"Quality is the parent, the source of all subjects and objects." - Robert Pirsig |
Here is a Web version of the Text & Photos of Henry Gurr's Talk Given To The First Ever Meta-Physics of Quality (MOQ) Conference. University Of Liverpool, Liverpool, England, UK, Thursday 7 July 2005.This WebPage below, is a "self-tour" Web Browser Version, adapted from my original presentation given at the2005 Meta-Physics of Quality (MOQ) Conference. In this somewhat improved version, you will have to read and do mouse clicks for yourself. (At the conference, the audience leaned back and relaxed while Ian Glendinning read aloud the words and Paul Turner clicked the computer mouse.) Talk Introduction & Summary:
In actual fact, the closer I looked for the physical evidence, the more and more the "ZMM Travel Narrative" stood to factual test! Mr. Pirsig's book, detail after detail, to use his own words, held to Good old reality. I was amazed!! It is a great tribute to Mr. Pirsig as an author that this much detail is weaved into the ZMM Travel Narrative! I did not expect to find this! Nor did many ZMM critics! They and I doubted the "total reality" of the ZMM scenery and places. Moreover, my own initial doubt resulted in my failure to find many ZMM locations. If I had taken Pirsig's words as literal fact from the "get-go," I would have found many ZMM locations much, much, faster!! Talk Overview:
Henry Gurr,
Hello & Letter Of Greeting to the MOQ Audience << With An Explanation Of The Origin Of The Term "Pirsig Pilgrim."Greetings to MOQ Enthusiasts!! And Congratulations to Dr. Anthony McWatt on receipt of his well earned PhD!!
I would address you as "Pirsig Pilgrims," but that is an "advanced degree" that has to be earned in a special school. Let me explain. Mr. Pirsig, in a June 2001 letter, discussing how he no longer desired to travel the West & the ZMM Route, added the following comment: "I have heard from Bozeman that there has been a steady trickle of what they call Pirsig Pilgrims who come through every summer following that route." The term "Pirsig Pilgrim" raised my interest. Google always found things I needed to know, but this time no leads on the term "Pirsig Pilgrim." So, when I got to Bozeman on my research trip, I started asking if people had heard of it. The four Montana State University English Professors I interviewed knew much history re Mr. Pirsig, but were completely unaware of the term "Pirsig Pilgrims." In fact, they had no awareness of hardly any visitors to their campus, inquiring about Mr. Pirsig or his book. Of course, while I was in Bozeman, I also interviewed Gennie DeWeese. Very early in the interview, she said that I reminded her of those one or two persons per year, who call her up, and ask to come see her: I asked her if she had invented the term "Pirsig Pilgrim." I had to practically pry it out of her. Finally, she modestly and very quietly and a wisp of a smile, admitted, "Yes ..... I'm the one." ZMM Travelers who get to Bozeman, of course, want to see Mrs. DeWeese’s famous home and share discussions of Pirsig & ZMM. Her phone number is in the Bozeman phone directory and she clearly enjoys sharing her home and what she knows .... even with complete strangers!!! Mrs. DeWeese has apparently done this for many years! Mrs. DeWeese is now quite elderly, and typically one of her two grown daughters will participate in the fun of the discussions. She says that without exception they (these "Zen visitors") are a good bunch of people! So, "y‘all" pat yourself on the back, you are among good company!! Thus, it is ... the Advanced Degree "Pirsig Pilgrim" ... comes from Mrs. DeWeese herself: Now, your next educational challenge is to travel the entire ZMM Route yourself=/. That's when (and only when), you earn the right to call yourself a "Pirsig Pilgrim"! Now Let’s Look At How ZMM Incorporates "The Factual" Into Its Travel Descriptions.Instructions for Web Self-Tour:For each of the following items A), B), C), D), & E) => Read the words and then click the associated link. After you have studied the photo and caption => 1) Close the "frame" (tab), you are looking at, and you will be automatically back to this document, so you may read the next item. OR
2) To return to where you were reading, click the Back [<--] Arrow, usually in the upper left area on your Internet Browser. ((You should remember this, For Future Browser Efficient Usage!!)
NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT GET DETOURED: Please always come back to this page so you will finish the tour. A) Who Is Henry Gurr?Click on link to view his picture. After this comes up, click at right of photo to see Dr. Gurr's home webpage where you can read his bio. (Close browser when ready to return to this page.)
B) The Aeolian Harp Is One of Henry Gurr's Pet Projects.The Aeolian Harp was inspired by British author, poet, philosopher, and linguist Owen Barfield, who wrote an article called The Harp and the Camera. You may click on either of the photos that come up when you click on the link. (Close browser when ready to return to this page.)
(A note concerning previous Aeolian Harp Photos: Mr. Barfield's article The Harp and the Camera inspired the creation on my campus of a Camera Obscura in addition to the Aeolian Harp you just saw. As Mr Barfield points out, the Aeolian Harp and the Camera Obscura were major stages of historical/literary development of our modern consciousness. Mr. Barfield's books will considerably extend MOQ'ers understanding of ZMM and Lila. I highly recommend them. Dr. McWatt and Ian Glendinning can vouch for the MOQ usefulness of Barfield's books.)
How Mr. Pirsig Incorporates "The Factual" Into the ZMM Travel Descriptions:Practically every ZMM page has an example, but I will narrow it down to three examples:
C) The Town Of Three Forks, Montana Actually Exists, Just Where the Narrator Says It Is! We Also Note Pirsig's Metaphorical Use of This Town's Name.The most obvious example of accuracy is that the series of towns mentioned in ZMM are all there, as is the case for Three Forks! And often the name of the town is used to metaphorically support the current lecture Chautauqua. Here I have also chosen to show you the town of Three Forks, because it is a rather nice "Metaphoric-Bridge-Connection" between the Narrator's Chautauqua (lecture) and the Travel Description. This is Mr. Pirsig's stock-in-trade in both ZMM and Lila. (In many of my photo explanations, I mention these connections.) At first, I was slow to catch on to these ”Metaphoric Bridge-Connections." It took me about 4 readings of ZMM, before I finally said "Hey, what is Pirsig doing here?" I started to watch for these "Connections" and was amazed to note, that at every abrupt switch between Chautauqua and the Travel Description, the "Metaphoric-Bridge-Connections" were always there!
D) The Narrator Tells Us Very Accurately About Their Hotel In The Town Of Laurel, Montana. (Six Photos.) … Study the photo and the captions for this and the next 5 photos. (As you read each caption please especially note how the ZMM passage in italic, fits the photo above!)
E) ZMM Narrator's Factual Experiences in the Montana Mountainous High Country are the My Final Examples. (Six Photos.)As you read the ZMM passages in italics that go with these photos, study how the Narrator gives us a full, realistic, and enthusiastic description of what he calls the "High Country." You should especially note how these descriptions closely track the scenery as follows: Stunted trees; details of a roadside rest area and look out point, then no trees, just grass; then grass and flowers and lichens; they go into the first snow field, then between banks of snow, back to grass, flowers, mud, melt-water. Then a second heavy snowfield, and finally the highest twin walled tunnel of snow. As described, the ZMM Traveler is here at the factual "summit", where they encounter a second rest area and then they are on their way back down to lower elevations. (You may go 18 photos to photo labeled Summer2006 0092 at bottom left. Or alternatively close browser tab when you are finished with 9 photos.)
Additional Notes to Help Appreciate the Degree of Accuracy of Author Pirsig.On photos you have just finished viewing => You should have seem on several of these photos => I had placed clickable links on the waypoint number (lower right). One of these links to a Topo Map of the landscape of the photo. This map shows what is not evident from either the ZMM Narrative or my photos =>
Summary:You have seen just a few of the more interesting examples of the factual accuracy of ZMM. Practically, every one of my 833 ZMM Route Sights and Scenes Photos on my website will reveal more of this Factual Narrative Accuracy. I hope you will the near future study my photos and further explore this topic of Mr. Pirsig's landscape accuracy. Please go to the Second Album at:
But All This Still Begs a Few Questions: How (& Why) Is ZMM So Accurate?1) How did Mr. Pirsig keep all this accuracy in mind?
Six Pirisig Imperatives for AccuracyI can think of six Pirsig imperatives for Accuracy. (Due to time constraints, these were included as a handout at the MOQ Conference rather than included in the presentation.) 1) I think that being factually accurate is just the Scientist and the Mechanic coming out in Pirsig. This inevitably sets the tenor of his book.
Closing.My research concerning Mr. Pirsig's Travel Narrative demonstrates that he did achieve his own stated criterion; he held his book to "Good old reality." To quote Professor Robert Nelson, "[ZMM's] plot remain consistently responsible to the topography of the physical landscape through which the protagonist moves ." Yes, indeed, as Mr. Pirsig says , "Good old reality" frames every step of his travel along the ZMM Route:
A many years ago => A version of this above MOQ Conference Presentation, including “handout” information, was available online at Anthony McWatt’s robertpirsig.org/Gurr.htm … But this is no longer available.
DATE-LINE May 29, 2022 by Henry Gurr: Three New WebPages Found By Facebook.com/ZMMquality Creator David Matos.'''In a UK Guardian Newspaper Interview, Nov 2006 => Robert Pirsig Tells About His Book, His Methods For Good Writing, and Says How He Kept Records, In Preparation For Writing ZMM Book =>
Author' Robert Pirsig Talk About His Book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance .”
''' Robert M. Pirsig on the Book He Wrote (And the One He Didn’t).
Edited by David M1207124. HsgAddNuLinksFmFb220529,HstRev230810.
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