"Quality is the parent, the source of all subjects and objects." - Robert Pirsig |
Legal NoticeEvery effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and safety of the information presented on all these ZMM Quality web Pages (Text Pages) AND my ZMM Quality Gallery Photograph Galleries (Photograph Web Pages). However, the University of South Carolina, University of South Carolina Aiken, and Henry S. Gurr make no warranty with regard to it. NO WARRANTY is expressed or implied as to the suitability or safety of the information provided herein. THE USER ASSUMES ALL RISKS. Disclaimer:The views and opinions expressed on the ZMM Quality Pages and ZMM Quality Photograph Galleries, are entirely those of the author, Henry Gurr. The contents of the page have not been approved by the University of South Carolina Aiken. © Copyright 2003 by Henry S. Gurr.
Or, you may email me: henryg**usca.edu . (Coded to confuse the computers of the spammers. Put the proper symbol in the proper place.) Generated By Henry Gurr ~2005.
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