"Quality is the parent, the source of all subjects and objects." - Robert Pirsig

Fits Observation: Henry Gurr’s How Our Mind Works

Henry S Gurr’s Article, Book, & Mind-Map, Projects

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*** Zen and the Art of ***
Motorcycle Maintenance
** by Robert Pirsig **

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SUMMARY=> Robert Pirsig Zen Art Motorcycle Maint.

Celebrate: Robert Pirsig’s July1968 Motorcycle Trek

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SUMMARY=>Research Montana State UniversityMSU

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AFTER Above Link ComeUp, GoTo ''Zen and..Last Hurrah”

SUMMARY=>Maps+Info: ZMM Travel & Mountain Climb

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Thanks To Persons Who Created & Supported ZMMQ




Click any photo below: **OR**
Mouse Hover, Over Photo, For Album Description

These 12 Photos were taken by Robert Pirsig’s very own camera, as he Chris, Sylvia and John made that 1968 epic voyage upon which The Travel Narrative for Mr Pirsig’s ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘ (ZMM) book was based. Taken in 1968 along what is now known as ‘‘The ZMM Book Travel Route ‘‘ each photo scene is actually ‘‘Written-Into ‘‘ Mr. Pirsig’s book => ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘ (ZMM)

Author Robert Pirsig’s Own 12 Color Photos, Of His 1968 ZMM Travel Route Trip: Each Is Written-Into His ZMM Book. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 2nd Down.

Each of the 832 photographs in these Four Albums show a scene described in the book ‘‘Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘. Each photo was especially researched and photographed along the ZMM Route to show a specific ZMM Book Travel Description Passage: This passage is shown in quote marks below the respective photo. As you look at each of these photos, you will be viewing scenes similar to those that author Pirsig, Chris, and the Sutherlands might have seen, on that epic voyage, upon which the book ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘ was based. Thus it is, that these 832 photographs are ‘‘A Color Photo Illustrated Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘. Indeed ‘‘A Photo Show Book‘‘ for ZMM. Sights & Scenes Plus Full Explanation.

My ZMM Travel Route Research Findings, Are A Page-By-Page, Color Photo Illustrated ZMM. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Album.

Each of these 28 photos are Full Circle Panorama Photos Seven-Feet-Wide. They were taken along the Travel Route of the book ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘. They show a 360 degree view, made by stitching together eight photos. These Panoramic Photos, complement and add to those of my Photo Album ABOVE named  => ‘‘A Color Photo Illustrated ZMM Book, With Travel Route Sights & Scenes Explained‘‘.

ZMM Travel Route Research PANORAMIC PHOTOS 7ft wide! Henry Gurr, 2002 ZMM Research Trip. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 2nd Down.

This album shows what I saw  on my RETURN trip home (San Francisco California to Aiken South Carolina), Summer 2002. These 55 photos were taken along the Route of the “1849er’s Gold Rush to California” (In Reverse Direction). After I completed my ZMM Research, I RETURNED home by way of the Route of the ‘49’s Gold Rush. This route included the route of the “California Gold Rush Trail” (in Nevada & California), as well as portions of the Oregon Trail' all the way into Missouri. These 1849er’s Travel Route Photos, were taken AFTER I took those Photos shown in the above Album named “A Color Photo Illustrated ZMM Book, With Travel Route Sights & Scenes Explained”.

Henry Gurr’s 2002 Research Photos: California Gold Rush Trail & Oregon Trail. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 3rd Down.

Each of these seven 360 degree  Full Circle Panoramic Photos were taken along the route of the Gold Rush ‘1849’ers from Missouri to California. Each is 7 foot wide! These Panorama Photos complement and add to those of my Photo Album above named  => "Henry Gurr’s Research Photos: California Gold Rush Trail & Pioneer Oregon Trail".   AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Album.

California Gold RushTrail & Pioneer Oregon Trail PANORAMIC PHOTOS 7ft wide! Henry Gurr, 2002 ZMM RETURN Trip. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Album.

Enjoy 225 Photos of Flowers & Red Wing Blackbirds Along the ZMM Route. This Album of  Color Photos shows every Flower and Red Wing Blackbird (RWBB) that I could “get within my camera sights!!”  This was done in honor of the ZMM Narrator's emphasis of Flowers and Redwing Blackbirds in the book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”. I was very surprised to find RWBB's the entire travel route from Minneapolis to San Francisco.

In Honor of ZMM Narrator’s Emphasis: 225 Color Photos of ZMM Travel Route Flowers & Red Wing Blackbirds. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 5th Down.

These 165 photos show ‘‘Tourist Experiences’‘ the ZMM Traveler may have along the ZMM Route.

My 2002 ZMM Travel Route Experience: By Henry Gurr ZMMQ Site Master. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 3rd Down.

Starting Monday 19 July 2004, Mark Richardson traveled the ZMM Route, on his trusty Jakie Blue motorcycle. Mark made these 59 interesting photographs of what he saw along the way. As he toured, he pondered his own life destiny (past present future), and sought to discover his own deeper personal meaning of the book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”.

Mark Richardson’s 19 July 2004, ZMM Route Trip & Photo Journal. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 5th Down.

The former home (~1968) of John and Sylvia Sutherland, at 2649 South Colfax Ave, Minneapolis MN, shown in 18 photos. Despite John's quite negative disparaging statements in ZMM, about their home back in Minneapolis, this same house, shown in these photos, looks to us like a wonderful, beautiful home along a very nice, quiet, shady street, in a perfectly fine Minneapolis Neighborhood!

John & Sylvia Sutherland of “The ZMM Book”: 18Potos Of Former Minneapolis Home>2649 South Colfax Ave, AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 4th Down.

A 36 Photo Tour of Two University of South Carolina Buildings:  a) Etherredge Performing Arts Center Lobby + b) Ruth Patrick Science Education Center, some of which show “Built In Educational Displays

Site Master Henry Gurr's Campus: Photos Of Two Buildings (of 32 total), University of South Carolina Aiken. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 2nd Down.

A 105 Photo Tour of Science Building
At The University of South Carolina Aiken, Aiken SC.
Also showing a) Flowers & Exotic Plants In The Greenhouse
And b) The Rarely Seen Equipment Service Room & Dungeon.
Site Master Henry Gurr's Campus: Photos Of Science Building, One (of 32 total Buildings) At The University of South Carolina Aiken. AFTER the 5 Albums Comes Up, Read & ClickOn 5th Down.

IThese 15 photos show persons & scenes, related to how we got this ZMMQ WebSite going, back in ~2002. Included are "screen captures" of our software systems in use. A few of these photos show the screen views of what we were “looking at,” some including brief notes & hints on how to get around some of the problems we experienced.

Software We Used ~2002, In Creating and Maintaining This ZMMQ WebSite: Illustrated & Explained. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Albun.

Photos of Faculty, Administrators, and Students who were at Montana State College ~ 1956-1960. These persons, especially Sarah Vinke, were faculty (or colleagues of) ZMM author Robert Pirsig, during his teaching (1959 – 1961), as Professor of English, at Montana State College, Bozeman MT.

1947-60: Photos of MSC Faculty & Sarah Vinke (Vinki Vinche Finche Finch)

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Originally A 15 Minute Oral Presentation to Physics Teachers, And Below Includes The Text Of The Presentation’s Paper Handout, Now Greatly Revised.


II) AN ANATOMY OF AN IDEA COME TO MIND, With An Explanation of What A Mental Arrival IS … And Showing An Exhaustive Listing Of => Examples of Flash of Insight Type of Automatic, Spontaneous Mental Arrivals, Organize By 26 Major Categories Of Circumstance Of Occurrence.

III) ALSO DISCUSSED IS => How Our Brain As General Problem Solver, Is Best Understood By Studying Professor J. J. Hopfield’s Mathematical Model Of The Mammalian Brain. '

By Henry S Gurr, Professor of Physics Emeritus HenryG@USCA.edu
My University of South Carolina Aiken Home Page.

My Presentation Words. (Approximately)
EXPLANATION: Our Brain May Be Thought Of As a General Problem Solver, Where (As Observed Most Of The Time) Unconscious Brain Process, With Characteristic Suddenness => Generate, Construct, Create Into Conscious Mind =>

1) Optimal Problem Solutions (Answers) That Correspond To Highest Mental Coherence: These Solutions => Automatically, Spontaneously, Just Come Into Mind, Similar To That Of The Flash Of Insight Type Mental Arrival Events. … Further Investigations Reveals That,
2) Similar Spontaneous & Automatic UN-Conscious Brain Processes, Responding To Sensory Input From Our Ever-Present Surroundings, Generates Creates, Constructs, (Constructivist Epistemology) => Our Everyday Conscious Mental Awareness, What Herein Will Be Called => “Primary Consciousness , ''
3) All this Is (For VERY Good Reasons) Despite The Fact That We Have Absolutely No Awareness Of These Brain Processes. Click Here For Why We MUST Be Unaware Of What Our Problem Solving Brain Is Up-To in APPENDIX VII:
4) AND THUS literally CONSTRUCTS The World In Which We Live. Of course this “world” is entirely in our Mind’s Eye, but it’s the only “World” we will ever get!
5) Please ESPECIALLY NOTICE words “Problem Solutions” (Answers), 3 inches above and throughout this document. (To see these > 14 places > Do > Top > Edit > Find > Solution …. ).
6) For full detailed explanation of above 4 inches, please study ANY of the TOP EIGHT Blue Links in The Main Menu At Left.

…. The SECOND LINK DOWN is a good starting point.

NOTE1: These above mentioned “solutions” come into Conscious Mind, with characteristic suddenness as typical Mentally Arrivals such as => The Flash-of-Insight, It Dawned On Me, The light Went On, or Light Bulb As in Cartoons. (See below 26 Major )
Click Here For An Introduction to “Our Brain As a General Problem Solver” And A Larger List Of Typical Mental Arrivals.
NOTE2: Mental Arrivals, as well as Perception, & and Memory, are observed to have a distinct patterning of occurrence: In other words, Mental Processes in an individual’s brain are observed to follows rules, as we should well expect for a physical system. Why such observed rules occur is best understood through study of J J Hopfield’s Mathematical Model of the Mammalian Brain. The net result of this Mental Activity, is to Build The World Around Us, such as is described in Constructivist Epistemology. … The Audience, Being Fully Convinced Of These General Revelations, Will See How To Work Most Effectively With Their Own “Self”, Called Mind-Body! Your Teaching, Research, & Personal Life, Will Be Improved! Guaranteed!!

2) This Anatomy of An Idea Come to Mind, Illustrated by: These 26 Major Categories “Lists Of Mental Arrivals” => To See These 26, Please Do > Top Edit > Find > List Mental Arrivals Where =>

NOTE3: This Document (You Are Currently Reading), Was Originally Just A- Four-Page-Handout (HO3), To Accompany Henry Gurr’s 10:15am Presentation At: South Atlantic Coast Section (SACS), American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT), Spring 2014 Meeting Program. Spelman College, Atlanta, GA March 21-22, 2014.
NOTE4: However, as of the writing (28Apr’15), the above-mentioned Four-Page-Handout’s original 4 pages, had expanded to ~44 pages. HSG finally realized he had been on a Quality-Track, Which Was-Trapped-Into-“A Fascination-Over-Drive”, and kept on adding more & more Major Rev’s 6April2014, 3Oct 2014, & 14April2015. Thus HSG realized that he was fixated & can’t let go!! He keeps coming back to work more on this!! … However beginning on 28April2015, for sake of better comprehension, HSG started to remove major parts, into a series of 5 Appendix’s, on a New “Supp1”:Page, which the reader will find. … After these “removed” were completed, this Document (You Are Currently Reading), is now ~33 pages long.
[-NOTE5: Our Brain May Be Thought Of As a General Problem Solver, Where (As Observed Most Of The Time) Unconscious Brain Process, With Characteristic Suddenness => Generate, Construct, Create Into Conscious Mind, Best Or Near Best Solutions For Life’s Oncoming Problems: AND Just How This Can Actually Take Place, Is Best Understood, By Studying Princeton Physicist J J Hopfield’s Physical Mathematical Theory For The Mammalian Brain Mechanism, Here In Called ”The Hopfield Mathematical Model Of the Human Brain” .

However, according to Wikipedia the “Hopfield Model” official name is => A Hopfield Network (which serves as content-addressable ("associative") memory system. And is capable of seeking optimum solutions (answers) ). Click Here. And AFTER this page comes up, you will see a lot of complex reading. However you can find understandable paragraphs at three places > By > Do > Top > Edit > Find >

Energy Landscape of a Hopfield Network.
Hopfield network in optimization

And Thus From Above Wikipedia, In Henry Gurr’s Webpages => The Term Memory (Or Brain’s Memory), Technically Means => “Problem Solving Accessed, Content Addressable, Associative Memory”. . These characteristics of biological memory are VERY important, (and in Henry Gurr’s WebPages) will be more properly called => Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving Accessed, Content Addressable, Associative Memory.” << PLEASE WELL REMEMBER !
NOTE6: You are invited to email me =>

a) Are these 33 pages Useful Revelations To You? AND/OR
b) Do you see needed improvements?

NOTE7: BROKEN BLUE LINKS On This WebPage You Are Currently Reading. Some or the Blue Links below may not go to the intended content. Please take the time => To use Google or Bing to search for several key words from the Text surrounding the broken Blue Link. For broken Blue Links you could also try CopyPaste of the URL Address into https://archive.org/ …. Also send an email to me with what you did & found out.

I) So, To Start My Talk Presentation => Let’s Start With Some Passages To Set-Our-Minds-A-Right, Concerning “CONSTRUCTIVISM”, Or More Properly “CONSTRUCTIVIST EPISTEMOLOGY”.

These Below Quoted Passages => Show Historical Authors’ Awareness of What is Now Called “Constructivism”. '''

A) "… In the clarity of a still and open mind, truth will be reflected.”

Sixth century BC Chinese classic text. Tao Te Ching by the sage Laozi (or Lao Tzu, "Old Master"), a record-keeper at the Zhou dynasty court.

B) "… in the life of a science, problems do not arise by themselves. … all knowledge is in response to a [human constructed] question. If there were no questions, there would be no scientific knowledge. [In nature] Nothing proceeds from itself. Nothing is given. All is constructed [mentally … in the human mind]."

Gaston Bachelard (La Formation de l'esprit Scientifique, 1934)

C) “Once you know you are creating your own reality, you realize you must be careful in the choices you make.” ~

HSG approximate paraphrase of Owen Barfield, Poet, Linguist, Coleridge Expert, & Philosopher of Language History


NOTE: In The BELOW Next Passages D, E), & F), We Learn Of Robert Pirsig’s => Meaning Of The Word Quality, As Presented In His Book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” (ZMM).

For Author Robert Pirsig, The word Quality IS => Names Our Minds Ability To Know “What Is Best?

Now Keeping THIS Particular Meaning of Quality, In-Your-Mind, Lets Now Read Pirsig’s Statements D), E), and F). And as you read, pay special attention to words “create”, “creates”, “created”. and “building” These are, of course, equivalent to “construct” or “constructivism”. AND here it is important to know that => The unstated, nderlying foundation of Robert Pirsig’s ZMM is “Constructivist Epistemology”. This you will see in reading below.

D) "…Quality is the continuing stimulus which causes us to create the world in which we live. All of it. Every last bit of it." “Men invent responses to Quality, and among these responses is an understanding of what they themselves are. … It’s an analogue to what you already know. It has to be. It can’t be anything else. And the mythos grows this way.” ''
“By analogies to what is known before. The mythos is a building of analogues upon analogues upon analogues. These fill the collective consciousness of all communicating mankind. Every last bit of it. The Quality is the track that directs the train. What is outside the train, to either side—that is the terra incognita of the insane. “The facts do not exist until value {Quality] has created them. If your values are rigid you can’t really learn new facts.

Robert Pirsig, from his book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”.

E) “…Quality is not just some abstraction; it's something that guides your life every minute of every second [of every day] even though you do not intellectually recognize that it is so”…..”When you're trying to create a painting or a piece of music you've got to have this feeling of what's better. ““And just this feeling of what is better, will guide to whatever you want to do.”

From Robert Pirsig’s 1991 Association of Humanists Psychology Meeting Presentation.

F) “…Quality, in terms of this analogy, isn’t any "part" of the train. It’s the leading edge of the engine, a two-dimensional surface of no real significance unless you understand that the train isn’t a static entity at all. A train really isn’t a train if it can’t go anywhere. In the process of examining the train and subdividing it into parts [dualism] we’ve inadvertently stopped it, so that it really isn’t a train we are examining. That’s why we get stuck.”
“The real train of knowledge isn’t a static entity that can be stopped and subdivided. It’s always going somewhere. On a track called Quality. And that engine and all those 120 boxcars are never going anywhere except where the track of Quality takes them; and romantic Quality, the leading edge of the engine, takes them along that track. .. . [Quality] is the cutting edge of experience [and what then becomes our brain created constructed reality}. … ”
“It’s the leading edge of the train of knowledge that keeps the whole train on the track. At the leading edge there are no subjects, no objects, only the track of Quality ahead…” [our problem-solving-brain, is dynamically choosing, what next we are going to next do =>] “So we preselect on the basis of Quality, or to put it another way, the track of Quality preselects what data we’re going to be conscious of, and it makes this selection in such a way as to best harmonize with what we are becoming.”

Robert Pirsig, writing about his above railroad train analogy => “... i want to call this railroad train "knowledge"… ”, from his book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”.

G) “…"Man is the measure of all things." Yes, that’s what he is saying about Quality. Man is not the source of all things, as the subjective idealists would say. Nor is he the passive observer of all things, as the objective idealists and materialists would say.”
“The Quality which creates the world emerges as a relationship between man and his experience. He is a participant in the creation of all things. The measure of all things—it fits. And they taught rhetoric—that fits.”

Robert Pirsig, writing about his => “...The Quality which creates the world … ”, from his book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”. ''

H) EXPLANATION: These ABOVE Passages A) Thru G), Are Really Statements Of-Modernism’s So Named “Constructivism”, Or More Properly “Constructivist Epistemology”.
… “Constructivist Epistemology is a branch, in philosophy of science, maintaining that natural science consists of mental constructs that are constructed with the aim of explaining sensory experience (or measurements) of natural world. According to it, scientific knowledge is constructed by the scientific community, seeking to measure and construct models of the natural world.”

… “Constructivism” is a name having its origins in Sociology ~1940. This term is also is applied to Teaching, including Physics Teaching, where there are many physicists who use “Constructivists Learning Theory”, to guide their efforts. Some physicist (myself included), even espouse Ernst Von Glasserfield’s “Radical Constructivism” => “This claims that knowledge is not a commodity which is transported from one mind into another. Rather, it is up to the individual to "link up" specific interpretations of [physical real world] experiences and ideas with their own reference of what is possible and viable.” In other words (as I practiced in my teaching), I try to present exercises, laboratory work & and reading which will offer gooe & coherent learning environment. It is then, up to the individual learner, to self-accomplish all discovery, understanding, and, learning, with practically no added input from surrounding persons (e.g. society). Quoted passages above from =>

NOTE: Jean Piaget, after his creation in 1955 of the International Centre for Genetic Epistemology in Geneva, Switzerland, first uses the expression "constructivist epistemologies" (see above). … According to Ernst von Glasersfeld, Jean Piaget is "the great pioneer of the constructivist theory of knowing" (in An Exposition of Constructivism: Why Some Like It Radical, 1990) and "the most prolific constructivist in our century" (in Aspects of Radical Constructivism, 1996).

You will find Much Interesting by Googling either of the following:

Thomas Kuhn Constructivist Perspective Wikipedia
Thomas Kuhn Constructivist Point of View Wikipedia


As Viewed By Constructivism, Our Problem Solving Brain, With UNconscious Processes, Generates, Constructs, Creates => Solutions (Answers) To The “Problems of Life Coming At Us”, Which Suddenly Automatically Spontaneously Mentally Arrival Into Conscious Mind!
These Are Examples of the “Stepping Stones” Used By All Humans To Generate, Create,-Construct,-Build, An Entire Self-Organized Mental-World.
In Other Words => Our Problem Solving Brain Generates Constructs Creates “Reality”, Or Better Said “Construct In Our Mind’s Eye, The World Around Us”.
… It is hoped that the reader will realize that, such Self-Constructed Reality (in total), is vitally necessary (and corollary) to assembling the mental machinery for a properly self-organized behavior, plus “Primary Consciousness , '' in the “Building, Creating, & Getting-On-With-Life”!!!
… Moreover, this spontaneous self-organized, self-built machinery, is a result of our evolutionary heritage, and is in common with all animals (or at least mammals). Survival is thus accomplished.
… To see how this admittedly fantastic assertions (really hypothesis), could be true, is well supported by an understanding of the pioneering efforts of Princeton Physicist J. J. Hopfield. This document will mention why Hopfield’s work is important, and how his Mathematical Model of the Mammalian Brain, provides the solid mathematical based secure foundation, for what could be called => “A Strikingly Different New Science of How Our Mind Works", => Learn More Here =>
In this Seminar I gave a brief simplified overview of Professor Hopfield’s Mathematical Physics Theory of Mammalian Brain Operation which shows us how our Mind Works:
The above was Presented In My 1987 Seminar “Memory, Perception, Insight, And Flash Of Insight Problem Solving *** AHA!! ***

To Repeat => Our Problem Solving Brain Generates CONSTRUCTS Creates “Reality”, Or Better Said “Construct In Our Mind’s Eye, The World Around Us”.

A) The Hopfield Model, Is A Physical Theory, That provides solid Foundation Support for all these Brain actions are indeed possible, for these =>
a) The Whole Arena of Constructivist Epistemology, including Radical Constructivism.
b) Robert Pirsig’s Above Quoted Statements D), E), and F), .
B) Now => Understanding Pirsig & Hopfield, should prepare you for (the remainder of this page below), where you find Titled Sections => “Henry Gurr’s 26 Major Categories “List Mental Arrivals“.
c) Hence the above should prepare you for this added conclusion=>
d) Each one of our uttered words, phrases, concepts, ideas, thoughts, meanings, even a word, or line, or phrase of poetry => Constitute An Automatic, Spontaneous, Mental Arrival Of A Consciously Aware Mental State Of Knowing.

As Robert Pirsig says =>
"…Quality is the continuing stimulus which causes us to create the world in which we live. All of it. Every last bit of it.”

Click Here For => Starting With Topic Of Constructivism, ~Two Pages Of Notes, Details, & Further Explanations For Henry Gurr’s List Of Mental Arrivals . Here You Will Learn More About Constructivist Thinking.

The REMAINDER Of This Document (And It’s Included Links), Hopes To Accomplish The Following =>

1) Considerably expand the readers understanding of => How our Problem Solving Brain’s unconscious processes creates solutions (answers) that suddenly, Just Appear (or Arrive) in our Consciousness Mind. This is accomplished below, in this document your are currently reading, by studying many, many examples of “Mental Arrivals” Such As => a) A Flash of Insight, b) It Dawned On Me, c) Light Bulb (As in a cartoon), d) OH !! Now I see it !! , e) Epiphany, f) Sudden laughter when hit by the punch-line, In Jokes or Humor, where we instantly see what is funny, with joy, laughter, & pleasure!
2) Reading the below will start you (dear reader), to WATCH YOU OWN Mental Arrivals, and Thus Accumulate your OWN Experimental Evidence => As Shocking & Fantastic As It May Seem, These Solutions Are Self-Organized & Completed On-Automatic. The Solutions Are Found By (& In), Your UN-Conscious Mind”, Then A Split Second Later, Appear To Your Conscious Awareness!!
3) Help You Learn, There Is A Regular Pattern (or Structure), As To Why, When, & How You Experience Mental Arrivals. As you will see in the many “Mental Arrival Lists” this page =>
a) Most Mental Arrival Solutions happen throughout your (minute-by-minute ordinary events of the day.
b) But the most noteworthy, dramatic (and thus most obvious), Mental Arrivals are the first 12 in the List A) below. These, you will notice, are these most dramatic Mental Arrivals, and which only “Come”, When Your Conscious Mind Is (Typically), Not Involved In Other Important Tasks.
c) Although our thoughts, ideas, concepts, & meanings, which Mentally Arrive into our conscious mind , having their origin in UN-conscious mental processes, these ideas, ONLY become aware to us, as a sudden, automatic, spontaneous Mental Arrival into our consciously aware mind. How our brain can operate this way, is best understood using The Hopfield Model of the Mammalian Brain -

Therefor, Dear Reader
On the Lists below => Let your mind work on the… Words, Phrases, Concepts, Ideas, Thoughts, Meanings, Or Exclamations That Indicate what I call “Mental Arrivals”.

Officially Starting Here => An Anatomy of An Idea Come to Mind, Illustrated By Examples of Flash of Insight Type of Automatic, Spontaneous Mental Arrivals, Organize By 26 Major Categories Of Circumstance Of Occurrence.

… These Are 26 Major Categories of => “Lists Of Mental Arrivals, Where Each Suddenly, Automatically, Spontaneously, Just Appears, In Our Conscious Mind, From UN-Conscious Brain Processes”.

A) List Mental Arrivals Where => Are Seen Various Exclamations OR Exaltations OR Injunctions OR Exciting Discoveries, That Are Sudden, Automatic, Spontaneous, Mental Arrivals, Into Conscious Mind. ''
…The most noteworthy, dramatic (and thus most obvious), Mental Arrivals are the first 12 in the list below. These are response to a person’s MAJOR => Automatic, Sudden, Spontaneous, Discovery, Dis-Covering, Re-Cognition, Real-i-zation, Suddenly Solve Puzzle(s), or Solution(s) to a nagging serious problem(s)! Ditto for suddenly seeing the humor, in the punch line of a joke.

EUREKA!! From Ancient Greeks, especially Archimedes’ discovery of ~density & buoyancy.
LIGHT BULB! (As shown in cartoons.)
AH-HA there you are !!….

OHHH !! …. Now I see !! …..
OH MAN !!!….. Look at that!! …..Sensational!!!
OH-HOH !!…..So There you are!!
OH … you’re SO right!!
OH … For my Anatomy, An Idea Came To Mind!
I was surprised by _____ !!
Instantly, it was there!!
Suddenly it occurred to me!
It clicked with me:
Something just went click in my brain!
I get it!!
It Resonated with me.
I had rewarding experience
I had a rewarding moment.
I just noted or noticed:
There It Is!!
That’s IT EXACTLY!!!
VOLA .... Success!! (HSG’s invented AHA Word for Surprise, Delight, Excitement, Discovery).
Suddenly the impulse to purchase ….
Sudden craving for salty food ….
Oops ... Another Phopa, Fopa, Faux Pas
I suddenly “got” the punch line: (Of a joke, or humor)
Burst of laughter, after a comedian tells a joke.
Burst of laughter, after a person reads good joke, or sees a humorous cartoon.
If it’s Friday, it must be Rome! (World travelers, looking out window of their tour bus.)
As you peruse this list, you dear reader, should ALSO keep in mind that each one of the huge number of these Mental Arrival”, are indicators of Successful Problem Solutions, which (as discussed above), are best understood using The Hopfield Model of the Mammalian Brain.

A joke or a cartoon, is essentially a Problem To Be Solved=> Namely, presented with the Joke’s Punch-Line, after a pause, you brain suddenly solves the problem, “ see” the humor , and then mile & laugh! .... You will observe that, Your Mond, In-A-Flash, Solved the Problem, and “See” what is funny, followed by pleasure, and laughter!! At this moment you had A Mental Arrival!!
More at => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eureka_effect
My Special Supplemental List of “Quick Tip-Offs To Mental Arrivals: With Further Explanations, Is Here.

OK!! OK!! You’re Puzzled => Why Are The Above Listed 26 Major Categories Of Mental Arrivals So Important!!
OR INDEED WHY => This Whole Huge Document Is Important??)

To Cut It Short, Here’s “What You Should Get-Out-Of, the Above Mental Arrival List: =>
A Mental Arrival in a person’s conscious mind, happens when a person’s needed progress (such as puzzles, troubles or problems), are resolved by a needful idea automatically spontaneously comes to mind. These are in many ways (in net effect), similar items in List A) above, most especially the top 13, which are similar to a Flash-Of-Insight ***AHA*** !!.
… Any Mental Arrival “Event” in a person’s conscious mind, is indicated by their subsequent behavior and verbal statements. This document was written to help you understand these and explain When & Why Mental Arrivals Happen.
… I hope my 2 Page Introduction and Explanation above, has helped you understand, why MENTAL ARRIVAL’s are important and helped fill in what this is all about. Most especially you should note that our Problem Solving Brain’s mechanism for MENTAL ARRIVAL’s is best understood through study of J J Hopfield’s Mathematical Model of the Mammalian Brain. is best explained by studying Hopfield Model.

Although There Are Additional Importance’s Of MENTAL ARRIVAL’s, For Now Please Believe This =>

By studying this document, you will learn added skills of when and how to watch a person’s behavior (and words), your will be able to substantially increase your success and happiness in working with them. And likely also, for the other person as well!! Eventually you will see that ANY thought (idea, concept, thought, visualization, or perception) that you become aware of IS a Mental Arrival!! This is what MENTAL ARRIVAL’s are telling you!! Again, the most noteworthy and most obvious Mental Arrivals are those at the first 13 in the List A) above. Of course, the last 19 in the List A) above => Are less, and less, obvious Mental Arrivals, but are far more numerous: As you read, on down this page, you will also see a many more examples which herein are titled => “List Mental Arrivals Where => …. “ .

Cut-It-Short SUMMARY => Sudden, Automatic, Spontaneous Mental Arrivals, in a person’s mind, sometimes happen when a person’s troubles or problems are resolved by a Flash of Insight **AHA** or Similar. This event in a person may be (but not always), indicated by => Sudden, unexpected, changes (even reversals), of persons behavior, body posture, and face expression. Most of the time, however, Mental Arrivals, are not so noticeable, until you learn how to look for them.
Two MORE Pages Of Notes, Details, & Further Explanations For Henry Gurr’s List Of Mental Arrivals ., Is Here.

The Flash of Insight **AHA** And Other Similar Mental Arrivals, .... Like The Tip Of An Iceberg. ... Can Reliably Indicate That There Is Something Very BIG Below: But Just Because You Can’t See What’s Down There, Causing It, Doesn’t Mean It Doesn’t Exist, or Isn’t Important!!

Continuing From ~8 Inches Above =>

B) List Mental Arrivals Where => Light (or Illumination) Is Explicit, Thus “Enabling”... “Seeing”:
It Dawned on me:
The light came:
I got illumination
The light (bulb) went on!
Light bulb (as in cartoons)!
Day Light!!
Suddenly the Light of Day Hits Me.
A Lightning Bolt!!! . (What’s seen in a Thunder Storm.)
I had a Flash of Insight!
Truth will be reflected. (Reflection implies light, coming back fm some source of illumination.)

C) List Mental Arrivals Where => Light or Illumination Is Only Implied, Thus Metaphorically “Enabling”... “Seeing”
It dawned on me!
I had a Bright Idea!
OHHH. . . Look at that!
Just visualize this: Or Just imagine this:
It was Crystal Clear
I had a Foresight
Thunder Bolt!!
Like a Bolt Out of the Blue!! (IE: A lightning bolt, with both suddenness & light implied.)
ZEUS, name of an Ancient Greek God, means also Thunder Bolt!! !! (The word ZEUS, meant to ancient Greeks => Lightning Strikes!!! –IE: Literally & metaphorically, making a sudden light / illumination, and as above Literally and Metaphorically Enabling Seeing! (See “The Ancient System of Participation”, near end of this page. )

D) List Mental Arrivals Where => Words Indicate Suddenness, As May Be Expressed By Hit & Impact Words. Or Various Other Ways To Suggested Suddenness:
Suddenly .... The reality hit me! ... WOW!!
It struck a chord with me.
Crash!! Oops, …. What a disaster.
Wham!! …. What a mistake!!
What a wallop ..
It fell like a hammer, when I learned my parents were killed.
Pierced to the heart …
A whack on the head, straighten out my confusion!! Arrg!!
Smack between the eye balls,
Suddenly .... It came to me!!
It was a mental slap in the face …
Clobbered the brain ...
An intellectual slug in the arm …
Whoosh, the reality swept over me. …
Great Balls of fire!! & Great Scott!! These are favorite exclamations of my Covington GA friend, Herb Sutherland, of Scottish Descent & Name. Mr. Sutherland is member of Robert Burns Club of Atlanta GA, which supports his keen interest in Scottish Culture, Heritage, and History of Scotland.

E) List Mental Arrivals Where => There Words Say: Un-Covering, OR Re-Vealing, OR Dis-Covering: Thus Enabling “Seeing”:

INSIGHT (Literally IN-See = To see into the “IN-Sides” of item (either physical or metaphorical)
DISCOVER! (Literally Dis-Cover = To remove the “Cover” (either physical or metaphorical) BLINDERS dropped from her eyes.
SCALES fell from his eyes. (As in Bible: Swept away are Scabby Encrustations, thus seeing..
REVEAL (Literally Re-Veal, Re-Veil = To Re-Move the “Veil”(either physical or metaphorical)
REVELATION = To Reveal = New seeing!! (Literal and metaphoric) (Sudden or otherwise.)!!
PREMONITION = Pre-Mind = Came Into Mind Before Happening: Foresight (Seeing future! )
The Phrase In Quotes Line Above Relates To => Signs & Their Study, called Semiotics, is a huge area in the study of human mental workings! See Semiotics below.

A Word Origin and History For REVEAL, Related to Velum, & Veil
((A composite of Dictionary Hits, found by Google. In the following => The word Veil (see Veal below), is different in meaning from vail, meaning vallis, vallēs valley ))

Reveal: First Known Use: 1325 75; (v.) Middle English revelen < Middle French reveler < Latinrevēlāre to unveil (see re-, veil ); (in defs 4 and 5) derivative of obsoleterevale to lower < Old French revaler ((re- re- + ( a) valer to lower, verbalderivative of the phrase à val down; see vale ))
Middle English Usage: Revelen , from Anglo-French reveler, from Latin revelare to uncover, reveal, from re- + velare to cover, veil, from velum veil
Late 1400c., from Old French reveler "reveal" (1400c.), from Latin revelare" reveal, uncover, disclose," literally "unveil," from re- "opposite of" (see re-) + velare "to cover, veil," from velum "a veil" (see veil (n.)). Related: Revealed; Revealing.
It’s interesting to see REVEAL relates to => Apocalypse (Ancient Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apocálypsis, from ἀπό and καλύπτω meaning "uncovering"), translated literally from Greek, is a disclosure of knowledge, i.e., a lifting of the veil or revelation. In religious contexts it is usually a disclosure of something hidden.
It’s interesting to learn that REVEAL vs REVELATION, despite similar spelling & meaning, have quite different origins (and literal meanings): REVELATION is derived from Re-Levitate = Re-Lift-Up.

F) List Mental Arrivals Where => Mind (or Brain) Is Explicitly Stated, As In The First Five Below, But. Implicit In The Others:
My State of Mind
My Brain State
My Brain Wave
My Brain Storm (I had a brain storm.)
My mind seized upon!
Clear in my mind:
Comes to Mind:
I became conscious of
I became aware.
I had a premonition.
Visualization ... A Visual Image Appears In Mind.
A wave of emotion swept over me.
Comes to me:
Arrival of an idea:
I had a thought:
Understanding /
You just know ….
Instantaneous Knowledge / Learning
It was understood, sometimes slowly, sometimes with a sudden impact.
What are you thinking?
Conjure. What a Magician makes us see.
I conjured up this new scheme.
Conjurer of vaporous imaginations, and metaphoric arrivals, or next =>
Mental conditions (Fits & Spells) induced (urged, set-up) by, Hypnosis, or Magic or Magician

G) List Mental Arrivals Where => There Is A Meaning To Become Real, To Come Closer, To Come, or To Become True:
Realization (sudden or otherwise).
I realized, (the Flash of Insight, is just the tip of the Iceberg, in The Philosophy of Mind.)
We had this forehead-smacking realization ...
The Reality Hit me … This is huge!!! Earth shaking!!
The Reality Test
This is for real …
You really need to pay attention …
To really need see this or it …
Idea came to me.
Truth Came.
Truth Arrived …
Truth, as in Truth Will Be Revealed.
It doesn’t get more real than this …
Coke is the Real Thing!
HSG Story => I realized this is what had happened: A white patch in the ditch catches my eye … On automatic, I walk over and look close … Hmmm …. It’s leathery, and not dirt or wood .... Hmmm .... Eyeing from different angles ..... Oh Ho ... It’s a tan & polka dot Puff-Ball Mushroom! => There Is A Fungus Amongus!! => Mush, Slush, Plush, Flush, Sliish, Goosh, Fish, Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum, Flim-Flam!!

H) List Mental Arrivals Where => Seeing, Hearing, Touch, Can Initiate New Perceptions Arriving In Conscious Awareness:, Is Here.

I) List Mental Arrivals Where => There Are Religious Openings, Which Are Also Mental Arrivals. Included Below Are Explanations of Relic Cultural-Holdovers-From- Times Earlier-Than ~300 Years Ago:
…Many religious feelings of the Spirits and God (or practices) may be understood as state(s) of Mental Arrivals. Of these below, some are mort Spiritual, than others. => (See meaning of Spirit, 7 inches below at => EXPLANATION1.)

Faith or Act of Faith, or a sudden awareness of God (or the Holy Spirit),
Satori (A religious state of being, of Eastern cultures? India? Japan? Buddhist?)
Inspiration = In-Spirit-ing = Literally In-Coming Of Spirit (More below) Etc => (More 7 Below)
By the Grace of God.
May God’s Grace Be Unto You.
Blessings To You.
Speaking in tongues.
Revelation (sudden, slowly, or otherwise arrive.)
An Appearance => => (See 8inches below at EXPLANATION2.).
An Apparition of Angels => (See 8 inches below at EXPLANATION2.)
Seeing Ghosts, Spirits, or Other Wispy Vaporous Phantom Apparitions.
It comes to me now:
Oh my God!! => (On the Internet = OMG.)
Oh, for Heaven’s sake ….
An Epiphany => (See 10 inches below at EXPLANATION3.)
Jesus!!! Oh my God … HE Jesus, was GOD!!
Oh my Savior Jesus, I call upon you …. !! ….
So help me God.
God willing, this church will be built.
May the Saints help us.
I pray you help me St Theresa, St Katharine, St George, St Michael, etc
The Saints be Praised!!
EXPLANATION1 THE WORD “SPIRIT” => To modern people, the word “Spirit” may seem simple: But according to Owen Barfield, it actually is a HoloPhrase meaning all-at-once => Air / Breath / Wind / Life / Invisible Active Creature, Living-Person-Matter /God / Goddess. Others are, Angle Phantom / Host / Ghost, Fairy, Farie, and a huge host of others. (See Blue Link below for a full understanding. )

EXPLANATION2 for the word Apparition According to the Participation World View” (a hypothesis of Owen Barfield), EARLIER than say ~300 years ago, Mental Arrivals were actually, really, experienced as the mental arrival of a “Spirit Creature”, into consciousness, of a person’s mind!! Back then, there were Mental Arrivals such as “An Appearance”, such as “came upon them” or “suddenly there was”. Here are 4 examples of Mental Arrivals (unerlined), retold in yearly Christian Church Christmas Celebrations, and in George Frederic Handel’s Messiah'' Oratorio.

And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about} them, and they were sore afraid.
And the angel said unto them: Fear not, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
And suddenly there was with the angel, a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying:
Glory to God in the highest,

The Ancient System of Original Participation: “What Was Really There”, & How To Achieve “A Correct Understanding”, Concerning The World of Ancient Myth.” ''
… First: You Need To Be Absolutely Convinced How HUGE Is This ''World Of Ancient Myth. You Can Just Google To Find Thousands, “Mythical Gods & Goddess ”!!
… As Owen Barfield says (paraphrased by Henry Gurr): ~ ”Our Historical Cultural Landscape is absolutely littered with the Relic Remains of Original Participation.”
… Something BIG was going on, in those Ancient Civilizations, starting with Dawn Peoples!!! We can only happening!! And it’s up to us to figure out what it all means!

EXPLANATION3: The word Epiphany My good ZMM Book friend, Tina DeWeese, in her 2014 New Year’s Thankyou Card, included the following information concerning EPIPHANY: “January 6th marks the Christian celebration of the Epiphany. ”Tradition says that on this day, 12 days after Christmas, the three Kings from the East, the Magi, came to Bethlehem to honor the Christ child. Epiphany commemorates the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles, who are represented in the story by the Magi from foreign lands. …. First recorded in English documents as long ago as year 1310, ""'epiphany''' comes from a Greek word meaning "to show forth, to appear or make manifest." … But long before the birth of Christ, The Greeks were using this term in reference to the sudden appearances or manifestations of their own gods: Athena, Zeus, Pan, Mercury, et al. ***Today, we ordinary mortals still experience epiphanies, but perhaps of a more secular nature. No longer exactly divine appearances, modern epiphanies are personal revelations, sudden insights, moments of clarity which occur randomly, inspired by chance encounters, for example, or a word or a gesture. ((Perhaps Tina found this in book Verbivore's Feast: Second Course: More Word & Phrase Origins, By Chrysti Mueller Smith. This is only reference found by Google.))
My son David Gurr suggests look it up in Etymology => Epiphany (n.) early 14c., "festival of the manifestation of Christ to the gentiles" (celebrated Jan. 6; usually with a capital -E-), from Old French epiphanie, from Late Latin epiphania, neuter plural (taken as feminine singular), from late Greek epiphaneia "manifestation, striking appearance, festival held in commemoration of the appearance of a god at some particular place" (in New Testament, "advent or manifestation of Christ"), from epiphanes "manifest, conspicuous," from epiphainein "to manifest, display, show off; come suddenly into view," from epi "on, to" (see epi-) + phainein "to show" (see phantasm). Of divine beings other than Christ, first recorded 1660s; general literary sense of "any manifestation or revelation" appeared 1840, first in De Quincey. http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=epiphany

J) List Mental Arrivals Where => There Is A Clear => “Calling On *Heavenly Spiritual Forces.
Some Of Which Are => “A Taking The **Name Of The Lord In Vain.
…. … A Continued Explanation Of Relic Cultural-Holdovers-From-Earlier-Times:
Many Words In List Below, May Be Seen As Mental Arrivals. Those Marked ** Below, Are More Sacrilege, Than The *Others.
*Heaven Help Us.
*Jesus help me.
*Oh Jeez Oh Pete ….. (Oh Jesus Or Oh Saint Peter, help me, a sinner!! )
*Yea Gods and Little Fishes.
*Oh Gads, that’s too much.
**May you be sent to Hell (or damnation), by God.'
**”God Damn You (or It)”
Concerning The Biblical Second Commandment => “You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain.” Although the above *phrases, are disguised forms of swearing, the above two **phrases, are socially UN-approved forms of swearing. You should realize that such phrases, were for earlier peoples a “Calling (for help), on the Spirits generally, or calling on specific Saints, or Other Departed Souls: This Practice Of Calling For Help From (Or Demanding Acton From) Various Spirits, Had Its Origins In An Earlier Worldview, Owen Barfield Calls Participation. And AFTER this page comes up > please notice first 5 of > > Do > Top > Edit > Find > prayer ….

Such Calling-On-Spirits, or Praying-To-These-Souls, still happens in our own time, as dictated by various person's religious beliefs. However, in our time cursing & swearing, although using the SAME words, has NO religious content. In fact such is considered Sacrilege, and thus opposite of religious practice / feeling. Although in earlier times, Calling on Spirits was once genuine, it isn’t any more => Through the centuries, “Swearing has become empty-of-previous-meaning, in fact opposite of it’s origins in religion.!!

Eventually you should understand that -- “ Calling On the Lord In Vain”-- is a degraded religious practice, having its left over form, but not it’s function. Swearing, as we know it, is Cultural Left-over (Relic) from Ancient Peoples’. So are such phrases as The Devil put the idea in my head. “The Devil made me do it!”
This practice comes from an earlier Worldview, Owen Barfield calls Participation.

OK, But What About Anglo Saxon Four Letter Words?:
Since practically any word, may be considered a Mental Arrival, it’s no surprise that this includes all the “Anglo Saxon Four Letter Words”! But we have to be careful. Because these have unusual emotional impact in actual practice. Online Dictionaries say => “Many short English words (often having 4 letters) generally regarded as vulgar, obscene or offensive.” + “Broadly, these are taboo words or verboten topics, because they are referring to erotic sexual or messy smelly excretory functions:”

But, Why Do We Call It “SWEARING”, Such As =>
“I swear on a stack of Bibles. OR
“I swear this is true, may God strike me dead.”
First off You must realize that SWEARING is usually meant saying an OATH, which means, a solemn promise, vow, pledge, declaration, affirmation of belief, etc. (Pledge of Allegiance. Apostles Creed. Etc)
Then you must realize => That back in the years 1400 to 1500, SWEAR (or below variants), was only OATH word they had.
Then your must realize that with passage of time, a new handy shorter word => SAY, came into usage, and SWEAR (now a Cultural Relic, was left over and) used only for OATHS !! ...
'''If You Study The Dictionary Passages below, You Can See that (for practical purposes), the word SWEAR, over the centuries, gradually changed into our word SAY” =>
“Word Origin and History For SWEAR”
Verb . Old English swerian "take an oath" (class VI strong verb; past tense swor, past participle sworen), from Proto-Germanic *swarjan-, (cf. Old Saxon swerian, Old Norse sverja, Danish sverge, Old Frisian swera, Middle Dutch swaren, Old High German swerien, German schwören, Gothic swaren "to swear"), from PIE root *swer- (1) "to speak, talk, say" (cf. Old Church Slavonic svara "quarrel"). Also related to the second element in answer [an-swar to a question]. The secondary sense of "use bad language" (early 1500c.) developed from the notion of "invoke sacred names." Swear-word is American English colloquial from 1883. Swear off "desist as with a vow" is from 1898.

K) List Mental Arrivals Where => Certain Words Are Used To Talk About Mental Arrivals, Which We All Have Experienced One Way Or Another. These Mental Processes, Are Given Different Names, Seen In The List Below.

A) It is a curious fact, that these words listed below, are in essence, a form of Thinking About Thinking, In other words they indicate => “Purposeful Conscious, Words & Discussion about named mental processes.at any time past, now, or future”!! (The same could be said for Mental Arrival Lists E), F) above, & Kk) below..)
B) By contrast, the other Mental Arrival listed words, on the remainder of this page, are a person’s direct immediate verbal report of a prior Mental Arrival, that had just happened. In other words => “A Conscious Report of (the result of), Immediately Prior UN-Conscious Thinking OR Solution To a Problem.

These Are =>
Pattern Recognition
Accomplish, accomplishment
Zombie State
Conclusion, Theory, Law
Paradigm (As in Thomas Kuhn’s “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.)
Concept, Conceptualize, Conceptualization
Relation, Relations.
Relevant<= Latin relev; (“lift up again, lighten, relieve”) Literal AgainLiftUp/Levitate
Embodiment of element of relation
Level of Mental Activation
Persevere, Perseverance, Stay on job …
Goal, closed or open ended …
Destiny, Destination, (To start towards … .)
Wondering I’ about the possibility …
Wise, Wisdom, Wizard, Witch, Wicca (Wis = of the mind. Related to Magi, Magician, Magic)
Wit, Witty, Witness, Wistful, Wiseacre (Wit = of the mind. Related to Magi, Magician, Magic)
Lateral Thinking ... Lateral Action
Sense or Sensation or Sensational!
Associative Memory
Contiguous Association
Transcendental Thinking Mental Arrivals (More below.)
Tacit Knowledge Mental Arrivals (More below.)
Crystallization Mental Arrivals (More below.)
It was a stroke of Genius!!
She is mighty Sharp to figure this out. (Sharp Mind like a knife, with Dull Mind = the opposite.)
He is mighty Bright to figure this out. (Bright Mind like Spotlight, with Dim Mind = opposite.)
She is Super Brilliant to figure this out. (Brilliant Mind like Blazing Sun, vs Dimwit Mind.)

EXPLANATION: Transcendental Thinking, As in New England Transcendentalists: Such as Ralph Waldo ->Emerson, Henry David Thoreau +England’s Wadsworth, Longfellow, Oliver Wendell Holmes, & James Russell Lowell.
EXPLANATION: Tacit Knowledge, as in Michael Polanyi’s Personal Knowledge, with sense of purpose, &''' ->Achievement, & tacit achievement,
EXPLANATION: Crystallization Approximately Equals The- Flash-Of-Insight.
Crystallization Is Author Robert Pirsig’s own name for The Flash-Of-Insight. Example => HSG’s idea (thought) crystalizes into clear plans & action.
This usage, is one of many analogies used by Mr Pirsig in ZMM & LILA books. Please study a) & b), to understand Mr Pirsig’s two analogous meanings for the word Crystallize, Crystallization, ,,

a) Mental Crystallization: To become clear, in mind: Becoming mentally more coherent, and ordered. This is going to state of lower mental confusion.

Robert Pirsig’s AHA Type Crystallization, Is Analogous to

b) Physical Crystallization: A jumble of atoms, want to become a physical crystal. They want to become more ordered, This is going to a lower energy state.

NOTE: The Words In Section K) Above, Are Mainly Used To Talk About Mental Arrivals Which Are: Useful, Positive, Comfortable, Successful, Needful, Etc.
… HOWEVER1, There Are Also (see list below), Mental Arrival Words (or Concepts, Ideas, Thoughts, Meanings, Phrases), That Imply A Person’s Mental Processes Which Are: Confused, Scrambled Ideas, Messed Thinking, Hay-Wire-Brain, Balled-Up-Mind, Etc:
… HOWEVER2: There are times we just simply do NOT KNOW, we are Wrong, In Error or have Faulty Conclusions. We all know about these occasional circumstances, but have no name for them, because they have not yet come into our awareness. Most of the time we discover our error, or someone else shows it to us. In this event we DO have the words/concepts/awareness => Wrong, Error, Fault, Corruption, Mistake, Dysfunctional, Deranged, etc. Some experts believe that with proper training, we can be error free. But I’m inclined to believe that nature leaves us with a certain low level of errors, almost on purpose! This is for two reasons: a) There would be too much brain resources and time, to achieve 100 % error free. And evolution has discovered that a low rate of errors, helps us discover new previously un-tried ‘ways” of doing something. Thus overall our design, allows the losses due to errors, to gain more, in the new methods discovered. One final thought comes from truism “Garbage In results in Garbage Out!! If a person has the wrong training or wrong data, a correct functioning brain, will still produce wrong results!! And the only antidote is correcting what which is wrong. But as Thomas Kuhn’s Structure of Scientific Revolutions, tells us => Changing persons minds, to correct the data, is a very difficult to achieve, to say the least.

L) List Mental Arrivals Where => Certain Words Are Used To Talk About Confused Mental States,
…The Words Listed Below, Are Noteworthy In That => We Know If We Are Confused! **''' Although a confused mind is relatively infrequent, is important to notice this => When we have (or have had) a confused mind, we typically are quite clear about it!!! We know when, why, and how, we were confused, and have messed up concepts!! I think this is quite remarkable ability.

Confuse, Confused, Confusion (Here note fuse “Fuse” and see Word History Note Below **).
Perplex, perplexed
Baffle, baffled
Bewilder, bewildered
Bumfuzzle, bumfuzzled (<Conflation of Dumb + Confused + Fuzzy + Frizzled + Bum)
Disorder, Disordered Mind
Dumfound, Dumfoozle
Fluster, flustered,
Chaotic mind
Spastic, Spasm,
Bamboozle, Bamboozled (Bam + Zzip + Booze, you are Forced, Schemed, Scammed, Wezeled, Wheedled, into doing what you didn’t want.)
Aberrant, Aberration (Literally = Wrong Errand or Trip)
He shudda no’ed better.

** A Word History Note Concerning The Word CONFUSED.
This discussion of Words Related to Confuse & Confused, Shows The Steps of Historical Development Our Modern “Confuse” Word, Which Means “ Messed Up Mind”!!

Concerning the “Fuse” part of “ConFuse”: Fuse, connotes “Flux and Flowed To Point Of Stuck”! So in one quick word we have implied that there are separate parts that have flowed together, then compressed and fused, meaning stuck so well that they can’t be separated or un-scrambled. Thus the word, Confuse, metaphorically, means mental thoughts jumbled-together, and can’t be Un-jumbled. Moreover you are powerless, to figure your way out of the Stuck-Together-ness!!
Read on this dictionary word history how this fits!! =>
Confused (adj.) In early 1400c., [words like] "discomfited, routed, defeated" served at first as an alternative past participle of word confound, just as Latin confusus was the past participle of confundere "to pour together, mix, mingle; to join together;" hence, figuratively, "to throw into disorder; to trouble, disturb, upset." The Latin past participle also was used as an adjective, with reference to mental states, "troubled, embarrassed," and this passed into Old French as confus "dejected, downcast, undone, defeated, discomfited in mind or feeling," which passed to Middle English as confus (1400c.; for example Chaucer's "I am so confus, that I may not seye"), which then was assimilated to the English past participle pattern by addition of -ed. Of individuals, "discomfited in mind, perplexed," from mid-1400c.; of ideas, speech, thought, etc., from 1610s. By mid-1600c., the word seems to have been felt as a pure adj., and it evolved a back-formed verb in confuse. Few English etymologies are more confused !! ((Those who are interested, could find more word history, by Googling => Con Cont Cor as in Concrete or Concept, Correct or Core as in Correspond. ))

M) List Mental Arrivals Where => … "TO BE, OR NOT TO BE" …: Are Mental Arrivals In => Popular Sayings Based On Quotations From Shakespeare and Others. These Mental Arrivals, were originally in mind of Shakespeare, who on purpose invented these to be “Ketchy & Viral”!! And because they are SO VERY “Ketchy & Viral”, for everyone, these have thus “Arrived” in all our Minds!!

Catch phrases For Us All!! => Mental Arrivals In => William Shakespeare Quotes Such As =>

"To be, or not to be, that is the question."
"O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?".
"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
“Thou art more lovely and more temperate: “
“Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, .. “
And summer's lease hath all too short a date".
“To be, or not to be: that is the question".
"This above all: to thine own self be true"
"Though this be madness, yet there is method in it.".
"That it should come to this!". -
"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so".
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks".
The Above Happen To Form Some Of Literature's Most Celebrated Lines.
Other famous Shakespeare quotes such as "I 'll not budge an inch", "We have seen better days" "A dish fit for the gods" and the expression it's "Greek to me" have all become catch phrases in modern day speech. Furthermore, other William Shakespeare quotes such as "to thine own self be true" have become widely spoken pearls of wisdom.
Links worth your study, with the first, being the source of above.

N) List Mental Arrivals Where => Mental Arrivals Are Seen In Words Of => Proverbs & Wise Sayings: Each Are Idea Arrivals, Into Our Conscious Mind:
A penny saved, is a penny earned.
He who pays the piper calls the tune.
You get what you pay for.
"It was a maxim," he said, "that the people ought to hold the purse-strings."
Many Senior’s control the purse strings, but not the mind. (Tele-Marketers & Scammers Maxim)
You are the master of your destiny.
Look, before you leap.
A rolling stone gathers no moss.
A stitch in time, saves nine.
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. Confucius
When bad luck happens:
You have to take your medicine,:
Into every person’s life, a little rain must fall. (Your life is not so bad... everyone gets problems.)
Every cloud has a silver lining.
Cheer up, things could be a lot worse: So I cheered up, and sure enough, things got worse!
When in Rome, do as the Romans do!!
There is no honor among thieves.
Power corrupts. And absolute power corrupts absolutely.
You gotta love it or leave it.
“Once is an accident. Twice is a coincidence. Three times is enemy action!” <= When Agent 007 -->showed up a bit too often in the Gangsters’ Compound.
I have more problems, than you can shake a stick at!!
Yuzs put yuze money down, and takes yuzs chances.
Heaven Help Us.

We were forced to purchase passage on an old rotted sailing ship. It was Gold Rush Days, and all the other Clipper Ships, New York to San Francisco, were all booked-up!!

See also Wise Proverbs & Sayings =>

O) List Mental Arrivals Where => Mental Arrivals Are In Miscellaneous Ideas or Conclusions That May => Automatically Spontaneously “Pop” Into Your Conscious Mind: But Are Any Of These Poetry?
Today these are my new realizations ...
Today these are my new rules:
If you make a mistake, you pay for it. (By Civil Engineer, Ralph Bennett, Augusta GA.)
Use it or loose it!
So … Get a grip on it.
Don’t take my word for it ..
Check it for yourself ..
Writing it out on paper, will lock these ideas into your memory
I’ll do that ….
I’ll call this good enough ….
I surmise, deduce, think, decide ….
I suppose, guess, fig’r, figure, estimate, & guesstimate!!
I calculated the probability ….
My intuition is ….
Trust Joy.
This indicates …,
This points to …
This signifies
What is the significance.
Proof by exhaustion
People from NYC have more money, than good sense. (By Civil Engineer, Ralph Bennett, Augusta GA.)
Rain was not on my mind.
Oh boy, oh boy….
Oh Girl Oh Boy, look at e/m go!!
Corporate Shyster Lawyers:
Oh man, that’s terrible ….
That is a little-bitty thing!!
I have a Sweet Tooth, especially for Chocolate!
That’s true …. Shure enough …
This has to be true.
Intriguing suggestion:
That is a good idea!!
What’s the cash value? (In “Philosophic Pragmatism” of William James.)
Let’s do that!!
Are we having fun yet??
It’s over there, to your left …
You should just visualize this:
Just imagine it!! (Relates to imagination, which has in it word “image”.).
Close your eyes, sit motionless, and try to digest this.
It’s at the .. Top of my mind:
Oops ,,, I forgot ….. (And next down: )…
It was on => The Tip of My Tongue. ….. (And next down: )…
As I was trying to remember what had triggered this Mental Arrival above, I closed my eyes: Suddenly,

in imagination, I visualized the computer screen (which I had been using, & in flash insight,
I remembered it!!! )

I saw the outcome
This is a shot in the dark …
That makes no sense
That’s crazy, Loony, Lunatic, Ludicrous (Bugs Bunny & Elmer Fudd, Looney Tunes Cartoons.)
I can’t make Heads or Tails about this! (Which fur is the head of the (literal) animal?)
Oh crap now what to do with this mess?
For good or bad, that’s the way it’s going to be.
A Jackleg Carpenter, can handle all these Old BumFuzzled Odd Pieces of Wood.
Your suit is now a => Moth-Eaten Rag!
Don’t even think of it …
I hear a Robin, a Thrush …
I smell coffee!!
I smell the rain!!
In my mind, I can just taste the Straw Berries …
I hear Margaret, in the distance at her new house, talking to construction guys.
The thought grabbed my attention . ..
Kitty is getting worried frantic, in anxiety!!
I’m doing my best to get your attention!! (Our hungry Kitty, circling, meowing, clawing rug.)
On this job, I’m trying to stay ahead of the workers.

What I needed was Eight Eyes, like a spider, so I had Fish-Eye-Lens Vision, Or better the
Camera used by Google Street View, plus a human mind was needed, to put all eight images into One Surround World Image.)

I saw the “Cosmic Green” handrails in our new building!
He works the wee hours of the morning.
That wage is a pittance, compared to what the lawyers get.
Life in this world of tears, of instant reversals, of dog eat dog, of tooth and claw,
Darwinian Evolution: Survival of the fittest.
Show me … I’m from Missouri …
He’s being a pill.
Never the Twain Shall Meet.
It’s time to take your medicine!
This patent medicine: Cures what ails you!!
Turpentine: Guaranteed to kill or cure.
A little bit of wine, does wonders!
Here’s to your Health!!
Be of good cheer.
I grew up with this idea / ideal.
I scream, you scream, we all scream for Ice Cream!!
I’ll do more or less what you say.
If this works out, it’s bought & paid for.
Guaranteed return on investment.
He will not change, Come hell or high water.
Caught between the Devil and the Deep Blue Seal
Between a Rock and a Hard Place.
Push come to shove.
I’m stuck, with how to explain this new revelation, so I’ll take a break for

a walk and clear my head. And a few minutes later the “pieces” just spontaneously

automatically came together!! As Ray Bradbury says “The book writes itself!!”
Don’t even think of parking here.
Let’em Pig Out, on all those slimy topics.
Don’t get in a hurry!! Robert Pirsig
This is the best Modus Operandi:
Take your time: Push it in slowly and carefully.
What’s up Doc? (Bugs Bunny & Elmer Fudd, in Looney Tunes Cartoons.)
I’m special … Don’t you agree?
As a leader: Tell your staff, that your job is to help make their job easy as possible. And …
As a leader: It is not so important to have good answers, just the right (good) questions.

P) List Mental Arrivals Where -> Mental Arrivals Are Seen In => Mr. Ray Kenner (Raze Organics), Shows Us His Master Salesmanship & Working Of People’s Minds. -> Make Your Boss Think It Was HIS Idea! ''' .... …

The Customer is always right.
As a salesperson: Your customer is the boss, …
Use your best sales pitch, and then stand-back and don’t say anything.,
Don’t ever take no for an answer!!! (Signed Ray (Raze) Kenner. )

Plus Other Salesman Phrases =>
This is a genuine guaranteed winner idea!!
This idea (invention, scheme, book, etc) will go viral, &
Spread everywhere, like a meme, on fire!
So jump on the Bandwagon!! And
“Go Tell It From the Mountain”... And the Band Stand!
Yeehaw An interjection expressing joy or exuberance, stereotypically associated with

Cowboys of the American Old West .... Wikipedia

Q) List Mental Arrivals Where => Are Seen Our 20th Century Lifestyle =>
Conspicuous Consumption
Bigger Is Better!!

R) List Mental Arrivals Where => Mental Arrivals Are Seen In Words Of => An EarthCare Lifestyle =>
Less Is More!!
Going Green
Attend Earth Day
Make you no mistake about it!!
Global Warming Is HERE!!
This is REAL!!! ...
The 15 R's '''– Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Renew, Refinish, RePuropse, Replace,
Redirect, Recover, Regenerate, Rethink, Remember, Recommit, and Rededicate ... your life!

S) List Mental Arrivals Where => Mental Arrivals Are Seen In => Words & Phrases of Music Lyrics, and Similar Lines, Words, & Phrases, of Popular Music.
Do you see what I see? A star, a star, dancing in the night
"Do you hear what I hear? A song, a song high above the trees.
Uncontrollably, "Our little song broke us up. You must realize there was a threat of nuclear war ..”.Composed Oct 1962.

T) List Mental Arrivals Where => Are Seen Successive Lines of Poetry (Music Lyrics & Similar), That May Be Considered To Be, Successive Mental Arrivals.
However Poetic Mental Arrivals Are A Quite Especial Highly Sought After Creation That Are Specifically The Poem’s Author’s Intention And Purpose!
…The above listed Mental Arrivals, each typically carry a single isolated thought, idea, concept, or meaning. …. Similarly, each line of a poem has a similar .... thought, idea, concept, or meaning. (which have what shall I say) … added impact and sense of understandings. ….
… However, in reading Poetry line by line, (or phrase, or word), rather than a single isolated thought, there is on purpose, an ever accumulating & holistic building-up of impact. … Achieving an ever increasing, Total Holistic Effect!.... Like falling in love, you’ve been there!! => .There is Altered Mood, Plus, in some cases ... Nerve-Tingling-Feeling. As Owen Barfield says “ A felt change of consciousness” …. And [thus] a new sense of meaning, that was not there previously”!
Waxing Poetic!! Owen Barfield concludes: “Only an imaginary voice [imagination] can do this [“the extras of poetry”]; for more than sounds went to the creating of that music, and it takes more than an ear-drum to hear it.” [Owen Barfield passages above, are from his book, Poetic Diction: ]
…This is of course, is specifically the poem’s author’s intention and purpose: AND this is how, we (and they) know the poem is composed well & correctly ….. IF in the very process (flow) of reading it… nerve-tingling awareness (“A felt change of consciousness”) arrives!!!! This is the test!! This is the proof!!
… Of course, there are Additional Poetic Feeling (“extras” beyond that discussed above), that comes from Rhyme, Meter, Word Expression, Word Emphasis, Cadence, Alliteration, Assonance, Use of Archaic Words, Etc. Here also the poet, is on purpose, striving for more impact & resonance ….. Literally and figuratively.
… However nicely our minds work with poetry, according to two paragraphs discussed above, these “poetry author’s intention and purpose” mostly don’t happen, for the non-poetry listings, of my above “26 Major Categories Lists Of Mental Arrivals”: This not a surprising result, since a) Most Mental Arrivals are solutions unrelated to poetry and b) Poets have to work pretty hard to achieve their Good Poetry.
On Mon, Oct 6, 2014: Reading The Above, Barfield Expert, Kenneth McClure Wrote =>
… To speak of a line of poetry as a mental arrival is itself a helpful point of departure. Way too often structural analysis of poetry gets swamped in its own mechanistic presuppositions. To see "the line" as an arrival stresses its sufficiency of expression and its provisional stasis; to see it as a "successive mental arrival" stresses its organic continuity and expansive reach of meaning. It's refreshing to begin the discussion in this light.

… Overall Owen Barfield, who has spent a lifetime watching his own mind at work, clearly helps us, his readers to understand own mind at work, especially as applies to poetry What he says in his various books and articles strongly supports => Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” . | Henry Gurr’s Listed Mental Arrivals, That Are Related To How We Respond To Lines of Poetry, especially, as Owen Barfield says With Excamaton Mark => “Words mean more than they say.” '' Plus Accolades For Owen Barfield’s Works.
… NOTE: AFTER above Blue Link comes up => You many be interested to scroll down to and read => Certain Human Groups Have Their Own Language Terms …. Here read about how these are certainly Mental Arrivals: But are they Poetry?

T) Cont: Successive Lines of Poetry, May Be Considered To Be, Successive Mental Arrivals. Email Oct 12, 2014, Jan Freijser Says It This Way =>
… Just a quick note about Ken McClure's take on poetry, or a line of poetry => As a "mental arrival", resonates strongly with me.
…This won't surprise you no doubt … My catch-all philosophic insight is this. … All that matters, is [mental] "movement". All [mental] movement is made up of departures and arrivals.
…The [mental] moment of intentionality and [the]immediately following "get-set" process, just before departure happens, ie. The beginning of the [mental] movement, is the most mysterious mechanism in human [mental] biology (as I interpret it, as a lay person, from what Rodolfo Llinas says).
…The thing is, … That the arrival seems to be already present or anticipated in the departure.
…In a way it has to be, (this is part of the visualization trick, or perhaps also partly a result of successful mirror-neurons), in order for the arrival to be successful.
…A line of poetry arrives if it has a rhythmical and tonal point, with semantics lurking somewhere in the background.
…If it makes a difference, a difference being the awareness of having arrived somewhere.
Cheers, Jan

U) For Further Reading About Owen Barfield:
… Of course, with Google Or Bing Or Wikipedia, you can find much about Owen Barfield.
… But to read about how Barfield’s works support & illuminate Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” ''. Click Here. And AFTER this page comes up For 171 each > Do > Top > Edit > Find > Barfield
… NOTE1: Of course in the abpve > Find > not all “finds” will be interesting or useful, in which case skim over these.
… NOTE:2 Please especially read at => 3) In Praise for Owen Barfield:

V) From Robert Pirsig’s Book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”. We See Additional Mental Arrival Examples =>

i) “Now it comes down!” ….
ii) “It comes back to me now. “
iii) " In my mind now is an image of … "
iv) “One of those little facts [a new idea] tugging at the end of a [fishing] line.” << Here, notice => “Tugging On a Line” means “Has Potential” or “Possibilities”, BUT the idea is “Yet To Become Real” Or surface into mind, as mental Arrival.
v) “This inner peace of mind …”
vi) “You don’t have to go fishing, of course, to fix your motorcycle.”
vii) " In my mind now is an image of … "

**Below Realizations About “Quality” ***

viii) “That sounded warm.”
ix) “Quality is not a thing. It is an event.”
x) “Warmer.” ''
xi) “It is the event at which the subject becomes aware of the object.”
xii) ”And because without objects there can be no subject—because the objects create the subject’s awareness of himself—Quality is the event at which awareness of both subjects and objects is made possible.”
xiii) “Hot.“
xiv) “Now he knew it was coming.”
xv) “This means Quality is not just the result of a collision between subject and object. The very existence of subject and object themselves is deduced from the Quality event. The Quality event is the cause of the subjects and objects, which are then mistakenly presumed to be the cause of the Quality!” ''
xvi) “Now he had that whole damned evil dilemma by the throat.”

Later, A Mental Arrival, In A Letter From Robert Pirsig =>
“Memories came crashing down!” Mr. Pirsig said of the two photos in this composite photo: Mr. Robert Pirsig, went on to say that as a child he rode the streetcar on Hennepin to his Elementary School, which was at that time, located just to the west of this intersection. Click to see photo.

W) List Mental Arrivals Where => A Mental Arrival Is Seen In => Various Words Meaning An Event, Being, or Action, Is Only Potentially There, But Not Yet Actually There (Or Yet Visible):
…a) … In physics =>“ “Potential energy” '' is the stored energy in any object or system by virtue of its position or arrangement of parts. However, it isn't affected by the environment outside of the object or system, On the other hand, kinetic energy is the energy of an object or a system's particles by virtue of their motion.
…b) From Middle Ages Latin the idea => “En Potentia” , which in English means=> ~’Having Potential. (Potent, Pregnant).
…Potential means existing only as a possibility and not in fact. … Related is the word latent => The adjective latent is a tricky word to define because it refers to something there but not there. That is, latent means something that is capable of becoming active or at hand but has not yet achieved that state. Thus Latent Means Not Yet Become Manifest.
…c) According to Owen Barfield, during the Middle Ages there was a Latin term called “EnPotentia ”:'''

i) As is the case for the physics term Potential Energy of our scientists, “En Potentia”, means, there was a Potential for something to happen, but hadn’t happened yet. Thus starting back in Late Roman times, the use of the Latin term, “En Potentia”, infers that people (or at least writers, of the ~Middle Ages), had an awareness of mental “Arrivals” (which is the subject and purpose of this “26 Major Categories Of => Lists Of Mental Arrivals”. )
… Thus we see that …. What Is “En Potentia” and not yet Visible ….. Is On It’s Own Actively, Forming, and will soon become Manifest:
ii)The Invisible, will become Really Truly Existent In Actuality, and BE THERE, as in Manifesto. I’m suggesting that this is surely (& mostly), has reference to “Mental Arrivals”, in some person eventually, in real time.

…d) Although Richard A. Hocks, does not use Barfield’s language, below are two Expressions of Mental Arrivals given at i) & ii) below, From WebPage by Richard A. Hocks Concerning => “Owen Barfield and Michael Polanyi As ‘Complementary Theorists’.”

i) “All the force of unnoticed significance, newly made obvious,” (Quoting William Holtz.) (1971)”
ii) “When we use a word, we are Adopting, Re-Enacting or Re-Animating . . . the thought of [eons of] previous users of the same word or some part at least of that thought. “(Quoting Owen Barfield’s “Speaker’s Meaning”,1967. )

X) List Mental Arrivals Where => A Mental Arrival Is Seen In => A “Sign” Is Present In Our Conscious Mind As A Mental Arrival. From Wikipedia =>
…”Semiotics (also called semiotic studies) is the systematic study of sign processes (semiosis) and meaning making. Semiosis is any activity, conduct, or process that involves signs, where a sign is defined as anything that communicates something, usually called a meaning, to the sign's interpreter. [Where A “Sign” Is of course a Mental Arrival] The meaning can be intentional such as a word uttered with a specific meaning, or unintentional, such as a symptom being a sign of a particular medical condition. Signs can also communicate feelings (which are usually not considered meanings) and may communicate internally (through thought itself) or through any of the senses: visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, or gustatory (taste). Contemporary semiotics is a branch of science that studies meaning-making and various types of knowledge.”
…”The semiotic tradition explores the study of signs and symbols as a significant part of communications. Unlike linguistics, semiotics also studies non-linguistic sign systems. Semiotics includes the study of signs and sign processes [such as], indication, designation, likeness, analogy, allegory, metonymy, metaphor, symbolism, signification, and communication.”
NOTE: My (Henry Gurr) own awareness of idea of Medieval Signs, comes from reading highly recommended Medieval Novel “The Name of The Rose.” by Umberto Eco. Click Here For Information About This Book & Popular Middle Ages Author Umberto Eco.
….NOTE: Although the study of Semiotics and the awareness of idea of Medieval Signs, continues into our present day, there is plenty of evidence that back in the Middle Ages, people were far more alert for “Signs” especially if it seemed to be a message from God.
For Example Google Finds This Book =>| “On the Medieval Theory of Signs.” by Umberto Eco ]]
…“In the course of the long debate on the nature and the classification of signs, from Boethius to Ockham, there are at least three lines of thought: the Stoic heritage,, that influences Augustine, Abelard, Francis Bacon; the Aristotelian tradition, stemming from the commentaries on De Interpretatione; the discussion of the grammarians, from Priscian to the Modistae. Modern interpreters are frequently misled by the fact that the various authors regularly used the same terms. Such a homogeneous terminology, however, covers profound theoretical differences. The aim of these essays is to show that the medieval theory of signs does not represent a unique body of semiotic notions: there are diverse and frequently alternative semiotic theories. This book thus represents an attempt to encourage further research on the still unrecognized variety of the semiotic approaches offered by the medieval philosophies of language.”
More Information About This Book By Popular Middle Ages Author Umberto Eco.

…. For Example: A “Sign” Is Present In Our Conscious Mind As A Mental Arrival => Such As In Christian Advent Saying => “Let This Be A Sign Unto You.”
The angel said to them, “And this will be a sign for you: you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. And suddenly there was a multitude of the heavenly host with the angel, praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”.
Luke 2:10-14 New American Bible, revised edition

Y) List Mental Arrivals Where => With Our Human Sign System: “ANY THING, CAN MEAN ANY THING” !!

ii) NOT ACTUALLY, because our human problem solving brain (without our really knowing it), is avoiding ambiguity, by also using these => The path of arrival to this point thinking, plus surrounding context, plus the constraint of meaningful coherence, as it creates any one Mental Arrival. And all along the way, is calling into action the powers of our associative memory, such as => Analogy, metaphor and. most especially ALL the mental processes involved in writing & reading of poetry!!

… Accordingly => It is thus QUITE important that -> Our “Problem Solving Brain, can on automatic, most of the time => Makes perfectly clear, what is meant by ANY SIGN, despite it’s being potentially QUITE ambiguous!! Thus => No problem => “ANY THING, CAN MEAN ANY THING”!!
… Dictionary.com has further conclusions => “We use it [language] to express ourselves through speech, to record our experiences or to invent and tell stories in writing. But before all that begins, before a word leaves our lips or a pen hits the page, we use language in our heads.”

Z) List Mental Arrivals Where => Mental Arrivals Are Seen In => Noteworthy Discovery Words Found In The Headlines!

i) Study Suggests: Brain Wave Highlights Details Of Subjects' Experiences.
A brain wave that brightens up when a subject [ [suddenly] ] recognizes something meaningful to them ---->Among a random list of items may one day have big implications for court cases, researchers say. Scientists at Northwestern University are studying the brain wave P300, which lights up in electroencephalography recordings of subjects who recognize details of something they've seen. "Perhaps the most surprising finding was the extent to which we could detect very trivial details from a subject's day, such as the color of umbrella that the participant had used," said lead researcher John Meixner. Discovery (9/23)
[Approximately 15 years ago, I learned that major Flashes of Insight could be detected, with similar techniques. It appears that John Meixner’s result, is a considerable improvement. HSG ]

Study Suggests: Brain Wave Highlights Details Of Subjects' Experiences.

Ii) A Flash Of Insight Brings Answers: It Was A Mystery More Than 80 Years Old. …An equation that had perplexed the world's best mathematicians. Now, a couple of U. Wisconsin number theorists have revealed the secrets and solved a complex problem. '''
”At the front of the aircraft, Ken Ono was reading an article by George Andrews in which the Pennsylvania State University professor listed six great problems for mathematicians to solve in the new millennium. The last two problems referred to the baffling functions first described in 1920 by Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan on his deathbed.
As with much of the work in his short life - Ramanujan died at 32 - he set down the mock theta functions without showing how he knew they were true, without even showing the trail of thought that led to his discoveries. For decades, mathematicians have regarded the functions as tantalizing clues - but to what?
Now, as Ono read the article, he [ [suddenly] ] realized that he knew how to solve one of the problems. Some of the formulas needed were similar to those he and colleague Kathrin Bringmann had been using for a theory they were developing.
He rushed down the aisle to Bringmann's seat.
"Kathrin," Ono said, "you have to read this. They look exactly like our functions."
So far, that high-altitude flash of insight has led to three papers by Ono, 38, and Bringmann, 29. In the first, they solved Andrews' fifth problem for the millennium.
In the remaining two, they solved Problem 6, "more or less," Ono said.

ZA) List Mental Arrivals Where => Events Have Actually Happened To Me, by Henry Gurr.

1) I Was Forced Unto An AHA Type Discovery, That I Did Not Want: [In the two lane roads of] “… mountains of Western OR and Northern CA, passing lanes were rare: So my solution was to find the next wide spot, click right turn signal, brake hard, and come to a stop off the highway. I did this even if it was only a mile between stops. After several such forced stops, I made a very important discovery. AHA! Insight! Each and every forced stop, had a new and wonderful reward! I found and often photographed wonderful flowers, great scenery, fine vistas, and unique water/rock formations. I never would have found these rewards without the insight: slow down and stop, if trapped into doing so. These forced stops were as good as and perhaps better than those I would have chosen for myself. Big lesson! So, on your next trip (even driving to work!), try some forced stops. You too will be rewarded. After all, that's what “you are looking for.”
[[http://venturearete.org/ResearchProjects/ProfessorGurr/Documents/HsgZmm02Trip | And AFTER This Page Comes Up, Scroll Down To => AHA! Insight! ….

This experience, and many others, are written into the Captions of My Photo Albums.
Click Here For One Example Of => “Traffic had piled up behind me, so I pulled off at a wide palace” And AFTER this 18 Small Photos Page comes up => Please notice (and read) TWO Small Photos At Upper Left. Then, as is true for all our Gallery Photos, click on photo several times to get largest view.

2) I Had This Sudden Wave Of Feeling .... It Came Flooding Over Me !!
… I had just pulled open the heavy door to Montana Hall, and suddenly the sense & feeling Mentally Arrived “He’s been here too!” .....Then NEXT => This slid to a thought I’ve never had before ..... “He was an ordinary mortal, a man just like me!! Where => “He” in this case, was ZMM Author Robert Pirsig. This was on my 2002 ZMM Route Research Trip, (wherein I was literally and figuratively), following his foot-steps (and was as he did), similarly pulling open the heavy door to Montana Hall: At this moment was quite mindful of his ZMM passage => “I open the great heavy outside door and enter.” ----
… But my mind did not stay with any memories of ZMM passages. My thoughts instantly jumped to a long standing problem, that I did not know even existed => : Ever since first reading ZMM, I had developed, a Wrong & Idealized Impression of Author Robert Pirsig. … However this very real physical circumstance of, my steps of following his steps to the Door of Montana Hall, suddenly forced upon me => My long unconscious error, this un-truth
… Automatically, spontaneously, I suddenly, had a Mental Arrival => “He’s a man just like me”: This instantly cleared away my “Way Up There In the Sky” wrong view of Famous Author Pirsig. ((See Photo & my larger discussion of this experience, is at ~half way, into My ZMM Experience Photo Album, at link above.))

ZB) Information Concerning Chicago’s Field Museum Of Natural History Exhibits, July 1977:
1) Three Blue Links Below, Tell About The “King Tut Exhibit” =>

2) A Memorable Mental Arrival Happened To Henry Gurr At Chicago’s Field Museum Of Natural History ~July 1977:

… I (HSG) Was Standing In Quiet Awe, Looking Into Her Glass Case, At The Sculpture Form of the Egyptian Queen Nefertiti: An "Icon Of International Beauty"
... She Was Two Feet Before Me … Breath Taking …

The Perfect Sculpted Form of the Egyptian Queen Nefertiti! Then (Mental Arrival) => A Sudden Flush of Awareness -> “Who ever made this superb sculpture .... was fully human ..... just like me!! It was a kinship recognition!! This sculptural artist, like me ... could shape and create ... thrill to color & beauty I’ve never have had this traveling-spreading-nerve-tingling-sensation of feeling, before or since!
…The words of archaeologist Ludwig Borchardt =>: " Suddenly we had in our hands the most alive Egyptian artwork. You cannot describe it with words. You must see it." The Nefertiti bust was found on 6 December 1912 at Amarna by the German Oriental Company (Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft – DOG), led by German archaeologist Ludwig Borchardt. It was found in what had been the sculptor Thutmose's workshop, along with other unfinished busts of Nefertiti.[7][8] Borchardt's diary provides the main written account of the find; he remarks [as above] “ ….. “ The bust of Nefertiti has become "one of the most admired, and most copied, images from ancient Egypt", and the star exhibit used to market Berlin's museums.] It is seen as an "icon of international beauty"..
Showing a woman with a long neck, elegantly arched brows, high cheekbones, a slender nose and an enigmatic smile played about red lips, the bust has established Nefertiti as one of the most beautiful faces of antiquity." It is described as the most famous bust of ancient art, comparable only to the mask of Tutankhamun. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nefertiti_Bust
3) At the Pablo Picasso Exhibit, High Museum Atlanta GA, ~2001, I saw illustrated, the original motivation of Cubism: Previously, I (HSG) had never seen this explanation, until it was pointed out to me in this exhibit.
My Mental arrival => Yes! That’s IT EXACTLY!! Now I understand completely.
…EXPLANATION=> On the wall was shown an early Cubism effort showing a ~brush pile of straight sicks of various sized and lengths, all which-a-way in directions. And the viewer was supposed to look-into this arrangement, and see-into-it 3D. On both sides, top to bottom, were also shown three columns of isometric cubes, that were supposed to help the viewer to accomplish the “3D” of the sticks. In Googling, the best I can find, is Blue Link below.
4) Without My Knowing It, I (HSG), Suddenly Realized My Fingers Were Feeling A Strange Smooth Lump On My Arm!
Having awakened, I sat up in bed trying to convince myself, to start my day. Only then did I became fully conscious of my fingers contacting this smooth lump. I turned on the light to investigate and found, it was a tick, that had already “dug-in”. Numerous times similar “automatic-hand” -discoveries like this have happened to me. With variations, they are all “with-out my knowing it”, that my hand is automatically. “on-to the presence of a problem”, with conscious awareness, only coming later. Certainly ANY “suddenly realize” is mental arrival, but I’m inclined to also call this “automatic-hand” , also a mental arrival, or at least the leading edge.
5) “Lichtenberg’s Flash of Insight” by David Vender.
Key Words => Philosophy, Epistemology, Pragmatism, Cognition, Cartesianism, [Mental Arrivals.]

The following is excerpted from David Vender’s article, illustrates his own good understanding of the Problem Solving Brain’s creation of Mental Arrivals =>

….”The often mentioned remark on Descartes’ cogito made by Lichtenberg— the ‘it thinks’— seems to have been widely misunderstood. It has little to do with how much may or may not be claimed to be necessary by someone following the Cartesian method. Its main point is to alert us to something important about the process of thinking. Taking some hints from pragmaticist views on thinking, we suggest a better reading than that commonly found in the philosophical literature.”

“But there is a third way:”

”…”Open our minds, [and] become relaxed about rules of predication and logic, adopt a more practical and pragmatic approach, and then just get on with it and play. This means recognising the limits of “argumentative reason”, opening our eyes, and trying things out.”
“Beyond those efforts [really important rules to using your own mind] there is little to be done but to “wait for the proper time” in confidence that the lightning flash of the sought after thought will bless us eventually.”
…“This is a psychology of discovery, not a system for building systems using logical rules according to which we all should reason in order to avoid errors. Since errors are our most rigorous teachers, it is hardly a good strategy to get obsessed with avoiding them. … This pragmatism does not dismiss the metaphysics of thought; we just have to learn to predicate thought properly.”


An Example How David Vender Has Good Understanding of Human Mental Processes. Email Thread July 19. 2015, David Vender writes =>
…“It may seem irrelevant but for me it displays for us the life of thinking itself. And ‘thinking’, which is what we are talking about, is another very slippery term. Many people will take it to mean simply the noise that goes on in their mind, but I think we agree that it is the movement between individual and whole, or parts and unity. And the point is: the flash of insight is the consciousness of unity of connectedness, togetherness in a relation – that’s why I think that what we experience as understanding is a direct apprehension of coherence. That does not imply that quality does not point to something important, but for me [Robert Pirsig’s] quality here is very close to what ‘true’ means in the sense of ‘proper’.”

The Above Example Of David Vender Shows A Very Good Understanding of Human Mental Processes.
Below, To These Same David Vender Words, Henry Gurr Has Added In [Brackets] How These Vender Words, Fit Henry Gurr’s => “Explanation of How Our Mind Works” .
…. It may seem irrelevant but for me [automatic, spontaneous, (mostly) sudden Mental Arrivals], displays for us the life of thinking itself. And ‘thinking’, which is what we are talking about, is another very slippery term. Many people will take it to mean simply the noise that goes on in their mind, but I think we agree that it is [our Problem Solving Brain, finding best or near best Solutions to the problem(s) of life coming at us, and automatically, spontaneously, (mostly) suddenly presented into Conscious Mind] the movement between individual and whole, or parts and unity, [at each occurrence of a Mental Arrival, which come => Complete Whole Unified Meaningful Full of Understanding, With Full Feeling of Certainty,]. And the point is: [ALL Mental Arrivals similar to], the flash of insight is the [automatic, spontaneous, (mostly) sudden coming into our mind of ] consciousness of unity of connectedness, togetherness in a relation – That’s why I think that what we experience as understanding is a direct apprehension of coherence, [because this is exactly what happens (as observed) in each and every Mental Arrival.] That does not imply that quality does not point to something important, but for me [Robert Pirsig’s] quality here is very close to what ‘true’ means in the sense of ‘proper’, [which again is exactly what happens (as observed) in each and every Mental Arrival. AND this is because every Mental Arrival, from our Problem Solving Brain, is Optimal, Best or Near Best for the circumstances at hand, which in turn (as observed) means Maximum Coherence and Meaningfulness!] –
[SUMMARY: The above [brackets added] are major points from Henry Gurr’s “Explanation”, showing good fit to David Vender’s thinking about thinking. ]

… Our UN-Conscious: Problem Solving Brain Processes, Which Automatically & Spontaneously, Respond To Sensory Input From Our Ever-Present Surroundings, Generates Constructs Creates => Our Everyday Conscious Mental Awareness, What Herein Will Be Called => “Primary Consciousness ''
…This is an entirely Brain Generated (Constructed Created), “Mental Model” of our external “real world” surroundings (What’s Out There), and is mostly experienced as vision, and nearly always available. AND This “Primary Consciousness , '',Is An Ever Present Mental Model (~”A Theater Stage”), INTO WHICH subsequently OTHER Mental Arrivals may later appear.

A Further Sudden Thought => I Sincerely Believe That The Importance Of My “Explanation (Theory) Of How Our Mind Works” Is Because =>
… The ONLY thing we are EVER consciously aware of => Are the herein discussed a) “Primary Consciousness , '' into which subsequently b) Our Problem Solving Brain Generates, Constructs, Creates => Solutions (Answers) To The “Problems of Life Coming At Us”. AND EACH & EVERY one of these automatic, spontaneous, sudden Mental Arrivals, have very extensive & important observed properties:
…An even further sudden thought => Yes I know … from most persons viewpoint … these above assertions may seem too Wild & Bold, Too Much Global & Fantastic. But, let me fully assure you, that what I say is fully true, based on direct observation, where for the last ~6 years, my ability to watch and “see”, has gotten better and better, from the long training of the doing of it, and writing up reports of the experience. These are in tern added to my “Explanation” WebPages, which further clarifies what to look for and thus additionally trains my eyes. (Of course, I hope this will happen to you also.)
….Again, based on direct observation => This is “How Our Problem Solving Brain Works”, and I have not seen or discerned any alternate “systems” in action.

For Further Reading #1 =>

A) READERS SHOULD PERHAPS READ FIRST => A Much Shorter Introductory Compact Explanation of Our Mind Works , by Henry Gurr. Click Here.
READERS SHOULD PERHAPS READ SECOND => Collected Properties & Characteristics ALL Mental Arrivals Such As Flash of Insight PLUS Picture Analogies of Before & After A Mental Arrival'', by Henry Gurr. Click Here.
((NOTE: This is the 3rd down Blue Link in Menu at Top Left. ))

Concerning the just above Blue Link => In this One WebPage, are collected ALL of the Properties & Characteristics Of Every Mental Arrival: These are (such as the “Flash Of Insight”), come automatically, spontaneously, Into Our Conscious Mind, from Unconscious Brain Processes.
…The Properties & Characteristics All Mental Arrivals, listed on this above Blue Link WebPage are collected & assembled, from scattered places in Henry Gurr’s 8 WebPages (Re. “How Our Mind Works”, '' which are all listed in Menu at TOP left.
You will need to read this WebPage (Blue Link above) => Because Otherwise These Various => Properties & Characteristics Of All Mental Arrivals, In Their Original Scattered Paces, Are Presented In A Way, Such That It Is Hard To See “The Big Picture”.
…Please understand => This (Blue Link above) WebPage, is thus an essential summary overview WebPage, which will prepare your mind for easier reading of Henry Gurr’s 8 WebPages (hereby listed In Menu Concerning => “How Our Mind Works”.
((NOTE: This (Blue Link above) is also the 3rd down Blue Link in Menu at TOP Left. ))

CLOSURE: This Document You Have Been Currently Reading Has Discussed That =>
…The Human Brain As General Problem Solver, Is Observed To Find “Best” Solutions, That Correspond To Highest Mental Coherence: These solutions called herein Mental Arrivals, come into consciousness, with characteristic suddenness, such as => The Flash-of-Insight, It Dawned On Me, The light Went On, or Light Bulb As in Cartoons.
…Mental Activity such as these Mental Arrivals, as well as Perception, & and Memory, are observed to have a distinct patterning of occurrence: Why & how such observed patterns can occur is best understood through study of J J Hopfield’s Mathematical Model of the Mammalian Brain. The net result of this Mental Activity, is to Build The World Around Us, and save it into brain memory, as is described in I) Constructivist Epistemology. …
…The purpose of this WebPage’s above “26 Major Categories “List Mental Arrivals Where …” is to clearly show that there is a huge number of these, and being so varied, is telling us that =>

a) The Problem Solving Brain’s Unconscious Processes, AND these sudden, automatic, spontaneous Mental Arrivals, are thus very important and worthy of close study!! AND correspondingly, this WebPage has shown words, phrases or exclamations (similar to a "Flash-Of-Insight"), that indicate Mental Arrival State(s) of Knowing & Understanding, as follows =>
b) From direct observation of The Flash-of-Insight, It Dawned On Me, The light Went On, or Light Bulb, as well as direct observation of the very general mental phenomenon called Mental Arrivals, merge (with no boundary), into ordinary thought and conversation. This leads to the general conclusion that practically any word or thought, can be considered a Mental Arrival.
c) You will eventually learn to notice these Mental Arrivals, happening to you, in your own thinking, and in the mind of other persons making such statements. Watching Mental Arrivals will help you to establish the validity of the discussion in this document you are currently reading.
d) Implicit in this presentation, is the idea / conclusion that each of our uttered words, phrases, concepts, ideas, thoughts, meanings, … although having their origin in UN-conscious mental processes, these ideas, only become aware to us, as an arrival into our consciously aware “mental state”.

A) Here It Is Important To Notice That => Our Problem Solving Ability, Indeed All Or Our Mental / Brain Functioning At All Moments, Depends On => Our Brain’s Own Internal Massive Memory:
… This “Brain’s Memory” is used to => i) Re-Call, Re-Member, Re-Construct, Re-Create => Answers, Thoughts, Ideas, Conclusions, Intentions, Behavior, Etc, as Mental Arrivals, into our Conscious Mind., and/or ii) Available for our other UN-Conscious Problem Solving Brain Processes.
B) Our Ideas, Thoughts, Perceptions, Future Plans, and Spontaneous Sudden Mental Arrivals (Similar To Flash Of Insight), That Suddenly Come Into Our Conscious Mind, Most Usefully May Be Considered To Be => Solutions To Life’s Oncoming Problems, Which Mentally Arrive Into Our Conscious Mind, From Spontaneous & Automatic UN-Conscious Brain Processes:
…As is observed in ourselves and other people, these single (“only-one-at-a-time”), Optimum (Best or Near Best) Solutions (Answers, Thinking, Ideas, Future Plans, Intentions, Body Actions, Etc ), are Spontaneously & Automatically Generated (Constructed, Created by Our Problem Solving Brain: And if the Solution is of sufficient Quality ( Fitness ), it Mentally Arrives into Our Conscious Mind.
…These Solutions Always include => Emotions, plus a sense of does one’s body have the mental capacity and physical strength, as well as sense of readiness for action!! In other words => We know if we are mentally clear-eyed, fully competent and mentally & physically tuned, for the task as hand, and if sufficient level of preparedness.
C) Again, Just How All This Can Happen In A Living Animal, Is Best Understood By Studying =>
In this Seminar I gave a brief simplified overview of Professor Hopfield’s Mathematical Physics Theory of Mammalian Brain Operation which shows us how our Mind Works:

My Above Discussion, And Conclusions Are Based On My Much Larger Series Of EIGHT WebPages Concerning => “Best Available Explanation of How Our Mind Works.”
… These may be accessed by the TOP EIGHT Menu Blue Links In Main Menu At Left. The SECOND Link down is a good starting point.

…If you know of any discussion anywhere near to what I have said above on this page, Please let me know right away, I’m interested in hearing about: books, articles, persons, etc. HenryG__USCA.edu

…Also, I’m interested in hearing about any discussions similar to Professor Hopfield’s Neuronal Model Of The Human Brain: It’s Hard to believe, but so far, I can’t find application of Hopfield’s Theory, beyond self learning systems. Please send them in!! No clue or hint is too small. HenryG__USCA.edu

CLOSING THOUGHTS CONCERNING => An Anatomy of An Idea Come to Mind, Illustrated by The Above 26 Major Categories Of “List Mental Arrivals Where => …”
…1) Our brain is the way it is, because living creature, MUST be evolved, so they will find & use the ~best actions, for survival!!! For this reason => Our human heritage, is to instantly compute near optimal future plans, (mental & physical-muscular), and be able to accomplish plans successfully, reliably, & efficiently.
…2) The Study Mental Arrivals, will teach => How to work well, with your own “self”, called mind-body!!
…3) Yet to be deduced or discovered => “Who is the "I" that appears to make these decisions? Am "I" the master of my domain? Is there an "I" or am "I" merely an illusion of reality.

If you know of book or articles in these topic areas, please email to HenryG---USCA.edu

APPENDIX: Right Now, Second By Second, All Persons Are => “Following the Track of Quality”: An Important Idea From Robert Pirsig’s Book => “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” '''

…As we consider Robert Pirsig’s meaning => We must keep in mind that, our brain, as an evolutionary requirement, was built to automatically (second by second), find the best (or near best), lines of action!
…And because of this, At Every Moment In Time => Our Whole Brain-Body System is Always Finding The Best (or Near Best) Response To => Life’s Problems Coming At Us!!

For Example: My Presentation Today (As Are Most Speech & Talk Presentations), Is Delivered With THIS MEANING OF AN ACTION OF OUR MIND CALLED “QUALITY” =>
… I’m here as a speaker before my audience, right now, converting ink shapes from my paper draft of my talk, to words and audible voice, plus gestures & body motions, all the while .... responding to you in my audience, such as => I see your body-posture & other indicators of body-language, such as: face expression, head tilt, where you are looking, eye contact, and eye expression!! All this feedback, my brain, on automatic, is integrating, and “on-the-fly”, I adjust what I say, or emphasize with special loudness or voice tilt. '''My brain is, on automatic, holistic, finding What Is BEST ... RIGHT NOW, what words I should say next!

… And ‘‘‘RIGHT NOW, YOU in my audience are responding to ME!! Before your very eyes & ears, YOU here, right now''', “on-the-fly”, are watching & judging ME, and what I say!!

… Thus, inevitably=> My Presentation (& your brains response), is a-right-before-you-here-and-now, DEMONSTRATION of Robert Pirsig’s FULL meaning of his word => QUALITY !! AND “Following the Track Of Quality.” ''

Moreover, and be sure you get this => As Pirsig asserts =>

“Quality is NOT a result, but a name for the CAUSE of it all!!’
“Quality is the Prime Mover!!’
“Quality is the parent, the source of all subjects and objects." < ZMM Chapter 16

IN SUMMARY: Robert Pirsig In His Book => “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” (ZMM), Gives The Name “Quality”, Which Points To Actions Of Our Problem Solving Brain Automatically, Spontaneously Determining => What Is Best (Or Near Best) Solution (Answers) Which Then Mentally Arrives Into Our Conscious Mind.
This Also Applies This To Person’s Subsequent Behaviour => “Quality Is 'Our Brain’s Response To Life’s Continuing Oncoming Circumstances, On What Pirsig Calls “Following The Track Of Quality” '' .

NOTE: The Paragraphs Above, Are A VERY Significant Statements About Our Human Position In This Immense Universe!!
…Because of it’s importance in application through-out ZMM, Pirsig creates an apt, quick, handy, catchy, idea-summary =>
”He noted that although normally you associate Quality with objects, feelings of Quality sometimes occur without any object at all. This is what led him at first to think that maybe Quality is all subjective. But subjective pleasure wasn't what he meant by Quality either. Quality decreases subjectivity. Quality takes you out of yourself, makes you aware of the world around you. Quality is opposed to subjectivity.
I don't know how much thought passed before he arrived at this, but eventually he saw that Quality couldn't be independently related with either the subject or the object but could be found only in the relationship of the two with each other. It is the point at which subject and object meet.
That sounded warm.
Quality is not a thing. It is an event.
Warmer. ''
…'' It is the event at which the subject becomes aware of the object. And because without objects there can be no subject...because the objects create the subject's awareness of himself...Quality is the event at which awareness of both subjects and objects is made possible.


Now he knew it was coming. This means Quality is not just the result of a collision between subject and object. The very existence of subject and object themselves is deduced from the Quality event. The Quality event is the cause of the subjects and objects, which are then mistakenly presumed to be the cause of the Quality!
Now he had that whole damned evil dilemma by the throat. The dilemma all the time had this unseen vile presumption in it, for which there was no logical justification. that Quality was the effect of subjects and objects. It was not!
He brought out his knife.
``The sun of quality, he wrote, ``does not revolve around the subjects and objects of our existence. It does not just passively illuminate them. It is not subordinate to them in any way. It has created them. They are subordinate to it! ''
And at that point, when he wrote that, he knew he had reached some kind of culmination of thought he had been unconsciously striving for over a long period of time.
``Blue sky! shouts Chris. ''


A Completely New KIND of Theory of How Our Mind Works.
Henry S Gurr’s Proto Theory Panorama Of Mind

Consciousness Is a Person’s Single Coherent Unified “Right Now”, View Of World, Created As A Solution To The Problem Of How To Best Respond To Person’s Second By Second, Sensory Input From Surrounding Environment.

…Finding Best (or near Best), Solutions is practically the only way to guide all 5 senses in perception, and to decide and achieve any practical future actions. In support of this we observe:
…These abovementioned “Solutions” Mentally Arrive into Consciousness, from the person’s unconscious brain processes, in the same way (and same brain actions). as for example, what we all experience as the Flash of Insight.
…These Solutions, are Immediate, All At Once, Whole, Complete, Logical, ~Max Coherence, Clear, Understandable, Full Of Meaning (such as in poetry or metaphor), and are remarkably free of contradictions, inconsistencies, errors, non-factual data, and other spurious ideas / conclusions.
…Note that there is just ONE-AT-A-TIME solution presented to consciousness! Once you think about it, finding a single optimal answer (a solution to problem), is the ONLY way really to do it. There are important functional reasons, why we are totally un-aware of our unconscious brain processes. For a physical biological brain, that the above is at all possible, even indeed thinkable, is factually and mathematically established by the Physics Theory of Princeton Physicist J J Hopfield.

In A Nut Shell: Thinking The UN-Thinkable!! %
…The person’s Mental Arrivals, most usefully may be considered as, Brain Solutions to Life’s Oncoming Problems, and are chosen on basis of Best (or near Best), Optimal Fit, for what is “There” in the surrounding environment, and what actions (future plan), should be optimally completed.
…The Optimal Solution, is based on all sensory input up to that current moment, and all memory of similar circumstances, and what was the survival success value of the previous actions, for that and similar circumstances. These solutions only appear in consciousness, when they are of sufficient Quality of Coherence, or said figuratively, have Sufficient Resonance Strength. What makes these best & near best solutions possible, is our brains massive computational power, using and supported by massive associative memory, saved from a lifetime of successful sensory perceptual decoding, and successful planned-future-actions.
…The problem solutions (and concomitant plans plus emotions), are an optimal holistic response to ongoing sensory input integrated with relevant memories, on a weighted basis, how recent, occurrence frequency, salience to circumstance, and survival value.

Bottom Line: The Building Of A Viable Proto-Theory Of How Our Mind Works Must =>
A) Start with a foundation => A Person’s Single Coherent Unified “Right Now”, View Of World, Created As A Solution To The Problem Of How To Best Respond To Person’s Second By Second, Sensory Input From Surrounding Environment.,
B) Include deep study of (and observational data from), observations of the Flash of Insight (and similar Mental Arrivals) into Consciousness.
C) Include the absolutely most vital clue, as supplied by Princeton Theoretical Physicist J. J. Hopfield’s Neuronal Network Model, because he mathematically showed that Single, All At Once, Optimal Solutions To Complex Input, is indeed possible, indeed likely, for a biological brain.
D) These conclusions are to good approximation, NOT to be found in literature, in part because => a) the results of the Flash of Insight, are so UN-logical, and b) The idea that the brain uses Best (or near Best), as the single criterion to guiding our lives, is too fantastic to be UN-thinkable.

The Above Ideas And Conclusions, Effectively Form An Explanation (Theory) Of How Our Mind Works, Emerge From My 30 Years Of My Study Of =>
…The consequences of Our Problem Solving Brain, With UNconscious Processes, Generates, Constructs, Creates => Solutions (Answers) To The “Problems of Life Coming At Us”, Which Suddenly Automatically Spontaneously Mentally Arrival Into Conscious Mind.
…AND these Mental Arrivals, which are variously called Flash Of Insight, Sudden Illumination, AHA, Dawning, Lightning Strikes, Zeus, Epiphany, are Generated, Constructed, Created, by quite general mental process, Mentally Arrivals Into Consciousness Mind.
This Explanation (Theory) Of How Our Mind Works, Includes A Unique Explanation Of =>
1) Analogy/Metaphor/Rhyme/Poetry,
2) The view that all consciousness awareness’s, arise from a Mental Arrival Solution To an Identifiable Problem and
3) This can guide us to A Proto Theory of Mind and Consciousness, which I suspect is as good a view as we will get!.

For Further Reading On Owen Barfield’s Spirit Persona Creatures, As Mental Arrivals.
“The Ancient System of Participation: Spirit Persona Creatures: As Friends & Neighbors: Actors, Agents, Forces, and Actions, Incorrectly Known as ‘Gods’ or ‘Goddess’. Each One Of These “Persons”, Was Experienced As A Presence, In Consciousness, As Mental Arrivals.” Is Here.

C) For Further Reading #3 => Please Be Aware That There Are => FOUR DIFFERENT “BRAIN OWNERS USERS MANUALS” by Henry Gurr.

1) This whole WebPage, you are reading now => Was Constructed to Be a very practical and useful Theory of How Our Mind Works And thus =>
a) Provide an accurate & reliable guide, to get done quickly & efficiently, what we want to do.
b) And (although not stated here on) from this viewpoint => The whole Page You Are Currently Reading, is thus effectively A Brain Owners User’s Manual.

The Next THREE “For Further Readings” Are ALSO “Brain Owners Users Manuals”.

2) My FIRST Brain Owners User’s Manual1 Is Where You Can => Learn More About The Many, Many Examples of The Flash of Insights, as well Other Mental Arrivals.

After this WebPage comes up, please scroll down to where you see => This Document You Are Currently Reading, (and It’s Included Links)

3) My SECOND Brain Owners User’s Manual2 Is A Continuation Where You Can Learn => More On How To See In-Action (& Thus Learn More) About Our How The Problem Solving Brain, Gives Us Clear Thinking, On Demand,

After This Document comes up, you will need to explore around, to see how this discussion supports my Theory.

4) My THIRD (Somewhat) Brain Owners User’s Manual! Is Where You Can => Learn More About How The Problem Solving Brain, Gives Us Analogy, Metaphor, Allegory, Simile, Similarity, & Other Similar Sympathetic-Poetic Associatives (SPA):

After This Webpage Comes Up, Please Scroll Down To => Relation Of Poetry to Metaphor.
…… …… …..

D) For Further Reading #4 => More On How Our Mind => Achieves Perception, Pattern Recognition, Where Even A Pattern Partial Fit Problem Solution, Can Be Highly Useful, Plus FURTHER Discussion of How This In Turn Gives Us Analogy, Metaphor, Similarity, Etc.
This topic is taken up, in a NEW WebPage, Called =>
On How Our Mind Achieves Perception Problem Solutions, Where Even A Pattern Partial Fit Problem Solution, Can Be Highly Useful, AND How This In Turn Gives Us Analogy, Metaphor, Allegory, Simile, Similarity, Etc,.

E) For Further Reading #5 => Internet Resources That Are Related To (Or Have Support For), Henry Gurr’s Proto-Theory, Please Consult These TWO Supplemental Readings Re “The Study of Mind”. :

F) For Further Reading #6 => Ed Cooley, A Computer Expert, Noted Elements Of Computer Programming Which Have Some Confluence With This Proto-Theory, And Has Written A Page About His Experiences. For Ed Cooley Discussion Click Here.

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GENERAL STATEMENT => Readers Should Be Aware That The Conclusions Of => Henry Gurr’s “Theory Explanation Of How Our Mind Works”, ALSO Fit (In Many Places), The Writings (And Implied “Theory How Our Mind Works” ), Of Many Insightful Authors.
… These authors write quite perceptively about their own mode(s) of discovery and their heart felt conclusions on how we all should best use our minds. Although not written with the idea of being a Philosophy of Mind, these works in their own way, in many places, essentially contain a ~Theory of How Our Mind Works!!
These Authors Have Formed Their Conclusions, From Their Own Mode Of Discovery, Independent Of Others, And Thus When We Find Portions Of Mutual Author Agreement & Support, We Have Found Significant Conclusions, Likely To Be Truth Bearing!
… The inquiring reader would do well to study the works of authors whose names and conclusions are on This Document You Are Currently Reading, : Top writers Re Mind, include => Michael Polanyi, Robert Pirsig, Owen Barfield, B F Skinner.
… Other writers Re Mind, mentioned in passing on This Document you are currently reading, include => John K Sheriff, Charles Peirce, George Lakoff.
… These and many others, offer to the resolute, penetrating reader, significant support for Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” and conversely. .

SIDE NOTE: You Can Easily Read Brief Selected Passages For Each Above (Or Below), Mentioned Author by > Top > Do > Edit > Find > … Each Name ... ( This can usually be done by pressing the keyboard combination Ctrl + F (or) Edit + F depending on what your computer’s keys say.) (Click The Back Arrow, perhaps several times, Usually In The Upper Left Of Your Browser, To Return To Where You Were.)

2) Considerable Insight Into How Our Mind Works, Will Be Found In The Books & Articles of Linguist Philosopher Poet Owen Barfield, :
Mr Barfield’s contributions (already mentioned ~35 times in This Document You Are Currently Reading, will considerably expand reader’s understanding of a wide range of topics, most especially

A) Inspiration (Barfield’s name for Mental Arrival), and
B) “Evolution of Consciousness” (Barfield’s name for The History of Human Being’s Cultural Growth & Development, especially of Language And Intellectual Understanding.

The Mental Arrivals of feelings, Interplayed With Emotions, Are Well Illustrated By Owen Barfield, In His Book “Poetic Diction:” . Click Here To Go To => APPENDIX I: The role of the General Problem Solving Brain in Feelings & Emotions: And AFTER this page comes up > Please > Do > Top > Edit > Find > Mental Arrival ….
… Mr Barfield’s major book “Saving The Appearances” , builds upon his above mentioned “Poetic Diction”. But readers should be aware that Mr. Barfield uses his own, non-standard, and (somewhat difficult to understand) specialized vocabulary.
… For example Mr. Barfield names

a) “Inspiration”, such as “Poetic Inspiration” , where other authors would say for example=> “Flash Of Insight **AHA**, Suddenly Realized, It Hit Me. Light-Bulb, Lightning Bolt, Bolt-From-The-Blue, Epiphany, It-Just-Dawned-On-Me” .
b) “Sensations” , which result in “Figuration” of “Things”, , where other authors would say for example “We felt the wind, and suddenly saw the Ghost” . …

… Where the Italicized Words in a) & b) above are of course called Mental Arrivals , as much discussed in [[#HsgProtoTh | => Henry Gurr’s “Proto-Theory Panorama Explanation Of How Our Mind Works” , Presented on the Page you are reading right now.
… As Explained Above, For Owen Barfield => “Figuration is the construction by the "percipient mind" of the recognizable and namable objects we call "things." In other words, there is that "something” . . . required in us to convert sensations into things; all that in the representation which is not sensation.”
… (Figuration, Barfield says, presupposes of course, that "the sense-organs must be related to the particles in such a way as to give rise to sensations" .)
… In case you need a reminder, click on the Blue Link above, and > Do > Top > Edit > Find > Mental Arrival ….

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Space does not permit any more mentioning other, insights, revelations, and neat explanations, that come from HSG’s Theory Of How Our Mind Works Thesis Panorama.
… Please send email if you have questions, or want more information. Even better, you are invited to send your OWN ideas on these topics (or any other topics):

If You Know of Good Books, Authors, Articles, or have other Suggestions/Observations, Etc, Please Feel Free To Contact Me, With Any Idea That Would Make My Abovementioned Ideas & Conclusions Better!!
My full contact information (and lots of other information about me), is at the top of my Professor Henry Gurr Home Page.

Sincerely Henry Gurr.
ZMMQ Site Master and Professor of Physics Emeritus, University of South Carolina Aiken. March 9, 2024.

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