"Quality is the parent, the source of all subjects and objects." - Robert Pirsig |
This Page, You Are reading Now, Is A Special ZMMQ Photo Gallery Information & Users Guide, Concerning =>....Gallery Photo => Captions, Details, Format, & “Codes”.Readers HOWEVER FIRST Should Be Aware Of This => Click Here For => ZMMQ BEGINNERS GUIDE: A Help Page To Find Your Way Around The ZMMQ WebSite. Detailed Information & Explanations Concerning My ZMMQ Gallery Album’s Photo’s => Captions, Details, Format, & “Codes”.ONE Of Albums, For EXAMPLE, Is Here => [[http://venturearete.org/ResearchProjects/ProfessorGurr/gallery/albums.php?set_albumListPage=4 |ZMM All 4 Parts: What Chris and the Narrator Might Have Seen Along the Travel Route of Book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (ZMM). Here you willfind my ZMM Research Photos showing each Travel Scene of the ZMM Narrative. … Practically an Illustrated ZMM Book!.]]
AS YOU CAN SEE IN THE ABOVE BLUE LINK => THE GENERAL FORMAT FOR ZMMQ GALLERY PHOTO ALBUMS, IS AS FOLLOWS =>....This Format Description most especially applies to my 4 Albums, that come from my “ZMM Travel Route Research Findings”, and illustrate => “The ZMM Book’s Sight and Scenes”. But this Format Description, also explains many of my other photo albums, since they are pattered similarly. ((To see this, you may A) Click on the above Blue Link OR
B) Click on (In Main Menu at left) => ANY of the Photo Album, Small Photos.
In These Four Albums (Above Blue Link) => EACH PHOTO UNIT, Is Composed Of FIVE PARTS In The Following Order, As Described Below. ....THE FIRST PART of each caption (shown in bold), is the caption title. This is intended to say briefly what this photo shows and/or its relevance to ZMM. ....THE SECOND PART of each caption (shown in “Italic” AND " " Quote Marks”) gives a short passage from ZMM book which the photograph illustrates. In most cases, the photograph you are looking at was especially taken with this very ZMM passage in mind. Sometimes portions of the passage were omitted; especially if this part has no relevance to the photograph. These parts are indicated by … three dots. Where the ZMM text has three dots, I have used . . . dot-space-dot-space-dot. If needed, my added words of explanation are shown in [brackets]. The ZMM passage may include several paragraphs. (I have indicated a new ZMM paragraph (if any) by .. two dots, because a "shift-down" to indicate a new paragraph is not possible in gallery captions. Various other abbreviations are occasionally used. The page number (Bantam Paperback Edition) for the quoted ZMM passage is also given at the bottom the caption). ....THE THIRD PART of each caption states the approximate location from which the photo was taken relative to the nearest town shown on my Rand McNally Map. (Town names are shown in bold. Distances given in USA statute miles.) Added to the town name is the two letter standard abbreviation for the State in which the town is located. ....THE FOURTH PART of each caption is my added description of what I actually found and observed while I was present at (or near) this photograph site, plus other information that I hope will expand readers' understanding of how this photo is related to the ZMM book. Sometimes I add other interesting information related to this site. ....THE FIFTH PART of each caption is composed of three reference numbers:
What is the Meaning of the "Code Letters" that Follow the GPS Way Point Number?The following tabulation explains the code letters that follow my GPS Way Point Numbers. This is my own specialized code used only for ZMM Route Way Points, and is intended to indicate quickly more information about each Way Point. My 16 Way Point Code Letters (below) are an adaptation of (and consistent with) the 16 Way Point Symbol Code used in all Garmin GPS Receivers.
a = First Aid Cross symbol = first aid/hospital = reserved for future use, not currently used in ZMMQG. b = Boat Symbol = favorable water sport ZMM Route access point. c = Car Symbol = parking lot or other safe place to pull off ZMM highway. d = Large Dot Symbol = a location where GPS Waypoint Data was taken, but for one reason or another, no photographs were taken. e = Exit Symbol = quiet area close to, but away from ZMM highway for rest, study, or contemplation. f = Flag Symbol = location of my photographs that show the approach to the next ZMM town, especially if mentioned in ZMM. g = Gas Pump Symbol = marks large city along ZMM Route where motorcycle parts and repair likely available h = House Symbol = ZMM hotel/motel, especially if mentioned in ZMM. i = Has No Garmin GPS Symbol = "i" means intermediate, inserted, imaginary, and invented Way Point. After I returned from my trip, I realize an extra Way Point was needed at a place different from the ones established by my Garmin GPS 12 on my Summer 2002 Research Trip. So I set up a new Way Point (or several) by appending "i" to the Way Pt number of the closest previous Garmin GPS 12 Waypoint number. j = Up-Arrow Symbol = "Garmin backtrack" symbol = reserved for future use, not currently used in ZMMQG. k, m, n, p, q, r = no Garmin GPS Symbol = 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th extra letter designations to signify additional photograph(s) taken at or near given way point (Note: lowercase L was not used because it looks too much like a number one. Lower case. Also, "o" not used because it can be confused with the number zero.). p = Deer Symbol = park or other natural environment such as wildlife refuge, state, or national park, along ZMM Route, especially if mentioned in ZMM. s = Skull Symbol = unusual danger. Requires extra attention beyond normal = reserved for future use, not currently used in ZMMQG. t = A Blank Space With No Symbol = reserved for future use, not currently used in ZMMQG. u = Anchor Symbol = restaurant or place to get food along ZMM Route, especially if mentioned in ZMM. (Why "u" letter? Word restaurant has a U that has the curve of an anchor!) v = Fishing Symbol = vessel = fishing opportunity or body of water along ZMM Route, especially if mentioned in ZMM. w = Waypoint Square Symbol = original square symbol assigned by Garmin GPS. Later changed to dot if appropriate. Once changed, you can not get the square symbol back again! x = X-Mark Symbol = this marks location of my "360 degree all direction " panorama photo taken at an especially good elevated scenic place that nevertheless is typical of the local area. y = Circle-Around-Dot = eye = This means a ZMM Location of VERY SPECIAL INTEREST! Look for and consult any other special notes (e.g. photo captions) in what ever document you are currently looking at. Additional information may be available in my other documents. Ask me. z = Tent Symbol = Campground along ZMM Route, especially if mentioned in ZMM.
What is the Meaning of the Code Letters that Follow Many of My Photo Serial Numbers?If any one asks I will supply a listing that explains the code letters that follow the photo numbers. Detailed Information & Explanation of My Gallery of 360 Degree "Full Circle" Panorama Photos.....What Is A ZMM Route Panorama Photo, And How Were the Panorama Photo Locations Selected?
Why So Many Panorama Photos?
.... "Later, when we stop, Sylvia has tears in her eyes from the wind, and she stretches out her arms and says, "It’s so beautiful. It’s so empty." .. I show Chris how to spread his jacket on the ground and use an extra shirt for a pillow. He is not at all sleepy but I tell him to lie down anyway, he’ll need the rest. I open up my own jacket to soak up more heat. John gets his camera out. .. After a while he says, "This is the hardest stuff in the world to photograph. You need a three-hundred-and-sixty degree lens, or something. You see it, and then you look down in the ground glass and it’s just nothing. As soon as you put a border on it, it’s gone." .. I say, "That’s what you don’t see in a car, I suppose." .. Sylvia says, "Once when I was about ten we stopped like this by the road and I used half a roll of film taking pictures. And when the pictures came back I cried. There wasn’t anything there." “ ....Because ZMM Author Pirsig so carefully describes the need for a "three-hundred-and-sixty degree lens," I decided I would show the wide open spaces along the ZMM Route with 360 Degree Panorama Photos in my Gallery. In many photo locations you see a single photo, because a panorama was not needed. But as I became more skilled at taking panoramas, I gradually began to mentally think "Panorama!!" at more and more good Panorama Shots, at places between Minneapolis and San Francisco. As a result, I have many more panorama photos at the end of my ZMM Route Research than at the Beginning. My Procedure for Shooting the Panoramas.
Please Be Aware That Before I Started My Trip Along The ZMM Route, I had never photographed any panoramas. Because of this, I had to learn as I went along. For this reason, you will see a variety of different looking panoramas, until I finally developed a satisfactory method. For example => I finally developed a method to NOT show my automobile. As you will see, with the door open, I stepped up on the running board, elevating the camera high enough, to leave of the car mostly out of the photo.
How Is the Information In The Panorama Captions Organized?
....However => Since each Panorama shows the view in all directions, I will add caption information (as soon as possible) to indicate which portion of the panorama corresponds to the direction of the ZMM route (usually west or southwest) and the directions of north, east and south.
Detailed & Extensive Instructions For Beginners On How To View ANY ZMMQ Photo Gallery Panoramas. OR You May Go Directly To My Panorama Album, Where Less Detailed Instructions May Also Be Found In The Two Different Panorama Albums Descriptions At =>After For Example This ALBUMS PAGE Comes Up, You Will HAVE TO Successively CLICK AT THE TOP Of THE PAGE .. ON .. the >1<, >2<, >3<, >4<, Until You Find the Correct Album, With Album Titles You Are Looking For.
How Do I View the ZMM Route Panorama Photos? (For Beginners.)....Most Internet Web Browsers will show ZMMQ Gallery Panoramas automatically. However, you will want to read the Panorama album description (located just before the thumbnail pages), which explains how to adjust your computer screen for viewing the panoramas. But before you go to the ZMM Route Panorama Photo Album, BE SURE TO READ THE NEXT PARAGRAPH..)
How Do I Manually Launch a NEW Browser Window with Correct Web Address? (For Beginners.)
Note: These instructions may look complex, and for a beginner, they are complex! But once you "get through" these steps several times you will have a new and powerful skill. Learning (useful) complex skills is what the book "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", urges upon us! Here Is a List of My Photograph Albums For ZMMQ Web Site, As Is Shown In Small photos in lower Menu at left.Most of what you will see in these photos albums is self explanatory. But just in case you may have missed it, see above for detailed explanations for the below item 2), Sights and Scenes and item 3) Panoramas. 1) Pictures From Robert Pirsig's Original 1968 trip.
List of Panorama Photographs Along the ZMM Route.
IMPORTANT FURTHER READING => “A Special ZMMQ Photo Gallery Viewing Guide To Help Guide Persons To Easiest Way Access Our ZMMQGallery Photos; Explanations & Detailed Information:” AFTER this page comes up, you will see lots of USER GUIDANCE.....=> ALSO (AT THE END OF THIS PAGE) YOU WILL FIND COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS TO USING ZMMQ GALLERY SLIDE SHOW FEATURE.For Further Reading Re Robert Pirsig’s Book "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" (ZMM).A) For A Full Explanation Of The Exact highways I (Henry S Gurr) followed,
'''B) This WebPage, You Have Been Currently Reading, Is A Special ZMMQ Photo Gallery Viewing Guide, To Help Guide Persons To Easiest Way Access The Gallery Photos; HOWEVER, AS STATED ABOVE, READERS ALSO SHOULD BE AWARE OF THIS ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE RESOURCE =>
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