"Quality is the parent, the source of all subjects and objects." - Robert Pirsig |
Many who hear about Robert Pirsig’s Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance ask, even after reading the book,What is ZMM Really About? Although I am not an expert, below is my reply, to this question, originally from Ben Hughes, on Miles City Forums
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (ZMM) Is Really MANY Books! 1) A story of a man in search of himself.
2) A suspense/mystery novel.
3) An autobiography.
4) A father and son story.
5) A travelogue.
6) A book about "living in the now". That's the Zen part.
7) A book about right living & Quality living.
8) A How-To-Guide, for building and achieving your own values.
9) A book about university education and good writing, with insightful & powerful use of analogy & metaphor. (And an example of good writing, despite complex topics sometimes.)
10) A Self-Help (or Self-Improvement) Book, which accomplishes 6) thru 9) above.
11) A book with the beginnings of a philosophy of mind, using the brain’s abilities to associate, use metaphor, and find solutions! This is through the ability to instantly see what is good and of value, what Pirsig calls Quality: As you will learn in this document, this ability is built into us from the very beginnings! Thus since the beginning of life on earth, the ability to find best (or near best) brain solutions, was most likely to increase biological fitness.
12) A book that sets up a (new) foundation for western science and philosophy. ZMM establishes a foundation for western philosophy, where none now exists, strange as this may seem!
13) A book that is a Westerner’s Guide to Tao Te Ching, and to Zen Eastern Philosophy and Thought ; as well as help for Westerners to understand the ways of Zen-Like thinking of Eastern people, and even the people themselves. Moreover, ZMM guides the reader to live more in the present, and in achieving peace of mind and why. More details on this aspect of ZMM are available here, at my page called Westerner’s Guide to Tao Te Ching.
14) A Book That is An Overall Introduction To Trouble-Shooting, Problem Solving, Fixing, Not Getting Stuck, Keeping Your Wits, AND Keeping Up A Good Attitude, Despite Frustrations, & Set-Backs. Approximately 20% of ZMM truly is about a) Motorcycle Maintenance AND b) The Human Thinking Required for ANY Good Maintenance. This necessarily includes much deep Philosophy!
… Thus, ZMM examines the issues of how we think, and how we come to know anything, and relates these issues to Peace of Mind. In other words, as you are doing any => Maintenance, Trouble-Shooting, and Fixing, ZMM will help you, as Mr Pirsig Says, achieve, An inner peace of mind. That’s what you are after!
Here Is The Testimony Of Computer Expert & Computer Book Author, Nicolai Langfeld. who says => “Another must for good DNS administration (or good anything for that matter) is Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig.”
“A motorcycle functions entirely in accordance with the laws of reason, and a study of the art of motorcycle maintenance is really a miniature study of the art of rationality itself. The motorcycle is primarily a mental phenomenon. ”
ZMM Combines These Many Individual "Books" (And A Virtually Endless Array Of Others) Into A Kind Of Matrix For Approaching The World And Living Life: Thus You Can See, Why Readers Say "ZMM Is Hard To 'Peg'".By Henry S Gurr, ZMMQ SiteMaster. ZMM forces any alert adult reader to think a great deal about his or her own self: about values, about life, and about the relationship between the two. Alert adult readers of ZMM find themselves faced with crucial questions: What am I doing in life? Why am I at this job or at this institution of higher learning? In general, ZMM supports the “student" whether he or she is in enrolled in the School of Hard Knocks or in a College or University. ZMM shows the “student" how vitally important it is to thoughtfully combine science and humanities and personal values in any endeavor. The ideas in "Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" (ZMM) will offer any serious reader deep and revolutionary truths concerning the whole process of achieving and living a quality life. This book can, and has, changed lives; as is attested in many Amazon.com reviews. (See link below.) In ZMM we are shown how best to work with (and within) our own God-given psychological and material resources. For example, the roles of analogy, metaphor, and the Flash of Insight are shown to be fundamental to human thinking and learning. Author Robert Pirsig points out how proper learning is often prevented by basic aspects of our present day culture, most especially in our schools and universities. Pirsig patiently instructs us how to learn carefully and improve our lives, despite the deficiencies of our individual upbringing and/or the society around us. Written in a manner that is accessible and maintains interest, ZMM covers science, philosophy, scientific troubleshooting, problem-solving, the process of scientific discovery, the structure of science itself, and more. For this reason, ZMM is required reading in many university classes and was used as an auxiliary text for six years in both of my physics classes. "Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" Has an Impact Much Like the Ancient "Tao Te Ching" by Lao Tzu.Robert Pirsig's book, like Lao Tzu's, is a practical guide to life and living, ... a handbook to help "Westerners" apply Zen to their lives. Read the following paragraph from Gia-fu Feng and Jane English’s classic translation of the Tao Te Cheng meditatively; it also says what ZMM is all about. "The philosophy of Lao Tsu is simple: Accept what is in front of you without wanting the situation to be other than it is. Study the natural order of things and work with it rather than against it, for to try to change what is only sets up resistance. Nature provides everything without requiring payment or thanks and also provides for all without discrimination — therefore let us present the same face to everyone and treat all men as equals, however they may behave. If we watch carefully, we will see that work proceeds more quickly and easily if we stop ‘trying,’ if we stop putting in so much extra effort, if we stop looking for results. In the clarity of a still and open mind, truth will be reflected. We will come to appreciate the original meaning of the word ‘understand’; which means ‘to stand under’. We serve whatever or whoever stands before us, without any thought for ourselves. Te — which may be translated as ‘virtue’ or ‘strength’ — lies always In Tao, or ‘natural law’. In other words: Simply be." Other Ways To Understand What ZMM Author Robert Pirsig Has Written.
Excerpts From ZMM Book Illustrate The Achieving of Good In Maintenance, Trouble-Shooting, & Fixing. ZMM Helps With ANY Problem => Motorcycle, Computer, or Otherwise:”In ZMM, the idea that Quality leads to ‘Peace of Mind’, is so important, that Mr. Pirsig repeats it twenty-seven times, in ZMM. As Pirsig writes => "Peace of mind isn’t at all superficial, really," I expound. "It’s the whole thing. That which produces it is good maintenance; that which disturbs it is poor maintenance. What we call workability of the machine is just an objectification of this peace of mind. The ultimate test’s always your own serenity. If you don’t have this when you start and maintain it while you’re working you’re likely to build your personal problems right into the machine itself." … “The difference between a good mechanic and a bad one, like the difference between a good mathematician and a bad one, is precisely this ability to select the good facts from the bad ones on the basis of Quality. He has to care! This is an ability about which formal traditional scientific method has nothing to say. It’s long past time to take a closer look at this qualitative preselection of facts [selecting good facts, by our mind] which has seemed so scrupulously ignored by those who make so much of these facts after they are "observed." I think that it will be found that a formal acknowledgment of the role of Quality in the scientific process doesn’t destroy the empirical vision at all. It expands it, strengthens it and brings it far closer to actual scientific practice.” … “The test of the machine is the satisfaction it gives you. There isn’t any other test. If the machine produces tranquility it’s right. If it disturbs you it’s wrong until either the machine or your mind is changed. The test of the machine’s always your own mind.
“You don’t have to go fishing, of course, to fix your motorcycle. A cup of coffee, a walk around the block, sometimes just putting off the job for five minutes of silence is enough. When you do you can almost feel yourself grow toward that inner peace of mind that reveals it all. That which turns its back on this inner calm and the Quality it reveals is bad maintenance. That which turns toward it is good. The forms of turning away and toward are infinite but the goal is always the same.
[ Pirsig then generalizes this to all of life: ]
“So the thing to do when working on a motorcycle, as in any other task, is to cultivate the peace of mind which does not separate one’s self from one’s surroundings. When that is done successfully then everything else follows naturally. Peace of mind produces right values, right values produce right thoughts. Right thoughts produce right actions and right actions produce work which will be a material reflection for others to see of the serenity at the center of it all. That was what it was about that wall in Korea. It was a material reflection of a spiritual reality.”… You should remember that it’s peace of mind you’re after and not just a fixed machine… END ZMM Excerpts Re Maintenance, Trouble-Shooting, Fixing, and Peace of Mind.
Further Explanation of ”What Is ZMM Really About?”, Comes In Robert Pirsig’s SECOND Book LILA , where his Quality, is explained as two actions => Static Quality and Dynamic Quality A) -Ryan George, ZMMQ Site Editor Explains => Static Quality and Dynamic Quality.
--oOOo-- Sarah Passages by Robert Pirsig, In His Book =>Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance . She [Sarah Vinke] came trotting by with her watering pot between those two doors, going from the corridor to her office, and she said, ‘I hope you are teaching Quality to your students.’
I know that she came back a second time and asked, ‘Are you really teaching Quality this quarter?’
A few days later when Sarah trotted by again she stopped and said, ‘I’m so happy you’re teaching Quality this quarter. Hardly anybody is these days.’
‘Well, I am,’ he said. ‘I’m definitely making a point of it.’ ‘Good.’ she said, and trotted on.
--oOOo-- B) My Explanation of Static Quality and Dynamic Quality, (& How These Come About), As Brain Processes In Our Own Mind According To My My Proto Theory of Mind. Overall Mr. Pirsig’s => 1) Static Quality, 2) Dynamic Quality & 3) We Know What Is Best, Mutually Fits & Supports My Proto Theory => 4) Optimal Problem Solution Mentally Arrive into our Conscious Mind.
By SiteMaster Henry Gurr … Robert Pirsig and Sarah Jennings Vinke, were Professors of English & Rhetoric at Montana State University: The three passages above in italics, are Mr Pirsig’s report of what Sarah said about Quality.
But To Fully See What the Book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Is Really About, Requires Reading & Understanding => Static Quality and Dynamic Quality, => in Mr Pirsig’s SECOND Book LILA .
The following are excerpts from where James (JE) and I (HG), conduct A Dialog On Quality: Worked into this Dialog, is just how Mr. Pirsig’s Static Quality and Dynamic Quality, operate (i.e. come about), in our own Mind, as delineated in my Proto Theory of Mind. --oOOo-- HG -- With these three statements (see italics above, separated by the “oOOo”), Sarah herself started a new and expanded understanding and usage for the word Quality. It is this vastly expanded meaning that is used throughout the 2nd half of ZMM. Now after ZMM came out, readers asked a host of questions, which forced Pirsig to do a tremendous amount of further thinking. His answers were written into his Second book LILA .
JE – So are you saying that Static Quality is what’s in your head? HG – Yes, everything that’s in my head and everything I see around me. Now to make a restricted definition, Static Quality is everything that’s around me, that’s already in existence, that I’m aware of, or can be aware of. Now… JE – I don’t really get this. If you’re saying that Quality is just thoughts in your head, I don’t see how that tallies with Sarah’s insistence on Quality as a particular positive attribute of something. HG - It might become clearer if I explain what Dynamic Quality is according to Pirsig’s thinking. While Static Quality is everything that already exists in your mind. It’s already what’s in the freight train box cars; it already has happened. In contrast to Static Quality, Pirsig introduces Dynamic Quality, which is the action of our mind [Our Problem Solving Brain], finding and opening up the next split second of our life. Pirsig calls this ‘the cutting edge of reality’, which could also be called the cutting edge of new awareness, or the cutting edge of life’s next experience. In his railroad train analogy, Pirsig says of Dynamic Quality, ‘it’s the very front skin of the freight train locomotive’. Thus Dynamic Quality is that which is actively and always moving forward, just as the very front of the freight train engine is always cutting, Dynamically, into new territory. And just as soon as this cutting edge has happened, we now have into mind thoughts and memories. And these thoughts plus memories, are now Static Quality, because they now exist, in your mind. Static Quality is the very thing that builds into your memory & knowledge, a split-second after Dynamic Quality has caused its leading edge to go wherever it goes, as Pirsig says: ‘Following the (railroad] track of Quality’. JE – I understand this but it seems a bit abstract to me. It doesn’t seem closely related to what you’ve described of Quality as being people’s way of using their brains to solve problems. Which, by the way, has always seemed to me, from the moment you mentioned it to me, a wise and interesting way of understanding Quality. I mean, I personally feel that this biography of Sarah needs to be very clear in what its concepts are and maybe really clearer, than Pirsig sometimes is. And basically what you say is that Quality is indeed people using their brains to solve problems and it’s the result of evolution giving people brains that allow them to solve problems.
HG – Yes, let me pick this up in the following way. Your meaning of quality, ‘quality of’, as relates to ‘product or service’, is just one meaning, and a very restricted one. But Sarah and Pirsig’s meaning vastly expands the meaning of Quality. Their Quality refers to a perception of an ‘immediate participatory relationship’, which is an action of our mind: Quality, especially Pirsig’s Dynamic Quality, is our brain’s ability to perceive problems and proceed to solve those problems: And this is another way to say what I said above about Pirsig’s Dynamic Quality, as ‘the cutting edge’. Now it’s important to see these two ways of describing, fit each other, and also fit with the achieving of ‘The Good’. Including as a by-product, good answers, and good results in the very second by second process of all of our lives: Thus Dynamic Quality includes, but also goes way beyond just quality technology products.
Quality, [is] the leading edge …. The cutting edge of this instant right here and now is always nothing less than the totality of everything there is. Value, [i.e. Quality] is the leading edge of reality. … ‘All of it. Every last bit of it.’
HG – To take a concrete example: in this Dialog you are sometimes posing questions for me. Now in response [and this is the action of Dynamic Quality) I have to perceive your question. I have to prepare and formulate answers in my mind, then my audio system must change those apparent thoughts in my mind to English words, then English sentences. then these sentences must come out with a voice, in a clear enunciation, with clear, complete, direct answers which carry wholly my meaning, feeling, and understanding of what I want to say.
Now, in answer to that eternal student question, How do I do this? that had frustrated him to the point of resignation, he could reply, "It doesn’t make a bit of difference how you do it! Just so it’s good." [ie Result of Dynamic Quality in action.] The reluctant student might ask in class, "But how do we know what’s good?" but almost before the question was out of his mouth he would realize the answer had already been supplied. Some other student would usually tell him, "You just see it." [ie Result of Dynamic Quality in action] If he said, "No, I don’t," he’d be told, "Yes, you do. He proved it." The student was finally and completely trapped into making quality judgments for himself. [ie Student now understands and uses Dynamic Quality!] And it was just exactly this and nothing else that taught him to write.
HG – This is of course is what they should achieve, in any and every aspect of life.
‘Art is [any] endeavor. Whether it’s gonna come out right or not. It’s still Art. It’s what you do. It’s who you are as a person that makes it Art of not Art.’
JE – Yes, I understand that. And now I can relate to the idea of Static and Dynamic Quality in the following terms. The distinction between the two types of Quality works very well in the relation to the history of technology, because after all the issue of technology you could argue is simply the answers that we human beings have come up with to solve a particular problem. Which is at the heart of why the technology exists.
‘Quality should not be considered subjective, Quality should be considered as reality itself.’ That’s very important. And if you can get that reality itself which is free from subjectivity, free from ego, you have Art.’
HG – Now to Sarah Vinke’s use of the idea Quality and the word Quality, let me add-in some thoughts that build from Pirsig’s Railroad Train Analogy: Dynamic Quality is the cutting edge of ourselves, and our society, and indeed the whole universe. So, Quality, particularly Dynamic Quality, is the cutting edge of our whole reality, and that’s what Pirsig got a-hold of and worked on and worked on and worked on. And this cutting edge, called Dynamic Quality, is an automatic problem solving ability we have in ourselves, and it most certainly is an important part of our being. Pirsig says it’s the leading edge of the freight train engine, that opens up new territory, but just as soon as that territory is entered, just ever so slightly, the thickness of a coating of paint, it becomes Static Quality, in those boxcars following along on the track of Quality. For example, to the contents of those boxcars, are added our newly learned, skills and knowledge. HG – This same conclusion, is also implied in all of ZMM, where Dynamic Quality is the cutting edge of reality’, and makes our reality (i.e. topic of Constructivism), ‘All of it. Every last bit of it.’ [ << Which in my Proto Theory, is another result of our Problem Solving Brain.]
The Quality which creates the world [in our Minds], emerges as a relationship between man and his experience. He is a participant in the creation of all things. … Quality is the continuing stimulus which our environment puts upon us to create the world in which we live. All of it. Every last bit of it.
HG – Now, in our mind, how is this actually being done? We can best understand all this with the physics model of Princeton Physicist J J Hopfield: He created a Mathematical Theory, that showed for a biological brain, that Single, All At Once (such as a Flash of Insight), Optimal Solutions To Surrounding World Complex Input, is indeed possible, indeed likely. Thus Hopfield says essentially, that our human problem solving ability, (an action Pirsig calls Quality) is a natural property of our God given brain. From this we can see, that Pirsig’s Dynamic Quality, is an ability, really an intrinsic property, of our own physical-biological human mind. And from this naturally follows, that the Hopfield Theory strongly supports what Pirsig is saying and points to just how it is that our brain, as a physical system, can automatically discover good answers, i.e. good solutions, to what I would call ‘life’s problems coming at us’. (Pirsig calls this the result of Dynamic Quality) And these solutions (some of which are perceptions and insights) are to be understood as constructing, in our mind, the whole universe, as Pirsig says. ‘Every last bit of it.’ This quoted phrase is asserted four times in ZMM, so Pirsig surely must really mean this. HG – From this our readers should go on to realize that Philosophic Constructivism is the general foundational undergirding of ZMM. This is most apparent when Pirsig uses the word ‘construct’, specifically with this meaning, NINE times in ZMM, quoting Albert Einstein and Henri’ Poincare’, along the way. [Construct or Constructivism is used with this meaning in my Proto Theory 67 times! ]
The sun of quality,’ he wrote, ‘does not revolve around the subjects and objects of our existence. It does not just passively illuminate them. It is not subordinate to them in any way. It has created them. They are subordinate to it.
Some ZMM Readers Find ZMM Difficult. The Following TWO Links Offer My Guidance A) My Reading ZMM with Enjoyment and Lack of Frustration Is Here. B) My Own Suggestions As To What Causes Reader Extreme Dislike of ZMM Are Here. Some of the 4-Star & 5-Star Amazon ZMM Reviewers offer guidance for enjoyable reading of ZMM. And they also offer their ideas about the causes of frustration in reading ZMM. These are collected and collated here. You may read more here => Amazon.com ZMM book "Editorial Reviews" and "Customer Reviews". Resources For Further Reading:What ZMM Is Really About, May Be Also Discerned By Looking For It, In My “Why Read Zen and the Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance “ by Henry S Gurr, ZMMQ Sitemaster.
You May Also See Much of What ZMM Is Really About, By Reading-This-Into What 4-Star & 5-Star Amazon ZMM Reviewers say what they what they found in ZMM!
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Just In Case You Haven’t Already Figured, I Am Totally Convinced Of The importance & Long Term, Outstanding Worth of Robert Pirsig’s Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
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