![]() "Quality is the parent, the source of all subjects and objects." - Robert Pirsig |
Information & Essays: Pirsig Pilgrims & Fellow ZMM Route TravelersSummary of contents for the following pagesZen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Travel Guide: You Too Can Become a Pirsig Pilgrim!The webpage linked below is a travel guide for anyone seriously contemplating a trip along the ZMM Route. This guide gives all the route numbers so you can follow the same highways described in the book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (ZMM). To a good approximation, these were the highways actually taken by author Robert Pirsig in the Summer of 1968. http://venturearete.org/ResearchProjects/ProfessorGurr/Documents/ZMMTravelGuide MY TRIP TO CALIFORNIA AND HOW MY ZMM BOOK RESEARCH TURNED OUT. (JUST IN CASE YOU WANTED TO KNOW!) BY SITEMASTER HENRY GURR.During my visit to Montana State University Bozeman, I met a Film Producer, Dennis Davis, who is interested in my Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (ZMM) research results. He asked me 7 questions, in the following page linked below will be these questions, along with my answers. http://venturearete.org/ResearchProjects/ProfessorGurr/Documents/HsgZmm02Trip How To Find the Bozeman Mountain Climbing Route of Chris and the Narrator in the Book Zen and the Art Or Motorcycle Maintenance (ZMM) by Robert Pirsig.The following link contains: A Request for Info to Confirm Actual Route of ZMM Mountain Climb
http://venturearete.org/ResearchProjects/ProfessorGurr/Documents/BozemanMountain Below is a Web version of the Text & Photos of Henry Gurr's Talk Given To The First Ever Meta-Physics of Quality (MOQ) Conference. University Of Liverpool, Liverpool, England, UK, Thursday 7 July 2005.This webpage is a "self-tour" web version adapted from my presentation given at the Meta-Physics of Quality (MOQ) Conference. In this somewhat improved version, you will have to read and do mouse clicks for yourself. (At the conference, the audience leaned back and relaxed while Ian Glendinning read aloud the words and Paul Turner clicked the computer mouse.) July 2013 Marks 45 Years Since Robert Pirsig’s Original 1968 Motorcycle Trek!The following page contains a few useful links about Pirsig's motorcycle trek. http://venturearete.org/ResearchProjects/ProfessorGurr/Documents/45YearsAfterPirsig1968Trip Thursday July 4, 2013: Read and Ride by Gary WegnerRead and Ride: Gary Wegner’s Travelogue of the Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance ZMM Route as traveled by Robert Pirsig and his son Chris in July 1968. http://venturearete.org/ResearchProjects/ProfessorGurr/Documents/ReadandRideGaryWegner Page currently empty Generated June 2 2017 File=ZMMQWikiZmmRouteGuidesRpg01.doc Generated By Ryan George. 2 June 2017.
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