"Quality is the parent, the source of all subjects and objects." - Robert Pirsig

Fits Observation: Henry Gurr’s How Our Mind Works

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SiteMaster Henry S Gurr’s Earth Friendly Projects:

SiteMaster Henry S Gurr’s Tech Corner & Projects:

ZMMQuality WebSite: Information Concerning
*** Zen and the Art of ***
Motorcycle Maintenance
** by Robert Pirsig **

Home Page: Fors ZMM Quality WebSite
News&NewsArchive: Re Robert Pirsig & Book
ZMM Book (Full Text) Free On Internet

SUMMARY=>How Find Way In This ZMMQ Site

SUMMARY=> Robert Pirsig Zen Art Motorcycle Maint.

Celebrate: Robert Pirsig’s July1968 Motorcycle Trek

SUMMARY=>Experts & Readers Provide Guidance

SUMMARY=>SpecialStudies Zen Art Motorcycle Maint

SUMMARY=>Memories: Dennis Gary English MSU

SUMMARY=>Research Montana State UniversityMSU

SUMMARY=>“Pirsig Pilgrims”&“Fellow ZMM Travelers”

AFTER Above Link ComeUp, GoTo ''Zen and..Last Hurrah”

SUMMARY=>Maps+Info: ZMM Travel & Mountain Climb

Resources: Pirsig & Zen Art of Motorcycle Maint.

SUMMARY=>Software&Hardware: Create This WebSite

Thanks To Persons Who Created & Supported ZMMQ




Click any photo below: **OR**
Mouse Hover, Over Photo, For Album Description

These 12 Photos were taken by Robert Pirsig’s very own camera, as he Chris, Sylvia and John made that 1968 epic voyage upon which The Travel Narrative for Mr Pirsig’s ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘ (ZMM) book was based. Taken in 1968 along what is now known as ‘‘The ZMM Book Travel Route ‘‘ each photo scene is actually ‘‘Written-Into ‘‘ Mr. Pirsig’s book => ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘ (ZMM)

Author Robert Pirsig’s Own 12 Color Photos, Of His 1968 ZMM Travel Route Trip: Each Is Written-Into His ZMM Book. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 2nd Down.

Each of the 832 photographs in these Four Albums show a scene described in the book ‘‘Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘. Each photo was especially researched and photographed along the ZMM Route to show a specific ZMM Book Travel Description Passage: This passage is shown in quote marks below the respective photo. As you look at each of these photos, you will be viewing scenes similar to those that author Pirsig, Chris, and the Sutherlands might have seen, on that epic voyage, upon which the book ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘ was based. Thus it is, that these 832 photographs are ‘‘A Color Photo Illustrated Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘. Indeed ‘‘A Photo Show Book‘‘ for ZMM. Sights & Scenes Plus Full Explanation.

My ZMM Travel Route Research Findings, Are A Page-By-Page, Color Photo Illustrated ZMM. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Album.

Each of these 28 photos are Full Circle Panorama Photos Seven-Feet-Wide. They were taken along the Travel Route of the book ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘. They show a 360 degree view, made by stitching together eight photos. These Panoramic Photos, complement and add to those of my Photo Album ABOVE named  => ‘‘A Color Photo Illustrated ZMM Book, With Travel Route Sights & Scenes Explained‘‘.

ZMM Travel Route Research PANORAMIC PHOTOS 7ft wide! Henry Gurr, 2002 ZMM Research Trip. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 2nd Down.

This album shows what I saw  on my RETURN trip home (San Francisco California to Aiken South Carolina), Summer 2002. These 55 photos were taken along the Route of the “1849er’s Gold Rush to California” (In Reverse Direction). After I completed my ZMM Research, I RETURNED home by way of the Route of the ‘49’s Gold Rush. This route included the route of the “California Gold Rush Trail” (in Nevada & California), as well as portions of the Oregon Trail' all the way into Missouri. These 1849er’s Travel Route Photos, were taken AFTER I took those Photos shown in the above Album named “A Color Photo Illustrated ZMM Book, With Travel Route Sights & Scenes Explained”.

Henry Gurr’s 2002 Research Photos: California Gold Rush Trail & Oregon Trail. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 3rd Down.

Each of these seven 360 degree  Full Circle Panoramic Photos were taken along the route of the Gold Rush ‘1849’ers from Missouri to California. Each is 7 foot wide! These Panorama Photos complement and add to those of my Photo Album above named  => "Henry Gurr’s Research Photos: California Gold Rush Trail & Pioneer Oregon Trail".   AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Album.

California Gold RushTrail & Pioneer Oregon Trail PANORAMIC PHOTOS 7ft wide! Henry Gurr, 2002 ZMM RETURN Trip. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Album.

Enjoy 225 Photos of Flowers & Red Wing Blackbirds Along the ZMM Route. This Album of  Color Photos shows every Flower and Red Wing Blackbird (RWBB) that I could “get within my camera sights!!”  This was done in honor of the ZMM Narrator's emphasis of Flowers and Redwing Blackbirds in the book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”. I was very surprised to find RWBB's the entire travel route from Minneapolis to San Francisco.

In Honor of ZMM Narrator’s Emphasis: 225 Color Photos of ZMM Travel Route Flowers & Red Wing Blackbirds. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 5th Down.

These 165 photos show ‘‘Tourist Experiences’‘ the ZMM Traveler may have along the ZMM Route.

My 2002 ZMM Travel Route Experience: By Henry Gurr ZMMQ Site Master. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 3rd Down.

Starting Monday 19 July 2004, Mark Richardson traveled the ZMM Route, on his trusty Jakie Blue motorcycle. Mark made these 59 interesting photographs of what he saw along the way. As he toured, he pondered his own life destiny (past present future), and sought to discover his own deeper personal meaning of the book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”.

Mark Richardson’s 19 July 2004, ZMM Route Trip & Photo Journal. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 5th Down.

The former home (~1968) of John and Sylvia Sutherland, at 2649 South Colfax Ave, Minneapolis MN, shown in 18 photos. Despite John's quite negative disparaging statements in ZMM, about their home back in Minneapolis, this same house, shown in these photos, looks to us like a wonderful, beautiful home along a very nice, quiet, shady street, in a perfectly fine Minneapolis Neighborhood!

John & Sylvia Sutherland of “The ZMM Book”: 18Potos Of Former Minneapolis Home>2649 South Colfax Ave, AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 4th Down.

A 36 Photo Tour of Two University of South Carolina Buildings:  a) Etherredge Performing Arts Center Lobby + b) Ruth Patrick Science Education Center, some of which show “Built In Educational Displays

Site Master Henry Gurr's Campus: Photos Of Two Buildings (of 32 total), University of South Carolina Aiken. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 2nd Down.

A 105 Photo Tour of Science Building
At The University of South Carolina Aiken, Aiken SC.
Also showing a) Flowers & Exotic Plants In The Greenhouse
And b) The Rarely Seen Equipment Service Room & Dungeon.
Site Master Henry Gurr's Campus: Photos Of Science Building, One (of 32 total Buildings) At The University of South Carolina Aiken. AFTER the 5 Albums Comes Up, Read & ClickOn 5th Down.

IThese 15 photos show persons & scenes, related to how we got this ZMMQ WebSite going, back in ~2002. Included are "screen captures" of our software systems in use. A few of these photos show the screen views of what we were “looking at,” some including brief notes & hints on how to get around some of the problems we experienced.

Software We Used ~2002, In Creating and Maintaining This ZMMQ WebSite: Illustrated & Explained. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Albun.

Photos of Faculty, Administrators, and Students who were at Montana State College ~ 1956-1960. These persons, especially Sarah Vinke, were faculty (or colleagues of) ZMM author Robert Pirsig, during his teaching (1959 – 1961), as Professor of English, at Montana State College, Bozeman MT.

1947-60: Photos of MSC Faculty & Sarah Vinke (Vinki Vinche Finche Finch)

In Hawaiian WIKI MEANS => Quick N’ Easy N’ Better! For Anything You Do!!
Wikis began 1994, Ward Cunningham gave name "WikiWikiWeb"..Cont Heret
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ZMM Links Page: This Page Gives a Brief Description of (And Links To) Many Good and Interesting Internet Resources Concerning Robert Pirsig and His Book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance ( ZMM). Other Useful Information Is Also Included.

NOTE: If you are looking for more Links to Robert Pirsig or his ZMM Book: Please be aware that practically every page (Main Menu Items At Left) of this ZMMQ WebSite, ALSO have numerous Clickable Links to additional valuable information, beyond that given as links below. This includes links added into many of the ZMMQ Gallery Photos. (Also In Main Menu At Left).

If you know of other Internet Resources that I should add to this page, please contact me, using link at the bottom of this page.

When You Want ANY New Information (or Links)!!

My Advice For You To Remember:


And Consider Sending $ Support Also!!!

Concerning Links or Topics you want to learn about: A Sincere Recommendation:
Go FIRST To Wikipedia:

…I have discovered that I can often quickly & easily find “just what I want” by going FIRST to Wikipedia, rather than trying to “click & pick” around various websites, found by Bing or Google.
…Wikipedia Is Clear, Well Organized, and Amazingly Up To Date! – Even when it comes to fast breaking news, Wikipedia is often right to the last minute with important news. Can't say this about many Pirsig ZMM Sites!
And there is always the complete list of recommended books and links at bottom every Wikipedia Page: Great way to learn: the Links, Persons, & Official words & language with which to expand your search.

Wikipedia's pages are well supplied with Diagrams, Photos, Charts, Graphs, Tables, Quotes, etc, which you did not even know existed, let alone find!! For example, I have found through considerable experience, that this is especially true for technical info, and most especially what goes on inside of computers (whether new, old, or very old!) regardless of whether hardware OR software: Again and again, it's an “OH look at this diagram, and there are all the connector pin numbers!”!! So, START with Wikipedia, and chances are you won't have to look further. And even if you do, Wikipedia will give you official language and terms with which to try in Google. Thus I say: ...…


So ….. What's The Reason ... The REAL REASON For All These Good Features Of Wikipedia?

Or, For That Matter: Anything That Is Good In This World!!) .

ZMM Author Robert Pirsig Would Answer: … QUALITY !!

Let Me Explain:

The Word Enthusiasm Has An Interesting History:
…Contained in Enthusiasm are the words: En-Thusiasm, or more literally, En-Theos-Iasm! Here Theos, is pronounced like Theology! And you instantly see the relationship to the following ideas =>
The Word Enthusiasm, Comes From The Greek Word, Entheos, Meaning “Full Of Theos”, Meaning Full Of God', Also Meaning 'Full Of Good'. .... This is closely related to what Robert Pirsig stated in ZMM => ’‘‘ “In the area of Religion, the rational relationship of Quality to the Godhead needs to be more thoroughly established, and this I hope to do much later on [in this book, ZMM]. For the time being one can meditate on the fact that the old English roots for the Buddha and Quality, God and good, appear to be identical.”

Similar To The A Vast Numbers Of People, Following The Track Of Quality, freely contribute to this world! And do so with Enthusiasm. AND with lots of freely offered volunteer efforts!! And because they WANT to do this, it’s done with High Quality!
…And Wikipedia, which is mostly run by un-paid volunteers, is especially of note here!! These persons spontaneously come forward with their own time and energy …. and freely offer their skills and expert, up-to-date, knowledge:
…And with the God Given Goodness that is within them, they willingly take the time to contribute!! They offer their Spontaneous and Enthusiastic High Quality Action whenever & wherever they “see a need”…. large or small …. hard or easy.

Now This Is A Message To You Dear Reader: The Whole World, Full Of Quality, Hopes You Will Do The Same!
…The next chance you have, To Do Something Good ..... Because Such Is Standing Before …You: May be EnTheos meaning literally Filled with God & Good, move your heart with the Spirit of God, ... And Good ,... And Quality!!

For Religious People This Is A “Call” ... For The Non-Religious, This Is An Inspiration!! (Literally An In-Coming In Of Spirit) ... And You Can Respond Either Way, Following Quality, Or Not!
…The following words in Robert Pirsig and his Book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” (ZMM), apply here => ... “The truth knocks on the door and you say, "Go away, I'm looking for the truth," and so it goes away. Puzzling.” Robert M. Pirsig ... “

'So, What Is Happening In Your Mind? => When You Suddenly Realize => “I Should Do This” ''... '
…''SO … When an urge, inclination, or a tiny thought, hits your conscious, and actually arrives into your consciousness … You should realize that in your mind => There have been automatic pre-selection processes going on in your mind, mostly out of consciousness: Below are excerpts from Pirsig’s words in his book ZMM (which are part of his analogy of a Track 120-Boxcar Train, Moving On a Railroad Track of Quality), to describe the larger process, that is happening inside of us, in such Quality Moments:

“At the leading edge there are no subjects, no objects, only the track of Quality ahead,
“The leading edge is where absolutely all the action is. The leading edge [which Pirsig calls the Leading Edge Of Reality] contains all the infinite possibilities of the future. It contains all the history of the past.”
“Reality isn’t static anymore. It’s not a set of ideas you have to either fight or resign yourself to. It’s made up, in part, of ideas that are expected to grow as you grow, and as we all grow, century after century. With Quality as a central undefined term, reality is, in its essential nature, not static but dynamic. And when you really understand dynamic reality you never get stuck. It has forms but the forms are capable of change.” [Here Pirsig continues with practical examples and applications.]

The Above Robert Pirsig Quote Has Explained =>




Basic Information on Robert Pirsig and his Book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” (ZMM)

In two links below, you will find basic encyclopedia type information about Robert Pirsig and his book ZMM. You will see that "Wikipedia" is an excellent web based encyclopedia plus many good Pirsig Web Links. It is continually updated by experts who willingly share their knowledge, their time and their energy, for the benefit of all! And you can't beat the price, because like many high quality "volunteer community efforts" on the web, it's free! As is emphasized in ZMM, Quality comes from people who care. Incidentally, this is true for the authors of nearly all websites concerning Pirsig and ZMM. These web volunteers care, and that makes all the difference in the world! You might consider volunteering your knowledge to the Wikipedia! (Ditto for the above mentioned OpenSource Software.)
Thanks again to Paul Lewis for suggesting the Wikipedia Encyclopedia as follows:

A) For Wikipedia Robert Pirsig Page click here:

B) For Wikipedia ZMM book history ,and links, click here.

C) Newspaper Reporter Tom Zito Interviewed Robert Pirsig And Took Pirsig’s Photo For An August 5, 1974 Washington Post Article.

1) In The Summer Of 1974, Following The Success Of His ZMM Book, Robert Pirsig Retreated To Montana Mountains, In His Camper. In The Gallatin National Forest, Langohr Campground, He Started His Writing Of What Became His Book LILA. Click Here.
3) Now Available: A Series Of Five Photos & Discussions, To Explain Just Exactly WHERE An Important Photo Of Robert Pirsig Was Taken By Washington Post Reporter Tom Zito, In Summer Of 1974. … Click Here, and AFTER the Gallery Photo Comes Up, Use The ClickDrag Bar At Right To View All The Caption. When ready for the next photo, please click on the [>>] Icon Upper Right. This will advance to next photo. This way you can complete seeing all 5 Photos & Explanations.

D) Below 1), 2), & 3) Are Three Very Interesting NPR Interviews Of Robert Pirsig: This Is Where You Can Hear His Voice In An Audio Recording, And Discover He Can Be Quite Enthusiastic And Engaging.
Thanks to Gary Wegner for placing this Robert Pirsig information on Wikipedia.

Subject: Programme Provenance …. This programme was first aired by the BBC on their Radio 4 FM station on 31 October, 1993 at 19:30 GMT. source: http://genome.ch.bbc.co.uk/a0fb6cf0ce1d453fba868d2d1a0de25e
It was subsequently repeated on 19 April, 1994 at 20:30 source: http://genome.ch.bbc.co.uk/4739f344c0734816b5b53e491dff667a
…I thought this would be a good programme, so recorded it to cassette tape. In 2007, I converted it to MP3 and uploaded it to archive.org. Someone else has uploaded this excerpt to Youtube and it has had over 18,000 views. Hope all you Pirsig fans appreciate my effort! If the BBC come to sue me, I'll be passing the hat round. Seriously, I hope you enjoy this recording. ZMM certainly is one of my favourite books and is in no small way responsible for me going on to get a university degree in philosophy. Thanks, Bobl :-P

E) Continued from above: Robert Pirsig newspaper interview by Tim Adams in The Observer/Guardian (an England newspaper Manchester & Now also London) Newspaper Sunday November 19, 2006. This is a text transcription of the interview. At one time this page offered an audio fine = “long version” last of links''', at the bottom of the page, but I can’t find this any more.

F): The Now Successful, ZMM Author Robert Pirsig Rethinks Life of Zen and Science. By by George Gent, New York Times, May, 1974.
…After what he describes as a lifetime of humiliation that culminated in a breakdown, Robert M. Pirsig now faces the prospect of learning to mentally live with his life as a famous author.
G) The Same Interview As Transcribed Text, Is Available At Any Of The Following =>

H): An Interview With Robert Pirsig, Which Is A Complete Email Exchange Between Julian Baggini And Robert Pirsig, In ~2013.

Pirsig Personal Information, Along With Much Interesting Re ZMM.

Robert Pirsig FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions.
A) Some of the most frequently asked Pirsig and ZMM questions are answered here.
B) AFTER This Page Comes Up, At Upper Right ClickOn FAQ The MOQ.org Website has a lots of good articles, discussion forums, and links. Also it has a good: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) which answer the following: => How you can write to Pirsig, How to get answers to MOQ questions, How to pronounce LILA, How you can join mailing lists, How mailing list will answers to all the other questions that we get asked all the time. Also see below, for much more information Re what is on the MOQ.org Website.
C) A Brief Synopsis & Profile of ZMM Author Robert Pirsig. Includes A Brief Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story -
D) A Brief Synopsis of Robert M. Pirsig.

SPECIAL NOTE: Since ~2011, Mr Ian Glendinning has been a very insightful & productive researcher & writer concerning Robert Pirsig’s book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” Accordingly, this page you are reading now (and the entire ZMMQ Site), shows many places, much discussion (and links to), his work, Most Especially Starting With The Large Block Of Bold Text You See Below.
…To find 42 more Ian Glendinning discussions, and links > Please > Go > Top of this page > Edit > Find > Type Glendinning > Hit Enter till you find his name with respective content, distributed through-out this ZMM Links Page, you are currently reading:

A Full Complete Timeline of Pirsig’s Life, In a Tabular Chart Format,!! This Is a Must See & Study!! It is a Comprehensive, & Fully Researched, Excellent and Extra-Ordinary, Resource, Created by Ian Glendinning on his Website Psybertron.org. Effectively This Is A Biography For Robert Pirsig.
…Mr Glendinning has created a wonderful "TimeLine" of the major events, in the life of ZMM author Robert Pirsig's (Each event with full explanation & history). This “TimeLine of Robert Pirsig's Life” is the most extensive, detailed, and well researched example of any “TimeLine that I have ever seen!!!
A) “Pirsig's Life Time Line,” A Much-Needed, & Well Researched Resource, For Research And Understand Of Author Robert Pirsig, And His Two Books ZMM and LILA.
…Mr. Glendinning is a Consultant, Engineer, and a Time-Management Expert, who uses the ZMM Book as a practical everyday Handbook for a “Total Quality Management”(TQM)!!
…Mr Glendinning has found that ZMM, provides MUCH needed ways, that go way beyond existing TQM Books & Manuals!! In fact the ZMM Book, and Mr Glendinning’s entire Psybertron.org website (with daily blogs), are all part of his development of a new and comprehensive enlightened philosophy for corporation management!! WOW!!
B) Take Lots of Time To Study Ian Glendinning’s "Pirsig Pages. Here is by far one of the most comprehensive online collections of Click here for: Extensive ZMM & Pirsig Resources, including an annotated map of the ZMM Route.
In addition to A) and B) above, Ian Glendinning offers, by far one of the most comprehensive online collections of Blog Discussions (with copious Links) Re Pirsig, ZMM, and Related Literature Topics. Mr Glendinning's Life Work is to create a New Practical Philosophy / Psychology of Zen Enlightened Management: TRULY FOR A NEW GLOBEAN AGE (OR ERA) !!!
C) ALSO Take Lots of Time To Study Ian Glendinning’s "Psybertron Asks” Pages! These Pages Ask: “ What, Why & How Do We Know ? Here are extensive commentaries on the World News, that attracts Mr Glendinning’s attention: Ranging from Literature, Current Events, Internet Blogs ... and MORE, … even re ZMM & Pirsig!! DON’T MISS IT!! '''
D) For more discussion, and links to other places on Ian Glendinning’s Site, please > Go > Top of this page > Edit > Find > Type Glendinning > Hit Enter till you find his name with the following respective content, distributed through-out this ZMM Links Page, you are currently reading =>

Photos of Robert Pirsig,
Annotated Maps of ZMM Route,
Extensive Management Science Blogs,
Philosophy & Literary
First Ever MOQ Conference.

About University of Minnesota Law School Professor Maynard E. Pirsig, Who Was Robert M. Pirsig's Father.
..A) Maynard Pirsig, third from left, attending the National Association of Legal Aid Organizations in Denver, Colorado, 1930. Published Feb 5, 2021, To Facebook.com, with Brief Overview of his Work With Legal Organizations, by David Matos. Published Feb 5, 2021, To Facebook.com, with Brief Overview of his career by David Matos.
..B) Approx 1935 Portrait of Dean Maynard E. Pirsig in the classroom. Published Jan 9, 2021, To Facebook.com, with a Brief Biography Sketch by David Matos.
..C) 1981 Portrait of Dean Maynard E. Pirsig, with a Brief Biography Sketch by David Matos.
..D) Click here For University of Minnesota Law School. Tribute To Dean Maynard E. Pirsig, University of Minnesota Law School Dean Maynard E. Pirsig is Robert M. Pirsig's Father.
..E) Click Here For Lawrence R. Yetkat’s Tribute To University of Minnesota Law School, Dean Maynard E. Pirsig, Who Was ZMM Author, Robert M. Pirsig's Father.
..F) The Legacy of Maynard Pirsig ’25. An Archive Of Legendary Educator Donated To Law Library.
An Announcement of materials donated, written by Librarian Ryan Greenwood. Also includes 3 good photos, which were also shown in above-mentioned Facebook Blue Links.

..G) Back In 2004, I Had gone To Minneapolis To interview (And Video Record ) John Sutherland. Afterwards, He Showed Me Around Minneapolis, Which Included => Robert Pirsig’s old Grade School, and Robert Pirsig’s Father’s house, which was not far from the Prospect Park “Witches Hat” Water Tower.
…While I was at the Maynard Pirsig house with John Sutherland, we talked to the neighbor next house NW. Who stated with regret & disbelief, that Dean Maynard Pirsig, in fact had a copy of his son Robert ‘s ZMM Book, but never even attempted to read it.
… Some time I will dig out, and post my photos taken in Minneapolis & St Paul, at that time, including the Father’s House.
Click Here For Facebook Showing Photo of => Maynard and Harriet Pirsig (née Sjobeck) home, where they lived here and raised their three children Robert, Jean and Wanda. Robert, the author of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, grew up in bedroom with the window on the front left on the second floor.
NOTE: You can see how this nearly exactly is the same as the TWO Google Steret Views, Blue Links next down.
…For mor information see => https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maynard_Pirsig

A FIRST Google Street View of Dean Maynard E. Pirsig’s Former Home In Minneapolis, MN Not Far From The Prospect Park “Witches Hat” Water Tower. It Was Painted Black And Looks Exactly Like Like This House Shown On Facebook.

A SECOND Google Street View of Dean Maynard E. Pirsig’s Former Home In Minneapolis, MN Not Far From The Prospect Park “Witches Hat” Water Tower. It Was Painted Black And Looks Exactly Like This House Shown On Facebook.

More History About Maynard E. Pirsig, Who Was Robert M. Pirsig's Father.
…There was once-upon-a-time, a webpage called "History Maynard E. Pirsig." Unfortunately, this site is no longer working, but I am trying to relocate where it may be found. If you have any additional information to offer, please contact me.
…Those persons who have access to Law Libraries might consult the Book or journal of The University of Minnesota Law School, Titled => “In Pursuit of Excellence -- A History of the University of Minnesota Law School, Part IV, The Pirsig Years.-- A Time of Transition.” Volume 63, MINN. L. REV. 229 (1979).
This This WebPage May Provide More Leads To More About Maynard E. Pirsig, Because It Shows Following Pages as Archived =>
1969 “In Pursuit of Excellence A History of the University of Minnesota Law School, Part IV: The Pirsig Years A Time of Transition,” 63 MINN. L. REV. 229
1997 “Maynard Pirsig Lives On,” 23 WILLIAM MITCHELL LAW REV 801
The University of Minnesota Law School Scholarship Archive Shows => “In Pursuit of Excellence -- A History of the University of Minnesota Law School, Part I: The Pattee Years -- A Time of Accommodation.” 62 Minn. L. Rev. 485 (1978)
NOTE: The above Citation, is for Part 1. There must be other listings in the U Minnesota Archives that has the other available parts.

A) Please help: Do you know of any Internet Pages, that have a Link for this, or other information? Or alternatively, perhaps you can easily can go to above library and scan these, and US Mail them to me (or digital scan & email), for the benefit of the ZMM Community?

B) I have collected much additional information about both Robert M. Pirsig and Father Dean Maynard E. Pirsig. For access to this information, you may contact me, HenryG**USCA.edu

Photos of Robert Pirsig, With Much Robert Pirsig & ZMM Book Info Presented In The Photo Captions.

Twelve Color Photos of John, Sylvia, Chris and Author Robert Pirsig Taken During Their Original 1968 Trip.
…Twelve photographs, taken by Robert Pirsig's own camera, as he, Chris, Sylvia, and John made that 1968 epic voyage described in “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”. These photos were taken in July 1968, while they were actually traveling on that trip. At that time, Pirsig was 39 years old and Chris was 11 years old. John and Sylvia are about the same age as Pirsig. … When Mr Pirsig sent to me these 12 Color Photos, he added his own words about each of the pictures. These you read in the SECOND Blue Link below.
A) Click Here For Twelve Color Photos of John, Sylvia, Chris and Author Robert Pirsig, from their Original 1968 Trip.
…ATTENTION => AFTER This 5 Albums Page Comes Up, Please Scroll Down To The SECOND Album, Read The Description, And Then ClickOn The Photo.
…Then AFTER the 9 Small Photos comes up, You May ClickOn Any Of Them. … In The Caption Of The FIRST Small Photo, Upper Left, Please Read At =>
Mr. Pirsig’s Caption (2002): THEN REMEMBER THI WORDS => -This is the picture that everyone sees in black and white. It was first sent to the English publisher, Bodley Head. They put it on their jacket and everyone picked it up from there.
… Thanks to Paul Lewis for the installation of ZMM Quality PM Wiki Pages, and for Installation of ZMM Quality Gallery used for Internet Presentation of these photos, for my site.
To See Mr Pirsig's Letter, Where He Gives His Own Descriptions, Of ALL 12 The Color ZMM Route Photos He Sent Me: Click here and after this page comes up: With your Mouse > Go > Top of page > Edit > Find > Type CB360 The 12 Phrases That Follow, Are Mr Pirsig’s Own Words About Each Of His 12 Color Photos.
ATTENTION ABOVE IT SAID => THEN REMEMBER THI WORDS => -This is the picture that everyone sees in black and white. It was first sent to the English publisher, Bodley Head. They put it on their jacket and everyone picked it up from there.
… Mr Pirsig’s above words in Italic connects to an interesting Internet History => Which is fully explained in the following paragraphs down through the below E).
And as you read these following paragraphs, give attention to Corduroy

THEN REMEMBER THIS WELL DEMONSTRATED CONCLUSION => To get, & keep, Google Attention, Get Your Site Up Early!!

An Interesting History Of A Black and White Photograph of Robert Pirsig and Chris on their 1964 Honda Super Hawk motorcycle (Grey, Chrome, and Black). This Was Placed on Web Long Ago (~1997), And Still Has a High Google Rating Despite All 8 Of Its ~Ten Links Are Broken!
…1) A person by name of Mr Corduroy was apparently the Page Author, with the logo at bottom by Christopher D. Ritter Designs. 1997. (See second link below.)
… 2) A long time ago, ~1997, this site had many interesting (and working) links concerning "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" and its author Robert Pirsig. However, most of the links there have suffered “link rot” and no longer work. If you know where to recover any of these 9 potentially valuable (& and perhaps historical) web resources, please let me know. Also if you know of Mr Corduroy’s full name, please let me know.
C) An Important Major Conclusion
…This site comes up very high in Google Searches, despite its non-working links and the fact that it only has one photo ,and a black & white one at that. Thus, we have a major conclusion: This Webpage demonstrates the very high holding power of an early start and in Google searches, still benefits from the many, many sites that still link to here, after all these years!! And despite the fact that there is very little still there, except the Ghost of History!!
…In my first searches of the Internet in ~2002, I seem to recall seeing this same exact photo perhaps 10 times. Somewhere I probably have records to the URL web addresses for these.
… D) Click here for ~1997 “Pirsig Linksf” Page Showing Black & White Photo Robert Pirsig, and son Chris, on their 307 SuperHawk Honda.
My ZMM Links Supplementary Information & Documents Page, Shows More Information About the Above Mentioned corduroy/pirsig.htm. Photo.
… E) Click here to see what my FireFox Browser showed for > Steps > Hold Mouse On Above Mentioned Photo > Right Click Mouse > Select > Photo Info.

E) “This Is One Of Two of Mr. Pirsig’s, Photos Showing Him With His Son Chris. As Stated Above In Italic, The Caption Was Written By Mr. Pirsig Himself.
'…Back in 2002, Mr Pirsig sent me 12 of His Color ZMM Route Photos, saying: “Put these on your WebSite. He, of course, included descriptions for all 12. But then, concerning the above mentioned corduroy/pirsig.htm, Mr. Pirsig added => “Chris, Bob 1st day — This is the picture that everyone see in black and white. It was first sent to the English publisher, Bodley Head. They put it on their jacket and everyone picked it up from there.” '' Mr. Pirsig, of course, was meaning all over the Internet, and published books.!!
Click Here For The First Of Mr. Robert Pirsig’s 12 Color Photos.

G) National Geographic Society’s Publicity 'Photo of Robert Pirsig, author of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
…This photograph was taken by David Brill, National Geographic photographer, around 1974. Also shown is the bike that Pirsig rode during the trip described in ZMM. My original Link to this photo “Got Gone”. A also Gary Wegner’s WebSite once showed it, but this is no longer available: However, this photo is available at the 3 Blue Links next below. If you know or other places => Please suggest your own favorite Link to this photo:

3) Click Here For SAME Photo Of Robert Pirsig By David Brill. This is a link from Ian Glendinning’s “Pirsig Photos, which ALSO shows a) A 1995 Photo of Mr. Pirsig taken at the "Einstein Meets Magritte" Conference. And b) A photo taken by Ian at the 2005 Liverpool MoQ Conference.

H) A Very Nice Series of ZMM Author Robert Pirsig's Photos, with many a link, to other Photo Resources. The David Brill National Geographic Pirsig publicity photo is ~3rd Photo Down:
I) April 24, 2017 New York Times Obituary Of Robert Pirsig Also Has David Brill Photo, With Credit Line => “Robert M. Pirsig in 1975.Credit...William Morrow”,

NOTE1: Since ~2004, Mr Anthony McWatt (now Dr. McWatt), has been a productive researcher & writer concerning Robert Pirsig’s book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” Accordingly, this page you are reading now (and the entire ZMMQ Site), shows much discussion (and links to), Dr. McWatt’s work, most especially Re his PhD Thesis on ZMM. . To find 41 more Anthony McWatt discussions, and links > Please > Go > Top of this page > Edit > Find > Type McWatt > Hit Enter till you find his name with respective content, spread through-out this ZMM Links Page:
…NOTE2: Readers need to be aware, as of this writing Aug 6 2023, Dr. McWatt although still living, has not been productive for many years, And his WebSite discussed \/ BELOW \/ went to
“Account Suspended” some time between Feb1 2018 Feb 5 2018. Similarly for his then existing Facebook.com Site.
…NOTE3: Anthony McWatt Information continues \/ BELOW \/ The Archive.org WebPages discussed below, all seem to be all there, and unchanged for the versions I Henry Gurr, have looked, at from Apr 14, 2017 thru Feb 01, 2018.
…NOTE4: Also please be aware that what is shown on the / BELOW \/ The Archive.org WebPages, is quite old. Accordingly many Blue Links may NOT work, and NONE of the Purchase Books & Video Bue Links will work.

K) Through The Years There Have Been Numerous Photographs Of Robert Pirsig Scattered Throughout Anthony McWatt's “Robert Pirsig.org Website. Click Here. And AFTER this page comes up => For a good photo of Mr. Pirsig, Click On Box “MOQ”, and scroll down to Khoo Hock Aun’s paper: And after this page comes up. scroll down to the bottom of the page to see a photo of a relaxed, smiling Robert Pirsig. It was taken at the very first MOQ conference at the University of Liverpool (England) on July 7th 2005.
…ATTENTION: In this same listing of => “Papers On This WebSite”, AND worthy of your attention is =>
“David Buchanan's 2006 Paper”

A) Are immediately seen.=> Menu ClickOn Boxes To Select => “MOQ” “News” “Links” “Contact …:
A) BUT ON OTHER PAGES => These are only seen by Mouse Hover, along the left bottom of the Black Area at the Top Of The Page.

L) Click Here For Anthony Mcwatt's WebSite Of Jan 22 2018 Saved By Archive.org. To See More Photos On Archive.org Versions of McWatt WebSite, Click On Box “News”, then scroll to the very bottom and click on “Old News”. You may get a “ReDirect”. After this comes up Scroll Down ~12 Inches, To A Collage Of 3 Photos … Might Be Of “The Very First MOQ Conference”, July 7th 2005", Liverpool England.
…NOTE: On The Archive.org Version Blue Link Above, Although Phots Are Hard To Find, But They Are There Various Places, And Worth The Effort To Look.

Much Good Information Is Posted On Ian Glendinning's Most Extensive ZMM & Pirsig Info, Psybertron.org Site.
A) Click Here For 4 Photos Of ZMM Author Robert Pirsig. AND As Is True For All Glendinning's Pages, There Is Good Commentary, Mixed-In With Gobs of Links, Especially To Other Photo Resources.!!! True To Form.
B) Ian Glendinning's Psybertron.org Site Has a Huge List of Links, some of which take you to photos, that were taken at “The First Ever MOQ Conference”, some of which are of Robert Pirsig. Your effort looking for Photo Links on Ian Glendinning’s site, will not be a waste of time, since you are bound to find much that is interesting, anyway!!
C) Mr Glendinning’s photos of “The First Ever MOQ Conference”, remind me of a similar to another different, photo collection: This is perhaps somewhere in the WebSites of the linked pages below: Please “click around”, see what you can find. Also let me know which sites (or pages) I should recommend here. And if you have any other useful information, please let me know.
D) Once-Upon-a-Time, But Now I Can’t Find A Trace Of It => … There Was Once A Wonderful Collection Of Photos Taken at The First Ever MOQ Conference, July 7th 2005", Liverpool England. If you know any information about this, please send information to HenryG__USCA.edu

If You Are Looking For Links Beyond Those Given On This ZMM Links Page, Which Is The Page You Are Currently Reading =>
Please Be Aware That Practically Every Page (And Gallery Photo), Has MANY ADDITIONAL LINKS To Information Concerning Robert Pirsig Or His ZMM Book:
…FIRST: Practically every page of this ZMMQ Website (accessed by the at left Main Menu), leads to pages that have numerous links and valuable information. This is true also true of the links that happen to be in the ZMMQ Gallery Photos.
SECOND: The Three ZMMQ Site Pages that have by far the greatest number of Pirsig Related Links are =>
A) There are many Links on my ZMMQ News items (& News Archives) page, specifically related to Robert Pirsig, his book ZMM, and related items.
B) There are many Annotated Links placed on my ZMMQ Homepage.
C) This Page of Alternatives & Extensions To Book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (ZMM) has Suggested Books with Links.

How To Find Free Internet "Full Text" of book ”Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” by Robert Pirsig.
… AND Complete Instructions And Suggestions, For How To Save “ZMM Book Full Text” Into Your Computer.
… PLUS Appendix => Instructions And Suggestions, For Finding & Using A Good Word Processor Click Here For Free “ZMM Book Full Text" & How To Save Into Your Computer + Word Processor Info.

'My Corrected & Annotated Version Full Text ZMM Book , Is Available To Serious ZMM Researchers & Academics.
Yours Truly, Henry Gurr, has a corrected version of the full ZMM Text which originally came from www.design.caltech.edu/ but is no longer available. My version has corrected perhaps 30 typographical errors, Added "Chapter #” at start of each Chapter, (to aid in searching for a particular Chapter.), plus various word counts, and listings of Pirsig own unique invented words. I will supply my version to serious ZMM Researchers & Academics upon email request to HenryG__USCA.edu.

You Might Want A Real Book (Paper Pages) In Your Hands!!!

1) ZMM Is Available In Most Public & University Libraries And Regular Bookstores.
2) Nearly all bookstores or libraries will have a copy of ZMM “hot off the shelf!! Just ask!!
3) Or You Can Order the Paper Printed Version of ZMM At Many Online Bookstores. Any Internet Search Engine will find many, many Internet Book Sellers that offer the ZMM Book for sale. You could use => Google, Bing, Yahoo, Chinese Baidu, Russian Yandex, and DuckDuckGo..
4) An Excellent Source For Low Cost New & Slightly Used Books Is Biblio.com. They Have An Easy To Use Search For Author Or Title. I discovered Biblio back in ~2014, found them quite reliable and ever since has been my only source for books. My ~ 20 book orders have been well packaged & promptly shipped.
…Biblio.com part of Goodwill Industries, and similarly is part of the Goodwill young person job training program. Biblio.com will have many good books related to ZMM and Pirsig.
5) However, since I very extensively use Amazon.com for my routine book information source and various "look-inside-the-book" searches, I feel it is only fair to give Amazon a recommendation here. While you are at the following Amazon Page, be sure to read the ZMM Reviews at the very bottom of the page that comes up.

A search on Amazon.com will find many different versions of ZMM: paperback, hardcover, mass-market paperback (the pink copy) as well as other books related to ZMM and Pirsig. (Note; Thru the years I extensively use Amazon.com for reviews and other information. Thus, I owe Amazon this support herein. They have more than earned it, because of their great information sources re practically any book, sort of a public service, which I have used so freely.) https://www.google.com/advanced_search

Be Sure To Try Amazon.com "Look Inside the Book"! This really wonderful search tool at Amazon.com is available for nearly all books (including ZMM). For example, this neat "Look Inside The Book” =>

1) Shows what books are cited in ZMM, & conversely, what books cite ZMM itself.
2) Explores Citations, Look at ZMM Concordance and ZMM word statistics.
3) Rates reading difficulty by various methods.
5) Has list of key ZMM Phrases and Unusual Words and Concepts.
6) Shows photos of the Front and Back Covers, as well as index.
7) Conducts a search in the book for specific words and phrases. Results are shown in summary page, upon which a click shows entire ZMM page where the searched words occur.
8) Plus many other goodies. Try it. You will like it!
Click here to try Amazon.com “Search Inside the Book” or order your copy ZMM Book In Paperback .

Books, Movies, Audio CD’s, and Videos About Robert Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: Many of Which Feature Traveling, Experiencing, Meditating while “On The ZMM Route!

A) A BBC Radio Dramatic Production Titled: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, and Dramatizes the “Action, Feeling, and To Some Degree the Philosophy / Value Conclusions of ZMM Author Robert Pirsig, In His Book by the Same Name. ”
NOTE: This discussion of this BBC Radio Dramatic Production, continues thru 4) below.
…AN EXPLANATION by Site Master Henry Gurr: This was a Radio Program, which was broadcast in UK only, and is unlikely to be rebroadcast. If you wish to listen to this dramatization, you may purchase it “On the Internet”, where once upon a time, the BBC says it was available. Please study the choices below. However, Caution: My words here, are for your information, and thus are NOT to be taken as a recommendation!! However, you can judge for yourself, from the really quite favorable Customer Reviews at the Amazon link below: You will see that, the Amazon Customer Reviewer’s liked the CD as an audio presentation & liked how Producer Flannery handled the production. (If you dear reader, have any additional information re the above, please send me an email: )
The Next 3 Parabrapha Below Are A Review Of => The BBC Radio Dramatic Production Titled: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, by: Jane Anderson =>
…”This [90 min Radio Drama] is about a] philosophical novel by Robert M Pirsig, has never been dramatised before. And I suspect that is because so much of the text requires vigorous intellectual scrutiny to fathom its meaning. …[Thus:] This is one of the rare cases where I would suggest a drama is better appreciated by reading the book first “
…”[This Radio Drama is by] the playwright Peter Flannery [who also wrote] “Our Friends in the North, George Gently” [it is a] favourite novel and I hope he would agree.”
…For those without the time or inclination to do so [the listeners of this Radio Drama should], expect a challenging listen, as James Purefoy stars as three [separate personality] characters, all of whom are aspects of the same troubled man.
About This Programme =>
[The real person] Robert M Pirsig, is dramatised by [Radio Actor] Peter Flannery. A father and son embark on a motorbike journey from Minnesota to California, using the maintenance of the vehicle to illustrate the unification of technology and artistry. Starring James Purefoy.
Cast and Crew
Cast: Dad/Narrator/PhaedrusJames PurefoyChrisMax CazierJohnSean PowerSylviaLucy Newman-WilliamsGennieCaitlin ThorburnProfessorParis Arrowsmith
Crew: Dramatised ByPeter FlanneryProducerMelanie HarrisWriterRobert M Pirsig
Click Here To Read This Review on Archive.org.
Places To Purchase.
This BBC Page, quoting prices in British Pounds £, has a place (upper left) to click for “Commercial Availability” with three choices a) All formats, b) Audio Download (from £6.79), c) CD Purchase (from £6.89)
2) Choice 2), eventually leads to this page where you can purchase an MP3 download.f
3) Choice 3), eventually leads to this Amazon.com Page where you can purchase a standard looking CD, in a Jewel Case. This UK-Amazon.com Page says this CD is already available in UK. However USA-Amazon.com, says release in USA, will not be till ~Nov 2012: See my C&P below, what I discovered and placed an order with them.
INFORMATION FROM USA AMAZON.COM, WHICH IS WHERE I ORDERED THIS => : ‘’Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: A BBC Full-Cast Radio Drama’’ [Dramatized By Peter Flannery], CD Audio CD [by] Audiobook, [based on] Robert M. Pirsig’s book ZMM, Full Cast,& Narrator.
On 22 Oct 2012, I checked this, and apparently his title has been recently released. You may order it now according to Amazon says re this item here. Ships from and sold by Amazon.com. Click here for: ‘’Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: A BBC Full-Cast Radio Drama’’ [Dramatized By Peter Flannery], CD Audio CD [by] Audiobook, [based on] Robert M. Pirsig’s book ZMM, Full Cast,& Narrator. List Price: $24.95 [Amazon] Price: Audio CD 3 Used from $71.28 as of this writing Sept 10, 2023.
On October 22 2012 I placed my “pre-order” with Amazon.com for 6 of these CD’s, and they say my order will come in one box, and estimate delivery 9 -28 Nov, 2012. On October 30, 2012, I received an Amazon Email saying “ ... we shipped your items ... “)
4) If you have any additional information, re these products or companies: Please email me. Henry Gurr.

Lee Glover's Meridian 'DVD: A Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" Video Documentary Marking Forty Years Since Author Robert Pirsig's Original ZMM Trip. Mr. Lee Glover, an independent documentary filmmaker from Boise, Idaho, traveled the entire ZMM route during July and early August 2008. Mr. Glover has compiled a DVD high-definition video film record of the trip, along with interviews of many people connected with Pirsig’s classic book and others who—like Mr. Glover—were making the “Pirsig Pilgrimage.”
…This effort is culminating in a documentary DVE film originally entitled => Zen, Art, And Motorcycles 1968-2008: A Forty-Year Search For Quality Which Celebrates The Forty-Year Anniversary Of Robert Pirsig’s Original Trip From Minneapolis To San Francisco With His Son Chris.”
Mr Glover’s completed Video Documentary Titled "Meridian" was shown in a “Sneak Preview & Premier Viewing”, at Montana State University’s Pirsig Chautauqua Conference on Dec. 7-9 honoring Robert Pirsig, writer and philosopher. The viewing of Lee Glover’s DVD, was on Sat Dec 8, the second day of the Conference called "Pirsig Pilgrims"
A) No longer available => A WebPage contains additional (up to date) information.
B) No longer available => A Short Video “Trailer” for the Meridian Video Documentary,
C) More history type information on is the details of making of Mr. Glover’s documentary, is available on the ZMMQ News & News Archive page. Click here, and after the new webpage “comes up,” scroll down to 4 July 2008 .
lllNOTE: As of this writing Sept 10, 2023, Mr Glover has not replied to requests to make above A) & B) available.

For A Full Descriptions Of This Above Mentioned => “Montana State University’s Pirsig Chautauqua Conference” Held On 7, 8,9 Dec, 2012, Please Scroll Down To These Topics On Either Of The Following Pages:
D) Click to view ZMMQ Home Page.
E) Click to view ZMMQ News & News Archive Page.
F) Links to these above two pages, are ALSO in Menu at Right, where you will see them listed ~8 inches down from the top, UNDER the Bold Black:

Book Available: “Zen and Now: On the Trail of Robert Pirsig and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” by Mark Richardson, Automobile & Wheels Writer / Journalist, for the Toronto Star Newspaper.
…An Automobile Journalist and motorcycle enthusiast – Mark Richardson – decides to get on his Jackie New (Suzuki One Banger) with his leather jacket, factory repair manual, and a bag of tools, ..... to retrace the seminal journey taken by author Robert Pirsig, described in the book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values (ZMM). Mr. Richardson tells the story of his experiences in following the route in the book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: Some are wild and some prove dangerous! A fascinating read and I am sure you will not want to miss it! Mr. Mark Richardson is a writer and the Automobile -Motorcycle Editor for the Toronto Star, one of Canada's foremost newspapers.
Starting on Monday 19 July 2004, on his vintage 1985 Suzuki DR600 “single banger” motorcycle, Mr. Richardson traveled the route described in the book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. His photos, and interesting commentary, may be seen at the last link in this section (item C) directly below). For his trip, he traveled on his trusty Jackie Blue motorcycle, starting in Toronto and ending at the Zen Center in San Francisco, two weeks later.
Mr. Richardson's book Zen and Now will be published simultaneously in the United States and Canada this September 9th, 2008. This will honor the 40th anniversary of Robert Pirsig's original 1968 ride. Knopf is one of Random House's most prestigious divisions. The book will also be published in paperback by Vintage.
Links To Information & Resources Concerning Mark Richardson's book: Zen and Now: On the Trail of Robert Pirsig and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
A) AFTER This Amazon.com Page Comes Up, Click 4 Choices For => Description of the book "Zen and Now: On the Trail of Robert Pirsig and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance".
B) An abbreviated version of Mark Richardson's Photos of his ZMM Trip, uploaded day by day, as he traveled. Mark’s Travel Journal! AFTER the 5 Albums Page comes up, please scroll down to the LAST Album, read the Description, Then click on the photo to go the small photo page. Click on any small photo to view larger version.
The Following Is Mark Richardson's Own Website, Having Vast Resources Related To His Book Zen and Now. Has links to interviews (and reviews) concerning Zen and Now, where to purchase the book, and MUCH more. Also has his day by day blog fully describing (with photos) his recently completed book promotion tour. On a cycle of course!
Here You Will Find: A Complete Full Version Of Mark Richardson’s Photos Of His Trip, As Well As Photos Of The Pirsig Family In Early Days,

Fellow ZMM Travelers: Persons Who Have traveled the ENTIRE ZMM Route, are called “Pirsig Pilgrims,” a Name Created, In Jest, by Gennie DeWeese, who was (ZMM Author) Robert Pirsig's Good Friend, and also extensively mentioned in ZMM, along with Gennie’s husband Robert DeWeese. Below Are Photos And Travel Reports Of Persons Who Have Actually Traveled The “ZMM Route.”

I learned from Pirsig that Gennie DeWeese called them “Pirsig Pilgrims”! After this page comes up, scroll down to June 24, 2001.
… I Am Always Interested In Stories Anecdotes And Memoirs - Vignettes And Observations Of Persons Who Have Traveled The ZMM Route Or Have Found Information Re => Robert Pirsig, ZMM Book, Etc.
…If you know anyone who has Traveled the ZMM Route or other information/suggestions, Do not hesitate to Contact Me. (see link bottom left) Please Send Me Your Story & Anecdotes!! Very likely, I will post Your Experiences On My Site!! I want to hear from you, no matter how small or large.

… Back in 1978, Former English Professor Gary Wegner, with his wife, were among the first persons retraced Pirsig’s 1968 motorcycle trip west, just ten years after Mr Pirsig, Chrin & John & Syvia Sutherland made their 1968 epic trip described in the ZMM Book.
…. Professor Wegner, traveled Robert Pirsig’s ZMM Book Route, from Minneapolis to Bozeman, Montana, and took 74 color photos, along the way. His most important photos were taken in Old Montana Hall, at Montana State University, BEFORE these historic classrooms were converted into university offices. .His photos were taken just four years after the ZMM was published, the most important of which were taken in Robert Pirsig’s old classroom: These are the classrooms, mentioned in ZMM …windows, mountain views, heating system radiator, and all !!
Click Here To View Professor Wegner’s 5 Most Important Photos Taken In Old Montana Hall. With Full Explanation. AFFTER the first photo comes up, please click on [>>] Icon upper right to go to the next of 5 of Prof Wegner’s five photos.
…NOTE: In the years 1959 to 1961, Robert Pirsig was a Professor, teaching English In Montana Hall, at Montana State University. During that time his like minded teaching colleague was English Professor Sarah Vinke. It was Prof Vikke who said to Pirsig “I hope you are teaching Quality” This started a new awareness, and essentially forced Robet Pirsig to write his book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”.

…As you will see in below Blue Links => Prof. Wegner, has created a very wonderful series of maps of the ZMM Route, with explanations and his photos.
…Back in November 2003, my ZMMQ Internet Site was making available a good number of my ZMM Route Research photos. And by April 2003, my site was also making available Robert Pirsig’s 12 color photos that he had taken along the ZMM Route in July 1968.
…Subsequently, English Professor Gary Wegner, happened to see these, and was prompted to put up his own 74 color photos. As I remember, Professor Wegner's WebSite, at first showed his photos, with travel narrative. After several years, he discovered that his copy of Microsoft Streets & Trips, could be used to prepare, and present Illustrated ZMM Route Maps, to augment his photo presentation, on his WebSite, which you can see by ClickOn SECOND NEXT Below Blue Link.

B) Gary Wegner's 1978 ZMM Route Narrative & 74 Photos, Which He Calls “ZAMM Travelogue.”: His Pages Are Augmented by Street Maps, And May Be Viewed At SECOND NEXT Down Blue Link Below.
…EXPLANATION: In 1978, English Professor Gary Wegner, traveled Robert Pirsig’s ZMM Book Route, from Minneapolis to Bozeman, Montana, and took 74 color photos, along the way. He has created a series of maps of the route, one Map for each of the 17 days of Pirsig's travel, and there included his photos, for each day of the route. Professor Wenger's Maps show all of Robert Pirsig’s 1968 “Zen Route”, from Minneapolis to San Francisco. However Prof. Wegner’s 1978 trip (and photos) only went from Minneapolis to Bozeman. Unfortunately he was not able to go farther.
…His most important photos (See Blue Link Above), were taken in Old Montana Hall, at Montana State University, before these historic class rooms were converted into university offices. .His photos were taken just four years after the ZMM was published, the most important of which were taken in Robert Pirsig’s old classroom: These are the classrooms, mentioned in ZMM …windows, mountain views, heating system radiator, and all !! Overall Prof. Wegner, has created a very wonderful series of maps of the ZMM Route, with explanations and his photos.
NOTE1: Professor Wegner’s excellent series of maps work very well on following internet browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer, Firebird Browser (on either a Windows or Macintosh Computer), and Safari Browser on a Mac computer. These maps may not work with other Browser versions. Please let us know if you have any information.
NOTE2: Professor Wegner shows a Map for each of the 17 days of Robert Pirsig's travel, along the 1968 “Zen Route”, from Minneapolis to San Francisco. Below each Day’s Map, you can read his Travel Narrative of what he did and saw. Where you see colored words, click on these to see his photo. Although these are supposed to come up, in my case the “sunflowers” photo did not come up.
NOTE3: Below Professor Wegner’s Travel Narrative, you will see a Passage from the ZMM Book that fits the photo or day’s travel.
…Various places you will see Prof Wegner has added, links to Google Street Views, along the ZMM Route. Typical for all these Street Views, you can click-drag the photo to swing the view to different directions, or look up or down. You can also magnify and move closer. Each of these is a real treat, especially at Mobridge ND, where successive clicks on the distant bridge structure will move you up to and inside the bridge beams. You will be able to experience Pirsig’s ZMM statement =>
“ … in Mobridge, [we] cruise down a heavily trafficked main street and then there it is, at the bottom of the hill, the Missouri. All that moving water is strange, banked by grass hills that hardly get any water at all. …. We coast down the hill, clunk onto the bridge and across we go, watching the river through the girders moving by rhythmically, and then we are on the other side.”
((SIDE NOTE: Since part of this old ZMM Restaurant still exists in down town Mobridge, we hope Prof. Wegner will add as street view for what Pirsig also said re their lunch in Mobridge, SC: “We have lunch of hamburgers and malteds at an A & W place … “ Click Here To See The Once-Upon-A-Time A & W Place In Mobridge. ))
Click Here For Archive.org 23 Oct 2007 Version Of Professor Wegner’s Travelog Maps, Narrative, & Photos.
NOTE1: AFTER the above Blue Link comes up, you will see that this Version of Prof Wegner’s Travelogue, has been Archived 26 times from 02 Jan 07, to 02 June 09.
NOTE2: One early version of Professor Wegner’s “Travelog”, still partly comes up on Archive.org. AFTER the above Blue Link comes up, you will see that this Version of Prof Wegner’s Travelogue, has been Archived 4times from 27 Mar 10 to 02 July 10. These are listed BUT None Of These Versions Work.
NOTE3: Records exist of various other early version of Professor Wegner’s “Travelog”, but Archive.org says “Not Found” These have following dates and dead URL’s
10 June 04 Just Prog Weghers 32.jpg
20 Aug 06 Just Prog Weghers 32.jpg
27 Oct 07 zamm.home.att.net
?? Date uncertain ?? zamm.home.att.net/~wagtail
21Jan 11 zamm.community.officelive.com/www/zmm/Links.htm
NOTE4: Click Here For A Sept 1, 2012 Early Version Of Prof Wegher’s Google Maps Travelogue.
NOTE5: Click Here For A Sept 24, 2019 Early Version Of Prof Wegher’s Google Maps Travelogue.

D) Gary Wegner's "ZMM Route" Narrative, Augmented by Google Maps & Satellite Views: This Site Is Now Available, In A Google Satellite View Version, Which He Also Calls “ZAMM Travelogue.”
First go to This Google Satellite & Map Of The 1968 Route Of Travel Of Robert Pirsig, Chris, John & Sylvia Sutherland. AFTER Prof Wegner’s Satellite View comes up, move your mouse pointer to any of the Orange Icons, which mark the beginning of each of the 17 days of 1968 ZMM Route Travel. A click on an Orange Icons, will open at left, a “dialog box” in which you will be able to read a ZMM Book passage about this location, learn about what is at this location, and perhaps a photo.
…Also you will see 1968 ZMM Route Blue Pinpoints, each of which Mark important or interesting WayPoints along the 1968 ZMM Route. A click on a Blue Pinpoints,, will open at left, a “dialog box” in which you will be able to read a ZMM Book passage about this location, learn about what is at this location, and perhaps a photo.
…NOTE: When your mouse is on the Satellite View, you can push forward the wheel on your mouse, to Zoom In On the Satellite View, in order to see what the Landscape looks like, or see more Town Names.
…CAUTION: This version of Prof Wegner’s 1968 ZMM Route is not intended for seeing (close-up), the specific roads and towns of the ZMM Route. And although, true of all Google Maps, you can zoom-in for a close view of the landscape, specific highways, and road turns. But you will NOT be able to see clear views of the Landscape Close UP.. … For a close view of specific highways, and road turns, you should Click Here For Google Satellite View Of Location of John & Sylvia Sutherland Home In Minneapolis, MN and Two Different Versions Of ZMM Route.
NOTE: After this link comes up, you will see =>

1) Red Pinpoint mark the Location of John & Sylvia Sutherland Former Home In Minneapolis, MN. Attention => To see 18 Photos of Sutherland Home, scroll down in the at left Main Menu, until you see a small picture of a Multicolor Home. Click on this, and after 5 Albums Page comes up, scroll down to FOURTH Album. Read Description and click on Photo.
2) US Highway 10 marker. Follow this Northwest for better Close Up Near top of Prof Wegner’s Travelogue.
3) Near lower center, The town of Plymouth, MN and through it is seen Rt-55. ZMMQ SiteMaster Henry Gurr Is Absolutely Convinced That Rt-55.Best Fits The ZMM Book Narrative. Follow Rt-55.Northwest for good Close Up Landscape Views. Rt-55 leads toward Breckenridge MN, and there joins Prof Wegner’s Travelogue Satellite Views.

E) A SPECIAL NOTE: Back in ~2005, when Professor Wegner’s earlier sites was working, there was a neat “door opening sequence” as follows: After you click on the link to (certain of his previous sites), you would see photo of Prof. Wegner, gesturing to come in as he was opening the door of the ominous foreboding Old Montana Hall, which happens to be where Pirsig taught Rhetoric, at Montana State University, in Bozeman MT: …And at the same time this Montana Hall photo appeared, suddenly started, this very wonderful music reflecting the dark-mysterious-fearful-doomed-mood of this Montana State University Building. (Of course, To hear this music, you had to be sure to have your sound system turned on and volume up part way. And if you wanted to hear the music again, you could hit the "refresh" at upper left of your browser or reenter the URL address at top center.) After about a minute, the music would fade and you should click on "Enter" on the door. A “Full ZMM Book Route Map” would then come up. Back then (on Professor Wegner's site), for his “Day 6”, the last photo you see -is in fact this very door of this very same Montana Hall. And your immediate reaction would have been: You will (still) want to hear this music again!! …This “wonderful music” version, in its original form no longer exists, and despite considerable effort I can not find a version on Archive.org that works satisfactorily.
Naturally We Hope The Above “Mentioned Door Opening Sequence” Plus “Very Wonderful Music” Features Of Gary Wegner’s Old Site, Will Be Back SOON!
…For me, this was too good to miss!! So I asked him to PLEASE re-establish his old entry page complete with that old music. I wanted everyone to see that spooky door and simultaneously hear this wonderful mysterious music, to prepare for the journey to come. If you like this idea, please email him, in care of me, and I will forward it to Professor Wegner. ..
…So I will try to convince Professor Wegner to again set this up!!
…EXPLANATION: In ZMM, Robert Pirsig describes so well his feelings of shear panic as he goes up the steps of the old building where he once taught English classes years earlier. This is the ominous old brick building called Montana Hall. He tells us how he and Chris are spooked as opens he opens the front door of this creaky old building. Professor Wegner’s “door opening music”, recreated that feeling for the Web Visitor!! Really Nice!! ’’

F) You may also wish to read Gary Wegner’s ZMM Book Read and Ride Page.
…. On his page link below, Prof Wegner invites us to revisit and reread Pirsig’s novel Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance each July, on the days that correspond to each leg on the trip, Monday July 8th through Wednesday July 8th. Wegner gives a breakdown of chapters that correspond to each day’s travel on the original trip and a map illustrating each leg.
…To access Professor Wegner’s ZMM Book Read and Ride, please scroll ¼ way down in the at left Main Menu till you see => Celebrate 53 Years: Robert Pirsig’s Original July1968MotorcycleTrek, then click on any of the below 3 Blue Links.

…EXPLANATION => This page you are reading now (and the entire ZMMQ Site), shows much additional discussion (and links to), his work. To find ~52 more Gary Wegner discussions, and links > Please > Go > Top of this page > Edit > Find > Type Wegner > Hit Enter till you find his name with respective content, spread through-out this ZMM Links Page:

..,Back in Dec 23, 2003, Prof. Wegner, sent me an email saying: “The Beartooth segment begins at picture # 09a. The link on picture #32 [of above mentioned Web Page, “1978 ZMM Route Narrative & 74 Photos”] has caused me to plan another trip to the Beartooth this spring. As soon as the plows open the pass, we plan to traverse it once again.” He continues saying "By the way, for a look at some Beartooth pictures circa 5/1/03 …. [try Google Beartooth Highway Montana.]

Links to Good Beartooth Pass Photos.

A) A Nice Series Of Photos And Commentary. Please Ignore Other Photos. Click on small number to get next photo.

…As is true for all Google Street Views, you can ClickOn the Road Ahead, to move forward along the highway. At any time, you can ClickDrag, the photo to rotate 360 Degrees, for a full panorama view.

Cintinues: Fellow ZMM Travelers: Persons Who Have Traveled The ENTIRE ZMM Route, Are Called “Pirsig Pilgrims,”

Mark Richardson’s ZMM Route Photo Journal: His Photos and Notes (With Viewer Comments), Were Posted Daily, As He Was “On The Trail of Pirsig's Ghost!.
Mr. Mark Richardson is a writer and the Automobile - Motorcycle Editor for the Toronto Star Newspaper, one of Canada's foremost newspapers. Starting Monday 19 July 2004. Mr. Richardson also followed the ZMM Route. This Album Shows Mr. Richardson's Photos of his trip, as he toured on his trusty Jackie Blue motorcycle. His photos and interesting commentary started in Toronto and ended at the Zen Center in San Francisco, two weeks later. Mr. Richardson has written up his experiences into his book. Zen and Now”. (To find 21 more about Mark Richardson book Zen and Now” (on this page you are looking at): With Mouse > Go > Top of this page > Edit > Find > Type Richardson > Hit Enter., till you find them all. )
A) This photo album from our ZMMQ Gallery, documents Mark Richardson's ZMM Route Trip. NOTE: This Photo Gallery is going bad: You may have to click on 2 at top center of the page that comes up.

The Site of Two Guys Riding the ZMM Route in July 2004: Franz Schabmueller and Gregor Schleicher's Own Photo Journal.
In the summer of 2004, a duo of motorcyclists from Germany followed the complete ZMM Route on two Harley motorcycles. On 1 July 2004, Franz Schabmueller and Gregor Schleicher, started by renting their motorcycles from "Eaglerider Chicago.” They understand this to be the largest "Harley Rental Dealer" in the States. Then, they rode to Minneapolis soon thereafter to continue their ZMM Trip. Their names and emails are fschabmueller**schabmueller.com and gregor.schleicher**gmx.net (insert appropriate symbol at asterisk; coded to prevent spam).
During the ride, they took super hi-quality pictures and posted daily reports on the site to get the most recent impression available. They stated “I hope we agree that this is maybe a fitting way to honour the spirit of Mr. Pirsig's work.” (Of course, I agreed!) They hope Mr. Pirsig and all persons who visit their Webpages will sign their Guestbook! See below to purchase DVD & Book, etc.
F) After this page comes up, be Sure To Click On ENGLISH.

Zen and the Last Hurrah II. “Two New Zealand Guys, Following the ZMM Route Summer 2006, On SAME Bikes As Narrator and John Sutherland.
[The following passages are Des Molloy's own words:] "Zen and the Last Hurrah II", “has been a wonderful interlude in our lives. We have followed someone else’s epic and enjoyed it immensely. The bikes also seemed to have enjoyed the exercise by performing so well and so willingly. .... [We also had] .... many of the Pirsig experiences. Apart from the roads and towns being mostly unchanged, we’d also shimmed a slipping mirror with a piece of coke can and the Honda had fractured its chain-guard, just like theirs did. We’d seen what they saw and felt what they felt. I might not have had the deep and meaningful insights to share like Robert Pirsig but we had passed through back-roads America and loved it. The people had been so friendly, the life and vistas wonderful. The food … distinctly average but it could have been us, ... ”
By Des Molloy, an independent [construction?] contractor in New Zealand.
The Last Hurrah, 248 Sutherland Rd, Lyall Bay, Wellington, NZ. 6022.
Mr Molloy says: “So far as I know, [we] "are the only people to have ridden the [Complete ZMM Route] ride using restored period Honda and BMW motorcycles.” --- [And] ---- "My news is that I have completed the manuscript for what I hope will be my upcoming book on our [Last Hurrah] Zen ride of 2006. I have a couple of literary agents in the US looking at it now. It is early days, but I am quite pleased with. [results so far]"
Purchase information re their ZMM Ride DVD & book + email contact information on the next link, which is their home page:
A) Click Here For Their “Last Hurrah” Essay. A link is also given in my Main Menu at upper left.
B) This Page of You Tubes Shows The Video Projects of James Forrester: Here you will find many Video’s filmed by Mr Forrester, of his special interest, such as

1) Original footage shot at the Woodstock Music and Art Fair, August 15th-18th, 1969 and
2) ZMM Enthusiast should watch (Click At Lower Center) Mr. Forrester’s Video Interview on New Zeeland’s => “Des Molloy on Motorcycling” ]] ,

Following the ZMM Route: A Daily Blog With Color Photos by Kevin, an employee of the American Academy of Family Physicians. He Followed ZMM Route June & July 2011.
[He says:] “In June 2011, I was provided the opportunity to take a month-long sabbatical during which I had an opportunity to follow Robert Pirsig's path in his book, Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, and become a Pirsig Pilgrim. I'm thankful to have had my pop go with me for the first three days and my buddy Brian join me for two great nights of camping in Montana and Idaho.
NOTE: At right, mid page, click each of BLOG ARCHIVE triangles ► for full listing of blogs Jan thru July 201.
A) Here is Kevin’s Introduction. NOTE: At right, click BLOG ARCHIVE triangles ► for info Jan thru July 201.
I) Cont: Interactive Map of ZMM Route Followed by photo & blogs July 23 & 1 and June 17 thru 15 reverse order .

Be Sure To Closely Read A Very Interesting WebPage "Zen and the Road to Redmond”, By Robert J. Bannis. He had shared his excellent knowledge of the ZMM Route from Bozeman, Montana to Redmond, Oregon.
…This WebPage has many interesting photos and discussion of the locations of many ZMM sights and scenes along this route. This Old Webpage Is Now Available Thanks To Archive.org Click Here:
…(If anyone has any additional information, please send me an email => Click last lines below Contact Me for addresses.)

Photos and Travel Experience of Yours Truly Henry Gurr, WebMaster ZMMQ. Just So You Don’t Miss E’m, Here Is My Own Story, Of My Research, Discovery, and Photo Documentation, “Of the Sights & Scenes Along The ZMM Route”
A) My Story Of What It Was like to Travel the ZMM Route and What I Learned.
B) “My Research Photos” Illustrating the ACTUAL Scenes of ZMM. AFTER The 5 Albums Page Comes Up => Please Read Description Of TOP Album => THEN ClickOn Photo to Go To 4 Sub-Albuns, one for each Part of ZMM Book. Read Descriptions, and click on any Small Photo to view that ZMM Part. Then click on any small photo.
C) My Photos Illustrating My PERSONAL Experiences Along the ZMM Route. AFTER The 5 Albums Page Comes Up => Scroll Down To THIRD Album => “Non-ZMM Experiences”. Read Descriptions, and THEN ClickOn Photo to Go To view 18 Small Photos Page. Then click on any small photo.
D) Scenes Along The Travel Route of Book => Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance PHOTO REPORT (1,2,3 of 5). => This Is A PHOTO-REPORT Illustrating Henry Gurr’s Travel For His 2019 ”ZMM Book: Sarah Vinke Biography” “Book Signing Tour” =>1) First In Iowa, And Then 2) In Montana, And Then 3) Follow-Up ZMM Research & With MANY ZMM Route Photos, In Montana PHOTO REPORT (1,2,3 of 5). AFTER The 5 Albums Page Comes Up => Scroll Down To SECOND Album => “Scenes Along The Travel Route of Book”. Read Descriptions, and THEN ClickOn Photo to Go To view 18 Small Photos Page. Then click on any small photo.
E) Scenes Along The Travel Route of Book => Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance PHOTO REPORT (5 of 5). => This Is A CONDTINUE PHOTO-REPORT Illustrating Henry Gurr’s Travel For His 2019 ”ZMM Book: Sarah Vinke Biography” “Book Signing Tour” =>1) First Along Montana’s Upper Missouri River And Then 2) In Montana’s Wheatland County, And Then 3) Follow-Up ZMM Research & With MANY ZMM Route Photos => a) in Sourheastern Montana along the Yellowstone River, and then b) Photos along ZMM Book Route (in reverse order), all the way to Minneapolis. AFTER The 5 Albums Page Comes Up => Scroll Down To THIRD Album => “Scenes Along The Travel Route of Book” PHOTO REPORT (5 of 5).. Read Descriptions, and THEN ClickOn Photo to Go To view 18 Small Photos Page. Then click on any small photo.
F) The Software APPs, Which We To Create The WebSite You Are Looking At Right Now.
The Software We Use “To Create and Maintain “This ZMMQ Site:'
NOTE: AFTER this Page Comes Up, Scroll Half Way Down For: The 'Applications We Actually Use Daily. FOR OTHER OF HENRY GURR LINKLISTINGS ON THIS ZMM LINKS PAGE; '
'''To find various of Henry Gurr’s Ideas & Writing => Please > Go > Top of this page > Edit > Find > Gurr which your browser should show in color. OR Alternatively Hit Enter., till you find each one (Ther are approximately 200 of these hits), plus a few miscellaneous of low interest.

ALSO REMIMBER => If you are looking for more Links to Robert Pirsig or his ZMM Book: Please be aware that practically every page (Main Menu Items At Left) of this ZMMQ WebSite, ALSO have numerous Clickable Links to additional valuable information, beyond that given as links below. This includes links added into many of the ZMMQ Gallery Photos. (Also In Main Menu At Left).

The ZMM Route Shown In Annotated Maps.

A) Gary Wegner's "ZMM Route" Photo Album and Super Good Maps For Each Day Of Travel.
To see a complete discussion of Mr Wegner's ZMM Route Maps > With Mouse > Go > Top of this page > Edit > Find > Type Wegner's > Hit Enter., till you find it. (This discussion is from here, about 30 inches up, on this page, where you will see my FULL discussion of Professor Wegner’s Maps, & inks to them.)

Ian Glendinning's Annotated ZMM Route Map, With Copious Links To Related Good Stuff.
Dr. Ian Glendinning, of Psybertron.org, has created an annotated map of the "ZMM Route." It has a narrative summary of ZMM. The map shows the route, city names, state boundaries, rivers and other topographical land features like forests etc, as well as the ZMM Route itself shown in color. Although the map is small, it is a good resource to research and understand Robert Pirsig and his two books ZMM and LILA. The “Annotated Map," comes up on your computer screen with the MAP (bottom half of screen) and the correlated "Time / Place / ZMM Narrative” in Word Box” (top half of screen). Follow the instructions and take some time to explore this resource which comes up nicely on a variety of computers, even old ones!
BUT … ATTENTION: Ian's ZMM Route Map has links to selected photos on ZMMQ Gallery, which are out of date URL. To work-around this, your best choice is to bring up the ZMMQ Gallery Photos, in a second browser, then with your mouse hover over the photo link you want, read the URL address that pops up in the lower left corner of your Web Browser, such as FireFox: Then navigate the ZMMQ Photo Gallery to the same URL extension after the first / slash mark. Click below, to view Ian Glendinning's very nice ZMM route map, with Full annotations, explanations, and links to photos, keyed to EACH map location!!
A) Dr. Ian Glendinning's Annotated ZMM Route Map, BUT some links go to my ZMMQ Photo Gallery, where-upon, you MUST use the “work-around “ noted above.
Continued from A) above: Mr. Glendinning’s above map is only one of his (many side) efforts. His Primary Efforts Are To Construct A New Management Science Based On ZMM (in part). One way or another, all his most interesting webpage productions, are understood as integral to finding The What Where Why's Toward Getting People Effectively Working Together. Above, I have already mentioned much about Ian Glendinning's VERY Important & Vast Resources: But, just so you don't miss them, here is a RECAP of where to start reading: A Vast Resource: Much, Much, More Pirsig and ZMM Info, click below:
B) Ian Glendinning's TimeLine of ZMM Author Robert Pirsig's Life and Work. Very complete and. Interesting!!
C) Here is essentially Ian Glendinning's Pirsig & ZMM Links Page, one of the most extensive online collections of ZMM, & Pirsig resources..
D) Psybertron Asks What, Why & How do we Know ? Here are extensive commentaries on the news that attracts Mr. Glendinning’s attention: Ranging from Literature, Current Events, Internet Blogs ... and MORE, … even re ZMM & Pirsig.

The "Guidebook to Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" (by Ronald L. DiSanto & Thomas J. Steele)
…This guidebook has MANY Pirsig & ZMM Resources, including a small map and itinerary of the motorcycle trip, several published literary reviews of ZMM, an unpublished chapter, a complete listing (plus explanation) of the Pirsig’s "Master Motifs" used in ZMM, and much more. This is an incredible book that summarizes, and helps the reader to understand, various aspects of the ZMM book.
Adapted from Amazon.com Customer Reviews of ZMM => This "Guidebook” serves as a metaphorical "backpack of supplies" for the reader's journey through Pirsig’s original work. First and foremost, it gives you the necessary background on philosophy to get a better understanding of where the Pirsig is coming from." This guidebook is a great resource for persons who are using ZMM in their teaching. Highly recommended.
A') Many good reviews of Guidebook to ZMM are here. … After this page comes up, take you time (Quality), to scroll down half way, and read the “Customer Reviews”.

A Page With A Series of Town Name Links To Successive (Really Spectacular) Google Aerial Photos Along The ZMM Route. Also On This Webpage Is Much Other ZMM Information and Links.
These aerial photos are really spectacular. They are a good resource, but it takes a while to get through them and ONLY the person who already knows the route, would be able to pick it out.
R) Click on the town name, to get a Google Maps showing each indicated ZMM Route town, and the surrounding countryside. BUT since the ZMM Route itself is NOT indicated, you will have to use the series of given town names, to discern the ZMM Route Road.

MapQuest Has Similar Satellite Map Views That Are Just As Good, But Since The ZMM Route Itself Is NOT Indicated, You Will Have To Use The Series Of Given Town Names, To Discern The ZMM Route.
S) Click Here For MapQuest Map of Minneapolis, MN. AFTER this comes up, of At Right => Mouse hover over the White Controls, and move until says “Satellite”: Click on this.

Henry Gurr's 621 Collected GPS Waypoints, That Mark => The Travel Route So Accurately Described In Robert M. Pirsig’s Book “Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance”.
…After The BelowkBlue Link Comes Up You May Scroll Down The Above Bold Title For => Instructions For Displayed These GPS Waypoints On A Google Map. AND On This Google Map, In Turn, There Is =>

1) A ClickPoint For Requesting To See These GPS Waypoints, On Web Version Of GoogeEarth.
2) A ClickPoint For Download Of These GPS Waypoints, Into Your Computer, For Eventual Import InTo Your Handheld GPS Device.


Maps & Photos of Interesting Places Along the ZMM Route: The Below Are of Mostly In Miles City, MT Then Followed by => A MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY VIRTUAL TOUR. Please Send Your Suggestions!!

…Because I Was Searching the Web For Needed Photos, I Happened To Discover These Places Many Of Which Are In Or Around Miles City, MT.
…A Very Nice Capsule Summery of Miles City, MT From A Rand-McNally Map Web Page, Saying =>

”Once a wide open Wild West town, Miles City has become a respectable retailing and livestock center. If you'd like to take a break from rock hunting on the Yellowstone, you'll find several interesting attractions here including the Custer County Art Center, historical Fort Keogh, the Range Riders Museum, and the Wool House Gallery. … For steaks and seafood in an historical atmosphere, try the Hole in the Wall restaurant. The building dates back to 1875, it's decorated with pictures of Butch Cassidy and his gang, and has a genuine bullet hole in the bar. Open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, it's at 602 Main Street. (406-232-9887). Time Zone Mountain. Latitude/Longitude 46.40° /-105.85° .

…NOTE: I Will Add Links For Other Towns, If You Send Them To Me. '''
… SEE To learn the Town Name which are along the ZMM Route => Also see my 2002 ZMM Route Research Trip. These 832 Color Photos Shows Scenes Similar To Those That Robert Pirsig, Chris, John, and Sylvia Might Have Seen Along ZMM Route: Click Here For 832 Color Photos Taken By Henry Gurr, In June 2002.
…ATTENTION => AFTER This 5 Albums Page Comes Up, Please Scroll Down To The FIRST Small Photo, read description, then click on photo to see 4 Sub Albums for ZMM Book 4 Parts. These show scenes along ZMM Route. (Alternatively, you may click on the SECOND DOWN Small Color Photo in the at left Main Menu.)

Miles City Arts, Culture & Historic Preservation Commission, Provides An Easy To View And Read Listing Of The Major Buildings In Miles City, MT. This shows High Points of what you would see if you actually did a “Walking Tour”.
Click Here For Miles City Walking Tour.

Clio Admin , Provides A Farily Easy To View And Read Listing Of The Major Buildings In Miles City, MT. This shows High Points of what you would see if you actually did a “Walking Tour”.
Click Here For Miles City Montana Tour, Created by Clio Admin on August 10th 2020. AFTER this WebPage comes up, you will see a listing of 8 Major Buildings In Miles City, MT. You can clickon any of these to see a photograph, map, and read extensive explanation. When finished, at bottom right of each, clickon “Next”

After the Following MapQuest Link Comes Up, You Can See A Very Nice View Of Yellowstone River, Miles City, I-94, And Surrounding Green Irrigated Fields, And Surrounding Mountainous Regions.
Click Here For Satellite View Miles City, MT Territory.
… AFTER this map comes up, of At Right => Mouse hover over the White Controls, and move until says “Satellite”: Click on this. Then Zoom Out until you see “2 Mi” in small box at Lower Left Of Satellite View.
…Now, please study the Green from irrigation in Valleys and scattered green (in otherwise dry barren areas) of mountainous areas East & West of Town.

A 52 Minute Video Of => Miles City Montana Walking Tour By 4K City Walks: -A “Virtual Travel Walking Treadmill Walk”. 10K views since ~August 2021. '''
Click Here For A Full 52 Minute Walking Views Of Down Town Miles City, MT, With Full Explanation Of What Seen.
… AFTER this Video comes up, you will have to at first endure the You Tube Advertisements.

Views & Tours of Montana State University (MSU), formerly Montana State College(MSC), In Bozeman, MT: Since ZMM Author Was A Professor At MSC, And Many, Many, Of The Scenes In ZMM Took Place There. Thus, This “Church Of Reason” Is Of High Interest To Pirsig Pilgrims and ZMM Enthusiasts. '''

Montana State University msu360/vwt Campus Viewer: This Campus Viewer Starts With A 360 Degree Aerial View Of The MSU Campus, With Added Clickable Numbers 1 Thru 18 In Circles.
…ATTENTION1: AFTER the Blue Link Below comes up, you will see a 360 Degree Aerial View, which opens looking North, along a sidewalk directed toward Montana, which is the oldest building on campus. You should remember this general appearance, so you can keep oriented when you look at other MSU Campus Views. … AND if you look further North at the Distant Mountains, and then a bit left you see along the Skyline, you see the Highest Mountains have Snow. This is where the Beartooth Highway goes over the Absroka Range, and the general direction of Yellowstone National Park.
…ATTENTION2: AFTER the Blue Link Below comes up, you will see in Circles, Added Clickable Numbers 1 Thru 18 In Circles. ClickOn Any These For Photos & Voice Narrative Information Describing The Building Pictured. numbers 1 thru 18.
…ATTENTION3: AFTER the Blue Link Below comes up, you will see a Clickable “Welcome”. ClickOn this to START Your Campus Viewing. AND along the Skyling, right of center, you will see a Clickable “X Icon”. ClickOn this to END Your Campus Viewing.
a Click Here For msu360/vwt Campus Viewer.

A 9 Minute Video Of => Montana State University - MSU Basics, Showing Views All Around The Campus..
…By The Montana State University Office of Admissions Learn everything you need to know about Montana State University in this 9-minute video! Our Admissions Counselors will cover topics such as Bozeman, student life, academics, application steps, scholarships, and much more.
Click Here For A 9 Minute Tour Around The MSU Campus, With Explanation Of What This University Offers.

A Google Street View Opens Looking South, At MSU’s Montana Hall In The Distance. Image Capture July 2018.
Starting Here, With A Bit Of Effort & Skill, You Can Conduct Your OWN MSU Campus Virtual Tour.
….You Will See That Google Street View (GSV) Has Many Advantages, Since => In Addition To A ClickDrag 360 Deg Full Circle Panorama, Plus ClickDrag To Straight Up & Down, It Offers Ability To Magnify, and see better, Distant Details, Such As What A Distant Sign Says!!
…Right Click On The Blue Link below, ask for New Tab. And AFTER the page comes up => You Can ClickOn the Google Street View Image ON A BOLD WIDE GREEN STREET (not Faint Green Sidewalk), WHERE you want the “VIEW” To go. => Thus you can Successively Click-Click-Click = “GSV Drive” The street you see on your computer screen. You can even click-on a Side Street, to “GSV Drive” along that Side Street !! (If Available.)
… You can always “GSV Drive”, further to see more & more sights!! AND at any time you can Click-On The Plus & Minus To Zoom AND You can “ClickDrag” the Image On Screen in any direction, for a better view.
Every Google Street View (GSV), Has Available At Bottom, A “Strip-Map”, That At Lower Left, If You Click-On, Will “Expand Small Map” Will Go To Full Screen Width.
….AND everything said above about how to “manage” the GSV Image, ALSO applies to this Map. MOREOVER => If you want to “jump’ to a longer distance location, you can “ClickDrag” move map to new locations. THEN a click-on the Map, will jump your GSV to that place.
The Tiny Pointer at the base of the Yellow Pegman may show the direction of this photo view. <br />
…. This Strip Map shows Black PinPoints, each of which identifies a Named University Buildings, which you may ClickOn to See A GSV at that location.
…You will see small circles, which you may ClickOn to See A GSV at that location.
…Also you may see a note saying => <i> "Click highlighted areas to see images.” </i> This means you should look, just above, for one or several Small Circles. Try clicking your mouse (several times) all around that area, and One Or Several Photos will be displayed.
Click Here For A Google Street View “Do It Yourself” Tour, Starting At MSU’s Montana Hall In The Distance.

Click Here For Additional Instructions On How To Use Google Street View. ….http://venturearete.org/ResearchProjects/ProfessorGurr/gallery/August2019ZmmRouteResearch5of5/GoogStVu_ForsytheMT_RosebudCountyPubLibrary_Map_YellostoneRiv_CityPark_StreetGrid } For Even More Hints On Using Google Street View , AND What To Do If GSV Fails-To Respond Normally.

This Show & Tell MSU Tour Presentation Starts With A Video “Intro” which Has ClickDrag Views Around The Campus. AFTER You Click The “Skip Intro”, More Show & Tell Will Guide You Around The MSU Campus, And With A Click Show ClickDrag Panorama Views Around The Insides Of~ 8 Buildings.
Click Here For A MSU Show & Tell Campus Building Tour.

The Office of Admissions MSU Video Highlights, Says => “Seeing Is Believing And With MSU, There's Always More To See! So Check Out Our Youtube Channel For Videos Of Everything From Campus Tours And Commencement Ceremonies To Student Stories And Ski Science. “
Click Here For A MSU YouTube Collection, Of Campus Sales Pitch Videos.

A 40 Minute Video Of => Montana State University Virtual Walking Tour Miles ~December 2022.
…This video does a good job of showing the MSU Campus Scenery as the Cameraman walks among the campus buildings. … But there is NOT any voice track, to tell us the name of the building we are seeing, and what the building is used for. … Nor is there any way to know the direction of the walking, nor the name of any street crossed, or the name of any walkways or plazas encountered. … It would be very helpful have this information, so the viewer could follow your Walking Tour on a map … It this is added, please send an email HenryG__USCA.edu
Click Here For A Full 40 Minute View Of MSU Campus Scenery As The Cameraman Walks Among The Campus Buildings.
… AFTER this Video comes up, of course you will have to at first endure the You Tube Advertisements.

NOTE: The Above Showed Tours Of Towns & Universities. Please be aware that most Towns, Schools, & Universitie, and other Magor Institutions, s have similar “Show & Tell” Information Available, Just Bing or Google the Nane and you will find much of interest. ----

'A MSU Montana Mountains & Minds Magazine Article about ‘’Why Enthusiasts Travel “The ZMM Route’, Visit MSU, and the Home of Robert & Gennie DeWeese in Cottonwood Canyon, South of Bozeman MT.’’
Pirsig's Pilgrims & The ZMM Route, by Michael Becker • Published 10/12/11 in MSU Montana Mountains & Minds Magazine.

Click Here For => ZMM Stories, Essays, & Oral Histories of What &Why Actually Happened, to Persons Relative to ZMM Book, .

The Philosophical and the Literary.

A) [[https://www.youtube.com/user/BMWriderCanada | Click Here For Interesting Projects of James Forrester => On This Page of You Tubes, You Will Find Many Video’s Filmed by Mr. Forrester: These Are Of His Special Interest, Such As =>

1) Original footage shot at the Woodstock Music and Art Fair, August 15th-18th, 1969 and
2) ZMM ENTHUSIAST SHOULD WATCH => Click At Lower Left => Mr. Forrester’s Video Interview on New Zeeland’s “Des Molloy on Motorcycling”. ]]

B) James Forrester’s Essay => ZMM Book Is Contrasted With Jack Kerouac’s “On The Road”.

C) Psybertron’s Pirsig Pages, An Extensive Collection of ZMM & Pirsig Resources.
…This WebSite created by Ian Glendinning (already extensively explained & praised repeatedly above) was created by Ian Glendinning. Mr Glendinning is a Consultant, Engineer, and a Time-Management Expert, who uses the ZMM Book as a practical everyday Handbook for “Total Quality Management” !! (Known as “TQM”) In fact, ZMM and Mr Glendinning’s Entire Psybertron.org website (with daily blogs), are all part of his development of a New And Comprehensive Philosophy For Corporation Management!!! To this end, his wonderful & vast website, puts together an impressive array of ZMM and Pirsig information, as well as a Huge & Building & Incisive, Critique On Our Society & It’s Pretty Much Questionable, Condition of Modernism!!
…In this mass of evidence and critique, please note the following => Especially noteworthy, are Ian’s “TimeLine of Robert Pirsig’s Life”, his “Annotated Map of the ZMM Route” (mentioned above), & much, much re ZMM & Pirsig. These are ALL, Essential Resources For Researching And Understanding Robert Pirsig And His Two Books ZMM and LILA. AND .... THAT, is precisely why these resources were created: Mr. Glendinning discovered ZMM as an assigned text in his University Master’s Degree Graduate Program: His quite personal and Life Changing Encounter Is Here. From this small “door opening”, he embarked on a “30 year Journey”, leading to a major research effort to apply ZMM to the general problem of Enlightened Management in our troubled times. But there is a problem with saying "Quality Management", or even '' "Total Quality Management", because these are now horribly "abused terms."
And, Of Course, These “In Our Troubled Times” (Depletion Of Mineral Resources, Environmental Destruction, Global Warning & Consequences) .Are The Very Troubles That Pirsig Points Out & Wants Us To Take Action, As Expounded In ZMM and LILA.
…(For a related article, re Bureaucratic, British Education System, horribly "abused" MIS-USE, of the word “Quality”, see Dr. Anthony McWatt's webpage info paragraphs, re this topic => To find it, please > Do > Top This Page > Edit > Find British ).

2) Mr Glendinning's Has For Over 40 Years, Been Using The ZMM Book As A Practical Everyday HandBook for “Total Quality Management” Or, saying it better: The ZMM Book Is A Practical Everyday Handbook For “Quality Management” of Any And All Portions Of Your Life!!!

This special use of ZMM by Mr Glendinning, in turn, lead to his wide ranging “research probes”, which resulted in bring in much, much, additional information concerning ZMM and Pirsig: An interesting portion of all this, gets written up in Mr. Glendinning's Daily Blogs: So …. “search around”, in Mr Glendinning's Daily Blogs called “Psybertron Asks”.
…And to find what you want, this would be a good place to apply Google’s “Advanced Search”, where you fill int the blanks, with the additional choice “site of domain” set to Glendinning WebSite URL. , as fully explained elsewhere in this page, at Advanced Search .

3) A continuation from above discussion: So how did this incredible Glendinning effort get it’s start?
…For Mr Glendinning, the tiny trigger it similar to Pirsig’s words => “ ... Before his eyes, as he walked, he saw a star of crystalline material in the solution appear and then grow suddenly and radiantly until it filled the entire vessel. He saw it grow. Where before was only clear liquid there was now a mass so solid he could turn the vessel upside down and nothing would come out." The one sentence "I hope you are teaching Quality to your students" was said to him, and within a matter of a few months, growing so fast you could almost see it grow, came an enormous, intricate, highly structured mass of thought, formed as if by magic.” ''

…So for Ian Glendinning we have the question => From whence Cometh His Seed Crystal? And here is the answer =>
In His Review Of Robert Pirsig’s Book ZMM, Mr Glendinning Says The Following, Concerning What Was ... (In My HSG Words) .... Really An Encounter : With Pirsig’s Book:
Mr Glendinning continues saying =>
ZMM is [was for me} a journey - at least four in fact --- two real in the present, one historical narrative, and one metaphorical. .... ZAMM provides a gripping and involving story. The emotive power arises from Pirsig's own credentials in philosophical academia as a student and teacher of rhetoric, coupled with the passion and frustration that jumps off the page and grabs the reader by the throat. .... For anyone with an interest in the big questions of life, this is a good read. For anyone concerned with making progress in the details of the underlying philosophical debate, it is a text worthy of serious research.

Dr Anthony McWatt’s Website, Robertpirsig.Org: “Is A Site Primarily Concerned With The Philosophical Study Of Robert Pirsig's Work”. Dr McWatt’s PhD Thesis Was On Robert Pirsig's "Metaphysics of Quality (MOQ)" .
…The Robertpirsig.Org Site is administrated by Dr Anthony McWatt, a PhD graduate of the University of Liverpool's Department of Philosophy. Dr McWatt (who was the first person to obtain a PhD in Robert Pirsig’s “Metaphysics of Quality”), has devoted many years to the philosophical interpretation of Pirsig’s MOQ, and how it relates to the writings of other philosophers, especially the Pragmatists. Dr. McWatt's WebSite serves to amplify, promote and make publicly available, a considerable amount of material on Pirsig not available elsewhere.
…There are numerous academic papers and dissertations which are freely available at his website. And, in addition, there were once (but no longer) for purchase, an equally numerous Series of Items Authored by Dr Anthony McWatt himself: These comprise, Papers, PhD Thesis, and many DVD’s related to Pirsig, ZMM, & Lila. Descriptions (and Links) are given Blue Link below, but first you need following two How To’s”, Re Using Dr. McWatt’s WebSite:

a) You will need to remember the meaning of the term MOQ as you read below re Dr Anthony McWatt’s Website: The abbreviation, MOQ, is (was) used often by Robert Pirsig himself, as an abbreviation for his MAJOR CONCEPT => “Metaphysics of Quality”: Mr Pirsig first propounded The MOQ, in his book “ZMM”, and then greatly expanded-on in his book “LILA”. You will see MOQ mentioned ~44 times on this WebPage, and of course in nearly all Documents Concerning: Pirsig, Lila, and ZMM. Therefore a word to wise: Remember All This! SIDE NOTE: Since Robert Pirsig himself used the important term Metaphysics of Quality, the abbreviation MOQ, gets used extensively in any discussion of his books, ZMM and LILA. To see this Idea called MOQ, on this page you are reading => With Mouse > Go > Top of this page > Edit > Find > MOQ Then > Hit Enter, successively, as you watch the “hits”, which well be many!! See especially www.moq.org/ ~18 inches below, f
b) Concerning the Look and Feel, of Dr McWatt's robertpirsig.org/ Website: Please note that you will find your “McWatt WebPage Experience” somewhat UN-usual: First off, in the positive direction, his pages have a nice aesthetic appeal, and we should learn from what it tells us!! Lending a nice “Oriental Flavor” to the WebSice, is the prominent use on every page, of a really nice Oriental Zen Look, Ideogram!! (And, if you were wondering, this Ideogram is the Sanskrit word for “rta”, which can loosely be translated as “dharma” or “right order”. You must read Pirsig’s second book, LILA, for more information about this primal word; a word so old, it has modern derivatives both in East Asian and Western languages!)

Another feature of robertpirsig.org/ Website, is the liberal use of imagery derived from Picasso’s paintings on the main pages. ..... But ... just the same the “McWatt WebPage” lay-out takes some “getting used to, since the mouse click points are in unusual places, and often not where you expect them. This is not necessarily bad …. just different …. and potentially better …. and even more aesthetic …. Pirsig might say “higher Quality!!” Another thing will require your attention: Some of the most important mouse click points (“Home”, "MOQ", "News", & “Links”) are nearly invisible, against a dark background, along the bottom edge of Ideogram: The Ideogram, is itself located at the top left hand corner, of every WebPage.
So, here’s HSG’s suggested “ZMM Cure” and “ZMM Problem To Be Solved”: This is a Pirsig “Learn By Doing” Exercise: On every Robertpirsig.Org page, move your mouse pointer over every square inch of the page, and note when the “pointer,” changes to a “hand”. Simultaneously you will then see the “Subject Words” become highlighted, and at lower left, you will see “popping into place” the URL of where your newly discovered Link will take you!! So ... Happy Zen Hunting!! PS: The above instructions work for the FireFox Internet Browser. I assume Apple’s Safari Browser, & Google’s Chrome Browser, will be similar. However, I discover that MS Internet Explorer Browser, doesn’t seem to have this feature, in some versions. Please email, if you have more information, on this.
Continued: Dr Anthony McWatt’s Website, Robertpirsig.Org: This site also has quite a number of Pirsig & ZMM items authored by World Renowned Experts, as well as many items Dr McWatt’s has authored, or created: Nearly all of these, are concerning: Robert Pirsig, ZMM, and Lila. Links to find your way into these, are the following:

C) Furthermore, Dr. McWatt has an excellent Web Article on the ‘horrible abuse” MIS-USE of the word “Quality” in the British Schools and Universities.
D) And also, so you don't miss any important stuff, please study Dr McWatt’s “MOQ Introduction Page” found here: This Introduction page is probably the best one to look at first if you are new to Pirsig’s books. There are introductory articles both by Dr Anthony McWatt and Robert Pirsig here.
E) So you don't miss other important stuff, please note that every paper and article at robertpirsig.org WebSite, is listed on the News page here: The News page is worth visiting first if you are already familiar with Pirsig’s work and want to see the latest developments in this area.
F) n looking for something else, Quality Strikes!! I hit upon this is a “Don’t Miss” !! => David Buchanan’s “Fun With Blasphemy”
G) Dr. McWatt is also an occasional contributor to the MOQ Discussion Group (more details of which were once available, but no more, mentioned below.) Click here to view these MOQ Blogs.
H) Dr McWatt Also Suggest You Consult: The Stanford University •Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Which Comes to You, From the Metaphysics Research Lab, & The Stanford University’s Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI)
Continued: Dr Anthony McWatt’s Website, Robertpirsig.Org: This site also has a number of items Dr McWatt’s has authored, or created: These are => His Thesis Publications, E-Books, and DVDs, which were once available, but no longer available for sale, in either USD or British £ Pound. Nearly all of these, are concerning: Robert Pirsig, ZMM, and Lila. These altogether comprise of the following:’’’

1) Dr McWatt’s PhD Thesis on the MOQ (“A Critical Analysis of Robert Pirsig’s Metaphysics of Quality”).
2) A less academic reader: “MOQ Textbook”.
3) “The Pirsig-McWatt Letters PDF” (which includes Dr McWatt’s correspondence with ZMM Author, Robert Pirsig, between 1993 and 1998), and
4) Dr McWatt’s MA Thesis (which includes hand written annotations by Pirsig).
5) Dr McWatt has also created four DVDs which form part of an authorized film series devoted to Pirsig’s life and work. The most important films, regarding the conception of ZMM and of the 1968 motorcycle journey it describes, are: “On The Road with Robert Pirsig” and “On The Road with John Sutherland”.

I) A Site To Share and Learn About Author Robert Pirsig and His Literary Works.
According To This Sites Introduction, “The Metaphysics of Quality” (MOQ) WebSite, exists to provide a forum for discussion and study of the Metaphysics of Quality as proposed by Robert M Pirsig in his books ‘’Lila- An Inquiry Into Morals’’ and ‘’Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - An Inquiry Into Values’’.
Click here for a great deal of information on ZMM Related Articles (& Books), ZMM Book Reviews, ZMM Links Pages, as well as a large number Discussion Forums devoted to the MOQ. There are also Archives. Much to explore in its many pages and extensive links!!

J) The Urban Dharma --- Buddhism In America --- Website, Has One Page about Robert Pirsig & his ZMM Book. (Urban, of course means: “In a City”, or “Like the Ways of a City”, and from what I can tell, many Urban Dharma Temples are in big cities. But, after Googling around a bit, it is unclear why this organization has Urban in its name. (From Wikipedia=> “Dharma, a Sanskrit word [from Ancient Asian India], means: “That which upholds, supports or maintains the regulatory order of the universe, .... [this] means Law or Natural Law and is a concept of central importance in [Asian] Indian philosophy and religion. As well as referring to Law in the universal or abstract sense dharma designates those behaviours considered necessary for the maintenance of the natural order of things.[2] Therefore dharma may encompass ideas such as duty, vocation, religion and everything that is considered correct, proper or decent behaviour. The idea of dharma as duty or propriety derives from an idea found in India's ancient legal and religious texts that there is a divinely instituted natural order of things (rta) and justice, social harmony and human happiness require that human beings discern and live in a manner appropriate to the requirements of that order. ''
…Of course => All this, to me, sounds very much like ZMM, and thus we can see why => The Urban Dharma --- Buddhism In America --- WebSite, Has A Page Devoted To Robert Pirsig’s Work!!.

J) The Virtual School Distributed Learning Community: Many Fascinating WebPages, By PhD Brad Cox, A ZMM Illuminated & Enlightened Education, and Computer Programming Expert.
In A Plan for a New University, Brad Cox , VirtualSchool.org Creator wrote:
…Academic reform initiatives often run aground on either 1) Disputes between advocates of what is often called academic rigor on the one hand and 2) Relevance on the other. Such debates are unnecessary and harmful. The world expects both rigor AND relevance, together and inseparable, and resents having to choose between one or the other, as they do now, in choosing between narrow skills training at a technical academy and a broad liberal arts education at a university. The traditional separation of theory from practice is artificial, an artifact of the disciplinary structure of traditional academia; part of the problem and not on the path to a solution. Theory and practice should be integrated so intimately that the question of which [of these two alone practices ] is "best" =…. NEVER emerges!! [Small editing changes, to increase emphasis, by Henry Gurr.]
K) In “A Plan for a New University”, Brad Cox's Students Give Evaluations of his ZMM Inspired Teaching Methods. They answer: “In what ways do these methods succeed? In what ways does they fall short? ”
Cont from above: The Virtual School Distributed Learning Community, Created By Dr Brad Cox, A ZMM Illuminated / Enlightened Education, and Computer Programming Expert.
Although Dr. Brad Cox”s “Virtual School” Seems a Very Valuable Creation, It’s Internet Plan Is Not Easy To Discern, Either From His Eclectic Website, or Home Page: So, Below I Offer, a Few Quotes (with related Links) That Will Get You “Up To Speed” On What Dr Cox Is Doing, And What He Cares About.
... May I suggest that, you click on each of the links below, and then AFTER the WebPage comes up, continue to brows around his site. (Alternatively, use Google's Advanced Search, to for the topic(s) you want: Be sure to keep your search restricted to VirtualSchool.org, by doing this => On Google’s Advanced Search Page, where it says “site or domain”. BE SURE to type into the blank field, this URL => http://virtualschool.edu/ at https://www.google.com/advanced_search
Continued from above; Mr. Cox stated: “I use Robert Pirsig's ‘’Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance’’ as a textbook in my “Learning the Electronic Frontier Course”. [For example:] This essay by Greg Balzer, a student in the [my] Fall 1998 session, perfectly captured the reasons [why I, Brad Cox, use the Book ZMM as a] textbook in what most think is [merely] a technical course on web publishing.” [Here follows a most excellent excerpt from Dr Cox's student, Greg Balzer's writing, who on this WebPage says the following (excerpt) about Dr Cox’s web publishing course => ]
…“I must seek to find a union between the classical and romantic views at a basic level. Thus, I must not only focus on the "technology" taught in the class, but I must also be very aware of the romantic, or artistic appeal of my portfolio. I must find a way to creatively use the technology to produce an object which has value, or Quality.” To do this, I must really care about my work, or as Pirsig states on page 267, I must identify with what I'm doing, which will allow me to see the reverse side of caring, which is Quality. Further, Pirsig points out on page 247, that “care and Quality are internal and external qualities of the same thing. A person who sees Quality and feels it as he works is a person who cares. A person who cares about what he sees and does is a person who's bound to have some characteristics of Quality.” [Please be sure to read the rest of what Greg Balzar says link below!! To this I say: “ BRAVO!! This is really ZMM, in a Nutshell!! Thank you Greg Balzer!! And thank you Dr Cox for achieving this excellent “in the flow” understanding in your Web Publishing Course!!” HSG ]
L) AFTER theWebPage Blue Link below, comes up you will see these important student statements =>
“After reading Pirsig, the first thing that strikes me is I must seek to find a union between the classical and romantic views at a basic level. Thus, I must not only focus on the "technology" taught in the class, but I must also be very aware of the romantic, or artistic appeal of my portfolio. I must find a way to creatively use the technology to produce an object which has value, or Quality.” … To do this, I must really care about my work, …
….”I must also be aware that there are several traps which can detract from the Quality of my Portfolio. These are known as Gumption Traps. But as Pirsig points out on page 257, "stuckness shouldn't be avoided. It's the physic predecessor of all real understanding. An egoless acceptance of stuckness is a key to an understanding. Thus, I must approach my work with a certain peace of mind, accepting the setbacks and hangups as a part of the process. Instead of seeing these as obstacles, I must see them as opportunities to learn and to grow. Physical, Mental and Value quietness as Pirsig points out on page … “ …
… “I must be internally quiet, and come to the technology with a certain peace of mind, and unite the romantic and classical tools which will be required to produce a portfolio which is based on Quality, which is really nothing more than a reflection of my own internal values. ” ….
J) Here is the rest of the abovementioned writing of Brad Cox's student, Greg Balzer, Writing On Pirsig:
M) Here follows is an excerpt from Brad Cox's student, Sara Bartos: who says => “ …“Arriving at Quality work will not be an easy task. As Pirsig points out, the road to Quality can have many traps. According to Pirsig, a person starts out full of gumption, which is exactly what one needs to connect to Quality.”
N) Brad Cox plan proposes a Modular, Interdisciplinary Curriculum delivered to classrooms, homes, and offices according to his ”Use the right tool for the job philosophy”.
Brad Cox's approach here is very much Pirsig's suggested ways: This whole page (down to “Modular”) strikes me as important! Signed Henry S Gurr, ZMMQ Web Master.
…Brad Cox's approach here is very much Pirsig's suggested ways: For example, this is shown in what Brad Cox says this =>

* Students demonstrate their writing skills initially by writing recipes for others to follow, describing how they accomplished technical steps. The course infrastructure publishes such work to everyone, thus creating peer pressure to write well. I critique the answers with a special web form whose output appears annotations alongside each answer when the student reviews the task again. Thus, the course teaches basic writing skills implicitly, in the context of everyday problem solving, not divorced from practical concerns.
* The course addresses questions of value and quality in the context of web publishing, not philosophy as a disciplinary subject divorced from practical concerns.
* A subsequent task requires students to publish a student portfolio on the web. The apparent purpose is to demonstrate newly acquired technical skills. However students gradually become aware that there's a larger purpose, which is to raise the theoretical question, "What is Quality", in connection with the practical question of what should be included in, and what excluded from, a published work. Since quality and value (particularly objective, subjective and intersubjective meanings) have been introduced in advance, students have a theoretical vocabulary to apply to a practically grounded task.

O) An Appreciative Approach To Technology, [to facilitate] “post-modern organization's desire to expand lines of communication and understanding between people.”
P) A Brad Cox Virtual School Annotated Reading List => About Which He Says => “These links … lead to more 150MB of information. The guidebook, courses, and article warehouse can help you get oriented.”
Q) On the Topic OF QUALITY: This Page is a series of => a) Selected ZMM Book Quotes & b) Many Links To WebSites of Other Important Thinkers.
R) A Very Long & Important Letter To “Me”, From “Myself”. An Exploration into Quality: Life, Evil, Good, Desperation, Judaism and Christianity.

What Is Education? And The Answer Is Provided by => Robert Pirsig in his book Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, where in his book he discusses the Church of Reason, which represents the current education system.

Dave Petersen, who is an "aging" hippie from the '60's, and has had the opportunity/pleasure to teach at Albany (NY) High School. After teaching for thirty five years, it is very clear to me that the current “stuff” we teach is, for most kids, not worth much. …I have had lots of conversations, over the years, with my students about how one gets to be “the best” at something. This question allows me to tell them about Robert Pirsig’s book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.”

Trinity University, San Antonio, TX => Has A General Education First Year Seminar => “Big Books, Big Ideas”, which is designed to prepare first-year Trinity University students to evaluate materials, develop critical thinking skills, and develop communication skills both verbally and in written form. … “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” (ZMM), Is One Of The Three Books Studied.

Writings On the Topic of Quality: (Links i), j), Q), & R) Above & A) thru J) Below.)

Dr Brad Coxe, In His VirtualSchool.org Webpages (the 2 Blue Links above, and the 1 Blue Link below) … Has Such a Very Good Sense of Robert Pirsig's Message(s) Re Quality In Book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance … That I was Prompted To Add The Below A) & B) => To This New Links Section => “Writings On the Topic of Quality”,
A) On the Topic OF QUALITY: This Page is a series of => a) Selected ZMM Book Quotes & b) Many Links To WebSites of Other Important Thinkers.
C) Christopher Bartneck’s Professional Paper on “The Relationship of ZMM (& Thus Quality) To The Science of Design”. (This duplicates the same entry you saw for Links to Christopher Bartneck's Site above. )
D) Christopher Bartneck discusses ZMM in particular and science in general in his excellent new essay entitled: “Robert Pirsig’s Metaphysics of Quality and Its Relationship to the Science of Design.”
E) What is the Quality Event? Norwegian Bodvar Skutvik's essay "The Quality Event: a Treatise on the Metaphysics of Quality"
F) AFTER This Page Comes Up ClickOn => About Quality Metaphysics, my encounter with and the controversy surrounding it. Then, ClickOn “English” as needed
…Bodvar Skutvik's essay hopes to at least provide an outsider's introduction to the Metaphysics of Quality based on his readings of ZMM and Lila. Available as a download as well.
G How Does Quality Relate to Social Evolution?
"Beyond Lila: Defining the 'Social' in Pirsig's Metaphysics of Quality,"
H) Margaret Hettinger's 1998 Essay, Examines Both Social And Intellectual Constructions Of Quality. This Essay Is Titled => “Beyond Lila: Defining "Social" in Pirsig's Metaphysics of Quality”
I) Back in the years around 2001, the link /homepage.mac.com/mhettinger/hettingr/maggie/MaggieIndex.html was available. But as of this writing Sept 4, 2023 it is not found on the Internet OR Archive.org. … The Blue Link above at bottom shows a link “Hettinger's Home Page, but this no longer works.

J) Mr. Soichiro Honda, A Man Of Quality!! Here Is Information Concerning, “A Man Who's Efforts Produced Motorcycles Of Quality!!
This Above Is What Suddeny “Crystallized” In My Mind, When I First Read Over These Most Interesting Pages by Michael Stoic!!
A SIDE NOTE:BY HSG: I remember so very clearly my automatic spontaneous thoughts back at that time => “Mr. Honda .... He Is A Man Of Quality”!! .... This realization “Came crashing down” in a Flood Of Feeling!! And this was ~8 years ago, back In ~2004!! This phrase, “Came crashing down”!!
… NOTE: This, “Came crashing down” is a repeated Pirsig- phrase, that is in ZMM, and also his letters to me.

Below Is: History and Extensive Information Re The Honda 305 Motorcycle, and It's Japanese Designer, Mr Soichiro Honda, As Well As Other Pirsig & ZMM Resources, AND As well as parts & repair information.
…Below are good sites for extensive information re history of the Honda 305 Motorcycles and its designer: Mr. Soichiro Honda. ZMM Enthusiast should be sure to read these. Also, these pages have where to get parts, manuals, sell your cycle, and see photos of various 305s owned by people around the globe. Site has good review of ZMM and many links.

When I recently complimented Mr. Michael Stoic on how much I liked the Honda information on his http://www.honda305.com/ site, he replied to my email as follows: "It's great to know that old Honda [ie the honds305, and similar] continues to inspire interest both in the literary and riding crowds (not mutually exclusive).”
…”In the month of June, 2008, honda305.com received in excess of 600,000 hits and I am confident they were NOT all from people looking for parts." ..... “I built the bulk of honda305 Site during the 1997 and 1999 span of years, but I continue to add and edit as new information arrives (and time allows). I will certainly incorporate the information and links you have sent me. Realistically, I'd estimate the revisions to [hopefully] take place once the cold weather arrives; I am a rider (primarily BMW, these days) and the summer months are pretty much spoken for, leisurewise.” …. “Thank you for including me in the communication chain on this topic!” Michael Stoic honda305.com . “

…[Mr. Michael Stoic's email continues:] “PS A few years ago, I authored {wrote] the initial CB77 article on Wikipedia, seeing there was nothing there, at the time. Since then, the article underwent a number of inevitable revisions, of course, but I am proud to see that the bulk of text remains as I've originally written it.”

1) A good place to start viewing Mr. Stoic's site are the following: AND after these pages come up, be sure to follow ALL 6 links in the boxes at upper right on these pages:

J) Too Good a Quality, To Pass Up!!...But Unfortunately Requires “Flash Player” Which Is No Longer Available
…Midway, on this WebPage you are currently reading you saw “Virtual School Distributed Learning Community Brad Cox,
Also Discovered On One of Dr Brad Cox’s WebSite, This Is Just For Fun!!
…Although ONLY Useful As An Eye-Catching Way To “SEE” An Overview of Topics, Software ShowsThe Topics On a Given Website: EMPIRE TAG is a Flash-Based tag cloud designed in form of a 3D Cylindrical “Drum Roll [which constantly rolls on the computer screen, showing potentially 100's of Key Words. Very unusual!! Visitors won't pass it by!!
HOWEVER ATTEMTON: .As of this writing Sept 5, 2023 => After you ClickOn the above Blue Link, you will see Orange Distorted Words in a Black Rectangle. An ther this “3D Cylindrical “Drum Roll”, is supposed to start. But instead the Orang Words Go Away. :-((
… On Archive.org Nov 28, 2011 version, I see => “Download Widget”.This “Download” does come into my computer, and looks like it has all og=f the correct parts, Including a “READ Me” The following excerpt is the most relevant =>.
== Description ==
EmpiriTag Widget is Flash-based tag cloud designed in form of 3D drum. It is a plugin for Wordpress blogs. Comparing to a regular tag cloud EmpiriTag Widget is more effective and playful. Visitor of your blog won't pass by!
== Installation ==
Make sure you're Initial release version.
DATELINE Feb4, 2024: by Henry Gurr => I have just gone thru all of Brad Cox’s WebPages On Archive, that I can find, and don’t see any “Cylinder Drum Roll.
But, Here Are Two Videos That Shows What The “Words On Rotating Cylinder” Might Look Like =>

“On Quality: An Inquiry into Excellence: Unpublished and Selected Writings.”
by Robert M Pirsig (Author), Wendy K. Pirsig (Author) Hardcover – April 26, 2022. '''

L) If Know Of More Writings Specifically, “On the Topic of Quality”, Please Let Me Know.

More Pirsig & ZMM Internet Resources

An Extensive List Of Robert Pirsig & Zmm Internet Resources, Available “On-Line”.
A) Vancouver-based author and photographer, Patrick Jennings, offers a list of online resources, within his eJournal WebPages concerning Robert Pirsig & ZMM.

B) "Will the Real Richard McKeon Please Stand Up?" This Is An article from the University of Chicago magazine, about the man who purportedly served as the model for who Phaedrus (In ZMM) called "The Chairman." This professor was the Chair of the U of C Academic Program called "Committee for the Analysis of Ideas and Study of Methods," at The University of Chicago.

C) An Unidentified Computer Programmer, Has a Good Start on a ZMM Book Commentary, Page By Page, Paragraph By Paragraph. But only the First Two ZMM Chapters are Completed: He Needs To Finish It !! BZen's Introduction “A ZMM Book Commentary”, Page By Page.

D) Cont from above: BZen's Comments on ‘’’Chapter 1’’’ of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. If you know Computer Programmer, BZen, please ask him for me, to Now Complete His Excellent Commentary!!!

E) Cont from above: BZen's Comments on Chapter 2 of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. If you know Computer Programmer, BZen, please ask him for me, to Now Complete His Excellent Commentary!!!

Perceptions of Quality: Further Exploration of Robert M. Pirsig's Metaphysics of Quality.
A) This website serves as the homepage for the book Lila's Child: An Inquiry into Quality, which is Dan Glover's compilation of "Lila Squad" online forum discussion postings. This book is essentially an edited version of several years of forum style, email interchange, much like those currently here: On left of the page that comes up, click on the Red “ORITINAL MOQ WEBSITE”, And AFTER this comes up click on => "Browse the MD archives". Although lots of persons clearly much like these Forums, I personally do not get much out of these forum exchanges, in their current form, now called MOQ Discuss. Ditto for the discussions in the book Lila’s Child.
E) Cont from above: In addition to a huge listing of links to essays and other resources, this site also offers Glover's original essays ranging from the 1) Literary: Comparing Pirsig's work with other authors, to the 2) Philosophical parsing out of the MOQ. “A Lila Study Guide Index” and "A Lila Squad" Archives” Are two additional valuable resources here.

F) Weather & Landscape Serve To Telegraph Ones Inner Thinking, A Literary Research Paper.
…In the conclusion to his essay “Place, Vision, and Identity in Native American Literatures,” Professor Robert Nelson discusses the impact of the book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”.. Nelson writes
…“I was especially intrigued by Pirsig's use of climate and geography as controlling metaphors for the intellectual topography of conventional postwar American thinking and spiritual vision, by how conveniently changes in weather and landscape serve to telegraph or accompany changes in the drift and direction of the nameless narrator's own thinking. The topological analogy between landscape and vision in the texture of this novel, I thought, brought into question some of our century's--and our culture's--most cherished assumptions about the primacy and autonomy of human consciousness. In Pirsig's text, the structure and motion of narrative consciousness seemed (and still seems) to me to depend as much on the physical landscape through which it moves as on the currents of the intellectually mainstream ideas it retraces. That is, for all the overt abstractness-- sometimes even abstruseness--of the novel's metaphysical subject matter, its basic structure seem fundamentally realistic, at least in the sense that the structure and motion of its [ZMM's] plot remain consistently responsible to the topography of the physical landscape through which the protagonist moves. Mapping place names and descriptions on a Rand-McNally road atlas, one can trace exactly the protagonist's itinerary all the way from Breckenridge, Minnesota (ZMM page 25) west to Bend, Oregon (ZMM page 294), then south along the Pacific coast towards San Francisco (ZMM page 372). I did this, and then I toyed for some time with the idea of replicating (that is, literally driving, though in an automobile rather than on a motorcycle) the narrator's itinerary, just to see whether Pirsig was being so topographically accurate and, if so, whether knowing this would make any difference to a reading of the novel. I never made that trip. Instead, I ended up spending the limited travel time of my first sabbatical to make a different trip for similar purposes [in New Mexico].”
…To me, Professor Nelson is suggesting that the ZMM-enthusiast, (modern explorer), traveling west like ZMM author Robert Pirsig, would sense Pirsig's landscape in new or more profound ways. Perhaps with ZMM as a Travel Guide, the modern traveler could become a "Pirsig Pilgrim." The enlightening experience, of the pilgrimage and the landscape, would then provide in new ways of seeing and experiencing. As Professor Nelson said in a different article, "[ZMM provides new ways of seeing] what is in front of you, around you, and within you".

Click on following two links: For the respectively Professor Nelson’s:

E) ZMM and the Crisis of Reason: Scott Consigny's Essay “Rhetoric and Madness”: Concerning => Robert Pirsig's Inquiry into Values“ originally appeared in a 1977 edition of the Southern Speech Communications Journal. In it, Consigny argues that Pirsig has constructed an alternative paradigm to the prevailing rationalism.

F) Madness as a Literary Device: "The Quality of Madness in Robert M. Pirsig’s ZMM: A Conversation."Gaal Yahas' entertaining dialogue explores how Pirsig uses an invitation to madness as a literary device..

G)We here wish to thank Doug Renselle, for his willing assistance, in posting onto his Quantonics website, .a Link to my then new Henry Gurr’s WebSite. This was My Original Proposed to “Search, 'The ZMM Route' for new ZMM Information, and Historical Site Locations (Spring 2002).

1) [[http://www.Quantonics.com/ | '''A Site to Share and Learn about Many Philosophical Ideas, Some Of Which Use ZMM Book As A Starting Point.
2) Click here for Doug Renselle's ideas Re Quantonics & Other “Way Out Thoughts”, As To How the Human Mind Works. ''']]

H) Michael Polanyi, Is An Author Who In Many Ways, Is Saying What Robert Pirsig Said.
Here Is What Wikipedia Says About Professor Michel Polanyi. (An Excerpt)
…“From the mid-1930s, Polanyi began to articulate his opposition to the prevailing positivist account of science, arguing that it failed to recognize the part played by tacit knowing and the creative role played by the imagination. Tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge were held coefficient, coexistent and indivisible. Polanyi viewed positivism as encouraging some to believe that scientific research ought to be directed by the State. He drew attention to what happened to genetics in the Soviet Union, once the doctrines of Trofim Lysenko gained political approval. Polanyi, like Friedrich Hayek, supplied reasons why it is desirable to live within a free society. .. Polanyi embraced the existence of objective truth (Personal Knowledge, p. 16). However, he criticized the notion that there is such a thing as the scientific method. Given the important, even necessary, role that a scientist's personal skills, biases, and passions play in the discovery process,

…I Henry Gurr, am studying more about the interrelation of the thought of author Michael Polanyi to that of Robert Pirsig, and invite persons interested to contact me. Polanyi argued that knowing is personal.

… To find 11 more of interest > Do > Top of this page > Edit > Find > … Polanyi…

I) Owen Barfield Is An Author Who, In Many Ways, Is Saying What Robert Pirsig Said.
Here Is What Wikipedia Says About Owen Barfield. (An Excerpt)
…“ Arthur Owen Barfield (9 November 1898 – 14 December 1997) was a British philosopher, author, poet, critic, and member of the Inklings.”
…”Barfield was born in London, to Elizabeth (née Shoults; 1860–1940) and Arthur Edward Barfield (1864–1938). He had three elder siblings: Diana (1891–1963), Barbara (1892–1951), and Harry (1895–1977). He was educated at Highgate School and Wadham College, Oxford and in 1920 received a first class degree in English language and literature. After finishing his B. Litt., which became his third book Poetic Diction, he was a dedicated poet and author for over ten years. After 1934 his profession was as a solicitor in London, from which he retired in 1959 aged 60. Thereafter he had many guest appointments as Visiting Professor in North America. Barfield published numerous essays, books, and articles. His primary focus was on what he called the "evolution of consciousness," which is an idea which occurs frequently in his writings. He is best known as the author of “Saving the Appearances: A Study in Idolatry”, [and author of “Poetic Diction: A Study In Meaning. ”, ] and as a founding father of Anthroposophy in the English speaking world.

…I Henry Gurr, am studying more about the interrelation of the thought of author Owen Barfield to that of Robert Pirsig. and invite persons interested to contact me. Polanyi argued that knowing is personal.

NOTE: … To find 10 more of interest > Do > Top of this page > Edit > Find > … Barfield …

“Owen Barfield: A Change of Consciousness” by Jeanne Clayton Hunter.
…MS Jeanne Clayton Hunter served on the faculty of Nassau Community College. Her friendship with Owen Barfield spanned over many years and she co-edited the book “A Barfield Sampler” with Thomas Kranidas.. Click Here.
…[[https://owenbarfield.org/BARFIELD/Barfield_Scholarship/Hunter_Change.html | Click Here For => A perceptive Article About The Writings of Owen Barfield, Some Of His Major Ideas, and Other Significant Authors, Who Find Barfield’s Contributions Quite Valuable

A Chautauqua, Presented in the Manner of Robert Pirsig, But Also Reflection On the Philosophy & Practical Experience of Pirsig's Book ZMM.
A) The Author of this page says: “I intend this Chautauqua to cover the Question of not only, “The Art of Reason”, but also, the feeling of “Justice (Balance, Harmony). And [also] The Relation Of Justice, To Good Government: (NB- NOT POLITICS) …. And anything else that comes up and is interesting.” Signed: Herr Rudolphus der Rude. (His alias here is apparently => Token.) Click here for “The Art of Reason – A “Prospectus”: What I want to do is hold a ”Chautauqua”.

“No Design Is A Good Design." Says Christoph Bartneck, Ph.D, a "Senior Lecturer and Director of Postgraduate Studies, Canterbury University, The Human Interface Technology Lab, New Zealand, New Zealand Institute of Language, Brain and Behaviour (NZILBB).
Professor Bartneck actually uses the book ''Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance’’ as he does his design work on Robots, and language for robots. We can assume that ZMM is most likely also used in his classes, as well as is strongly recommended to his students. The next link down, leads to Dr Bartnick's WebPage with much ZMM & Pirsig information. This page also features a Series of Town Name Links To Successive Google Aerial Photos Along The ZMM Route: These aerial photos are really spectacular!!! They are a good resource: They show (for each indicated ZMM Route town) the surrounding countryside, even mountains. However, alas, the ZMM Route itself is NOT indicated. Only the person who already knows the route would be able to pick it out. (Somewhere, I have notes about another such, potentially better, ZMM Route Map Set. I will start searching for them. Send an email if you know of any.)

Christopher Bartneck’s Professional Paper on Relationship of ZMM & Quality To The Science of Design. (This duplicates the same entry you will see below for Links to “On The Topic of Quality.”)

Matt Kundert's “Pirsig Affliction Website”, you can find: A Short Pirsig Presentation On the Topic of Modernism and Time. (Date not given.)
A) [Mr Kundert says:] “This was a presentation for a literature class I took about a year ago. The subject was Modernism and time, and we were each asked to read a book on our own, and relate the subject of the [our university?] class to it. I took the easy way out and did [my paper on ZMM &] Pirsig, but it allowed me to not only help some of the students handle the theoretical concepts we were struggling with, but also focus some thoughts about Pirsig and his narrative.
A) Matt Kundert's “Pirsig Affliction”: A Pirsig Presentation On the Topic of Modernism and Time.

"The Intersection of Martin Heidegger and Robert Pirsig Is Important!”
Patricia Morrill, English Composition Teacher, English Department, Santa Barbara City College, Santa Barbara CA, says "The intersection of Martin Heidegger and Robert Pirsig is an important one and an [area] which has yet to be properly explored academically! This work of mine directs the scholar to what currently exists, and (hopefully) encourages them to develop a greater understanding for us of the way we look at Being. .. Completed now, I have a comprehensive (as of June 2012) annotated bibliography, culled from the MLA, JSTOR and other academic databases, noting any works which mention both Pirsig and Heidegger. “

Essayist Caryl Johnston, Continues To Illuminate Robert Pirsig's ''Zen and the art of Motor Cycle Maintenance, In Her BlogSpot. I personally find Ms Johnson’s writings both deeply perceptive and illuminating!! Therefor ... be sure to dig in and learn!!

Continued fm above: Essayist Caryl Johnston, Who Is Also Public Speaker, Does Her Best. 'To Illuminate Robert Pirsig's 'Zen and the art of Motor Cycle Maintenance”, In Her Public Lecture [Titled] Quality vs. Equality: A Talk on Robert Pirsig’s Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
The following three links, respectively feature: a) Two News Item items about her talk , and then b) The Full Text of Ms Caryl Johnston's lecture, which happens to be on The Thinking Housewife Website, Which Has Banner Saying: =>"ON THE COMMON GOOD AND ON THE GOOD THAT IS COMMON":
First News Item Said:

The Second News Item Said:

…The report quoted her saying (excerpt) => “We tend to act in a way that is reasonable, but is it good?” said Mt. Airy resident, published poet and author Caryl Johnston during an interview days before her talk about Pirsig’s ideas “In Search of Quality,” sponsored by The Philadelphia Forum For Anthroposophy, Saturday, March 12, at the Chestnut Hill Library, 8711 Germantown Ave. Note: Full Text To Caryl Johnston 's Talk Is 2nd link below.
The 3rd News Item Said:

' “Legendary Motorcycles: The Stories and Bikes Made Famous by Elvis, Peter Fonda, Kenny Roberts, and Other Motorcycling Greats”, '' by Basem Wasef
Click Here For => Legendary Motorcycles: by Basem Wasef

ZMM In Schools. These WebPages Illustrate How ZMM is Used in Teaching and Learning.

A) The following is an Academic Article, which looks valuable over all: Especially noteworthy is the introductory paragraph, about how ZMM Book really should be read!! (You may have to pay a $ fee over the Internet (link below), but perhaps it is free Interlibrary Loan, at your Local Library or University Library. ) ”Experiencing Research Writing through Pirsig's 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.' "

B) ZMM In Teaching Resources by Professor Henry Gurr, ZMMQ Site Master: Below A) & B) Are My Webpage Which Describes My Teaching At University of South Carolina Aiken, With Links To Three Of My Teaching Articles.
…These Describe My Teaching Research, Which Was Directly (or Indirectly) Influenced by the ZMM Book. These three articles are also listed next link below. '''
=>1) How Robert Pirsig’s, Book ”Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” was used in my Physics Classes, by Professor Henry Gurr.
=>2) Here is my Home Page: Professor Henry Gurr, University of South Carolina Aiken (USCA) This page describes me, how I got into teaching, with many links to various of my interests. This page has Right Menu with links to 7 of my Teaching Related Articles, that directly (or indirectly) were influenced by ZMM Book.
=>3) Professor Henry Gurr, University of South Carolina Aiken (USCA) Homepage.
NOTE: To read more on Henry Gurr’s Teaching Methods, on this WebPage you are currently reading, please scroll down to bolded “The Followng Is A Partial List of => I) Professor Henry Gurr’s University WebPages”.

To See A Collection (Really A “Collage”) Of Information Found By Google Advanced Searched For Target => [ University Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance ]
…In addition, this search was restricted by using the Advanced Search "Then narrow your results by..... site or domain:" with [ .edu ] in box. This limited the search to only those sites having [ edu ] in the web address (= URL).

Art, Artists, Persons, Places, Events, & States of Mind => Related to (Or Mentioned in) Robert Pirsig's book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

.... ZMM author, Robert Pirsig, Has Many Connections To His Hometown of Minneapolis, MN:
For example, hanging in Phaedrus' English Dept. Office, at Montana State University-Bozeman was a Reproduction Of Painting Named =>
“The Church of the Minorites”, an Abstract Art Painting, by famous Bauhaus Artist, Lyonel Feininger, which was => An Important Illustration of Robert Pirsig’s “The Church of Reason.” ..
....ZMM author Robert Pirsig, in His Book “Zen and the Art f motorcycle Maintenance” (ZMM), reports that in Summer of 1968 => When he visited his Old Professor's Office at Montana State College, Bozeman MT (1959 to 1961) : he found a framed color reprint => "… not a painting, it's a print of a painting he ordered from New York and which DeWeese had frowned at because it was a print and prints are of art and not art themselves, a distinction he didn't recognize at the time. But.. the print, Feininger’s "Church of the Minorites," had an appeal to him that was irrelevant to the art in that its subject, a kind of Gothic cathedral, created from semiabstract lines and planes and colors and shades, seemed to reflect his mind’s vision of the Church of Reason and that was why he’d put it here. All this comes back now. This was his office. …. " . (ZMM page 143).
....This was a Color Print of a Painting, But, according to Professor Pirsig’s artist friend, Professor Robert DeWeese, this was NOT “ART”: As DeWeese said, this framed object, was merely a “Print of a Real Artists Painting”!!
....As Pirsig’s alter ego, Phaedrus, says it => This Painting Illustrated Phaedrus' (and Author Pirsig's) understanding of “The University”, as an almost a Spiritual Entity. …. Better said: …. The University IS a Spiritual Entity, entirely!! And this happened to be a general important & major point, that ZMM Author wants us to take away from reading ZMM!!! Spiritual Entities (Pirsig's Ghosts) are just as real as … . Well …. You name it, ... Your Own Hand! …. Or …. Your friend sitting in front of you!

This very much reminds of “Owen Barfield’s Interpretation Of Myth” by Henry Gurr, which Google will find for you.
STORY: Abstract Artist Gennie DeWeese (who with her Husband Robert DeWeese where Personal Friends of Mr Pirsig), upon seeing print of Feininger's Church of Minorites II.” => immediately said => “This is Abstract Art, BEFORE there WAS “Abstract Art!!” And went on to say ~ ”Her husband Robert would immediately know Mr Pirsig had an unusual & penetrating mind, just & only from seeing he had on his office this Feininger Painting!!”

There Are Actually TWO Paintings By Feininger Of The Same Name, “Church of the Minorites I” and “Church of the Minorites II”.
....Bill Paton sent me the following email: "There is a painting in …the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis where Robert Pirsig is from. It is 'The Church of the Minorites II' by Lyonel Feininger and is undoubtedly the print that Pirsig had on the wall." (Mr Patton's email continues => ) Nick Adams was kind enough to provide Quantonics.com with the graphic, [at link below]. Signed Bill
Click Here for Feininger’s 'Church of the Minorites I', which is NOT in ZMM.
Lyonel Feininger's "The Church of the Minorites I ”, From The Puzzling, Somewhat Mind-Expanding Quantonics.com Site.
....If you mentally contrast the two paintings A) 'Church of the Minorites I' VERSUS B) 'The Church of the Minorites II', (in above links), you at first will think there is NO relationship. .... BUT if you now go on to contrast these above two paintings with the FIRST TWO PAINTINGS SHOWN => in This Wikipedia’s Feininger Article, you will see (or can imagine) an Artist’s Artistic Developmental Progression, from ~1914 To 1924. And with discernment, you can see his ~sophistication emerged and => “developed a delicate geometric style with intersecting planes of translucent colors."

Here Is a Photo Of Feininger's “The Church of the Minorites II”, Which Happens To Be In The ZMM Quality Photo Gallery.
“The Church of the Minorites II.”
.... (In agreement with Bill Paton (above), I believe this is, yes, Feininger's, ”The Church of the Minorites II ”, that is mentioned in ZMM, as being in Pirsig’s old MSC English Dept Office: This, with near total certainly is Author Robert Pirsig’s “Gothic cathedral, created from semiabstract lines and planes and colors and shade” , because:

1) The ”The Church of the Minorites II ” is in Minneapolis Walker Art Gallery, the same town that Pirsig lived in for most of his youth up to adulthood & a town he returned to when visiting parents, etc, and the town in which the majority of ZMM was written. And
2) The acquisition date 1943, allows Pirsig to possibly see it at the Walker Gallery (and purchase a color reproduction), sometimes before he went to teach at Bozeman. 1958.
3) The Walker Art information (Blue Link below,) says of this painting “ … original stretcher replaced 1959 … Gift of the T. B. Walker Foundation, Gilbert M. Walker Fund, 1943.”
4) YES, this is the Feininger, mentioned in ZMM as being in Pirsig’s old MSC English Dept Office. (See extensive Feininger Discussion & links above. )

Cont Fm Above: Click Here For A Great Photo Of The Walker Art Center's (Older 2005) Entrance & Plaza, At 1750 Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55403.
....EXPLANATION: The Walker Art Center is about 3 miles North of where Robert Pirsig said he went to “Grade School on Hennepin Ave, about half mile SW of intersection” shown in photo SECOND Blue Link below, and “rode the street car on Hennepin Ave to get there”!! Mr. Pirsig said of the two photos in this /\ Above /\ Composite Photo, “Memories came crashing down”! He ... rode the streetcar on Hennepin to his Elementary School, which was at that time, was located just to the west of the Hennepin Ave & Franklin Intersection, shown in this photo => . Right Click And Select “New Tab” => AFTER Their WebPage Comes Up Please ClickDrag Bars to See All Parts of Photo.
Information about The Walker Art Center, In Downtown Minneapolis, MN.

1) The Walker Art Center is a multidisciplinary contemporary art center in the Lowry Hill neighborhood of Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. The Walker is one of the most-visited modern and contemporary art museums in the United States and, together with the adjacent Minneapolis Sculpture Garden and the Cowles Conservatory, it has an annual attendance of around 700,000 visitors. The museum's permanent collection includes over 13,000 modern and contemporary art pieces including books, costumes, drawings, media works, paintings, photography, prints, and sculpture
2) Internationally Recognized As A Leading Arts Venue, The Walker Art Center Presents Contemporary Visual Arts And Design Exhibitions; Dance, Theater, And Music Performances; And Film Screenings. RIGHT CLICK AND SELECT “NEW TAB” => AFTER Their WebPage Comes Up Please SCROLL DOWN To See Several Photos.

Cont Fm Above: My Own SERIES Of Photos Show ZMMQ Gallery Photos Views Of =>

Cont fm above: Google Will Find Many Examples Of Other Paintings By Lyonel Feininger, Commercial Art Sales Websites: You Will Find More of His Art Works that are (naturally) very reminiscent of his “The Church of the Minorites I.”
H) Without giving a recommendation => You may Click Below & Explore for “LYONEL FEININGER PRINTS FOR SALE. Google will find many WebSites that have displays of Feininger’s Art!. Let me know if you find any really good WebSites, that show really good examples of Feininger’s Art: Thanks!!! HSG For some WebSites, You can => Click on the painting for details, then click “ZOOM”, to get a larger framed view: Some sites have a lot more on display

I) My son David Gurr happened upon a very interesting article => The history of the Bauhus Movement in Germany 1917 to 1932, by Lyonel Fenninger’s son, Theodore Lux Feininger. Theodore could tell the “Real Story of This Experimental Architecture & Art School.”, because he lived through it! All because Theodore’s Father was one of the original & major teachers in The Bauhus, in it’s earlies years.
EXPLANATION FROM WIKIPEDIA => : The Bauhaus Style later became one of the most influential currents in modern design, modernist architecture and art, design, and architectural education.[2] The Bauhaus movement had a profound influence upon subsequent developments in art, architecture, graphic design, interior design, industrial design, and typography. Bauhaus: Evolution of an Idea by son

Read Whole History Article Here With Many Photos.. => AND after Article Comes-Up, Do > Top > Edit > Find > Feininger 6 Times to learn more..

Robert & Gennie Deweese Were Friends Of Robert Pirsig That He Met While At Montana State College And Are Famously Mentioned In Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance. Here Are Articles About Bob & Gennie, Who Are Still In Everyone's Hearts, Half A Century After They Knew And Worked With ZMM Author Robert Pirsig.
A) ”The Art Of Living: Bob And Gennie DeWeese Were The Godparents Of Montana's Contemporary Arts.” by Marjorie Smith, Published MSU Mountains & Minds Magazine.11/24/08
B) Montana's legendary art pioneers: Bob and Gennie DeWeese, By Gail Schontzler, Chronicle Staff Writer, Posted, December 25, 2011
[After her husband, Robert DeWeese, passed away, and] Until recently, Gennie was still working and some of her paintings can be viewed at the family website in the link above. Gennie says: “I’m not an innovator but, rather, an observer. How to translate the visual impact of the seen into the visual language with the most economy of means, is the primary goal. It’s always the next one that will succeed!” [Source: Anthony McWatt's robertpirsig.org/links.htm ]

Above Cont: The De Weese Family ArtWorks Website, With Links (called “Index”) that lead to separate Webpages for: Gennie, Tina, and Josh. Each of These Feature: Contact, Biographical, and Examples of Their Respective Art In a Photo Gallery. Pirsig enthusiasts or persons who are genuinely interested in DeWeeseArt, will discover their phone number in the Bozeman Directory, or a Link to their email, in their “Contact” below. (Also, see next below for ArtWorks of Husband (&father) MSU Professor Robert DeWeese.)
C) The DeWeese Family Art Website: Gennie DeWeese, Josh DeWeese and Tina DeWeese -- 1999 -2009.

Above Cont: An Email, From Tina DeWeese, Announcing: “Art Works of Robert and Gennie DeWeese Now In FaceBook Photo Slide Show.” !!
Bozeman, Montana artists Robert and Gennie DeWees, were very good friends of author Robert Pirsig, and they have a very large role in Mr. PIrsig's book "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" (ZMM). .. The following are portions of a June 15, 2012 email from Tina DeWeese, daughter of Robert and Gennie DeWeese: This email brought news of recent posting of photos of some of the Art Works of her Mother and Father. This is part of a major effort by the Deweese family, to help the Art World (really the Whole World) to know and appreciate the Art Works of Robert and Gennie Deweese. This is a “$ expensive”, & “humongus job”!! If you know of sources of help, please step forward. Quality Track You Know! Hint! Hint! (The parts of Tina's email, not relevant to her Mom and Dad's Art, have been omitted.)

Hello Henry!
.... I've recently posted a couple of "preview albums" of BOB and GENNIE's work in prep for the website. It's a slow process, but in the works.
I'm getting all of dad's slides scanned this month ... then the cataloging ... will keep me busy for some time. We decided to go ahead with it and start w/ funds from the estate to get started. So far a family proposition. .... .
I want to send you the links to the "previews" ....
D) http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.314901298597333.73816.100002323951087&type=1&l=33c506520f [Art Work Of BOB DEWEESE ]
E) http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.312862318801231.73343.100002323951087&type=1&l=6f70c7bab1 [Art Work Of GENNIE DEWEESE ]
Best regards!

Viewing instructions for above, by Henry Gurr.
Once either of these pages of photos comes, up mouse click on any photo to see larger view. If you place your mouse cursor on the photo, and click right side, you will go to the next photo. "Arrows" also may appear. Mouse click on these to go to the next photo, or back to previous. If all else fails, look at upper right of larger view photo for click points: “Previous • Next”

F) Clicl Here For An Extensive Special WebPage, With Lots Of Photos => “Who Were Gennie & Bob DeWeese? & Why So Important To Pirsig & His ZMM Book?”

Montana State University Salutes Robert Pirsig and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance With Events Dec. 7, 8, & 9, 2012.
'''The date for the "Robert Pirsig Chautauqua Conference", was in early Dec 2012, so students can be there.
A) For a full descriptions of this Montana State University ( MSU) Pirsig / ZMM Conference Held On 7, 8,9 Dec, 2012, please visit either of the following Pages:
Much More Is On The MSU Official Chautauqua WebSite:
B) Photos of MSU Conference & more information at the ZMM Quality Facebook page:
NOTE: AFTER this Facebook Page comes upm you will have to go “All Photos”, and search for what you want.

Useful Miscellaneous Information

The USA Chautauqua Movement & Chautauqua Lectures Related To ZMM Book.

A) If you go searching for Either Robert Pirsig or Chautauqua, you will see this Chautauqua Website many a time: It has Full History of the Chautauqua Movement, along with many 1800’s photos, including a Chautauqua Tent photo etc The Real Thing!!

B) The Chautauqua in Nebraska has an illustrious history. ..The traveling tent-show that used to move across this country: Chautauqua history and archives. ..

C) University of Iowa, Special Collections Records of The Redpath Chautauqua, by ROBERT A. McCOWN From Books at Iowa 19 (November 1973 . It appears that this book was used in the creation of the above two Link Items.

A Guide to Mostly Free Online U.S. Geospatial Maps and Attribute Data
D) Here is a wonderful mostly free map resource site, which was recommended by Science Magazine 6 June 03. (This has nothing to do directly with ZMM.)

Two Alternate Internet Search Engines, in addition to Google & Bing, and Worthy of Your Attention: *** Try E'm !! *** You'll Like E'm !! ***
E) An Alternate Internet Search Engine: Find the ZMM Info, you're looking for fast at “Shortest Path”.
F) In addition to Google, & Bing, you might want to be familiar with Xquick.com Internet Search Engine: My son David Gurr says this may show a collection of results from many search engines, that might be worth your time to experiment.?

“Grade Saver” Site Has Many Resources For the Student: (eg, Full Text of Books & Articles + Study Guides & Self Tests: Many free. Some cost $.).
The Link Below Takes You To Their Page Re Plato, Socrates, Phaedrus, and Other Ancient Greek Philosophers. All Relevant To ZMM Book., BUT CAUTION: I have no idea if these folks are any good or worth $ spent.
G) Related Links on Phaedrus, Phaedrus Essays, and Related Content, & Study Guide for Phaedrus.

As Mentioned Above, This Is Just “Neat”... And “Kinda Cool” in lingo also of '50's!!: And Although This is Only Useful As An Eye-Catching Way To “SEE” An Overview of Topics, It Does (Automatically?) Find and display All The Topics On a Given Website, Such As the (above much discussed) VirtualSchool.edu Website:
H) EMPIRITAG is a Flash-Based tag cloud designed in form of a 3D “Drum Roll [which constantly rolls on the computer screen, showing potentially 100's of Key Words of a certain Website. Very unusual!! Visitors won't pass it by!!”
NOTE: As of this writing Sept 5, 2023 this “3D Cylindrical “Drum Roll”, does not immediately show up, after click on the above Blue Link. You see upper right => “Download Widget”. Perhaps this will install and work in your computer? Google does not find any current offering of this.

A Great Number of New Links Are Now In My Newly revised ZMMQ Home Page, and ZMMQ News and New Archive: Click on these in the menu at left, ~6 inches down from the top.

Additional Links For ZMM Book Reviews With Explanatory Excerpt.

Click Here For => “I first read '' "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” '" at age sixteen and I identified with it strongly then. And at age 28, I re-read it again to see how it related to the significant progress of my own life.” by Ram Samudrala.

Click Here For => A Very Nice Book Review Of Robert M. Pirsig’s "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance'". By Enthusiastic ZMM Reader.

[[https://web.archive.org/web/20131116050526/http://paulburgess.org/zen.html| From Paul Burgess’s Journal: An Informal Book Review Of => Robert M. Pirsig’s "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance'".

ATTENTION: Readers Should Be Aware Of => Additional Links For ZMM Book Reviews Are To Be Found at =>

B) [[http://venturearete.org/ResearchProjects/ProfessorGurr/Documents/GetOverDislikeZMM | Despite the Worldwide Acclaim for the Book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” (ZMM), Some 19% of Amazon.com Reader Book Reviews Are Frustrated, Bitter, & Negative About ZMM. This Page Seeks to Identify and Address Some of the Reasons for These Readers Being So Turned Off.

…AND, If You ARE Frustrated Reading ZMM, or Any Other Book, Here's What You Can Do About It! ]]


A Collection of Older, Somewhat Historical, Websites:

These are mostly ZMM Links Pages: Although a few are now sadly out-of-date (+Broken Links). They, might still have interesting information and links concerning Robert Pirsig and his ZMM book. Pick through these, and see what you can find, and let me know if anything here is useful.

MasonBisson.com: The Author of This Site Was Surprised At So Many ZMM Full Text Available + Other Info & Links.
B) ClickHere To Read MasonBisson.com Version Of => “Full Text of Book ”Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance “ '' Is Available All Over The Web.” AFTER this page comes up => Pick through the reading & Links, and see what you can find, and let me know if anything here is useful.
NOTE: For a compete explanation of how to get ZMM Full Text, On this WebPage you are currently reading > Do > Top > Edit > Find > “Free Internet DownLoad: Complete "Full Text" of book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” by Robert Pirsig. Below you will see about ~25 inches” of instructions and suggestions”

TimLebon.com: Mr Tim Lebon Says => “Have A Browse Through These Resources, Read The Book And The Follow Up Lila: An Inquiry Into Morals And Make Up Your Own Mind.
C) Click Here For Much Good ZMM Book & LILA Book Information, And Advice.

SIDE NOTE: Of Some Historical Interest Is => An Older Website ~1997, By Mr Corduroy.
…This site still comes up in Google Search, pretty much ONLY because it has been around so long!!, This site once had many interesting links concerning "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" and its author Robert Pirsig, Thus, this site is linked from many a ZMM Webpage.
… D) Click here for ~1997 “Pirsig Links” Page Showing Black & White Photo Robert Pirsig, and son Chris, on their 307 SuperHawk Honda.

…For more information, concerning this “Older” Website, in the at left Main Menu, Scroll up to the “Photos Of Robert Pirsig” > THEN ClockOn The Small Photo, then scroll down to a second larger discussion having Corduroy (Alternatively, search for it as follows => With your mouse > Go to top of this page > Do > Edit > Find > Type > 1997 “Pirsig Links” > AND find the one that is a Blue Link, then > Hit Enter.

Miscellany: For Things with a Quality All their Own.

A) ”Medicine Through The Novel”, Has Article By James Willis Titled => A Personal Response To Robert Pirsig’s Book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”,
B) ”Moto Guzzi” Says How The Book: ‘’ “ZMM Book”: ’’ Is .... -... “REALLY! .... REALLY! [ABOUT:] Emotional Understanding: vs. Intellectual Understanding: [Which Happens As You Are] Mastering The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance”. by Alan Pratt:
C) An Essay Concerning: Robert Pirsig’s Discoveries About How To “Overcoming Writer's Block and Narrowing a Topic: He said "Start with the upper left-hand brick" By Richard Nordquist, of The About.com Guide.

D) Click Here For => A Wonderful Discussion Of How Pirsig’s Quality Applies To => “Zen and the Art of Website (Technology) Maintenance”. by John Walveris

E) Click Here For => A Wonderful Discussion Of Paying Attention, Every Act Ther Is The Beautiful , And The Art Of Perfection => “SWAMIJI SPEAKS ON “ZEN AND THE ART OF MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE””. by SWAMI KRISHNANANDA, of The Divine Life Society Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh, India

D) Click Here For => Zen, Motorcycle Maintenance, and Entrepreneurship In Business, Companies, And Customers.

E) Click Here For => Putting Kowledge To Work In Your Life & Motorcycle Riding. Also The Structures Required For Learning.

G) Click Here For => Zen And The Art Of Body Maintenance, And Pain Management.

h) Click Here For => A Discussion Of The Flaws of Robert Pirsig’s Book => “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” ,

Click Here For => “Zen and the Art of Home Repair”.
…This week I was reminded of Robert M. Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. I read this book when I was a freshman in college in my first philosophy class, and it has stayed with me ever since. I've even taught it a few times myself.
…For me motorcycle maintenance becomes a kind of parable for the failures of two modes of thought. It was a failure that frustrated and interested me this week.
… Priding myself on my abilities as both a romantic and classical thinker, I took to solving the [leaking window problem in an aesthetically pleasing way.

At The Botton Of This Pate A University Professor, Has A Paragraph Titled => “A Closing Thought on Grading of Laboratory Notebooks.”
…AND The Paragraph Quotes ZMM Book “What is Qualty? ”

Make Writing Your Daily Practice, Quotes Robert Pirsig’s "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance'".

The Practice I Promote Involves The Following Of Four Simple Steps.
…The bottom line, for each of us, is having enough good reasons to write on a daily basis. Just as we need a good reason to diet, we need the motivation to turn to writing as a daily practice.

The Ishmael Network Reading List by Daniel Quinn. .

A Robert M. Pirsig Reading List, With Details By www5.geometry.net.

The Followng Is A Partial List of => I) Professor Henry Gurr’s University WebPages AND II) Henry Gurr’s ZMMQ Webpages, who Is Also The SiteMaster For The ZMMQ Website

I) Henry Gurr's University Home Page Has a) Henry’s Contact Info and b) Many Resources Concerning Teaching & Learning -=>

A) Introductory Discussions, Concerning Henry’s Physics Teaching. For Example => His teaching philosophy, experiments, demonstrations, Owen Barfield's Aeolian Harp & Camera Obscura, AND demonstrations incorporated into the building of the Ruth Patrick Science Education Center.
B) Introductory Discussions (Reflecting Henry’s Interest) Of The Works Of The Following Authors Whose Works Largely Agree With & ‘’Amplify’’ Henry Gurr’s own “Theory Explanation of How Our Mind Works” conclusions. And Conversely!!.
1) Linguist, philosopher, and deep thinker Owen Barfield
2) Writer & Thinker Robert Pirsig
3) Among the many other significant writers of interest to Henry are => a) Chemist, Researcher, 'Personal Knowledge' Expert & Philosopher Michael Polanyi and b) Pragmatic Philosopher & Creator of Modern Psychology William James. These are mentioned in the Main Menu at left.
4) Also included is => An Open Letter to my physics students outlining "The Objectives of Physics," a document which describes my teaching practices, which in turn come from extensive study of literature of: psychology, brain science, creativity, learning theory, pragmatist philosophy, etc. Here are suggestions for methods of best learning. …. Surprisingly, the book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” (ZMM), by Robert Pirsig. is a rather good summary & practical application of a huge body of empirically established “What we know.” AND “What are the best ways to learn & not get stuck. …. When you are ready and AFTER the Blue Link below comes up, in the Right Menu Click On “GUIDE TO THE BEGINNING PHYSICS STUDENT”

Which Are The Above Are Introduced On Henry’s University Home Page. Click Here.

NOTE: To read more on Henry Gurr’s Teaching Methods, on this WebPage you are currently reading, please scroll up to bolded “ZMM In Schools”.

II) The Following Are A few Suggested “Main Points Of Entry” For SiteMasterr Henry Gurr's ZMMQ Webpages, AND Just In Case You Don't Know It, This Is The Website You Are Reading Right Now, And The At Left Main Menu, Shows The Content Of This Website, Nearly In Its Entirety.
A) Twelve Color Photos Taken by Robert Pirsig July 1969. These Photos Showing Robert Pirsig, Chris, John, and Sylvia, Were Taken Along What Is Now Called The ZMM Route.
Click Here For 12 Color Photos Robert Pirsig, In July 1968. ATTENTION => AFTER This 5 Albums Page Comes Up, Please Scroll Down To The SECOND Small Photo, read description, then click on photo to see Robert Pirsig, Chris, John, and Sylvia, in scenes along ZMM Route. (Alternatively, you may click on the TOP Small Color Photo in the at left Main Menu.)
'''B) Photos Taken By Henry Gurr On Nis 2002 ZMM Route Research Trip. These 832 Color Photos Shows Scenes Similar To Those That Robert Pirsig, Chris, John, and Sylvia Might Have Seen Along ZMM Route:
Click Here For 832 Color Photos Taken By Henry Gurr, In June 2002. ATTENTION => AFTER This 5 Albums Page Comes Up, Please Scroll Down To The FIRST Small Photo, read description, then click on photo to see 4 Sub Albums for ZMM Book 4 Parts. These show scenes along ZMM Route, . (Alternatively, you may click on the SECOND DOWN Small Color Photo in the at left Main Menu.)
F) Newspaper Article (With 2 Photos) Of Our Solar Home In Aiken SC =>
Earth-Friendly Home Lets Mother Nature Do the Work. Aiken Standard Newspaper Aug 2 1998.
G) Detailed Procedures For Purchasing Good (And Hi Energy Efficiency) Home Appliances, Such As Refrigerator or Air Conditioner. My New Save Energy Guide Webpages are my “Quaker-Like .... Earth Care Witness.”

-2>) Henry Gurr’s Solar Recharged Desiccant Air Conditioner Development Project.: Status & Invite Comment.

I) Attention Palm OS Device Users: Here Is Info To Help You HotSync Your Palm Device To Install 64bit Palm HotSync Driver On Windows 7,8,10, & Vista Computers. This page came to be written, because I happen to be using (really recycling) a Palm Cento Cell Phone. The Palm Centro is a “Smart Phone, integrated with a Palm PDA!! But in order to HotSync my Centro, with my new Win7 Laptop (and later Win10 Laptop) I was forced to learn how to find, and install what is called, “Palm USB 64 Bit Drivers”. To my great joy, I was VERY successful!!! And once, having in mind the needed steps, I wrote a “Detailed Procedure for Successful Installation of Palm HotSync 64 Bit Drivers On Install 64bit Palm HotSync Driver On Windows 7,8,10, & Vista Computers .” Click below to see it.
Extensive & quite complete Driver Installation instructions, for New Beginner thru Expert: Guide Installation 64 Bit Drivers on Install 64bit Palm HotSync Driver On Windows 7,8,10, & Vista, so you can “HotSync” most of Palm OS hand held devices (Palm PDA, Centro, Treo, etc), To The So-Named “Palm DeskTop.

J) Explanation Of Google Earth Satellite View Southern Half Montana, Which Is An Illustration Of Henry Gurr’s Additional ZMM Route Research July-Aug 2019:
This page is an explanation of important features that can be seen in A Google Earth Satellite Image of Southern Montana. Many of these features relate to The Montana portion of US 12 = ZMM Route East.

It’s a Matter of STYLE: My Own Private Writers Style Manual, Especially For “Idea Packages”

To The Readers ZMMQ pages:
…On this ZMMQ Page and others of this WebSite, there is one thing I must ask your forbearance and patience with: This is the “Matter of Capitalization”, for which I have my own “Non Standard” Writers Style Manual: I hope by my special word capitalizing, I’m helping you dear reader, to mentally pick out a series of words, as an “Idea Package”!! I hope this will 1) speed up the reading comprehension, and 2) Somewhat raise the level of attention to a particular item, w/o overusing Bold or Italics or All Caps. What do you think? For Guidance Re This Site’s “Non Standard” Writers Style Manual” => : After This Page Comes Up, Please Scroll Down to … “Why this site may not use … “


Often It Is Far Better To Use Google’s Special Search Limited To A Site Address (URL), That You Specify.

…Often you will be looking at a WebSite that at the screen top, has a [box] for “Search” the WebSite that you are looking at.
… However, after long experience, you will discover that it is FAR more successful to use => Google’s Special Search Limited To A WebSite Address (URL) That You Specify, as follows =>
For Exmple, suppose you want to find Feininger painting Church of the Minorites AND you want to RESTRICT YOUR SEARCH to results ONLY on the WebSite of the Walker Art Center Minneapolis.

Method1 => The Recommended Quick Way => Type Into Google Search Box This =>

Feininger Church of the Minorites Site: http://www.walkerart.org/ . then hit Enter.

Method2 => The Recommended Complex Way => Do > Top Screen > Click > Edit > Copy > Walker's web address http://www.walkerart.org/ into your computer's “clipboard”.

Then into Google’s Search-For Box, type > Feininger Church of the Minorites
Then > Press Enter.
And when list of Google results comes up, scroll to the bottom and click on Advanced Search: Your search terms will be in the boxes at top of the new page that comes up, allowing you to modify if needed: Then scroll down to box where it says Limit Domain > Then > Do > Edit > Paste > Walker's web address http://www.walkerart.org/ > into the box. Scroll to bottom and click on Advanced Search: You will see that quite a few of the Google Results are limited to http://www.walkerart.org/

Method3 => The Recommended More Powerful But More Involved Way => …To find what you want, this would be a good place to apply Google’s “Advanced Search”, full size page, where you fill int the blanks, with the additional choice “site of domain” set to your choice WebSite URL. ----

The Following Is A List of Internet On-Line Encyclopedias, Which Were Found by, A Google Search for “Encyclopedia”: I C&P Them Below, In Order of Priority Assigned, By “The Wisdom of Google” = Approx User Popularity, when I searched in ~2011. Of course it is easy for you to do your own search, which will yield new hits, and a different ordering.

…I have become aware that many persons, have great reservations about Wikipedia, especially its accuracy: One such person suggested “The Stanford University Encyclopedia of Philosophy, be added to this ZMMQ Links page. Accordingly, for your consideration, next below: I have added all the Google Hits I found with the abovementioned search, down to two hits, beyond the recommended Stanford University Encyclopedia of Philosophy Web Publication:

A) Encyclopedia.com – Free Online dictionary and encyclopedia with pictures, facts, and videos. Get information and homework help with millions of articles in our FREE ...
‎History - ‎People - ‎Plants and Animals - ‎Science and Technology.

B) Britannica Online Encyclopedia: Explore The Updated Online Encyclopedia Britannica With Hundreds Of Thousands Of Articles, Biographies, Videos, Images, And Web Sites. “With over 250 years of experience, Britannica's content is among the most trusted in the world. Every article is vetted by fact-checkers and frequently reviewed by expert editors. Access all of Britannica's content with a Britannica Premium subscription. Or try
Britannica Premium subscription for free.”

C) Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia: History - Science and Technology - People - Plants and Animals

D) Smithsonian Encyclopedia, Is an Encyclopedia type of reference work –- a compendium holding a summary of information from either all branches of knowledge or a particular branch of knowledge: Links to on-line Smithsonian Resources from Art to Zoology....

E) Infoplease.com: Encyclopedia Home: A Current And Comprehensive Encyclopedia Covering All The Major Branches Of Knowledge From Astrophysics To Zimbabwe.

F) Medical Encyclopedia: MedlinePlus: The A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia Includes Over 4,000 Articles About Diseases, Tests, Symptoms, Injuries, And Surgeries. It Also Contains An Extensive Library Of Medical Photographs And Illustrations.

G) The CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: One of the biggest Catholic resources on the Internet, containing more than 10000 articles.

H) Encyclopedia of Life: Global Access To Knowledge About Life On Earth Animals - Plants - Pictures & Information: The Encyclopedia of Life is an unprecedented effort to gather scientific knowledge about all animal and plant life where pictures, information, facts, and more ...

I) Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: An open access resource hosted by the University of Tennessee at Martin.

J) FactMonster.com: Encyclopedia Search Page: A Current And Comprehensive Encyclopedia Covering All The Major Branches Of Knowledge From Astrophysics To Zimbabwe.

K) Reference.com - A Free Online Encyclopedia & Information Reference: Reference.com, Is A Free Online Encyclopedia And Information Reference. Research articles from Columbia Encyclopedia and Encyclopedia Britannica.

L) World Book Encyclopedia Online, Reference Books Set For Kids:Several, Online encyclopedias, educational books set for children, students & families. Explore World Book for encyclopedia set, reference books and digital products.

M) Stanford University Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Comes to You, From the Metaphysics Research Lab, & The Stanford University’s Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI).

N) Encyclopedia of Psychology Websites: Explore Psychology Degree Programs, Career Paths, Expert Guidance, And Other Helpful Resources. The Encyclopedia of Psychology is a collection of links to many areas of psychology. Our intent is to offer the best available sites organized to further the understanding of Psychology.

O) Encyclopedia Mythica: Mythology, Folklore, And Religion.
Encyclopedia Mythica is an on-line encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, and legend, containing definitions of deities, fabulous creatures and places, as well as images and stories.

P) Plus Many, Many, More, Which Google Will Find For You (In Perhaps A Different Order Than The Above), Click Here:

A Last Fairwell To USCA Librarian Paul Lewis, Who Sparked The Creation Of This Website You Are Looking At Right Now, And Guided It’s Construction Over The Years From 2002 To January 3, 2011.
…Paul Was The Most Wonderfully Helpful Reference Librarian, Webmaster, And Computer Guru Extraordinaire Here At The University Of South Carolina Aiken.
…Paul is the person who originally pointed out the wonderful OpenSource website server software such as => PmWiki and php Gallery Menalto, which this ZMMQ WebSite now uses.
My Tribute & My Last Goodby To Paul Heniford Lewis. God Be With You. .
Information About Paul Lewis And His Very Enthusiastic Open Source Software Advocacy.
You Will Be Most Interested In Paul’s OpenSource webpages: Let him (really his Ghost, as Pirsig would say) Present News Analysis And Explanation Of The Many Virtues Of Many, Good, Reliable, & Free “Open Source” Software. (With Some Effort & Skill You Should Be Able To Find Much => Free Downloads & Recommendations Open Source Software Websites.
NOTE: Some of these above mentioned Free & Very High Quality Opensource Software Downloads, will be seen in the Next Down Blue Link.

Learn More About The Software We Use To Create and Maintain This ZMMQ Site, And Thus Are Highly Recommend: Hint Hint. Most of these are “Open Source.” = Hi Quality!! As stated above At links below: You May Learn About More Free, Trust Worthy, and Highly Recommended Software Applications: Included Are Full Explanations of How Get It and How To Use It. These Are the “Applications” We Actually Use Daily, and are the technology we use in managing this ZMMQ Website. As is emphasized above, The High Quality of all this Typically Free Software, comes from people who care, and similar to the High Quality of Wikipedia (discussion at the top of this page), these persons volunteer their expert knowledge, skill, and time, do what is right. In other words they are following Mr Pirsig’s “The Track of Quality” and freely contribute to this world!
Below Learn About Open-Source Software That Paul Lewis Found & Showed Henry Gurr How To Use These To Create The WebSite You Are Looking At Right Now.
A) The Software We Use “To Create and Maintain “This ZMMQ Site: After this Page Comes Up, Scroll Half Way Down For: The 'Applications We Actually Use Daily.
B) Click Here For: Photos And Discussion How We Got Started, Screen Capture Photos Of Some Of The Software We Use, Photos Of Example Pages Of Our Software Being Used, And Some Of The Problems Encountered.
…Again, Many Thanks To Paul Lewis For The Installation Of ZMM Quality Gallery And Installation Of ZMM Quality PM Wiki Pages Used For My Site Of Respectively Photos & Text Pages.

My Final Advice For You To Remember:
When you are looking for certain information, inside a particular website, do NOT use their own search box at the top of their page. NOR do “click & pick” around their site, hoping to find it.
*** TRY IT *** YOU'LL LIKE IT ***

Contact Information for Site Master for this website is:
Henry S. Gurr
Professor of Physics Emeritus
University of South Carolina Aiken
471 University Parkway
Aiken SC 29801
Email: HenryG**usca.edu
(Note: A link to Professor Gurr's University Homepage & Contact Information
is at the bottom of every ZMMQ Webpage, along with links to the ZMMQ Photo Gallery.

Notice; If you discover problems in these Webpages or you need some information or data concerning the ZMM Book, please do not hesitate to contact me. You may write to me at the above address OR phone or email at the following:
Phone Home 706 925 6401 (Please do not leave message since we are slow to find these.)
Phone & Text Google Voice 803 220 4446
(Coded to confuse the computers of the spammers. Please put the correct symbol in the correct place.)

Major revision by Henry Gurr ZMMQ Site Master, 7Sept12;RevDavid M. 29Sept12;.Updates by HSG20Oct12;6Mar16;8May20,22Feb21,4Aug23, 4 Aug thru 11Sept 23 RevHSG2-5Feb24.
File = WikiZmmqLinks RevDm01Rpg00Hsg21 #Ba[[#Po+FeiningerChM4+HistArt+HsgRev67.doc
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--And what is good, Phaedrus, And what is not good—
Need we ask anyone to tell us these things ?
Robert Pirsig in his '“Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”. .

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