"Quality is the parent, the source of all subjects and objects." - Robert Pirsig |
An (x,y) Matrix Chart Table Of Author Idea Comparisons: By Henry Gurr This (X,Y) Matrix Chart Table Shows =>
…”Essentially, the (X,Y) matrix chart is a table made up of rows and columns that present data visually. And can be seen as the visual equivalent of a crosstabulation that shows two sets of data displayed two dimensions.” Click Here To Learn More & See Examples Images of Matrix Charts.
…”A chart is a graphical representation of data that is used to display patterns, trends, and relationships in data. Charts can be used to make data more visually appealing and to identify patterns and trends that may not be immediately obvious in other forms of data visualization. … On the other hand, a table is a way to organize data into rows and columns, making it easy to compare and analyze information. Tables are commonly used in data analysis to display precise values and handle large amounts of data. They can be used to compare data across different categories, identify patterns and trends, and make data more visually appealing. < From “Charts vs Tables: Understanding the Key Differences for Data Analysis” By Kramer Caswell ….
Suggestion to see Images => Into Bing or Google A) Type chart . B) Alternatively, type table chart . …”
Henry Gurr’s (X,Y) Matrix Chart Table Of Author Idea Comparisons: MAY BE VIEWED At The Blue Link Given Near The Bottom Of This Page. I Came To See The Need For Comparison Of Author Ideas Back In ~ 1990.
Since it’s nearly a rule that authors of this degree of novelty are basically ignored, and this is what has happened to MpRpOb and others. … Consequently, I came to feel that it was my duty to show clearly how these authors support each other’s conclusions, and from this try to get the literary world to pay attention to them, or at least open their eyes! So it was that this Xmind Effort became an important project of mine back in ~2009: Since that time I have devoted some 100 hours of effort (off & on) spread over a period of 3 years, to bring this xMind Matrix Chart Table to its present form. HOWEVER, much to my dismay, THESE AUTHOR COMPARISONS DON'T WORK. Well, at least not as well as I had originally intended. As I scrolled around in the different columns (IDEAS) or rows (AUTHORS) I discovered that it’s nearly impossible to perceive any of these above-mentioned the similarities in the various authors’ writings. From this, I realize that the same will happen to anyone who looks at my xMind Matrix Chart Table, even if they study with great effort and mental concentration. NOW: WHY DOESN'T THIS AUTHOR IDEA COMPARISON MATRIX WORK, AS I INTENDED / HOPED? I don't really know, and thus I am VERY open to your suggestions. The only thing I can point to as inadequate is the particular choice of 'Named Ideas', at the top of each column:: These in essence are really 'Column Titles', or a better term would be 'Analytical File Categories'. Perhaps I should have used quite different ‘Analytical File Categories', but right now I can’t think of any better. In retrospect these 'Named Ideas', at the top of each column, now seem over arbitrary and I’ve never been happy with. And besides, these existing Column Titles ('Named Ideas'), work well enough that I realize that these Titles are basically not the cause of => “The nearly impossible to perceive any of these above-mentioned the similarities in the various authors’ writings”, which of course is really the important problem to focus on. Anyway, as you can see, I haven't given up on this 'Chart Table of Author Comparisons'. If you have ideas or contributions, please contact me. =>
Sincerely Henry Gurr Sept 15, 2013. '''ATTENTION For Blue Link Below =>
PS: If you are working with any BIG Charts on Xmind Software APP, you may want to consult my => Click Here For “Xmind Hints & Helps Users Guide by Henry Gurr: Prepared by Henry Gurr 17 Sept, 2013, RevRPG23Aug16 RevHsg9-10July23. [--File = WikiZmmqMenu}(xy)Table}HumanFunctionalityAuthorIdeasComparisonV01RpgV05.doc
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