"Quality is the parent, the source of all subjects and objects." - Robert Pirsig |
Summary of Contents for this SectionThis page contains A group of Pages On How To Find Your Way Around And Use This WebSite. Each page contains either a link to another portion of the site, or a page which gives you some instructions and helpful advice. Suggestion: You may want to make a print of these instructions so you can have them in your hand as you try to operate the computer and simultaneously understand your computer's (often hard to perceive) reactions to your various Mouse Clicks. It can be incredibly helpful to have the pages on hand while using your screen, rather than crowing the screen with both. Advice on and how to use the ZMMQ galleries A) The information on the page linked at the end of this section contains explanations of the captions of gallery photos, explanation of the letters following GPS way point numbers, and information on the panorama photos in particular. http://venturearete.org/ResearchProjects/ProfessorGurr/Documents/HelpandDetails The link below is to a page containing all photo galleries on this site, organized by which pages they refer to. B) This website has a lot of photos and galleries, the page linked here leads to a great many of them. http://venturearete.org/ResearchProjects/ProfessorGurr/Main/SideBar#ClickAlbumChoice An instructional page on using Gallery Slide Show for viewing the galleries linked below, as well as many others. C) Inexperienced users may have a hard time navigating the galleries on this website, this page is to aid those users and make it faster to browse the pictures you're looking for. http://venturearete.org/ResearchProjects/ProfessorGurr/Documents/PhotoSlideShowHowTo Below is a link to a gallery of photos from Zen and the art of Motorcycle Maintenance, along with a detailed description. http://venturearete.org/ResearchProjects/ProfessorGurr/gallery/albums.php?set_albumListPage=1 Generated May 09 2017
Generated By David Matos. 9 May 2017.
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