“How & Why We Procrastinate.” By Henry Gurr
I believe the Procrastination Cycle, Is because our Problem Solving Brain, is trying to do two mutually conflicting things, which are mutually blocking each other, at the same time, as follows:
I) The person has a Big Important Job to do, and being a good competent worker, wants to do it, and get it done well, and completed on-time. BUT
II) The persons mind-body, from long repeated experience, automatically, spontaneously knows what’s ahead => Another stressful, adverse, body depriving, near pain filled, go around of this agony producing, awful conflicting procrastination experience.
III) So naturally the person’s Problem Solving Brain with its, mind-body automatic spontaneous pain avoidance, sets in => With all kinds of (automatic, spontaneous, unconscious avoidance tendency behaviors), that un-consciously successfully Delay And Put-Off Starting! the pain producing effort, called “Starting The Big Important Job” t!!
This Cycle Typically Afflicts Good Workers, For The Reason They Are Good Workers:
… They are conscientious. They want to do a good job, which meets their own high quality standards, often perfectionist standards, which make the personal doubt & procrastination worse: Also these persons are often perfectionists, as the below WebPage excerpts attest.
… But what comes consciously into play is their own self-doubt, in face of huge demands ahead, such as => They are facing an unknown: They often have no idea what is needed to complete job (especially to do if with high quality), how it might look when done, and have not a clue even how to start:
… These unknowns make for => More self-doubt & more lack of self-confidence, even fear! … Meanwhile the un-conscious, automatic, spontaneous, tendency for delay & avoidance is intensifying with deadline getting ever closer!
… This is when the person (typically consciously & totally unawares) of these “Un-conscious mind-body causing avoidance, ends up finding all kinds of "other things to do", that they (again mostly un-consciously), are rationalize as priority, and divert to do them.
… Ultimately, they may eventually consciously realize they are themselves doing this, and in retrospect realize that, this automatic, spontaneous, “finding all kinds of "other" things to do”, is an integral part of procrastination!
As Outlined Above => The Person’s Whole Mind-Body, Automatically KNOWS What Is Coming =>
… At the final deadline hour approaches, there will be non-stop crash course, to get it all done with hi-quality, and with-in the rapidly shortening deadline!
… Ahead the person’s mind-body, knows almost with certainty, there will be anxiety filled, punishing, painful hours, likely with no food (except much coffee), very tired legs, hands, & wrists (even Carpel Tunnel pain), plus loss of sleep:
… And because time has become so short, there will not be, even any rest breaks, or any fun, or relaxation, or any form of relief!
…. Plus … all the while consciously in mind … in view of their own obvious failure to even start the Big Important Job, they will feel evermore guilty, self-hatred, & loathing, with consequent even more loss of self-confidence!…
… These persons think => ' “What’s wrong with me?” … “Why can’t I control this?” … “And why have I put this off so long by now? => That I have even more doubt, that I will be able to finish on time.”
… Of course, all the while, the person’s mind-body, nevertheless, opposes and blocks, diverts to => “finding all kinds of "other" things to do”, , which will tend to create ever more mounting delay & avoidance!
Some Questions To Consider =>
… A) Is This A Simple Case Of Un-Conscious Mind At Warfare, With The Conscious Mind? (Our Conscious System, being an Evolutionary Late-Comer, and not always adaptive?) OR =>
… B) Is This A Mal-Adaptive Case, Peculiar To Humans, where NEITHER of these two Mutually Opposing Forces, can eventually wins over the other, as is normally the case, through standard feedback leaning and adaption?
… C) Any Other Questions Here? Please Send Email.
Some Possible Answers To Consider =>
… A) Procrastination Is A Case Where The General Problem Solving Brain, Is Observed To Oscillate Between “Two Mutually Conflicting Things”, Two Conflicting (Mutually Incompatible) Mental States, That Are Spelled Out As I) And II) At The Top Of This WebPage, You Are Currently Reading.
… Observations from Gestalt Psychology, concerning “bi-stable states” provides some clues to what is happening in the procrastination cycle: These “bi-stable states” most noticeably occur in Visual Perception and Binocular Vision, such as respectively the “Old Lady vs Young Lady Picture & The Necker Cube Oscillation, being the most familiar. These reflect, as in the case of The Procrastination Cycle: as mutually antagonistic, bi-stable, approximately equally coherent, mental states, that can totally block each other, but never-the-less, persist for a long time. These Bi-Stable Examples Are Discussed In My YouTube Video: Click Here.
… Moreover, As In The Case Of Procrastination, These Mutually Conflicting Bi-Stable, “Forces / Tendencies”, Seem Not To Respond To The Automatic Corrective Normal Learning Feedback =>
… This is of course what we clearly see in procrastination, and thus possibly a “theory” answer. But as yet I am unaware of any experimental proof.
… Please note well by contrast => In the course of a person’s normal life the normal tendency is for our normal learning system, by corrective feedback action over several learning instances, to automatically enhance one of the mutually conflicting states, so one of then gradually wins over and eliminates the other. But unfortunately, this does not happen in case of procrastination.
… B) So, What Is the Procrastinator To Do? => If You Can’t Beat It Join It!! But Start Early:
… Below Will Be My Recommended “Personal Habits & Practical Disciplines”, Which Are The Direct Out-Come of Henry Gurr’s “Theory Explanation of How Our Mind Works”.
1) You should => Learn to identify, when procrastinating is un-consciously, about to happen (or is happening): This allows you to consciously think of corrective actions, your mind-body will comfortably accept. Such as =>
2) Whenever you become consciously aware, that The Procrastination Cycle is about to happen (or is happening), =>Take conscious steps to increase pleasure & reduce pain!!
3) Since the “Big Important Job” is so fearful & uncertain, start early with very easy comfortable baby steps, that are less fearful and stressful:
4) At the exact moment you happen (for example), to think of “an easy baby step” (or even a hard one), immediately write it down. And then start looking for a time that => You are rested & comfortable enough, ‘to actually start on it”
5) This is because your mind (in merely thinking of a “possible-next-step), has demonstrated that your mind in a small way is “ready to go” at least this small amount! AND being this much “on go”, should be “easier to keep going”.
6) This advantage being true means => You don’t consciously have to force yourself, b/c your mind is Already there! [Here HSG has a Flash of Insight AHA, which is this 8) below. ]
7) This relates to an observation I’ve made when working with students: Whatever the student is doing, the teacher Must Not interrupt!! It is far better to allow any existing student thinking to go to completion, on their own! This is because, for any person, it took their brain a lot of effort to create an existing thought, and we better take it that the person’s own brain had good reasons for going there, and thus we must allow completion!! …. Similarly … I your mind is Already “ready to go” at least this small amount … Then This is your easier, natural, opportunity “to keep going” !
Thus: In General => When you happen to happen think
“I better get a grip, get started”, you should do the following, if at all possible =>
a) Write out a simple, easy, plan of the things to do, including resources, and research needed. Then later add numbers, showing priority, at least as far as your conscious mind is concerned! …
a) If your UN-conscious mind-body balks at doing your conscious priority, then as Mr Bailey suggests (see article below), “Do something — Do anything — Just get started. This is because => It’s easier to keep going with a task after, you’ve overcome the initial hump of starting it in the first place. That’s because the tasks that induce procrastination are rarely as bad as we think.”.
b) As Mr Baily says => “Getting started on something forces a subconscious reappraisal of that work, where we might find that the actual task sets off fewer triggers than we originally anticipated.”
c) Thus consciously => Be alert to those times (and conditions), when you see your UN-conscious mind-body, happens to have, less resistance, and more of a go state: … For example, when you have finished other important work, and from this, have just a small bit of “go-power” left over => … This is a good time for “just a small baby step”, which you then do. … Such a small step can build confidence, and lead to other times, when you can take another “just a small baby step”. For example, perhaps start a “late at night habit” , such as d) next below =>
d) For most people, and especially procrastinators => A good “late at night habit” => When you are getting ready to “close up for the night” 1) Decide what should be worked-on next morning first thing. 2) Lay out on your work table (or pull up needed materials onto your computer screen.), the materials you will need. 3) And organize them into order of work needed. 4) This way, you mind has all night to “getting up to speed” on this work, and 5) And this way, your next morning’s work is immediately there, all set up, ready to go: This way it is fairly easy to “get going on”, and “stepping around procrastination”, actually start working on that “Big Important Job” t!! .
e) Similar to above “late at night habit” , => Try a habit of scheduling say 20 minutes of work, daily BEFORE your second cup of morning coffee, or any food. This could be a small comfortable effort, that has promise of coffee comfort reward. And thus easier to get started on. AND since habits are always easier, the “20 minutes right after coffee” (or food), might form a nice habit!!
f) Your conscious mind will be far happier, if some progress is actually happening!! Try to hang on to this thought, as you are trying to convince yourself to make the first or next “just a small baby step”. :
f) Remind yourself, that => “The fear, uncertainty, and guilt, are FAR worse than an actual start on a small step: ”.
8) To provide a Framework For Action =>
Be sure you fully understand my Theory of The Procrastination Cycle, discussed above & below: (Also consult other experts, and their writing that makes sense for you.)
AND From This Framework For Action, You Should Intellectually, Consciously, Realize That =>
a) Your will power + logical thinking ALONE, will be of absolutely NO help with your procrastination. AND
b) It is your own behavior, which keeps you totally blocked, and totally locked into The Mal-Adaptive Procrastination Cycle!
c) This Is because your problem solving brain (un-consciously, automatically, spontaneously), is trying to do two mutually conflicting things, which are mutually blocking, and totally stopping, each other. And consciously aware thinking i) Does not have much any power over Automatic, Spontaneous Un-Conscious Brain Processes, nor ii) Does consciously aware thinking have much ability supply any correctives.
10) Your Clear Understanding Of These Abpve a) b) & c), should help you “see” the Conflicting Procrastination Bind you are in, provide clear thinking, so your conscious mind (and will power) can join forces with your UN-conscious automatic spontaneous mind-body, and gradually escape The Procrastination Cycle:!
Remember: If You Can’t Beat It Join It!! Then Take Small Non-Scary '' “Just A Small Baby Step”! And Do So Only When Your Mind Is => ALREADY PARTLY THERE!
Your conscious mind will be far happier, if some progress is actually happening!!
Try to hang on to this thought =>
As you are trying to convince yourself to make “The First Very Small Easy Baby Step”.
OTHER Mal-Adaptive Behaviors Humans Get Locked Into:
Besides Procrastination, there are a host of other human behaviors, that similarly, do not respond to normal automatic corrective feedback, as mentioned above. These are addictions (alcohol, drug, substance abuse, gambling), and other compulsive behaviours):
… As well as => Various aggressive conflict situations => Where reprisals lead to ever-higher levels of mutual damages (rivalry, feuds, warfare),
… As well as “Adult Child of an Alcoholic Syndrome”, Gregory Bateson’s theory of schizophrenia, and more … .
… In fact, as Bateson points out => Some mutually opposing behaviors, which usually involve aggression, feud, warfare, can ONLY escalate utill total exhaustion, or one side totally wins & obliterates the other.
Henry Gurr Has Been Aware Of The Essence Of His Procrastination Theory, Since His College Days. It is probably written out somewhere, but can’t be found … So oh well, type it again anew, and perhaps, it will be better!
The Following Excerpts, Are Selected Because They Offer Valid Discussion, Mostly Agreeing With & Supporting Henry Gurr’s Above “Theory Explanation Of ‘The Self-Created: Procrastination Cycle”:
…You Will Find The Entire Blue Linked WebPages, Are Mostly True To Various Person’s Experience: However, Their Explanations Of The HOW / WHY Of Procrastination, Are To HSG Unconvincing, Compared To HSG’s Evaluation Of His Own Above Mentioned “Theory”.
A) PRODUCTIVITY: Five Research-Based Strategies for Overcoming Procrastination
By Chris Bailey
[A Harvard Review WebPage (excerpt), has these good observations. ]
The more averse you find a task, the more likely you are to procrastinate. In his research, Pychyl identifies a set of seven triggers that make a task seem more averse. Bring to mind something you’re putting off right now — you’ll probably find that task has many, if not all, of the characteristics that Pychyl discovered makes a task procrastination-worthy:
… Boring
… Frustrating
… Difficult
… Ambiguous
… Unstructured
… Not intrinsically rewarding (i.e., you don’t find the process fun)
… Lacking in personal meaning
On a neurological level, procrastination is not the slightest bit logical — it’s the result of the emotional part of your brain, your limbic system, strong-arming the reasonable, rational part of your brain, your prefrontal cortex. The logical part of your brain surrenders the moment you choose Facebook over work, ….
… To step around his procrastination => Mr Bailey, offers five ways he personally uses, most notably this one => ?
Do Something — Anything — To Just Get Started. It’s easier to keep going with a task after you’ve overcome the initial hump of starting it in the first place. That’s because the tasks that induce procrastination are rarely as bad as we think. Getting started on something forces a subconscious reappraisal of that work, where we might find that the actual task sets off fewer triggers than we originally anticipated. ….
B) Professor Adam Grant Says: “If You Are Procrastinating? Don't Worry & Try To Stop Your Procrastination, b/c: => It's Making You More Creative!”
… [Stan Levine: This WebPage is for you!!]
Professor Adam Grant provides an example from his own life about reaping the rewards of procrastination. He says he “will often abandon work, mid-sentence and not return to it for a few weeks.” He admits this is “agony, but when I come back to it I have all sorts of new ideas”. He believes “we shouldn’t be afraid to start early, but equally we shouldn’t be afraid to be slow to finish. You never know, procrastination might just improve the end result.”
Click Here To Read Remainder of This Page.
… Procrastination is the action of unnecessarily and voluntarily delaying or postponing something despite knowing that there will be negative consequences for doing so. The word has originated from the Latin word procrastinatus, which itself evolved from the prefix pro-, meaning "forward," and crastinus, meaning "of tomorrow."[1] Oftentimes, it is a habitual human behaviour. It is a common human experience involving delay in everyday chores or even putting off salient tasks such as attending an appointment, submitting a job report or academic assignment, or broaching a stressful issue with a partner. Although typically perceived as a negative trait due to its hindering effect on one's productivity often associated with depression, low self-esteem, guilt and inadequacy,[ it can also be considered a wise response to certain demands that could present risky or negative outcomes or require waiting for new information to arrive.
Wikipedia Has Many (Mostly Different), Explanations Of Procrastination …. Below Are Four That Attract Attention =>
1) The pleasure principle
… The pleasure principle may be responsible for procrastination; one may prefer to avoid negative emotions, and to delay stressful tasks. As the deadline for their target of procrastination grows closer, they are more stressed and may, thus, decide to procrastinate more to avoid this stress.[6] Some psychologists cite such behavior as a mechanism for coping with the anxiety associated with starting or completing any task or decision.[7] Piers Steel indicated in 2010 that anxiety is just as likely to get people to start working early as late, and that the focus of studies on procrastination should be impulsiveness. That is, anxiety will cause people to delay only if they are impulsive……
2) Wikipedia Continues => Perfectionism (psychology): :
… Traditionally, procrastination has been associated with perfectionism: a tendency to negatively evaluate outcomes and one's own performance, intense fear and avoidance of evaluation of one's abilities by others, heightened social self-consciousness and anxiety, recurrent low mood, and "workaholism".
3) Wikipedia Continues => Coping Responses:
… [There are] Negative coping responses of procrastination tend to be avoidant or emotional rather than task-oriented or focused on problem-solving. Emotional and avoidant coping is employed to reduce stress (and cognitive dissonance) associated with delaying intended and important personal goals. This option provides immediate pleasure and is consequently very attractive to impulsive procrastinators, at the point of discovery of the achievable goals at hand.[20][21][page needed] There are several emotion-oriented strategies, similar to Freudian defense mechanisms, coping styles and self-handicapping. Coping responses of procrastinators include… :
4) Wikipedia Continues => Management Perspective:
… Psychologist William J. Knaus estimated that more than 90% of college students procrastinate.[30] Of these students, 25% are chronic procrastinators and typically abandon higher education (college dropouts).
… Perfectionism is a prime cause for procrastination[31] because pursuing unattainable goals (perfection) usually results in failure. Unrealistic expectations destroy self-esteem and lead to self-repudiation, self-contempt, and widespread unhappiness. To overcome procrastination, it is essential to recognize and accept the power of failure without condemning, to stop focusing on faults and flaws and to set goals that are easier to achieve.
… Behaviors and practices that reduce procrastination:[
Awareness of habits and thoughts that lead to procrastinating.
Seeking help for self-defeating problems such as fear, anxiety, difficulty in concentrating, poor time management, indecisiveness, and perfectionism.[33]
Fair evaluation of personal goals, strengths, weaknesses, and priorities.
Realistic goals and personal positive links between the tasks and the concrete, meaningful goals
Structuring and organization of daily activities.
… Modification of one's environment for that newly gained perspective: the elimination or minimization of noise or distraction; investing effort into relevant matters; and ceasing day-dreaming.
Disciplining oneself to set priorities.
… Motivation with enjoyable activities, socializing and constructive hobbies.
Approaching issues in small blocks of time, instead of attempting whole problems at once and risking intimidation.
To prevent relapse, reinforce pre-set goals based on needs and allow yourself to be rewarded in a balanced way for accomplished tasks.
Click Here To Read Remainder of Wikipedia Page.
C) Excerpts From A Psychology WebPage: Why Wait? The Science Behind Procrastination:
COVER STORY: By Eric Jaffe
… 1) A perfect storm of procrastination occurs when an unpleasant task meets a person who’s high in impulsivity and low in self-discipline. (The behavior is strongly linked with the Big Five personality trait of conscientiousness ….)
… 2) Psychologists like Ferrari and Pychyl, on the other hand, see flaws in such a strictly temporal view of procrastination. For one thing, if delay were really as rational as this utility equation suggests, there would be no need to call the behavior procrastination— on the contrary, time-management would fit better. Beyond that, studies have found that procrastinators carry accompanying feelings of guilt, shame, or anxiety with their decision to delay. This emotional element suggests there’s much more to the story than time-management alone. Pychyl noticed the role of mood and emotions on procrastination ….. “Emotional regulation, to me, is the real story around procrastination, because to the extent that I can deal with my emotions, I can stay on task,” says Pychyl. “When you say task-aversiveness, that’s another word for lack of enjoyment. Those are feeling states — those aren’t states of which [task] has more utility.”
… 3) Frustrating the Future Self: … In general, people learn from their mistakes and reassess their approach to certain problems. For chronic procrastinators, that feedback loop seems continually out of service. The damage suffered as a result of delay doesn’t teach them to start earlier the next time around. An explanation for this behavioral paradox seems to lie in the emotional component of procrastination. Ironically, the very quest to relieve stress in the moment might prevent procrastinators from figuring out how to relieve it in the long run.
… “I think the mood regulation piece is a huge part of procrastination,” says Fuschia Sirois of Bishop’s University, in Canada. “If you’re focused just on trying to get yourself to feel good now, there’s a lot you can miss out on in terms of learning how to correct behavior and avoiding similar problems in the future. …. they propose a two-part theory on procrastination that braids short-term, mood-related improvements with long-term, time-related damage. The idea is that procrastinators comfort themselves in the present with the false belief that they’ll be more emotionally equipped to handle a task in the future.
… “The future self becomes the beast of burden for procrastination,” says Sirois. “We’re trying to regulate our current mood and thinking our future self will be in a better state. They’ll be better able to handle feelings of insecurity or frustration with the task. That somehow we’ll develop these miraculous coping skills to deal with these emotions that we just can’t deal with right now.”
Possible Interventions:
… As the basic understanding of procrastination advances, many researchers hope to see a payoff in better interventions. …. Procrastinators might chop up tasks into smaller pieces so they can work through a more manageable series of assignments. Counseling might help them recognize that they’re compromising long-term aims for quick bursts of pleasure. … Ariely and Wertenbroch reported that procrastinators were willing to set meaningful deadlines for themselves, and that the deadlines did in fact improve their ability to complete a task. These self-imposed deadlines aren’t as effective as external ones, but they’re better than nothing.
… The emotional aspects of procrastination pose a tougher problem. Direct strategies to counter temptation include blocking access to desirable distraction, but to a large extent that effort requires the type of self-regulation procrastinators lack in the first place. Sirois believes the best way to eliminate the need for short-term mood fixes is to find something positive or worthwhile about the task itself. “You’ve got to dig a little deeper and find some personal meaning in that task,” she says.
Click Here To Read Remainder of This Page.
D) Why You Procrastinate (It Has Nothing to Do With Self-Control): If PROCRASTINATION ISN’T ABOUT LAZINESS, THEN WHAT IS IT ABOUT?
… New York Times article says => self-awareness is a key part of why procrastinating makes us feel so rotten. When we procrastinate, we’re not only aware that we’re avoiding the task in question, but also that doing so is probably a bad idea. And yet, we do it anyway.
… “This is why we say that procrastination is essentially irrational,” said Dr. Fuschia Sirois, professor of psychology at the University of Sheffield. “It doesn’t make sense to do something you know is going to have negative consequences.”
She added: “People engage in this irrational cycle of chronic procrastination because of an inability to manage negative moods around a task.”
… Wait. We Procrastinate Because Of Bad Moods? In Short: Yes.
Procrastination isn’t a unique character flaw or a mysterious curse on your ability to manage time, but a way of coping with challenging emotions and negative moods induced by certain tasks — boredom, anxiety, insecurity, frustration, resentment, self-doubt and beyond.
… “Procrastination is an emotion regulation problem, not a time management problem,” said Dr. Tim Pychyl, professor of psychology and member of the Procrastination Research Group at Carleton University in Ottawa. …. Click Here To Read Remainder of This Article.
E) Procrastination: A Scientific Guide on How to Stop Procrastinating: ON THIS PAGE:
I. The Science Behind Procrastination
II. How to Stop Procrastinating Right Now
III. Being Consistent: How to Kick the Procrastination Habit
I. The Science Behind Procrastination
. What is Procrastination?
. Why Do We Procrastinate?
. The Procrastination-Action Line
II. How to Stop Procrastinating Right Now
. Option 1: Make the Rewards of Taking Action More Immediate
. Option 2: Make the Consequences of Procrastination More Immediate
. Option 3: Design Your Future Actions
. Option 4: Make the Task More Achievable
III. Being Consistent: How to Kick the Procrastination Habit
. The Daily Routine Experts Recommend for Peak Productivity
. How to Avoid Chronic Procrastination With Visual Cues
Click Here To Read Remainder of This Article.
******** END WebPage Excerpts ***********
F) Professor Stanley Levine’s Discussion Reminds Henry Gurr Of His Own Procrastination “Theory” !
Below In Jan 4, 2018 Email Sent To Henry Gurr, By Stan Levine, Explaining His Own Delaying Tactics, Before Starting Needful Projects: This Levine writing supplied the trigger for Henry Gurr, To Type His Thoughts on Procrastination. And Gradually This Typing Builds-Up To Henry’s Complete Theory of “The Self-Created: Procrastination Cycle” ( Which you see fully presented above!)
I have penciled you in for our meeting Jan 22, account to your ‘arrow of time’ reasoning. [That earlier meeting date, is better, because if wait till later, some crisis may come up, and now you can’t go back to earlier date.]
BTW, this reasoning sounds logical. There is a corollary to it, viz. that given a myriad of tasks, you should do the most important ones first so that if you do not get around to everything on your list, you have at least accomplished what is most vital.
Unfortunately, I often lead my life in exact contradiction to these common-sense principles. I usually work with the conviction that I have plenty of time, and so do what is most enjoyable first. This often means: what is the least stressful, i.e. the least important. I put off the really major thing(s) to the last possible moment, under the guise of clearing away the trivia first to free myself for the big stuff. This does have one positive consequence: I tend to work most effectively and efficiently under time pressure, so I am cooking on all four burners when attacking the really important stuff.
But of course, as you point out, this is a risky strategy, because it relies on two presuppositions: a) in order to do the important stuff at the last possible moment, I have to be able to predict how long it will take me; I am usually good with this as the time pressure controls to a certain extent my speed and so autocorrects for any minor imprecision in the estimate… but ‘usually’ is not always, and occasionally I have come up short, run out of time before the work was completed to my satisfaction. This is very dispiriting, especially since I realize after the fact that I could have done a much better job if I had just started a bit sooner. But as Omar Khayam says…. b) This approach leaves little wiggle room for accidents such as illness, unexpected family emergencies, computer problems, auto breakdowns and … accidents!
But if I have been doing this for so many years, it must incorporate rewards which outweigh the negative consequences. What are these? Not sure… could it be making life more interesting, or more enjoyable? Could it be giving me a sense of choosing what I want to do instead of being forced to drudge through what I have to do? Is there some sinister subconscious desire to fail? Or perhaps to come as close to failing as possible in order to experience the thrill of pulling it off despite everything? Whatever it may be, despite my counterintuitive practice, I have led an enjoyable and fulfilling life for which I am grateful. (Of course, if pushed to the wall, I must admit that in life there are not “controlled experiments” and so no way to know whether my life, lived otherwise, would have been either more or less enjoyable and fulfilling by virtue of having made other choices.)
So much for midnight ramblings. I will close here before I bore you completely to death.
G) The Below was Henry Gurr’s Jan 4, 2018 Follow-Up Email Of Stan’s Above Email:
Your discussion reminds me of several Murphy's Laws, the presentation of which (link below). is meant to be humorous! Even has procrastination section.,
Also your analysis [of your long time consistent behavior] is very good, and partly matches how I run my life .... Such as putting off the big hard job, especially for me, finally getting down to actually doing IRS Income Tax, and more recently the Big XmasLet17 ....
I seem to find all kinds of "other" things to do, that I rationalize as priority ,,,,, but I'm gradually getting faster at recognizing this rationalization called “priority”, as simple procrastination!
Unless I come to realize the procrastination part, my finding "other" things to do, is otherwise somewhat invisible behavior, to me!
Since This Procrastination, Problem Is Important To My Proto Theory Of Mind, I Spent Time Looking Into This:
… Below please find a collection of WebPage excerpts that seem relevant: AND these describe very well the phenomenon of procrastination, including fact it is maladaptive & self-defeating, and does NOT respond to learning, even pain of anxiety and worry and frustration!! However the several REASONS given, for it are totally inadequate, and not perceptive. Thus I will type out My Own Theory Of Procrastination Cycle, which you see above.
An Example Of My Own Procrastination & Reasons For It: My Sudden Realization While Revising This Document May 6, 2022, by Henry Gurr.
… For two years now I have needed to replace the malfunctioning fan in the deepfreeze or our refrigerator. As I was typing the above words=> “They are facing an unknown: They often have no idea what is needed to complete job,” .. : I suddenly realized that all during these two years, I had been procrastinating, and now suddenly realize the reason for my job put-off has been => 1) Doubt: I don’t know how to do the job, and 2) have added doubt that there will be unknown difficulties. Plus 3) I’m uncertain how I will remove the food currently in the deep-freezer to styro coolers, and keep it cold enough long enough. And 4) Keeping the food cold, makes for uncertainty, anxiety doubt, & fear because there is a “hurry up and get done before the frozen food melts”!
Thanking You For Reading This Webpage..
Henry Gurr,
Professor of Physics Emeritus,
University of South Carolina Aiken,
471 University Parkway,
Aiken South Carolina 29801
Email henryg__usca.edu
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A) In the MAIN MENU AT TOP LEFT, You Will See Listed MANY Pages, Which Comprise Henry Gurr’s ZMMQ WebSite =>
B) Please Especially Notice => The TOP EIGHT MENU Listed Pages Which Are => Based On Direct Observation: Explanation Of Best Available Theory Of “How Our Mind Works:” by Henry Gurr, In Which You Can Study To Learn The Following =>
Page 1) HenryGurrYouTubeLecture => Based On Direct Observation, Learn
“How Our Mind Works. ” A Description With Audience Participation In Mind Demonstrations. Plus Mention That Hopfield Neuron Network Model, Explains How Our Brain Can Automatically, Spontaneously Find, Best Or Near Best Solutions of "Life's Problems Coming At Us."
Page 2) Suggest You Start Your Study Here => HGurrCompactExplanation Of => Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”.
Then Suggest You Continue Next Page Below =>
Page 3) “How Our Mind Works.”: Collected Properties & Characteristics All Mental Arrivals Such As Flash of Insight PLUS Two Picture Analogies. (Which Is The Page You Are Currently Reading.)
…From scattered places in Henry Gurr’s 8 WebPages (hereby listed) “How Our Mind Works” => Here collected into one WebPage, are the ALL of the Properties & Characteristics Of Every Mental Arrival: (These are such as “Flash Of Insight”, which come automatically, spontaneously, Into Our Conscious Mind, For Our Every Waking Moment, Second By Second:) On this WebPage are also => Picture Analogies of Before & After A Mental Arrival are also shown.
…By reading this essential summary overview WebPage, you will prepare your mind for easier reading of Henry Gurr’s 8 WebPages (hereby listed) “How Our Mind Works”. …This is because otherwise these various => Properties & Characteristics Of All Mental Arrivals , in their original scattered paces, are presented in a way, such that it is hard to see “The Big Picture”.
Page 4) HGurrFull Expounding Of => Henry Gurr’s
“Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”.
Page 5) VeryImportantIdea: Even Partial Fit Problem Solution Is Highly Useful => Especially for how Our Problem Solving Brain so easily gives us a Bes Understanding for=> 1) Camouflage, 2) Concept Confusion, and3) Figures of Speech, Such as Metaphor, Analogy, Allegory, Simile, Similar, Similarity, and 22 more.
Page 6) 'How HGurr’s Explanation of => “How Our Mind Works”, Helps Illuminate What’s Happening In Procrastination, And Helps Avoid Procrastination’s Blockages.
Page 7) Hopfield Neuron Network Model => Illuminate How Brains Generate, Construct, Create, Optimal Solutions To “Life’s Problems Coming At Us”, plus Links To Other H Gurr Writing On Mind.
Page 8) An Anatomy Of An Idea Come To Mind + Constructivist Epistemology + Mental Arrivals, Such As Flash of Insight.
C) For Further Reading #3 => Please Be Aware That There Are => FOUR DIFFERENT “BRAIN OWNERS USERS MANUALS” by Henry Gurr.
1) The FIRST Brain Owners User’s Manual Discusses =>
b) AN ANATOMY OF AN IDEA COME TO MIND, With An Explanation of What A Mental Arrival IS … And Showing An Exhaustive Listing Of => Examples of Flash of Insight Type of Automatic, Spontaneous Mental Arrivals, Organize By 26 Major Categories Of Circumstance Of Occurrence.
c) ALSO DISCUSSED IS => How Our Brain As General Problem Solver, Is Best Understood By Studying Professor J. J. Hopfield’s Mathematical Model Of The Mammalian Brain. '
… this whole document as constructed to be a very practical and useful, and provide exhaustive listings of Mental Arrivals to support & illustrate => Henry Gurr ‘s Theory Explanation of How Our Mind Works
After This Document comes up, you will need to explore around, to see how this discussion supports my Theory.
The Next THREE “For Further Readings” Are ALSO “Brain Owners Users Manuals”.
2) The SECOND Brain Owners User’s Manual Is Where You Can => Learn More About The Many, Many Examples of The Flash of Insights, as well Other Mental Arrivals.
After this WebPage comes up, please scroll down to where you see => This Document You Are Currently Reading, (and It’s Included Links)…
3) The THIRD Brain Owners User’s Manual! Is Where You Can Learn => More On How To See In-Action (& Thus Learn More) About Our How The Problem Solving Brain, Gives Us Clear Thinking, On Demand,
After This Document comes up, you will need to explore around, to see how this discussion supports my Theory.
4) A FOURTH (Somewhat) Brain Owners User’s Manual! Is Where You Can => Learn More About How The Problem Solving Brain, Gives Us Analogy, Metaphor, Allegory, Simile, Similarity, & Other Similar Sympathetic-Poetic Associatives (SPA):
After this WebPage comes up, please scroll down to => Relation of Poetry to Metaphor. Relation of :
…… …… …..
D) For Further Reading #4 => More On How Our Mind => Achieves Perception, Pattern Recognition, Where Even A Pattern Partial Fit Problem Solution, Can Be Highly Useful, Plus FURTHER Discussion of How This In Turn Gives Us Analogy, Metaphor, Similarity, Etc.
This topic is taken up, in a NEW WebPage, Called =>
On How Our Mind Achieves Perception Problem Solutions, Where Even A Pattern Partial Fit Problem Solution, Can Be Highly Useful, AND How This In Turn Gives Us Analogy, Metaphor, Allegory, Simile, Similarity, Etc,.
E) For Further Reading #5 => Internet Resources That Are Related To (Or Have Support For), Henry Gurr’s Proto-Theory, Please Consult These TWO Supplemental Readings Re “The Study of Mind”. :
Books & Internet Discussion Related To => Brain Research, Signal Detection Theory, Decision Theory, Cognitive Constructivism, Learning Research, Innovation & Creativity, Cognitive Theory of Consciousness, Neuroscience, Darwinian-Neurodynamics, Dual-Process Theories of Higher Cognition, How Consciousness Relates Neurological Disorders. And More.
And what is good, Phaedrus, And what is not good—
Need we ask anyone to tell us these things?"
Robert Pirsig in his “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”..
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