"Quality is the parent, the source of all subjects and objects." - Robert Pirsig

Fits Observation: Henry Gurr’s How Our Mind Works

Henry S Gurr’s Article, Book, & Mind-Map, Projects

SiteMaster Henry S Gurr’s Earth Friendly Projects:

SiteMaster Henry S Gurr’s Tech Corner & Projects:

ZMMQuality WebSite: Information Concerning
*** Zen and the Art of ***
Motorcycle Maintenance
** by Robert Pirsig **

Home Page: Fors ZMM Quality WebSite
News&NewsArchive: Re Robert Pirsig & Book
ZMM Book (Full Text) Free On Internet

SUMMARY=>How Find Way In This ZMMQ Site

SUMMARY=> Robert Pirsig Zen Art Motorcycle Maint.

Celebrate: Robert Pirsig’s July1968 Motorcycle Trek

SUMMARY=>Experts & Readers Provide Guidance

SUMMARY=>SpecialStudies Zen Art Motorcycle Maint

SUMMARY=>Memories: Dennis Gary English MSU

SUMMARY=>Research Montana State UniversityMSU

SUMMARY=>“Pirsig Pilgrims”&“Fellow ZMM Travelers”

AFTER Above Link ComeUp, GoTo ''Zen and..Last Hurrah”

SUMMARY=>Maps+Info: ZMM Travel & Mountain Climb

Resources: Pirsig & Zen Art of Motorcycle Maint.

SUMMARY=>Software&Hardware: Create This WebSite

Thanks To Persons Who Created & Supported ZMMQ




Click any photo below: **OR**
Mouse Hover, Over Photo, For Album Description

These 12 Photos were taken by Robert Pirsig’s very own camera, as he Chris, Sylvia and John made that 1968 epic voyage upon which The Travel Narrative for Mr Pirsig’s ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘ (ZMM) book was based. Taken in 1968 along what is now known as ‘‘The ZMM Book Travel Route ‘‘ each photo scene is actually ‘‘Written-Into ‘‘ Mr. Pirsig’s book => ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘ (ZMM)

Author Robert Pirsig’s Own 12 Color Photos, Of His 1968 ZMM Travel Route Trip: Each Is Written-Into His ZMM Book. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 2nd Down.

Each of the 832 photographs in these Four Albums show a scene described in the book ‘‘Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘. Each photo was especially researched and photographed along the ZMM Route to show a specific ZMM Book Travel Description Passage: This passage is shown in quote marks below the respective photo. As you look at each of these photos, you will be viewing scenes similar to those that author Pirsig, Chris, and the Sutherlands might have seen, on that epic voyage, upon which the book ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘ was based. Thus it is, that these 832 photographs are ‘‘A Color Photo Illustrated Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘. Indeed ‘‘A Photo Show Book‘‘ for ZMM. Sights & Scenes Plus Full Explanation.

My ZMM Travel Route Research Findings, Are A Page-By-Page, Color Photo Illustrated ZMM. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Album.

Each of these 28 photos are Full Circle Panorama Photos Seven-Feet-Wide. They were taken along the Travel Route of the book ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘. They show a 360 degree view, made by stitching together eight photos. These Panoramic Photos, complement and add to those of my Photo Album ABOVE named  => ‘‘A Color Photo Illustrated ZMM Book, With Travel Route Sights & Scenes Explained‘‘.

ZMM Travel Route Research PANORAMIC PHOTOS 7ft wide! Henry Gurr, 2002 ZMM Research Trip. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 2nd Down.

This album shows what I saw  on my RETURN trip home (San Francisco California to Aiken South Carolina), Summer 2002. These 55 photos were taken along the Route of the “1849er’s Gold Rush to California” (In Reverse Direction). After I completed my ZMM Research, I RETURNED home by way of the Route of the ‘49’s Gold Rush. This route included the route of the “California Gold Rush Trail” (in Nevada & California), as well as portions of the Oregon Trail' all the way into Missouri. These 1849er’s Travel Route Photos, were taken AFTER I took those Photos shown in the above Album named “A Color Photo Illustrated ZMM Book, With Travel Route Sights & Scenes Explained”.

Henry Gurr’s 2002 Research Photos: California Gold Rush Trail & Oregon Trail. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 3rd Down.

Each of these seven 360 degree  Full Circle Panoramic Photos were taken along the route of the Gold Rush ‘1849’ers from Missouri to California. Each is 7 foot wide! These Panorama Photos complement and add to those of my Photo Album above named  => "Henry Gurr’s Research Photos: California Gold Rush Trail & Pioneer Oregon Trail".   AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Album.

California Gold RushTrail & Pioneer Oregon Trail PANORAMIC PHOTOS 7ft wide! Henry Gurr, 2002 ZMM RETURN Trip. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Album.

Enjoy 225 Photos of Flowers & Red Wing Blackbirds Along the ZMM Route. This Album of  Color Photos shows every Flower and Red Wing Blackbird (RWBB) that I could “get within my camera sights!!”  This was done in honor of the ZMM Narrator's emphasis of Flowers and Redwing Blackbirds in the book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”. I was very surprised to find RWBB's the entire travel route from Minneapolis to San Francisco.

In Honor of ZMM Narrator’s Emphasis: 225 Color Photos of ZMM Travel Route Flowers & Red Wing Blackbirds. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 5th Down.

These 165 photos show ‘‘Tourist Experiences’‘ the ZMM Traveler may have along the ZMM Route.

My 2002 ZMM Travel Route Experience: By Henry Gurr ZMMQ Site Master. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 3rd Down.

Starting Monday 19 July 2004, Mark Richardson traveled the ZMM Route, on his trusty Jakie Blue motorcycle. Mark made these 59 interesting photographs of what he saw along the way. As he toured, he pondered his own life destiny (past present future), and sought to discover his own deeper personal meaning of the book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”.

Mark Richardson’s 19 July 2004, ZMM Route Trip & Photo Journal. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 5th Down.

The former home (~1968) of John and Sylvia Sutherland, at 2649 South Colfax Ave, Minneapolis MN, shown in 18 photos. Despite John's quite negative disparaging statements in ZMM, about their home back in Minneapolis, this same house, shown in these photos, looks to us like a wonderful, beautiful home along a very nice, quiet, shady street, in a perfectly fine Minneapolis Neighborhood!

John & Sylvia Sutherland of “The ZMM Book”: 18Potos Of Former Minneapolis Home>2649 South Colfax Ave, AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 4th Down.

A 36 Photo Tour of Two University of South Carolina Buildings:  a) Etherredge Performing Arts Center Lobby + b) Ruth Patrick Science Education Center, some of which show “Built In Educational Displays

Site Master Henry Gurr's Campus: Photos Of Two Buildings (of 32 total), University of South Carolina Aiken. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 2nd Down.

A 105 Photo Tour of Science Building
At The University of South Carolina Aiken, Aiken SC.
Also showing a) Flowers & Exotic Plants In The Greenhouse
And b) The Rarely Seen Equipment Service Room & Dungeon.
Site Master Henry Gurr's Campus: Photos Of Science Building, One (of 32 total Buildings) At The University of South Carolina Aiken. AFTER the 5 Albums Comes Up, Read & ClickOn 5th Down.

IThese 15 photos show persons & scenes, related to how we got this ZMMQ WebSite going, back in ~2002. Included are "screen captures" of our software systems in use. A few of these photos show the screen views of what we were “looking at,” some including brief notes & hints on how to get around some of the problems we experienced.

Software We Used ~2002, In Creating and Maintaining This ZMMQ WebSite: Illustrated & Explained. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Albun.

Photos of Faculty, Administrators, and Students who were at Montana State College ~ 1956-1960. These persons, especially Sarah Vinke, were faculty (or colleagues of) ZMM author Robert Pirsig, during his teaching (1959 – 1961), as Professor of English, at Montana State College, Bozeman MT.

1947-60: Photos of MSC Faculty & Sarah Vinke (Vinki Vinche Finche Finch)

In Hawaiian WIKI MEANS => Quick N’ Easy N’ Better! For Anything You Do!!
Wikis began 1994, Ward Cunningham gave name "WikiWikiWeb"..Cont Heret
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Wise Advice On Making Charts:
“Before starting construction of your chart, get the data right. This saves lots of time!!

Dear XMind User

Ever since August 2011, my comprehensive "Hints & Helps User Guide and User Manual”, For the XMind User." (for XMind version 3.1.1) has been available, as you see on the BOTTOM Half Of This WebPage Below.

However, to my complete dismay, it is seen that the most recent version of XMind are CONSIDERABLY DIFFERENT (from3.1.1), for specific Named Functions and arrangements of several of the XMind “Mind Map” “Skeletons”, which previously was called “Structures”

As you can see The TOP Half Of This WebPage Below, is now the most up-to-date version of my "Hints & Helps User Guide and User Manual” AND although most of is correct for RECENT XMind Versions, you perhaps will see places which still need correction or are missing needed informatio.


Please send Email if you know of anyone (including yourself) who would be willing to complete the needed updates.

If you know of other good XMind A) User Guides or B) User Manuals =>
Please send Email.

Sincerely Henry Gurr July 22, 2023

Please reply by email to => HenryG__USCA.edu

The BELOW Is The Most Recent & Best Version Of My => '' “XMind Hints & Helps User Guide & User Manual”.

AND The BOTTOM Half Of This WebPage You Will Find =>The Original Version Of This WebPage Posted Here from August 2011 thru August 2023. It Is Left Here Because Users of Older Versions Of XMind May Find It Useful.

For Both Beginner & Well Seasoned: “An XMind Hints & Helps User Guide & User Manual” .

A Beginner's User Manual For Free DownLoad Version of XMind and

A User Guide Handbook Having Much Specific Information of the Very Sort

I Wish I Had Available When I Was New to XMind Free Version: 3.1.1

by https://www.usca.edu/mathematical-sciences/faculty-sites/henry-gurr

Corrections and additional suggestions by Frank E. Overman,
Editing & Convert to pmWiki by Rosanna Willhite, and
Refined Editing by Andrew Geyer.

A Good XMind Introductory Overview => “XMind Profile and History”.
…XMind Ltd provides a series of software and services to empower our customers. XMind 3 is both a product and an open source project released on November 10, 2008. XMind 3's mission statement is to create, as a community, the leading international mind mapping and brainstorming software that will run on all major platforms and raise users' work efficiency. The XMind 3 open source project is sponsor ed by XMind LTD, which is the primary contributor of code to the project. Developers are welcome to work with the XMind project code to improve the overall product, develop new functions, or augment other software products. Primary=Industries, Business Services=Custom Software & IT Services, Headquarters=31 Ul. Nowogrodzka, Warsaw, Masovian Voivodeship, 00-511, Poland, CEO=Brian Sun, Revenue=$4.8 M, Employees=18, Founded=2006
Click Here For Source Of Above.
|Click Here For => A List Of Open Source Software Projects That XMind Creator, Stephen Zhu, Is Associated With:
Click Here For Interesting XMind News => Xmind mind mapping software, first released in 2007, works on multiple operating systems and has the highest user rating in both the Apple APP Store and Google Play Store.

A) Terminology and Abbreviations Used In This WebPage Document: Titled => '
“XMind Hints & Helps User Guide & User Manual”
…Since you are reading these words, you already must know a lot about how to use your computer, since that is what this WebPage you are now reading is displayed on. Similarly, you also must know how to use your computer’s “mouse: or “touch pad”. For this reason, I’ll just start explaining, assuming you know what I am talking about.
A) EXPLANATION: A computer display screen’s “mouse cursor” is some form of non-blinking “pointer”: This could be a small vertical bar, or a small triangle, or a small icon showing a picture of a hand, etc.
…Now: Every time this WebPage says “click” (as you will see below) it means (without saying so) that =>
a) You should put your hand on your computer's mouse, and
b) Move your mouse around (pushing the mouse along on a smooth surface), until you see the “mouse cursor”, actually moving around, on your computer's display screen.
c) Once you have located the cursor, and with your hand pushing the mouse along on a smooth surface, move this screen mouse cursor to the computer screen place, that is indicated by the words in this User XMind Hints & Helps User Guide & User Manual” '' (where it says “click”), and then =>
d) Press down on the left mouse button till you hear a click. (Always press LEFT button, unless sated otherwise.)
d) There will be similar instructions, in this WebPage, where it will say “Right Click” (or “Rt Click”). This means (without saying anything about the mouse) that you are to press (click) the RIGHT mouse button on/at the screen cursor place indicated by the words in this “XMind Hints & Helps User Guide & User Manual.”

B) Click Here, Fore MORE Terminology and Abbreviations Used In This “XMind Hints & Helps User Guide & User Manual” WebPage: Also here you can read my additional discussion (this page below) on using your computer’s “mouse”, or use the similar device on your laptop keyboard area, front center, called a “touch pad.

C) Click Here, For Addition Instructions (from Internet) On How to Use This Mouse (From Internet)

D) NOTE1: This WebPage has many Blue Links “click-able links” (shown in blue typing): Some of these links, if mouse clicked, will skip down in the WebPage. Other of these are “external links”, the source of which are outside your computer: These require a working “Internet Connection”. Before you mouse click on these links (to get the information from computers external to yours), you will need to be sure your Internet Connection is actually working. You may need to ask a friend or an expert about how to get a working Internet Connection for your computer.

E) NOTE2: Although you will be most likely using the most up-to-date downloads of XMind, you should be aware that this “XMind Hints and Helps User Guide & User Manual” For the New XMind User, is based on an older XMind Version: 3.1.1 (~March 2010). And for this reason, a few my comments or instructions might only approximately apply to what you see in various places in XMind.

With Your Computers Mouse, Left Click Here To Skim Over My Introduction And Go Directly To The First “XMind Help”, On This Page Below.


Introduction To XMind:
I. My Story
II. Why Does XMind Present Us With These Problems?
III. But: Is There a Computer Software Program (called an Application APP) Similar to XMind That Does Not Have These Problems? In Other Words, Are There Viable Alternatives and What Are Their Comparative Limitations?

Main Discussion Of => “Hints and Helps User Guide & User Manual” For the XMind User:
I. For the XMind Beginning Beginner (Also Computer Basics & Internet Computer Guides

II. After Downloading XMind (Things to check off)
III. For the Intermediate Beginner, Becoming Familiar With XMind

IV. Cautions When Using XMind
V. Sharing Your XMind Project With Others
VI. Additional Learning Steps to Try
VII. Some More Hints and Helps When Using XMind

An Introduction To Henry Gurr’s “XMind Hints And Helps User Guide & User Manual” .

Congratulations for deciding to use XMind, Mind Mapping APP.! You have found a very powerful and flexible tool that will boost your work, and compliment the many other applications you are now using on your computer. XMind is remarkably user friendly; but having said that, I must still report what happened to me. =>
…Despite all of XMind’s wonderful features, I still ran into many frustrating dead-ends and made very many time wasting mistakes, which then required huge efforts to correct these mistakes. These problems, of course, caused lots of needless frustration, confusion, and wasted time.

This Is Why I Wrote This “Xmind Hints And Helps User Guide & User Manual”, Which You Are Currently Reading:
This “XMind Hints & Helps User Guide & User Manual” Is What I Wanted (And Really Needed) When I Started Using XMind.
I hope you find it truly helpful! If you find errors, missing ideas, or have suggestions concerning this WebPage, please send your thoughts by email to HenryG__USCA.edu

As you read my “XMind Hints and Helps User Guide & User Manual”, you will see Blue Links that will allow you to skip over several introductory “general discussion parts” so that you can immediately get working on the harder, more advanced parts of XMind. For example, click here to skim over my introduction and go directly to the first “Help”.
…ATTENTION: After you finish reading above Blue Link, and want to “Go Back To Where You Were” => At the upper left on your Computer Screen, click the Left Pointing <--Arrow.

NOTE1: Some very useful information for beginners is also found in the last parts of this WebPage below; so don’t pass it over! To see these go down to this => “IV. Cautions When Using XMind”, then scan over the topics, all the way to the end of this WebPage.

NOTE2 MAJOR: This WebPage You Are Currently Reading => PRESUMES You Have Installed XMind in Your Computer, And Already Done MUCH “Explore, Bump Around, & Discover” !!
…This Because, If You Have NOT Done Such, Then You Will Have Much Harder Time Understanding My Instructions Below!! '''
–In essence, in your first several hours of using XMind, I recommend that you NOT READ my below “XMind Hints & Helps User Guide & User Manual:” , UNTIL YOU HAVE A PROBLEM, and then and ONLY THEN, you go to and READ a help WebPage to solve it.
…. SO rather than AT FIRST READING => INSTEAD, YOU SHOULD => In XMind, “explore and bump around”, with “”trial and error”, until you absorb, what is needed!! In other words you figure out XMind, by experimenting & osmosis!!
…. This means that, rather than read any User Manual, you just start using XMind & playfully click on everything, (there must over 100 click points), and see what happens!! … THIS is the fastest way to “get up to speed”.
…… ALSO THIS is the fastest way to achieve real & long lasting skill !!

NOTE3: ATTENTION => This WebPage You Are Currently Reading, Has Much Information, Many Learning & Exploring Step, Many CAUTIONs and Many Site Master’s Special NOTEs =>
…The New User, having spent several hours on XMind doing => “Explore, Bump Around, & Discover”, then => Also Really Needs and Should Eventually Read and Do The Suggestions of Sections Below Titled =>

To the Beginning Beginner
For The Intermediate Beginner

NOTE4: NOW, To Help You Further Understand My Above NOTE2 & NOTE3 Paragraphs => You Really Should Read This Advice That Applies To ALL Of LIFE =>
“Click here for “Learning By Doing: A Theory Of Learning Which Advocates Reading “How To Manuals”, Only After Extensive Hands-On Direct Experience, And Then Only When There Is A Specific Need For Help & Guidance. ” by Henry Gurr.

…And even if you are fairly experienced with XMind, you still may want to (eventually) go back and glance thru these above mentioned “To the Beginning Beginner” & “For The Intermediate Beginner”: In this Reading and Suggested Steps & Guides, there are VERY likely to be ideas, facts, hints, information etc, that you may never discover in any other way!!!

Closure: It is the purpose of this WebPage to help reduce your wasted time. But, you in turn can also help => Please do your part by sending your under suggestions & comments back to me, so this WebPage can be steadily improved. I would like to hear from you.

My Story

When I first started using XMind, Mind Mapping APP, it was fairly easy to discover how to use many of its great features! However, I also encountered difficulties and frustrations in getting XMind to do what I wanted. Lots of times I was stuck. Much time was wasted before I got unstuck. I tried XMind > Screen Top > “Help” > “XMind Help”, but found it of limited use…. So, I Googled for 1) “XMind Instruction Manual”, 2) “XMind Users Handbook” or 3) Some sort of “XMind Users or Manual”.
What I Found Did Help Me, Especially These =>
The Best Mind Mapping Software APPs. XMind Forum. (From Internet Click Here.) Additional help was in This Quick Over-View In A You Tube Video. Later, I Googled for 4) “Beginners Guide XMind” and 5) “XMind Users Manual”. Strange to say, these “search terms” resulted in far better findings, than the specific search terms I mentioned above!
Back In Sept 2020, Anna Suggested The Blue Link Below As “A XMind Guide Map To Help Chris Who Wanted “A User Guide For XMind 8” But Could Not Find It.

If You Already Have XMind Installed In Your Computer This XMind 8 Guide Map Is Interesting, AND Will Show The Beginner The Multitude Of The Various Steps That Can Be Done When Using XMind.

…But I really needed a lot more help than what I found at the time. Thus, I was left to my own devices, which brought trial and error and lots of experimentation. Finally I learned how to use XMind in a way that I deemed satisfactory, and discovered how to avoid various befuddlements offered by XMind.. What I “finally learned about how to use XMind”, was eventually written into my "Hints and Helps User Guide & User Manual” For the XMind User, which is the WebPage you are reading right now. The useful Internet links I eventually found are given below.

Why Does XMind Present Us With These Problems?

What makes XMind powerful and useful is its many features. However such powerful systems … having lots of “bells and whistler” ...are necessarily complex! There is a lot going on! AND with power, comes an interwoven fabric of difficulties!!
…All of these many features and the ability to manipulate a tool to do what the user wants, comes many steps, which makes it hard to learn and easy to hit a dead end!. Thus, unfortunately, because of XMind’s complexity, no amount of “user friendly” will protect the user from the frustrations, dead ends, and confusions. This is because XMind has so many automatic features, and there is so much more going on than what the user may see or recognize.
…I eventually realized that a lot more real-time direct guidance such as => “mouse-hover-popup-signs”. Such pop-ups might provide precise XMind help right exactly when the user needs it and asks for it.
…However, making more real-time direct guidance would take the XMind developers away from improving the workings of XMind itself. I think we would all like the latter choice. This leaves us to depend on mutual help from the XMind Users Forum and user-generated help documents like the WebPage you are reading now.

The Big Question => Are There Computer Software Programs (Called Applications APPs) Similar to XMind That Do Not Have These Problems? In Other Words, Are There Viable Alternatives And What Are Their Comparative Virtues & Limitations?

When I started my project called “Table of Author Comparisons” in July 2009, I tried to use Microsoft Excel to present the comparative text statements of some twenty authors in a rectangular Spreadsheet (x,y) Table Array Of Boxes. … However, I soon discovered that Microsoft Office Excel is intended for math calculation and accounting applications. For this reason, Excel never really got what the users needed for presentation and editing blocks of text. So, I found Excel was too difficult for me to move from cell to cell for text viewing or entering or editing. At the time I wondered if there were any spreadsheets (having (x,y) Table Array ability) similar to Excel, that were especially adapted for text. I had an unsuccessful search for ~spreadsheet style computer application software, Not finding such a tool, I terminated my efforts at using Excel or other similar. I started to widen my search for Alternatives =>

Alternative1: MicroSoft Word APP.
I have since been reminded by Michael Richards and David Gurr that MS Word can adequately handle blocks of text in a tabular array of cell boxes set up by “Insert” > “Table”. The size of the table array seems to have no apparent limitation. People also tell me that you can even type a title into each of the cells of the table, then set the table up so that a mouse click on any one cell will take you to another full document for additional information. Back in 2004, I created a simple table using MS Word and then File > Save As > Webpage format. So, I saw that MS Word can handle tables and so can webpage applications such as MS Front Page. My biggest creation (7 columns wide X 50 rows down, giving some 350 cells) is at the link directly below. As you can see, I had considerable difficulty getting the little diagrams placed correctly:
Click Here To View Microsoft Word Worksheet (11inches x 17inches, 350 cells), (From Internet Site Archive.org)

Alternative2: Other Mind Mapping APPs.
In addition to the above, there were various software applications that I was aware of, back in Aug 2009). … Of these, the “Mind Map Application” seemed to be the most adapted to my project, since for example, one of XMind's so called “structure” choices was a rectangular (x,y) Table Array Of Boxes, in XMind 3.1.1 is called “spreadsheet”, but it is not clear what this is called in later versions of XMind. This (x,y) Table Array Of Boxes I wanted, should look like this =>

First AUTHOR’S =>First IdeaSecond IdeaThird Idea
2nd AUTHOR’S =>First IdeaSecond IdeaThird Idea
3rd AUTHOR’S =>First IdeaSecond IdeaThird Idea
Last AUTHOR’S =>First IdeaSecond IdeaThird Idea

I Closely Studied =>

…. Back in Aug 2009 => After close study of the 2 Blue Links above, I chose XMind because it had considerable acclaim, and at that time, it was the newest. From this, I hoped that “new” would mean XMind would be using the latest in software ideas and would have the advantage of studying other mind maps. I also hoped that the XMind creators would have already incorporated the best of their competitors’ ideas and thus avoid most of the limitations and problems of the other, older mind map applications.
NOTE1: Is an extensive study of the “Skeleton” choices available XMind Version 8, I do NOT find any choice that will readily give a rectangular (x,y) Table Array Of Boxes. However in a new launch of XMind8, a Frame came up called “templates”, wherein one choice was “Class Schedule” which was rectangular (x,y) Table Array Of Boxes. I clicked on it, and I was able to edit the boxes of this array, and move it towards the form of my above-mentioned “Table of Author Comparisons”.
NOTE2: Also with Google I discovered that “Sharable Templates” Click Here/ had these Rectangular Array of Boxes, labeled “Class Room” and “Morphological Box”.

And, once I started using XMind, I found how (as stated various places in this WebPage you are reading now), I found how XMind has its own limitations! …. But despite the problems so stated, I will nevertheless continue to use XMind. …. This is mainly due to the fact that my project is so deeply “hooked into” this XMind software. In other words, I am too heavily committed now to attempt anything else. ... Also, despite all my XMind difficulties, I now have (after the long struggles discussed on this WebPage), finally learned how to use XMind reasonably efficiently. Of course, in the process I used the various Hints & Helps User Guides & User Manuals, that I mention on this WebPage below .

However, The Big Question Still Remains => What Are The Viable Alternatives To XMind, And What Are Their Comparative Virtues & Limitations?
… If you have thoughts on this “Big Question” please send email what you know to => HenryG__USCA.edu Your “thoughts“ will be used to improve this WebPage, and tell other users that => There something better than XMind. Also your “thoughts“ will help the Software Developers of XMind, to continue to improve to such a great extent and so quickly that we do not need to raise this doubt anymore!

Stephen Zhu CoCreator Of XMind, Suggests That Users Make A Portable XMind On A USB Memory Stick, That You Can Carry In Your Pocket, And Use Where Ever You Happen To Have A Compatible Computer. A News WebSite Says =>
… “XMIND recently launched a new portable version of its open-source mind mapping software that can be downloaded in a single zip file – containing Mac, Windows, Linux 32-bit and Linux 64-bit versions – and used on any computer.”
…”This appears to be the standard basic, open-source version of XMIND, and not a stripped down version. It also supports 5 languages: English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, German and Japanese.”
…”The good news is that the program files are small enough that you can easily copy them onto a USB key and carry both the programs and your maps everywhere. The program can be used without registering it online. Just install it and start mapping. The developer says that XMIND Pro is also available in a portable version.”
…I have used this, and it seems identical and it is just as effective as my Install Into My Computer. Also this Portable XMind is Easy To Download And Set Up In a USB Memory Stick. This Will Automatically => Open A Save As => Into Your Computer File System AFTER You Click Here. Wait ~20 seconds, and then you will see the Save As, and you should click around until the Save As goes to the File Folder you want, such as “Downloads” .

Legal Notice Concerning Information, Advice, Instructions, and the Contents of This “XMind Helps and Hints User Guide & User Manual” =>

A) This WebPage (as well as earlier versions) Copyright Henry Gurr.

B) Every effort has been made, herein, to ensure the accuracy, personal safety, computer safety, computer reliability, of the Information, Suggestions & Procedures given on this WebPage. )Also effort has been made, herein, to ensure the for data and software compatibility with users computers).
…And although it is believed that this WebPage offers such sound and safe advice, its various authors/editors (Henry S. Gurr, Frank Overman, Rosanna Willhite, Andrew Geyer) and/or the University of South Carolina and/or any of its campuses, disclaim any responsibility for any errors or inaccuracy of this WebPage or its content, and thus make NO warranties or representations of any kind regarding the quality, content, completeness, suitability, accuracy, adequacy, sequence, timeliness, computer compatibility (or computer safety) or personal human safety of the content found in this WebPage. The authors, editors and the University of South Carolina and any of its campuses cannot assume any legal or financial responsibility. YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN. USERS OF THIS WEBPAGE DOCUMENT ASSUME ALL RISKS.

C) Moreover, the University of South Carolina, University of South Carolina Aiken, and Henry S. Gurr make no warranty with regard to it.
…NO WARRANTY is expressed or implied as to the suitability or safety (to persons or computers) or desirability of the information provided herein. THE USER ASSUMES ALL RISKS.


The views and opinions expressed in this WebPage are entirely those of its author, Henry S. Gurr. The contents of the page have not been approved, or even examined, by the University of South Carolina Aiken.

Start Reading Here for Henry Gurr’s “XMind Hints and Helps”

NOTE: The Instructions below will tell you to make various steps & observations using the XMindAPP installed into your computer. Btu since these instructions are complex, you will find it best to have some portions of these instructions printed on paper. Or as an alternative, displayed on a second computer (small screen ok) or even display on your Smart Phone.

I. To the Beginning Beginner

The Following Is A Listing Of =>. General Computer Hints & Helps Guides, For the Beginning Beginner Of XMind APP, Usings The Versions That Are Available Over the Internet.

For persons who have already worked with computers => The steps you must perform using XMind , are fairly clearly stated, and generally what you actually do when using XMind. The use of XMind will be quite familiar to anyone familiar with the use of computers.
…The following WebSites, were high on Google Search For => …. Computer Manual Beginner … , The below, after a quick examination, seemed to me, to be good guides and worthy of your attention. And even if you are fairly experienced, you may want to (sometime) glance thru these: In the following Guides & Manuals, there are VERY likely to be ideas, facts, hints, information etc, that you may never discover in any other way!!!

Please let me know what you think of these Blue Links, both above & below: And, if you find any better, please send an email to me with links suggested. Please click on “Contact Me” at bottom of this page.

This “BBC Absolute Beginners Guide” (from Internet), has lots of “Hands On” Activities, “Mouse Click Here Diagrams” and “OK try this now” These Active Hands On Approach. Learning Steps, start with using the Computer Mouse.
The Seniors Guide to Computers (from Internet) Covers All the Basics In An Easy To Read Format.
The Grass Roots Design “ Learner's Guide (from Internet) to the Computer” Starts With a Careful Naming All the parts of the Computer. Keywords and technical terms are shown in bold, with additional explanations pop-up when you do a “Mouse Cursor Hover”
This "Internet Beginner's Guides.(from Internet) " Has Separate Pages for Twenty Different Topics Like: Effective Email .. Guide to the Internet ... How Stuff Works, Yahoo Guide ... How To Ask An Expert .... Etc
Click Here For DownLoad of this “Help Yourself To My FREE Manual For Computer Beginners”(from Internet) This was high in Google Search List. But I have not actually examined it, b/c as the author says “this is 15MB file “DownLoad” so will take a few minutes”.

B. More Terminology and Abbreviations Used In This “XMind Hints & Helps User & User Manual” WepPage =>

1) Lots of time I will say “click on screen top at the [ _______ ].... “ What I mean is, move your mouse (or touch pad) computer screen cursor to the place named, then press the left button on your mouse, until it clicks. This will immediately start the intended action.

…Sometimes I will say “click on screen top at the [ _______ ]. .... “ What I mean is, move your mouse computer screen cursor to the place named, then press the left button on your mouse, until it clicks. This will immediately show a list of choices: Then you may click on the choice indicated in my instructions (or simply experiment. (Of course this “click” means => Press down on the left button on your mouse, AFTER you have placed your computer screen cursor at the place named.

2) A Number Of Places. This WebPage You Are Reading Now, Will Show Abbreviations Like The Following =>
XMind > Upper Left Screen Top > ==Icon > File > Open,
XMind > Upper Left Screen Top > ==Icon > Edit > Copy, Paste, etc
XMind > Upper Left Screen Top > ==Icon > File > Save As
NOTE: As you do the above “Save As”, there will be (near bottom) “data-field-box” that sez “File Name. You should type into this =-> A file name that will help you remember what Project this is. => Then click on “Save” Lower Rt. (Or since the Save Button is more emphasized, you may simply press “Enter” for it to activate. THEN Watch and you will see it jump, when you press the “Enter Key”!!)
These above 4 “abbreviations” mean => You go with the mouse screen cursor, to the first named place, click on it (left mouse button implied), then from list that appears, move the mouse cursor to the next named place, and click on it etc, etc, till you complete all the items. At which point you should be seeing (or understanding) the surrounding discussion.

XMind Downloading From The Internet, Plus Installing Into Your Computer =>
NOTE: As an alternative, you may wish to do your “Install” onto => A Portable XMind On A USB Memory Stick. To do this , scroll up to Portable XMind above.
…As is true for most good software APPs these days, XMind will (most often) easily download from the Internet and easily (without any glitches) install nicely on your computer. For XMind, the steps of “Downloading From The Internet, Plus Installing Into Your Computer“, will be familiar for any person familiar with computers, and similar to your previous downloads plus installations for other types of software applications APPs) you have already done.
…Thus, for persons who have already done various download plus install steps, => The steps you must perform for download plus installation of XMind are fairly clearly stated and will be easy & familiar.
…For example from your previous “download” experience you will be familiar with this series => After you click on the [DOWNLOAD], wait ~20 seconds and one of your computers File Display Rectangles will come up. (You will see all of the familiar parts of “Save As”, such as when you may have done a “Save As” with a Word Processor Document.) But hare is an important difference => The “Save As” that comes up should be, standard practice, to your Computers Folder named “Downloads”. If it isn’t then click around and change so it is. This way you can remember where to look for your “Downloads” whenever you need e’m.
…Next => Click On either of the next 2 Blue Links below, and when the XMind page comes up, at top Click on “download”. And after the next page comes up, scroll to your computer’s System and Click On red “download” And remembering the paragraph above, then follow the instructions =>

1. For High-Speed Internet Connections:
With a high-speed Internet connection, it might take 30 to 60 min for the download to complete, but only ~10 minutes for the installation step.
Click here to access the XMind download. (From High Speed Internet)
2. For dial-up or phone line connections:
With a phone line or dial-up Internet connection, it might take several hours for the download to complete, but only ~10 minutes for the installation steps.
Click here to access the XMind download. (From Dial Up Internet)

[SITEMASTER’S NOTE: Please keep in mind that things may not work as advertised. In the physical (and human) world, being what it is, things can always go wrong! If you experience problems, or questions, it is recommended to have individuals who can be called upon to help you. You, of course, might be able to get the help you need, from the XMind Forums or XMind resource pages which are given, with links, at the bottom of this WebPage.

Installing XMind APP Into Your Computer =>
…For persons who have already done various download plus install steps, => The steps you must perform for download plus installation of XMind are fairly clearly stated and will be easy & familiar. If you find this process confusing, you should ask for help from knowledgeable persons.
…Now please use your previous familiar “download” experience and do this series => After you have click on the red “download” (which was on the above mentioned XMind page), wait ~20 seconds and one of your computers File Display Rectangles will come up. (In this “Rectangle”), you will see all of the familiar parts of “Save As”, such as when you may have done a “Save As” with a Word Processor Document.) But here is an important difference => The “Save As” that comes up should be, as a standard practice, go to your Computers Folder named “Downloads”. If it isn’t then click around and change so it is. This way you can remember where to look for your “Downloads” whenever you need e’m.
[…Now, go to your Computers Folder named “Downloads”, find your newly added XMind, which is marked with Red Icon and says “Xmind-for- ….” Click on this and follow the instructions. You may be asked if you want XMind StartUp Icons to be placed on your computer’s “Desktop” or “ToolBar’s”. Click Yes. You may be asked if you want XMind to Start after installation. Click Yes.
a) If you are unsure, get help from a computer expert. [#f]]
b) Notice that => You now have a brand new XMind Chart with “Central Topic” in the center of your screen.
c) Also notice that => This new XMind Chart is attached to a “Screen Tab” at the top labeled “WorkBook 2”.
d) And further notice that => this new “WorkBook 2” XMind Chart is in the “Skeleton” called “Map”.

NOTE2 MAJOR: This WebPage You Are Currently Reading => PRESUMES You Have Installed XMind in Your Computer, And Already Done MUCH “Explore, Bump Around, & Discover” !!
…This Because, If You Have NOT Done Such, Then You Will Have Much Harder Time Understanding My Instructions Below!! '''
–In essence, in your first several hours of using XMind, I recommend that you NOT READ my below “XMind Hints & Helps User Guide & User Manual:” , UNTIL YOU HAVE A PROBLEM, and then and ONLY THEN, you go to and READ a help WebPage to solve it.
…. SO rather than AT FIRST READING => INSTEAD, YOU SHOULD => In XMind, “explore and bump around”, with “”trial and error”, until you absorb, what is needed!! In other words you figure out XMind, by experimenting & osmosis!!
…. This means that, rather than read any User Manual, you just start using XMind & playfully click on everything, (there must over 100 click points), and see what happens!! … THIS is the fastest way to “get up to speed”.
…… ALSO THIS is the fastest way to achieve real & long lasting skill !!

II. After Downloading XMind APP, Things To Check Off =>

A) Have you already downloaded XMind APP, and installed it into your computer?

B) Did find XMind APP in your computer’s Downloads Folder, and then Click “Open” to launch & come up on your computer?

C) Have you been “experimenting & bumping around” to see how XMind works?

D) If YES, then you are ready to continue with the below next part, of my “XMind Hints And Helps User Guide & User Manual” =>

…The following steps will => Mostly you will be exploring & “playing around, to get the feel of it”. You will find this much easier if you already have experience using computers, since what you see (such as the names, and many of the steps) will be quite familiar to you.
…As you “play”, make scratch notes on paper to help you remember., what you discover that is useful, and what you find puzzling.

III. For The Intermediate Beginner => Becoming Familiar With XMind APP => A. Checklist Of Things To Do And Notice: AND As You Use XMind APP, You Should Write Scratch Notes On Paper.

1) With XMind running on your computer, try pressing the “Enter” key approx 8 times. Note what happens. Experiment with clicking on any of the boxes, and do some typing, whatever words come to mind.

2) With XMind running on your computer, try pressing the “Tab” key approx 8 times. Note what happens. Experiment with clicking on more of the boxes, and do some typing, whatever words come to mind.

3) With XMind running on your computer, note that the “slide bars” (screen right and bottom) will move your view of the “Main” & “SubTopic Boxes” shown on your computer screen, to different positions.
…ATTENTION => For simplicity, I will now call “cell” any one “SubTopic Box”, shown by XMind on your computer screen. This is, by analogy, similar to the terminology used to refer to spreadsheets such as Microsoft Office Excel or The SpeadSheet (Excel Equivalent) From Apache OpenOffice 4.1.14
…NOTE: At above Blue Link (From Internet), you may learn about the Suite of Other Excellent Open Office Packages by Sun Microsystems, Inc This Software Suit Is FREE, and Nearly equal to Microsoft’s Office Suit which has Word, Excel. Front Page, One Note, & Outlook, Etc . .

4) Also study the tool bars at the top and bottom of your computer screen. Learn to watch these, since they have information, you should be aware of.
…You will discover these are quite similar (in look and usage) to those other software applications (APPs) you have already used on your computer such as => Microsoft Word, Explorer, Excel, or other such great applications (APPs), such as FireFox Internet Viewer & Browser, Thunderbird Email, or Irfanview Photo Viewer-Editor-Browser, Audacity Audio Player& Recorder, IRIS Optical Character Recognizer, & Editor, .

5) -->XMind > Upper Left Screen Top > ==Icon > Click And See A Drop Down List => You should understand that the 2nd thru 5th are actions for your Computer’s File System. The rest should be self-evident.
HINT: When you Go to > XMind > Upper Left Screen Top > ==Icon > Click And See > File > Save As > You should study the “file name” already in lower center rectangle (data field box), and try type in any additional names that will help you remember what you did on this Project. > Click on “Save” Lower Rt (Or just press “Enter:.). You should see that the name you just typed is also now in the “Central Topic” box, because this comes from the “Save As” file name! Therefore be sure to change this Central Topic name to something that will also want to be your Save As File Name.

Another good reason to make a good clear name in the “Central Topic” box, is that this name also appears in the so called “Tab”, which is in the Grey Blue bar at the top of the screen. A good name here will help you remember what this XMind is all about, and distinguish it from other XMind Project “Tabs”, which may also be at the top beside.

…Also along the screen top, upper right, you should mouse click on everything that clicks and Watch the results! Keep going, like this, on all of the “mouse clicks” you can find!!

4. Along the screen top SECOND row down, hover your mouse cursor over each icon and read the words. Let your mind take note of all this for future reference. Click on these and make scratch notes on paper to help yourself remember.

B. Available Help That Comes With the XMind Application (APP).

Now You Should Complete the Following Steps With XMind “Up” (= Launched) on Your Computer Screen.)
1. Go to your XMind computer screen top, and use the mouse to click on “Help” > “Key-Assist”. This will show a complete list of key commands (keyboard short cuts) which you will find helpful, to greatly speed up you work. Don't wait!! Do it now: Try clicking on a number of these to see to see their functions. Take scratch notes on paper to help you remember.

What You Should Know About “Keyboard Short Cuts” => :
…Nearly all APPs for your computer have similar “keyboard short cuts”. Take time to find them and learn to use. They are often listed at the right of XMind > Screen Top > Click on any > “Menu drop downs”. You will always see these when you click and hold your mouse, on various items at the top of your computer screen. For example you will see XMind > Screen Top > Edit > UnDo Typing Ctrl + Z. This means press both the “Ctrl Key” and the “Z” key, to Un-Do your previous typing. This works practically in any place in your computer. Don't wait!! Try it now!!
As you do this notice, in the Edit > Drop Down, the other “keyboard short cuts”, such as

Ctrl +F will bring up an Edit > Find
Ctrl +X will bring up an Edit > Delete
Ctrl +A will bring up an Edit > HiLite All
Ctrl + C will bring up an Edit > Copy
Ctrl + V will bring up an Edit > Paste

Another Shortcut Hint:
… If your computer has brought up a so called “Dialog Window (or Frame, there is nearly always one of the click choice “buttons”, that is darker (or more bold) than the others. This is the one that you will use the most often: In this circumstance, you will find that a press of the “Enter” key, is the quickest way to do the “OK“, the “Save“, the “Do-It-Now“, etc.
CAUTION => BE VERY SURE OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING BEFORE CLCK ON “ENTER” Because this is the way you can install (or allow) some really Baddies, to Infect your computer with Malware!

Learn These NOW, Since “Keyboard Short Cuts” Are Time Real Savers!!
,,,, A Google search will reveal gobbs more of them, which are faster ways to do what you ordinarily do with mouse clicks. “Keyboard short cuts” are really nice since, nearly all of them work in nearly all Applications (APPs),: For example the above work anywhere you have to type words. It doesn't matter whether Word Processor, Web Browser, Email System, File System Folders, Save As File Name, Photo Viewer/Editor, Audio Player/.Editor, Movie & Video Player/Editor, Optical Character Recognizer, Mind Mapping Software, etc, etc
Nearly ALL Software Applications (APPs), all use nearly the SAME list of “Keyboard Short Cuts”. Start now to Get using them!!!
Click Here For A Complete Listing Of “Keyboard Short Cuts” From XMind Help Center AFTER this page comes up => Upper Center => Click On Star Icon and make a Bookmark + Be sure to remember this Handy Resource.

2. “XMind Help”. Again, go to XMind screen top and mouse click on “Help” > This will show a complete list of help topics. You should try clicking on a number of these topics to see if you find any that are useful. Take scratch notes on paper to help you remember. Although I found these of limited assistance, you may find them quite helpful. Certainly, after you become familiar with XMind, going back through these will reveal useful features you might never discover in any other way. If you see interesting information or good ideas, write scratch notes on paper.

C. Using XMind > Map > Skeletons, Which Were Called Structures Earlier XMind Versions.

In XMind 8 “Mind Map”, What Is Now Called “Skeletons”, Was Called “Structures”, In XMind 3.1.1
1) In the middle area of your screen, click any one of the cells (“Main” or “SubTopic Boxes”) Watch how it shows a blinking cursor. Start typing a name for this cell. Then, with your mouse, right click. Experiment fully with each of the items in the list that comes up: “Insert”, “Cut”, “Paste”, ”Duplicate”, , etc. Experiment with all the click points you can find in these (such as “color”, “font”, “size”, etc).
…Also experiment fully with each of the Click Points at top and bottom of your XMind Display Screen. You should write scratch notes on paper, what you like, and what is puzzling.
NOTE1: At the top of the screen, when you click on either “ZEN” or “Pitch” you will get PopUp that requires you to “$ Purchase” OR “Try Free”, with no way to cancel these PopUp’s. Here you must Click On “Free”. And what comes up is completely puzzling. And to leave this, press upper left Key “Esc” (Escape), and you should be back to where you were previously.
NOTE2: At the top of the screen, when you click on “Format”, you will get an added Pannel along your Screen Right Side. Please LEAVE THIS in place, because => How to use this, is explained in 3. next steps 2) thru 6) below.

HINT: Sometimes you may have to double click to get what you want, for example to get a HiLite (Highlight) and then be able to type into a Cell. .

You should write scratch notes on paper, every time something happens that you did NOT expect! Chances are, this situation is (for any software), you have found a new and potentially useful discovery, that you will likely want to use in the future! In your scratch notes on paper, add what steps or keystrokes happened just prior to this new discovery.

2) In the above you were simply exploring XMind. Now my instructions will be more specific. I have chosen a series of steps that most easily move you into new “territory”, and at the same time introduce you to new terminology.
…What you have learn in earlier steps, will get you ready for later steps. It's like constructing a building => Each level is put on top the previous, starting with the foundation. Remember to write scratch notes on paper, to help you remember and be able to recall all of your discoveries.

3) The following steps will guide you in learning the XMind feature called “SKELETONS”, which is how you (as you will see) can change to various XMind Named Screen Diagrams such as a) thru f) below =>

a) “Map” > (which most likely is => What has been on your XMind Computer Screen up to now.)
SIDE NOTE “Map” is the default, which is what you see when you first launch XMind),
b) “Spreadsheet” > (which happens to be a rectangular (x,y) Table Array Of Boxes, that is mentioned above for my project called “Table of Author Comparisons” ),
c) “Logic Chart”,
d) “FishBone Chart”,
e) “Tree Diagram” > (which shows Hierarchy; as in Company & Military Organizational Charts), and
f) “Biological Species Family Tree Diagram” > (which shows Species, Order, Genus, etc.

You will see that XMind Tree Diagram Diagrams come in 4 versions wherein => The Hierarchy goes: to the left, to the right, goes up, goes down.
4. You will eventually see that any of these above “Skeletons”, can always be converted to any of the others, with just a few clicks.
Here are the steps =>
4) Above in NOTE2 > In XMind > Upper Right Corner > You already Clicked On Icon just above “Format”, Which Opens A Special Panel Along Right Edge. > Where at top above “Skeletons” > ClicdOn “Map” > Then at right 1 inch down see Triangle Arrow \/ > Which will expand to an even larger Special Window > Then you can scroll around and study the such as => “TreeChart”, “OrgChart”, “LogicChart”, “SpreadSheet”, “FishBone”, or “Matrix”.
…Now would be a good time to click on 4 or5 of these “Skeletons” choices, and watch your XMind display suddenly change. You should take several minutes to study the complete computer screen, for each “Skeletons” choices, that suddenly came up.

SIDE NOTE: You may click on any of these choices at any time to get the different structures you want to use, or explore to see if another structure might be more useful. AND, as you change to a different structure, all of your typing and data are shown in any of these charts that come up. Nothing is lost when you change “skeletons” !!
7) Big Idea => Eventually you will see that, most everything you learn for any one “Skeleton” choice, automatically applies to all the other “Skeleton” choices, such as => “MindMap”, “LogicChart”, “BraceMapt”, “OrgChart”, “TreeChart”, “TimeLine”, “FishBone”, “TreeTablet”, , or “Matrix”., which in an instant, with a mouse click, you can change into any of the others!!

Remember All This Because =>
This is how you (as you will see) can change to various XMind Named Screen Diagrams.
SIDE NOTE: Irrespective of which of the 5 above mentioned, “XMind features called “Skeletons” a) thru f), that happen to be “up” on your computer screen, everything you have learned about XMind Applies To All Of Them!! It’s all the same => How & Where To Type words, Make Edit Changes, How to Save As, How to get different font, bolds, italics, etc etc)

8) You should now continue exploring All Of The Suggestions I Have Mentioned Above Until You Have Gotten Comfortable Finding Your Way Around.
… As you explore, don’t get stuck on problems or questions; just make brief scratch notes on paper, and keep exploring. This is how you learn by osmosis! You will see that many of your problems and questions will be answered “automatically” (with minimal effort) in the following exercises.
…I think it is the best mode of learning, to just mentally make scratch notes on paper, of the problems that happen, and then keep on working: You will be pleasantly surprised that the “answer” to the problem will “occur” with no additional effort! It's amazing how this goes!
…Your paper scratch notes will also help you remember the important discoveries, or ideas, you may want to use later.
…You can get an introduction to => My ideas as to why and how our minds can find answers “automatically” like this => Click Here To Learn About How Our Minds Work At My “Memory Perception & Flash of Insight Problem Solving **AHA**” Article. (From Internet) Also to learn even more => Please continue your study of “How Our Mind Works” > Go Upper Left Top of Main Menu =>

A) Right Click On SECOND Blue Link Down, open in a new tab and continue reading. Then
B) Right Click On THIRD Blue Link Down, open in a new tab and continue reading.

If you have questions or want to know more, please send email to => HenryG__USCA.edu

'''9) For Any Xmind Projects You Have Been Working With, Now Is A Good Time To “Save” These, In Case You Want To Use Them Later =? Here You Can Decide Whether To A “Save As” With Any File Name You Want =>

a) When working with XMind (or other projects which have a lot of your typing), you should 'always be asking yourself “Do I want to “Save As” a copy of this Project before it's gone forever!! >XMind > Upper Left Screen Top > ==Icon > Save As > Mouse Click on the “File name” box, which herein is called a “data field box”, and then > Type in your words to change the “File Name” to what you want. > Press the “Enter” key. (Or use mouse to click on the “Save”.) (Remember all these steps: You will use them often!)

D. Working With XMind Charts: In The Next Two Exercises => You Will See That There Are Two Different Major Ways To Add More Cells To Your XMind charts =>

a) Adding Cells To XMind charts d with successive “Press Enter Key ” versus
b) Adding Cells To XMind charts with successive “Press Tab Key”.

SITEMASTER’S NOTE: You will see that the SLIGHT difference between a) Successive “Press Enter Key ” versus b) Successive “Press Tab Key will make a BIG difference in the resulting XMind Chart!]
These steps of “Close All Old XMind Projects” and then “Open A New” XMind Projects, are normally not needed when you start a new XMind Project: (This is because you normally may have as many XMind Projects as you want on your computer.) But for the following steps, it is here suggested that you “Close All Old” and then “Open New”, so as to cut down the possibility of confusion for the beginner.)
Since you (may) have XMind running (with one or several Projects) please do the following:

a) A CAUTION: When you are preparing to “Close” the one (or several) XMind you have “up” on your computer. In this circumstance, you should '''always” ask yourself “Do I want to “Save As” a copy of this Project before it's gone forever!! If YES, then then (same as above-mentioned) => do this do this => Click on > XMind > Screen Top > File > Save As > Mouse Click on the “box” for typing, which herein is called a “data field box”, and then > Type the words to change the “File Name” to what you want. > Press the “Enter” key. (Or use mouse to click on the “Save”.) (Remember all these steps: You will use them often!)
b) FOR ADVANCED XMind USER: Normally XMind will save your Project, with this new file name, in it's own little special place. But if you want this to be somewhere else on your computers file system, you may move your mouse cursor to the top of the so called Dialog Window, where there is an other “box” (also a “data field”) that has a small downward pointing triangle at the left end of the box: Click on the triangle, and you will see the folders of your computers file system. You may now negotiate around in these folders, with mouse clicks to choose the folder you want your Project's “Save As,” to be placed, in your computer’s memory system.

SIDE NOTE =>: Lots of time, on various computer applications, you will see similar “data field boxes” that have a small downward \/ pointing triangle. This is your tip off, that you should (nearly always) click on the small \/ triangle, which will bring up a host of choices, you may want. Hint: Learn to do this, since otherwise these potentially valuable choices are invisible!! (Remember all these steps: You will use them often!)

2) In this section 2) and the next section 3), you will be setting up your XMind in a way that will help you understand the “Press Enter Key ” versus “Press Tab Key” ideas.
…And at the same time your steps will be a complete review of what you have learned so far in you work with XMind. This review will remind you of important procedures and includes also an introduction to Important XMind Names' you need to know how to use, And be sure to write scratch notes on paper.& remember.

a) For these purposes you will need to “Close” any XMind Projects you have “up” on your computer =>
b) To do this > XMind > Upper Left Screen Top > ==Icon > Click And See A Drop Down List: Click On “File”, and then Click On “Close Window”.
c) And now finally, you are ready to bring up (ie launch) A Brand New XMind. This is called a file “Open”: To do this, click on your computer screen > Lower Left > Start > All Programs > XMind > And ClickOn It. This should now “Open” (ie Launch) a new fresh XMind display onto your computer screen
d) Remember all these steps: You will use them often!
e) This (newly launched XMind) shows you a box appearing in the center of the screen, with words “Central Topic”.
f) This box is the start of a so called “Mind Map”, and will be in the “Skeleton” called “Map”. (This is the default and will happen each time you launch a new XMind.)
g) About XMind Terminology => In every XMind Project, there will be Just One “Central Topic Box” and many “Topic/Sub-Topic Boxes”. As any of these XMind boxes, I will call a “cell”. (This, by analogy, is the same name for the array (really grid) of rectangular “boxes” used in spreadsheets, such as Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice.org Suite of Office Software.)
h) Having done the above, you are ready for the next step.

3) Learning How To Expand Your XMind Chart Using “Press Enter Key” and “Press Tabs Key”:
a) As mentioned above, when you first launch XMind, it will be in the structure called Map. Your XMind should have a side panel at right, with information & many choices. (If this “panel” is not present try clicking on small box above “Format”.) Here it is important to notice & remember => At panel top are three rectangles labeled “Style”, "Pitch” and . “Map”
…When XMind first comes up you will see the “Map” in dark blue, telling you that certain “information & many choices” are now active & available, as you see on the Side Panel, all the way to your screen bottom. You should read, and click-around, to learn what these are.
…Now, to change from “Map” to “Style” or "Pitch”, you could try Click On E’m. But if this does not work go to > >XMind > Upper Left Screen Top > ==Icon > View > Format Panel > “Style”.
…For the next instructions please > go to > >XMind > Upper Left Screen Top > ==Icon > View > Format Panel > "Pitch” (Of course, this will be in dark blue, telling you that certain “information & many choices” are now active & available. )
4) Expanding Your XMind Project By Adding Cells (Somewhat Vertically And/Or Somewhat Horizontally) Using The Slightly Different “Press Enter Key” And “Press Tab Key”.

a) Watch what happens (and remember) when you press “Enter” Key eight times.
b) Watch what happens and remember when you press “Tab” Key eight times.

..Now, go to “Map” choose one of the “Skeletons” you like and repeat two lines above a) & b).
AND then repeat for several other “Skeletons” you like. Of course, watch what happens and remember., plus write scratch notes on paper.

c) For purposes of following discussion in 5) below, go to Blue “Map” > Scroll down thru “Skeletons” to the 7 examples called “Logic Chart”: and click on the one in the Middle Of The Second Row Down. Then repeat =>
f) Watch what happens and remember when you press “Enter” Key several times.
g) Watch what happens and remember when you press “Tab” Key several times.

..Now, go to “Map” choose one of the “Skeletons” you like and repeat two lines above.

5) Having done the above a) thru g) , Your XMind Chart Should Somewhat Look Like The Photo Below.
a) Thanks to Frank E. Overman for this idea! He has provided a great photo of what a happens from “Press Enter Key” and “Press Tabs Key” Please take a moment to see how your “Logic Chart” looks somewhat like the chart photo shown below.

b) You should see that the Topic #'s automatically increase going somewhat down. And the SubTopic #'s increase going somewhat to the right.
c) In your chart these Major Topic #'s and the SubTopic #'s are assigned automatically. But you can change them, by a mouse click and double-click and type in what you want.
d) If you want to keep this chart for future reference or use, you may do > Save As > As discussed above.

6) Changing your XMind Project to a rectangular (x,y) Table Array Of Boxes, often called a “Spreadsheet”.
SIDE NOTE: You may not have the Right Side Pannel. In which case > go to > XMind > Upper Left Screen Top > ==Icon > View > Format Panel > “Map”.
a) At right you should have the Side Panel. Then at upper right , Click on “Map”, which will go to dark blue, of course, this will be in telling you that certain “information & many choices” are now active & available.
b) Then at right 1 inch down from “Map” see Triangle Arrow \/ > Which will expand to an even larger Special Window > Then you can scroll around and study such as => “MindMap”, “LogicChart”, “BraceMapt”, “OrgChart”, “TreeChart”, “TimeLine”, “FishBone”, “TreeTablet”, , or “Matrix”.
c) Please scroll down to last “Skeletons” choices “Matrix” and click on the “SpreadSheet”, bottom right choice:

7) Adding Rows & Columns your XMind Project to a rectangular (x,y) Table Array Of Boxes,
a) But when working with a rectangular (x,y) Table Array Of Boxes, there is a FAR BETTER way, to add rows at bottom, and add more columns to the right. Please continue with the same rectangular spreadsheet that from step 6) c) that is now on your computer screen.
b) To add rows at bottom => Click on Lower Left Cell, and notice that a small green disk appears, just below this cell. Now Click On this Green Disk 6 times, and see that => For each successive click, XMind will add a new row to the bottom, making your rectangular spreadsheet, more and more down the page. and –
c) To add columns to the right => At the top of your rectangular spreadsheet => Click on the right edge of the Main Topic Box, and notice that a small green disk appears, just a bit to the right. Now Click On this Green Disk 8 times, and see that => For successive clicks On this Green Disk, XMind will add a new column to the right, this of course, makes your rectangular spreadsheet, wider and wider to the right.
d) Please remember this => At any time, you may repeat either of above b) or c). Also remember that these steps apply ONLY to rectangular (x,y) Table Array Of Boxes Of course, write scratch notes on paper and Remember all this!
e) Now might be a good time for more practice of the above b) or c) and further watch what happens.
f) And now, for practice, it would be a good time to try (and become more familiar with) the other “Skeleton” choices offered: Do remember how to do this?? Rember clicking the above-mentioned tiny “arrows” icon further to the right, in box.
g) For each new structure you get, try click on the boxes and type works and Rt Click and do some of the choices that come up. Watch what happens and remember.
h) For the steps below, please now set your chart back to “Rectangular Spreadsheet” .

8) Having Done the Above “Clicking On Both Green Disks”, your rectangular spreadsheet should looked like the Photo Below. Please take a moment to see how your “Rectangular Spreadsheet Matrix Chart” is very similar to the chart photo shown below. You should see that =>

i) In your chart and the chart shown below, the Main Topic #'s increase going vertically down.
ii) In your chart and the chart below, the Column #'s increase going horizontally to the right.

a) In your chart and the chart below, the Main Topic #'s and the Column #'s are assigned automatically,

i) but you can change them by a mouse click and double-click to type what you want.
ii) If you want to keep this chart for future reference or use, you may do > XMind > Save As > As discussed above.

IV. Cautions When Using XMind, Especially When Number of “SubTopic Boxes” (Cells) Exceeds Say Two Hundred.

[SITEMASTER’S NOTE: The next three CAUTION’s are designed to help deal with BIG and COMPLEX XMind projects. If you are not involved in such a project, it may be better to skip the first three caution sections for now. This will help to avoid unnecessary confusion.]

CAUTION #1: Concerning Typing Your Names Into “SubTopic Boxes” (Cells) in XMind.

In XMind (in any “Skeleton”, but especially SpreadSheet), clicking on a cell (subtopic box) will HiLite (Highlight) it (meaning this is the one ready for typing a new name or other text). Now, if you then hit the tab key, XMind will create a new cell, but sometimes without any SubTopic name or number. This, in most cases, may be just what you want. WARNING: If you happen to click on a cell that doesn’t YET SHOW a “SubTopic number”, you will likely get a wrong (out of order) “SubTopic number”. The wrong number will be zapped into that cell before you know it. This out of sequence number will likely cause confusion later, especially as you work in the “SpreadSheet” structure. The following is important as you proceed to place names in any cell: First switch to “SpreadSheet” structure, start typing the name you want into the leftmost cell and always move to the right, one cell at a time. SICE NOTE: In the event the cell is empty, double click on this cell and the next SubTopic Name and Number will appear. SIDE NOTE: It is possible that the above mentioned procedure may not be convenient for you to do right away. For example, you may not yet know the needed names. So, at the very least, in those cases where the SubTopic name and number are missing, I suggest you work from left to right, and double click on each cell, so at least it gets assigned its proper “SubTopic ”number in the correct number sequence. Despite the fact that it is a lot of work, you may want to do this for all of your horizontal rows (doing this, of course, in “SpreadSheet” structure). Now you are ready to type in your SubTopic names, in any order, at a later time. How best to do this is given below.

CAUTION #2: More Discussion Concerning Typing Your Names Into “SubTopic Boxes” (Cells) in XMind.

A) The above paragraph emphasized how you must be careful to start at left side and double click each cell to the right to get the correct “SubTopic” numbers assigned. By correct, I mean that this cell will be assigned the same “SubTopic ” number as well as the number that is shown at the very top of that cell’s column.

B) There is a second sense of “correct”. You should be aware that as you type names into any given cell, this name goes two different places. First, into the cell you are looking at; and second, into an “Outline”, which is a document having all of your typing you have placed into your XMind Project.
… I earnestly suggest that you should want these two places to be in synchrony. The numbers in one place go up in the same series as the numbers in the other place. To do this without a lot of hassle, you should follow the steps given in A) above.

C) Special problems which occur on my vintage 2002 Win XP 1.3 Ghz Laptop: If your computer is older and slower (and/or you have a very large XMind Project) you may also have these problems that I next discuss. If not, then you may ignore this section.
…When I was double clicking on a blank cell (in order to get the SubTopic name and number in “SpreadSheet”), I had to adopt the following: I had to mouse click once on the cell and then do a just-right-moderate-speed-double-click. If I got this correct, the screen would maintain the same view area, and I could easily see if it has been assigned the correct cell number. If I failed to do a just-right-moderate-speed-double-click, my XMind would zap my view back to the extreme left area of my spread sheet, AND considerably shift the chart up. (It seems like this “zap” action must be for some purpose, but I can’t guess what that is? Is it to go to certain subject (Subtopic?) that is currently “the next”? I’m not sure, but it certainly caused me a waste of time, scrolling back to the cell I just selected, so I could be sure it had the correct number in it, and then continuing with next cell to the right.)

[SITEMASTER’S NOTE: In my first serious XMind Project, I unfortunately did not do what I suggested above. This resulted in a series of wrong “SubTopic” numbers in my horizontal rows. What I did to get the correct SubTopic #'s appears below.]

D) Correcting “SubTopic” numbers: I found I could fix (make correct) some of these (in “SpreadSheet” structure) by going to the leftmost cell (“SubTopic 01”) and successively clicking each one, moving to the right, testing each one until finding the first incorrect one. In this event, I could try deleting the cell and asking for a new one, hopefully with the correct “SubTopic” number. If you have already typed in your new cell name, you will no longer have the “SubTopic” number there. So in this case, to find if it is the correct number, I did a click at top of screen > Edit > Cut, to remove (and hold) the cell name. Then I clicked elsewhere to get back to the blank cell. Next I did the “just right click” (as described above) to see (hopefully) that the correct “SubTopic” number was there. Then I double clicked to HiLite (Highlight), and at top of screen used Edit > Paste to get the content back into the cell. I repeated to the right, until I did (or re-did) all of the “SubTopic” numbers. At this point, I at least knew which cells had the correct SubTopic number assignment. A Useful Discovery: If I failed to do “just right mouse click”, and was “zapped” to the left, I could get back to the same area of the chart by hitting the down arrow key and my XMind would go to the cell below and take me back to the area of the chart I wanted, so I was able to continue with the just right mouse click and continue my placement of the next correct “SubTopic ” numbers.

CAUTION #3: More Discussion Concerning Typing Your Names Into “SubTopic Boxes” (Cells) in XMind.

…You may think that the incorrect “SubTopic” numbers, as mentioned above, are of no consequence; and yes, this is true, as far as the Spread Sheet (alone) shows it. HOWEVER, these numbers show up in another important place in XMind called “Ourling”. To see this >XMind > Upper Left Screen Top > ==Icon >View > Click on chouse > Outline. This is where you will actually see whatever order you originally “double clicked” those blank cells. So (based on my experience with XMind 3.1.1), unless you do the “just right mouse click” in sequence, starting at the extreme left as I suggest above, this outline will not be in same correct order as is shown on your spreadsheet. Most likely, you will regret not taking the time to get this correct! A caveat: Of course, you may not expect ever to use the outline, and all my three caution discussions above may be irrelevant for you. In addition, I am forced to admit that sometimes you may actually want the SubTopic numbers assigned in the “Outline” to go up in order 1 2 3 4 5 etc, with whatever order you actually clicked on successive XMind cells; but do be aware that this will eventually cause confusion, because the SubTopic number will NOT correspond to either of the =>:

A) Column numbers that are (permanently) at the top of the respective columns.
B) The numbering scheme that is in the so-called “Outline”. . (To view your XMind Chart “Outline”, (and your associated XMind Chart Notes), click XMind > > Upper Left Screen Top > ==Icon >View > Click on chouse > Outline.

[ SITEMASTER’S NOTE: When you start out on your new XMind project: Wise advice on making charts: and before starting construction of your chart, get the data right. This saves lots time! In other words plan ahead and be ready, before you turn on your computer!! ]

CAUTION #4: For Those of You Worried About Losing Work and Information.

As work on your XMind Project, you might erase/delete/alter/change something important : Thus you need to be careful to avoid certain steps as you work (more next below). And you do want to take care to make extra copies of your XMind Project, by doing > XMind Top > File > SaveAs > type the file name like this > MyFirstXMindProjectVersion1” (Subsequent names might be named V2, V3, V4, etc.) I think is is important to make and name these, so called back-up copies every half hour or so. That way, just in case of a BIG MISTAKE, you lose at most a small part of your valuable work.** Of course when you are working on a really big important XMind Project, you should AVOID needless experimentation and exploration. For any needed experiments, it is easy to “Open” a new XMind “Tab”. Simply go to > XMind Top > File > New >. ,,,, This will give you a “spare” (non-valuable) workplace for your experimentation and/or exploration to develop that new method you need. **SIDE NOTE: Like many Word Processor & Email Applications, XMind can also make a “back-up” copy using an “automatic save” To see this >XMind > Upper Left Screen Top > ==Icon >View > Click on chouse > Outline. > Click the “automatic save box” & enter the number of minutes between “automatic saves”> Also click other choices you may want > Then click OK. HOWEVER CAUTION: On older computers (or if your computer has gobbs of applications “up”, and busy busy animated internet browser tabs ), the “automatic save” when it “pops to action”, may suddenly interrupt your work!!! Especially if you have a huge XMind Cart, of say over 200 cells. See also below, where I discuss the “ constant problem which occurs on my vintage 2002 Win XP”.

CAUTION #5: For Those of You Worried About Erase/Delete/Alter Something Important On Your Computer.

A) No user guide can be foolproof., but her are my thoughts.
B)For the most part, when you are exploring around and using XMind, don’t worry too much that you will ruin your computer.
C) But when you get into unfamiliar territory, learn to look for where you can mouse click on cancel. This is your safest choice and the one to always use!,
unless really want to change something and know what you are doing.
D) Even if you have, on purpose opened up a so called “dialog” (Frame/window/box) to see what was there, the best (safest) way to “back out”, is to click on “Cancel”. This way you can avoid extra unnecessary computer processor work & associated memory cycle in your computer's Hard Drive. You never know when something will go wrong in computers, so don't ask for an un-needed cycle! Wo why take a chance!!! It's just as easy to click on “Cancel”!!
D) In the old days press the “esc” = Escape Key, upper left, was also a way back out, without making unwanted changes. Yet this is often not a viable option because you will 'lose data, such as all your typing, or other info necessary to get you application re-launched later (ie brought up for you to use it). And in most of today's computer software apps, pressing the escape key has no evident effect. But if you are in a problem situation AND you have tried everything you can think of AND nothing seems to respond properly, try “esc”. SIDE NOTE: Be aware that you will probably loose all your non-saved data, or typing, and will have your current App close (gone) without warning. Escape is a last resort, do not use it unless you have to
E) In general, you should avoid typing text (words) into unfamiliar places.
F) And for God’s sake, keep away from these keys =>
1) “Delete” , “Backspace”, or “Enter” !! (Unless you are “in familiar territory” and you know what you are doing),
2) Likewise, keep away from Click-Points that Change Thing, especially these next:
“Accept”, “OK”, "Save", "Save As", "Update", "Reset", "Revise", "Delete", or "Erase”. (Unless you are “in familiar territory” and know what you are doing),
3) AVOID ..... because .... You, the user must assume all risks, and take the pain!!.

CAUTION #6: Learning About SAFE Downloads, Which Have .exe: We Use the Example Of Free Software Downloads.

There are, like XMind, many very good and useful software applications that are a free Interned download. All of these, which reliably install on your computer, have computer file names that end with ''.exe”. You will see this, for example, in some very nice apps such as IrfanView, Audacity, FireFox and Chrome Browsers, ThunderBird Email, 7-Zip, and Sun MicroSystem's “OpenOffice.org” programs (“OpenOffice” is a collection (Suite) of Word and Spreadsheet Applications, very similar to those found in the familiar Microsoft Office. .). These are all great and highly recommended. Try 'em, you will like 'em!! See the ZMMQ Technology We Use page for a list of additional free applications (and shareware), as well as full information about each.

CAUTION #7: Learning About DANGEROUS Downloads, Which ALSO Have .exe!!.

I haven't mentioned examples of the software applications that you must be forever vigilant and on guard against! There are often disastrous problems that may arise when a computer virus or other bad software application attempts (often with NO warning) to install on your computer. These “bad applications” can come from almost anywhere. They are purposefully sent by criminals to “infect” your computer. It may be to use your computer to do their work, or just an act of pure vandalism. You should understand that viruses, trojans, and other forms of malware, since they also are also applications, and most often (but not always) will have .exe at the end of the file name.

".exe" means “execute”. which means go ahead and “do it” ... do what you were designed to do, whether malware or not!!!

In other words, if you somehow allow viruses, trojans, or malware application to “exe = execute” , these software programs WILL DO what it is set up to do by those criminals = bad, bad, bad!

To avoid Big Problems:

A) Have your computer set up so it will ask your permission, prior to installing ANY new software. You may need to get help to do this.

B) Most (but not all viruses, trojans, and other forms of malware) have file names that end with .exe. So earn to watch for these tiny three letters .exe! You may see the .exe when you do a File > Save As or see it in a listing of your saved Download Files with word “Application” in the to the right, in the file name listings, that appear within your computer’s so-called “Folders”: In these listings, you may also see “Application” in the column labeled “Type”. So if you see “exe”, it may be because you asked for a new download, or it may have appeared out of the blue! In this case, think twice! The download may be a virus! Hit “cancel” unless you are sure it is not a virus. If you are unsure, ask someone who knows about computers.

C) REMEMBER: when your see .exe and you hit OK, it's out of your hands! No way to stop it!

V. Sharing Your XMind Project With Others

A) Frank E. Overman says: ”Show Your Stuff!”
Once you get comfortable with XMind and begin to capture your thoughts, your research, and more, don’t keep it to yourself! Use XMind’s “Upload” feature to share it with the world.
B) Here is a list of the steps involved in using the “Upload” feature of XMind:
1) Select Help > Sign In To XMind.net. If you don’t have an account, click “Not a Member” and follow the prompts. If you have an account, log in with your ID and Password.
2) Press the Upload button on the toolbar or File > Upload.
3) In the General tab, verify the title is what you want shown (defaults to what ever is typed iono the Central Topic).
4) Enter a description of the map (optional). (SIDE NOTE: If you type a description of any length, you might want to copy it over to a separate Word Processer.doc or other holding place, just in case you need to retry the upload.)
5) Select if you want this to be:

a) Public and Downloadable (the most “friendly” – people can access links, notes, etc).
b) Public – somewhat less “friendly” – people can see the layout of your map, but not notes or anything that is folded/collapsed.
c. Private – “Pro” users only.(i.e. Free XMind users don't get this option.)

6) Click the Thumbnail tab.- adjust the Thumbnail view.
7) Click “Upload”.
8) If XMind is successfully processing your upload, you will see status/progress indication in the lower right corner.
9) When it successfully uploads, you’ll see a message like: “Your map has been successfully uploaded. See It Now! See It Later”.
10) Click either button, as you wish.
11) If you get the message “Sorry, but we have encountered some problems when uploading your map. Try again?” you might go back and verify you’re signed into your account, sign out and back in, etc. (I wasn’t signed in when I first tried this to get these steps and had to start again. That’s where having the description pasted elsewhere helps.
12) To see your newly uploaded map, go to http://www.xmind.net/share. (From Internet) The “Popular” section of this website was mentioned earlier in order to gain more experience and see what ways XMind will work for you, or even show that XMind is not workable for your project!

C) There are, at this time, sections on Mind Map of the Day, Featured Maps, Recent Popular Maps, and Recently Uploaded Maps (where you and other users will see your new map). There is also a site search function in the upper right corner so you can find maps by topic or subject.

D) There are maps from all over the world, in several different languages. For those who are multi-lingual, you can dive right in and investigate those maps in detail. For the rest of us, we can still appreciate the examples of layout, background, use of markers, and the like. It is interesting, to me anyway, to wander around the site looking at things, seeing what people are studying, working on, and the like.

[SITEMASTER’S NOTE: The word “Multi-lingual” above made me think of an old joke. What do you call someone who speaks two languages? Bilingual. What do you call someone who speaks three or more languages? Multilingual. What do you call someone who speaks only one language? An American.]

VI. Additional Learning Steps to Try

These may be done when viewing ANY XMind structure, such as Spreadsheet, Map, Tree, Fish, etc.]

A) Typing Words into an XMind Cell:
Do the following: Click on any cell, which will (Highlight) it (ie change darkness). At this point, you can start typing or Edit > Copy and Edit > Paste) your text into this Topic/SubTopic box. (

SITEMASTER'S NOTE: Most of the keystrokes you use in XMind will be familiar if you have used a word processor like MS Word. For example you can use the “Enter” per normal as you would in a word processor, but there is a “hang-up” which is discussed next.

B) More on Typing Words into an XMind Cell: In any cell, if you want to start a second (or third or fourth) line, you must hold the “CTRL” key down and press the “Enter” Key. (For this purpose: Frank E. Overman also uses Shift Enter.)

C) More on Typing Words into an XMind Cell: Alternatively, you can pre-prepare your text in a word processor document, and then Edit > Copy and Edit > Paste the text into this Topic/SubTopic box. The second (or third or fourth) lines will appear in the cell, just like in your pre-prepared document. The up, down, right, and left keys will move the cursor per normal in the Topic/SupTopic box. However, be aware that you cannot change font, color, bold, etc in a cell, as far as I can tell, using the free download of XMind Version: 3.1.1 .

D) More on Typing Words into an XMind Cell: According to Frank E. Overman, if you want to add a series of SubTopics (all at the same SubTopic level) you can type these out in a word processor document, Edit > Copy, click on the parent topic in XMind, and Edit > Paste. The lines (paragraphs) from the document will become parallel SubTopics in XMind. (SIDE NOTE: This may not be compatible with the spreadsheet SubTopic numbering concern, mentioned above.)

E) Using the “Notes” in XMind: Try: right click on any cell > Click notes >Brings up a box into which you can type. (This box herein is called a “Data Field Box”, a carryover from the old days when only numbers were typed into computers.) In this same box you do Edit > Copy > Any text from or Edit > Paste any text into this so called “Notes Edit Box”. I found that a two-page “Edit Copy and Paste” (~1000 words) did not seem to exceed the capacity of the notes edit box. You can change the look of your notes by using the by click icons at top of the notes edit box. You can change font, color, bold, etc in a cell just as you would in a word processor. But the same is not possible for the Topic and SubTopuc Boxes. Puzzle.

F) More on Using the “Notes” in XMind: Once any one Topic/SubTopic box has notes (words) placed into it, hovering the mouse on the yellow “Notes” icon will conveniently show the first 88 words = 495 characters and spaces of your note.

[SITEMASTER’S NOTE: Any more you can think of? Please send me an e-mail with your suggestions.]

VII: Some Limitations of XMind and Thus Suggestions for Making XMind Work Even Better:

All XMind Users should read these, so they don't waste time trying to do something that XMind Won't Do! These suggestions are relevant to the free download of XMind Version: 3.1.1 .

A) Some way to know which spreadsheet cell number I am in, and a better way to go directly to a cell number I want. In other words, a way is needed that does not require scrolling around to find it. This is a special need that becomes very serious with large XMind projects.

B) We need a way to fill out the spreadsheet “SubTopic ”numbers using an automatic or default basis. In other words, we need some way to “auto fill out” all the “SubTopic” numbers (see above discussion for existing problems on my version). NOTE: This ability is now available in XMind 8. To read how to do this, please scroll to above => FAR BETTER WAY

C) As it is now, Free Versions of XMind > Screen Top > ==Icon > Edit > Find & Replace, will find ONLY those words that are typed into the Main Central Topic or Topic or /SupTopic cell boxes. It will NOT find any text in the "Notes". Does XMind 8 to this: Ds the purchased version do this?
NOTE: Users might be able to use the Saved File Search ability of their computer. But in my experience => The two Microsoft Windows XP, Win* thru Win11 search systems cannot find any text in the XMind “Topic“ lines or the “Notes” sections.

D) Concerning above C) =>. It might take a lot of effort for XMind developers to come up with a better search, but this is really needed!

E) Free versions of XMind, when editing “Notes”, have a wonderful and complete system for choosing color, font, bold, italics, size, etc o the text displayed in “Notes”. But I have two requests:

1) Concerning editing the “Notes”: Please make it possible to use CTRL + Keystroke, to make bold, italics, etc (rather than with a mouse click). In other words, make various typing/editing key strokes similar (same?) as to what we are used to (habituated to), in familiar e-mails and word processors.
2) Please add all of the above-mentioned edit abilities to the “Topic/SubTopic” boxes as well as the “Label” and “notes” boxes. NOTE: It looks like this this ability is now available in XMind 8.

G) Beginners, and even experienced users, need a lot more real time “direct guidance”. This might be provided by automatic “suggested help” pop-ups, and ideas such as => “mouse-hover-popup-signs”. These might be very helpful! Such pop-ups might provide precise XMind help right exactly when the user needs it and asks for it.

H) Need to have edits stay up as long as I am typing them. As it is now on my vintage 2002 Win XP 1.3 Ghz Laptop, XMind will arbitrarily interrupt my editing and typing, and I must wait a long time for it to “do its thing” before I can get pack to edit mode (see following discussion). This problem is possibly because of an unfortunate interaction with the specifics of my laptop, namely its anti-virus software. Anyway, this is one problem the XMind users and XMind developers need to be aware of.

I) A constant problem which occurs on my vintage 2002 Win XP 1.3 Ghz Laptop: XMind, every minute or so, will interrupt my typing to go off and do its own thing involving lots of hard drive action. These repeated and forced interruptions each last for over a minute and effectively stop any use of my XMind for any work such as editing and typing of text into edit boxes! I found that when my XMind project involved over say 100 cells, following would happen. While I was typing (or editing) SubTopics, labels, or notes, XMind would, by itself after say ten seconds of editing in that box, kick me out of my typing and go into lots of Hard Drive Action. It would be a long time (regularly over a minute) before I would be allowed to again click on a cell and resume my typing. This was a huge time waster! The larger the number of cells, the longer I was forced to wait! At the time I experienced this, the only way to get around this might be to pre-prepare text in a word processor which is running at same time as XMind, then copy and paste the text into the XMind edit box. Another possibility is to Edit > Copy and then Paste this pre-prepared text directly into the outline section of XMind. However, this may be of limited use since it is very hard to decide which is the “SubTopic” line where you want to place the new text, especially in the case of projects with over ~ thirty cells. Originally I had no idea what was wrong. I thought it could be the anti-virus, but from the symptoms, more likely XMind is the source of problem, since it dropped me out of the edit box and would stay that way until I clicked to resume the edit of that cell or notes.
UpDate: With more thinking and experiments, I conclude this forced interruption of my work, was the XMind “automatic save”. For more information, see CAUTION #4:above. Anyway, this is one problem that XMind users and XMind developers need to be aware of.]

[SITEMASTER’S NOTE: Eventually, I found that NONE of the above problems were evident if I moved my XMind project, then 45 columns wide X 29 rows high = 1321 cells (1.25 MB), to a faster and more modern Win XP computer. This is the same for my even newer Win7 Compaq Presario CQ61 LapTop.

J) XMind needs a multi-item clipboard, like that in Microsoft Word. Or is there an Open Source Software hack for this? I have found several software apps that may be able to do this for possibly everything on a person’s computer. Stay tuned for updates on this.

[SITEMASTER’S NOTE: Any more you can think of? Please send me an e-mail with your suggestions.]

Contact Dr. Henry Gurr
Email Dr. Henry Gurr at the following: henryg***usca.edu
Please put in the correct symbol at the correct place.

Links to Other XMind webpages for your interest. (From Internet)

1) The XMind Official Website (From Internet)
2) This looks like a Site To Share (& Learn About) Other Mind Map Systems. (From Internet)
3) This looks like an other Site To Share (& Learn About) Other Mind Map Systems. (From Internet)
4) XMind YouTube Tutiorials (From Internet)
5) document describes how to use the XMind API to programmatically generate and update mind maps using xmind. (From Internet)
6) XMind Wins Community Choice Award: (From Internet)

7) XMind Seen as a Better Choice Over FreeMind: (From Internet)

8 This Wikipedia Chart Compares Various “Mind Map” Software Applications.
This site has a huge Comparison table of the top 20 mind mapping software. This is a great resource to see what each can do: (From Internet)

9) FEO Adds a very interesting resource for those looking for alternative mind mapping software.
WikIT uses mind maps as an added navigation layer as you'll see above. Click on the link next below, and when the page comes up, click on one of the links below the mind map image and you will be able to dynamically interact with the map in Flash or Acrobat. This map has unfolding branches and active links to other parts of WikIT. All the usual wiki access methods are here, but there are mind maps as well to give a visual overview. We have plans to enhance this further. (From Internet)

10 Here is a good description of what you can do in XMind with many colorful photos showing what MindMaps can look like. This beginner's guide really is really a “decision guide”. It tells you what XMind can do,so you can decide if you want XMind, rather than helping you to actually use XMind http://blog.iqmatrix.com/mind-map/how-to-mind-map-a-beginners-guide

11) In order to gain more experience I suggest that you choose an example XMind chart for DownLoad from the Internet, and even save it into your computer if you want, of course using the original DownLoad file name. Thus you will have a working example, in your own computer see how other people set up their chart. This will also allow you to study closely how to work with it, & explore, try-out your new ideas, or practice your skills, You can do all this, without the fear of damaging anything, since this chart will be entirely in your own computer. AND you don't have to fear messing up the original version, so long as you “Save As” your (now possibly changed XMind Chart) with a new different file name
At the link below, you will find an examples that may interest you, Click on any of the XMind examples shown. After studying the larger version that comes up, you may click for a down load at the bottom edge, just below the example. After the download comes in, you can open it in your own XMind, on your computer. This will allow you to see how other people have set up their own XMind project,. Use this to then explore , changing , and modify the project. Do this in order to get more practice without the fear of damaging anything, since this will be entirely in your own computer. In future you may want to post your XMind project on this site for others to see. .

12) XMind Self Guided Free Internet Course .
Here is a WebPage course that looks like a useful guide for learning XMind. It will pretty much cover XMind features not mentioned in this “XMind Hints & Helps” WebPage.
Course description: This is a Mini-Course that focuses on the basics of the XMind mind mapping application. This is a free course that is available to anyone, [called] Course Design: [This] “Mind Mapping In Linux [or Windows and Mac] Course”, has been designed to be a basic overview of XMind and how to use it in different scenarios to increase productivity in your projects planning process. XMind is a free, open source with applications available for Mac, Windows, and Linux. This course is designed to allow a complete computer novice to use mind mapping for brainstorming and project planning without any cost at all. That's why we chose to use Ubuntu Linux as our operating system and the free software application, XMind.” (From Internet)

13 A Fast Paced U-Tube Video Demo of XMind Being Used: Click by Click. If you find one better than these, please let me know. Click on “Contact Me” bottom of this page.
It runs pretty fast and has no voice explanation. You may not learn very much, but it is fun to watch any way. You might want to stop the video at certain parts so you can look closely. The pictures in the video are not very clear, so try to increase the picture size. Also, notice that => The rather complete listing of You Tube XMind video's at right of page.
A) A very good YouTube- 57,517 views Mar 15, 2012 XMind “A new XMind video to help us understand it clearly”. This Is A Medium Speed Presentation, That Shows Screen Shots, With Narrator’s Voice That Explains Each Step Done. There is mixed in Music Sound that it somewhat distracting.
Click Here For XMind Video To Help Us Understand.
B) YouTube - XMIND Demo Part 1, Basic Operations Mar 4, 2008.
Click Here For Part 1.
C) YouTube- XMIND Demo Part 2, Structures Mar 4, 2008 This Is A Fast Speed Presentation, That Shows Screen Shots, But There Is NO Text Line Explanation, So It Is Hard To Know Why Each Step I Done. There Is No Music Sound.
Click Here For Part 1.
B) Any More?

The BELOW The Original Version Of This WebPage Posted Here from August 2011 thru August 2023. It Is Left Here Because Users of Older Versions Of XMind May Find It Useful.

For Both Beginner & Well Seasoned: “An XMind Hints & Helps User Guide & User Manual” .

A Beginner's User Manual For Free DownLoad Version of XMind and

A User Guide Handbook Having Much Specific Information of the Very Sort

I Wish I Had Available When I Was New to XMind Free Version: 3.1.1

by https://www.usca.edu/mathematical-sciences/faculty-sites/henry-gurr

Corrections and additional suggestions by Frank E. Overman,
Editing & Convert to pmWiki by Rosanna Willhite, and
Refined Editing by Andrew Geyer.

A Good XMind Introductory Overview => “XMind Profile and History”.
…XMind Ltd provides a series of software and services to empower our customers. XMind 3 is both a product and an open source project released on November 10, 2008. XMind 3's mission statement is to create, as a community, the leading international mind mapping and brainstorming software that will run on all major platforms and raise users' work efficiency. The XMind 3 open source project is sponsor ed by XMind LTD, which is the primary contributor of code to the project. Developers are welcome to work with the XMind project code to improve the overall product, develop new functions, or augment other software products. Primary=Industries, Business Services=Custom Software & IT Services, Headquarters=31 Ul. Nowogrodzka, Warsaw, Masovian Voivodeship, 00-511, Poland, CEO=Brian Sun, Revenue=$4.8 M, Employees=18, Founded=2006
Click Here For Source Of Above.
|Click Here For => A List Of Open Source Software Projects That XMind Creator, Stephen Zhu, Is Associated With:
Click Here For Interesting XMind News => Xmind mind mapping software, first released in 2007, works on multiple operating systems and has the highest user rating in both the Apple APP Store and Google Play Store.

A) Terminology and Abbreviations Used In This WebPage Document: Titled => '
“XMind Hints & Helps User Guide & User Manual”
…Since you are reading these words, you already must know a lot about how to use your computer these WebPage you are now reading is displayed on. Similarly, you also must know how to use your computer’s “mouse: or “touch pad”. For this reason, I’ll just start explaining, assuming you know what I am talking about.
A) EXPLANATION: A computer display screen’s “mouse cursor” is some form of non-blinking “pointer”: This could be a small vertical bar, or a small triangle, or a small icon showing a picture of a hand, etc.
…Now: Every time this WebPage says “click” (as below) it means (without saying so) that =>
a) You should put your hand on your computer's mouse, and
b) Move your mouse around (pushing the mouse along on a smooth surface), until you see the “mouse cursor”, actually moving around, on your computer's display screen.
c) Once you have located the cursor, and with your hand pushing the mouse along on a smooth surface, move this screen mouse cursor to the computer screen place, that is indicated by the words in this User XMind Hints & Helps User Guide & User Manual” '' (where it says “click”), and then =>
d) Press down on the left mouse button till you hear a click. (Always press LEFT button, unless sated otherwise.)
d) There will be similar instructions, in this WebPage, where it will say “Right Click” (or “Rt Click”). This means (without saying anything about the mouse) that you are to press (click) the RIGHT mouse button on/at the screen cursor place indicated by the words in this “XMind Hints & Helps User Guide & User Manual.”

B) Click Here, Fore MORE Terminology and Abbreviations Used In This “XMind Hints & Helps User Guide & User Manual” WebPage: Also here you can read my additional discussion (this page below) on using your computer’s “mouse”, or use the similar device on your laptop keyboard area, front center, called a “touch pad.

C) Click Here, For Addition Instructions (from Internet) On How to Use This Mouse (From Internet)

D) NOTE1: This WebPage has many Blue Links “click-able links” (shown in blue typing): Some of these links, if mouse clicked, will skip down in the WebPage. Other of these are “external links”, the source of which are outside your computer: These require a working “Internet Connection”. Before you mouse click on these links (to get the information from computers external to yours), you will need to be sure your Internet Connection is actually working. You may need to ask a friend or an expert about how to get a working Internet Connection for your computer.

E) NOTE2: Although you will be most likely using the most up-to-date downloads of XMind, you should be aware that this “XMind Hints and Helps User Guide & User Manual” For the New XMind User, is based on an older XMind Version: 3.1.1 (~March 2010). And for this reason, a few my comments or instructions might only approximately apply to what you see in various places in XMind.

With Your Computers Mouse, Left Click Here To Skim Over My Introduction And Go Directly To The First “XMind Help”, On This Page Below.


Introduction To XMind:
I. My Story
II. Why Does XMind Present Us With These Problems?
III. But: Is There a Computer Software Program (called an Application APP) Similar to XMind That Does Not Have These Problems? In Other Words, Are There Viable Alternatives and What Are Their Comparative Limitations?

Main Discussion Of => “Hints and Helps User Guide & User Manual” For the XMind User:
I. For the XMind Beginning Beginner (Also Computer Basics & Internet Computer Guides

II. After Downloading XMind (Things to check off)
III. For the Intermediate Beginner, Becoming Familiar With XMind

IV. Cautions When Using XMind
V. Sharing Your XMind Project With Others
VI. Additional Learning Steps to Try
VII. Some More Hints and Helps When Using XMind

An Introduction To Henry Gurr’s “XMind Hints And Helps User Guide & User Manual” .

Congratulations for deciding to use XMind, Mind Mapping APP.! You have found a very powerful and flexible tool that will boost your work, and compliment the many other applications you are now using on your computer. XMind is remarkably user friendly; but having said that, I must still report what happened to me. =>
…Despite all of XMind’s wonderful features, I still ran into many frustrating dead-ends and made very many time wasting mistakes, which then required huge efforts to correct these mistakes. These problems, of course, caused lots of needless frustration, confusion, and wasted time.

This Is Why I Wrote This “Xmind Hints And Helps User Guide & User Manual”, Which You Are Currently Reading:
This “XMind Hints & Helps User Guide & User Manual” Is What I Wanted (And Really Needed) When I Started Using XMind.
I hope you find it truly helpful! If you find errors, missing ideas, or have suggestions concerning this WebPage, please send your thoughts by email to HenryG__USCA.edu

As you read my “XMind Hints and Helps User Guide & User Manual”, you will see Blue Links that will allow you to skip over several introductory “general discussion parts” so that you can immediately get working on the harder, more advanced parts of XMind. For example, click here to skim over my introduction and go directly to the first “Help”.
…ATTENTION: After you finish reading above Blue Link, and want to “Go Back To Where You Were” => At the upper left on your Computer Screen, click the Left Pointing <--Arrow.

NOTE1: Some very useful information for beginners is also found in the last parts of this WebPage below; so don’t pass it over! To see these go down to this => “IV. Cautions When Using XMind”, then scan over the topics, all the way to the end of this WebPage.

NOTE2: This WebPage You Are Currently Reading => PRESUMES You Have Installed XMind in Your Computer, And Already Done MUCH “Explore, Bump Around, & Discover” !!
…This Because, If You Have NOT Done Such, Then You Will Have Much Harder Time Understanding My Instructions Below!! '''
–In essence, in your first several hours of using XMind, I recommend that you NOT READ my below “XMind Hints & Helps User Guide & User Manual:” , UNTIL YOU HAVE A PROBLEM, and then and ONLY THEN, you go to and READ a help WebPage to solve it.
…. SO rather than AT FIRST READING => INSTEAD, YOU SHOULD => In XMind, “explore and bump around”, with “”trial and error”, until you absorb, what is needed!! In other words you figure out XMind, by experimenting & osmosis!!
…. This means that, rather than read any User Manual, you just start using XMind & playfully click on everything, (there must over 100 click points), and see what happens!! … THIS is the fastest way to “get up to speed”.
…… ALSO THIS is the fastest way to achieve real & long lasting skill !!

NOTE3: ATTENTION => This WebPage You Are Currently Reading, Has Much Information, Many Learning & Exploring Step, Many CAUTIONs and Many Site Master’s Special NOTEs =>
…The New User, having spent several hours on XMind doing => “Explore, Bump Around, & Discover”, then => Also Really Needs and Should Eventually Read and Do The Suggestions of Sections Below Titled =>

To the Beginning Beginner
For The Intermediate Beginner

NOTE4: NOW, To Help You Further Understand My Above NOTE2 & NOTE3 Paragraphs => You Really Should Read This Advice That Applies To ALL Of LIFE =>
“Click here for “Learning By Doing: A Theory Of Learning Which Advocates Reading “How To Manuals”, Only After Extensive Hands-On Direct Experience, And Then Only When There Is A Specific Need For Help & Guidance. ” by Henry Gurr.

…And even if you are fairly experienced with XMind, you still may want to (eventually) go back and glance thru these above mentioned “To the Beginning Beginner” & “For The Intermediate Beginner”: In this Reading and Suggested Steps & Guides, there are VERY likely to be ideas, facts, hints, information etc, that you may never discover in any other way!!!

Closure: It is the purpose of this WebPage to help reduce your wasted time. But, you in turn can also help => Please do your part by sending your under suggestions & comments back to me, so this WebPage can be steadily improved. I would like to hear from you.

My Story

When I first started using XMind, Mind Mapping APP, it was fairly easy to discover how to use many of its great features! However, I also encountered difficulties and frustrations in getting XMind to do what I wanted. Lots of times I was stuck. Much time was wasted before I got unstuck. I tried XMind > Screen Top > “Help” > “XMind Help”, but found it of limited use…. So, I Googled for 1) “XMind Instruction Manual”, 2) “XMind Users Handbook” or 3) Some sort of “XMind Users or Manual”.
What I Found Did Help Me, Especially These =>
The Best Mind Mapping Software APPs. XMind Forum. (From Internet Click Here.) Additional help was in This Quick Over-View In A You Tube Video. Later, I Googled for 4) “Beginners Guide XMind” and 5) “XMind Users Manual”. Strange to say, these “search terms” resulted in far better findings, than the specific search terms I mentioned above!

…But I really needed a lot more help than what I found at the time. Thus, I was left to my own devices, which brought trial and error and lots of experimentation. Finally I learned how to use XMind in a way that I deemed satisfactory, and discovered how to avoid various befuddlements offered by XMind.. What I “finally learned about how to use XMind”, was eventually written into my "Hints and Helps User Guide & User Manual” For the XMind User, which is the WebPage you are reading right now. The useful Internet links I eventually found are given below.

Why Does XMind Present Us With These Problems?

What makes XMind powerful and useful is its many features. However such powerful systems … having lots of “bells and whistler” ...are necessarily complex! There is a lot going on! AND with power, comes an interwoven fabric of difficulties!!
…All of these many features and the ability to manipulate a tool to do what the user wants, comes many steps, which makes it hard to learn and easy to hit a dead end!. Thus, unfortunately, because of XMind’s complexity, no amount of “user friendly” will protect the user from the frustrations, dead ends, and confusions. This is because XMind has so many automatic features, and there is so much more going on than what the user may see or recognize.
…I eventually realized that a lot more real-time direct guidance such as => “mouse-hover-popup-signs”. Such pop-ups might provide precise XMind help right exactly when the user needs it and asks for it.
…However, making more real-time direct guidance would take the XMind developers away from improving the workings of XMind itself. I think we would all like the latter choice. This leaves us to depend on mutual help from the XMind Users Forum and user-generated help documents like the WebPage you are reading now.

The Big Question => Are There Computer Software Programs (Called Applications APPs) Similar to XMind That Do Not Have These Problems? In Other Words, Are There Viable Alternatives And What Are Their Comparative Virtues & Limitations?

When I started my project called “Table of Author Comparisons” in July 2009, I tried to use Microsoft Excel to present the comparative text statements of some twenty authors in a rectangular Spreadsheet (x,y) Table Array Of Boxes. … However, I soon discovered that Microsoft Office Excel is intended for math calculation and accounting applications. For this reason, Excel never really got what the users needed for presentation and editing blocks of text. So, I found Excel was too difficult for me to move from cell to cell for text viewing or entering or editing. At the time I wondered if there were any spreadsheets (having (x,y) Table Array ability) similar to Excel, that were especially adapted for text. I had an unsuccessful search for ~spreadsheet style computer application software, Not finding such a tool, I terminated my efforts at using Excel or other similar. I started to widen my search for Alternatives =>

Alternative1: MicroSoft Word APP.
I have since been reminded by Michael Richards and David Gurr that MS Word can adequately handle blocks of text in a tabular array of cell boxes set up by “Insert” > “Table”. The size of the table array seems to have no apparent limitation. People also tell me that you can even type a title into each of the cells of the table, then set the table up so that a mouse click on any one cell will take you to another full document for additional information. Back in 2004, I created a simple table using MS Word and then File > Save As > Webpage format. So, I saw that MS Word can handle tables and so can webpage applications such as MS Front Page. My biggest creation (7 columns wide X 50 rows down, giving some 350 cells) is at the link directly below. As you can see, I had considerable difficulty getting the little diagrams placed correctly:
Click Here To View Microsoft Word Worksheet (11inches x 17inches, 350 cells), (From Internet Site Archive.org)

Alternative2: Other Mind Mapping APPs.
In addition to the above, there were various software applications that I was aware of , back in Aug 2009). … Of these, the “Mind Map Application” seemed to be the most adapted to my project, since for example, one of XMind's so called “Structure” choices was a rectangular (x,y) Table Array Of Boxes, in XMind, called “spreadsheet”. This (x,y) Table Array Of Boxes I wanted, should look like this =>

First AUTHOR’S =>First IdeaSecond IdeaThird Idea
2nd AUTHOR’S =>First IdeaSecond IdeaThird Idea
3rd AUTHOR’S =>First IdeaSecond IdeaThird Idea
Last AUTHOR’S =>First IdeaSecond IdeaThird Idea

I Closely Studied =>

…. After close study of the 2 Blue Links above, I chose XMind because it had considerable acclaim, and at that time, it was the newest. From this, I hoped that “new” would mean XMind would be using the latest in software ideas and would have the advantage of studying other mind maps. I also hoped that the XMind creators would have already incorporated the best of their competitors’ ideas and thus avoid most of the limitations and problems of the other, older mind map applications.
NOTE1: Is an extensive study of the “Skeleton” choices available XMind Version 8, I do NOT find any choice that will readily give a rectangular (x,y) Table Array Of Boxes. However in a new launch of XMind8, a Frame came up called “templates”, wherein one choice was “Class Schedule” which was rectangular (x,y) Table Array Of Boxes. I clicked on it, and I was able to edit the boxes of this array, and move it towards the form of my above-mentioned “Table of Author Comparisons”.
NOTE2: Also, July 19 2023 with Google I discovered that “Sharable Templates” Click Here/ had these Rectangular Array of Boxes, labeled “Class Room” and “Morphological Box”.

And, once I started using XMind, I found how (as stated various places in this WebPage you are reading now), I found how XMind has its own limitations! …. But despite the problems so stated, I will nevertheless continue to use XMind. …. This is mainly due to the fact that my project is so deeply “hooked into” this XMind software. In other words, I am too heavily committed now to attempt anything else. ... Also, despite all my XMind difficulties, I now have (after the long struggles discussed on this WebPage), finally learned how to use XMind reasonably efficiently. Of course, in the process I used the various Hints & Helps User Guides & User Manuals, that I mention on this WebPage below .

However, The Big Question Still Remains => What Are The Viable Alternatives To XMind, And What Are Their Comparative Virtues & Limitations?
… If you have thoughts on this “Big Question” please send email what you know to => HenryG__USCA.edu Your “thoughts“ will be used to improve this WebPage, and tell other users that => There something better than XMind. Also your “thoughts“ will help the Software Developers of XMind, to continue to improve to such a great extent and so quickly that we do not need to raise this doubt anymore!

Legal Notice Concerning Information, Advice, Instructions, and the Contents of This “XMind Helps and Hints User Guide & User Manual” =>

A) This WebPage (as well as earlier versions) Copyright Henry Gurr.

B) Every effort has been made, herein, to ensure the accuracy, personal safety, computer safety, computer reliability, of the Information, Suggestions & Procedures given on this WebPage. )Also effort has been made, herein, to ensure the for data and software compatibility with users computers).
…And although it is believed that this WebPage offers such sound and safe advice, its various authors/editors (Henry S. Gurr, Frank Overman, Rosanna Willhite, Andrew Geyer) and/or the University of South Carolina and/or any of its campuses, disclaim any responsibility for any errors or inaccuracy of this WebPage or its content, and thus make NO warranties or representations of any kind regarding the quality, content, completeness, suitability, accuracy, adequacy, sequence, timeliness, computer compatibility (or computer safety) or personal human safety of the content found in this WebPage. The authors, editors and the University of South Carolina and any of its campuses cannot assume any legal or financial responsibility. YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN. USERS OF THIS WEBPAGE DOCUMENT ASSUME ALL RISKS.

C) Moreover, the University of South Carolina, University of South Carolina Aiken, and Henry S. Gurr make no warranty with regard to it.
…NO WARRANTY is expressed or implied as to the suitability or safety (to persons or computers) or desirability of the information provided herein. THE USER ASSUMES ALL RISKS.


The views and opinions expressed in this WebPage are entirely those of its author, Henry S. Gurr. The contents of the page have not been approved, or even examined, by the University of South Carolina Aiken.

Start Reading Here for Henry Gurr’s “XMind Hints and Helps”

I. To the Beginning Beginner

The Following Is A Listing Of =>. General Computer Hints & Helps Guides, For the Beginning Beginner Of XMind APP, Usings The Versions That Are Available Over the Internet.

For persons who have already worked with computers => The steps you must perform using XMind , are fairly clearly stated, and generally what you actually do when using XMind. The use of XMind will be quite familiar to anyone familiar with the use of computers.
…The following WebSites, were high on Google Search For => …. Computer Manual Beginner … , The below, after a quick examination, seemed to me, to be good guides and worthy of your attention. And even if you are fairly experienced, you may want to (sometime) glance thru these: In the following Guides & Manuals, there are VERY likely to be ideas, facts, hints, information etc, that you may never discover in any other way!!!

Please let me know what you think of these Blue Links, both above & below: And, if you find any better, please send an email to me with links suggested. Please click on “Contact Me” at bottom of this page.

This “BBC Absolute Beginners Guide” (from Internet), has lots of “Hands On” Activities, “Mouse Click Here Diagrams” and “OK try this now” These Active Hands On Approach. Learning Steps, start with using the Computer Mouse.
The Seniors Guide to Computers (from Internet) Covers All the Basics In An Easy To Read Format.
The Grass Roots Design “ Learner's Guide (from Internet) to the Computer” Starts With a Careful Naming All the parts of the Computer. Keywords and technical terms are shown in bold, with additional explanations pop-up when you do a “Mouse Cursor Hover”
This "Internet Beginner's Guides.(from Internet) " Has Separate Pages for Twenty Different Topics Like: Effective Email .. Guide to the Internet ... How Stuff Works, Yahoo Guide ... How To Ask An Expert .... Etc
Click Here For DownLoad of this “Help Yourself To My FREE Manual For Computer Beginners”(from Internet) This was high in Google Search List. But I have not actually examined it, b/c as the author says “this is 15MB file “DownLoad” so will take a few minutes”.

B. More Terminology and Abbreviations Used In This “XMind Hints & Helps User & User Manual” WepPage =>

1) Lots of time I will say “click on screen top at the [ _______ ].... “ What I mean is, move your mouse (or touch pad) computer screen cursor to the place named, then press the left button on your mouse, until it clicks. This will immediately start the intended action.

…Sometimes I will say “click on screen top at the [ _______ ]. .... “ What I mean is, move your mouse computer screen cursor to the place named, then press the left button on your mouse, until it clicks. This will immediately show a list of choices: Then you may click on the choice indicated in my instructions (or simply experiment. (Of course this “click” means => Press down on the left button on your mouse, AFTER you have placed your computer screen cursor at the place named.

2) A Number Of Places. This WebPage You Are Reading Now, Will Show Abbreviations Like The Following =>
XMind > Upper Left Screen Top > File > Open,
XMind > Upper Left Screen Top > Edit > Copy, Paste, etc
XMind > Upper Left Screen Top > File > Save As
NOTE: As you do the above “Save As”, there will be (near bottom) “data-field-box” that sez “File Name. You should type into this =-> A file name that will help you remember what Project this is. =>-

A file name that will help you remember what Project this is. => Then click on “Save” Lower Rt. (Or since the Save Button is more emphasized, you may simply press “Enter” for it to activate. THEN Watch and you will see it jump, when you press the “Enter Key”!!)

These above 4 “abbreviations” mean => You go with the mouse screen cursor, to the first named place, click on it (left mouse button implied), then from list that appears, move the mouse cursor to the next named place, and click on it etc, etc, till you complete all the items. At which point you should be seeing (or understanding) the surrounding discussion.

XMind Downloading From The Internet, Plus Installing Into Your Computer =>
…As is true for most good software APPs these days, XMind will (most often) easily download from the Internet and easily (without any glitches) install nicely on your computer. For XMind, the steps of “Downloading From The Internet, Plus Installing Into Your Computer“, will be familiar for any person familiar with computers, and similar to your previous downloads plus installations for other types of software applications APPs) you have already done.
…Next => Click On either of the next 2 Blue Links below, and when the XMind page comes up, at top Click on “download”. And after the next page comes up, scroll to your computer’s System and Click On red “download” And remembering the paragraph above, then follow the instructions =>

1. For High-Speed Internet Connections:
With a high-speed Internet connection, it might take 30 to 60 min for the download to complete, but only ~10 minutes for the installation step.
Click here to access the XMind download. (From High Speed Internet)
2. For dial-up or phone line connections:
With a phone line or dial-up Internet connection, it might take several hours for the download to complete, but only ~10 minutes for the installation steps.
Click here to access the XMind download. (From Dial Up Internet)

[SITEMASTER’S NOTE: Please keep in mind that things may not work as advertised. In the physical (and human) world, being what it is, things can always go wrong! If you experience problems, or questions, it is recommended to have individuals who can be called upon to help you. You, of course, might be able to get the help you need, from the XMind Forums or XMind resource pages which are given, with links, at the bottom of this WebPage.

Installing XMind APP Into Your Computer =>
…For persons who have already done various download plus install steps, => The steps you must perform for download plus installation of XMind are fairly clearly stated and will be easy & familiar. If you find this process confusing, you should ask for help from knowledgeable persons.
…Now please use your previous familiar “download” experience and do this series => After you have click on the red “download” (which was on the above mentioned XMind page), wait ~20 seconds and one of your computers File Display Rectangles will come up. (In this “Rectangle”), you will see all of the familiar parts of “Save As”, such as when you may have done a “ As” with a Word Processor Document.) But hare is an important difference => The “Save As” that comes up should be, as a standard practice, go to your Computers Folder named “Downloads”. If it isn’t then click around and change so it is. This way you can remember where to look for your “Downloads” whenever you need e’m.
[…Now, go to your Computers Folder named “Downloads”, find your newly added XMind, which is marked with Red Icon and says “Xmind-for- ….” Click on this and follow the instructions. You may be asked if you want XMind StartUp Icons placed on your computer’s “Desktop” or “ToolBar’s”. Click Yes. You may be asked if you want XMind to Start after installation. Click Yes.
…If you are unsure, get help from a computer expert. [#f]]

II. After Downloading & Installing XMind APP, Things To Check Off =>

A) Have you already downloaded XMind APP, and installed it into your computer?

B) Did find XMind APP in your computer’s Downloads Folder, and then Click “Open” to launch & come up on your computer?

C) Have you been “experimenting & bumping around” to see how XMind works?

D) If YES, then you are ready to continue with the below next part, of my “XMind Hints And Helps User Guide & User Manual” =>

…The following steps will => Mostly you will be exploring & “playing around, to get the feel of it”. You will find this much easier if you already have experience using computers, since what you see (such as the names, and many of the steps) will be quite familiar to you.
…As you “play”, make scratch notes on paper to help you remember., what you discover that is useful, and what you find puzzling.

III. For The Intermediate Beginner => Becoming Familiar With XMind APP => A. Checklist Of Things To Do And Notice: AND As You Use XMind APP, You Should Write Scratch Notes On Paper.

1) With XMind running on your computer, try pressing the “Enter” key approx 8 times. Note what happens. Experiment with clicking on any of the boxes, and do some typing, whatever words come to mind.

2) With XMind running on your computer, try pressing the “Tab” key approx 8 times. Note what happens. Experiment with clicking on more of the boxes, and do some typing, whatever words come to mind.

3) With XMind running on your computer, note that the “slide bars” (screen right and bottom) will move your view of the “Main” & “SubTopic Boxes” shown on your computer screen, to different positions.
…ATTENTION => For simplicity, I will now call “cell” any one “SubTopic Box”, shown by XMind on your computer screen. This is, by analogy, similar to the terminology used to refer to spreadsheets such as Microsoft Office Excel or The SpeadSheet (Excel Equivalent) From Apache OpenOffice 4.1.14
…NOTE: At above Blue Link (From Internet), you may learn about the Suite of Other Excellent Open Office Packages by Sun Microsystems, Inc This Software Suit Is FREE, and Nearly equal to Microsoft’s Office Suit which has Word, Excel. Front Page, One Note, & Outlook, Etc . .

4) Also study the tool bars at the top and bottom of your computer screen. Learn to watch these, since they have information, you should be aware of.
…You will discover these are quite similar (in look and usage) to those other software applications (APPs) you have already used on your computer such as => Microsoft Word, Explorer, Excel, or other such great applications (APPs), such as FireFox Internet Viewer & Browser, Thunderbird Email, or Irfanview Photo Viewer-Editor-Browser, Audacity Audio Player& Recorder, IRIS Optical Character Recognizer, & Editor, .

5) Along the screen top, upper left, you should mouse click on everything that clicks and Watch the results!
a) File > Open, Save, Save As
b) Edit > Copy, Paste, etc
c) View > larger, smaller, markers, notes, outline, properties…
d) Insert > Topic, SubTopic, Image…
e) Modify > Title, Label, Notes…
f) Help > FeedBack, Invite, Updates…
g) Keep going, like this, on all of the “mouse clicks” you can find!!

HINT: Go to > XMind > Screen Top > File > Save As > And study the “file name” already in lower center rectangle (data field box), and try type in any additional names that will help you remember what you did on this Project. > Click on “Save” Lower Rt (Or just press “Enter:.). You should see that the name in the “Central Topic” box becomes part of the Save As . file name!. Therefore be sure to change this Central Topic name to something that will also want to be your Save As File Name. Another good reason to make a good clear name in the “Central Topic” box, is that this name also appears in the so called “Tab”, which is in the Grey Blue bar at the top of the screen. A good name here will help you remember what this XMind is all about, and distinguish it from other XMind Project “Tabs”, which may also be at the top beside.

4. Along the screen top SECOND row down, hover your mouse cursor over each icon and read the words. Let your mind take note of all this for future reference. Click on these and make scratch notes on paper to help yourself remember.

B. Available Help That Comes With the XMind Application (APP).

Now You Should Complete the Following Steps With XMind “Up” (= Launched) on Your Computer Screen.)
1. Go to your XMind computer screen top, and use the mouse to click on “Help” > “Key-Assist”. This will show a complete list of key commands (keyboard short cuts) which you will find helpful, to greatly speed up you work. Don't wait!! Do it now: Try clicking on a number of these to see to see their functions. Take scratch notes on paper to help you remember.

What You Should Know About “Keyboard Short Cuts” => :
…Nearly all APPs for your computer have similar “keyboard short cuts”. Take time to find them and learn to use. They are often listed at the right of XMind > Screen Top > Click on any > “Menu drop downs”. You will always see these when you click and hold your mouse, on various items at the top of your computer screen. For example you will see XMind > Screen Top > Edit > UnDo Typing Ctrl + Z. This means press both the “Ctrl Key” and the “Z” key, to Un-Do your previous typing. This works practically in any place in your computer. Don't wait!! Try it now!!
As you do this notice, in the Edit > Drop Down, the other “keyboard short cuts”, such as

Ctrl +F will bring up an Edit > Find
Ctrl +X will bring up an Edit > Delete
Ctrl +A will bring up an Edit > HiLite All
Ctrl + C will bring up an Edit > Copy
Ctrl + V will bring up an Edit > Paste

Another Shortcut Hint:
… If your computer has brought up a so called “Dialog Window (or Frame, there is nearly always one of the click choice “buttons”, that is darker (or more bold) than the others. This is the one that you will use the most often: In this circumstance, you will find that a press of the “Enter” key, is the quickest way to do the “OK“, the “Save“, the “Do-It-Now“, etc.
CAUTION => BE VERY SURE OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING BEFORE CLCK ON “ENTER” Because this is the way you can install (or allow) some really Baddies, to Infect your computer with Malware!

Learn These NOW, Since “Keyboard Short Cuts” Are Time Real Savers!!
,,,, A Google search will reveal gobbs more of them, which are faster ways to do what you ordinarily do with mouse clicks. “Keyboard short cuts” are really nice since, nearly all of them work in nearly all Applications (APPs),: For example the above work anywhere you have to type words. It doesn't matter whether Word Processor, Web Browser, Email System, File System Folders, Save As File Name, Photo Viewer/Editor, Audio Player/.Editor, Movie & Video Player/Editor, Optical Character Recognizer, Mind Mapping Software, etc, etc
Nearly ALL Software Applications (APPs), all use nearly the SAME list of “Keyboard Short Cuts”. Start now to Get using them!!!
Click Here For A Complete Listing Of “Keyboard Short Cuts” From XMind Help Center AFTER this page comes up => Upper Center => Click On Star Icon and make a Bookmark + Be sure to remember this Handy Resource.

2. “XMind Help”. Again, go to XMind screen top and mouse click on “Help” > This will show a complete list of help topics. You should try clicking on a number of these topics to see if you find any that are useful. Take scratch notes on paper to help you remember. Although I found these of limited assistance, you may find them quite helpful. Certainly, after you become familiar with XMind, going back through these will reveal useful features you might never discover in any other way. If you see interesting information or good ideas, write scratch notes on paper.

C. Using Structures in XMind.

In XMind 3.1.1 “Mind Map” What Was Called “Structures”, Is In More Recent Versions, Now Called “Skeletons”
1. In the middle area of your screen, click any one of the cells (“SubTopic Boxes”) Watch how it HiLite (Highlights). Start typing a name for this cell. Then, with your mouse, right click. Experiment fully with each of the items in the list that comes up: “Insert”, “Structure”, “Markers”, ”Label”, “Notes”, “Edit”, “Properties”, etc. Both items called “Label” and “Notes” will bring up text boxes you can type into or edit. Experiment with all the click points you can find in these (such as “color”, “font”, “size”, etc).

HINT: Sometimes you may have to double click to get what you want, for example to get a Hilite and then be able to type into a Cell. .

You should write scratch notes on paper, every time something happens that you did NOT expect! Chances are, this situation is (for any software), you have found a new and potentially useful discovery, that you will likely want to use in the future! In your scratch notes on paper, add what steps or key strokes happened just prior to this new discovery.

2. In the above you were simply exploring XMind. Now my instructions will be more specific. I have chosen a series of steps that most easily move you into new “territory”, and at the same time introduce you to new terminology.
…What you have learn in earlier steps, will get you ready for later steps. It's like constructing a building => Each level is put on top the previous, starting with the foundation. Remember to write scratch notes on paper, to help you remember and be able to recall all of your discoveries.

3. The following steps will guide you in learning the XMind feature called “STRUCTURES”, which is how you (as you will see) can change to various XMind Named Screen Diagrams such as =>

a) “Map” > (which happens to be what has been on your XMind Computer Screen up to now.)
SIDE NOTE => “Map” is the default, which is what you see when you first launch XMind),
b) Spreadsheet>(which happens to be a rectangular (x,y) Table Array Of Boxes, that is mentioned above for my project called “Table of Author Comparisons”),
c) Logic Chart, d) FishBone Chart,
e) Tree Diagram>(which shows Hierarchy; as in Company & Military Organizational Charts), and
f) Biological Species Family Tree Diagram>(which shows Species, Order, Genus, etc.

You will see that XMind Tree Diagram Diagrams come in 4 versions wherein => The Hierarchy goes: to the left, to the right, goes up, goes down.

4. You will eventually see that any of these above “Skeletons”, can always be converted to any of the others, with just a few clicks.
Here are the steps =>
1) In XMind > Upper Left > Click View > Click Properties > then >
2) Go to special Window at Right > Where you see the “properties” box with choices like “structure”, “shape”, “line”, etc.
(You may have to click drag up or down to find or enlarge this box).
3) Beneath the word “Structure”, see the box with tiny up down arrow triangles at right.
4) Click on the tiny triangles. See the structure choices: “TreeChart”, “OrgChart”, “LogicChart”, “SpreadSheet”, “FishBone”, or “Map”.
5) If you don’t see (as described above) the word “Structure” at the top of the properties box, right click on the cell “Central Topic” to both select the box and get a drop down with “Structure” should appear. Hold your mouse cursor on the “Structure” choice, and all the above mentioned structure choices should appear.
6) Right now, is a good time for => You should try all of the above steps a), b), c), d) under above 4): SIDE NOTE: You may click on any of these choices at any time to get the different structures you want, or see if another structure is more useful. AND, as you change to a different structure, all of your typing and data are shown in any of these charts that come up. Nothing is lost when you change structure!!
7) Eventually you will see that, most everything you learned for Spreadsheet , applies to all the other structures such as Map, Tree, Fish, etc, which in an instant, with a mouse click, you can change into any of the others!!

8) Try pressing the “Enter” key several times. Watch what happens to whatever XMind Chart that that you happen to be looking at. .
9) Try pressing the “Tab” key several times. Watch what happens to the XMind Chart that appears. Remember all this.
which is how you (as you will see) can change to various XMind Named Screen Diagrams “Skeletons” choices.
SIDE NOTE: Irrespective of which of the 5 above mentioned, “XMind features called “STRUCTURES a) thru f), that happen to be “up” on your computer screen, everything you have learned about XMind Applies To All Of Them!! It’s all the same => How & Where To Type words, Make Edit Changes, How to Save As, How to get different font, bolds, italics, etc etc)

4. You should now continue exploring all of the suggestions I have mentioned above until you have gotten comfortable finding your way around. As you explore, don’t get stuck on problems or questions; just make brief scratch notes on paper, and keep exploring. This is how you learn by osmosis! You will see that many of your problems and questions will be answered “automatically” (with minimal effort) in the following exercises. I think it is the best mode of learning, to just mentally make scratch notes on paper, of the problems that happen, and then keep on working: You will be pleasantly surprised that the “answer” to the problem will “occur” with no additional effort! It's amazing how this goes! Your paper scratch notes will also help you remember the important discoveries, or ideas, you will want to use later. (My ideas as to why our minds are “automatic” like this, will soon be a new menu item at left, just under the menu item for this page. Just in case you are interested, you will learn a lot more about how our minds work at my “Memory Perception & Flash of Insight Problem Solving **AHA**” (From Internet) article. )

D. Working With XMind Charts: You Will See in the Next Two Exercises, That There Are Two Different Major Ways To Work With XMind charts:

a) XMind charts that are created with “Enters” and “Tabs” key press.
b) XMind charts that are created with “Enters” and “Add Column” key press/mouse click.

[SITEMASTER’S NOTE: You will see that the SLIGHT difference of “Tabs” versus “Add Column” will make a BIG difference in the resulting XMind Chart!]

2) In this section 2) and the next section 3), you will be setting up your XMind in a way that will help you understand the “Enters” and “Tabs” idea. But at the same time your steps will be a complete review of what you have learned so far in you work with XMind. This review will remind you of important procedures and includes also an introduction to important Xmind Names you need to know how to use, and be sure to remember.
…For these purposes you will need to “Close” any XMind Projects you have “up” on your computer, and then “Open” (ie Launch) a new fresh XMind display onto your computer screen (SIDE NOTE: These steps of “Close All Old” and then “Open New”, are normally not needed when you start a new XMind Project: (This is because you normally may have as many XMind Projects as you want on your computer.) But for the following steps, it is here suggested that you “Close All Old” and then “Open New”, so as to cut down the possibility of confusion for the beginner.)
Since you (may) have XMind running (with one or several Projects) please do the following:

a) A CAUTION: When you are preparing to “Close” the one (or several) XMind you have “up” on your computer. In this circumstance, you should '''always” ask yourself “Do I want to “Save As” a copy of this Project before it's gone forever!! If YES, then do this => Click on > XMind > Screen Top > File > Save As > Mouse Click on the “box” for typing, which herein is called a “data field box”, and then > Type the words to change the “File Name” to what you want. > Press the “Enter” key. (Or use mouse to click on the “Save”.) (Remember all these steps: You will use them often!)
b) FOR ADVANCED XMind USER: Normally XMind will save your Project, with this new file name, in it's own little special place. But if you want this to be somewhere else on your computers file system, you may move your mouse cursor to the top of the so called Dialog Window, where there is an other “box” (also a “data field”) that has a small downward pointing triangle at the left end of the box: Click on the triangle, and you will see the folders of your computers file system. You may now negotiate around in these folders, with mouse clicks to choose the folder you want your Project's “Save As,” to be placed, in your computer’s memory system. SIDE NOTE =>: Lots of time, on various computer applications, you will see similar “data field boxes” that have a small downward pointing triangle. This is your tip off, that you should (nearly always) click on the small triangle, which will bring up a host of choices, you may want. Hint: Learn to do this, since otherwise these potentially valuable choices are invisible!! (Remember all these steps: You will use them often!)
c) After all of the above “Project Save As” are done, you are now finally ready to “Close” this Project: To do this: Click on > XMind > Screen Top > File > Close. (Remember all these steps: You will use them often!)

d) And now finally, you are ready to bring up (ie launch) a brand new XMind. This is called a file “Open”: To do this, click on your computer screen > Lower Left > Start > All Programs > XMind.

d) Remember all these steps: You will use them often!
e) This (newly launched XMind) shows you a box appearing in the center of the screen, with words “Central Topic”.
f) This box is the start of a so called “Mind Map”, and will be in the “Structure” called “Map”. (This is the default and will happen each time you launch a new XMind.)
g) About XMind Terminology => In every XMind Project, there will be Just One “Central Topic Box” and many “Topic/Sub-Topic Boxes”. As any of these XMind boxes, I will call a “cell”. (This, by analogy, is the same name for the array (really grid) of rectangular “boxes” used in spreadsheets, such as Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice.org Suite of Office Software..)
h) Having done the above, you are ready for the next step.

3) Changing XMind “Structure” to “SpreadSheet” and expanding your spreadsheet vertically and/or horizontally using “Enters” and “Tabs” key press:
a) As mentioned above, when you first launch XMind, it will be in the structure called Map. To view in another structure, click on “view” at the top of your computer screen and select “properties”. Upon doing this, watch carefully and you will see a new, but small, window appear at the right with the word “structure” in a light blue box, near the top.
b) In the box, click on the tiny selection arrows to the right of the Map icon. Study the choices available, then select “SpreadSheet”. (You will likely use this a lot, so write scratch notes on paper.)

HINT: If you don’t see “structure” at the top of the “properties” box, Right Click on the cell = “Central Topic” to select it, and “structure” should appear.

c) Having done this and having “SpreadSheet” on your screen (showing an array of side-by-side rectangles), press the “Enter” key 4-7 times. Notice that => Upon successive pressings of the “Enter” key, XMind will make a longer and longer vertical spreadsheet down the page.
d) Now try pressing the “Tab” key 4-7 times. Notice that => Upon successive pressings of the “tab” key, XMind will make a longer and longer “spreadsheet” (sideways horizontally, longer and longer, to the right)! Write scratch notes on paper and Remember all this!
e) Notice that => At any time, you may press either the “Enter” key or the “Tab” key to get a successively larger array of side-by-side rectangles!! This applies also to any of the “structures” which may happen to be “up” on your computer screen.
f) Now for practice, do several more successive pressings of the “Enter” key and the “tab” key, watching what happens. I call this the “Enters” and “Tabs” XMind Chart. Remember all this!
g) And now, for practice, it would be a good time to try (and become more familiar with) the other “structure” choices offered: Do remember how to do this?? Rember clicking the above-mentioned tiny “arrows” icon further to the right, in box.
h) For each new structure you get, try click on the boxes and type works and Rt Click and do some of the choices that come up. Watch what happens and remember.
i) For the steps below, please now set your chart back to “SpreadSheet”.

4. Having Done the Above “Enters” and “Tabs”, What Might your XMind Spreadsheet Look Like?
a) Frank E. Overman has provided the “Photo” below of what his “Enters” and “Tabs” spreadsheet looked like. Please take a moment to see how your spreadsheet chart contrasts with the chart photo shown below.
b) You should see that:

i. In your chart and the chart shown below, the Major Topic #'s increase going vertically down.
ii. In your chart and the chart below, the SubTopic #'s increase going horizontally to the right.

3. In your chart and the chart below, the Major Topic #'s and the SubTopic #'s are assigned automatically, but you can change them by a mouse click and double-click to type what you want.
c) If you want to keep this chart for future reference or use, you may do > XMind > Screen Top > File > Save As > Type in any file name that will help you remember what your Project is, such as “ExampleXmindChartMadeByEnters&Tabs V02”

5. Changing XMind “Structure” to “SpreadSheet” and expanding your spreadsheet vertically and/or horizontally using the slightly different “Enters” and “Add-Columns”.
a) Here, notice that => The “add columns” is quite different from “Tabs” in the exercise that gave the above chart.
….For the purpose of the following instructions, please, with the above-mentioned XMind displayed on your screen, successively click: Top > File > New > New (= Top Choice with box icon ).
b ) Notice that => You now have a brand new XMind Chart with “Central Topic” in the center of your screen.
c) Also notice that => This new XMind Chart is attached to a “Screen Tab” at the top labeled “WorkBook 2”.
d) And further notice that => Your above discussed “Enters” and “Tabs” chart now is attached to the “Screen Tab” to the left labeled “WorkBook1”
e) AND this new “WorkBook 2” XMind Chart is in the “Structure” called “Map”. Please change it to “Structure” called “SpreadSheet”.<< Be SURE to do this, since the steps g) thru x) depends on it.
f) To do above e) => You may have to look back at subsection III. D. 3. above to remind yourself how to do this.
g) Now, with the new chart, press the “Enter” key several times. Notice and remember the “action”.
h) With your mouse, click on the vertical bar icon, just to the right of the words “Central Topic”.
i) Repeat this several times. Notice and remember the “action”.
j) Notice that => The horizontal row to the right of the words “Main Topic 1” has labels 'SubTopic 1”, 'SubTopic 2” 'SubTopic 3” etc. But the other rectangles (boxes) are blank.
k) Please now label the blank rectangles by doing the following =>
l) With your mouse cursor positioned in the top blank rectangle under “SubTopic 1” click and then double-click.
m) You should see “SubTopic 1” appear.
n) Next move to the right and position your mouse cursor in the top blank rectangle under “SubTopic2”.
o) Then click and then double-click. You should see “SubTopic 2” appear.
p) Continue this, moving to the right, until you have all the rectangles in the Main Topic 2 horizontal row labeled to look like the above Main Topic 1 horizontal row.
q) Repeat the above for the remainder of the Main Topic horizontal rows: Your results should look like the chart photo below. EXCEPT that =>
r) In this photo, the “Main Topic 5”, has only two “SubTopics”, and notice that these are labeled WRONG!
s) Thus, as you learn from above r) => In XMind, it is possible to get mislabeled “SubTopic” rectangles.
t) Please now mislabel the “SubTopic” rectangles, so you can see how this may happen.
u) Please now do XMind Top > Edit > Undo. to get rid of the “wrong” ones.
v) Try a right click > delete, on one of the “SubTobics”, to see how to get rid of any unwanted “SubTopic” name.
w) Notice and remember all these “actions” which make an “enters” and “add-columns” chart.
x) Your efforts above have accomplished the second of the two major “ways” to work with XMind charts.

6. Having Done the Above “Enters” and “Add-Columns”, What Should your XMind Spreadsheet Look Like?
a) Again thanks to Frank E. Overman for this idea! He has provided a great photo of what a correct enters and add-columns spread sheet should (and should not) look like. Please take a moment to see how your spreadsheet chart contrasts with the chart photo shown below.

b) You should see that this /\ Above /\ “Enters” and “Add-Columns” chart is somewhat similar to “enters” and “tabs” charts that you experimented with in subsection III. D. 3. above.

1. In your chart and the chart below the Major Topic #'s increase going vertically down.
2. In your chart and the chart below the SubTopic #'s increase going horizontally to the right.
3. In your chart and the chart below the Major Topic #'s and the SubTopic #'s (Top horizontal line 1 ONLY.) are assigned automatically. But you can change them, by a mouse click and double-click and type what you want.
4. If you want to keep this chart for future reference or use, you may do > Top ? File > Save As > type in a file name for this Project.
5. You should also see & well remember that these two charts are VERY DIFFERENT =>
Frank E. Overman’s “Photo” of “Enters” and “Tabs” looks like.
Frank E. Overman’s “Photo” of “Enters” and “Add-Columns” Spreadsheet should (and should not) look like.
1. One difference is the rectangular grid of lines. Each rectangle holds the individual cell.
2. Also you see that the SubTopic #'s top horizontal lines are assigned automatically ONLY for the top horizontal row = Major Topic 1. The remaining are blank. I can NOT discover any reason for this or any way to have XMind fill in the SubTopic name and number into the remaining blank rectangles!

d) Remember: You can manually fill in the SubTopic name and numbers by doing the following:

a. Starting in the farthest left blank rectangle, do a double-click on the mouse. The correct one will appear.
b. Continue doing this, moving always cell by cell to the right until they are all filled in.
c. Your results should look like the chart photo directly above, EXCEPT for the bottom horizontal row, which has been done incorrectly to show you that it is possible to get the SubTopic #'s wrong. The consequences of this will be discussed below.
d. '''Big Idea: Everything you learned above for Spreadsheet (Typing File names, Doing Save As, Typing into boxes “enters&add-columns” “enters&tabs” etc, etc ),
ALSO applies to ALL the other structures, such as Map, Tree, Fish, etc!! So ... take a moment to change the structure choices to several of these: “TreeChart”, “OrgChart”, “LogicChart”, “SpreadSheet”, “FishBone”, or “Map”. Study what happens .... in an instant ... with a mouse click ... one structure changes into another!!! '''

IV. Cautions When Using XMind, Especially When Number of “SubTopic Boxes” (Cells) Exceeds Say Two Hundred.

[SITEMASTER’S NOTE: The next three CAUTION’s are designed to help deal with BIG and COMPLEX XMind projects. If you are not involved in such a project, it may be better to skip the first three caution sections for now. This will help to avoid unnecessary confusion.]

CAUTION #1: Concerning Typing Your Names Into “SubTopic Boxes” (Cells) in XMind.

In XMind (in any “structure”, but especially SpreadSheet), clicking on a cell (subtopic box) will HiLite (Highlight) it (meaning this is the one ready for typing a new name or other text). Now, if you then hit the tab key, XMind will create a new cell, but sometimes without any SubTopic name or number. This, in most cases, may be just what you want. WARNING: If you happen to click on a cell that doesn’t YET SHOW a “SubTopic number”, you will likely get a wrong (out of order) “SubTopic number”. The wrong number will be zapped into that cell before you know it. This out of sequence number will likely cause confusion later, especially as you work in the “SpreadSheet” structure. The following is important as you proceed to place names in any cell: First switch to “SpreadSheet” structure, start typing the name you want into the leftmost cell and always move to the right, one cell at a time. SICE NOTE: In the event the cell is empty, double click on this cell and the next SubTopic Name and Number will appear. SIDE NOTE: It is possible that the above mentioned procedure may not be convenient for you to do right away. For example, you may not yet know the needed names. So, at the very least, in those cases where the SubTopic name and number are missing, I suggest you work from left to right, and double click on each cell, so at least it gets assigned its proper “SubTopic ”number in the correct number sequence. Despite the fact that it is a lot of work, you may want to do this for all of your horizontal rows (doing this, of course, in “SpreadSheet” structure). Now you are ready to type in your SubTopic names, in any order, at a later time. How best to do this is given below.

CAUTION #2: More Discussion Concerning Typing Your Names Into “SubTopic Boxes” (Cells) in XMind.

A) The above paragraph emphasized how you must be careful to start at left side and double click each cell to the right to get the correct “SubTopic” numbers assigned. By correct, I mean that this cell will be assigned the same “SubTopic ” number as well as the number that is shown at the very top of that cell’s column.

B) There is a second sense of “correct”. You should be aware that as you type names into any given cell, this name goes two different places. First, into the cell you are looking at; and second, into an “Outline”, which is a document having all of your typing you have placed into your XMind Project.
… I earnestly suggest that you should want these two places to be in synchrony. The numbers in one place go up in the same series as the numbers in the other place. To do this without a lot of hassle, you should follow the steps given in A) above.

C) Special problems which occur on my vintage 2002 Win XP 1.3 Ghz Laptop: If your computer is older and slower (and/or you have a very large XMind Project) you may also have these problems that I next discuss. If not, then you may ignore this section. When I was double clicking on a blank cell (in order to get the SubTopic name and number in “SpreadSheet”), I had to adopt the following: I had to mouse click once on the cell and then do a just-right-moderate-speed-double-click. If I got this correct, the screen would maintain the same view area, and I could easily see if it has been assigned the correct cell number. If I failed to do a just-right-moderate-speed-double-click, my XMind would zap my view back to the extreme left area of my spread sheet, AND considerably shift the chart up. (It seems like this “zap” action must be for some purpose, but I can’t guess what that is? Is it to go to certain subject (Subtopic?) that is currently “the next”? I’m not sure, but it certainly caused me a waste of time, scrolling back to the cell I just selected, so I could be sure it had the correct number in it, and then continuing with next cell to the right.)

[SITEMASTER’S NOTE: In my first serious XMind Project, I unfortunately did not do what I suggested above. This resulted in a series of wrong “SubTopic” numbers in my horizontal rows. What I did to get the correct SubTopic #'s appears below.]

D) Correcting “SubTopic” numbers: I found I could fix (make correct) some of these (in “SpreadSheet” structure) by going to the leftmost cell (“SubTopic 01”) and successively clicking each one, moving to the right, testing each one until finding the first incorrect one. In this event, I could try deleting the cell and asking for a new one, hopefully with the correct “SubTopic” number. If you have already typed in your new cell name, you will no longer have the “SubTopic” number there. So in this case, to find if it is the correct number, I did a click at top of screen > Edit > Cut, to remove (and hold) the cell name. Then I clicked elsewhere to get back to the blank cell. Next I did the “just right click” (as described above) to see (hopefully) that the correct “SubTopic” number was there. Then I double clicked to HiLite (Highlight), and at top of screen used Edit > Paste to get the content back into the cell. I repeated to the right, until I did (or re-did) all of the “SubTopic” numbers. At this point, I at least knew which cells had the correct SubTopic number assignment. A Useful Discovery: If I failed to do “just right mouse click”, and was “zapped” to the left, I could get back to the same area of the chart by hitting the down arrow key and my XMind would go to the cell below and take me back to the area of the chart I wanted, so I was able to continue with the just right mouse click and continue my placement of the next correct “SubTopic ” numbers.

CAUTION #3: More Discussion Concerning Typing Your Names Into “SubTopic Boxes” (Cells) in XMind.

You may think that the incorrect “SubTopic” numbers, as mentioned above, are of no consequence; and yes, this is true, as far as the Spread Sheet (alone) shows it. HOWEVER, these numbers show up in another important place in XMind. To see this, click XMind > View > Properties > Outline. This is where you will actually see whatever order you originally “double clicked” those blank cells. So, unless you do the “just right mouse click” in sequence, starting at the extreme left as I suggest above, this outline will not be in same correct order as is shown on your spreadsheet. Most likely, you will regret not taking the time to get this correct! A caveat: Of course, you may not expect ever to use the outline, and all my three caution discussions above may be irrelevant for you. In addition, I am forced to admit that sometimes you may actually want the SubTopic numbers assigned in the “Outline” to go up in order 1 2 3 4 5 etc, with whatever order you actually clicked on successive XMind cells; but do be aware that this will eventually cause confusion, because the SubTopic number will NOT correspond to either of the:
A) Column numbers that are (permanently) at the top of the respective columns.
B) The numbering scheme that is in the so-called “Outline”. . (To view your XMind Chart “Outline”, (and your associated XMind Chart Notes), click XMind > Top > View > Properties > Outline.

[ SITEMASTER’S NOTE: When you start out on your new XMind project: Wise advice on making charts: and before starting construction of your chart, get the data right. This saves lots time! In other words plan ahead and be ready, before you turn on your computer!! ]

CAUTION #4: For Those of You Worried About Losing Work and Information.

As work on your XMind Project, you might erase/delete/alter/change something important : Thus you need to be careful to avoid certain steps as you work (more next below). And you do want to take care to make extra copies of your XMind Project, by doing > XMind Top > File > SaveAs > type the file name like this > MyFirstXMindProjectVersion1” (Subsequent names might be named V2, V3, V4, etc.) I think is is important to make and name these, so called back-up copies every half hour or so. That way, just in case of a BIG MISTAKE, you lose at most a small part of your valuable work.** Of course when you are working on a really big important xMind Project, you should AVOID needless experimentation and exploration. For any needed experiments, it is easy to “Open” a new xMind “Tab”. Simply go to > XMind Top > File > New >. ,,,, This will give you a “spare” (non-valuable) workplace for your experimentation and/or exploration to develop that new method you need. **SIDE NOTE: Like many Word Processor & Email Applications, XMind can also make a “back-up” copy using an “automatic save” To set this up > go to XMind top > Edit > Properties > Click the “automatic save box” & enter the number of minutes between “automatic saves”> Also click other choices you may want > Then click OK. HOWEVER CAUTION: On older computers (or if your computer has gobbs of applications “up”, and busy busy animated internet browser tabs ), the “automatic save” when it “pops to action”, may suddenly interrupt your work!!! Especially if you have a huge XMind Cart, of say over 200 cells. See also below, where I discuss the “ constant problem which occurs on my vintage 2002 Win XP”.

CAUTION #5: For Those of You Worried About Erase/Delete/Alter Something Important On Your Computer.

A) No user guide can be foolproof., but her are my thoughts.
B)For the most part, when you are exploring around and using XMind, don’t worry too much that you will ruin your computer.
C) But when you get into unfamiliar territory, learn to look for where you can mouse click on cancel. This is your safest choice and the one to always use!,
unless really want to change something and know what you are doing.
D) Even if you have, on purpose opened up a so called “dialog” (Frame/window/box) to see what was there, the best (safest) way to “back out”, is to click on “Cancel”. This way you can avoid extra unnecessary computer processor work & associated memory cycle in your computer's Hard Drive. You never know when something will go wrong in computers, so don't ask for an un-needed cycle! Wo why take a chance!!! It's just as easy to click on “Cancel”!!
D) In the old days press the “esc” = Escape Key, upper left, was also a way back out, without making unwanted changes. Yet this is often not a viable option because you will 'lose data, such as all your typing, or other info necessary to get you application re-launched later (ie brought up for you to use it). And in most of today's computer software apps, pressing the escape key has no evident effect. But if you are in a problem situation AND you have tried everything you can think of AND nothing seems to respond properly, try “esc”. SIDE NOTE: Be aware that you will probably loose all your non-saved data, or typing, and will have your current App close (gone) without warning. Escape is a last resort, do not use it unless you have to
E) In genera, you should avoid typing text (words) into unfamiliar places.
F) And for God’s sake, keep away from these keys =>
1) “Delete” , “Backspace”, or “Enter” !! (Unless you are “in familiar territory” and you know what you are doing),
2) Likewise, keep away from Click-Points that Change Thing, especially these next:
“Accept”, “OK”, "Save", "Save As", "Update", "Reset", "Revise", "Delete", or "Erase”. (Unless you are “in familiar territory” and know what you are doing),
3) AVOID ..... because .... You, the user must assume all risks, and take the pain!!.

CAUTION #6: Learning About SAFE Downloads, Which Have .exe: We Use the Example Of Free Software Downloads.

There are, like XMind, many very good and useful software applications that are a free Interned download. All of these, which reliably install on your computer, have computer file names that end with ''.exe”. You will see this, for example, in some very nice apps such as IrfanView, Audacity, FireFox and Chrome Browsers, ThunderBird Email, 7-Zip, and Sun MicroSystem's “OpenOffice.org” programs (“OpenOffice” is a collection (Suite) of Word and Spreadsheet Applications, very similar to those found in the familiar Microsoft Office. .). These are all great and highly recommended. Try 'em, you will like 'em!! See the ZMMQ Technology We Use page for a list of additional free applications (and shareware), as well as full information about each.

CAUTION #7: Learning About DANGEROUS Downloads, Which ALSO Have .exe!!.

I haven't mentioned examples of the software applications that you must be forever vigilant and on guard against! There are often disastrous problems that may arise when a computer virus or other bad software application attempts (often with NO warning) to install on your computer. These “bad applications” can come from almost anywhere. They are purposefully sent by criminals to “infect” your computer. It may be to use your computer to do their work, or just an act of pure vandalism. You should understand that viruses, trojans, and other forms of malware, since they also are also applications, and most often (but not always) will have .exe at the end of the file name.

".exe" means “execute”. which means go ahead and “do it” ... do what you were designed to do, whether malware or not!!!

In other words, if you somehow allow viruses, trojans, or malware application to “exe = execute” , these software programs WILL DO what it is set up to do by those criminals = bad, bad, bad!

To avoid Big Problems:

A) Have your computer set up so it will ask your permission, prior to installing ANY new software. You may need to get help to do this.

B) Most (but not all viruses, trojans, and other forms of malware) have file names that end with .exe. So earn to watch for these tiny three letters .exe! You may see the .exe when you do a File > Save As or see it in a listing of your saved Download Files with word “Application” in the to the right, in the file name listings, that appear within your computer’s so-called “Folders”: In these listings, you may also see “Application” in the column labeled “Type”. So if you see “exe”, it may be because you asked for a new download, or it may have appeared out of the blue! In this case, think twice! The download may be a virus! Hit “cancel” unless you are sure it is not a virus. If you are unsure, ask someone who knows about computers.

C) REMEMBER: when your see .exe and you hit OK, it's out of your hands! No way to stop it!

V. Sharing Your XMind Project With Others

A) Frank E. Overman says: ”Show Your Stuff!”
Once you get comfortable with XMind and begin to capture your thoughts, your research, and more, don’t keep it to yourself! Use XMind’s “Upload” feature to share it with the world.
B) Here is a list of the steps involved in using the “Upload” feature of XMind:
1) Select Help > Sign In To XMind.net. If you don’t have an account, click “Not a Member” and follow the prompts. If you have an account, log in with your ID and Password.
2) Press the Upload button on the toolbar or File > Upload.
3) In the General tab, verify the title is what you want shown (defaults to what ever is typed iono the Central Topic).
4) Enter a description of the map (optional). (SIDE NOTE: If you type a description of any length, you might want to copy it over to a separate Word Processer.doc or other holding place, just in case you need to retry the upload.)
5) Select if you want this to be:

a) Public and Downloadable (the most “friendly” – people can access links, notes, etc).
b) Public – somewhat less “friendly” – people can see the layout of your map, but not notes or anything that is folded/collapsed.
c. Private – “Pro” users only.(i.e. Free XMind users don't get this option.)

6) Click the Thumbnail tab.- adjust the Thumbnail view.
7) Click “Upload”.
8) If XMind is successfully processing your upload, you will see status/progress indication in the lower right corner.
9) When it successfully uploads, you’ll see a message like: “Your map has been successfully uploaded. See It Now! See It Later”.
10) Click either button, as you wish.
11) If you get the message “Sorry, but we have encountered some problems when uploading your map. Try again?” you might go back and verify you’re signed into your account, sign out and back in, etc. (I wasn’t signed in when I first tried this to get these steps and had to start again. That’s where having the description pasted elsewhere helps.
12) To see your newly uploaded map, go to http://www.xmind.net/share. (From Internet) The “Popular” section of this website was mentioned earlier in order to gain more experience and see what ways XMind will work for you, or even show that XMind is not workable for your project!

C) There are, at this time, sections on Mind Map of the Day, Featured Maps, Recent Popular Maps, and Recently Uploaded Maps (where you and other users will see your new map). There is also a site search function in the upper right corner so you can find maps by topic or subject.

D) There are maps from all over the world, in several different languages. For those who are multi-lingual, you can dive right in and investigate those maps in detail. For the rest of us, we can still appreciate the examples of layout, background, use of markers, and the like. It is interesting, to me anyway, to wander around the site looking at things, seeing what people are studying, working on, and the like.

[SITEMASTER’S NOTE: The word “Multi-lingual” above made me think of an old joke. What do you call someone who speaks two languages? Bilingual. What do you call someone who speaks three or more languages? Multilingual. What do you call someone who speaks only one language? An American.]

VI. Additional Learning Steps to Try

These may be done when viewing ANY XMind structure, such as Spreadsheet, Map, Tree, Fish, etc.]

A) Typing Words into an XMind Cell:
Do the following: Click on any cell, which will HiLite (Highlight) it (ie change darkness). At this point, you can start typing or Edit > Copy and Edit > Paste) your text into this Topic/SubTopic box. (

SITEMASTER'S NOTE: Most of the keystrokes you use in XMind will be familiar if you have used a word processor like MS Word. For example you can use the “Enter” per normal as you would in a word processor, but there is a “hang-up” which is discussed next.

B) More on Typing Words into an XMind Cell: In any cell, if you want to start a second (or third or fourth) line, you must hold the “CTRL” key down and press the “Enter” Key. (For this purpose: Frank E. Overman also uses Shift Enter.)

C) More on Typing Words into an XMind Cell: Alternatively, you can pre-prepare your text in a word processor document, and then Edit > Copy and Edit > Paste the text into this Topic/SubTopic box. The second (or third or fourth) lines will appear in the cell, just like in your pre-prepared document. The up, down, right, and left keys will move the cursor per normal in the Topic/SupTopic box. However, be aware that you cannot change font, color, bold, etc in a cell, as far as I can tell, using the free download of XMind Version: 3.1.1 .

D) More on Typing Words into an XMind Cell: According to Frank E. Overman, if you want to add a series of SubTopics (all at the same SubTopic level) you can type these out in a word processor document, Edit > Copy, click on the parent topic in XMind, and Edit > Paste. The lines (paragraphs) from the document will become parallel SubTopics in XMind. (SIDE NOTE: This may not be compatible with the spreadsheet SubTopic numbering concern, mentioned above.)

E) Using the “Notes” in XMind: Try: right click on any cell > Click notes >Brings up a box into which you can type. (This box herein is called a “Data Field Box”, a carryover from the old days when only numbers were typed into computers.) In this same box you do Edit > Copy > Any text from or Edit > Paste any text into this so called “Notes Edit Box”. I found that a two-page “Edit Copy and Paste” (~1000 words) did not seem to exceed the capacity of the notes edit box. You can change the look of your notes by using the by click icons at top of the notes edit box. You can change font, color, bold, etc in a cell just as you would in a word processor. But the same is not possible for the Topic and SubTopuc Boxes. Puzzle.

F) More on Using the “Notes” in XMind: Once any one Topic/SubTopic box has notes (words) placed into it, hovering the mouse on the yellow “Notes” icon will conveniently show the first 88 words = 495 characters and spaces of your note.

[SITEMASTER’S NOTE: Any more you can think of? Please send me an e-mail with your suggestions.]

VII: Some Limitations of XMind and Thus Suggestions for Making XMind Work Even Better:

All XMind Users should read these, so they don't waste time trying to do something that XMind Won't Do! These suggestions are relevant to the free download of XMind Version: 3.1.1 .

A) Some way to know which spreadsheet cell number I am in, and a better way to go directly to a cell number I want. In other words, a way is needed that does not require scrolling around to find it. This is a special need that becomes very serious with large XMind projects.

B) We need a way to fill out the spreadsheet “SubTopic ”numbers using an automatic or default basis. In other words, we need some way to “auto fill out” all the “SubTopic” numbers (see above discussion for existing problems on my version).

C) As it is now, Free Versions of XMind > Edit > Find, will find ONLY those words that are typed into the Topic/SupTopic cell boxes. It will NOT find any text in the "Notes". Does the purchased version do this?

D) Similarly, Google DeskTop cannot seem to find text in either the XMind “Sub Topic” lines or the “Notes” sections. It might take a lot of effort for XMind developers to come up with a better search, so please set things up so that the combinatorial power of Google DeskTop can be put to work. Hint! Hint!

E) Similarly, the two Microsoft Windows XP, Win* thru Win11 search systems cannot find any text in the XMind “Topic“ lines or the “Notes” sections.

F) Free versions of XMind, when editing “Notes”, have a wonderful and complete system for choosing color, font, bold, italics, size, etc o the text displayed in “Notes”. But I have two requests:

1) Concerning editing the “Notes”: Please make it possible to use CTRL + Keystroke, to make bold, italics, etc (rather than with a mouse click). In other words, make various typing/editing key strokes similar (same?) as to what we are used to (habituated to), in familiar e-mails and word processors.
2) Please add all of the above-mentioned edit abilities to the “Topic/SubTopic” boxes as well as the “Label” and “notes” boxes.

G) Beginners, and even experienced users, need a lot more real time “direct guidance”. This might be provided by automatic “suggested help” pop-ups, and ideas such as => “mouse-hover-popup-signs”. These might be very helpful! Such pop-ups might provide precise XMind help right exactly when the user needs it and asks for it.

H) Need to have edits stay up as long as I am typing them. As it is now on my vintage 2002 Win XP 1.3 Ghz Laptop, XMind will arbitrarily interrupt my editing and typing, and I must wait a long time for it to “do its thing” before I can get pack to edit mode (see following discussion). This problem is possibly because of an unfortunate interaction with the specifics of my laptop, namely its anti-virus software. Anyway, this is one problem the XMind users and XMind developers need to be aware of.

I) A constant problem which occurs on my vintage 2002 Win XP 1.3 Ghz Laptop: XMind, every minute or so, will interrupt my typing to go off and do its own thing involving lots of hard drive action. These repeated and forced interruptions each last for over a minute and effectively stop any use of my XMind for any work such as editing and typing of text into edit boxes! I found that when my XMind project involved over say 100 cells, following would happen. While I was typing (or editing) SubTopics, labels, or notes, XMind would, by itself after say ten seconds of editing in that box, kick me out of my typing and go into lots of Hard Drive Action. It would be a long time (regularly over a minute) before I would be allowed to again click on a cell and resume my typing. This was a huge time waster! The larger the number of cells, the longer I was forced to wait! At the time I experienced this, the only way to get around this might be to pre-prepare text in a word processor which is running at same time as XMind, then copy and paste the text into the XMind edit box. Another possibility is to Edit > Copy and then Paste this pre-prepared text directly into the outline section of XMind. However, this may be of limited use since it is very hard to decide which is the “SubTopic” line where you want to place the new text, especially in the case of projects with over ~ thirty cells. Originally I had no idea what was wrong. I thought it could be the anti-virus, but from the symptoms, more likely XMind is the source of problem, since it dropped me out of the edit box and would stay that way until I clicked to resume the edit of that cell or notes.
UpDate: With more thinking and experiments, I conclude this forced interruption of my work, was the XMind “automatic save”. For more information, see CAUTION #4:above. Anyway, this is one problem that XMind users and XMind developers need to be aware of.]

[SITEMASTER’S NOTE: Eventually, I found that NONE of the above problems were evident if I moved my XMind project, then 45 columns wide X 29 rows high = 1321 cells (1.25 MB), to a faster and more modern Win XP computer. This is the same for my even newer Win7 Compaq Presario CQ61 LapTop.

J) XMind needs a multi-item clipboard, like that in Microsoft Word. Or is there an Open Source Software hack for this? I have found several software apps that may be able to do this for possibly everything on a person’s computer. Stay tuned for updates on this.

[SITEMASTER’S NOTE: Any more you can think of? Please send me an e-mail with your suggestions.]

Contact Dr. Henry Gurr
Email Dr. Henry Gurr at the following: henryg***usca.edu
Please put in the correct symbol at the correct place.

Links to Other XMind webpages for your interest. (From Internet)

1) The XMind Official Website (From Internet)
2) This looks like a Site To Share (& Learn About) Other Mind Map Systems. (From Internet)
3) This looks like an other Site To Share (& Learn About) Other Mind Map Systems. (From Internet)
4) XMind YouTube Tutiorials (From Internet)
5) document describes how to use the XMind API to programmatically generate and update mind maps using xmind. (From Internet)
6) XMind Wins Community Choice Award: (From Internet)

7) XMind Seen as a Better Choice Over FreeMind: (From Internet)

8 This Wikipedia Chart Compares Various “Mind Map” Software Applications.
This site has a huge Comparison table of the top 20 mind mapping software. This is a great resource to see what each can do: (From Internet)

9) FEO Adds a very interesting resource for those looking for alternative mind mapping software.
WikIT uses mind maps as an added navigation layer as you'll see above. Click on the link next below, and when the page comes up, click on one of the links below the mind map image and you will be able to dynamically interact with the map in Flash or Acrobat. This map has unfolding branches and active links to other parts of WikIT. All the usual wiki access methods are here, but there are mind maps as well to give a visual overview. We have plans to enhance this further. (From Internet)

10 Here is a good description of what you can do in XMind with many colorful photos showing what MindMaps can look like. This beginner's guide really is really a “decision guide”. It tells you what XMind can do,so you can decide if you want XMind, rather than helping you to actually use XMind http://blog.iqmatrix.com/mind-map/how-to-mind-map-a-beginners-guide

11) In order to gain more experience I suggest that you choose an example XMind chart for DownLoad from the Internet, and even save it into your computer if you want, of course using the original DownLoad file name. Thus you will have a working example, in your own computer see how other people set up their chart. This will also allow you to study closely how to work with it, & explore, try-out your new ideas, or practice your skills, You can do all this, without the fear of damaging anything, since this chart will be entirely in your own computer. AND you don't have to fear messing up the original version, so so long as you “Save As” your (now possibly changed XMind Chart) with a new different file namel
At the link below, you will find an examples that may interest you, Click on any of the XMind examples shown. After studying the larger version that comes up, you may click for a down load at the bottom edge, just below the example. After the download comes in, you can open it in your own XMind, on your computer. This will allow you to see how other people have set up their own XMind project,. Use this to then explore , changing , and modify the project. Do this in order to get more practice without the fear of damaging anything, since this will be entirely in your own computer. In future you may want to post your XMind project on this site for others to see. .

12) XMind Self Guided Free Internet Course .
Here is a WebPage course that looks like a useful guide for learning XMind. It will pretty much cover XMind features not mentioned in this “XMind Hints & Helps” WebPage.
Course description: This is a Mini-Course that focuses on the basics of the XMind mind mapping application. This is a free course that is available to anyone, [called] Course Design: [This] “Mind Mapping In Linux [or Windows and Mac] Course”, has been designed to be a basic overview of XMind and how to use it in different scenarios to increase productivity in your projects planning process. XMind is a free, open source with applications available for Mac, Windows, and Linux. This course is designed to allow a complete computer novice to use mind mapping for brainstorming and project planning without any cost at all. That's why we chose to use Ubuntu Linux as our operating system and the free software application, XMind.” (From Internet)

13 A Fast Paced U-Tube Video Demo of XMind Being Used: Click by Click. If you find one better than these, please let me know. Click on “Contact Me” bottom of this page.
It runs pretty fast and has no voice explanation. You may not learn very much, but it is fun to watch any way. You might want to stop the video at certain parts so you can look closely. The pictures in the video are not very clear, so try to increase the picture size. Also, notice that => The rather complete listing of You Tube XMind video's at right of page.
A) A very good YouTube- 57,517 views Mar 15, 2012 XMind “A new XMind video to help us understand it clearly”. This Is A Medium Speed Presentation, That Shows Screen Shots, With Narrator’s Voice That Explains Each Step Done. There is mixed in Music Sound that it somewhat distracting.
Click Here For Xmind Video To Help Us Understand.
B) YouTube - XMIND Demo Part 1, Basic Operations Mar 4, 2008.
Click Here For Part 1.
C) YouTube- XMIND Demo Part 2, Structures Mar 4, 2008 This Is A Fast Speed Presentation, That Shows Screen Shots, But There Is NO Text Line Explanation, So It Is Hard To Know Why Each Step I Done. There Is No Music Sound.
Click Here For Part 1.

Other Useful and Good Free SoftWare, But Not Directly Related To Xmind (From Internet)

1) Mozilla’s Excellent & Free Firefox Internet Browser Page
2) Mozilla’s Excellent & FreeThunderbird E-mail Page
3) Irfanview's Excellent & Free Really Good Digital Photo Browser-Editor
4) Gallery.Menalto.com Excellent & Free gives you an intuitive way to blend photo management seamlessly into your own website, and is the excellent system for the display of The Gallery of Photos on this WebSite.
5) OpenOffice.org Excellent & Free At this link you may learn about the Suite of Excellent OpenOffice Packages by Sun Microsystems Inc

Edited by Andrew Geyer 26 Aug 2011& Henry Gurr 13 Sept 2011, 9-22 July 2023.
Editor’s Introduction to Andrew Geyer Who Is The Current Editor For This ZMMQ WebSite,

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