolic Meaning, etc), develop answers / conclusions (not un-like my writing composition conclusions I’m doing now), and such conclusions might trigger a new even better solution, from the, “UN-Conscious Mind System.”
12) Moreover, these two “Systems”, working in parallel, can alternately, “leap-frog” jump ahead of each other, especially if one of the two, is blocked or stuck or is suffering “perceptual blindness”. … It’s interesting to observe how this works. Here we notice these two systems, are mostly a) Running on automatic, AND b) Both certainly seem autonomous, (For more Do > Edit > Find > … autonomous … )

((NOTE: These above are speculative & tentative conclusions, which (came to my mind), as I’ve been reminded of, regularly over the last say 5 years.

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
APPENDIX VIII Cont: Continued Discussion Concerning: Why Is It Necessary For The UN-Conscious Workings Of Our Mind To Be Hidden From Us? (A Further Continuation From Discussion of => PROPOSITION 18).
With Important Added Realization That => This “Hidden From Us”, Is The Reason The People In Our Culture To Not Know Anything About It, Which Includes Philosophers, Scientists, & Other Experts!.
… As => The Above Words “Hidden From Us”, Came To My Mind => My Thoughts Instantly Jumped To => The First Of Six Completely New & Important Conclusions, Which Wrote Into A Series of Paper Notes, Over A Period Of ~Three Days!
… These are now added below, in places repeating the above parts.

13) The operation of Consciousness Mind “System” Problem Solutions (perhaps having added power by using Language, Thinking-With-Language-&-Logic, Symbolic Meaning, etc), necessarily come from the operation of our UN-Conscious Mind:
14) And (as stated above) if our Conscious Mind “System”, “knows”, what our UN-Conscious “System” is up to …, thus it would be a circular dependence … a form of self-reference … wrong to start with: This is because Conscious Awareness DEPENDS of the workings of the UN-Conscious Brain Processes!,
15) Either way, this could possibly create an un-wanted run-away positive feedback regeneration!
16) So nature apparently prevents such circular dependence, by allowing us absolutely no conscious awareness, even the slightest hint, of any ongoing processes in our UN-Conscious Problem Solving Brain, until well AFTER (as said above), the problem solution is fully presented as a Mental Arrival, into Consciousness.
17) It is conceivable that this happens by default of the Hypothesis (stated elsewhere in This Document You Are Currently Reading), that there is no Mental Arrival into Conscious, until there is growth to saturation: And combined with the Hypothesis, that each nascent Mental Arrival, excludes other similar of the 7 plus/minus 2, Nascent Mental Arrivals: (These Hypothesis are discussed elsewhere in This Document, which you are now reading: )
18) The fact that the operations of our UN-Conscious Mind are “totally out of mind”, leaves us with few ways to know of its existence, despite it’s extreme importance! This is largely responsible for people in our culture to not know anything about it. This, strange to say, includes philosophers, scientists, & other experts, who ought to know better!

… Are these persons showing an extreme case of perceptual blindness? And typical of most perceptual blindness, such is only cured by these persons own careful watching for the results, of their brain’s otherwise invisible processes!
… Somehow, philosophers, scientists, & other experts, need to learn, the whole landscape of For Example => Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”, with most especially its general implications of the Flash of Insight & Mental Arrivals, FROM UN-Consciousness Mind, INTO Conscious Mind, generally. (More discussion in Appendix VIII, especially on how, through history, Our Culture Has Effectively Trained Us Not To “See”, or Comprehend the importance of our subjective mental workings, such as the Flash of Insight, and other similar Mental Arrivals: ”
Appendix VIII: Some Consequences of Fact That Our UN-Conscious Brain Processes Are Hidden From Us.

From The Above Conclusions That => The “Conscious Mind & The UN- Conscious Mind Are TWO “Systems” Work In Parallel, Whereby Potentially, One Of The “Systems” Can Improve Upon (Or Even Go Beyond), The Other, Is Highly Functional, =>
Came To My Mind => A Series Of Important Corollary Conclusions: =>

19) “We have to remember that The Purpose of Consciousness, is primarily, to show us what the UN-Conscious Mind, has already decided upon. And as is observed =>
a) Consciousness makes us aware of just completed Problem Solutions, such as: sensory perceptions, spatial orientation, plans for action, ideas, answers, etc.:
b) As discussed by various authors =>It appears that Consciousness, first (and it’s evolutionary original main purpose), is to just show us, what our UN- Conscious Mind, has already come up with.
c) Originally (in Darwinian Evolution), Conscious in animals was mostly not for doing anything, beyond a “display”, of what already been decided, by their Problem Solving Brain. (This is “just for display”, is analogous to a Computer Monitor Screen.)
d) But in addition to “make us aware”, also available in Consciousness, are some linguistic thinking abilities : And as mentioned above, by using this ability we, AFTER the fact of a Mental Arrival, can Consciously ALTER OUR SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS:
e) In other words => AFTER the presentation of a Mental Arrivals, from the UN-Conscious Mind, we can ~with language based thinking ability, make alternate decisions & plans, which clearly (and amazingly), get back into and influence, even re-direct, our UN-Conscious Brain Processes, for the NEXT Mental Arrivals & Actions!
f) From all this => We must realize that our Consciousness System(s) has it’s own … Nature & Ways … Purposes & limitations … including fact we are totally UN-aware of what “constructs” it, which we have to learn about, and effectively use.
g) The fact that the workings of UN- Conscious Mind are hidden from us is widely known, and is very well experimentally verified:.
h) As stated previously => We may reasonably assume that => Nature has given us our observed Consciousness, so that humans (and probably most animals and birds), will have increased mental efficiency and resultant body performance, and thus improved general abilities, but most specifically for increased survival. AND We who, second-by-second, are the users of this marvelous awareness provided by Consciousness, can readily list what these advantages might be => a) Consciousness, helps us better “see”, what our perception puts before our “mind’s eye”, b) Consciousness awareness automatically swing our attention an imminent danger, and c) Prompting the formulation of a plan of action, which must surely enhance biological fitness and therefore survival.
i) It appears that our Human Conscious System, evolutionarily augmented the Conscious System inherited from mammal predecessors, and integrating this, along with the development of Human Linguistic ability, perhaps having added power by using Language, Thinking-With-Language-&-Logic, Symbolic Meaning, etc
j) As discussed by various authors =>, the Human Conscious System seems to have developed relatively recently, and is an Evolutionary add-on to our brain, that are not so well refined. And as indicated elsewhere in This Document you are currently reading, our Consciousness “System”, has a much smaller computational power of its own, compared to the UN-Conscious General Problem Solver Brain System.
k) As a consequence, our Consciousness ‘System”, is (& must be), as secondary, less powerful, servant of our UN-Conscious Brain Processes.

HOWEVER, Google Can NOT Find => Any Discussions Of The REASONS WHY =>
“The Workings Of Our Mind Are Hidden From Us”:
NOR Does There Seem To Be Any Hint, Of Wondering If, There Just Might Be Such A Reason!

A Google Search For The Above, Found This Revealing Comment By “Keith Payne June 11, 2013, About Our Conscious Mind, Not Aware Of Un- Conscious Mind Doings” =>
… “There is something particularly disquieting about this [consciousness] brand of bias, because there is a power asymmetry. The UN-conscious screener shapes what the conscious “you” gets to see, but the conscious “you” doesn’t have veto power over that decision. Of course, you could try to shift your attention or change your goals once you are aware of them, but by then it may be too late. The UN-conscious always has a head start.”
https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/your-hidden-censor-what-your-mind-will-not-let-you-see/ … “

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
Appendix IX: Some Important Consequences of Fact That Our UN-Conscious Brain Processes Are Hidden From Us.
… In an email to Mr Jerry Rudolph, I expanded upon many of the ideas discussed on This Document You Are Currently Reading. The following, spontaneously came to my mind, =>:
“We Are Trained By Our Culture To Ignore Our Subjective Mental Workings, Such As The Flash Of Insight, And Other Similar Mental Arrivals: ” We thus are solidly deprived of one of the primary indicators of the workings of our UN-Conscious Mind!! Later more explanations came to my mind => This tendency to ignore the workings of the UN-Conscious, happens for many of the same reasons that our culture (including philosophers, scientists, & other experts), tend to ignore Eastern Thought & Ways, as is mentioned above:
At Which Point Came To My Mind This =>
Linguist Philosopher Poet Owen Barfield’s Conclusion A Regarding Early Peoples, Say Before 10,000 Years Ago =>
An All Encompassing World View Called Original Participation, where-in,. people didn’t have a mind, as we know it. From Barfield, the “lived reality” of earlier people, was “inspiration”, the literal “in-coming of the spirit” that controlled their body. This was for earlier people, what we would call psychology, and for them all that was needed. But with the Enlightenment and development of Science, there was a gradual Elimination of Participation, mostly accomplished say 300 years ago.
… Because of the “Elimination of Participation, here became a conceptual void, which has only been filled-in by a gradual discovery of such concepts, as Mind, and Conscious versus UN-Conscious, and many Dualisms, the worst is the Subject versus Object split.
… Borrowing some of my words from Sarah Vinke Biography, let’s look at the history of this => In ancient times, Greek philosophers (perhaps aware of the failure of Original Participation), decided that what we need to do is become very definite, very explicit, to write things out. And be very Logical, and ‘UN-Subjective’. In other words, the beginnings of Modern Science. ( To Learn More About Owen Barfield’s Ideas Regarding Early Peoples, and Their World View Called Participation, Click Here

And The Whole Drive Of Our Western Civilization, And Specifically Western Philosophy, Came Down To A Demand For Very Clear, Explicit Objective (I.E. Scientific) Answers To Everything.
… And they decided there should be NO subjective anything: NO wishy-washy, fuzzy, opinionated, wilo-the-wisp, subjective, allowed anywhere. And absolutely not allowed, was Participation, and other subjective phenomena, which just ‘happens’ in our mind or arrives from our UN-Trustworthy … UN-conscious … or ‘just appears’ ‘miraculously’ … like a Flash of Insight & other Mental Arrivals, which totally, ill-logically, ‘comes out-of-the-blue’.
… In our Western Civilization => There was a gradually building fixation, to only trust language, logic, science mathematics, and ‘objective thinking’ (ie Logic, Science, & Math). Thus, various forms of ‘subjectivity’, including the flash of insight, and things that are related to the flash of insight: were ignored, precisely because these did not involve objective thinking in words & logic.
… AND this “Ignoring” was made much worse by “scientific” assumption that => ONLY Material Object were “Real”, and Subjective Qualities, existed only in persons minds, and thus were UN-Real, and thus mostly ignorable! But as pointed out by many authors, this is wrong-headed. Owen Barfield, Robert Pirsig, and most especially, Michael Polanyi, who says this thrust has gone way too far, and must be corrected.

NOTE: Robert Pirsig, In His “Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance” (ZMM), Shows Why & How Subjective Qualities Are Important, Indeed VERY Important !!
Robert Pirsig Even Maintains That Value, And His Idea Of Quality (Properly Understood), Are Potentially Even MORE REAL Than Material Objects!
Author Pirsig Goes On To Give Full Explanation Of =>
How We Can (With Problem Solving Brain), Immediately “See” & "Know => “Value”, “Quality”, “What Is ~Best” =>
And “How To Work ~Best”, “With Our Own God Given Body And Mind”. .
… These major topics, are very well explicated by Mr. Pirsig. And thus, in reading ZMM, you may eventually be convinced, that the above listed Subjective Qualities, are indeed “real”, just as real as your own hand! And thus see that nearly all Subjective Qualities are on a par with “Objective Realities” !!

Thus, Robert Pirsig In His Book “Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance” (ZMM), Has Much To Teach Us About This Very ‘ILL-Logical’ Flash Of Insight, Which He Calles “Crystallization” (And Which Owen Barfield Calls “Inspiration”.)
In Fact Mr. Pirsig’s Quality, Is His Name For What Our Problem Solving Brain Accomplishes,
And Overall Well Fits Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” , As Presented In This Document You Are Currently Reading.
… But Pirsig’s whole subjective idea of Quality, provides even more putative reasons for these supposedly “scientific objective thinkers”, to reject and ignore Pirsig, and all of his book “Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance” Ditto, for Owen Barfield, and Michael Polanyi.

And This Brings To Mind Thomas Kuhn’s Book “Structure Of Scientific Revolutions”, which does a very good job at explaining the in’s and out’s of how and why, at first the majority of practicing scientists, as a matter of multiply demonstrated facts, reject and ignore new important major scientific discoveries & related new theories. It took me a long time to realize that what Dr Kuhn was saying, ALSO applied to why Pirsig, Barfield, and Polanyi get ignored.

Now We Are Back To What I Said Above About Western Readers Not See (Ie Blind To), The Virtues Of Eastern Thought, Because They See ONLY Their Own Western Scientific Paradigm: My Self here starts to generate answers, in a series of thoughts, came to my mind ~=>
… “Essentially, a person can only see, what they have been trained to see:” Thus => “Nearly all persons (including the philosophers, scientists, & other experts), in our Western Society, have been trained by their Western Culture to see something that was widely considered as better, namely to ONLY trust language, logic, science mathematics, and ‘objective thinking’: This had been totally decided upon, ever since the start of the Scientific Revolution.
… Of course the decision to do this was because of the obvious and astounding success of Science and its productive twin Technology, for the last ~300 years!... However this “astounding success” doesn’t mean there are not other additional ‘ways” that might add to the success of science, such as => The above mentioned “Subjective Qualities”, that indeed “real”, just as real as your own hand!
… However =>

A) Trained into us is ONLY a particular brand of Scientific Thinking, which is word based, logical, mathematical, etc. In other words :”scientific thinking”, all done in conscious mind: AND =>
B)“Systematically trained OUT of us, any thinking that is not being scientific!” Thus => ”This automatically leaves us blind (Kuhn again.), to, not only Eastern Thought & Ways, but also the UN-conscious workings of our mind, and it’s primarily indicators, the Flash of Insight, and other Mental Arrivals. Consequently we have mostly no way to know how best to use our Problem Solving Brain, which most of the time uses UN-Conscious Brain Processes, to reveal to us => The above mentioned “Subjective Qualities”, that indeed “real”, just as real as your own hand!.

… Thus again => “High recommendations for, the works of Owen Barfield, Michael Polanyi, Robert Pirsig, Morris Berman, and others, who discuss => Just how IN-Sufficient is this “Scientific” turn of Western Culture is, and offer us very constructive ways for us to do Better!.

I Have Rather Of A Backwards Proof Of The Above Mentioned “Trained OUT Of Us
In extensive literature research, is difficult to find WebPages which focus on ideas such as =>

1) How to study & observe the Flash of Insight, as a means to understand the workings of Our UN-Conscious Mind. AND
2) How the Flash of Insight (and other similar Mental Arrivals), in turn, relate to how our Consciousness thoughts may be Created, entirely due to UN-conscious Brain Processes, AND
3) The fact that the workings of UN-Conscious Mind are seemingly on purpose, hidden from us.

The Facts That The Above 1) Thru 4), Mostly Are NOT Found In The Literature …Means That … The Main Ideas Of Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”. In This Document You Are Currently Reading, Are Not Much Found In =>

a) In Research Literature, nor
b) “There” in our society, or
c) I’m looking in the wrong place.

This Lack Of Our Awareness Of The High-Powered Activity Of Our UN-Conscious General Problem Solving Brain Processes, Happens For Additional Important Reasons, Discussed Here. => AFTER This WebPage Comes Up, Scroll Down To Phrase => “The reason why our conscious mind 5%… “ ]]

SIDE NOTE1: This APPENDIX IX (Which You Are Currently Reading), Contains Knowledge, Realizations, Questions, & Conclusions, I Have Been Long Been Aware Of. But these topics never connected enough, for me to write up: It was only when I was composing related topics, in an email to Gerald Rudolph, that my mind got close enough, that a series of realizations (Came To My Mind), tumbling nearly automatically into place, and thus achieve a new higher level coherence! With subsequent editing, you see the above final composition of Appendix IX.

SIDE NOTE2: You Can Easily Read Brief Selected Passages For Any Of The Herein Mentioned Authors, By => Edit > Find Each Name. (This can usually be done by pressing the keyboard combination Ctrl + F (or) Edit + F depending on what your computer’s keys say.)

APPENDIX X: This WebPage You Are Currently Reading, In Agreement With Professor Hopfield’s Conclusions For A Neuron Network Model =>
Discusses That Our Problem Solving Brain Finds Solutions (Answers)That Are “Best or Near Best” (Most Of The Time), And These Solutions (Answers), Correspond To Highest Mental Coherence), For Most Facets Of Human Response To The On-Coming Problems Of Life, And Whether These Are =>

1) Mental (perception, memory, ideas, thinking, etc.) or
2) Physical-muscular-actions (speaking, tool using, trail following, etc.).

These Solutions (Answers) Very Closely Fit Robert Pirsig’s => “You know what is Best!” (ie “What Is Good”; What Is “Quality”): “You can just see it !!”

Thus Worthy Of Your Attention Is => Robert Pirsig’s Book “Zen and The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance” (ZMM), Because Pirsig Fully Discusses, How We Automatically Know What is Best AND What Is Good. “You just see it !!”
AND IN, His Discussion Of “Quality”, Mr. Pirsig Says => “Your Mind Will Naturally And Freely Move Toward A Good Solution.”
… This APPENDIX X, presents more about how => Robert Pirsig’s “Quality” In Action, AND how the abilities & actions Mr. Pirsig calls “Quality” , describes (necessarily & inescapably), the abilities that come from the inherent Problem Solving properties of our Human Mind, at each moment of time. Wherein, We Automatically Know WHAT IS BEST.
… From all this we can see => Mr. Pirsig’s Book is close to => “A Theory of How Our Mind Works” , AND has Conclusions That Nicely Support =>

b) Especially this => In ZMM Chapter 1, where Author Robert Pirsig gives his book’s focus saying =>

“I would like, instead, to be concerned with the question ‘What is best,’”

c) AND in Chapter 17 => “ The reluctant student might ask in class, ‘But how do we know what’s good?’ … but almost before the question was out of his mouth he would realize the answer had already been supplied. Some other student would usually tell him, ‘You just see it.’”
d) These above b) & c) as well as many other passages in ZMM, Nicely Support and well, aligns well with => The facts that our Problem Solving Brain (Network Of Neurons), Can and Does, Yield Optimal (Best or Near Best) Solutions, which are indeed Best or Near Best Solutions.

APPENDIX X cont: As They Read Passages From ZMM, 1) thru 9) Below =>
The Perceptive Reader Can See Additional Strong Support For Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”.
… These below Passages 1) thru 12), were selected, because they illustrate Robert Pirsig’s “Quality” In Action, AND Essentially each action Pirsig describes, of course, (necessarily & inescapably), come from (plus illustrates & confirm) the inherent Problem Solving Brain’s Solutions Mentally Arriving into our Human Mind, sequentially at each moment of ongoing time.

Throughout ZMM, Robert Pirsig Provides Many, Many, Examples Of Problem-Solving-Brain In Its Instants Of Action.
In The Below Selection Of Examples From ZMM
Please Study & Think, Where Word “Good”… Relates To Our Ability To “Just See” … “What Is Good”: And Understand How & Why This Culminates in => “It’s peace of mind you’re after … ”

A) The ZMM Passages Below 1), 2), 3) & 4) Point To Our Ability To See “What Is Good” And Show This Is Closely Related The Ability To See “What Is.=> Best Or Near Best” .

1) “What is good, Phædrus, and what is not good—need we ask anyone to tell us these things? ”
2) “It is what he [Phaedrus] was saying months before in the classroom in Montana, a message Plato and every dialectician since him had missed, since they all sought to define the Good in its intellectual relation to things. ”
3) "But how do we know what’s good?" [or Best], but almost before the question was out of his mouth he [the student] would realize the answer had already been supplied. .... "You just see it. ”
4) “The way to see what looks good and understand the reasons it looks good, and to be at one with this goodness as the work proceeds, is to cultivate an inner quietness, a peace of mind so that goodness can shine through. ”
5) “I keep talking wild theory, but it keeps somehow coming out stuff everybody knows, folklore. This Quality, this feeling for the work, is something known in every shop. ”
“Now finally let’s get back to that screw. ”
“ Let’s consider a reevaluation of the situation in which we assume that the stuckness now occurring, the zero of consciousness, isn’t the worst of all possible situations, but the best possible situation you could be in. After all, it’s exactly this stuckness that Zen Buddhists go to so much trouble to induce; through koans, deep breathing, sitting still and the like. Your mind is empty, you have a "hollow-flexible" attitude of "beginner’s mind." You’re right at the front end of the train of knowledge, at the track of reality itself. Consider, for a change, that this is a moment to be not feared but cultivated. If your mind is truly, profoundly stuck, then you may be much better off than when it was loaded with ideas. ”
“The solution to the problem often at first seems unimportant or undesirable, but the state of stuckness allows it, in time, to assume its true importance. It seemed small because your previous rigid evaluation which led to the stuckness made it small. ”
“But now consider the fact that no matter how hard you try to hang on to it, this stuckness is bound to disappear. Your mind will naturally and freely move toward a solution. Unless you are a real master at staying stuck you can’t prevent this. The fear of stuckness is needless because the longer you stay stuck the more you see the Quality-reality that gets you unstuck every time. What’s really been getting you stuck is the running from the stuckness through the cars of your train of knowledge looking for a solution that is [ONLY] out in front of the train.”

[ Important => Because Mr Pirsig is saying that your Problem Solving Brain will, automatically, spontaneously, find a Solution (Answer), that is Best or Near Best.]

“Stuckness shouldn’t be avoided. It’s the psychic predecessor of all real understanding. An egoless acceptance of stuckness is a key to an understanding of all Quality, in mechanical work as in other endeavors. It’s this understanding of Quality as revealed by stuckness which so often makes self-taught mechanics so superior to institute-trained men who have learned how to handle everything except a new situation.”

As You Read Next Below, Please Know That => Quality is Mr. Pirsig’s name for the automatic problem-solving action of our mind: Also in the below Mr. Pirsig sometimes uses “Value” as a word equivalent to his use of “Quality”.
… But ALSO carefully study Mr. Pirsig’s use of word “Quality” AND see that this an action of the brain, as it’s Problem Solving Moves Forward: This, as well as other aspects of Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” , are seen in the next 2 passage =>

B) The ZMM Passages Below 5) Thru 9) Point To Our Ability To See Value, And Proceed With Quality, Leading To “Peace Of Mind”: (Where Quality (Among Other Things) Is Equivalent To The Action Ability Of Our Problem Solving Brain.)
6) ”Quality is the leading edge is where absolutely all the action is. The leading edge contains all the infinite possibilities of the future. It contains all the history of the past. Where else could they be contained? ... The past cannot remember the past. The future can’t generate the future. The cutting edge of this instant right here and now is always nothing less than the totality of everything there is. .. [Quality] Value, the leading edge of reality, is no longer an irrelevant offshoot of structure. [Quality] Value is the predecessor of structure. It’s the pre-intellectual awareness that gives rise to it. Our structured reality is preselected on the basis of [Quality] value, and really to understand structured reality requires an understanding of the [Quality] value source from which it’s derived. ”
7) “This gumption trap of anxiety, which results from over-motivation, can lead to all kinds of errors of excessive fussiness. You fix things that don’t need fixing, and chase after imaginary ailments. You jump to wild conclusions and build all kinds of errors into the machine because of your own nervousness. These errors, when made, tend to confirm your original underestimation of yourself. This leads to more errors, which lead to more underestimation, in a self-stoking cycle. ”
“The best way to break this [self-defeating]cycle, I think, is to work out your anxieties on paper. Read every book and magazine you can on the subject. Your anxiety makes this easy and the more you read the more you calm down. You should remember that it’s peace of mind you’re after and not just a fixed machine.” [ < Important: Here notice the ultimate goal => “ it’s peace of mind you’re after !! ”
“When beginning a repair job you can list everything you’re going to do on little slips of paper which you then organize into proper sequence. You discover that you organize and then reorganize the sequence again and again as more and more ideas come to you. The time spent this way usually more than pays for itself in time saved on the machine and prevents you from doing fidgety things that create problems later on. ”
You can reduce your anxiety somewhat by facing the fact that there isn’t a mechanic alive who doesn’t louse up a job once in a while. The main difference between you and the commercial mechanics is that when they do it you don’t hear about it—just pay for it, in additional costs prorated through all your bills. When you make the mistakes yourself, you at ]east get the benefit of some education. ” ''
“Boredom is the next gumption trap that comes to mind. This is the opposite of anxiety and commonly goes with ego problems. Boredom means you’re off the Quality track, you’re not seeing things freshly, you’ve lost your "beginner’s mind" and your motorcycle is in great danger.[<Big Warning!] Boredom means your gumption supply is low and must be replenished before anything else is done. ”
“When you’re bored, stop! Go to a show. Turn on the TV. Call it a day. Do anything but work on that machine. If you don’t stop, the next thing that happens is the Big Mistake, and then all the boredom plus the Big Mistake combine together in one Sunday punch to knock all the gumption out of you and you are really stopped.” [Problem Solving Brain “Stuck” and Can’t Move Forward!]

“Unless you are a real master at staying stuck you can’t prevent this. The fear of stuckness is needless because the longer you stay stuck the more you see the Quality-reality that gets you unstuck every time.”
[ Important => Quality IS Reality Itself!! In the operation of Quality, you Problem Solving Brain, has connected with what is Really There!! ]

8) “Peace of mind isn’t at all superficial to technical work. It’s the whole thing. That which produces it is good work and that which destroys it is bad work. The specs, the measuring instruments, the quality control, the final check-out, these are all means toward the end of satisfying the peace of mind of those responsible for the work. What really counts in the end is their peace of mind, nothing else. The reason for this is that peace of mind is a prerequisite for a perception.” [Problem Solving Brain Moving Forward.] “of that Quality which is beyond romantic Quality and classic Quality and which unites the two, and which must accompany the work as it proceeds. The way to see what looks good and understand the reasons it looks good, and to be at one with this goodness “ [Problem Solving Brain Moving Forward.] “as the work proceeds, is to cultivate an inner quietness, a peace of mind so that goodness can shine through. ”
9) “ I’ve sometimes thought this inner peace of mind, this quietness is similar to if not identical with the sort of calm you sometimes get when going fishing, which accounts for much of the popularity of this sport. Just to sit with the line in the water, not moving, not really thinking about anything, not really caring about anything either, seems to draw out the inner tensions and frustrations that have prevented you from solving problems you couldn’t solve before and introduced ugliness and clumsiness into your actions and thoughts. … You don’t have to go fishing, of course, to fix your motorcycle. A cup of coffee, a walk around the block, sometimes just putting off the job for five minutes of silence is enough. When you do you can almost feel yourself grow.” [Problem Solving Brain Moving Forward.] “toward that inner peace of mind that reveals it all.”
10) “So the thing to do when working on a motorcycle, as in any other task, is to cultivate the peace of mind which does not separate one’s self from one’s surroundings. When that is done successfully then everything else follows naturally. “ [Problem Solving Brain Moving Forward.] “Peace of mind produces right values, right values produce right thoughts. Right thoughts produce right actions and right actions produce work which will be a material reflection for others to see of the serenity at the center of it all. That was what it was about that wall in Korea. It was a material reflection of a spiritual reality.”
11) “You should remember that it’s peace of mind you’re after and not just a fixed machine.”
12) “ In my mind now is an image of a huge, long railroad train, one of those 120-boxcar jobs that cross the prairies all the time with lumber and vegetables going east and with automobiles and other manufactured goods going west. I want to call this railroad train "knowledge" and subdivide in into two parts: Classic Knowledge and Romantic Knowledge. ”
“In terms of the analogy, Classic Knowledge, the knowledge taught by the Church of Reason, is the engine and all the boxcars. All of them and everything that’s in them. If you subdivide the train into parts you will find no Romantic Knowledge anywhere. And unless you’re careful it’s easy to make the presumption that’s all the train there is. This isn’t because Romantic Knowledge is nonexistent or even unimportant. It’s just that so far the definition of the train is static and purposeless. This was what I was trying to get at back in South Dakota when I talked about two whole dimensions of existence. It’s two whole ways of looking at the train. ”
“Romantic Quality, in terms of this analogy, isn’t any "part" of the train. It’s the leading edge of the engine, “ [Problem Solving Brain Moving Forward.] “ a two-dimensional surface of no real significance unless you understand that the train isn’t a static entity at all. A train really isn’t a train if it can’t go anywhere. In the process of examining the train and subdividing it into parts we’ve inadvertently stopped it, so that it really isn’t a train we are examining. That’s why we get stuck. ”
“The real train of knowledge isn’t a static entity that can be stopped and subdivided. It’s always going somewhere.” [Problem Solving Brain Moving Forward.] “ On a track called Quality. And that engine and all those 120 boxcars are never going anywhere except where the track of Quality takes them; and romantic Quality, the leading edge of the engine, takes them along that track. Romantic reality is the cutting edge of experience.” [Problem Solving Brain Moving Forward.] “It’s the leading edge of the train of knowledge that keeps the whole train on the track. Traditional knowledge is only the collective memory of where that leading edge has been. At the leading edge there are no subjects, no objects, only the track of Quality ahead, .” [Problem Solving Brain Moving Forward.] “ and if you have no formal way of evaluating, no way of acknowledging this Quality, then the entire train has no way of knowing where to go. You don’t have pure reason—you have pure confusion. . The leading edge is where absolutely all the action is. The leading edge contains all the infinite possibilities of the future. It contains all the history of the past. Where else could they be contained? ”
“The past cannot remember the past. The future can’t generate the future. The cutting edge of this instant right here and now .” [Problem Solving Brain Moving Forward.>] “ is always nothing less than the totality of everything there is “ .
“Value, the leading edge of reality, .” [Problem Solving Brain Moving Forward.>] “ is no longer an irrelevant offshoot of structure. Value is the predecessor of structure. It’s the preintellectual awareness that gives rise to it. Our structured reality is preselected on the basis of value, and really to understand structured reality requires an understanding of the value source from which it’s derived. ”
“One’s rational understanding of a motorcycle is therefore modified from minute to minute as one works on it and sees that a new and different rational understanding has more Quality. .” [Problem Solving Brain Moving Forward.>] “ One doesn’t cling to old sticky ideas because one has an immediate rational basis for rejecting them. Reality isn’t static anymore. It’s not a set of ideas you have to either fight or resign yourself to. It’s made up, in part, of ideas that are expected to grow as you grow, and as we all grow, century after century. With Quality as a central undefined term, reality is, in its essential nature, not static but dynamic. .” [Problem Solving Brain Moving Forward.>] “ And when you really understand dynamic reality you never get stuck. It has forms but the forms are capable of change.”
13) “It Was The 2,400-Year-Old Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu.
“He began to read through the lines he had read many times before, but this time he studied it to see if a certain substitution would work. He began to read and interpret it at the same time.

“He read:

“The quality that can be defined is not the Absolute Quality.
“That was what he had said.
“The names that can be given it are not Absolute names. ''
'' “It is the origin of heaven and earth. [Problem Solving Brain Moving Forward.]
“When named it is the mother of all things . . . “ .
“Quality [Romantic Quality] and its manifestations [Classic Quality] are in their nature the same. It is given different names [subjects and objects] when it becomes classically manifest.
“Romantic quality and classic quality together may be called the "mystic."
“Reaching from mystery into deeper mystery ,it is the gate to the secret of all life.
“Quality is all-pervading. . [Problem Solving Brain Moving Forward.]
“And its use is inexhaustible!
“Like the fountainhead of all things . . .
“Yet crystal clear like water it seems to remain.
“I do not know whose Son it is.
“An image of what existed before God.
“Continuously, continuously it seems to remain. Draw upon it and it serves you with ease.” . [Problem Solving Brain Moving Forward.]. .
“Looked at but cannot be seen . . . listened to but cannot be heard . . . grasped at but cannot be touched . . . these three elude all our inquiries and hence blend and become one.
“Not by its rising is there light,
“Not by its sinking is there darkness
“Unceasing, continuous
“It cannot be defined
“And reverts again into the realm of nothingness
“That is why it is called the form of the formless
“The image of nothingness
“That is why it is called elusive
“Meet it and you do not see its face
“Follow it and you do not see its back
“He who holds fast to the quality of old
“Is able to know the primeval beginnings
“Which are the continuity of quality. “ [Problem Solving Brain Moving Forward.]

“Phædrus read on through line after line, verse after verse of this, watched them match, fit, slip into place. Exactly. This was what he meant. This was what he’d been saying all along, only poorly, mechanistically. There was nothing vague or inexact about this book. It was as precise and definite as it could be. It was what he had been saying, only in a different language with different roots and origins. He was from another valley seeing what was in this valley, not now as a story told by strangers but as a part of the valley he was from. He was seeing it all.
“He had broken the code
“He read on. Line after line. Page after page. Not a discrepancy. What he had been talking about all the time as Quality .” [Problem Solving Brain Moving Forward.] “was here the Tao, the great central generating force of all religions, Oriental and Occidental, past and present, all knowledge, everything.

ATTENTION: IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Above in 2) & 5), Mr. Pirsig says => “Your Mind Will Naturally And Freely Move Toward A Solution.”
… Here Mr. Pirsig is pointing to the fact that our General Problem Solving Brain, given a “Quit & Wait”, plus given enough time, WILL automatically & spontaneously, find a good solution, which will then Mentally Arrive into Consciousness! Which is, of course, entirely consistent with Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”.
… AND most especially Mr. Pirsig is pointing to is => The important method of => We Must Prepare, Study, And Struggle, THEN QUIT & WAIT !! …. See Below =>

IN The Classical Study Of Problem Solving, It Has Been Long Known That => We Must With Extensive Effort => Prepare, Study, And Struggle, THEN QUIT & WAIT !! =>
… This this is confirmed in the Literature as follows =.

A) The “Quit & Wait”, In The Literature On Problem Solving, Is Known As “Incubation”: Wikipedia Says The Creative Problem Solving Steps Are => Preparation, Incubation, Illumination, And Verification. As In This Passage=>
… In psychology, incubation refers to the unconscious processing of problems, when they are set aside [Quit] for a period of time [Wait], that may lead to insights. It was originally proposed by Graham Wallas in 1926 as one of his four stages of the creative process: preparation, incubation, illumination [i.e.. Flash of Insight], Mental Arrival], and verification.[1] Incubation is related to intuition and insight in that it is the unconscious part of a process whereby an intuition may become validated as an insight [i.e.. Flash of Insight], Mental Arrival]. Incubation substantially increases the odds of solving a problem, and benefits from long incubation periods with low cognitive workloads.]

B) Some VERY Interesting & Valuable History, In Wikipedia Page About Jacqies Hadamard, In Section Titled => “On Creativity”. In his book “Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field.
… Jacques Salomon Hadamard was a French mathematician who made major contributions in number theory, complex analysis, differential geometry and partial differential equations.
… Hadamard [became interested in how mathematicians actually did Problem Solving. He] uses the results of introspection to study mathematical thought processes,[6]: 2  and tries to report and interpret observations, personal or gathered from other scholars engaged in the work of invention.[6]: 133  In sharp contrast to authors who identify language and cognition, he describes his own mathematical thinking as largely wordless, often accompanied by mental images that represent the entire solution to a problem. He surveyed 100 of the leading physicists of the day (approximately year 1900), asking them how they did their work.
… Hadamard described the experiences of the mathematicians/theoretical physicists Carl Friedrich Gauss, Hermann von Helmholtz, Henri Poincaré and others as viewing entire solutions with "sudden spontaneousness".
… Hadamard described the process as having four steps of the five-step Graham Wallas creative process model, with the first three also having been put forth by Helmholtz:[6]: 56  Preparation, Incubation, Illumination, and Verification.

So There You Have It: These Above Experts Confirm Henry Gurr’s Saying ~28 Times (In This WebPage) “The Importance Of => ‘QUIT & WAIT’.
… … … …

A) Above in 6), Mr. Pirsig says =>
“[A Solution To The Problem Of Stuckness …] You Don’t Have To Go Fishing, Of Course, To Fix Your Motorcycle. A Cup Of Coffee, A Walk Around The Block, Sometimes Just Putting Off The Job For Five Minutes Of Silence Is Enough.”
… Here Mr. Pirsig is pointing to the fact that our General Problem Solving Brain, given “some temporary diversion (i.e. “Quit”) from the direct work of Trouble-Shooting”. This is essentially, some “break time”, essentially (Wait”), will allow the Brain “quiet time” to automatically & spontaneously, find a good solution, which will then Mentally Arrive into Consciousness!
B) Later In ZMM, Mr. Pirsig says =>
“Boredom means you’re off the Quality track, you’re not seeing things freshly, you’ve lost your "beginner’s mind" and your motorcycle is in great danger. Boredom means your gumption supply is low and must be replenished before anything else is done.”
“When you’re bored, stop! ” [Quit] “Go to a show. Turn on the TV. Call it a day. ” [Wait] “Do anything but work on that machine. ”
B) Earlier In ZMM, Mr. Pirsig Reports Phaedrus Conclusions About Teaching English At Montana State College. =>
“When spontaneity and individuality and really good original stuff occurred in a classroom it was in spite of the instruction, not because of it. This seemed to make sense. He was ready to resign. Teaching dull conformity to hateful students wasn’t what he wanted to do.”
“He’d heard that Reed College in Oregon withheld grades until graduation, and during the summer vacation he went there but was told the faculty was divided on the value of withholding grades and that no one was tremendously happy about the system….”
“He was just stopped. ” [Quit &] “ Waiting. For that missing seed crystal of thought that would suddenly solidify everything. ”

… As stated above => This “Quit & Wait” is of course, entirely consistent with Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”.

… AND as a net result of the Problem Solving Brain’s good Optimal (Best or Near Best) Brain Solutions & Quality Actions, is Robert Pirsig’s => “What you are after … Peace of Mind!”

APPENDIX XII: A Discussion Of Henry Gurr’s OWN Observations
&#133;A Report Of My First & Continued Steps In => Watching For Flash Of Insight Type Mental Arrivals, AND Writing Detailed Data Records Of What Observed.
…Back in ~1970 when I was new to teaching, I went across the hall to office of Dr. Paul Wirtz, who’s specialty was early childhood education, and asked him to help me learn about teaching. Paul was into the Genetic Psychology of Jean Piaget who is rightfully very, very famous in educational circles. With Paul’s help I studied a great range of Piaget Research Methods & Results. It was in this reading that I first came aware that a young person faced with problem solving mental block, might suddenly and spontaneously “see” the correct answer. These were Flash Of Insight Type Mental Arrivals! Although Piaget did not use these terms, it was my study of Piaget, that were my first moves on the Flash Of Insight Research Track
My Second Flash Of Insight Research Move(s). => Eventually Dr. Wirtz and I sponsored a workshop on our campus called “Logical Thought and Reasoning: How to Teach Science.” ( ** See Footnote) During the workshop I got to talking to Dr. Robert Fuller, a physicist who was the workshop leader. He said “ Watch the students. Listen to the students. Really, really listen! “ I asked him, "How do you listen? How do you know what to listen for?" He didn't tell me. In fact, I remember that he made a studied effort not to answer my repeated questions. I couldn't figure that out, but I started listening, and writing detailed data records.
…Gradually I developed a semi-clinical interview technique which I call Discover And Resolve Tutoring (DART).October 1979, where I stopped my habit of doing all the talking when trying to help a student, who for example, came for help in doing a homework problem.
…I worked out a new system. I would put the pencil in the student's hand and say to him, "Show me what you have been trying to do." I conduct the session so the student does all the writing, calculating, drawing and talking, and two important things happen: 1) The information necessary to figure out what the student knows (and doesn't know), from moment to moment, flows FROM the student TO the professor. And 2) the professor can NEVER get ahead of the student and cause additional confusion! When the student "does all the work," I assure you that the professor will always be able to tell what that student is thinking, even if wrong or fuzzy headed.
…Although the student may be confused, the professor will be able to isolate the difficulty. The professor will realize that ifs he were looking at things as was the student, the professor would be just as confused!
…This, of course, tells the professor what to do to solve the student's hang-up. In most cases, the hang-up is caused by ideas or scrambled concepts the professor would NEVER, NEVER discover any other way. The professor will know correctly & suddenly, when the cause of a student's hang up is found, because the student will have one or more of the indicators of Flash of Insight: The students blank face and motionless posture might suddenly switch to smile, posture shifts, general relaxation and expressions of relief, such as suddenly “Oh …,Now I see it!”
… The more relief that the student shows, the more severe the previous mental lock-up must have been!
…I have (written transcript) detailed data records of twenty four observations of hang-ups resolved by a sudden insight jolt, and thus have helped students over some pretty big hurdles.. A full discussion of nine of these student sudden insight jolt events, is given in Blue Link above. In fact it is these written detailed data records, notes from my teaching experience, as well as considerable literature reading, that is the factual basis for this article.
…My practice of listening, and writing detailed data records (especially if blockages & Flash Of Insight Resolutions were involve), gradually expanded from students, to ALL persons no matter where encountered, including myself, and what I was able to discover in ”The Literature”:
…So this (abovementioned) practice of “writing detailed data records” started in ~1970, has continued up to present day. I must have over 5000 written detailed data records. And there must be over 3000 of these which report cases where => Blockage, Perceptual-Blindness, Confusion, and Doubt is Suddenly, Automatically & Spontaneously => Cleared up by the Problem Solving Brain, by simple but extensive 1) Early preparation, 2) Struggle, and then 3) Quit & Wait!
…It is these written detailed data records that are the basis for what is reported in This Document you are reading now.

** Footnote: Dr. Fuller and members of the University of Nebraska at Lincoln ADAPT team conducted a workshop on our USCA Campus titled: “Logical Thought & Reasoning: A Piaget Model.”
…Dr. Robert Fuller, a physicist-educator, described the educational techniques used in his undergraduate physics program at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, called ADAPT …As stated above Fuller said to Henry Gurr => "Listen to the students. Really, really, really, "LISTEN!” Or course Henry wondered, "How do you listen? How do you know what to listen for?" In pondering these questions, I eventually stopped talking, and started listening.

A Summary Taken From Henry Gurr’s WebPage => “THE AHA IN TEACHING & TUTORING,” Which Describes => “Discover And Resolve Tutoring.” (DART)
…In people generally and especially for the student => The discovery mental event, called Flash of Insight, occurs because the processes of human information decoding (i.e., perception) have been blocked for a period of time (minutes, hours, days) and then suddenly mentally discovered is a new (and hopefully correct) perception.
… It is important for the teacher to study its occurrence because, in retrospect it shows => 1) What circumstances have caused the perceptual failure in a student, causing the perception process to halt (i.e. blockage). 2) What disabilities (i.e. perceptual blindness) occur during the failure duration, and 3) what specific steps will get perception "back on track" and keep it there. Many, even most, learning difficulties result in rigidly held specific ideas that are much different from those intended by the learning material OR in any way anticipated by the teacher!.
“The Aha In Teaching & Tutoring, ” + The DART Tutoring Methods Outlined Herein show how to find the student's learning problem and resolve it with net reduction in anxiety.
…At first the reader may find the rules mysterious, but through actual repeated usage, the truth and utility will become evident. It is suggested that readers keep informal records of their student help sessions for later study and course improvement.

NOTE: The Ideas And Conclusions Stated In This Document You Are Currently Reading, Are True To My Own (Henry Gurr) Direct Experience. And I Believe They Are True To The Mental Workings Of Most Other Persons, And Those Corroborated By The Literature.
… Moreover, I (Henry Gurr) strongly believe the ideas & conclusions in This Document You Are Currently Reading, are valid, important, and provide and overall useful understanding, to guide my, other person’s, and especially student’s behavior. (In other words a Brain Owner’s User Manual.)
… Further, I strongly believe that anyone who well studies This Document You Are Currently Reading, will find this Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”, with its ideas & conclusions true to their own direct experience! And this Theory will help people more effectively use their own mind.
… What is important about this Theory (and ANY theory explanation), is that this Theory helps a person achieve improved real-world actions, more efficient, and better results. With a good theory, you can achieve your goals & get what you want, easier and faster than with a poor one. And to know & test the truth of ANY theory, is to carefully write down, the times you see the theory “work” successfully in your own life!
… In fact, the above, are the exact reasons why I have worked SO VERY HARD, to get these ideas & conclusions written up in This Document You Are Currently Reading!

But Additionally, As Fully Discussed In This Document, The Flash Of Insight (And Similar Mental Arrivals), Are Seen To Be A Quite Valuable Research Tool (And Probe), Into The Workings Of Our Own Mind!

APPENDIX XIII: Some Things To Notice In Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy Re Merleau-Ponty,
Since Such Supports And Is VERY Relevant To Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”, Which Is Witten Out In => TheTOP EIGHT BLUE LINKS At Upper Left Main Menu.: ]
This Is Of Course My Motivation For Mentioning Merleau-Ponty’s Book , In below A) & B) =>
… NOTE1: ”Building on Gestalt Psychology, French Philosophe Merleau-Ponty (1908–1961), offers “original and influential work on embodiment, perception, and ontology”. .
… NOTE2: Since “Gestalt” & “Gestalt Psychology” is a very important area of study, you can learn more by > Page > Top > Do > Edit > Find > Gestalt Please read most especially the second through sixth finds, down from the page top.

… A) Book =>, “Phenomenology Of Perception.” (French: Phénoménologie de la perception. ).
This is “ … a 1945 book by the French philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty, in which the author expounds his thesis of "the primacy of perception". The work established Merleau-Ponty as the pre-eminent philosopher of the body, … “

… B) Extended Excerpts From Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy/ =>
Phenomenology Of Perception, That Immediately Catch My Attention. Parts Below That Are Especially Relevant To My Henry Gurr’s '' “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”, Are Underlined Plus [Henry Gurr Translation & Commentary.
NOTE: Just how Merleau-Ponty own attempts to build further from the Gestalt’ist, is illustrated in his book => The Structure of Behavior , which is used, in part, to write the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy’s article on Merleau-Ponty’s work. :

The Following Are Selection Of Excerpts Relevant To Henry Gurr’s Theory.
… "Maurice Jean Jacques Merleau-Ponty (1908–1961), French philosopher and public intellectual, was the leading academic proponent of existentialism and phenomenology in post-war France. Best known for his original and influential work on embodiment, perception, and ontology, he also made important contributions to the philosophy of art, history, language, nature, and politics. .... Major influences on his thinking include Henri Bergson, Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, Max Scheler, and Jean-Paul Sartre, as well as neurologist Kurt Goldstein, Gestalt theorists such as Wolfgang Köhler and Kurt Koffka, and literary figures including Marcel Proust, Paul Claudel, and Paul Valéry. In turn, he influenced the post-structuralist generation of French thinkers who succeeded him, including Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, and Jacques Derrida, whose similarities with and debt to the later Merleau-Ponty have often been underestimated. Merleau-Ponty published two major theoretical texts during his lifetime: The Structure of Behavior (1942 SC) and Phenomenology of Perception (1945).”
… ….
… " Having rediscovered the body as expressive and intentional, Merleau-Ponty turns in Part Two of Phenomenology to the perceived world, with the aim of showing how the pre-reflective unity of co-existence that characterizes the body has as its correlate the synthesis of things and the world; “One’s own body is in the world just as the heart is in the organism” (PP: 245/209), and its expressive unity therefore also extends to the sensible world. Merleau-Ponty develops this interpretation of the sensible through detailed studies of sensing, space, and the natural and social worlds. Sensing takes place as the “co-existence” or “communion” of the body with the world that Merleau-Ponty describes as a reciprocal exchange of question and answer:”

' a sensible that is about to be sensed poses to my body a sort of confused problem … I must find the attitude that will provide it with the means to become determinate … I must find the response to a poorly formulated question. And yet I only do this in response to its solicitation… . The sensible gives back to me what I had lent to it, but I received it from the sensible in the first place.' (PP: 259/222)

“the agent of perception is the pre-reflective and anonymous subjectivity of the body, which remains enmeshed in and “connatural” with the world that it perceives.
((=> Henry Gurr Comment => YES: As is said many times in This Document => Our Problem Solving Brain, uses an RRC => An Autonomous Automatic Spontaneous Optimizing Creative Memory Cycle Steps Are => Original Memory > Memory ReAccesed > Provides Memory Base For Perception & Other What Do Next > Problem Solving Brain Mental Arrival to Consciousness With Future-Plans, Emotions & Feelings, Etc > Action > Success > Refine & Improve Solution Back Into Memory > Enhance & ReFurbish Memory. As a consequence, for all humans, there is truly, as Merleau-Ponty => “remains enmeshed in and “connatural” with the world that it perceives “ ))

… The senses are unified without losing their distinctness in a fashion comparable to the binocular synthesis of vision, .[<= YES ]
… “For first-person awareness, one’s anonymous perceptual engagement with the world operates as a kind of “original past, a past that has never been present” (PP: 252/252). The pre-historical pact between the body and the world informs our encounters with space, revealing a synthesis of space
((=> To show agreement, translated into language of Henry Gurr Theory => As is said many times in This Document => Our Problem Solving Brain, uses an RRC => An Autonomous Automatic Spontaneous Optimizing Creative Memory Cycle Steps Are => Original Memory > Memory ReAccesed > Provides Memory Base For Perception & Other What Do Next > Problem Solving Brain Mental Arrival to Consciousness With Future-Plans & Emotions Etc > Action > Success > Refine & Improve Solution Back Into Memory > Enhance & ReFurbish Memory. As a consequence, for all humans, there is truly in Merleau-Ponty words a => “perceptual engagement with the world operates as a kind of “original past, a past that has never been present” (PP: 252/252). The pre-historical pact between the body and the world informs our encounters “)) ..

that is neither “spatialized” (as a pre-given container in which things are arranged) nor “spatializing” (like the homogenous and interchangeable relations of geometrical space).”

… “Rejecting classic approaches to time that treat it either as an objective property of things, as a psychological content, or as the product of transcendental consciousness, Merleau-Ponty return to the “field of presence” as our foundational experience of time. This field is a network of intentional relations, of “protentions” and “retentions”, in a single movement of dehiscence or self-differentiation, such that “each present reaffirms the presence of the entire past that it drives away, and anticipates the presence of the entire future or the ‘to-come ” (PP: 483/444)”.
((=> To show agreement, translated into language of Henry Gurr Theory => Any Problem Solving Brain Mental Arrival Solution has a Future Plan (an Intention for action), which anticipates entire future. Most of these Future Plan are in fact done to completion, and in process all of this is added to brain’s memory (of what is seen & experienced). The brain’s memory is creatively made better & better. . Over the years there is built up into memory a great Field of thousands of these, forming knowledge, skills, and understanding..))

… “Merleau-Ponty rejects the empiricist understanding of sensation, with its correlative “constancy hypothesis”, and the role empiricism grants to association and the projection of memory for treating the basic units of sensation as determinate atoms rather than as meaningful wholes. These wholes include ambiguities, indeterminacies, and contextual relations that defy explanation in terms of the causal action of determinate things. Intellectualism aims to provide an alternative to empiricism by introducing judgment or attention as mental activities that synthesize experience from the sensory givens,”

… “Merleau-Ponty played a central role in the dissemination of phenomenology, which he sought to integrate with Gestalt psychology, psychoanalysis, Marxism, and Saussurian linguistics. Major influences on his thinking include Henri Bergson, Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, Max Scheler, and Jean-Paul Sartre, as well as neurologist Kurt Goldstein, Gestalt theorists such as Wolfgang Köhler and Kurt Koffka, and literary figures including ... "

… “the second area of focus in this early study. The Gestalt is “a spontaneous organization of the sensory field” in which there are “only organizations, more or less stable, more or less articulated” (NP: 193/79).
((=> To show agreement, translated into language of Henry Gurr Theory => For our Problem Solving Brain, Mental Arrival Solutions are self-organized, automatic, spontaneous, integrated, full, complete answers to the problems of life coming at us. These solutions, being holistic, is in turn, a “Gestalt” in the fullest sense of overall Gestalt Psychology. The Problem Solving Brain Mental Arrival Solutions, are typically responses to the body’s 9-senses, responding to the sensory field. of the surrounding physical world. ))

… Merleau-Ponty’s brief summary of Gestalt psychology, anticipating research presented in his first two books, emphasizes the figure-ground structure of perception, the phenomena of depth and movement, and the syncretic perception [a union or attempted fusion] of children. Nevertheless, Merleau-Ponty concludes—again citing Gurwitsch—that the epistemological framework of Gestalt psychology remains Kantian, requiring that one look “in a very different direction, for a very different solution” to the problem of the relation between the world described naturalistically and the world as perceived (NP: 198/82). Merleau-Ponty’s first book, "The Structure of Behavior" (SC), resumes the project of synthesizing and reworking the insights of Gestalt theory and phenomenology to propose an original understanding of the relationship between “consciousness” and “nature”. ...... Merleau-Ponty argues that ..... organic life and human consciousness are emergent from a natural world that is not reducible to its meaning for a mind; yet this natural world is not the causal nexus of pre-existing objective realities, since it is fundamentally composed of nested Gestalts, spontaneously emerging structures of organization at multiple levels and degrees of integration .
((=> To show agreement, translated into language of Henry Gurr Theory => In full agreement with Merleau-Ponty’s => “emergent from a natural world” and “spontaneously emerging structures of organization”, please notice what was stated earlier in This Document =>
From Prof Hopfield’s Results, The Inescapable Conclusion => Neural Networks MUST Underlie, And Be At The Basic Foundation Of A Theory Of How Our Mind Works, Since Such Fits The Following Necessary Biological Conditions:

a) Biological Neural Networks form a very powerful computational mechanism, which can create an unsophisticated brute force, all purpose, general problem-solving biological device, that gets Optimal (Best or Near Best) Problem Solutions by massive parallel processing and massive in-depth memory! This mechanism, in other words, is a crude but effective, one size fits all, quite powerful sledge hammer. (These are the powerful consequences of what here in is called ‘‘ “Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory. ” '', which in turn is a VERY important italicized 11 word name & idea, as emphasized in this paragraph, and the next 3 paragraphs below.) .
b) Constitute a general problem-solving mechanisms, where we can see the possibility that => The Neural Networks actions are integrated, holistic, SPONTANEOUSLY self-built, self-organized, UN-supervised, follows its own rules, and runs fully on-automatic: The only apparent non-self (internal) control, seemingly comes from the sensory organs, external and internal.
c) As Is Required For ANY Theory (Explanation) of How Out (Biological Based) Mind Works => Such Neural Networks and their spontaneous actions must be and are, compatible with biological evolutionary development (phylogeny), from the very beginning of moving animals on earth.
d) Also Such Neural Networks and their spontaneous actions must be and are, compatible with biological growth and development (ontogeny), of a single organism from gestation to adult. )) ..

On the one hand, the idealist critique of naturalism should be extended to the naturalistic assumptions framing Gestalt theory. On the other hand, there is a justified truth in naturalism that limits the idealist universalization of consciousness, and this is discovered when Gestalt structures are recognized to be ontologically basic and the limitations of consciousness are thereby exposed. The notion of “behavior”, taken by Merleau-Ponty as parallel to the phenomenological concept of “experience” (in explicit contrast with the American school of behaviorism), is a privileged starting point for the analysis thanks to its neutrality with respect to classical distinctions between the “mental” and the “physiological” (SC: 2/4). The [Merleau-Ponty's book] "Structure of Behavior" first critiques traditional reflex accounts of the relation between stimulus and reaction in light of the findings of Kurt Goldstein and other contemporary physiologists, arguing that the organism is not passive but imposes its own conditions between the given stimulus and the expected response, so that behavior remains inexplicable in purely anatomical or atomistic terms . .
((=> To show agreement, translated into language of Henry Gurr Theory => For our Problem Solving Brain, Mental Arrival Solutions are actively creative in the construction of => Full, complete answers to the “stimulus” of the problems of life coming at us. These solutions, being integrated & holistic, of course typically include responses to the body’s 9-senses, responding to the sensory field, of the surrounding physical world, but also creatively find new and better responses, beyond ~”expected responses”. These solutions, being a “Gestalt” in the fullest sense of overall Gestalt Psychology, being in Merleau-Ponty words a => “Creative beyond past behavior, thus are “inexplicable in purely anatomical or atomistic terms.” ))

… Merleau-Ponty instead describes the nervous system as a “field of forces” apportioned according to “modes of preferred distribution”, a model inspired by Wolfgang Köhler’s Gestalt physics (SC: 48/46). Both physiology and behavior are “forms”, that is, total processes whose properties are not the sum of those which the isolated parts would possess…. [T]here is form wherever the properties of a system are modified by every change brought about in a single one of its parts and, on the contrary, are conserved when they all change while maintaining the same relationship among themselves. (SC: 49–50/47) Form or structure therefore describes dialectical, non-linear, and dynamic relationships that can function relatively autonomously and are irreducible to linear mechanical causality (see Thompson 2007). ..
((=> To show agreement, translated into language of Henry Gurr Theory => Please see RRC next below. )).. "

… “At the level of life, form is characterized by a dialectical relation between the organism and its environment that is a function of the organism’s vital norms, its “optimal conditions of activity
((=> To show agreement, translated into language of Henry Gurr Theory => As is said many times in This Document => Our Problem Solving Brain, uses an RRC => An Autonomous Automatic Spontaneous Optimizing Creative Memory Cycle Steps Are => Original Memory > Memory ReAccesed > Provides Memory Base For Perception & Other What Do Next > Problem Solving Brain Mental Arrival to Consciousness With Future-Plans, Emotions & Feelings, Etc > Action > Success > Refine & Improve Solution Back Into Memory > Enhance & ReFurbish Memory. As a consequence, for all humans, there is truly in Merleau-Ponty words => “a dialectical relation between the organism and its environment that is a function of the organism’s vital norms, its “optimal conditions of activity.“ ))

and its proper manner of realizing equilibrium”, which express its style or “general attitude toward the world” ... "

END Excerpts from =>

Excerpts From Wikipedia Give More Information => Phenomenology of Perception “(French: Phénoménologie de la perception ) is a 1945 book about perception by the French philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty, in which the author expounds his thesis of "the primacy of perception". The work established Merleau-Ponty as the pre-eminent philosopher of the body, and is considered a major statement of French existentialism.”
… ” Maurice Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Perception is influenced by Edmund Husserl's work on perception, intersubjectivity, intentionality, space “
You may read remainder of article at =>

Excerpts From Wikipedia Give More Information =>
…”Edmund Gustav Albrecht Husserl (/ˈhʊsɜːrl/ HUUSS-url,[18][19][20] US also /ˈhʊsərəl/ HUUSS-ər-əl,[21] German: [ˈɛtmʊnt ˈhʊsɐl];[22] 8 April 1859 – 27 April 1938[23]) was a German[24][25] philosopher and mathematician who established the school of phenomenology.
In his early work, he elaborated critiques of historicism and of psychologism in logic based on analyses of intentionality. In his mature work, he sought to develop a systematic foundational science based on the so-called phenomenological reduction. Arguing that transcendental consciousness sets the limits of all possible knowledge, Husserl redefined phenomenology as a transcendental-idealist philosophy. Husserl's thought profoundly influenced 20th-century philosophy, and he remains a notable figure in contemporary philosophy and beyond.”
…”Maurice Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Perception is influenced by Edmund Husserl's work on perception, intersubjectivity, intentionality, space,[115] and temporality, including Husserl's theory of retention and protention.”

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.

APPENDIX XIV: SPECIAL-NOTES, DETAILS, QUALIFICATIONS, and LIMITATIONS Re This Document Concerning => Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” , Presented On The Page You Are Reading Right Now.

… Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
… In Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” (this WebPage you are reading now), There Is Much Discussion Concerning “Mental Arrivals Into Our Conscious Mind”

BUT Note Well => These Mental Arrivals ONLY Happen If These Are Problem Solving Brain’s Solutions, Which Are BEST or NEAR BEST, Or OPTIMAL, Or OF MAXIMAL COHERENCE:

Since This Above Sentence May Unclear => Here Are Some Meanings For The Above “BEST” =>

1) The Word “BEST” In This Document You Are Currently Reading, Means What Is Stated In Most Dictionaries, and well corresponds to the usage of Robert Pirsig in his book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”.
2) And the reader who knows English Language, will (from the context of the discussion of This Document), correctly understand our intended meaning, of the word “BEST”.
3) However, ANY word ALWAYS depends on context, and thus when the readers sees the word “BEST”, they should always substitute => “Optimal (Best or Near Best) Solution Brain To The Problem Of How To Respond With” =>
a) The Most Benefit (Most Coherence), To The Person’s Second By Second Sensory Input From The Given Local Surrounding Environment, and as well
b) Given The Person’s Limited Information And Past Experience.
4) Elsewhere in This Document it is stated that our Problem Solving Brain Makes => “Meaning” … “It’s Just There”! … “You Just See It!” …”You Just Know There Is An Automatic Presence Of => “Clarity, Understanding, AND Meaning” Similarly this is how we know “Best” AND 47 Other Related Synonym Words Click Here.
5) THUS => For & In This Document => A Definition for “Best” => At or Nearly Optimal, Nearly Maximum Coherence. Close To Good Solutions & Answers, where over approximately 95% of mental Arrivals are without MAJOR error or misdirection.
5) A Useful Acronym for BEST => Brain Effective Solution Top. ))

And Of Course The Above Paragraphs, For Meaning Of “BEST’, Also Applies To The Meanings of => “OPTIMAL”, and/or “MAXIMAL COHERENCE”, As Used In This WebPage.


A) As A Working Definition For “Best”, Of Course, Different Individuals Facing The Same Problem, Their Problem Solving Brain => Will Generate Different “Best Or Near Best”, Solutions, Based On The Circumstances Of Their Particular Life Trajectory, That Exist At That moment In Time.

6) Solutions, as Mental Arrivals into Consciousness for certain person, would rarely be objectively the most beneficial for => other persons, and/or other environments, and/or other time frames.
7) Thus in this discussion, “Best” cannot be universal, or any form of “truth”. “Best” thus means => What an individual can come up with, based on their mental resources (past experience, quality of logical process, etc), for their immediate local environment, and at a particular moment in time, and that which will result in the most progress towards that person’s wants [or goals], for the least cost. People tend to work with “acceptable” rather than “optimal” solutions, at the personal conscious level.
8) Thus We See1 => “BEST” Is A Practical Operative Word, and there can never be an absolute “best” Thus in this context => “Best” may be (more simply) taken as simply the evident good Solutions Results that the Problem Solving Brain “Comes-Up-With”, whether=> Thinking, physical, actions, emotions, feelings, etc …. Whatever our Darwinian Evolved Brain, would have us do.
9) Thus We See2 => “Best” Is A Subjective Term, And Also Depends On =>
a) What Qualifications Is “Best” Based On? Or
b) Rather that the above 1) thru 9), “Best” might just as well => Be Defined As “Most Desirable”? Or
c) Simply “Best For The Biological Operation of An Organism And Its Situation, irrespective of what it owner’s Mind thinks about this!
d) However, In Many Cases For A Person => This “Best” May Be Simply Be I) “Most Desirable”, Ii) “Most Pleasurable” Or Sometimes iii) “Most Beneficial => To That Person’s Overall Darwinian Reproductive Evolutionary Success” , Irrespective Of What Its Owner’s Mind (Or Anybody Else), Thinks About This!
e) As is observed, nearly all automatic spontaneous Mental Arrival Solutions => Are generally Immediate, Whole, Complete, Clear, Understandable, and Full Of Meaning, such as in Poetry or Metaphor:
…ii) In above Blue Link, you may learn more by > Top > Edit > Find > metaphor . Especially study hits, 4, 15, 16, 19, & 24 thru 28.
… … …

B) Failure To Have => Correct Operation Of A Normal, Healthy, Brain:
… In This WebPage, concerning Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” => There Is Much Discussion Concerning => Problem Solving Brain’s Solutions, Which ” Mentally Arrive Into Our Conscious Mind” =>{+IF and ONLY IF+” these Solutions Are BEST or NEAR BEST, Or OPTIMAL, Or OF MAXIMAL COHERENCE:

HOWEVER => In Order For These Best Or Near Best Solutions To Be Generally FREE Of MAJOR FAILURES, MISDIRECTION OR SERIOUS ERROR =>
REQUIRES Correct Operation Of A Normal, Healthy Brain.
1) Thankfully This => “Requires A Normal Functioning Brain” => Is What We In Fact Observe, MOST Of The Time.
… However, as is Observed => There are lots of reasons for brains NOT to function “normally”:
… As viewed & understood by most people, abnormal human mental function can be related to / caused by => Disease organisms, high fever, extreme hypothermia, poisons especially heavy metals (arsenic, lead, or Mercury), alcohol, drugs, mind altering chemicals, genetic birth defects, brain cancer, inadequate brain blood flow, or other cause of low oxygen or sufficient blood sugar, physical accidents causing brain concussion, or sever brain tissue physical damage, etc, etc. In these cases, we might observe anything from a) a normal person’s responses, to b) varying degrees of out-of-touch, to c) delirium, to d) severe delusion.

2) This Whole Arena Of Human Mental Disorder, Of Course, Has Had Considerable Study And Literature, An Entry Into Which Is Indicated In The Following Links. Wikipedia, for example lists some 240 major classified forms of mental illness,


An Especially Excellent, Compact, Highly Recommended, Overview of the Current Research Status of Brain Science, Which Comes Out In This Wikipedia Full Discussion of Consciousness, Is Here.
… This Same Wikipedia Page ALSO Has Excellent Reading Where If Summarizes => “States of Consciousness”, Where Are Contrasted Everything From A) Normal Human Functioning, To B) Altered States of Consciousness, To C) Various Causes of Complete Mental Dysfunction.
(On this Wikipedia page, see further down, By > Do > Edit > Find > Consciousness Comparison and read on down Re the many different States of Consciousness.

Here You Should Pause To Notice: A Major Human Mental Disorder, Is Failure To Have “Normal” Consciousness, As Indicated By =>

The above words => Delirium, Delusion, Amnesia, etc. and
The below words => Sleep-Walking, Automatismm, Fugue State, Driving a car with no awareness, etc.

NOTE Still to be completed, is a study of just how Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”, might contribute to the understanding of human mental disorders or other abnormal human mental functioning.

C) Concerning Coordinated Behaviour While UN-Conscious, or Without Our Normal Full Mental Awareness, Or An Unconscious Mental State => Similar Perhaps To That of the Philosophic Zombies of Movie-Land:
… In addition to the above Wikipedia mentioned Mental Disorders, there often happen many other human mental functionings, with appropriate coordinated body motions, but the person involved, may have very little Alert & Aware Consciousness, as is commonly understood.
These can range from =>
Sleep-Walking, Automatismm, such as => Hypnosis, driving a car with no remembered awareness, all kinds of coordinated purposeful body motions when asleep & not conscious, & likewise not remembered. etc. (The strong connection between Good Remembering (ie forming good memory traces in brain’s memory), and Paying Attention OR The Degree of Being Conscious, is taken up in PROPOSITION 12c) & 12d).

1) When A Person In One Of These Above C) Mentioned UN-Conscious Conditions, They Still Can Accomplish Large Ranges Of Sensible Coordinated Appropriate, Functional Body Motions, And Portions Of Normal Appearing Behaviour.
… The noteworthy difference is that these Appropriate Body Motions are accomplished with-OUT the person’s conscious awareness, like the much discussed Philosophic Zombie of Movie-Land!
… To be included here, are the numerous times daily, we as normal persons, are doing things by habit, semi automatically, while basically not paying much any attention to what we are doing. Please Note Well => This “not paying much any attention” is in many ways the equivalent of UN-Conscious Behaviour. Of course, a lot of these above (& below) listed “UN-Aware & UN-Conscious”, really are fairly common & “normal”, for most purposes!
… In addition to UN-Conscious Behaviour. Random thoughts might happen “On-Automatic”, without our Willful Conscious Realization, that these were about to happen! This includes day dreaming… For more examples > Please > Top > Do > Edit > Find > …On-Automatic …. (This can usually be done by pressing the keyboard combination Ctrl + F (or) Edit + F depending on what your computer’s keys show.)
A Corollary To Such UN-Aware, UN-Conscious, Behavior => Such persons, who function ~Un-Awares (as discussed above), will typically have absolutely NO Explicit Memory of what happened during this time. A common example is your body motions while in normal sleep, or driving a car with no remembered awareness, between earlier and later locations (or events), which are remembered. See also abovementioned Wikipedia “Sleep-Walking” and “Automatism”

2) Here We Should Immediately See That These “Zombie-Like” “UN-Aware, UN-Conscious, Behavior Functionings”, Have Properties In Common With Our NORMAL “Awake, Fully Conscious Mental State & Accompanying Behavior Patterns, As Commonly Understood By Ourselves And The Persons & Our Society Around Us.

a) We all just might be in one of these UN-Aware & UN-Conscious, mental states, including Zombie, except for we have, awake clear awareness of Primary Conscious, plus various sudden, automatic, spontaneous, Mental Arrivals into our Conscious Mind: AND to prove our “awake clear awareness”, we can answer questions about our state of consciousness, and report remembered actions & thoughts, for several minutes earlier. “
b) AND Please understand very well => Sometimes, in our normal living, for relatively long portions of time, we are in fact, relatively UN-Conscious, because of simple lack of attention: For example =>
i) Driving a car at night when essentially “on automatic”, wherein we are not much aware of anything around or what is happening, or b) We really are concentrating and working hard at a certain task, but are “so-into-the-work”, that we are hardly aware we are doing it, or surroundings!! OR c) Periods of time when you are relaxing and not thinking of much at all.
ii) In very amazing abilities like a), b), & c), we will remain relatively UN-Conscious, ~ EXCEPT for when we come OUT of UN-Conscious, by the marvelous grace of Primary Consciousness (or Other Mental Arrivals), which are the ONLY WAY we know there MUST HAVE BEEN living unawares & mostly UN-Consciously!
iii) This “living unawares & mostly UN-Consciously”, is very similar to => The fact that we are nearly totally un-aware of our Problem Solving Brain Processes, running in our life at ALL times, with minimal clue of its presence:
iv) This is to be accepted, because as is stated elsewhere in This Document You Are Currently Reading =>

… NOTE: There are important functional reasons why we are totally un-aware of our UN-Conscious brain processes. Click here to go to Henry Gurr’s APPENDIX VII => Why Is It Necessary For The Workings Of Our Mind To Be Hidden From Us?

3) CONCLUSIONS => => From The Above, And Other Observations, It Happens Lots Of Times That => Coordinated Seemingly Purposeful, Body Actions, Can Be Completed, Without Its Owner Being Alert Or Aware, And Having Some Degree Of Consciousness.
Such Can Happen, Either During Our “Normal” UN-Conscious, States Of Mind” Such As Sleep. And From All This We See That, Although Consciousness Is Quite Valuable, It Isn’t Always Required!
One Important Exception Where Apparently Consciousness IS REQUIRED => Typically Permanent Memories, Are Mostly ONLY Created During (As Discussed Above) ” Coordinated Fully-Conscious-Aware Thoughts & Conscious Behaviour”
.. This In Turn Is Closely Related To The Facts => Generally, When Accomplishing Activities With Rather Low Conscious Attention, The Explicit Memory Trace Of What You Were Physically Doing (Or What Your Eyes Saw), Are Either Weak Or Not At All In Explicit Memory. … Examples of Low Conscious Attention Activities include => a) Driving a car half-asleep, or b) Diving while cell phone texting or c) Driving while engaged in an important conversation, d) Routine chores that are being done by habit, e) Even your body motions while in normal sleep. Ditto for the case when are accomplishing tasks with Divided Attention, such as “Multi-Tasking:.
… For more discussion, please scroll down to => it isn’t always necessary, which is below Header => C)cont:

4) The Following Are Other Cases, Where There IS Functioning Of Consciousness, But No Memory Is Created, JUST AS IF The Person Was UN-Aware & UN-Conscious, Such as =>

a) Dementia, including Alzheimer’s “Dementia is a broad category of brain diseases that cause a long-term and often gradual decrease in the ability to think and remember that is great enough to affect a person's daily functioning.[Other common symptoms include emotional problems, difficulties with language, and a decrease in motivation. A person's consciousness is usually not affected. A dementia diagnosis requires a change from a person's usual mental functioning and a greater decline than one would expect due to aging. These diseases also have a significant effect on a person's caregivers.] .. The most common type of dementia is Alzheimer's disease,
b)dissociative fugue Dissociative fugue, formerly fugue state or psychogenic fugue, is a dissociative disorder and a rare psychiatric disorder characterized by reversible amnesia for personal identity, including the memories, personality, and other identifying characteristics of individuality. The state can last days, months or longer. Dissociative fugue usually involves unplanned travel or wandering, and is sometimes accompanied by the establishment of a new identity.
c) Similar to Alzheimer’s & Fugue State, there are other (somewhat) abnormal mental states, when memory may not be adequately formed: These may include => Hallucination, spurious non-real vision, false hearing of voices, dreaming, day-dreaming, reminisce, reverie, so called “lost is space”, even driving a car for long distance but no memory of it, medium to severe dementia.

… In other words => Our a) “normal” mental states, and above listed b) “abnormal states”, in have characteristics in common.
See also
which Wikipedia On Agnosia & Its Reverse. See Wikipedia On Phantom Limb.)

C)cont: Concerning Coordinated Behaviour While UN-Conscious, or Without Our Normal Full Mental Awareness, Or An Unconscious Mental State => Similar Perhaps To That of the Philosophic Zombies of Movie-Land:
… Although our aware state of “Consciousness” is exceedingly valuable to us, it isn’t always necessary! In fact, a great range of successful & fairly well coordinated actions, can happen without Consciousness, such as those in the above mentioned => “Failure To Have “Normal” Consciousness, As Indicated By => “

The above words => Delirium, Delusion, Amnesia, etc. and
The continued above words => Sleep-Walking, Automatismm, Fugue State, Driving a car with no awareness, etc.

1) From Your Reading Of The Above Section “C) Concerning Coordinated Behaviour While …. You Should Realize That What We Call Consciousness, Isn’t Always There.
For A Variety Of Reasons Consciousness Can Readily “Come & Go”!
… As stated above => Examples of Low Conscious Attention Activities include => a) Driving a car half-asleep, or b) Diving while cell phone texting or c) Driving while engaged in an important conversation, d) Routine chores that are being done by habit, e) Even your body motions while in normal sleep. Ditto for the case when are accomplishing tasks with Divided Attention, such as “Multi-Tasking:

… The fact that various levels of awareness happen & “Consciousness Can Readily “Come & Go” =>

Likely is because sometimes we really don’t need it. And
Darwin Evolution wise, the Consciousness System in animals, and most especially in humans, is a “Johnny-Come-Lately” facility, and by the evidence a relatively undeveloped & weak system.

To Read A Long Discussion About How The Consciousness System Works => Click here to go to Henry Gurr’s APPENDIX VII => Why Is It Necessary For The Workings Of Our Mind To Be Hidden From Us?


Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.

D) It Is Totally Amazing How Good Our Brains Do In Fact Work, Most Of The Time!
And This Is Built Into This Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”.
So … Before You Immediately Think Of Persons Who Have Awful, Whacko, UN-Best Ideas/Decisions =>
And Thus Reject Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory” =>
Please Apply My Proto-Theory Explanations To Your Own Good Mental Functioning, AND That Of Other Persons! =>
… Please just => Look around your world => Buildings, bridges, highways, just packed with people and fast moving cars, in dense traffic. The human brains governing all this are doing pretty well! … Well enough that we don’t much hesitate to go become a part of it! … Especially take the example of the 853 passengers aboard a jumbo airbus or other airplanes. The lives of these persons, depend on correct second by second brain performance of the pilots and air controllers. Yet millions of people don’t hesitate to buy their tickets every year.
… As applied to myself (Henry Gurr), I am constantly amazed how good our brains do in fact work, most especially the Flash of Insight!


Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.

E) Despite The Successes Of Above, There Are MAJOR Failures: We Observe, Some 2-5% Of The Time, Brain Solutions Do Have Serious Errors, Confusions, & Mis-Directions, Or Are Just Plain Wrong. Thus also, in this discussion, it should be taken all along that such major errors exist, must be recognized for what they are, with efforts to minimize them, and/or reduce their consequences.

' THE FOLLOWING DISCUSS HOW PEOPLE OFTEN “GO WRONG” AND THUS POINT TO LIMITATIONS TO => Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation of How Our Mind Works” ''

1) Professor Derek Zelmer Adds This: “We all are aware of solutions (ideas or conclusions), in other persons that are not logical to us, because their logic circuits worked differently. And we have all seen a person’s bad solutions based on spurious facts: Garbage in and garbage out. The first thing someone reading this ( Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”, ) is going to think about, are all of the awful solutions (ideas, conclusions), that they have seen from themselves and others, and thus immediately reject & dismiss (Henry Gurr’s Theory Explanation) propositions. ” One thing we often don’t realize, is that we tend to notice “the bad” much more often than “the good”. When all is running smoothly nobody much appreciates or notices it, but that one grinding gear gains an awful lot of attention.
2) Physicist David Bohm, In His Book Thought As System, At Length Points Out How Persons & Society, System-Wise, Systematically Are Involved In Vastly Counterproductive Behavior. Bohm points to built-in mutually opposing forces, motives, frameworks that block each other, to the point neither wins, and these festering problems remain!. All this clearly is created by the brains of persons involved, despite, the Best (or near Best) Solutions as stated by Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”. ! Thus there is considerably more to this story, and it is the purpose of Bohm’s book to find ways abound these evident problems and impasses.
3) Concerning Human Error, See Also =>
a) Book “The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam” a book by Barbara W. Tuchman, an American historian and author.
b) The Center for Inquiry focuses on two primary subject areas [relevant here is]: Investigation of Paranormal and Fringe Science Claims through the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry.
c) Book Steps to an Ecology of Mind a collection of Gregory Bateson's short works over his long and varied career. (1972 republished 2000) is insightful discussion of all manner of human aberrant behavior, such as alcoholics, schizophrenics, and his “Culture Contact and Schismogenesis”. These are summarized in link below => Part II: Form and Pattern in Anthropology AND Part III: Form and Pathology in Relationship

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib
F) For The Most Part, The Words & Concepts Used In Writing This WebPage, Have A Meaning, Of That Of Most Dictionaries: => Thus You May Want To Have Your Favorite Dictionary Handy.
However, Some Of The Words (Concepts), Use On This Document You Are Now Reading, DO Have A Somewhat Special Meaning: So, Eventually There Will be A Glossary, For These Listed Below =>
Or even better, learn how to install and use Google Dictionary in your Chrome Web Browser!
… But some of our words herein need special explanation, and we are working on creating” “Our Glossary” of the following Key Words =>
Mind, Brain, Central Nervous System, Entire Body Nervous System, Neural Network, Forces, Quality, Best, Optimum, Optimal, Maximum, Maximal, Successful, Previous, Actions, Decision, All At Once, Coherence, Coherent, Unified, Holistic, Gestalt, Gestalt Psychology, Somewhat Logical& Mathematically Complete, Free Of Inconsistencies, Thrust, Assemble, Build, Generate, Create, Construct, Constructivism, Constructivist Epistemology, Evolution, Consciousness, Conscious Mind, Five Kinds of Consciousness (normal, un, non, sub, pre), Remember, Memory, Retrieve, Associative Memory, Neural Remembering, Perceiving, Visualizing, Imagining, Mind’s Eye, Thinking, Talking, Planning, Experience, Commonly Experienced, Learn, Habit, Skill, Training, Improved, Solidified, Expert, Performance, Theory, Explanation, True, Truth, Correct, Reality, Hence, Thus, Therefore, Conclude, Conjecture, Speculation, or Just, Pure, Imagination, Flash Of Insight, Sudden Illumination, “AHA” Moment, which collectively are herein called “Solution Mental Arrivals into our Conscious Mind.”
etc: etc, etc.

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.

A) Over 95 Percent Of The Time, Our Brain Very Quickly, Yields A Valid Problem Solution, Which Is A Single, Near Optimum, Holistic, Over-All, Solutions (i.e. best or near best answers), to life’s problems coming at us: Trustworthy, good solutions (answers), quick reliable recognition of danger, followed by optimum body motion response) most of the time: That’s a tall order, but one that we moment by moment, see all around us!!
B) By Contrast, There Is The Less Than 5 Percent Of The Time, Our Mental Arrivals Can Be: Confused, Scrambled Ideas, Messed Up-Thinking, Hay-Wire-Brain, Balled-Up-Mind, Etc: Such errors in our thinking must be recognized for what they are, with efforts to minimize them. For more on this subject of Errors, please scroll to near top at => **SPECIAL-NOTES, DETAILS, QUALIFICATIONS, and LIMITATIONS. This topic will be additionally expanded asap: Send email if you want to know more.

To read more, click here, and SCROLL halfway down page, to where you see phrases => “NOTE: The Words in Section ….”

Not Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
These Objections Say That Brain Is Way Too Complex, And Thus A Un-Complex Theory Is Impossible.
But In Emergent Systems, Complexity At Lower Levels, Does Not Prevent A Simple Understanding Of The Top Level.

Some persons may seriously doubt Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”, and say that => “Brains and human bodies are so very, very, complex, with many, many, individual parts, each of which is unbelievably complex. THUS => For our brains, these persons say => Tthere just can NOT be “An optimal, “only-one-at-a-time”, best or near best answer / solution.” “And from this it follows that” => “There can NOT be such a Fundamental Criterion For Brain Operation.”

A) REPLY1: Yes indeed the Bodies & Brains of Humans and Animals are Highly Complex!!
BUT From Our Own Direct Observation, In Ourselves And Others, For Problem Solving Brains, We Actually See Happening, Nearly Always =>
Sudden, Automatic, Spontaneous, Mental Arrivals Solutions, That Are ->
Single (“Only-One-At-A-Time”), Answers, Thinking, Ideas, Future Plans, Body Actions, Etc).

a) This Brain’s Single Solution (~”only-one-at-a-time”), is a direct inescapable corollary to a condition a Mathematical Maximum (i.e. Optimum) =>
b) And from this we clearly see in this case => Best (Near Best, Optimum) Solution, must be taken as The Fundamental Criterion For Brain Operation. AND
c) As stated above => The fact that this is exactly what observed, most of the time gives very strong support for the veracity of => Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” => .

AND THIS OVERALL EXPLAINS HOW => Irrespective of The Brain’s Massively Intervolved Intricate neuron structure we actually see => Single Condition Of Best (or near Best), AND This Can Be Sole Determinant In The Generation Of A Mental Arrive Into Our Consciousness. Please see additional discussion at Top > Edit > Find quick "single minded" .
… SIDE NOTE: The above REPLY1, for the first time, came to my mind today 23 May’19, despite fact that what are now labeled REPLY2 & REPLY3, have been posted This Document for over 3 months!

B) REPLY2: From Complexity Science, The Concept called Emergent Properties, Explains How => Irrespective of The Brain’s Massively Intervolved Intricate neuron Structure,
There STILL Can Be A Single Condition Of Best (or near Best), AND THIS Can Be Sole Determinant In The Generation Of A Mental Arrive Into Our Consciousness.

DISCUSSION & A HELPFUL ANALOGY => It Is Not Necessary To Understand “The Insides” Of a Complex System, In Order To Efficiently Operate It! Examples include => Computer, Automobile, Your Body OR Even Your Own Brain!! And even if you could learn about & understand, “The Insides”, likely would be needless waste of time, or even cause brain overload:
Reading more about this, ANALOGY, may help your understanding of Emergent in complex Systems => You may wish to Jump-Down to my Using a Complex Computer Analogy.
(NOTE: After you finish reading, click your Browsers Upper Left Back Arrow, to return here.)

Not Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
C) The Reasons For Above REPLY2, Comes From An UNDERSTANDING Of An EXCEEDINGLY IMPORTANT Idea From Complexity Science’s Concept Called Emergent Properties, Which Stated Simply Are =>
… In a complex system, the behavior properties of the uppermost level are system wise allowed and supported by the lower layers, but NOT (for most part) determined by those supportive lower levels.

D) The Following Rather Long Excerpts, Concerning Emergence Should Make These Exceedingly Important Ideas Clear.
In Support Of This REPLY2, Wikipedia Excerpts Say This About Emergentism [<< Note Last 4Letters => “tism”.]
… In philosophy, emergentism is the belief in emergence, particularly as it involves consciousness and the philosophy of mind, and as [whether] it contrasts (or not) with reductionism. A property of a system is said to be emergent if it is a new outcome of some other properties of the system and their interaction, while it is itself different from them. Emergent properties are not identical with, reducible to, or deducible from the other properties. The different ways in which this independence requirement can be satisfied lead to variant types of emergence.

E) In Support Of This REPLY2, Wikipedia Excerpts Say This About Emergence [<< Note Last 5 Letters “gence”.]
… “In philosophy, systems theory, science, and art, emergence occurs when an entity is observed to have properties its parts do not have on their own. These properties or behaviors emerge only when the parts interact in a wider whole. For example, smooth forward motion emerges when a bicycle and its rider interoperate, but neither part can produce the behavior on their own.
… ”Emergence plays a central role in theories of integrative levels and of complex systems. For instance, the phenomenon of life as studied in biology is an emergent property of chemistry, and psychological phenomena emerge from the neurobiological phenomena of living things.
… ”In philosophy, theories that emphasize emergent properties have been called emergentism. Almost all accounts of emergentism include a form of epistemic or ontological irreducibility to the lower levels.” …. [See Emergentism above.]
… ”Philosophers often understand emergence as a claim about the etiology of a system's properties. An emergent property of a system, in this context, is one that is not a property of any component of that system, but is still a feature of the system as a whole. Nicolai Hartmann (1882-1950), one of the first modern philosophers to write on emergence, termed this a categorial novum (new category).”
… ”In 1999 Economist Jeffrey Goldstein provided a current definition of emergence in the journal Emergence. Goldstein initially defined emergence as: "the arising of novel and coherent structures, patterns and properties during the process of self-organization in complex systems".
… ”In 2002 Systems scientist Peter Corning described the qualities of Goldstein's definition in more detail: .. The common characteristics are:

(1) radical novelty (features not previously observed in systems);
(2) coherence or correlation (meaning integrated wholes that maintain themselves over some period of time);
(3) a global or macro "level" (i.e. there is some property of "wholeness");
(4) it is the product of a dynamical process (it evolves); and
(5) it is "ostensive" (it can be perceived).”

… ”Peter Corning suggests a narrower definition, requiring that the components be unlike in kind (following Lewes), and that they involve division of labor between these components. He also says that living systems (like the game of chess), while emergent, cannot be reduced to underlying laws of emergence: [Corning says => ]

”Rules, or laws, have no causal efficacy; they do not in fact “generate” anything. They serve merely to describe regularities and consistent relationships in nature. These patterns may be very illuminating and important, but the underlying causal agencies must be separately specified (though often they are not). But that aside, the game of chess illustrates ... why any laws or rules of emergence and evolution are insufficient. Even in a chess game, you cannot use the rules to predict “history” – i.e., the course of any given game. Indeed, you cannot even reliably predict the next move in a chess game. Why? Because the “system” involves more than the rules of the game. It also includes the players and their unfolding, moment-by-moment decisions among a very large number of available options at each choice point. The game of chess is inescapably historical, even though it is also constrained and shaped by a set of rules, not to mention the laws of physics. Moreover, and this is a key point, the game of chess is also shaped by teleonomic, cybernetic, feedback-driven influences. It is not simply a self-ordered process; it involves an organized, “purposeful” activity.”

F) “Viability Of Strong Emergence. [Wikipedia Article Continues => ]
… ”The plausibility of strong emergence is questioned by some as contravening our usual understanding of physics. [Such as these which:] Mark A. Bedau observes:”

“Although strong emergence is logically possible, it is uncomfortably like magic. How does an irreducible but supervenient downward causal power arise, since by definition it cannot be due to the aggregation of the micro-level potentialities? Such causal powers would be quite unlike anything within our scientific ken. This not only indicates how they will discomfort reasonable forms of materialism. Their mysteriousness will only heighten the traditional worry that emergence entails illegitimately getting something from nothing. “

… END Wikipedia: Emergence

In Support of the above => Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP) contributes these excerpts Concerning Emergent Properties of Complex System. =>
SEP ”1.4 Summary of British Emergentism.
… ”Let us sum up our discussion of the British Emergentists. Common to all these theorists is a layered view of nature. The world is divided into discrete strata, with fundamental physics as the base level, followed by chemistry, biology, and psychology (and possibly sociology). To each level corresponds a special science, and the levels are arranged in terms of increasing organizational complexity of matter, the bottom level being the limiting case investigated by the fundamental science of physics. As we move up the levels, the sciences become increasingly specialized, dealing only with a smaller set of increasingly complex structures with distinguishing characteristics which are the science's focus. The task of physics is to investigate the fundamental properties of the elementary constituents of nature and the laws that characterize them, whilst the task of the special sciences is to elucidate the properties had by complex material substances and the laws governing their characteristic behavior and interactions.
… Crucial to an account of emergence [Emergent Properties], however, is a view concerning the relationship of such levels.”” [Then this SEP Article, then mentions the following two ~types of Emergent Properties => ]
… ” Predictive: Emergent properties are systemic features of complex systems which could not be predicted (practically speaking; or for any finite knower; or for even an ideal knower) from the standpoint of a pre-emergent stage, despite a thorough knowledge of the features of, and laws governing, their parts.
SEP Irreducible-Pattern: ' Emergent properties and laws are systemic features of complex systems governed by true, law-like generalizations within a special science that is irreducible to fundamental physical theory for conceptual reasons. The macroscopic patterns in question cannot be captured in terms of the concepts and dynamics of physics. “
… ”A general rule of thumb in perusing the diverse recent literature on emergence is that emergence encompasses whatever striking macroscopic phenomena the theorist in question is interested in. Philosophers desire the concept to have clear application, and their different foci within the special sciences lead them to slant the notion in somewhat distinct ways. (For discussion see section 4 of this article. Go to SEP link above.)
SEP 3.1 The Standard Ontology of Emergence: Supervenience [Is] Emergentism.
… ”Recall that among the British Emergentists, Mill and Broad had a more robustly ontological conception of emergence than the notions discussed immediately above. This is not always transparent in their writings, as they sometimes use epistemological criteria for identifying the metaphysical concept they have in mind. Here we offer a composite picture that captures what is implicit or explicit in a widespread understanding of ontological emergence from that era right up to much recent writing. We dub this view “supervenience emergentism.”
… ”Ontological emergentists see the physical world as entirely constituted by physical structures, simple or composite. But composites are not (always) mere aggregates of the simples. There are layered strata, or levels, of objects, based on increasing complexity. Each new layer is a consequence of the appearance of an interacting range of ‘novel qualities.’ Their novelty is not merely temporal (such as the first instance of a particular geometric configuration), nor the first instance of a particular determinate of a familiar determinable (such as the first instance of mass 157.6819 kg in a contiguous hunk of matter). Instead, it is a novel, fundamental type of property altogether. We might say that it is ‘nonstructural,’ in that the occurrence of the property is not in any sense constituted by the occurrence of more fundamental properties and relations of the object's parts. Further, newness of property, in this sense, entails new primitive causal powers, reflected in laws which connect complex physical structures to the emergent features. (Broad's trans-ordinal laws are laws of this sort.)
… ”Emergent laws are fundamental; they are irreducible to laws characterizing properties at lower levels of complexity, even given ideal information as to boundary conditions. Since emergent features have not only same-level effects, but also effects in lower levels, some speak of the [their] view's commitment to “downward causation” (a phrase originating in Campbell 1974).
… [This SEP Article offers this handy summary => ] “We might roughly characterize the shared meaning thus: Emergent entities (properties or substances) ‘arise’ out of more fundamental entities and yet are ‘novel’ or ‘irreducible’ with respect to them.
… END Excerpts from Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy:. However, your continued reading of this Article Is Highly Recommended!

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
… These words, text (you are reading right now), are critically dependent on your computer that, is “generating” the display screen text, of what you are now reading. Ditto for your computer’s electrical energy source, from your Electrical Power Company. But the text itself (on your computer display screen), has virtually NO dependence on the power company, NOR the HIGHLY COMPLEX physical hardware components of your computer (such as the awesome interweaved copper wires, even more awesome silicon chips), or the software components of your compute (such as Windows Operating System, and Chrome Internet Browser, etc.)
… Or course, the hardware & software, are the absolutely required lower levels, that sets-up the support, and allow the top most layer to function, and thereby show you my text. But (nearly totally) the computer itself (Hardware or Software), does not in any practical way, determine what the computer does for the displayed screen text, or indeed any other practical thing your computer DOES for you, the USER.
… But, what DOES determine the text you are now reading, is of course what I, Henry Gurr, have just now typed!
… ALL THIS IS DETERMINISM or THE LACK OF IT, in an example of EMERGENCE in a highly complex system!!
H) AND NOW => The Above Computer Analogy Example, In Turn Can (“By Analogy”), Be Applied To The Actions Of Brains And Human Bodies. =>
Of Course Brains And Human Bodies Are Even More So Very, Very, Complex, With Many, Many, Individual Parts, Each Of Which Is Unbelievably Complex.”.
But (Again We See That), The Complex Body & Brain, Physical Components (As Observed Second By Second, Nearly Totally), => Do NOT In Any Much Practical Way, Determine The Specific Content Of Those Mental Arrivals Into Our Consciousness, Coming From Our Problem Solving Brain.
But, What DOES Determine The Text You Are Now Reading, Is Of Course What I (Really My Brain’s Mental Arrivals), Henry Gurr, Have Just Now Typed,
AND This ALSO Includes What YOU (Really Your Brain’s Mental Arrivals), Have Done To Your Computer’s Mouse, Keyboard, And Power Switch!! =>
Leading To The Conclusion That => ALL THIS IS DETERMINISM (Or THE LACK OF IT), And Is An Example Of EMERGENCE In An Even More Highly Complex Overall System!!
THUS, DESPITE HUGE COMPLEXITY, THERE STILL => Can Be A Single Condition Of Best (or near Best), AND THIS Can Be Sole Determinant In The Generation Of A Mental Arrive Into Our Consciousness.
… This is in agreement with discussion of a chess game (An excerpt from the above mentioned Wikipedia Article),=> says how “Emergent Enters the [Chess] Game”. => “Because the “system” [you & your computer], involves more than the “rules of the game”. It also includes the players, and their unfolding, moment-by-moment decisions among a very large number of available options at each “game” choice point.”

I) EMERGENCE CONCLUSION => What Is Displayed By On Your Computer Screen, Does NOT Come From Your Computers Complex System, Or The Several Computers That Operate (Or Serve Data On) The Internet. NOR Does It Does It Come From Your Complex Body & Brain, Physical Components, But Practically Entirely Depends On Emergent Mental Arrivals Into Your (And My) Conscious Actions, Arising From Our Respective Problem Solving Brains!

J) CONSEQUENTLY: =>This Understanding Of Emergence, Leaves Us (Living Here At This Top Level Of Consciousness), At Liberty, To Carefully Observe The Systematics Of These Mental Arrival Solutions, To Organize What Is Seen (Observations & Data), Make Sense Of The Observations, Think Carefully What These Arrivals Mean, And Construct An Overall Understanding, Into A Theory (Explanation) Of How Our Mind Works => Which Other Persons Can Study, Such As You Dear Reader Are Doing Now!


a) From our observations, Construct A Clear, Well Organized, Compact, Summary Of Our Observations Of What Has Happened To Us In This World. And from this
b) Construct a very practical and useful Theory of How Our Mind Works. And thus
c) Provide an accurate & reliable guide, to get done efficiently, what we want to do.
d) And THUS from this viewpoint => This whole document, you are reading now, is effectively “A Brain Owners User’s Manual” l!
e) Yes, of course Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”, is yes indeed, A Theory, but a prime characteristics of a Good Theory, is that it is an accurate, practical guide, to efficient action, in a complex and uncertain world!

Here see Henry Gurr’s FIRST Brain Owner User’s Manual Here see Henry Gurr SECOND Brain Owner User’s Manual

' L) In Other Words, Consistent With EMERGENCE, REPLY3 => The Construction Of Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”, And Its Applicability To Human Affairs (For Most Practical Purposes) =>

a) Should NOT and Is NOT much limited by the facts that => Brains and Human Bodies of Humans (& Animals) are so very, very, complex, with many, many, individual parts, each of which is unbelievably complex.!!
b) AND from the above we can see that Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”, just as well may be considered to be => A General Theory of Conscious Mind, as An Emergent Phenomenon, or brains of Humans & Animals!


M) REPLY4: No Matter How You Slice It “Best Is STILL Best”!!
Building on a basis of the above discussed Emergentism, and irrespective of brain / body complexity, or inter-weaved parts, the condition of Best (or near Best), can be the sole determinant in the generation of a Sudden Automatic Spontaneous Mental Arrive into our Conscious Mind. This will have =>

1) An overall global optimum Mental Arrival Solution, which has => A Largest Total Mental Solution Fitness .
2) And even IF the sub-sub-parts are considered individually, Each sub-sub-part can have an optimum fitness of it’s own, AND
3) When all of these finesses are combined, no matter what way, this will STILL “add up to” an overall Single Optimum Fitness => Which Is In-Total, A ~Greatest Total Mental Solution Fitness.

END APPENDIX XVI INSERT Re => A Computer Analogy Example, In Turn Can (“By Analogy”), Be Applied To The Actions Of Brains And Human Bodies. This Analogy Was Used To Explain “Emergence:

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.

1) The Combined Atoms Of, A Physical Material System, Will Spontaneously Go To Lowest Energy,

A Physical System Naturally Goes To Lowest Energy (Examples: Chemical reaction goes to completion. A fire will burn up all the wood.)
In other words => Many, many, atoms dynamically interacting as is known in material objects, will spontaneously go to a single state of lowest energy, which is recognized as a stable end product.

2) The Combined Neurons Of, A Brain System, Will Spontaneously Go To Single Optimum (Best or Near Best) Problem Solution Of Greatest Mental Coherence. =>

A Physical Brain Going To ~Greatest Total Mental Solution Fitness, where =>
Many, many, neurons, dynamically interacting as is known for the brain, will spontaneously go to a single stable neuronal network brain state, which in actual practice is to be identified as the mental state of greatest mental Quality or Overall Mental Coherence.
In other words the many neurons of the brain will spontaneously go to stable state of Problem Solution which is the best of near best answer, for the situation at hand, such as real world body action , or perception of what is out there.


a) Consider the total energy of any physical material system, composed of atoms. => Irrespective of complexity, or how inter-weaved parts are assembled, there is still an overall Total Combined Global System Energy. AND as a Fundamental Physical Principle => For ANY physical material system, this Total Combined Global System Energy, will spontaneously slide to Minimum, given the means to do so! This is essentially equivalent to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which states that the entropy of any isolated system always increases.
b) Consider the total coherence of any physical brain system, composed of neurons => Irrespective of complexity, or how inter-weaved parts are assembled, there is still an overall Total Combined Global System Coherence. AND as a Fundamental Physical Principle => For ANY physical neuron brain system, this Total Combined Global System Coherence, will spontaneously slide to Maximum, given the means to do so! This in essence might possibly be considered equivalent to a Second Law of Thermodynamics, for brains, which might possibly say that the ~”brain neuron interactive entropy” of any isolated brain neuron network system always increases.


a) A Spontaneous Slide To Minimum Physical Atomic System Total Energy
b) A Spontaneous Slide To Greatest Physical Brain Network of Neurons, Total Mental Coherence . i.e. Total Mental Solution Goodness of Fit to the situation at hand.

… The above SUMMARY & NOTE WELL + CAPSULE, are in full agreement with the theory established by => The Princeton Theoretical Physicist J. J Hopfield Physics Based Neural Network Model, With A Quite General Mathematical Proof, Shows Just How A Real, Physical Collection Of Interconnected Neurons, Spontaneously, Following Its Own Internal Quality Criterion, Might Truly And Reliably Be Able To Find Such “Near Best” Solutions.
… This includes the absolutely most vital clue => Prof Hopfield has mathematically showed that Single, All At Once, Optimal (Best or Near Best) Solutions, To Complex Neural Network Input is indeed possible, indeed likely, for a biological brain.

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
4) Thus The UN-Thinkable, Is Indeed Thinkable!! =>

a) Despite our “Brains and human bodies are so very, very, complex, with many, many, individual parts, each of which is unbelievably complex.
b) There can YES can be a Fundamental Criterion For Brain Operation such as => “An optimal, single, “only-one-at-a-time”, best or near best answer / solution.”.
c) Indeed, as stated several times in This Document => The Brain’s Single Solution, is a direct inescapable corollary to a condition a Mathematical Maximum => Where by definition there can be ~”only-one-at-a-time”, both locally and absolutely.. AND indeed this is what is observed! This consideration (in addition to other observations, adds support & confirmation for => This Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”.
d) In addition, as multiple times stated elsewhere in This Document => Prof Hopfield has mathematically shown that a Single, “All At Once”, Optimal Solutions, To Complex Neural Network Input is indeed possible, indeed likely, for a biological brain.

And Remember => All This Is Due To => The Massive Power, And Massive Content, of Our => ‘‘ “Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory. ” '' .

Not Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.
And Just How Powerful Is A Single Human Brain?
This “Brain Power” May Be Somewhat Seen By Comparison To The Power Of The World’s Largest Super Computers.
… Although vastly different (brains of nerves cells vs computers of silicon chips), AND operate by quite different principles (simultaneous massive parallel vs basically sequential step-by-step serial), estimates of relative computational power have been made =>
… A Google search finds Pages that will say (with reasonable assumptions), that a Human Brain has the Computational Power of Roughly One thousand of the Chinese Tianhe-2, currently the world’s most Powerful Computer! This does seem an EXTREEEEM … OH WOW !!
… But this does bring us to understand that our own Brain, because of its MASSIVE ASSOCIATIVE MEMORY is indeed QUITE POWERFUL!

Again Remember The Massive Power, And Massive Brain Memory Content, of Our “Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory.”

AND We CAN Think => “The UN-Thinkable!!”

APPENDIX XVII: A Preliminary List of => Specialized Phrases Used In This Document You Are Currently Reading:
Each Provides For The Reader A Useful Collection of Master Motif’s.
When The Need Arises => The Reader’s Study Of This List, Should Help Boost Comprehension of => Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation of How Our Mind Works” (Which Is Presented On This Document You Are Reading Right Now.)
… This Document You Are Currently Reading, also employs the following specialized phrases (Lets call them Master Motifs), that effectively summarize the ideas & concepts of This Document you are currently reading: The meaning of each of these should be evident to the reader.
… Altogether, these Master Motifs constitute a Compact Summary of Certain Important & Major Ideas, for the reader’s review.
… These Specialized Phrases are presented below, in order of occurrence in This Document you are currently reading: As you will see below, these individual Motif’s, start simple, and build on each other,.
… In This Document You Are Currently Reading, Any of these may be found by > Top > Do > Edit > Find > … (Each Phrase Name) ...

A) Herein …, are abbreviated as => “The learning-perception-memory cycle, a regenerative upward spiral of ever improved memory. ”
B) Best, Is The Single Fundamental Criterion, For Brain Operation, and thus fundamental for a “How Our Brain Works” theory foundation => Its THE WAY, and as a practical matter, the ONLY WAY for a brain to find solutions (answers ), is to seek Single Best (or near Best) responses to our second by second sensory input from its surrounding environment.
C) Optimal Fit Memory Solution. Mental Arrival Into Our Conscious Mind, Optimum Problem Solution, Weighted Fit To Memory.
D) This above C), Overall Constitutes An Arrival At A Consciously Aware Mental State Of Knowing.
E) Such automatic brain process, Henry Gurr’s Proto-Theory, identifies in PROPOSITION 5c) as => Our problem Solving Brain, Automatically, In Response To Our Sensory Inputs (9 Senses), Creates What Is Herein Called “Primary Consciousness”.
F) We will say that these “Problem Solutions, Suddenly Automatically Spontaneously Mentally Arrive into our Conscious Mind.”
G) All Problem Solutions (That Mentally Arrive into Consciousness, Automatically Include Future Plans (Intentions), Along With Body Physical Adjustments, In Preparation For Appropriate Body & Mental Action(s): As repeatedly emphasized in the Page You Are Currently Reading => Brain’s Memory has been built up from => A very long history of Past Successful Creative Problem Solution. This Provides A Creatively, Ever Improved, Basis, For Future Plans & Resultant Behaviour.
… Moreover, Each plan for future action, is effectively an Intention, since it includes attendant coordination of the physical motion to accomplish this, while being open to the ongoing input from the external environment. See Proposition 12a) & Proposition 16).


H) These above G) Are An Automatic Consequence of our “Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory”.
I) AND Although It Is Unknown (Even Inexplicable), How Our Brain Does It => Be Sure To Notice Very Well =>
…In The Process Of Generating, Constructing, Creating, Right-Before-Our-Mind’s-Eye) These Optimal Problem Solutions => As Directly Observed => Automatically Our problem Solving Brain Generates => Clear, Whole, Understandable, MEANINGS, Which Then Immediately Mentally Arrive Into Our Consciousness, Along With Our Ongoing Experience Of Primary Consciousness.
=>-In Other Words Our Problem Solving Brain Makes Meaning, Sense of Truth, Beauty, Recognition, Insight, Knowing, Comprehension, Sense of Clear Understanding, and Importance. And All This With Felt Certainty !
J) All Is Slide To Better & Better Partial Fit Problem Solution! (See 30 each > Edit > Find > … All Is Slide To Better & Better Partial Fit Problem Solution.
K) Highest or Near highest Total Mental Solution Fitness
L) After a Solution The Mind, Never Stays There. It’s Always Moving To Better & Better!
M) Navigation Suggestions => Once You ARE AT THE START Of The PROPOSITIONS 1 thru 23, On The Page You Are Currently Reading =>

Here Are Some Navigation Suggestions => For Quick Movement Between The Various PROPOSITIONS Of The Page You Are Currently Reading =>

a) To quickly move from one PROPOSITION to the Next > Do > Edit > Find > … PROPOSITION … (This can usually be done by pressing the keyboard combination Ctrl + F (or) Edit + F depending on what your computer’s keys say.)
b) To Return To Where You Were => Click The Back Arrow, perhaps several times, Usually In The Upper Left Of Your Browser,
c) To get back-to some earlier reading place, do b) above, perhaps nineteen times! When Ready => Click Here => To Go Directly To first of THE PROPOSITIONS.

Dear Reader => If you happen to notice => Other Phrases That Need Added To This Appendix XV ? Please send email! NOTE: As time passes, more will added here, from list saved into HSG ClpBdDump.doc

APPENDIX XVIII: How The Books Of Poet, Linguist, & Philosopher Owen Barfield SUPPORTS The Discussion Of =>
“PROPOSITION 10c) How The Problem Solving Brain Is => THE WELL SPRING (BOTH SOURCE & MECHANISM OF) OF ALL HUMAN CREATIVITY, Including Social Creativity: ” ]]
Examples from Owen Barfield’s Many Very Insightful Books, are given & Discussed Below:
… Specific to this APPENDIX XVIII: => Please be aware of => Mr. Barfield’s Ideas & Conclusions concerning what he calls => “Evolution of Consciousness”: This major idea and its Social Cultural Creativity consequences were one of Barfield’s major lifetime efforts, distributed throughout all his books:
… Wherever Barfield discusses his “Evolution of Consciousness”, the perceptive reader will see => One way to show how Human Social Cultural Creativity, is the result of => What has been produced by the past greater than ~10,000 years of Human Population having Intrinsically Generative, Constructive, Creative, Problem Solving Brains!
… In other words, the perceptive reader will see confirmed in Barfield’s books, an insightful explanation for => The above-mentioned “PROPOSITION 10d) Concerning ALL SOCIAL--CULTURAL CREATIVITY & INNOVATION+} =>
… Examples of what Mr. Barfield says about his major topic of => “Evolution of Consciousness”, is shown 6 places in his words in this APPENDIX XVIII, continued below:
To find these > This Document > Do 6 Times > Top > Edit > Find > … “Evolution of Consciousness ……

NOW: FOUR INTRODUCTIONS TO OWEN BARFIELD, Which You Will See At A), B), C), D), Below. AND As You Read, Please Especially Note Barfield’s =>“Evolution of Consciousness”

A) Information About Owen Barfield’s FIRST Book “History In English Words”. (1926)
… ”Owen Barfield has been called “the first and last Inkling.” He was, in effect, a founding member of the 1920’s Oxford-based group, which included C. S. Lewis (who called Barfield “the best and wisest of my unofficial teachers”) and J. R. R. Tolkien (on whom Barfield’s book Poetic Diction had an appreciable impact). Often called a Christian thinker, Barfield argued for a holistic approach to language and reality—an approach at odds with the reductionist, atomistic views prevalent in Oxbridge intellectual circles at the time. History in English Words (1926), Barfield’s first nonfiction book, seeks to discover the evolution of consciousness in Western civilization by exploring the change in meanings of various Indo-Aryan words as used in the British Isles in particular. Barfield’s history in words, illustrated throughout by common English terms, is a pathway to discovering our humanity.”

1) In The BELOW Passage From Owen Barfield’s Book “History In English Words”, We Especially Notice These Phrase => “Workings Of Men's Minds” AND “Evolution Of Consciousness” : These Topics Are Barfield’s Lifetime Focus, In ALL His Book, Starting In ~1926, At Age 28. =>
“Until a few years ago--within the memory of men still living--very little use had been made of language itself, that is to say, of the historical forms and meanings of words as interpreters both of the past and of the workings of men's minds. In our language alone, not to speak of its many companions, the past history of humanity is spread out in an imperishable map, just as the history of the mineral earth lies embedded in the layers of its outer crust. But there is this difference between the record of the rocks and the secrets which are hidden in language: Whereas the former can only give us knowledge of outward dead things—such as forgotten seas and the bodily shapes of prehistoric s— Language has preserved for us the inner, living history of our soul. It reveals the evolution of consciousness “ ―Owen Barfield
NOTE: Especially Notice Above The Workings Of Men's Minds . This Means That Back In 1926, Owen Barfield Was Quite Aware Of ~How Our Minds Work! … Mr. Barfield’s Attention Gathered Far More Force In His Second Book (Described Next Down). There You Will See Mr. Barfield Watching The Workings Of His OWN Mental Experiences, Where He Says =>

a) '' “ a 'felt change of consciousness'”, as in this =>
b) “Thus, an introspective analysis of my experience obliges me to say that appreciation of poetry involves a 'felt change of consciousness'.”
c) “The phrase must be taken with some exactness. Appreciation takes place at the actual moment of change. ….”
d) “.. but the actual moment of the pleasure of appreciation depends upon something rarer and more transitory. It depends on the change itself.” . ]]

B) Information About Owen Barfield’s SECOND Book "Poetic Diction's". (1928)

1) From "Poetic Diction's". , A Forward by Howard Nemerov, Who In Turn, Was Twice Poet Laureate Consultant To The United States Library Of Congress. Saying =>
… “Among the few poets and teachers of my acquaintance who know [Owen Barfield’s] "Poetic Diction", it has been valued not only as a secret book, but nearly as a sacred one; with a certain sense that its teaching was quite properly esoteric. ...... It is to the student willing to open this question of the imagination again, to a candid exploration, that Owen Barfield's book is directed.”

2) From Wesleyan University Press, Internet Book Seller’s Show Following Statement Re => Owen Barfield’s Book “Poetic Diction: A Study In Meaning.” , 2nd Edition => ” “First published in 1928, 'Poetic Diction: A study in Meaning' presents not merely a theory of poetic diction but also a theory of poetry and a theory of knowledge.
… [In The Study Of The History of] “Language has preserved for us the inner, living history of man's soul. It reveals the evolution of consciousness.’ Owen Barfield “
… “Owen Barfield is one of the Twentieth Century's most significant writers and philosophers. A member of the Inklings, Barfield's ideas and literary artistry influenced fellow-Inklings C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien, and won praise from many of the foremost literary figures of the century.”

3) In Praise for Owen Barfield:
… a) "A prolific and interesting thinker" - Times Literary Supplement
… b) "The wisest and best of my unofficial teachers."- C. S. Lewis.
… c) "A masterpiece ... of prophetic value" - T. S. Eliot
… d) “possibly the clearest and most searching thinker of the present time" Howard Nemerov
… e) "Among the few poets and teachers of my acquaintance who know Poetic Diction, it has been valued not only as a secret book, but nearly as a sacred one."―Howard Nemerov "
… f) "This extraordinary study [Poetic Diction] stands virtually alone in focusing on the mysterious area in poetry between word and meaning. Only the most sensitive and learned guides could lead us through this terra incognita. Barfield is such a guide. The book has already become a classic." ―G. B. Tennyson Click Here For G. B. Tennyson Biographical Information.
… g) “For more than three-quarters of a century, Owen Barfield produced original and thought-provoking works that made him a legendary cult figure. [Barfield’s book] History in English Words is his classic excursion into history through the English language. This popular book provides a brief, brilliant history of the various peoples who have spoken the Indo-European tongues. It is illustrated throughout by current English words whose derivation from other languages, and whose history in use and changes of meaning, record and unlock the larger history.” …. From back cover of Owen Barfield’s Book “History in English Words”...

4) “Owen Barfield: The History Of Language And The Evolution Of Consciousness”. An Essay by Richard G Patterson. This Is A Longer But Very Good Essay By A Writer Who Very, Very, Well Understands Owen Barfield's Works, And Thus Provides A Good Introduction To Barfield:
… In this essay, Richard G Patterson, overall give us a very good overview of what Owen Barfield is trying to accomplish back when writing books such as “History In English Words“ , “Poetic Diction“ and “Saving The Appearances “ Mr. Patterson will help you see Mr. Barfield’s whole conceptual orientation to Language & Meaning.
Complete Essay Is Here => http://www.rgpost.com/documents/Barfield.pdf
NOTE: To Read A Large Section That A) Explains More About Richard G Patterson, And B) Shows Large Excerpts From Owen Barfield’s , “Poetic Diction” , With Further Explanations => In This WebPage You Are Currently Reading > Do FIRST FIVE > Top > Edit > Find > … Richard Patterson.

The Remainder of this Appendix XVIII, Is Devoted To Further Explanation Of Owen Barfield’s Ideas, Especially Barfield’s Ability To See Into “The Workings Of Human Minds, In The Creation of Meaning” =>
Throughout Barfield’s Books, We See Support & Confirmation of => Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”.

C) Owen Barfield’s Book “History in English Words,” [is]-“a book published when he was only twenty eight years old. [Ever since]-Barfield has been committed to the faith that "Words may be made to disgorge the past that is bottled up inside them, as coal and wine, when we kindle or drink them, yield up their bottled sunshine"

D) A Passage (Emphasizing “Meaning”), From Owen Barfield’s SECOND Book “Poetic Diction” (1929), In Preface to the Second Edition.
… The Preface to the first edition described briefly how this book “grew out of two empirical observations, first, that poetry reacts on the meanings of the words it employs, and, secondly, that there appear to be two sorts of poetry. The book itself, with it's sub-title 'A Study in Meaning', was an attempt to rationalize these observations in terms of 'the various theories of language, life and literature with which the author happened to come in touch'. Thus, it claims to present, not merely a theory of poetic diction, but a theory of poetry: and not merely a theory of poetry, but a theory of knowledge. It is as such, I see, that it must be judged.”
NOTE: During Writing His Book Poetic Diction” : (And Almost All His Books), Mr. Barfield, By The Evidence Therein, Is Very Much Attuned To => “The Emergence Of Meaning” AND “The Workings Of Mind!” '', His Own Mind And That of Other People!
For This And Other Reasons, The Perceptive Reader Can See => In Practically All Books, Own Barfield Is Close To => “A Theory Of How Our Mind Works” ,
…AND has Conclusions That Nicely Support => Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation (Theory) of How Our Mind Works” , presented in this Document you are reading right now.

'1) In The Following Passage From “Poetic Diction” , Chapter II, Section 4, Especially Notice it’s NOT => The Workings Of Men's Minds , BUT In This Case The => The Workings Of Barfield's Mind! .But of course, all the while Barfield is helping us, as readers, to see into The Workings Of Our Own Mind!, '' especially as we are experiencing Poetry, one of Barfield’s main focus.
As You Read Below, See If You Can Pick-Out, Barfield’s Phrases, That Describe His => Discoveries in Poetry, which are effectively => Problem Solving Brains, New Solutions, Which Suddenly Automatically Spontaneously Mentally Arrive Into Conscious Mind
… ”Thus, an introspective analysis of my experience obliges me to say that appreciation of poetry involves a 'felt change of consciousness'. The phrase must be taken with some exactness. Appreciation takes place at the actual moment of change. It is not simply that the poet enables me to see with his eyes, and so to apprehend a larger and fuller world. He may indeed do this, as we shall see later; but the actual moment of the pleasure of appreciation depends upon something rarer and more transitory. It depends on the change itself. If I pass a coil of wire between the poles of a magnet, I generate in it an electric current, but I only do so while the coil is positively moving across the lines of force. I may leave the coil at rest between the two poles and in such a position that it is thoroughly permeated by the magnetic field; but in that case no current will flow along the conductor. Current only flows when I am actually bringing the coil in or taking it away again. So it is with the poetic mood, which, like the dreams to which it has so often been compared, is kindled by the passage from one plane of consciousness to another. It [the meaning] lives during that moment of transition and then dies, and if it is to be repeated, some means must be found of renewing the transition itself.”
… ”Poetry, as a possession, as our own souls enriched, is another matter. But when it has entered as deeply as that into our being, we no longer concern ourselves with its diction. At this stage the diction has served its end and may be forgotten. For, if ever we go back to linger lovingly over the exquisite phrasing of some fragment of poesy whose essence has long been our own, and of which the spirit has become a part of our every waking moment, if we do this, is it not for the very reason that we want to renew the thrill which accompanied the first acquisition of the treasure? As our lips murmur the well-known, or it may be the long forgotten words, we are trying, whether deliberately or no, to cast ourselves back into the frame of mind which was ours before we had learnt the lesson. Why? Because we know instinctively that, if we are to feel pleasure, we must have change. Ever-lasting day can no more freshen the earth with dew than everlasting night, but the change from night to day and from day back again to night.”
… ”That we are not always successful in the wistful quest is matter of only too common experience.”

2) Continuing From Above Re Owen Barfield’s Book “Poetic Diction” , Please Especially Note Well => His Phrases That EACH Very Effectively Illustrate His Important Observations, Re => Each Is Necessarily A New Solution, Which Mentally Arrives Into Consciousness =>
In The Following a) thru i), , Which Also Are In Good Agreement With Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” => (MOST ESPECIALLY THOSE IN ITALIC)

a) “A 'felt change of consciousness”.
b) “Appreciation takes place at the actual moment of change”.
c) “But the actual moment of the pleasure of appreciation depends upon something rarer and more transitory. It depends on the change itself.“
d) “Kindled by the passage from one plane of consciousness to another.”
e) “It [the meaning] lives during that moment of transition and then dies”,
f) “and if it is to be repeated, some means must be found of renewing the transition itself. ''
g) It is the movement which is the apprehension of meaning and not the recognition of a codified relationship of a word to an overall linguistic system.
h) Language is the storehouse of imagination; it cannot continue to be itself without performing its function.
i) But its function is, to mediate transition from the un-individualized [the un-aware], … to the individualized human spirit,” [Which has suddenly, automatically, spontaneously, become aware.],

Even MORE Praise for Owen Barfield:

So If you Dare! By Robert L. Holter 5.0 out of 5 stars
Reviewed in the United States on August 14, 2013
…There is a reason Owen Barfield was a member of the Inklings... this book proves his prowess in the theory of Poetic Diction. Who says new is better - in thought this is one of the best texts I have read on the theory of Poetry and why it matters! If you have more than the average interest in poetry this book is a must read... as well as a text every teacher should read (close reading a necessity or you will miss- interpret the author). I know I can hear John Ronald Reuel Tolkien saying "you must have had too much port... but it is true this is probably one of the best theory's of poetry I have read - just to warn you I was excited that I found the Elter Edda sagas and Younger Edda Sagas at a garage sale (translated and edited to English by another Oxford Scholar!

Perennial and Profound! by Daniel J. Smitherman 4.0 out of 5 stars
Reviewed in the United States on January 13, 2003
…By his own admission, Owen Barfield's writings can't be organized into "early" and "late" periods. He claimed that from the very first publications to the last, he was explicitly or implicitly working out his understanding of the evolution of human consciousness. His second published book, _Poetic Diction_, concerns the study of language as the record of the changing human experience of the world.
In _Poetic Diction_, Barfield argued that:
1. One defining effect of poetry is to "arouse aesthetic imagination"
2. A significant result of the interaction with the language of the poem is that the reader's awareness of the world is permanently expanded
3. The expansion of the reader's awareness correlates to the poet's own awareness of the world as articulated in the poem
Barfield supposed, further, that what may be prosaic to the author may still have a "poetic" effect on the reader, i.e., expanding the reader's awareness of the world. One consequence of these facts, Barfield argued, is that by reading, the reader perceives the world as the author perceives - or perceived - it. And if the text being read is a classical Latin text, or a Sanskrit text, for example, then the reader may experience very startling glimpses of the world as a result.
What he went on to argue was that, if we grant that this effect of poetic diction on our awareness of the world is a real effect, then we cannot escape the conclusion that the world as the authors of the Latin and Sanskrit texts was a very different world than our own. Further, he argued that one could trace those differences in the changes that languages have undergone since human languages have been recorded. Finally, by studying these changes, said Barfield, one sees that human consciousness in its first expressions in language was almost wholly perceptual and figurative.
Barfield then argued that the "poetic effect" of such ancient texts was that they make available to the reader an experience of the world that correlates to their concrete and figurative language, and that world is one that couldn't have been produced analytically and self-consciously - for instance, by superstition or some early attempts at scientific theorizing. Just as our language today expresses in myriad ways what we take to be real, so the ancient languages too.
Thus Barfield's conclusions about *poetry* are nothing at all like what contemporary academic literary theory concludes, because Barfield's conclusions are equivalent to a theory of knowledge - while contemporary literary theory denies implicitly that a theory of knowledge is even possible.
As literary theory, then, _Poetic Diction_ is only marginally relevant, if even that, because literary theorists no longer concern themselves with knowledge. As a theory of knowledge, and as a study of the significance of language and the evolution of human consciousness, _Poetic Diction_ remains a seminal work, the challenges of which have yet to be realized in but a few works even today.

Owen Barfield's Book Poetic Diction Is Truly An Astonishing Experience & Realize How Far Ahead Of It's Time & STILL IS!!
…By Henry S. Gurr, Researcher Re Book ZenArtMotorcycle. 5.0 out of 5 stars

 Reviewed in the United States on February 1, 2018 

…One who reads Poetic Diction from the vantage of this historical perspective is due for a truly astonishing experience!! Barfield seems to anticipate the intellectual history of the more than sixty years which separate his book from us. He has fully synthesized literary and cognitive theory. At a stroke he rejuvenated and educated the romanticism of the early 20th Century. He explains how imagination discovers truth and formulates it into valid conceptual structures. He fully realizes that such a formulation implies the building and changing of those structures and accounts for this with “Evolution Of Consciousness.”
…Here we must remember, as Barfield asserts, that the evolving mind does indeed totally create our reality, the only one we will ever know. But this is not what Barfield focuses on. He focusses on our mind’s discovery as in =>
… it rather discovers what is implicit in “spiritual reality”, through an act of imagination. The changing of language [evolving over the millennia] reflects exactly these shifting structures. Poetry allows us not merely to perceive this Evolution [of Consciousness] abstractly but to relive it through our imaginations. The experience of poetry is not so much the proof of Barfield’s theory as it is the immediate perception of the reality he delineates.
…What Barfield presents as an essay on poetry, is in fact a fully “diachronic” theory of human cognition [ie:the beginnings of a theory of how our mind works.]
…His contemporaries could not comprehend what he had done. They could not even perceive the problem he attempted to solve. We can see the problems very clearly indeed, but we as a culture have not fully considered Barfield’s contribution to their solution.
…Perhaps his voice sounds to us as though it comes from a rather distant and somewhat romantic past; it actually calls from a future of greater maturity, and hope than we can recognize through the din of our adolescent loneliness and anger. If Barfield’s theory is correct, then he should expect to gain more listeners as we “mature.”
…Even before the advent of “The New Criticism”.: Barfield’s “Poetic Diction” in context on 1929. was better attuned than they of The New Criticism were in 1928, to be able to appreciate the intricate harmonies of Barfield’s thought. The development of such schools as cognitive science, structuralism, phenomenology and deconstructionism, which all seem strangely consonant with Poetic Diction, is evidence that the time, may now be, for the literary world to discover Barfield anew!

NOTE1: You May Find A Link To ~3 Pages Additional Discussion Of Owen Barfield’s Book “Poetic Diction” > By > Edit > Find > …. Richard Patterson…..

NOTE2: You May Read ~6 Pages Additional Discussion Of Owen Barfield’s Book “Poetic Diction” > By > Edit > Find > …. Bobby Mathern …..

SUMMARY: in Owen Barfield’s Writings, Altogether, We See Very Good Confirmation Of PROPOSITION 10d) The Human Problem Solving, Brain Is The Factual & Practical, Sole Basis For The Creative & Innovative Force Behind ALL SOCIAL--CULTURAL CREATIVITY & INNOVATION => Which Is discussed As Barfield’s ‘Evolution of Consciousness, Taken Up Various Places (From The Beginning) In APPENDIX XVIII


Since Readers Of This Document => Now Understand => Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”, They Are Now Strongly Urged => Every Time Readers See Words Such As These =>

1) “Perception” (or “Pattern Recognition” ) they should substitute => “Mental Arrival Into Our Conscious Mind, “Best” (or “Near Best” Optimum Problem Solution, Partial Fit Weighted Fit To Memory”. (Abbreviated => “Problem Solution Optimal Fit Memory”.
2) “ Brain’s Memory” they should substitute => “Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory”.
3) “Faced with a Proglem or need an answer” => They should substitute => “Brain Solution To The Problem Of How To Respond With Most Benefit (Most Coherence), To The Person’s Second By Second Sensory Input From Their Given Local Surrounding Environment, Given The Person’s Limited Information & Past Experience” (Abbreviated => A Practical Optimal Solution )

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.

A) The purpose of This Document you are currently reading is => To tell you of A Striking New Theory Of How Our Mind Works. It Is A Radically New Kind of Theory Of Mind and A New KIND of “Philosophy of Mind. Studying This Document will require you to read slowly, closely, & think a lot about, because there are so many new & very unfamiliar ideas.
B) Of course you should ALSO read => Other “Important Authors”, relevant published articles, which will have much added explanation, justification, and supportive data, plus references. Many of such published articles, are mentioned on This WebPage You Are Currently Reading: These articles indicate how much other ‘Important Authors’ agree with & support => Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”, and conversely.

C) Among these “Important Authors”, you may read many ideas & results which may seem to have merely tangential connection with This Proto-Theory. BUT =>
… Please be aware that these “seeming tangential’s”, are presented to help you the reader gain an overall well-rounded understanding of mind, AND thus help the reader to be aware of the full range of activities that our minds are engaged in. If any of this discussion puzzles you, or seems excessive, please let me know. See the bottom of This Document re Contact Henry Gurr.

D) This Document You Are Currently Reading, Also Employs Many Specialized Multi-Word Phrases That Are Master Motif’s, For The Ideas & Concepts Herein: For reader convenience these are Summarized In APPENDIX XIII: Specialized Master Motif’s Phrases Used In This Document You Are Currently Reading.

NOTE: Steps For Finding Henry Gurr’s “Important Authors” =>

Do (7 each) > Do > Top > Edit > Find > Important Authors
Do (9 each) > Do > Top > Edit > Find > … For Further Reading ….

For Further Reading #1 => READERS SHOULD PERHAPS READ FIRST => A Much Shorter Introductory & Compact Explanation of Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”. Click Here. ((NOTE: This is the 2nd down Blue Link in Menu at Top Left. ))

READERS SHOULD PERHAPS READ SECOND => Collected Properties & Characteristics All Mental Arrivals Such As Flash of Insight PLUS Picture Analogies of Before & After A Mental Arrival are also shown.. Click Here.
…At above Blue Link are collected into one WebPage, are the ALL of the Properties & Characteristics Of Every Mental Arrival: (These are such as “Flash Of Insight”, which come automatically, spontaneously, Into Our Conscious Mind, For Our Every Waking Moment, Second By Second:)
…The “Properties & Characteristics All Mental Arrivals, listed on this above Blue Link WebPage are collected & assembled, from scattered places in Henry Gurr’s 8 WebPages (Re. “How Our Mind Works” are all listed in Menu at TOP left.
You will need to read this WebPage (Blue Link above) => Because otherwise these various => Properties & Characteristics Of All Mental Arrivals, In Their Original Scattered Paces, Are Presented In A Way, Such That It Is Hard To See “The Big Picture”. …Please understand => This (Blue Link above) page, is an essential summary overview WebPage, which will prepare your mind for easier reading of Henry Gurr’s 8 WebPages (hereby listed In Menu Concerning => “How Our Mind Works”.
((NOTE: This (Blue Link above) is also the 3rd down Blue Link in Menu at TOP Left. ))

…… …… …..
NOTE: On any of the pages of this ZMMQ WebSite (which you are in right now), typically, when you click on any link, the page will come up in a new Browser Tab.
…… …… …..

Thesis Panorama HSG Contrib.

For Further Reading #2 => On Topics Related To “How Our Mind Works”: WHICH ARE ON VARIOUS OF HENRY GURR PAGES, THAT ARE RELATED TO (OR EXTEND) => Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”.

A) In the MAIN MENU AT TOP LEFT, You Will See Listed MANY Pages, Which Comprise Henry Gurr’s ZMMQ WebSite =>
B) Please Especially Notice => The TOP EIGHT MENU Listed Pages Which Are => Based On Direct Observation: Explanation Of Best Available Theory Of “How Our Mind Works:” by Henry Gurr, In Which You Can Study To Learn The Following =>
Page 1) HenryGurrYouTubeLecture => Based On Direct Observation, Learn “How Our Mind Works. ” A Description With Audience Participation In Mind Demonstrations. Plus Mention That Hopfield Neuron Network Model, Explains How Our Brain Can Automatically, Spontaneously Find, Best Or Near Best Solutions of "Life's Problems Coming At Us."
Page 2) Suggest You START Your Study Here => HGurrCompactExplanation Of => Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”.

Then Suggest You CONTINUE NEXT Page Below =>

Page 3) “How Our Mind Works.”: Collected Properties & Characteristics All Mental Arrivals Such As Flash of Insight PLUS Two Picture Analogies.

…From scattered places in Henry Gurr’s 8 WebPages (hereby listed) “How Our Mind Works” => Here collected into one WebPage, are the ALL of the Properties & Characteristics Of Every Mental Arrival: (These are such as “Flash Of Insight”, which come automatically, spontaneously, Into Our Conscious Mind, For Our Every Waking Moment, Second By Second:) On this WebPage are also => Picture Analogies of Before & After A Mental Arrival are also shown.
…By reading this essential summary overview WebPage, you will prepare your mind for easier reading of Henry Gurr’s 8 WebPages (hereby listed) “How Our Mind Works”. …This is because otherwise these various => Properties & Characteristics Of All Mental Arrivals , in their original scattered paces, are presented in a way, such that it is hard to see “The Big Picture”.

Page 4) HGurr FULL Expounding Of => Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”. (Which Is The Page You Are Currently Reading.)
Page 5) VeryImportantIdea: Even Partial Fit Problem Solution Is Highly Useful => Especially for how Our Problem Solving Brain so easily gives us a Bes Understanding for=> 1) Camouflage, 2) Concept Confusion, and3) Figures of Speech, Such as Metaphor, Analogy, Allegory, Simile, Similar, Similarity, and 22 more.
Page 6) 'How HGurr’s Explanation of => “How Our Mind Works”, Helps Illuminate What’s Happening In Procrastination, And Helps Avoid Procrastination’s Blockages.
Page 7) Hopfield Neuron Network Model => Illuminate How Brains Generate, Construct, Create, Optimal Solutions To “Life’s Problems Coming At Us”, plus Links To Other H Gurr Writing On Mind.
Page 8) An Anatomy Of An Idea Come To Mind + Constructivist Epistemology + Mental Arrivals, Such As Flash of Insight.

C) For Further Reading #3 => Please Be Aware That There Are => FOUR DIFFERENT “BRAIN OWNERS USERS MANUALS” by Henry Gurr.

1) This whole document, you are reading now => Was Constructed to Be a very practical and useful Theory of How Our Mind Works And thus =>
a) Provide an accurate & reliable guide, to get done quickly & efficiently, what we want to do.
b) And (although not stated here on) from this viewpoint => The whole Page You Are Currently Reading, is thus effectively A Brain Owners User’s Manual.

The Next THREE “For Further Readings” Are ALSO “Brain Owners Users Manuals”.

2) My FIRST Brain Owners User’s Manual! Is Where You Can => Learn More About The Many, Many Examples of The Flash of Insights, as well Other Mental Arrivals.

After this WebPage comes up, please scroll down to where you see => This Document You Are Currently Reading, (and It’s Included Links)

3) My SECOND Brain Owners User’s Manual! Is A Continuation Where You Can Learn => More On How To See In-Action (& Thus Learn More) About Our How The Problem Solving Brain, Gives Us Clear Thinking, On Demand,

After This Document comes up, you will need to explore around, to see how this discussion supports my Theory.

4) My THIRD (Somewhat) Brain Owners User’s Manual! Is Where You Can => Learn More About How The Problem Solving Brain, Gives Us Analogy, Metaphor, Allegory, Simile, Similarity, & Other Similar Sympathetic-Poetic Associatives (SPA):

After this WebPage comes up, please scroll down to => Relation of Poetry to Metaphor. Relation of :
…… …… …..

D) For Further Reading #4 => More On How Our Mind => Achieves Perception, Pattern Recognition, Where Even A Pattern Partial Fit Problem Solution, Can Be Highly Useful, Plus FURTHER Discussion of How This In Turn Gives Us Analogy, Metaphor, Similarity, Etc.
This topic is taken up, in a NEW WebPage, Called =>
On How Our Mind Achieves Perception Problem Solutions, Where Even A Pattern Partial Fit Problem Solution, Can Be Highly Useful, AND How This In Turn Gives Us Analogy, Metaphor, Allegory, Simile, Similarity, Etc,.

E) For Further Reading #5 => Internet Resources That Are Related To (Or Have Support For), Henry Gurr’s Proto-Theory, Please Consult These TWO Supplemental Readings Re “The Study of Mind”. :

F) For Further Reading #6 => Ed Cooley, A Computer Expert, Noted Elements Of Computer Programming Which Have Some Confluence With This Proto-Theory, And Has Written A Page About His Experiences. For Ed Cooley Discussion Click Here.

******** o0OOO0o ********

1) GENERAL STATEMENT => Readers Should Be Aware That The Conclusions Of => Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”, ALSO Fit (In Many Places), The Writings (And Implied “Theory How Our Mind Works” ), Of Many Insightful Authors.
… 'You should be aware that Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”, ALSO (in part), wells agrees with the writings (and implied theory), of many insightful authors. They write quite perceptively about their own mode(s) of discovery and their heart felt conclusions on how we all should best use our minds. Although not written with the idea of being a Philosophy of Mind, these works in their own way, in many places, essentially contain a Theory of How Our Mind Works!!
These Authors Have Formed Their Conclusions, From Their Own Mode Of Discovery, Independent Of Others, And Thus When We Find Portions Of Mutual Author Agreement & Support, We Have Found Significant Conclusions, Likely To Be Truth Bearing!
… The inquiring reader would do well to study the works of authors whose names and conclusions are on This Document You Are Currently Reading, : Top writers Re Mind, include => Michael Polanyi, Robert Pirsig, Owen Barfield, B F Skinner.
… Other writers Re Mind, mentioned in passing on This Document you are currently reading, include => John K Sheriff, Charles Peirce, George Lakoff.
… These and many others, offer to the resolute, penetrating reader, significant support for Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” and conversely. .

SIDE NOTE: You Can Easily Read Brief Selected Passages For Each Above (Or Below), Mentioned Author by > Top > Do > Edit > Find > … Each Name ... ( This can usually be done by pressing the keyboard combination Ctrl + F (or) Edit + F depending on what your computer’s keys say.) (Click The Back Arrow, perhaps several times, Usually In The Upper Left Of Your Browser, To Return To Where You Were.)

2) Considerable Insight Into How Our Mind Works, Will Be Found In The Books & Articles of Linguist Philosopher Poet Owen Barfield, :
Mr Barfield’s contributions (already mentioned ~35 times in This Document You Are Currently Reading, will considerably expand reader’s understanding of a wide range of topics, most especially

A) Inspiration (Barfield’s name for Mental Arrival), and
B) “Evolution of Consciousness” (Barfield’s name for The History of Human Being’s Cultural Growth & Development, especially of Language And Intellectual Understanding.

The Mental Arrivals of feelings, Interplayed With Emotions, Are Well Illustrated By Owen Barfield, In His Book “Poetic Diction:” . Click Here To Go To => APPENDIX I: The role of the General Problem Solving Brain in Feelings & Emotions:
… Mr Barfield’s major book “Saving The Appearances” , builds upon his above mentioned “Poetic Diction”. But readers should be aware that Mr Barfield uses his own, non-standard, and (somewhat difficult to understand) specialized vocabulary.
… For example Mr. Barfield names

a) “Inspiration”, such as “Poetic Inspiration” , where other authors would say for example=> “Flash Of Insight **AHA**, Suddenly Realized, It Hit Me. Light-Bulb, Lightning Bolt, Bolt-From-The-Blue, Epiphany, It-Just-Dawned-On-Me” .
b) “Sensations” , which result in “Figuration” of “Things”, , where other authors would say for example “We felt the wind, and suddenly saw the Ghost” . …

… Where the Italicized Words in a) & b) above are of course called Mental Arrivals , as much discussed in [[#HsgProtoTh | => Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” , Presented on the Page you are reading right now.
… As Explained Above, For Owen Barfield => “Figuration is the construction by the "percipient mind" of the recognizable and namable objects we call "things." In other words, there is that "something” . . . required in us to convert sensations into things; all that in the representation which is not sensation.”
… (Figuration, Barfield says, presupposes of course, that "the sense-organs must be related to the particles in such a way as to give rise to sensations" .)
… In case you need a reminder, click on the Blue Link above, and > Do > Top > Edit > Find > …Mental Arrival ...

******** o0OOO0o ********

Space does not permit any more mentioning other, insights, revelations, and neat explanations, that come from HSG’s Theory Of How Our Mind Works Thesis Panorama.
… Please send email if you have questions, or want more information. Even better, you are invited to send your OWN ideas on these topics (or any other topics):

If You Know of Good Books, Authors, Articles, or have other Suggestions/Observations, Etc, Please Feel Free To Contact Me, With Any Idea That Would Make My Abovementioned Ideas & Conclusions Better!!
My full contact information (and lots of other information about me), is at the top of my Professor Henry Gurr Home Page.

If you would like to read about the Hopfield model, my page on the subject is here: http://venturearete.org/ResearchProjects/ProfessorGurr/Documents/JJHopfieldModelHumanBrainAsGenProbSolver

Sincerely Henry Gurr.
ZMMQ Site Master and Professor of Physics Emeritus, University of South Carolina Aiken. January 3, 2022.

Compose by Henry S Gurr ZMMQ SiteMaster.July10’18; RevJan22’18; RevMar29’19; MajorRevMay15thru30’19,MajorRevNov18 thru Jan03’22, AddedMajorRevs&FixsJun29’22 thru Jul09”22, FmSctNtsFxNov5-13’22, & Jan12-15’23, May 13-21’23, June 14’23, Sept 25’23, March 14’24.

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