![]() "Quality is the parent, the source of all subjects and objects." - Robert Pirsig |
Attention Workers In Neuroscience, Brain Science, Philosophy & Philosophy of Mind, Cognitive Science, Psychology, Learning Theory, Researchers and Theoreticians of Mind, Consciousness, & Brain Development.To Brain & Mind Scientist => This Webpage You Are Currently Reading Is Titled => An Introductory “Compact Explanation” of Henry Gurr’s “Panorama View Of How Our Mind Works” . where the “Official Start” '' is 8 Inches Below, Please Know That The Webpage Below (And It’s Linked Pages) => 1) Introduces ' Henry Gurr’s. entirely new kind of => Theory Explanation Of How Our Mind Works. Which Is Fully Confirmed By Direct Observation. And =>
…This Theory Explanation, Offers A Very Viable Answer To The Mind-Body Problem, And In So Doing, Completely Closes The Explanatory Gap. 2) Are a General Theory Explanation, and has major parts that well agree with the conclusions of other experts, but the overall panorama of understanding is mostly not presented in existing literature.
3) This view Into The Workings Of Our Mind, is so different that => At first reading you will have difficulty perceiving what it says, and indeed, at first, will not believe it has any truth.
4) For this reason: In your reading of the below (and other linked WebPages), you will have to go slow & let the ideas sink in, so you can begin to see that what is said, actually fits your own direct experience. This way the truth of what is presented will gradually become evident.
5) And you will gradually come to see, that the ideas & conclusions of this Theory Explanation, do in fact, stand true to your own direct observation.
5) So, if you are young, and of agile flexible mind, and at the start of your career, you will discover this overall viewpoint, offers a way for you to see into The Workings Of Your Own Mind, not to be found anywhere else.
6) And from this, as you will discover, you also will become more effective in your personal daily life, learn how to break out of problem hangups, and have more creative ideas. Effectively you will have a => A Brain Owner’s Manual.
7) And, from this, better understand the mind of other persons, and thus be able to better communicate with them.
8) AND as can be directly observed => The Mental Arrival Results of the Problem Solving Brain, are exactly the Source All Human Creativity!
You Actually Will See It Happen, As Mental Arrivals, Automatically, Spontaneously, Again And Again!
FOR A PHILOSOPHY & PSYCHOLOGY OF MIND, NOW DISCOVERED => The Needed & Vital Rosetta Stone For “A General Theory (Explanation) of “How Our Mind Works”.******** BASED ON DIRECT OBSERVATION THUS CONCLUDE ******** It Is Productive And Revealing To Consider The Hypothesis, That EVERYTHING Our Brain Does, Is AUTOMATIC, SPONTANEOUS PROBLEM SOLVING,***WHERE*** => A) In response to life’s problems coming at us (over ~95 percent of the time), our Problem Solving Brain very quickly, generates, constructs creates Valid Problem Solutions (Answers), which Mentally Arrive into our conscious mind, and amazingly are the Best Or Near Best Answers, for the problems presented.
NOTE1: On this WebPage you are currently reading, the meanings of “Best”, “Quality”, “Merit”, & “Coherence”, and other words, are as stated in a Dictionary.
NOTE2: To understand meaning of “Solutions (Answers): see below at “F) Instructive Examples”.
B) Nearly always for our every waking moment, second by second, these solutions, are from Unconscious Brain Processes, are effectively 1) Perceptions of “What Is There”, and then 2) Are Solutions (Answers), that include Future plans, Feelings, & Emotions, to guide efficient “Real World Action”.
C) Not only are these solutions remarkably good, for the situation at hand, they are, Automatically “Tailored” to the ongoing immediate situation. ….
D) These solutions are based on PREVIOUS Creative Best Or Near Best Solutions (Answers), which were saved into Memory, for just this very purpose. Thus there is a successive generation, construction, creative creation of, ever improving knowledge, skills, & abilities! These solutions suddenly, automatically, spontaneously “Come To Mind”, “Out Of The Blue”, with absolutely no conscious awareness of their origin!!
E) These solutions are only one-at-a-time, as is required for quick “single minded” decisions, and quick action for survival.
F) They suddenly, Just Appear (or Mentally Arrive) into our Consciousness Mind,'
G) 'Instructive Examples of' A) thru F) May Be Called “Mental Arrivals”, And Include These Familiar Mental Actions => '''
1) Eureka! I have found it !! (Archimedes)
2) The Light Came On!!-
3) A Flash of Insight It **AHA**
4) !t Dawned On Me
5) Light Bulb (As in a cartoon),
6) OH !! Now I see it !!
7) Epiphany
8) Sudden laughter when hit by the punch-line, In Jokes or Humor, where we instantly see what is funny, with laughter & pleasure!
9) AND the most important Example of an => “Eventually Suddenly Realize”, hopefully will happen to you in the “Punch-Line” in last paragraph below.
EXPLANATION: Concerning The Above List Of “Mental Arrivals” 1) Thru 9) => Whenever These Happen = EACH Merits Your Fullest Attention: AND You Should Make It A Habit To Directly & Extensively Observe & Make Data Documentation, Of These When Cought In Action.
F) These above 1) thru 9), Are Typical Mental Arrival Circumstances When We Instantly Recognize => ***AHA!***, Good Answers, With Positive Feeling Of Success & Joy! G) Be Sure To Notice => ALL Such Mental Arrival Solutions (Answers), Into Conscious Mind, Have The Above (& Below) Mentioned Observed General Pattern Of Steps, That Are Irrespective Of The Person’s Physical Circumstance(s) or History. H) AND BE SURE TO WELL NOTICE => As Is Directly Observed => These Above Mentioned Solutions which Automatically, Spontaneously, “Just Come-To-Mind”, Are => 1) Remarkably Good Solutions (Answers), arriving SPONTANEOUSLY & AUTOMATICALLY, and achieving BEST OR NEAR BEST SOLUTIONS, most of the time.
2) And these automatic spontaneous solutions (answers), are exactly what is immediately needed, => In the real world of biological survival.
3) Just watch, and you will see for yourself => That These Creative Best Or Near Best Solutions, Are Remarkably Good Solutions, and are Automatically “tailored” as required by the immediate problem(s) at hand! …
4) Moreover, these solutions are => derived from PREVIOUS Creative Best Or Near Best Solutions (Answers), and these new creatively improved solutions, were saved back into Memory, for just this purpose.
5) Thus the Problem Solving Brain Will Typically And Creatively, Go Creatively Well Beyond Where It Was!
6) AND These New Creative Solutions *Answers”, are then Automatically Stored Back Into Memory, but at an advanced level, ready for the next oncoming problems of living.
7) These advanced Problem Solutions, newly stored into Memory, are in effect New Learning. This is an =>a) Entirely New Creative Problem Solution, b) Stored As New Memory c) And thus is New Learning Accomplished.
8).AND once you know what to watch for => These Sudden New Creative Mental Arrivals (into your Conscious Mind), are FUN TO WATCH, as they happen!
9) MOREOVER => This “Problem Solution > To Memory > Equals Learning” => Forms A Cycle => A Regenerative Upward Spiral Of Compounded, Ever-Improved Memory where => Original Memory > Guides > Perception > Plans > Action > Success > Refine & Improve Memory. This is an optimizing, creative cycle, which achieves learning, refinement of skills, better habits, improved, solidified, updated knowledge, and many more examples.
…(Of course, to be successful, this depends on those ongoing future experiences, to be rather similar to what were the on going past experience, so that “previous successful solutions” will be just as effective, in the future.)
4) As is directly observed => THESE BEST OR NEAR BEST SOLUTIONS ARE ONLY ONE-AT-A-TIME.!! <= This OBSERVED fact necessarily & mathematically, corresponds to a SINGLE Solution. AND IS EXACTLY what is required for quick “single-minded” decisions, and quick action for survival.
5) (HYPOTHESIS) => ONLY Those Automatic, Spontaneous Solutions (Answers), Will “Appear” in Consciousness => IF (AND ONLY IF) They Have Sufficient Optimal => “Fitness”, “Quality”, “Value”, “Utility”, “Relevance”, “Salience”, “Aptness”, “Mental Coherence Strength”.
K) OF COURSE, IT IS A FIRST ORDER PUZZLE, Just How The Above Is At All Possible (Even Indeed Thinkable), For A Physical Biological Brain, To Accomplish This!! L) AND THE ANSWER TO THIS PUZZLE, Is Factually And Mathematically Established by the Physics Theory of Princeton Physicist J J Hopfield. To understand just how this could be possible, please read APPENDIX III Re Hopfield, below. NOW THE PUNCH LINE =>IF You Think Long And Hard About This, You Will Eventually Realize =>
… These Solutions are generated, constructed, created, by unconscious brain processes, just like those for Typical Mental Arrivals (1 thru 9), But Now, Each Waking Second, On Near Constant & Continuing Basis), these Solutions which are created entirely without our awareness, also come into Conscious Mind, resulting in normal awareness of => a) Our surroundings (perception), and
b) Awareness of our body, its processes, & motions, and
c) Awareness of our own thoughts.
d) These together form what we experience as “Consciousness”!!
Indeed, Properly Understood, The SAME Brain Systems that create the above mentioned 1) thru 9), “Mental Arrivals”, (As Mentioned Above), But Now Operating On A Continuous Basis, each second of our waking day, entirely without our awareness, also Are CREATING Our Conscious Mind !! This So Created “Conscious Mind”, As We Can Directly Observe => Automatically & Spontaneously Arise from our brain’s UNconscious processes. And for important reasons, we have absolutely NO Conscious Awareness of these brain processes, as a fact. BOTTOM LINE => For The Problems of Life Coming At Us => Our Problem Solving Brain, Finds, Generates, Constructs, Creates => Best or Near Best Problem Solutions (Answers), Which THEN “Appear” as Mental Arrivals, into our Conscious Mind. And, Although We Can Not Ever Know, How Nature Does This => A) This Is Truly A “Create”, As In The Above Mentioned 1) thru 9), “Mental Arrivals”, AND With The SAME Brain Systems =>
B) CREATES (On a Continuous Basis), What We Know As CONSCIOUS MIND,
C) And in Process, -=>Completes The Steps To CREATE => THE EXPERIENCE WE CALL CONSCIOUSNESS !!
Which in Henry Gurr’s Theory (Explanation) is for important reasons, called “Primary Consciousness”.
APPENDIX I: Because “Life Is Unfortunately Too Short!” … Here Are The Reason, You Really Might Want To Look Into My Theory. Which Is “A General Theory (Explanation) Of How Our Mind Works”, And As Such Studying It Closely & Extensively Will, I Promise, Guaranteed =>
…Thus Studying My Theory Will, I Promise, Guaranteed => Help Make Whatever You Are Doing Faster, Easier, Better, And With Fewer Blockages. APPENDIX II: ADDITIONAL NOTES CONCERNING Henry S Gurr’s Theory (Explanation) of How Our Mind Works :1) The above ~3 Page Theory (Explanation) of How Our Mind Works, assumes (as observed) that => There ARE UN-Conscious Brain Processes, that are responsible for these Creative Best or Near Best Problem Solutions (Answers), which “Appear” as Mental Arrivals, into our Conscious Mind.
1) Cont: Just exactly WHY We Have NO Conscious Awareness of our brain processes, is fully discussed here => APPENDIX VII: Why Is It Necessary For The Workings Of Our Mind To Be Hidden From Us?
2) Much of Henry S Gurr’s Theory, Is consistent with in the writings of many perceptive authors, albeit in different language & emphasis. In fact, many of these authors actually describe for us -=> Beginnings of a “Theory of How Our Mind Works”. … You may ask me for these Authors Names, but on top are a) Robert Pirsig’s book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” (ZMM) AND b) Many of the books of Owen Barfield, especially his “Poetic Diction” and “Saving The Appearances” . AND 3) The many writings & Books of Michael Polanyi, especially his “Meaning”, written with help of Harry Prosh. 4) See also John K Sheriff.s “The Fate of Meaning”.
3) Despite all my Henry Gurr efforts to write clea =>It is becoming apparent that above discussed => “Theory (Explanation) of How Our Mind Works” ,is, for many readers, quite hard to understand, let alone believe!
4) The reasons for “Hard To Understand, Let Along Believe” are => a) We have mostly NO CONSCIOUS CLUE, as to any of the above-mentioned UN-conscious brain processes.
b) My above-mentioned ideas are rather fantastic & un-believable, such as =>
i) As Direct Observation Repeatedly Confirms => Our human brain, considered as a General Problem Solver, can and will nearly always, each successive moment of time, automatically spontaneously find Best Or Near Best Answers (Solutions) to life’s oncoming problems. In Other words => Remarkably Good Solutions (Answers), With NO Conscious Supervision,
i) AND: These Answers (Solutions). which are generated by Unconscious Brain Processes, will appear in Conscious Mind IF AND ONLY IF of sufficient Quality, Merit, or Coherence,
ii) These Best Or Near Best Solutions => Just Automatically, Spontaneously, Appear into our Consciousness Mind! …
ili) Or That =>These solutions, which are SPONTANEOUSLY and AUTOMATICALLY Best or Near Best Solutions,
Iv) And are =>Just EXACTLY What Is IMMEDIATELY Needed, in response to Life’s Problems Coming At Us .
BUT … To Confirm That These Are Obviously True … Simply, Just Stop, And Watch Your Own Mind At Work. To Do This =>
Now Because Of a) & b) + i) thru iv) Above=> It is absolutely essential for you to fully understand the systematic “in’s and out’s’ of “Mental Arrivals”, such as above 1) thru 9): Thus => Extensive, Direct Experience with “Flash of Insight” Type Mental Arrivals 1) thru 9), is the rock-bottom MUST, for the reader to REALLY, REALLY, UNDERSTAND the working of our mind.
Therefore => For you (Dear Reader), To Gain The Necessary Direct Experience =>
NOTE: This Page You Are Reading Now, Is An Introductory “Compact Explanation” of Henry Gurr’s “Panorama View Of How Our Mind Works ''
HOWEVER ... Because Our Brain And Sensory Systems Are So Extremely Complex, And So Highly Developed, It Is Consequently A Highly Complex Topic, To 'Explain “How Our Mind Works”.
b) For This Reason A PONDEROUS FULL BOOK LENGTH EXPLANATION of My “Theory of How Our Mind Works” '', Starts At the Blue Link above. c) However, A MEDIUM LENGTH EXPLANATION Where You Should Continue Reading At => Collected Properties & Characteristics All Mental Arrivals Such As => Eureka!, Epiphany, The Light Came On!!, A Flash of Insight It **AHA**, It Dawned On Me, Light Bulb As In Cartoons, And Many Others Similar But Less Dramatic.
APPPENDIX III: THE PHYSICS & MATHEMATICAL THEORY OF PRINCETON PHYSICIST J. J. HOPFIELD.Physicist J J Hopfield, Provides a Clear Mathematically Established Foundation For Just How A Physical Biological Brain, Can Accomplish What We Know Actually Happens. … Professor Hopfield’s Theory Gives Us A Needed & Rock Bottom Basis & Proof For Henry Gurr’s “Theory Of How Our Mind Works Professor Hopfield Indeed Shows Us That A Coherent Theory of Mind Is Thinkable, & Indeed Ultimately Possible,
… TO UNDERSTAND MIND, THE ABSOLUTELY MOST VITAL CLUE for Henry S Gurr’s Proto Theory, Is Supplied By Princeton Theoretical Physicist J. J. Hopfield’s Neural Network Model. =>
Prof Hopfield’s Theory Can Be Introduced By An Analogy => a) Many, many, atoms dynamically interacting, as is known in material objects => Will spontaneously go to a single state of lowest energy, which is recognized as a stable end product. For example =>In A Chemical Reaction, which by itself, will go to lowest energy and thus to completion.
THIS ACTION SHOULD BE SEEN AS ANALOGOUS TO => b) Many, many, neurons, dynamically interacting, as is known for the brain => Will spontaneously go to a Single Stable State, which in actual practice is to be identified as the mental state of Near Greatest Mental “Fitness”, Near Greatest “Mental Coherence”.
c) In other words the brain will spontaneously go to a stable end state of => Problem Solution which is the Best Or Near Best Answer, for Perception Of What Is There, and then for most efficient “real world action .
d) Please remember => A Solution (Answer) Stable End State, will Mentally Arrive Into Conscious Mind, (IF AND ONLY IF), it has Optimal Maximum => “Fitness”, “Quality”, “Value”, “Utility”, “Relevance”, “Salience”, “Aptness”, “Mental Coherence Strength” …
6) Instructions: To learn More Details About Mental Arrivals, Such As The Flash of Insight & Why Important => , b) For more about Hopfield Neural Network Model, and Properties of Biological Brains, Click here and AFTER Henry Gurr’s Mind Theory Page comes up, scroll down to “A NETWORK OF NEURONS: A BRIEF INTRODUCTION “
APPENDIX IV; In Our Culture, The Word “Brain”, And Word “Mind”, Are Treated As If They Were Interchangeable....But in the above discussion, you see that these words have distinctly different meanings => “Brain” is a Physical Biological Organ , Which in Humans is composed of estimated 200 to 400 Billion Neurons and estimated ~ 100 Trillion Neuron Interconnection Points Called Synapses.
“Mind” Is Often Generally Understood To Mean => What we are conscious of. And by Current Brain Theories, “Mind” is understood to be a consequence of the working of the brain. This is assumed specifically in Henry Gurr’s above discussed => “Theory (Explanation) of “How Our Mind Works.” .
APPENDIX V: What Is Accomplished by This => Theory of “How Our Mind Works” ?.. AND Why You Might Want To Read About It? A) This Theory Shows That “Flash of Insight” Type of Mental Arrivals (above 1 thru 9), Rather than being “Strange, Side Show, With Peculiar Out Of The Blue, Just Suddenly Appear”! Are by contrast => Central to providing a Unique & Vital Window Into => “How Our Mind Works” ! '
B) This is because =>The SAME Unconscious Brain Systems, that create the above mentioned, “Mental Arrivals” above1) thru 9) => Into Our Conscious Mind => Are ALWAYS & CONTINUOUSLY at work, every waking second ''', with Problem Solving Responses, to External Stimulation from our 5 senses, as well as Responding to Internal Stimulation from say “Thinking”: ---
C) AND The “Responses” of above B), likewise are “Mental Arrivals” Into Our Conscious Mind.
D) Thus this Theory Illuminates => The Origin Of Surrounding Word Awareness & Ideas, Coming Into Conscious Mind, And Thus Consequently Illuminates The Creation Of Consciousness, In General!.
E) An Extension Of This Theory Is => How The Problem Solving Brain, Naturally Deals With Ambiguity or Incomplete Data => Is Seen To Apply To A Wide Variety Of Partial Fit Problem Solutions, such as Analogy, Metaphor, and Similar Sympathetic Poetic Associatives.
F) From E) Above, Most especially it can be shown => How our mind’s Partial Fit Solutions, Can Naturally & Easily “See” & Comprehend Analogy, Metaphor, Simile, … And. most especially “See” (Even “Enjoy”), In The Process Of Writing & Reading Poetry!!
D) FURTHER Consequences This Very Important “Partial Fit” Idea => AFTER above Blue Link comes up, please scroll down to => How Even A Partial Fit Problem Solution, Is Highly Useful.” ''
F) MOREOVER: This Theory (Explanation), As Mentioned in above D), Guides Important Real World Practical Applications: Most especially an efficient guide for All Forms Of Artistic Creativity, including Speaking and Writing Composition.
G) An understanding of This Theory’s (Explanation) “How Our Mind Works”, also helps explain => As Observed, just exactly WHY We Must Have NO Conscious Awareness Of Our Brain Processes.
If You Have Puzzlements, Questions, or Added Ideas To Offer => Please Send Email => HenryG__USCA.edu I truly desire to hear from you. Sincerely Henry Gurr .
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