![]() "Quality is the parent, the source of all subjects and objects." - Robert Pirsig |
NEWSPAPERS, OLD & NEW, Are An Excellent Source of Information, For ALL Kinds of Purposes!! Most Especially, Genealogy Researchers, & Authors Of => Books, Such As Biographies, Historical Texts, Novels, Etc.Below Are Henry Gurr’s Hints & Helpful Instructions For, How To Most Efficiently Use And Get The Most Out Of Newspapers.Com, which is the largest & easiest to use of all Newspaper Compilation WebSites! Also Given Will Be: 1) Suggested Examples of Newspapers.com search terms I, Henry Gurr, have used,
2) The general nature of the information you will discover, and
3) What and how much (statistics), of each type of article found, useful or not.
4) Other Newspaper & Literature Research Sources That Henry Gurr Is Aware Of.
To Writers and Document Researchers, Friends and Family: Newspapers.com is an excellent resource to a) Search for information
b) Get a copy of what you are looking for!!
Newspapers.com offers Articles for USA, and even some Worldwide. They have indexed Newspapers, from ~150 years ago, up to fairly recent times. This is really good and quite effective source of Newspaper Articles of ALL Topics, for Biographers & Other Book Authors, Genealogical Researchers, Political Activists, and even making a Person’s Family Biography! This site is easy to use, does not fight back, and gives fairly good photographic image copy, when you ask for a “Clipping”. (Of course, the original microfilm copy may be dark or smudgy, but this is usually not Newspapers.com’s fault.) As you will discover, Newspapers.com does NOT offer digital text for any content. Specific Instructions, How To Use Newspapers.com, about 8 Inches Below. First, You Should Know The Following =>… Newspapers.com has a 7 day free trial, that seems to make available everything they have. …. In other words during my Free Trial Usage => I was not aware of anything being held back, because I was on their 7-day free trial. BUT, to get the 7 day free trial, you have to do a FULL Sign-Up, and give your Credit Card Number: AND if you do not take careful specific action, you WILL AUTOMATICALLY., be billed for $74.90 for 6 months of service, This will happen, after your 7 days are over (at ~midnight?): ATTENTION: Make no mistake, this is what WILL happen!! AND: To get their advertised $19.95 for 1 month, (At the end of the 7 day free trial) You have to work quite hard to get this to be effective. (You may contact me about how I did this.) HERE: I MUST ADD => If you DO take careful specific action, you will be able to successfully, set up the billing, so at the end the 7-day offer, there will be zero $ credit card charges. With attention to detail, I have been able to do this.
A Useful Feature: You May Contact Newspapers.Com Using Their Webform At =>
a) ONLY, if you get confused, come back and read these instructions below!
b) OF-COURSE, after you can easily find your way around Newspapers.com, come back to these “instructions”, and read fully, to see if you have missed anything!
What I (Henry S Gurr), Found Out About Using Newspapers.com:Overall Newspapers.com Was A GREAT Resource For Important & Needed Information, Used In Writing My Sarah Vinke Biography.Plus A Few User HINTS & HELPS, Along The Way: A) My Actual Thought At the Time: “This Internet Resource, https://www.newspapers.com/ is pretty dang good overall !!!”
B) For example => A complex search (9 Key Words), it near instantly found both Newspapers I already had found, using Google search => ... Vinke Memorial Little International Livestock Show Grand Champion 1935 ....
C) BUT I realize in doing above, that a search phrase with ALL Nine Key Words will be narrowed down to JUST & ONLY include articles with ALL OF MY KEY WORDS, someplace on any one Newspaper Day’s Publication. AND UN like google, will absolutely NOT bring in any “extras”, or “closely related topics”.
D) Because of C), I tried to use SAME search phrase on Google's Site, to get a wide (all inclusive) search: But somehow, Google for this, was not really a better way …. Google with this search phrase, found merely a few of what Newspapers.com found, when I did a less-specific search phrase of just 2 or 3 words, as explained next =>
So …I conclude ... the BEST is a FOUR STEP search for the Topic Desired =>1) FIRST explore the general kind of search results (hits) you will get, by your search phrase Key Words on Google. (You likely will notice that the hits may even include a few hits from https://www.newspapers.com/ )
2) SECOND, you may also want to use Google, so as to shift the emphasis, and/or not miss something => Thus to get Google results that are SPECIFICALLY on Newspapers.com: You do this =>
a) You use Google’s specialized (so named) “advanced search” =>
b) This is done by=> You type into the Google Search Box, the whole complete, line next down, with the colon and periods all in the same places. For example =>
Louis Vinke Sarah Vinke site:https://www.newspapers.com/ 3) THIRD: And since 2) above most likely will yield just a small portion of what Newspapers.com has to offer, then you should use a less-specific search phrase of 2 or 3 Key Words: To do this, use their search box on the center of the page that comes up here => https://www.newspapers.com/
4) FOURTH: BE SURE TO NOTICE THAT IN 3), you may additionally, NARROW your search by click on TWO options (center of the page) =>
a) Click on the “Add more Info” and
b) Click on the “See [News]Papers By Location”.
c) Adding “quote” marks will get that exact phrase => “Louis Vinke” married “Sarah Jennings”
F) BIG HINT For Your Work in Newspapers.com:
G) In Newspapers.com => After you have typed in your search phrase of 2 or 3 Key Words, then click to “Search”: This is when a long list of Hits will come up => Each “Hit”, will show a compact view of each Newspaper Article found, with the date and name of the newspaper, and in a small window, you will see each of your search phrase of 2 or 3 Key Words ,highlighted: This of course, speeds up you sifting for the gold! .
H) OOPS: What IF your web browser gets accidently closed, (in the middle of your “sifting for the gold”, as happened to me mid-way in my study of my 1090 item search results) … That’s no problem, simply reload it (from your browsers “History” or “Recently closed tabs”), It will go back (fairly close), to where you were before!! (This happened to me three times, using Chrome Browser, and this is a very nice feature!) (Please let me know if this is different in other Browsers, such as Safari, Opera, Firefox, Internet-Explorer, Edge, Etc.) (Editor’s note – the keyboard combination “Ctrl + Shift + T” reopens your last closed tab in both Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers) I) After studying each result, you can click to make a “Clipping”. AND In the viewer that comes up, you will see just what the original newspaper looked like: Click “find on page”, and you can type-in your Clipping Description & why you were looking for it. (An option to type-in your Clipping Title also will come up.) Automatically, the date and name of the Newspaper Article will be also automatically included in your clipping. After you click on “Clip”, you will be provided with choices a) Email, b) Text, c) Save to computer, d) etc. These work well. Most of my “Clipping” were saved to my computer. But having “Saved to Computer”, my “Clipping” was also automatically “Saved” into Newspapers.com’s own database, where subsequently, the public can log-on the Newspapers.com, supply the proper link (see “A Nice Feature” At “L)” below), and then click on the clipping, and you can open the file into a pdf viewer, to view the “Clipping”. J) In doing I) above, I found it is easy typing-in my Title & Description (into the viewer that comes up), But if you make a mistake, it turns out that you can NOT mouse drag to highlight (to select for editing), or other editing actions you normally use. For this reason, it will be best for you to type both Title & Description, in a Word Processor, be sure these are correct, and subsequently C&P into the Newspaperrs.com "Clippings" Edit Box. … (Please scroll-down, about 10 inches, to => “A Very BIG Nice Feature” to view examples of my own “Clips”. AND of course, learn by example, how to tell others to view your own “Clips”!) K) As I did F) above (in my Chrome Browser), I studied each Newspapers.com Hit, and successfully was able to make 10 “Clippings”. BUT as I eventually got near the END of, my HUGE 1090 item search results, I found that it took VERY long time (for my computer screen) to eventually respond to any of my 1) mouse wheel-scroll up or down, or
2) click drag view bar, at right of the screen, or
3) click the icon (which looks like a small triangle pointing to the right), to cycle thru article finds in the small box.
So, you should BE READY FOR THIS, WHEN IT HAPPENS on HUGE list of Hits, and just NOT get in a hurry. (Otherwise, you may MISS the BIG, what you are looking for!) L) Some Very Nice Features:
a) Clipping Title,
b) Clipping Description and
c) The automatically provided Newspaper Name, date, and page #.
NOTE1: These are in digital text, so they are easy to ClickDragHilite and then C&P, into your article into some other document.
A VERY BIG NICE FEATURE!My Ten Newspaper.com, “Clippings” Are Free (No Log-In), Public Access!! Here Is How To See Them With These Steps =>
D) For now, you dear reader, you click on the Blue Link below, for a free (no pass word), trial user, and tell me (by email), how well viewing my clippints works, for you. In Addition To Henry Gurr’s “How To Use Newspapers.Com,” Seen Above, Here Are Other Tutorial Guides You May Wish To Study, In Order Listed => END Newspapers.com Hints & Helps by HSG ,
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