For The ZMMQ Site => This Page Is A Holding Place For => Various UN-Complete Work In Process.
… This is a "holding spot" for text that Needs Editing, Organization and eventually placed on my other ZMMQ Pages. This will be done ASAP, but for now you may view this for any info it may offer.
…The Content On This Page, was place here as I discover it, from April 2006 to July 2007. … Email Me If You Have Questions. =>
NOTE: On Feb 6, 2024 ~25 Links With Annotation, Moved To ZMM Links Page. Click Herel .
A Reader of => Robert Pirsig’s Book "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance'" , =>Sends Her Impressions: => Like A Book Review Type Of Feedback.
…These Impressions Are From => Ms Michele Scott, a Freelance Computer & Management Consultant Who Assisted Henry Gurr In Editing the ZMMQ WebSite Gallery Captions for Parts III and IV.
Ms Scott, Who Had Seen Parts of My ZMMQ Text Pages & Closely Study & Edit Much Of Gallery Parts III and IV, Observes The Following =>
…1) I wonder if this [the ZMMquality website] is counter to the essence of the book? Is developing a website about this journey very ‘Zen’?
…2) In bits and pieces, I picked up that there was a drama going on between Chris and his father. There was also the mysterious, but brilliant ‘Phaedrus’ character. Was he a rebel?
…3) I understand that there is beauty and harmony in nature. But my personal belief is that beauty can be found anywhere – it is only your perceptions that need to be modified. It is the ‘lack of desire’ that is desirable vs. what is ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Perhaps that is a difference between Tao and Zen?
…4) Since I am a city person, my preference is a big busy city. I am NOT an outdoorsy, nature buff. I have moved around to many places. My last home was in Geneva, Switzerland – one of the most beautiful spots in the world! I now live in Augusta, GA – one of the least beautiful spots! People sympathize and say that it must be a ‘hard’ adjustment. I don’t see it that way. I don’t look back, I don’t compare. I just ‘am’. I accept the present and live in the present. I don’t ‘wish’ for what is not here. BTW: How did you get to Augusta. Is your husband her? Is it his work here? (If too personnel, you may skip.)
…5) I also believe in going with the ‘Flow’. You will notice the name of my consulting business is called ‘Flow Consulting’. It is from the concept of flowing with the energy of the world. Don’t fight against the way events want to go, utilize and leverage the strength of it. In work, I tap into the strengths and energy of the people in a company. I try to ‘guide’ and ‘channel’ that energy in appropriate directions. I don’t try to change them to conform to one rigid way.
…6) This book strengthened my own beliefs. Not sure that I agree with the Narrator and his strict avoidance of things ‘commercial’ and touristy.
…7) I am interested in reading the book [ZMM] now. I thought it was clever that Phaedrus and the Narrator were one and the same.
HSG Reply To Mischell Scotts above Statements =>
…Yes, thank you. What you say is very import, ant! I need to be very careful about this. What kind of changes should I make? Can you say more about this? I perceive that I am helping promote more people to actually read ZMM, and THIS is the best WAY they will get the point of Zen. Also I assume my pages and photos will help Pilgrims that are going to (or have already) decided to follow the ZMM Route. If my ZMM WebSite is counter to Zen, then at least I should explain (warn?) about this problem and urge people NOT to learn or understand Zen from my website!! Or for sure tell the visitor, if they want to grow in the direction of being more ”Zen Like”, they should, instead read ZMM and avoid my Website! (But I can tell already, from what you have said, that you did pick up quite a bit of the sense of what ZMM was about, so what is shown in my ZMMQG captions does help the visitor, to learn of the books content and general thrust.)
Reader’s Comments Are Invited:
… What do you think about the above Discussion? Please send email to =>
For Added Information Concerning ~Zen Presence & Zen Likness => Right Click Here, and Select New Tab. And AFTER this page comes up, scroll down, near bottom, and see Added Discussion . ..
Below, You Will Find Additional Links For ZMM Book Reviews With Explanatory Excerpt.
Fm Amazon A Reader Book Review by "cicha1994" (Schenectady, NY United States)
… Robert Pirsig has achieved what few others have managed before him and, to the best of my knowledge, nobody else has accomplished since: a perfect unification of philosophy, adventure, [travel, problem solving, techniques of learning and writing] and mystery. His "Chautauqua," or traveling tale, takes the reader on a profound tour of ancient Greek philosophy, the steppes of Montana, and even a little bit of Zen Buddhism, with endless surprises and much original if not truly inspired thought along the way.
ATTENTION: Readers Should Be Aware Of => Additional Links For ZMM Book Reviews Are To Be Found at =>
…AND, If You ARE Frustrated Reading ZMM, or Any Other Book, Here's What You Can Do About It! ]]
C) Book Reviews of ZMM Are ALSO Below. Please Scroll Down To, & Then Pick Through The Long Series Of Blue Links.
Miscellaneous WebPages That Mention ZMM Book. To See Why These Blue Links Are Shown Below => AFTER Any OF These Pages Comes Up, Please Edit > Find > Zen
Ramblings & The Flaws of Robert Pirsig’s Book => '' "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” '" by Ram Samudrala.
…Pirsig makes a lot of excellent points throughout the book, which is the reason it is worth a read. For example, he comments that institutions serve their function and seek to subvert the individual to their own end. He illustrates this using academia as an example where students are taught to imitate and the idea of teaching involves thinking like the teacher. In my view, the only thing worth teaching is how to learn. This is something that can't be accomplished by grades, degrees, and generally by classroom teaching (where the pure motivation of wanting to learn can easily be corrupted by a desire to earn better grades or earning a degree), which is why I prefer the mentor-mentee relationship. There are some subjects where directed mentorship benefits (mathematics, for example), and this is more generally true when the subject of life itself is considered. However, freedom to learn and to question (something I've been raised with as far as back as I could remember) is arguably the most important condition to instill a passion for learning. In any event Pirsig's comments about institutions hold water much better when applied to governments and religions.
… Another problem Pirsig points out is that over time, we've ignored our romantic side because the classical side has produced immediate gratification. As Pirsig also points out, this dichotomy, created by the Greeks, shouldn't have been created in the first place and leads to dissatisfaction. The solution of course, is to pay no attention to this dichotomy, which in my view is socially created, and ignore the notion of "right-brained" vs. "left-brained" talents. This is the dualism disease that Pirsig laments about.
… The story itself has a degree of suspense thanks to the mysterious allusion to the schizophrenia that the narrator of the book has, fighting between an ideal and pragmatic self. The ending is particular interesting when the side that was in the background takes over.
… Fundamentally, the whole book is about an inquiry into values and the notion of a contextual Quality which I won't get into except to say that in terms of a philosophy of life what matters most is being content (perhaps that's the same as "achieving" Quality).
Zen And The Art Of Teaching: Be One With Your Class. The Philosophy Of Teaching: The real student you are teaching is yourself.
Please Pick Through The Below Series Of Blue Links, For Topics That Are Of Interest To You.
K) )
Earthquake Lake: This Lake Is Caused By The Same Earthquake, That The ZMM Narrator Tells Chris About.
…August 18, 1959, Mother Nature built a new dam on the Madison river. The Magnitude 7.3 Hebgen Lake earthquake shook loose 30 million cubic yards of rock and soil that tumbled down and blocked the Madison River. It would take about a million dump trucks over 100 days of round-the-clock work to move that much dirt (at ten seconds per truck). Earthquake Lake's dam formed in just a few seconds. As the river backed up behind the new dam, it formed a lake and drowned the trees near the valley floor. The hillside that was the source of all the rock remains un-vegetated even today -- fifty years isn't long enough to develop a good layer of soil in this area. Photo taken in July of 2004.
Click Here To See => 'Earthquake Lake:
The Links Below Will Take You To A Host Of Beautiful Rainbow Colors InThe Sky.
… The best collection of "Atmospheric Optics" I have seen. Also great photography!
Just wonderful!! Please enjoy!
… AND, Be sure to note triangles < > at upper right. The > right triangle will ALWAYS move to next the next photo, and thus cycle you through the entire collection of photos. It will keep on going, even if you are at one of frames that shows the "many-photo-select". Sincerely Henry Gurr
Created by Henry Gurr, 24Apr06, AdditionsUpThru16July08,MoreEditUpThru29June07 MajorEditingByHSG26Jyly17,AndMoreThru5May22,MajorCleanUp&RevHSG01-06Feb24.
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