![]() "Quality is the parent, the source of all subjects and objects." - Robert Pirsig |
ZMM Quality AcknowledgmentsBy Henry Gurr A Heartfelt Thank You to All Those Who Have Done So Much to Help Make This Website Possible To Robert Pirsig: Thank You For Promptly Answering Questions Over The Years From 2004 thru 2008. (See At Left Menu, For Link To These Letters. Below Are Examples Of Mr Pirsig’s Help. )…My March 2002 letter to Mr Pirsig told him of My Idea To Research & Photograph the ZMM Route, and. asked for his help in finding the route, In reply, Mr Pirsig sent me, On A CD, a copy of the then-existing Stven Lingqvist series of Newspaper Reports of following the ZMM Route.
Also Thanks Go To Robert Pirsig’s Wife Wendy Pirsig, For Promptly Answering Questions & Supplying Information.…For Example: When asked where was available a copy of Robert Pirsig’s letter to The Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, concerning “Quality in Freshman Composition”, which was later an oral presentation at The Rocky Mountain Modern Language Regional Convention, October 13, 1961. Mrs Porsig Said she had a copy, and would be glad to OCR and send me a digital copy.
To Paul Lewis, USCA Library Computer Guru, We Send Our Last Thank You and Final Goodbye: God Be With You, Paul
On January 3, 2011, I lost my good friend Paul Lewis. Paul died after a long battle with cancer, through which he suffered with fortitude and without complaint. He inspired those who knew him with his courage and grace throughout that long struggle. Paul was a loving husband and father, and will be terribly missed by his family and friends. He was a most willing and helpful expert to all at the University of South Carolina Aiken, where he served as the Government Documents Librarian. Paul was also a most excellent Computer Guru for anyone who had a question, especially with regard to Open Source Software. He was webmaster for the USCA Library website and for the ZMM Quality website as well. A son of the late Myron Lewis and Catherine Heniford Lewis, Paul was born in Washington, DC and raised in Horry County, SC. Paul earned a BA in English, a Masters of Library Science, and a Masters of Public Administration at the University of South Carolina in Columbia before moving to Aiken in 1987. Paul had been the Government Documents Librarian at USC-Aiken since 1987, retiring due to his health in July, 2010. He was a member of the SC Library Association and was active in The McGrath SeniorNet Learning Center at USCA. For more information about Paul’s life and his untimely passing, click here. Paul’s was the vision that started ZMM Quality.org and the ZMM Quality.org Gallery. Paul deftly guided the work necessary to bring to reality all that appears on the ZMM Quality site. Paul was the person who introduced me to the four Web Presentation Software Packages (all are Open Source) described on my Technology We Use webpage. He explained to me the virtues and power of these systems which have been used to upload, edit, and display the photos and text on the ZMMQ site.
We all feel that Paul left us too soon. With sadness and a heavy heart. Henry Gurr, ZMMQ Sitemaster. A Big Thank You to Dennis Gary for All His Hard Work and Excellent Contributions to the ZMMQ Site
The Sitemaster wishes to express his heartfelt thanks to Dennis Gary for investing so much personal energy in the effort to connect interested readers with the persons and personalities of the book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and its author, Robert Pirsig. The content that Mr. Gary has contributed to this website represents an incredible amount of time and dedication. Those who want to know more about Mr Gary, are encouraged to study the following ZMM-related memories on his pages =>
Thank You To Tina DeWeese For Her Many, Many Writing Contributions, To ZMMQ Site.… We here wish to thank Ms Tina DeWeese for her unfailing assistance, above and many other parts in our project, Relevant to ZMM, Robert Pirsig and Sarah Vinke(Ms DeWeese, over the years, has lived and known so many of these persons and places), comes through, full and clear. Ms DeWeese’ help, has been very generous, despite the fact that her real priorities (creating art, tending-enjoying horse, and gardening), have to wait.
Thank You to Andrew Geyer, ZMMQ Site Editor
The Sitemaster would like to thank USCA Professor Andrew Geyer for his efforts to help make the ZMMQ website as visitor-friendly as possible. Dr. Geyer’s goal as editor of the ZMMQ site has been to maximize the value of each stop on each visitor’s journey through the ZMMQ site while at the same time encouraging each visitor to circle back again. He has done a great job, bringing—along with his editorial expertise—his interest, enthusiasm, and care. We also thank Dr. Geyer for sharing with the visitors to the ZMMQ site his own encounters with Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Continuing Thank You’s Go To David J Matos, ZMMQ Site Editor.The ZMMQ Sitemaster would like to thank David Matos for his years and years of effort in edit perfecting the ZMMQ WebSite.
Created by Henry Gurr, ZMMQ Sitemaster, early March 2011. Edited by Andrew Geyer 10 March 2011, RevHsg240128-29.
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