"Quality is the parent, the source of all subjects and objects." - Robert Pirsig

Fits Observation: Henry Gurr’s How Our Mind Works

Henry S Gurr’s Article, Book, & Mind-Map, Projects

SiteMaster Henry S Gurr’s Earth Friendly Projects:

SiteMaster Henry S Gurr’s Tech Corner & Projects:

ZMMQuality WebSite: Information Concerning
*** Zen and the Art of ***
Motorcycle Maintenance
** by Robert Pirsig **

Home Page: Fors ZMM Quality WebSite
News&NewsArchive: Re Robert Pirsig & Book
ZMM Book (Full Text) Free On Internet

SUMMARY=>How Find Way In This ZMMQ Site

SUMMARY=> Robert Pirsig Zen Art Motorcycle Maint.

Celebrate: Robert Pirsig’s July1968 Motorcycle Trek

SUMMARY=>Experts & Readers Provide Guidance

SUMMARY=>SpecialStudies Zen Art Motorcycle Maint

SUMMARY=>Memories: Dennis Gary English MSU

SUMMARY=>Research Montana State UniversityMSU

SUMMARY=>“Pirsig Pilgrims”&“Fellow ZMM Travelers”

AFTER Above Link ComeUp, GoTo ''Zen and..Last Hurrah”

SUMMARY=>Maps+Info: ZMM Travel & Mountain Climb

Resources: Pirsig & Zen Art of Motorcycle Maint.

SUMMARY=>Software&Hardware: Create This WebSite

Thanks To Persons Who Created & Supported ZMMQ




Click any photo below: **OR**
Mouse Hover, Over Photo, For Album Description

These 12 Photos were taken by Robert Pirsig’s very own camera, as he Chris, Sylvia and John made that 1968 epic voyage upon which The Travel Narrative for Mr Pirsig’s ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘ (ZMM) book was based. Taken in 1968 along what is now known as ‘‘The ZMM Book Travel Route ‘‘ each photo scene is actually ‘‘Written-Into ‘‘ Mr. Pirsig’s book => ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘ (ZMM)

Author Robert Pirsig’s Own 12 Color Photos, Of His 1968 ZMM Travel Route Trip: Each Is Written-Into His ZMM Book. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 2nd Down.

Each of the 832 photographs in these Four Albums show a scene described in the book ‘‘Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘. Each photo was especially researched and photographed along the ZMM Route to show a specific ZMM Book Travel Description Passage: This passage is shown in quote marks below the respective photo. As you look at each of these photos, you will be viewing scenes similar to those that author Pirsig, Chris, and the Sutherlands might have seen, on that epic voyage, upon which the book ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘ was based. Thus it is, that these 832 photographs are ‘‘A Color Photo Illustrated Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘. Indeed ‘‘A Photo Show Book‘‘ for ZMM. Sights & Scenes Plus Full Explanation.

My ZMM Travel Route Research Findings, Are A Page-By-Page, Color Photo Illustrated ZMM. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Album.

Each of these 28 photos are Full Circle Panorama Photos Seven-Feet-Wide. They were taken along the Travel Route of the book ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘. They show a 360 degree view, made by stitching together eight photos. These Panoramic Photos, complement and add to those of my Photo Album ABOVE named  => ‘‘A Color Photo Illustrated ZMM Book, With Travel Route Sights & Scenes Explained‘‘.

ZMM Travel Route Research PANORAMIC PHOTOS 7ft wide! Henry Gurr, 2002 ZMM Research Trip. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 2nd Down.

This album shows what I saw  on my RETURN trip home (San Francisco California to Aiken South Carolina), Summer 2002. These 55 photos were taken along the Route of the “1849er’s Gold Rush to California” (In Reverse Direction). After I completed my ZMM Research, I RETURNED home by way of the Route of the ‘49’s Gold Rush. This route included the route of the “California Gold Rush Trail” (in Nevada & California), as well as portions of the Oregon Trail' all the way into Missouri. These 1849er’s Travel Route Photos, were taken AFTER I took those Photos shown in the above Album named “A Color Photo Illustrated ZMM Book, With Travel Route Sights & Scenes Explained”.

Henry Gurr’s 2002 Research Photos: California Gold Rush Trail & Oregon Trail. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 3rd Down.

Each of these seven 360 degree  Full Circle Panoramic Photos were taken along the route of the Gold Rush ‘1849’ers from Missouri to California. Each is 7 foot wide! These Panorama Photos complement and add to those of my Photo Album above named  => "Henry Gurr’s Research Photos: California Gold Rush Trail & Pioneer Oregon Trail".   AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Album.

California Gold RushTrail & Pioneer Oregon Trail PANORAMIC PHOTOS 7ft wide! Henry Gurr, 2002 ZMM RETURN Trip. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Album.

Enjoy 225 Photos of Flowers & Red Wing Blackbirds Along the ZMM Route. This Album of  Color Photos shows every Flower and Red Wing Blackbird (RWBB) that I could “get within my camera sights!!”  This was done in honor of the ZMM Narrator's emphasis of Flowers and Redwing Blackbirds in the book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”. I was very surprised to find RWBB's the entire travel route from Minneapolis to San Francisco.

In Honor of ZMM Narrator’s Emphasis: 225 Color Photos of ZMM Travel Route Flowers & Red Wing Blackbirds. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 5th Down.

These 165 photos show ‘‘Tourist Experiences’‘ the ZMM Traveler may have along the ZMM Route.

My 2002 ZMM Travel Route Experience: By Henry Gurr ZMMQ Site Master. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 3rd Down.

Starting Monday 19 July 2004, Mark Richardson traveled the ZMM Route, on his trusty Jakie Blue motorcycle. Mark made these 59 interesting photographs of what he saw along the way. As he toured, he pondered his own life destiny (past present future), and sought to discover his own deeper personal meaning of the book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”.

Mark Richardson’s 19 July 2004, ZMM Route Trip & Photo Journal. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 5th Down.

The former home (~1968) of John and Sylvia Sutherland, at 2649 South Colfax Ave, Minneapolis MN, shown in 18 photos. Despite John's quite negative disparaging statements in ZMM, about their home back in Minneapolis, this same house, shown in these photos, looks to us like a wonderful, beautiful home along a very nice, quiet, shady street, in a perfectly fine Minneapolis Neighborhood!

John & Sylvia Sutherland of “The ZMM Book”: 18Potos Of Former Minneapolis Home>2649 South Colfax Ave, AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 4th Down.

A 36 Photo Tour of Two University of South Carolina Buildings:  a) Etherredge Performing Arts Center Lobby + b) Ruth Patrick Science Education Center, some of which show “Built In Educational Displays

Site Master Henry Gurr's Campus: Photos Of Two Buildings (of 32 total), University of South Carolina Aiken. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 2nd Down.

A 105 Photo Tour of Science Building
At The University of South Carolina Aiken, Aiken SC.
Also showing a) Flowers & Exotic Plants In The Greenhouse
And b) The Rarely Seen Equipment Service Room & Dungeon.
Site Master Henry Gurr's Campus: Photos Of Science Building, One (of 32 total Buildings) At The University of South Carolina Aiken. AFTER the 5 Albums Comes Up, Read & ClickOn 5th Down.

IThese 15 photos show persons & scenes, related to how we got this ZMMQ WebSite going, back in ~2002. Included are "screen captures" of our software systems in use. A few of these photos show the screen views of what we were “looking at,” some including brief notes & hints on how to get around some of the problems we experienced.

Software We Used ~2002, In Creating and Maintaining This ZMMQ WebSite: Illustrated & Explained. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Albun.

Photos of Faculty, Administrators, and Students who were at Montana State College ~ 1956-1960. These persons, especially Sarah Vinke, were faculty (or colleagues of) ZMM author Robert Pirsig, during his teaching (1959 – 1961), as Professor of English, at Montana State College, Bozeman MT.

1947-60: Photos of MSC Faculty & Sarah Vinke (Vinki Vinche Finche Finch)

In Hawaiian WIKI MEANS => Quick N’ Easy N’ Better! For Anything You Do!!
Wikis began 1994, Ward Cunningham gave name "WikiWikiWeb"..Cont Heret
The Pages You Are NOW Reading, Are Powered By pmWiki WebSite SftWare:

ZMMQ Site => Various UN-Complete Work In Process

Revised}DaveMatos130715+HenryGurr140227;16036;170214;180920;181127,200217,200312, 200318, 200831, 210626, 220508,220926,240209-12 , 240319-21, 240530, 240915, 241220.--]
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The Technology We Use, With Added Instructions on How to Set Up and Use This The Good Software. That We Use Or Have Used.

By Henry Gurr

A Big Thank You to the Persons Who Developed the Web Presentation Software Packages That We Use for ZMM Quality.org!

It is my pleasure to gratefully acknowledge the careful efforts of the people who developed the fine Web Presentation Software Systems (see below) that I depend on.

NOTE WELL! => All the software systems acknowledged below are excellent, reliable, and easy to use! They are free of charge to any honest and serious user, and are available as Internet Downloads. A click on the links given below will take your Internet browser to their respective websites for downloads, explanations, and related discussion forums. These software packages are truly amazing! In fact, better than you can buy. I sincerely recommend that you try these software systems for your next webpage project. At the bottom of this page, you will find links to several of my webpages (and photographs) which give more information on how to use the software I have been using.

This page first credits the software we use, and second, explains how we set up and use these programs to create our webpages and photo galleries. And third, we also included are additional software recommendations we rave about such as the Firefox Internet browser, the Thunderbird E-mail system, and many other neat software applications to speed your day (see end of this page below).

This website would not have been possible without the diligent and selfless efforts of the late Paul Lewis. Please see our Acknowledgements page for our big thank you to Paul, former USCA librarian and the person who assisted us with the technologies we used to create ZMM Quality.org.

Also, check out our Photo Gallery album: Our Software and How We Got Started. It tells the story of how ZMMQuality.org came to be. It also provides tutorials and “screen captures” on the Gallery editing process, creating captions, using ACDsee and HTML-Kit, and saving “screen captures.”

A) To the Very Creative Souls at “pmWiki” => I Send My Expression of Thanks for Creating the Simplest of All Web Authoring Packages

(Before you read below, be sure you have read & understand all the above, to the top.)

B) We have recently changed text webpages to PmWiki, because (after learning a few tricks) it is marvelously easy to use.

...PmWiki also offers an excellent visitor count software application called “TotalCounter”. We use the TotalCounter to show the ZMMQ visitor count and other statistical information about visitors to the site. TotalCounter is one of the many add-ons available via the PmWiki Cookbook, which also contains information on editing and administrating websites allcreated with PmWiki software. I have yet to find out whether PmWiki has the needed statistical data collection and reporting ability called "site referrers statistical package" (site referrers are discussed directly below, in the next two sections of this page).

B) Continued: Since PmWiki does require much knowledge to download and install the PmWiki software into the needed Internet Server, you may be interested to know that PmWiki software is provided for you without additional cost by a number of Internet Host Companies. Look at their webpages or ask me for recommendations. I depended on my good friend, the late Paul Lewis, to extensively help me with these set-up steps.
…Information about PmWiki, including features, downloads, installation, and basic editing, can be found on the Home Page of the PmWiki website. For those who seek information about PmWiki beyond the basics, especially advanced editing, the PmWiki Cookbook is the place to go.

C) Our Sincere Thanks Go to the MenaltoGallery Development Team.

My ZMM Quality.org Photo Gallery is powered by "Gallery.Menalto.com Software", or just “Gallery” for short. Many years ago, they created such a wonderful way to view photo albums over the Internet!
…However: Unfortunately MenaltoGallery Support Stopped soon after Nov 2019, and their WebSite ceased being available Mid Jan 2024. This is quite a loss of a Really Good Gallery Web Presentation. Software. Of course, computer-savvy persons could find where to download this, and might be able to keep it running. But GalleryMenalto requires having older operating systems, and older Apachie Server Software, than is hard to come by.
…The Blue Links below, are thanks to Archive.org. Where you may learn more by visiting the Gallery website. This webpage features detailed instructions and explanations about the Gallery Photo Album Organizer software.
…To use this software had to download it into your own computer and set my computer to be an Internet server. All of this takes advanced knowledge. Alternatively, you can pay a monthly fee to an Internet webhosting company to do this for you. Although in years past you could => See "Certified Web Host Companies" at the bottom of the Gallery WebSite, this is no longer easily found. …. Thus for example => To find Web Host Companies, you might search Bing Or Google for web hosting gallery ..
…Their "Gallery Web Photo Album SLIDE-SHOW" is outstanding! To try it, follow the instructions on my Gallery Slideshow Info page. This webpage will explain how to use the Gallery Photograph Slide Show. Links to examples are given.

C) Continue: My ZMM Quality Website Gallery photographs were “FTP uploaded” (over the Internet to our remote ZMMQ server) by a software program called Gallery Remote. Gallery Remote, installed on my computer, was used to very easily and quickly upload my photos to our remote host server computer, using our Internet connection. Dial-Up, DSL, or Hi-speed are all okay for this purpose! This Gallery Remote software, also from the Gallery Development team, is easy to learn how to use, and is a wonderful and powerful creation. Many thanks to "Gallery" for making another super product, back in the early days! But sad to say, available no more.

C) Continue: Side notes about Gallery (Gallery.Menalto.com) Software:
…Be sure to see my photos of my software in action! This is an album in my photo gallery showing some of my computer screens as I used these software systems. These photos include brief notes and hints on how to get around problems.
…NOTE: The ZMMQ Gallery and its associated content refer to Version 1 of Gallery, which I still use as of this writing Jah 19, 2024. But, with increasing difficulties due to (as stated above), older operating systems, and older Apachie Server Software, are hard to come by .
…After the success of Gallery Version 1, moved on to Version 2 and Version 3.

Click Here For Wikipedia Page, Which Tells About This Gallery Project, And Its History.

A General Explanation Of How Set-Up Your Own WebSite, Starting With a Server: Your Own Computer (or a Computer Operated by a Webhost)

The above-listed software packages (“pmWiki” & "MenaltoGallery”) are what I call “Webpage Presenters”: They must, of course, be installed in a computer operating as an “Internet Server." This could be your own computer (which requires advanced knowledge). More likely, you will want to use a remote computer belonging to a Internet webhosting company. These companies provide various choices of software needed for your WebSite. Typically, you access the WebHost’s Computer remotely, as I have done for the ZMM Quality pages you are currently looking at. First, you sign up with a webhosting company which may be anywhere; but practically speaking, it is slightly preferable to use companies which are in your own country. (This speeds up data-transfers, and makes money payments easier, and reduces language barrier problems.) You may consider our Professors Cooperative Permanente, for your hosting, or choose from a list of webhosting companies. For example => To find Web Host Companies, you might search Bing Or Google for web hosting gallery
…Once you have signed up with your hosting company, then you will need is a computer with an Internet connection (phone line or DSL or Cable or Hi-Speed Internet Connection). Your computer should have an Internet browser such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Netscape, or MS Explorer. This is equipment you most likely already have, and know how to use, since you're using this very equipment to view these very words!

Side note about internet browser (or web browser) software for your own computer: For a list of internet browsers currently in use by other users, see the , or see my ZMMQ Visitor Counter page. Scroll about halfway down the page to see the list of browsers used by other visitors. However, although there are many browsers available, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and more recently an Open Source application called Chromium are especially recommended for a lot of reasons, some of which are:

  1. They are wonderfully easy to use;
  2. Each has its own advanced features, so you may find yourself using both for different tasks;
  3. They have vastly improved Internet security; and
  4. They are free. See below for more information about Firefox and links to the Mozilla Foundation website. Also see below for information and links about Google Chrome and the more recent Open Source application called Chromium.

How I Use Software Packages to Create My pmWiki ZMMQ Webpages and Menalto-Gallery, Photo Galleries.)

(Below I Discuss How I Use Webpage Presenter Packages Such As: Menalto.Gallery and PmWiki.
(Before you read below, be sure you have read & understand all the above, to the top.)

Steps To Copy&Paste Your Words Into Your pmWiki Webpages:

These instructions are here so you may learn the general idea of how to create your webpages and photo albums using these software systems. Of necessity, I have left out many details. Otherwise, it would take a whole book to completely explain each and every step to a beginner. For these reasons, please do not rely solely on the instructions (above or below), to provide each and every one of the necessary steps.

How Hard Is It for a Beginner to Use pmWiki Software Package Through an Internet Webhost?
Most software systems are designed to be simple enough so you can figure them out as you go! Thus, if you pay attention, think, rely on your past experience with computers, and remember the basic steps you have used before, you can generally proceed with just a few bumps, even if you are a beginner. This is what I did! For these reasons, you will generally not need to read instructions.

But if you get into a jam, there are complete sets of instructions on how to use these packages. Paul Lewis always said: "Every single one of these packages comes with very detailed README files and other documentation.

If you know how to use your computer's Internet Browser and can find your way around my webpages and Photo Gallery albums, you will be okay. This capability is all you need to upload your pages of text or photos to your own webpage! Of course, I assume you have already typed the text for your webpage into your computer's word processor and/or have used your camera software to “Save-As” your photos into your computer.

Steps to Upload Text to Your pm Wiki Webpage, Using Your Own Computer:

0) Choose a GOOD Word Processer: Click this link, and after the ZMM Full Text Page comes up, scroll down to ….“You Need A GOOD Word Processor In Your Computer”…
1) Launch your word processor and type into it the text you want to upload;
)2 Use the "mouse drag" to identify (highlight) the text you want to send to your webpage;
3) Do an "edit copy";
) Switch to your own webpages on your Internet Browser;
4) ''Logon" so you will have permission to add material to your webpages;
5) Click "edit" on the page you want to modify and use the "edit paste" feature of your computer, to paste the text into the “edit box”.
6) Click "Preview", and after reloaded page comes up, scroll down, and the words should be displayed, same as final page will post, but your new page is not yet saved into the internet server.
7) If editing improvements are needed you can edit these into the “edit box”, and again click “Preview”. But I do NOT recommend you make your editing improvements. Here’s what I do =>
8) Instead of step above, I make all editing improvements in my word processer (mentioned step 1) above.), and then re-do steps 2) thru 6) to put the new revised text into the pmWiki edit box, and “preview”. This way, when done making editing improvements, your word processor can save, a “Back-Up-Copy onto your computer’s Hard-Driv, of your final version of your new WebPage. This way
9) When finally all is OK, you BE SURE to remember to click on “Save”, so final page is now being securely being held in your internet server, for all web surfers to see!

Good luck with your webpage!

Steps I Use Upload Photos To My ZMMQ Photo Gallery Are Omitted, Because The Gallery.Menalto.com I Use, Now Obsolete And Is Mostly Unavailable To New Users.

B) On your computer, there are usually several other good photo viewer choices that you should become familiar with: As an alternative to your computer’s (above mentioned) very simple and limited “Thumbnail Photo Viewer” (Concerning this “Thumbnail Photo Viewer” => An Idea To Remember: As discussed above, this Viewer with proper settings, will automatically show a small picture, for each of the file names of each of your saved photos) in your computer file system.)

  1. First try this: Go to the file listings of your photos, and on one of the listed photos, “Right Click” > “Open With” with your mouse. You will see a list of the different “viewers” already installed (as so called “Applications”), on your computer. As you get time, you should try each of these and make notes as to how well you like each. On my Win7 computer, this list shows 7 “viewers”. One of them is named “Windows Photo Viewer”, which I find myself using from time to time.
  2. Second try this: Download and install the wonderful and most powerful freeware photo viewer and photo editor program called Irfanview. This is an even better way to view and find your way around your photos, edit them (resize, crop, color correct, covert, etc) as needed, and see the file names. With Irfanview, you can also open (and or save into) practically all known digital computer file formats. (See additional Irfanview discussion below.)
  3. Third, a useful photo viewer (and photo editor) may have been included when you purchased your camera. You should contrast this software (which came with your camera) with Irfanview. My guess is that you will use Irfanview more and more often because it can to more and is easier to use. See below for much more information about Irfanview.

Caution: I Have Left Out Many Details.

These instructions are here so you may learn the general idea of how to create your webpages and photo albums using these software systems. Of necessity, I have left out many details. Otherwise, it would take a whole book to completely explain each and every step to a beginner. For these reasons, please do not rely solely on the above instructions to provide each and every one of the necessary steps.

These software systems are designed to be simple enough so you can figure them out as you go! Thus, if you pay attention, think, rely on your past experience with computers, and remember the basic steps you have used before, you can generally proceed with just a few bumps, even if you are a beginner. This is what I did! For these reasons, you will generally not need to read instructions.

But if you get into a jam, there are complete sets of instructions on how to use these packages. Paul Lewis always said: "Every single one of these packages comes with very detailed README files and other documentation. PmWiki, and phpWebsite provide whole websites devoted to step by step instructions.” Also, User Discussion Forums are of some help for the tougher problems. But generally, you will be better off relying on trial and error, and learning as you go. This is what I was able to do with mostly no difficulty.

Again, good luck!!

Above We Have Highly Recommended pmWili and (the now obsolete Menalto-Gallery), Which Are Free. Below Please Find MORE Software We Highly Recommend.

…Below, as a bonus, is new information for people who are worried about computer viruses, worms, etc. Similar to the above-mentioned software, the software discussed below is publicly available through free Internet downloads. This software is highly reliable and among the best software you can get for your computer. Please study and pass on the good information about what the Mozilla Organization, Google Chrome, and Mr. Irfan Skiljan (Irfanview) are doing. Ditto for the other software (near bottom) also listed as good and worth your attention.

I hope all of these applications continue to develop new and better software tools and much continued success and public acclaim.

Much success in all your endeavors.

Free Google’s Chrome INTERNET BROWSER

I have been using for the last ~5 years a powerful, flexible, and FREE Internet browser called Chrome. Google has developed a very good Internet Browser..

  • Chrome is both reliable and free. Please be aware Chrome Internet Browser can be installed on practically any Computer (Tablet, Smart Cell Phone, Laptop) Here Is General information for Laptop & Tower. More information about the Chrome is readily available. But if you have questions or need help, you can contact me (Henry Gurr).
  • Chrome can be easily adapted to your needs, and is fully compatible with both Windows and Macintosh.
  • Chrome INTERNET BROWSER has all the features and abilities you are already familiar with and accustomed to. And it looks just like what you have been using: all the buttons, controls, etc. are in similar places and have similar functionalities.
  • Chrome has vastly increased Internet security against computer viruses and worms, and offers pop-up blocker protection also.
  • Despite the fact that Chrome is free, it is actually better and more trustworthy than the highly touted and expensive Microsoft Products. Attention! Attention! Attention!
  • Microsoft Edge INTERNET BROWSER, in nearly all respects acts like Chrome Browser, because is the same software inside. And thus has all the features and abilities.

Google Chrome Internet Browser, Has a Very Good Auto-Fill. Also Called Auto-Complete:AND the same is true of Microsoft Edge INTERNET BROWSER.
…Lots of times, On-The-Internet, we are manual typing, to fill out blank spaces (on say an order form, to purchase an item). For example, there are many blanks to fill out with your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, etc. The Google Chrome Browser, in addition to being free, very fast, and crash-proof, has another very nice Auto-Complete feature: Over the months, as you type into various webpage “web-forms”, Chrome Browser will collect all the information you typed and remember it. So the NEXT time you have to fill out a “web-forms”, you start typing-in say your name, there will be a pop-up, and with a single click. Chrome Browser, will input most of that information for you. Nice! Try it, you’ll like it!

Note!: I discovered this automatic type and fill in feature by accident: Many other browsers most likely also do this, but Chrome Browser, seems to me to be the best, and most flexible!).
Note2: CAUTION: However, as with most automatic conveniences, you can get Unexpected and BAD results:. You should be VERY aware that ANY auto-complete, will have a great deal of your personal information: The most sensitive of these are your Bank Account Information & Credit Card Information: Personally, I have not seen instances of my Browser’s auto complete having (or filling in), any of my sensitive info. But caution, as always On the Internet, is the Watch-Word.

Free Mozilla Firefox

I have been using Firefox Internet Browser Since It Came Out In 2004, and it is a most wonderful and FREE Internet browser. As is the case for Google’s Chrome (above), Mozilla Firefox has been partly helped through the volunteer efforts of expert computer enthusiasts as a part of the Open Source Movement.

The Firefox Browser Download & Click For More Information. has had and is *Highly Recommended* by many tech editors. Here are some of its highlights:

  • Mozilla Firefox is both reliable and free. General information about the program is readily available. But if you have questions or need help, you can contact me (Henry Gurr).
  • Firefox can be easily adapted to your needs, and is fully compatible with Linux, Windows, and Macintosh.
  • Firefox has all the features and abilities you are already familiar with and accustomed to. And it looks just like what you have been using: all the buttons, controls, etc. are in similar places and have similar functionalities.
  • Firefox has vastly increased Internet security against computer viruses and worms, and offers pop-up blocker protection also.
  • Despite the fact that Firefox is free, it is actually better and more trustworthy than the highly touted and expensive Microsoft Products. Attention! Attention! Attention!

Free Google’s E-MAIL Program, Called Gmail.

The FREE e-mail application called Gmail has many advantages for your daily use, and like most “APP’s” these days: Click Here for => Gmail General Information For Laptop & Tower.
NOTE: Please be aware Google Gmail, does NOT need to be installed in your computer. It can be use as Tab on almost any Internet Browser, and thus can be use on on practically any Computer (Tablet, Smart Cell Phone, Laptop)
…Gmail is my main Email Client, and I entirely agree with David Gewirtz, as to the high functionality of how All Of Google Products Work Very Well Together!! Mr Gewirtx is a long time, well seasoned, high performer Tech Expert himself, so after this page comes up, scroll down to where => David Gewirtz discusses how the use of Gmail, so nicely fits-in-with Google “Eco-System”, Such As => Android Smartphone, Google Calendar, Google Apps, Chrome Book Devices, or Just Google’s Chrome Internet Browser On, all possible Computer Devices => Tablets, Phones, Laptops, & Regular Desktop Towers.

Free Mozilla Thunderbird E-MAIL Program

The FREE e-mail application called Mozilla Thunderbird has many advantages for your home computer. Account settings needed to send and receive e-mail in connection with the USCA e-mail system are laid out below. If you are using MS Outlook (or other commercial e-mail software) you might be interested in Mozilla Thunderbird, especially if you are at USCA, since it is possible for Thunderbird to send and receive e-mails to and from the USCA e-mail system.

Mozilla Thunderbird does everything Outlook does; and to some minds, it is better than Outlook in significant ways. This e-mail system is an excellent choice for your home computer because it is very reliable, has superior Internet security, features increased ease of use, and has one of the best address books (with the most data blanks) I have ever seen. And it has a highly advantageous price: free!

Thunderbird has been developed through the volunteer efforts of a very dedicated team of about forty highly motivated computer enthusiasts around the world. Literally thousands of such cooperative teams are sweeping the globe with their excellent Open Source Applications. These are dedicated experts, working together for the common good. This e-mail system, a project of the Mozilla Foundation, is another of their contributions to the worldwide Open Source Movement.

Caution: With Thunderbird, you may need help setting up the “Tools > Account Settings" so that the application will work with your Internet provider. For guidance, please ask me (Henry Gurr). I will be glad to help and/or advise you. Also I can send a MS Word Document that has screen shots of the settings I used in setting up Thunderbird to receive e-mail from my USCA server and send e-mail through my Internet provider, PeoplePC.com.

As with the Firefox browser, Thunderbird link to a free download + Click for more information about. are available on a Mozilla Foundation website. Here are some of the excellent features of Thunderbird:

  • Thunderbird e-mail was developed ~ 2007, and is *Highly Recommended* by many tech editors. Favorable articles about Thunderbird have appeared in the New York Times, in the Wall Street Journal, and in a host of computer magazines.
  • Thunderbird e-mail is both reliable and free.
  • Thunderbird has a wonderful spell check feature.
  • Thunderbird has one of the best address books I have seen. Your existing address lists may be easily imported into Thunderbird. The resulting Thunderbird address book can be your main address book for e-mail and all other contact information. Once organized, it can be used to print letter labels, summaries, etc.
  • This is one of the most extensive, easily maneuverable address books available. You can arrange it in the way you want, and it also has the largest number of name, phone number, and e-mail data places I have seen.
  • Thunderbird can be easily adapted to your needs, and is fully compatible with both Windows and Macintosh.
  • Thunderbird e-mail has all the features and abilities you are already familiar with and accustomed to. And it looks just like what you have been using: all the buttons, controls, etc. are in similar places and have similar functionalities.
  • On top of this, it has vastly increased Internet security and a pop-up blocker.
  • Despite the fact that Thunderbird is free, it is actually better and more trustworthy than the highly touted Microsoft products. Attention! Attention! Attention!

More information here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozilla_Thunderbird

Irfanview Photo Viewer and Photo Editor Computer Program

I have been using for the past five years a most wonderful and FREE ”Digital Photo Browser-Editor" system called Irfanview (the most recent version, at this writing, is v4.41).
…Irfanview Digital Photo Browser-Editor is a reliable and free download. General information about the application, and free downloads, are available on the Internet. If you have questions or need help, you can contact me (Henry Gurr) as well. Here are some of the highlights of the application:
…* Irfanview Digital Photo Browser-Editor is reliable, easy to use, can be easily adapted to your needs, and is fully compatible with your other computer software for both Windows and Macintosh.
…* Irfanview Digital Photo Browser-Editor has all the features and abilities you are already familiar with and accustomed to in any high-quality general-purpose "Photo Handling System". It is one of those great software applications that can do anything you want quickly and easily. And it looks just like what you have been using: all the buttons, controls, etc. are in similar places and have similar functionalities.
…* On top of this, Irfanview Digital Photo Browser-Editor has the ability to read almost any digital data format and change any photo digital format to another photo digital format.
…* Despite the fact that Irfanview Digital Photo Browser-Editor is free, it is actually better and more trustworthy (albeit having fewer important abilities & features) than many other highly touted and expensive software products. Attention! Attention! Attention!

Side Note: Here Is A Sample Of Some Of The Reviews Written About Ifanview:

  • Osalt.com (Open Source Alternatives.com) says:
    IrfanView is a free, small, fast graphic viewer whose goal is to be simple for beginners while meeting the power needs of professionals. It allows you to view and change graphic images to your own specifications, such as changing properties of a digital photograph. A simple interface makes it easy to navigate.
  • Ubuntu Brainstorm, in stating that their quite good Ubuntu Linux Operating System Package also needs something like Irfanview, says:
    IrfanView . . . is the best graphics "swiss army knife" for pictures/photos allowing for e.g. to quickly open an image(s) and crop and resize save to another format, rotate and navigate through a dir, clipboard support etc. in very straightforward manner. But - it's Windows-only and closed source.
    IrfanView is a small lightweight freeware image viewer developed in 1996 by a fellow by the name of Irfan Skiljan. This free piece of software is still available and being updated today. It is also one of the most popular image viewers downloaded to this day. What drives this popularity is its compact size, the support of a wide variety of file formats, the multi-language support, and its simple straightforward interface making it a perfect application for anybody.

Additional Software We Use Regularly and Highly Recommend (All Are Free, Some Are Open Source)

  1. '''Ever Since Windows &, The Screen Shown Provdes, At Besr, Clumsy Access To what The User Wants. Windows Users Should Use => Classic Shell, Which Is Free Software That Improves Your Productivity, Enhances The Usability Of Windows And Empowers You To Use The Computer The Way You Like It. ]]

…The main features are:
Highly customizable start menu with multiple styles and skins
Quick access to recent, frequently-used, or pinned programs
Find programs, settings, files and documents
Start button for Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
Click Here For Further Explanation & DownLoad.

  1. BrowsingHistoryView is a utility that reads [in your comuter] the history data of different Web browsers (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Opera) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table.

…The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.
…You can also export the Browsing History into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.
…NOTE: Internet Browsers Users need to know that => BROWSING HISTORY OLDER THAN ~90 DAYS, IS DELETED! Thus for me, the most important use of => . BrowsingHistoryView, is to => CTRL -A, and then SaveAs, all of my displayed Browsing History.
Click Here To Read NirSoft’s Own Description, And See A Screen Capture Of What Their BrowsingHistoryView, Looks Like When Using It. Also shows ClickPoint => “DownLoad”

  1. Chromium Internet Browser (also has Chromium Operating System): This Open Source Project starts with Google Chrome Browser and goes to the next stages. A recent ZDNet review highly recommended Chromium and sees a great future for it.
  2. Xmarks Bookmark Sync and Search: Keep all your Internet Bookmarks (Favorites) the same on all your computers with Xmarks (for FireFox and Google Chrome Browsers). Xmarks offers bookmark synchronization, search enhancement, and web discovery based on sites bookmarked by users.
  3. Audacity: For managing, editing, creating, compressing, and saving any audio media. Audacity is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds. It is available for Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, and other operating systems.
  4. Avast: This is the only anti-virus package you will ever need. Avast! Free Antivirus is the best virus and spyware protection available. Download the world's most popular antivirus software completely free.
  5. 7-Zip: Many Internet downloads are compressed. This is what you need to “UnZip” them. It is also good for computer file management and compressed backups. 7-Zip is an Open Source Windows utility for manipulating archives. Formats 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2 and TAR are supported fully; other formats can be unpacked.
  6. SKYPE Is A Very Effective & Problem Free Way To Make Free Telephone Call Over The Internet.

Click Here To => Download the free Skype video call app for your desktop, mobile, or tablet. SKYPE is Great For => Staying in touch with friends and family just got more fun.

  1. ZOOM MEETING: Make Work Less Work: Connect, Collaborate, And Create With Zoom's AI Powered Platform. Empower Your Employees, Teams, And Customers To Work Better Together And Get More Done.

…A Unified communication and collaboration platform. Make meaningful connections with meetings, team chat, whiteboard, phone, and more in one offering.
Click Here To => Learn More About Zoom, The One Platform To Connect.

  1. With Magic Jack Service, You Can Use Your High-Speed Internet To Connect Your Magic Jack Device To Make Phone Calls. After. Easy Set Up, Yor Cad Make Unlimited Calling On Your Landline, Computer, Or Mobile Phone.

Click Here To => Learn More About How Magic Jack Phone Service Works & See How You Hook-Up Your Existing POTS Phone Devices & Exiting Phone Wires, To A Magic Jack Device. Click Here To => Learn More About $ Cost Of Magic Jack Service Plans.
…MagicJack offers great features at a low cost. Experience consistent voice quality and stability. Cut the cord and switch today!
Keep Your Current Number
…Port your existing phone number and avoid the hassle of notifying all of your contacts. Option to port your number is available after device activation.
Take Your magicJack Anywhere
…Travel with your magicJack device so that you never miss a call from family, friends, or work.
Connect Any Way You Want’

  1. EasyGPS Free Version From TopoGraphics Company.: If you use a Handheld GPS (Or a GPS-enabled Smartphone), this is the Computer APP you need, to move your Device GPS Data.gpx to (or from) your computer. EasyGPS is free software and can be used with most Handheld GPS Devices, such as Lowrance GPS, Magellan GPS, and Garmin GPS (as well as many other manufacturers of GPS Devices).

…On your computer, EasyGPS can ALSO be used to look at a map display of the GPS Waypoint Data.gpx from any GPS Handheld Device. And when ready, this data can then be loaded into some other GPS handheld device.
…TO LEARN MORE HOW TO USE EASYGPS: Read the captions for these two photos linked below: http://venturearete.org/.../gallery/album07/106_0610_IMG

  1. Also, from the same TopoGraphics Company, you should look at ExpertGPS: This is worth your attention, for Making & Editing GPS WayPoint Files.gpx

…After importing any Data.gpx into ExpertGPS, it displays the WayPoints on a Map, and at left, shows a complete list of all of these WayPoints A click on either place show content for any one Wayoint
… In my experience, once your Data.gpx file is loaded into ExpertGPS, you can change nearly anything in your Data.gpx file to the way you want it!
… ExpertGPS has a 5 day Free Trial, without having to give them a Credit Card Number.
Click Here To See My ExpertGPS Edited File.gpx, Which Has All Of My 621 ZMM Route GPS Waypoints (With My Most Recent Improvements) Is Very Nicely Displayed Onto Google Maps,
NOTE: After this Facebook.com page comes up, read to understand what I have done, then ClickOn The Link, to see the resulting Google map.

  1. Whenever You Are Working With A GPS Handheld Device or GPS WayPoint Data.gpx, You Will Keep Finding New & Good Uses For CalTopo GeoSpatial Topo Map Web Portal. ,

…In Fact, you will find CalTopo.com Site, a very wonderful & useful tool for lots of purposes. … Thus I suggest you => Make a webpage bookmark and remember it.
…When I first was using GoogleEarth (The Version That Is Installed In My Own Computer), I tried to “Import” my ZMM Research GPS WayPoint Data.gpx, but immediately it said “Must convert .gpx to .kml and to do this, suggested I use https://caltopo.com … In fact, this is how I learned about & found CalTopo. And ever since I have found more & more wonderful uses for CalTopo!!
Click Here To Read How & Why CalTopo Was Created, And Some Of Its Uses.
Click Here To See An Example Of How CalTopo Displays GPS Data.gpx. …AFTER this page comes up, you will see for ZMM Book, My => The 30 WayPoint Locations of The Narrator + Chris Hypothetical Trai , Which you see without Logging On or Other Permission.

SIDE NOTE: The only place I have seen kml used, is import GPS WayPoints into GoogleEarth. And another, super easy, way to translate .gpx to .kml using this website. => https://mygeodata.cloud/converter/gpx-to-kml

  1. xMind: A really great mind mapping/brainstorming tool. Show your ideas (or even outline a proposed novel) in ten different formats ranging from Hierarchy Trees to Spreadsheets. xMind is the best mind mapping/brainstorming software. It is a great productivity tool with easy-to-use features, friendly UI, and human design.
  2. HTTrack: Download and save an Internet site (the whole thing) for offline viewing. HTTrack is a free (GPL, libre/free software) and easy-to-use offline browser utility. It allows you to download a World Wide Web site from the Internet.
  3. Ubuntu Linux Operating System Package: This is a commercially sponsored Debian-derived Linux distribution that focuses on usability, a regular 6-month release cycle, and a commitment to quality.
  4. Cygwin: This is an application to make your Windows computer appear (and run apps) like a Linux computer. A Linux-like environment for Windows makes it possible to import software running on POSIX systems (such as Linux, BSD, and Unix systems) to Windows.
  5. OpenOffice.org - The Free and Open Productivity Suite: A multiplatform and multilingual office suite and an Open Source project. It is compatible with all other major office suites, and free to download and use.
  6. SourceForge.netFind, create, and publish Open Source software. SouceForge.net offers fast, secure, and free downloads from the largest Open Source applications and software directory.
  7. Optical Character Recognize (OCR) One of your best options for converting an Image.jpg of Typed Text to Editable Digital Text, is the Optical Character Recognize (OCR) ability of Google Documents. First, you must have signed up for Google Drive, and then ClickOn Open to Import your Image.jpg. Then, among the files listed, find this Image.jpg, Right Click, and select Open In Google Documents. Upon which the OCR converted Editable Digital Text will automatically appear.

…SIDE NOTE1: When it comes to free Word Processing, Google Documents, is an obvious choices, and has the advantage of saving your work automatically so you don’t have to worry if your electrical power fails, and consequently loose all of your Document’s Typing Effort. . … It’s also a good choice for collaborative working, and means you don’t have to upload work to a separate cloud storage service.

…SIDE NOTE2: When it comes to Word Processing, Microsoft’s Word, is an obvious choices. And it is rated as “The World’s Premier Word Processor”! Although I have no love for Microsoft, their , Word, and has the advantage of => One of the best “24 Item Clipbiard’s” I now about. BUT, when my electrical power fails, I consequently loose all 24 Clipboard Items.
. . For This Very Reason I Keep Loaded & Running In My Computer Both =>

  1. Grammarly: Free AI Writing Assistance

…Grammerly Says =>
Grammarly: Millions trust Grammarly's AI writing assistance to communicate with confidence and make writing faster and more delightful. Getting started is simple
...I clicked Of The Grammerly Free Offer, and for ~4 months, found that, Irrespective of what project I’m working on, Grammerly regularly Pops-Up with suggestions of “better”, which I usually ClickOn to accepet the change suggested.
Click Here.To learn More, and Sign Up,

  1. My Palm Centro Is A Great Little Smart Phone!!! One Press Instant On & Directly Goes To Either => Calendar, Contacts, Email, & Main Menu

DATE-LINE, Jan 1, 2016: by Henry Gurr:
… My Palm Centro is a great little Smart Phone!!! I have used my Verizon Cenrro, for 4 years now, and still holds charge for over a week!! True, it is obsolete, in terms of the small size photos it can take, and small memory. But you can make up for memory by inserting a Micro SC Memory Chip.
… For some people, the Centro is outdated in terms of it’s somewhat older PalmOS, but for me that is a BIG VIRTUE, because it’s four important functions (Calendar, Contacts, Email, and Main Menu), each have a front panel button =>. And like all Palm PDA’s, even when off, with one press immediately my Centro is ON, and I’m instantly into the function wanted!!
… Thus, I l have my Centro CONSTANTLY in my pocket, for use as calculator, clock, wake-up alarm, calendar, calendar appointment audio beep notification, etc. For these reasons, I using my Centro constantly, despite my owning, a Samsung Galaxy S2 (Android) with Free Cellular Service from FreedomPop.com!! In fact, I have just purchased two Centro’s listed on eBay, so I now have second Centro’s, in case I need e’m and for spare parts for my Verizon Centro PDA. And although the eBay seller (Lumber Jack Cell Phones), said “Fair Condition”, both arrived in perfect condition and looked almost new!!! Great little Smart Phones!!!!
… Using my somewhat outdated Centro is a great way to recycle & save electronics from polluting the waste dump. These are important things for me, and that is why I was so happy to finally find a way to sync my old Palm Centro onto my Win7 Laptop!!
Click Here To Learn How To SYNC This Older Palm Device, To what Is Called “The Palm Desktop”. .

The Following Software Is Not Free, But Highly Recommended

  • IRIS: Not free, but a very good Optical Character Recognizer. Readiris 12 family quickly converts your paper documents into editable text or PDF files you can edit, share, and store!

More Good Suggestions for Software (and Places to Download It) That We Are Less Familiar With

Internet Resources That We Use Constantly, And Daily Depend On In Big Way.

  1. Bing & Google Search Engines => The Search Results of these are for the most part equivalent. But, for a ling time Google would NOT show any results for http://venturearFor => ete.org/ Consequently I had to use Bing, to find any thing on my site.
  2. GoogleEarth Pro Is A Free Download, And Is A Version That Is Installed In Your Own Computer. Their WebPage Says => …Examine the world without leaving your desk.

Mapmaking tools and collaborative features — all in one easy-to-use package. View high-resolution satellite imagery, explore 3D terrain and buildings in hundreds of cities, and dive into Street View's 360° perspectives.
…Create and collaborate from anywhere
Make immersive, data-driven maps from your phone or tablet. Browse the globe, add placemarks, and annotate your maps with a swipe of your finger.
…Create maps with advanced tools
Google Earth Pro on desktop is available for users with advanced feature needs. Import and export GIS data, and go back in time with historical imagery. Available on PC, Mac, or Linux.

  1. GoogleEarth Is ALSO A Free Version That Is Installed InViewed On Your Own Computer, Using An Internet Browser Such As Chrome Or Edge.

…After Launching A GoogleEarth WebPage, the User can add content. This is how I created a 2D & 3D View of =>. The 30 WayPoint Locations of Narrator + Chris Hypothetical Mountain Climb of Robert Pirsig's ZMM Book. -These are GoogleEarth View Of The Same WayPoints as is shown in the above-mentioned CalTopo View.
Click Here To GoogleEarth View => '' The 30 WayPoint Locations of The Narrator + Chris Hypothetical Mountain Climb Trail
NOTE: It takes a long time for the Web Version of GoogleEarth to fully load. But, AFTER it comes into view, you can read a Full Description of what this GoogleEarth shows, and how to use it.

  1. Every Time You Want Full & Accurate & Up-To-Date Information => FIRST Use Bing Or Google To Ask For Wikipedia + The Topic You Want!

… When You Want ANY New Information (or Links), My Advice For You To Remember:

And Consider Sending $ Donation Also.

Concerning Links or Topics you want to learn about: A Sincere Recommendation:
Go FIRST To Wikipedia:
…I have discovered that I can often quickly & easily find “just what I want” by going FIRST to Wikipedia, rather than trying to “click & pick” around various websites, found by Bing or Google.
…Wikipedia Is Clear, Well Organized, and Amazingly Up To Date! – Even when it
comes to fast breaking news, Wikipedia is often right to the last minute with important news. Can't say this about many Pirsig ZMM Sites!
…And there is always the complete list of recommended books and links at bottom every Wikipedia Page: Great way to learn: the Links, Persons, & Official words & language with which to expand your search.
…Wikipedia's pages are well supplied with Diagrams, Photos, Charts, Graphs, Tables, Quotes, etc, which you did not even know existed, let alone find!! For example, I have found through considerable experience, that this is especially true for technical info, and most especially what goes on inside of computers (whether new, old, or very old!) regardless of whether hardware OR software: Again and again, it's an “OH look at this diagram, and there are all the connector pin numbers!”!! So, START with Wikipedia, and chances are you won't have to look further. And even if you do, Wikipedia will give you official language and terms with which to try in Google. Thus I say: ...…

  1. When A WebSite Is No Longer Available , OR You Want To See What A WebSite Looked Like In Earlier Years, => You Will Be Amazed When You Go To

https://archive.org/ and AFTER comes up, type http;// address into their box, the WebPage Address (URL), you want. .
NOTE: Alternatively: You can type into their box, several words you want searched for, but this is less effective than => type http;// address into their box.

And Consider Sending $ Donation Also..

In The Past, We Have Used The Following “WebSite Presentation Software Packages, Which We Hereby Acknowledge:

Many Thanks to Helge Langen for his Siteman Personal Website CMS (Siteman Ver 1.1.2)
For over a year, I successfully used "Siteman php" because (after set-up) it is easy to use and has a needed statistical data collection and reporting ability called "site referrers statistical package". However, Siteman does require much knowledge of html to set up the headers, footers, and main menu list. I depended on Paul Lewis’s help with these page set-up steps. Recent needs, however, required me to change to PmWiki. More information is available at the Siteman personal website CMS.

Many Thanks Go to the Kind Developers of "phpWeb Site Content Management System Software"
Thanks to you at Appalachian State University for your diligent efforts in putting together a great project. My first ZMM Quality.org website was powered by "php Web Site" for over a year and a half. During this time, it has been wonderful to be able to use this package. When I started, I was a "green behind the ears" beginner and totally unfamiliar with the html programming language. The phpWebSite Content Management System (in older versions) had another great feature! This system collected and presented the URLs of all the "Referring Sites" in a giant tabular format. This means it collected data of all the URLs of sites that directed traffic to my site. It showed a big table listing the URLs where the visitor had just "come from" and the number of such occurrences. These tables were very, very extensive and complete. Hopefully, the newer versions phpWebsite Package will soon restore their wonderful "site referrers" statistical data tables in the upcoming software releases. More information is available For more info on phpwcms software, here is a link to their website.

Links to Websites Related to the Contents of This Page

1) Henry Gurr’s Acknowledgments Page

2) Henry Gurr’s ZMMQ Home Page

3) Henry Gurr’s ZMMQ for Beginners

4) Henry Gurr’s Why Read ZMM

5) Henry Gurr’s Possible Alternatives and Extensions to ZMM

6) Dennis Gary’s The Sarah Vinke of My Student Days

7) Dennis Gary’s Photo Page

8) Andrew Geyer’s Editor’s Introduction to ZMMQ

9) Mozilla’s Firefox Internet Browser Page

10) Mozilla’s Thunderbird E-mail Page

11) Irfanview’s Digital Photo Browser-Editor Page

“And what is good, Phaedrus, And what is not good —
;;; Need we ask anyone to tell us these things?"
Robert Pirsig in his “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”..

Composed by Henry Gurr 8 Jan 2009, with major edit By Andrew Geyer 24 Mar 2011 & 25 May 2011 + Henry Gurr edits Apr 2 2011, May 29 2011, Mar 7 2016. HsgRev19-21Jan2024.
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