"Quality is the parent, the source of all subjects and objects." - Robert Pirsig |
This is an explanation of the menu section titled: Information & Essays: Pirsig Pilgrims & Fellow ZMM Route TravelersSummary of Contents for this SectionIn my search for the "Historical Locations of the Sights and Scenes" of the book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig (ZMM), I have discovered a number of people who have actually traveled to a few of the physical locations mentioned in the book and even a few “Pirsig Pilgrims” who have traveled the entire ZMM Route! This page presents both the sidebar items and an explanation thereof from under the heading line, telling you what the link you're going to will be, and why you should go there! A) The Origin of the term “Pirsig Pilgrim” from Sitemaster Henry Gurr’s presentation at the first MOQ (Meta-Physics of Quality) Conference in Liverpool, England, 2005.
B) Tina DeWeese on ZMM Zen Awareness Appreciation
C) “In the Footsteps or Bike-Tire Tracks... My Trip to Interview Gennie and Bob De Weese”
D) Zen and Now: On the Trail of Robert Pirsig and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
http://venturearete.org/ResearchProjects/ProfessorGurr/Documents/AlternativesZmm#Richardson E) Sept 12th, 2008 episode of NPR’s ONPOINT with Tom Ashbrook featuring guests Mark Richardson and Ron DiSanto on an hour-long call-in radio show. Audio download and streaming. Comments on website. F) “The Trip West: My Travels in the Land of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”
G) “Life is Like a Swift Mountain Stream”
H) Zen and the Last Hurrah II
I) Jim Williams of Charleston,SC traveled part of the ZMM Route in 2001.
J) ZMM Stories & Oral Histories
K) "Coast to Coast Through Early 19th-Century England"
L) Sitemaster Henry Gurr’s ZMM Experience and his ZMM Travel Guide]] for the would-be Pirsig Pilgrim, linked below in order – the top link is the ZMM trip, the second the guide itself.
NOTE: you will notice that the sidebar menu at the left has all the same links as you will see at the menu items of this section, explained above, titled Information & Essays: Pirsig Pilgrims & Fellow ZMM Route Travelers If you have traveled the "Lands of ZMM"
Webmaster for This Website Is: Henry S. Gurr
Revised by David M. 9 Nov 2012
Revised By David Matos. 9 Nov 2012.
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