"Quality is the parent, the source of all subjects and objects." - Robert Pirsig |
The Book "Zen & The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" (ZMM), Should Be Seen (& USED) As “A Westerners Guide To Eastern Thought & Experience.”“Most Especially From Standpoint of The Ancient Chinese Book of Wisdom, 6th Century BC” => “The Tao Te Ching” by “Lao Tsu”. '' My Own Zen Experience With ZMM by Henry Gurr ZMMQ SiteMaster.
… For myself, I grew up seeing my Western Culture as pretty much normal and workable. Thus-and it has been both hard to believe and a bit of a shock to realize as middle age adult-that there are whole areas of knowledge where my grounding assumptions, and even my knowledge itself, is proven just plain wrong, or very misleading, or is at best quite inadequate. … In other words, my knowledge and understanding was in need if some pretty serious revision, but I didn’t know it! Even as a physicist with a PhD I had vast areas of UN-knowing and ignorance, most particularly Eastern Culture And Thought. … And thus, it is my good fortune that, I’ve become aware of other knowledge systems which, although limited in their own way, have positive insights. Among these is Robert Pirsig’s Zen & The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. This book became, for me, A Westerners Guide To Eastern Thought & Experience, most especially from standpoint of The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tsu. (NOTE: Tao is pronounced as in Dow or Dowe. And its reputed author Lao Tsu, may be written as => LaoTzu, Lazu, Lauzi, Lao Zu, Lozi, Loze, and many more.)
… By 2006 I had read Robert Pirsig’s Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance perhaps eight times, and of course knew that ZMM had Zen and Eastern discussions. Plus, I was long aware that Pirsig extensively quotes (and discusses) the Tao Te Ching (in Chapter 20). But, despite the above, I have to admit that I was slow to see the REAL, FULL, EXTENSIVE extent of Zen Messages Built Into ZMM. This only changed, when I had my own illumination (Feb 2006), when I discovered the followingITALICIZED passages (see below), on the back of a "Tao Te Ching Translation". …. … Only then did I FULLY REALIZE HOW EXTENSIVELY Robert Pirsig has written the Zen Major Motif Themes (effectively principles) of Lao Tsu’s '' into in his book "Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance". Only then, did I begin to fully understand this => Like Lao Tzu's Book, Pirsig's book, to a remarkable degree, is to practical guide to life and living: Thus Pirsig's & Lao's books, are both handbooks to Help "Westerners" to apply Zen to their own lives!
To see what I mean, I suggest you read the following passage slowly, thoughtfully, and meditatively: Please read the following ITALICIZED …. Slowly …. Thoughtfully …. Meditatively …. With your best Zen-Aware Attitude! You Should Be Aware That => The BELOW Tao Te Ching Meditative Reading Summarizes the Zen Built Into Zen & The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (ZMM).A Tao Te Ching Meditative Reading Summarizes Effectively => The Zen Built Into Robert Pirsig’s Zen & The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.… "The philosophy of Lao Tsu is simple: Accept what is in front of you, without wanting the situation to be other than it is, Study the natural order of things, and work with it, rather than against it, for to try to change what is, only sets up resistance. Nature provides everything, without requiring payment or thanks, and also provides for all, without discrimination — therefore let us present the same face to everyone, and treat all men as equals, however they may behave. If we watch carefully, we will see that work proceeds more quickly and easily, if we stop ‘trying’, if we stop putting in so much extra effort, if we stop looking for results. In the clarity of a still and open mind, truth will be reflected. We will come to appreciate the original meaning, of the word ‘understand’, which means ‘to stand under’. We serve whatever or whoever stands before us, without any thought for ourselves. Te — which may be translated as ‘virtue’ or ‘strength’ — lies always In Tao, or ‘natural law’. In other words: Simply be." The Above Meditative Reading, Is From =>
In The Above Meditative Reading , You Will Notice Sentence Ending Period Marks, As Well As Lots Of Comma Marks. Most Of These Comma’s Are There Added, So I Can Explain This Following => ATTEBTION => In the ABOVE “Meditative Reading, (Set Off By 28 Comma Or Period Mark), Please Go Back And Mentally “Pick-Out” 28 Zen Phrases =>
SUMMARY: These 28 “Zen Major Motif Themes”, Continuing Throughout The ZMM Book, Can Help Westerners To Apply Zen Principles To Their Own Lives! Wikipedia Offers Its Own Discussion & Examples of How Westerners Can Connect To The Incredibly Important Life-Lessons, Taught By the Tao Te Ching:So you may read more about Lao Tzu’s Ideas, which specifically support the essence of what ZMM says. I have especially selected the following excerpts from Wikipedia
Tao Te Ching, Discussion, & Passages, Excerpts from Wikipedia.
And so, "The pursuit of learning is to increase day after day. The pursuit of Tao, is to decrease the doing of the self, day after day." (chap. 48, tr. W. T. Chan) The Following 7 Groups Of Tao Te Ching, Enigmatic Poetic Assertions, Are Very Similar To Similar Assertions, Which Pirsig Offers In Chapter 20 Of ZMM.
Ineffability Of Genesis
The Way that can be told of is not an unvarying way;
The names that can be named are not unvarying names.
It was from the Nameless that Heaven and Earth sprang;
The named is but the mother that rears the ten thousand creatures, each after its kind. (chap. 1, tr. Waley)
Mysterious Female [The next six lines, fit approximately, Robert Pirsig’s “Quality”]
The Valley Spirit never dies
It is named the Mysterious Female.
And the doorway of the Mysterious Female
Is the base from which Heaven and Earth sprang.
It is there within us all the while;
Draw upon it as you will; it never runs dry. (chap. 6, tr. Waley)
Returning (Union With The Primordial)
In Tao the only motion is returning.
The only useful quality, weakness.
For though all creatures under heaven are the products of Being,
Being itself is the product of Not-being. " (chap. 40, tr. Waley)
Another Theme Is The Eternal Return, or what Mair (1990:139) calls "the continual return of the myriad creatures to the cosmic principle from which they arose.
There Is A Contrast Between The Rigidity Of Death And The Weakness Of Life:
… "When he is born, man is soft and weak; in death he becomes stiff and hard. The ten thousand creatures and all plants and trees while they are alive are supple and soft, but when dead they become brittle and dry." (chap. 76, tr. Waley). This is returning to the beginning of things, or to one's own childhood.
The Tao Te Ching Focuses Upon The Beginnings Of Society, And Describes A Golden Age In The Past, comparable with the ideas of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Human problems arose from the "invention" of culture and civilization. In this idealized past, “the people should have no use for any form of writing save knotted ropes, should be contented with their food, pleased with their clothing, satisfied with their homes, should take pleasure in their rustic tasks." (chap. 80, tr. Waley)
We put thirty spokes together and call it a wheel;
But it is on the space where there is nothing that the usefulness of the wheel depends.
We turn clay to make a vessel;
But it is on the space where there is nothing that the usefulness of the vessel depends.
We pierce doors and windows to make a house;
And it is on these spaces where there is nothing that the usefulness of the house depends.
Therefore just as we take advantage of what is, we should recognize the usefulness of what is not. (chap. 11, tr. Waley)
Philosophical vacuity is a common theme among Asian philosophical traditions including Taoism (especially Wu wei "effortless action"), Buddhism, and some aspects of Confucianism. One could interpret the Tao Te Ching as a suite of variations on the "Powers of Nothingness". This predates the Buddhist Shunyata philosophy of "form is emptiness, emptiness is form" by half a millennium. Looking at a traditional Chinese Landscape, one can understand how emptiness (the unpainted) has the power of animating the trees, mountains, and rivers it surrounds. Emptiness can mean having no fixed preconceptions, preferences, intentions, or agenda. Since "The Sage has no heart of his own; He uses the heart of the people as his heart." (chap. 49, tr. Waley). From a ruler's point of view, it is a laissez-faire approach: [So we might conclude the “emptiness”, applies to leader as follows: So A Wise Leader May Say:
"I practice inaction, and the people look after themselves."
But from the Sage it is so hard at any price to get a single word
That when his task is accomplished, his work done,
Throughout the country everyone says: “It happened of its own accord”. (chap. 17, tr. Waley).
Knowledge And Humility (<= This in next topic.) You may see the entire Wikipedia page here => https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tao_Te_Ching
As Always, We Say Thank You Wikipedia, For All Your Great Offerings!! For Those That Want To Learn MORE About, Lao-Tzu's “Tao Te Ching”, Or “Book Of The Way, Please 1) Click link above Wikipedia link, OR
2) Consult the collection of links at the bottom of this page, OR
3) Read Robert Pirsig’s own version of the “ Tao Te Ching “, in your own copy of ZMM, starting mid chapter 20, page 226 - 228, Bantam Paperback Edition, OR
4) For your convenience, next below, I have duplicated,. Page 226 -228, Robert Pirsig’s own version of the “ Tao Te Ching “, below: Please read on!!
Robert Pirsig’s Own Version Of “The Tao Te Ching “, Is Given As Part Of The Last Half Of Chapter 20, In ZMM.
… Phædrus remembered Hegel had been regarded as a bridge between Western and Oriental philosophy. The Vedanta of the Hindus, the Way of the Taoists, even the Buddha had been described as an absolute monism similar to Hegel’s philosophy. Phædrus doubted at the time, however, whether mystical Ones and metaphysical monisms were introconvertable since mystical Ones follow no rules and metaphysical monisms do. His Quality was a metaphysical entity, not a mystic one. Or was it? What was the difference?
The quality that can be defined is not the Absolute Quality. That was what he had said. The names that can be given it are not Absolute names.
Exactly. Quality [romantic Quality] and its manifestations [classic Quality] are in their nature the same. It is given different names [subjects and objects] when it becomes classically manifest.
Like the fountainhead of all things . . .
''Continuously, continuously it seems to remain. Draw upon it and it serves you with ease . . . ‘‘
Not by its rising is there light
And reverts again into the realm of nothingness
He who holds fast to the quality of old
… Phædrus read on through line after line, verse after verse of this, watched them match, fit, slip into place. Exactly. This was what he meant. This was what he’d been saying all along, only poorly, mechanistically. There was nothing vague or inexact about this book. It was as precise and definite as it could be. It was what he had been saying, only in a different language with different roots and origins. He was from another valley seeing what was in this valley, not now as a story told by strangers but as a part of the valley he was from. He was seeing it all He had broken the code.
Down To Here: This Page Has Been About How => “The ZMM Book Should Be Seen As ”A Westerners Guide To Eastern Thought”.… Also, You Dear Reader, Should Have Seen How "Westerners" Can Apply Zen To Their Own Lives!''' In The Process, You Should Have Read (And Now Understand), The Following “Three Different Takes” On Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching: A) A Tao Te Ching Meditative Reading which summarizes the Zen Built Into Zen & The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
B) Wikipedia Examples of How Westerners Can Connect To Life-Lessons Taught By the Tao Te Ching.
C) Read Robert Pirsig’s “ Tao Te Ching “ version, from ZMM, starting mid chapter 20. You will see this is a => Guide To Eastern Thought & Experience, Especially From Standpoint of The Tao Te Ching'' by Lao Tsu.
Now May We Suggest That You Go Back And “Compare And Contrast , How A), B), & C) May Be Saying The “Same Thing”?? A Final Thought, Prompted By An Expert’s Poignant Comment! Commenter Hangly says: ”If you read the Dao De Jing [Tao Te Ching], for gods sake find a reputable translation. 90% of the translations I encounter are packed to the gills with new-age hippie crap and/or just plain wrong … Sorry, China is my area of study and this is a pet peeve of mine.
This Is All For Now: Please Send Your Thoughts, Ideas, And Suggestions. Sincerely Henry S Gurr, ZMMQ Site Master.
Added Discussion: Concerning The ZMMQ WebSite & Photo Gallery, (Which You Currently Are Looking At, Including Contents Of Main Menu At Left): … IS IT SUFFICIENTLY “ZEN LIKE ”? Feedback from Michele Scott, a Freelance Computer & Management Consultant Who Assisted Me In Editing the ZMMQ WebSite Gallery Captions for Parts III and IV.
Accurate & Perceptive BOOKS That Help Westerners Understand Eastern Thought. (Found by Google ~July 2016. Additional Search Needed.) “The Complete Idiot's Guide to Philosophy.” By Jay Stevenson, PhD.
Continued: “The Complete Idiot's Guide to Philosophy.” By Jay Stevenson
Continued: Complete Idiot's Guide to Eastern Philosophy Paperback – January 9, 2000 by Jay Stevenson
Tao Te Ching
“Oriental Philosophy: A Westerner's Guide to Eastern Thought “ BY Stuart C. Hackett
Accurate & Perceptive WEBPAGES, That Help Westerner’s Understand Eastern Thought. (Found by Google ~July 2016. Additional Search Needed.) To people who studied eastern philosophy, how much different is it from western philosophy? (a self.ask philosophy) [A Good WebPage Presentation, that is quite accurate & perceptive.]
A Guide to the World’s Philosophers [A Good WebPage Presentation, that is quite accurate & perceptive.]
Links to Additional Reading Related to The Above Topics and Discussion: … 1) I Henry Gurr, would have read this book much sooner had I realized Pirsig based some 20 - 30% of ZMM on Northrop's book. Indeed some very, very, important (and key) ZMM assertions have evidently come from Northrop and probably would not have been discovered by Pirsig in any other way. Therefore a "must read" for Pirsig Pilgrims & ZMM Fans.
2) This Tao Te Ching book of 6th century BC Ancient Chinese Wisdom, is said to be nearly as widely published, as either the Ancient Hebrew Torah, or added together with, the subsequently incorporated versions into the Christian Bible.
5) If Tao lets itself be defined as Tao, then it is not genuine Tao." Just as Socratic thinking, a hundred years later, celebrated the precision with which language could dissect and categorize reality, the Tao Te Ching warned against the dangers of such rigid categorizations.
6) [This Additional Translation Of This Ancient Chinese Book] is the classic manual on the art of living, and one of the wonders of the world. In eighty-one brief chapters, the Tao Te Ching looks at the basic predicament of being alive and gives advice that imparts balance and perspective, a serene and generous spirit. This book is about wisdom in action. It teaches how to work for the good with the effortless skill that comes from being in accord with the Tao (the basic principle of the universe) and applies equally to good government and sexual love; to child rearing, business, and ecology. .. Stephen Mitchell's bestselling version has been widely acclaimed as a gift to contemporary culture.
7) A Comparative Philosophy: Chinese and Western by Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. '''
8) To a Remarkable Degree, ZMM Is Really Fourteen Very Different Books, Compiled Into One Amazing Very Readable Book! By Henry Gurr, ZMMQ Site Master What Is ZMM Book REALLY About? To Read Remainder Of page Click Here. 9) Why Read Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance (ZMM), by Henry S Gurr, ZMMQ Sitemaster.
10) Amazon.com Reader Reviews Say => A) What To Expect When Reading ZMM and B) How To Read ZMM the Best Easiest Way, and C) How To Read In A Way That Will Avoid Possible Frustrations, That May Come Up. '' The Best Ways To Read The ZMM Book ?To Read Remainder Of page Click Here. 11) Amazon.com Reader Reviews Say => A) How They Are Frustrated, Bitter, & Negative When Reading ZMM and B) Their Statements Are Here Analyzed To Identify And Address The Reason ZMM Book Readers Are So Turned Off. and C) If Readers Are Frustrated With ANY Book, What Constructively To Read “Differently”, That Will Avoid Possible Frustrations, That May Come Up. ''How Amazon.com Readers, Are Frustrated, Bitter, & Negative AND How To Avoid This When You Read The ZMM Book ?To Read Remainder Of page Click Here.
Composed By Henry Gurr 27Aug15 +; 04mar16;21July16 (For GoogResultsPage, has pmWiki Code for shorten title + BlindComment.), 4May22. 31July23.
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