"Quality is the parent, the source of all subjects and objects." - Robert Pirsig

Fits Observation: Henry Gurr’s How Our Mind Works

Henry S Gurr’s Article, Book, & Mind-Map, Projects

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*** Zen and the Art of ***
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** by Robert Pirsig **

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SUMMARY=> Robert Pirsig Zen Art Motorcycle Maint.

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SUMMARY=>Research Montana State UniversityMSU

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SUMMARY=>Maps+Info: ZMM Travel & Mountain Climb

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Thanks To Persons Who Created & Supported ZMMQ




Click any photo below: **OR**
Mouse Hover, Over Photo, For Album Description

These 12 Photos were taken by Robert Pirsig’s very own camera, as he Chris, Sylvia and John made that 1968 epic voyage upon which The Travel Narrative for Mr Pirsig’s ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘ (ZMM) book was based. Taken in 1968 along what is now known as ‘‘The ZMM Book Travel Route ‘‘ each photo scene is actually ‘‘Written-Into ‘‘ Mr. Pirsig’s book => ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘ (ZMM)

Author Robert Pirsig’s Own 12 Color Photos, Of His 1968 ZMM Travel Route Trip: Each Is Written-Into His ZMM Book. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 2nd Down.

Each of the 832 photographs in these Four Albums show a scene described in the book ‘‘Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘. Each photo was especially researched and photographed along the ZMM Route to show a specific ZMM Book Travel Description Passage: This passage is shown in quote marks below the respective photo. As you look at each of these photos, you will be viewing scenes similar to those that author Pirsig, Chris, and the Sutherlands might have seen, on that epic voyage, upon which the book ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘ was based. Thus it is, that these 832 photographs are ‘‘A Color Photo Illustrated Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘. Indeed ‘‘A Photo Show Book‘‘ for ZMM. Sights & Scenes Plus Full Explanation.

My ZMM Travel Route Research Findings, Are A Page-By-Page, Color Photo Illustrated ZMM. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Album.

Each of these 28 photos are Full Circle Panorama Photos Seven-Feet-Wide. They were taken along the Travel Route of the book ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘. They show a 360 degree view, made by stitching together eight photos. These Panoramic Photos, complement and add to those of my Photo Album ABOVE named  => ‘‘A Color Photo Illustrated ZMM Book, With Travel Route Sights & Scenes Explained‘‘.

ZMM Travel Route Research PANORAMIC PHOTOS 7ft wide! Henry Gurr, 2002 ZMM Research Trip. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 2nd Down.

This album shows what I saw  on my RETURN trip home (San Francisco California to Aiken South Carolina), Summer 2002. These 55 photos were taken along the Route of the “1849er’s Gold Rush to California” (In Reverse Direction). After I completed my ZMM Research, I RETURNED home by way of the Route of the ‘49’s Gold Rush. This route included the route of the “California Gold Rush Trail” (in Nevada & California), as well as portions of the Oregon Trail' all the way into Missouri. These 1849er’s Travel Route Photos, were taken AFTER I took those Photos shown in the above Album named “A Color Photo Illustrated ZMM Book, With Travel Route Sights & Scenes Explained”.

Henry Gurr’s 2002 Research Photos: California Gold Rush Trail & Oregon Trail. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 3rd Down.

Each of these seven 360 degree  Full Circle Panoramic Photos were taken along the route of the Gold Rush ‘1849’ers from Missouri to California. Each is 7 foot wide! These Panorama Photos complement and add to those of my Photo Album above named  => "Henry Gurr’s Research Photos: California Gold Rush Trail & Pioneer Oregon Trail".   AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Album.

California Gold RushTrail & Pioneer Oregon Trail PANORAMIC PHOTOS 7ft wide! Henry Gurr, 2002 ZMM RETURN Trip. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Album.

Enjoy 225 Photos of Flowers & Red Wing Blackbirds Along the ZMM Route. This Album of  Color Photos shows every Flower and Red Wing Blackbird (RWBB) that I could “get within my camera sights!!”  This was done in honor of the ZMM Narrator's emphasis of Flowers and Redwing Blackbirds in the book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”. I was very surprised to find RWBB's the entire travel route from Minneapolis to San Francisco.

In Honor of ZMM Narrator’s Emphasis: 225 Color Photos of ZMM Travel Route Flowers & Red Wing Blackbirds. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 5th Down.

These 165 photos show ‘‘Tourist Experiences’‘ the ZMM Traveler may have along the ZMM Route.

My 2002 ZMM Travel Route Experience: By Henry Gurr ZMMQ Site Master. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 3rd Down.

Starting Monday 19 July 2004, Mark Richardson traveled the ZMM Route, on his trusty Jakie Blue motorcycle. Mark made these 59 interesting photographs of what he saw along the way. As he toured, he pondered his own life destiny (past present future), and sought to discover his own deeper personal meaning of the book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”.

Mark Richardson’s 19 July 2004, ZMM Route Trip & Photo Journal. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 5th Down.

The former home (~1968) of John and Sylvia Sutherland, at 2649 South Colfax Ave, Minneapolis MN, shown in 18 photos. Despite John's quite negative disparaging statements in ZMM, about their home back in Minneapolis, this same house, shown in these photos, looks to us like a wonderful, beautiful home along a very nice, quiet, shady street, in a perfectly fine Minneapolis Neighborhood!

John & Sylvia Sutherland of “The ZMM Book”: 18Potos Of Former Minneapolis Home>2649 South Colfax Ave, AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 4th Down.

A 36 Photo Tour of Two University of South Carolina Buildings:  a) Etherredge Performing Arts Center Lobby + b) Ruth Patrick Science Education Center, some of which show “Built In Educational Displays

Site Master Henry Gurr's Campus: Photos Of Two Buildings (of 32 total), University of South Carolina Aiken. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 2nd Down.

A 105 Photo Tour of Science Building
At The University of South Carolina Aiken, Aiken SC.
Also showing a) Flowers & Exotic Plants In The Greenhouse
And b) The Rarely Seen Equipment Service Room & Dungeon.
Site Master Henry Gurr's Campus: Photos Of Science Building, One (of 32 total Buildings) At The University of South Carolina Aiken. AFTER the 5 Albums Comes Up, Read & ClickOn 5th Down.

IThese 15 photos show persons & scenes, related to how we got this ZMMQ WebSite going, back in ~2002. Included are "screen captures" of our software systems in use. A few of these photos show the screen views of what we were “looking at,” some including brief notes & hints on how to get around some of the problems we experienced.

Software We Used ~2002, In Creating and Maintaining This ZMMQ WebSite: Illustrated & Explained. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Albun.

Photos of Faculty, Administrators, and Students who were at Montana State College ~ 1956-1960. These persons, especially Sarah Vinke, were faculty (or colleagues of) ZMM author Robert Pirsig, during his teaching (1959 – 1961), as Professor of English, at Montana State College, Bozeman MT.

1947-60: Photos of MSC Faculty & Sarah Vinke (Vinki Vinche Finche Finch)

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Attention Workers In Neuroscience, Brain Science, Philosophy & Philosophy of Mind, Cognitive Science, Psychology, Learning Theory, Researchers and Theoreticians of Mind, Consciousness, & Brain Development.

To Brain & Mind Scientist => This Webpage You Are Currently Reading Is Titled => “Properties & Characterst9cs of Mental Arrivals” where the “Official Start” is 20 Inches Below,

Please Know That This WebPage, And It’s Linked Pages =>

1) Introduces Henry Gur’s entirely new kind of => Theory Explanation Of How Our Mind Works. which Is Fully Confirmed By Direct Observation. And =>

…This Theory Explanation, Offers A Very Viable Answer To The Mind-Body Problem, And In So Doing, Completely Closes The Explanatory Gap.

2) Are a General Theory Explanation, and has major parts that well agree with the conclusions of other experts, but the overall panorama of understanding is mostly not presented in existing literature.
3) This view Into The Workings Of Our Mind, is so different that => At first reading you will have difficulty perceiving what it says, and indeed at first, you will not believe it has any truth.
4) For this reason: In your reading of the below (and other linked WebPages), you will have to go slow & let the ideas sink in, so you can begin to see that what is said, actually fits your own direct experience. This way the truth of what is presented will gradually become evident.
5) And you also will gradually come to see, that the ideas & conclusions of this Theory Explanation, do in fact, stand true to your own direct observation.
5) So, if you are young, and of agile flexible mind, and at the start of your career, you will discover this overall viewpoint, offers a way for you to see into The Workings Of Your Own Mind, not to be found anywhere else.
6) And from this, as you will discover, you also will become more effective in your personal daily life, learn how to break out of problem hangups, and have more creative ideas. Effectively you will have a => A Brain Owner’s Manual.
7) And, from this, better understand the mind of other persons, and thus be able to better communicate with them.
8) AND as can be directly observed => Th of our Problem Solving Brain, are exactly the Source All Human Creativity!

You Actually Will See It Happen, As Mental Arrivals, Automatically, Spontaneously, Again And Again!
,,,Thus, as you will ever so gradually come to see & appreciate => Overall, any discussions of brain or mind, to most truly and accurately reflect actual direct observation: And thus must of necessity, include the ideas & conclusions presented below and in linked WebPages.

An Introductory Letter => Illuminates Your Thinking & Research => A New & Different Theory Of Mind Confirmed By Direct Observation: => Our Human Brain, Considered As A General Problem Solver, Can And Will Nearly Always, Automatically Spontaneously Find Best Or Near Best Answers.

PREAMBLE: Once You Fully See & Understand =>
As Direct Observation Repeatedly Confirms => Our human brain, considered as a General Problem Solver, can and will nearly always, each successive moment of time, automatically spontaneously find Best Or Near Best Answers (Solutions) to life’s oncoming problems.

AND: These Answers (Solutions). which are generated by Unconscious Brain Processes, will appear in Conscious Mind IF AND ONLY IF of sufficient Quality, Merit, or Coherence,

Yes, I know my above assertions, are fantastic & practically UNbelievable!

BUT … To Confirm That These Are Obviously True … Simply, Just Stop, And Watch Your Own Mind At Work. To Do This =>
…Notice Carefully, When These Automatic Spontaneous Mental Arrivals, Come Into Conscious Mind, From Unconscious Brain Processes.

NOTE: On this WebPage you are currently reading, the meanings of “Best”, “Quality”, “Merit”, & “Coherence” are as stated in a Dictionary.

…I trust that this Letter l is a suitable way to again bring to your attention, a completely new and different Theory Of Mind, which will add new far-reaching alternate illumination to your current understandings of Mind, and give new additional solid support for your own thinking.

You May Want To Study My Henry Gurr’s Compact Explanation: “How Our Mind Works” At =>
And Please Know, That At All Successive Moments of Time => This Theory Fits Direct Observation, Nearly Always!

…You will discover what I say, is totally different from your current study of either Philosophy, Psychology, or Brain Science.

…And you will also discover that => These automatically spontaneously Best Or Near Best Answers (Solutions), that appear in your Conscious Mind, as mental events, are quite obviousonce you learn when, how to observe them.

…And, for the most part, other authors have not assembled these ideas into a full panorama of explanation.

Please study the above http;// Link and let me know what you think.

Eventually I hope you can become convinced =>
….These Ideas Are Really What You Have Been Needing All Along. …
…And really will make significant contributions to your thinking and writing projects, concerning mind.

Henry Gurr, Professor of Physics Emeritus
University of ‘South Carolina Aiken
Aiken, South Carolina.

PS: Type my name into Bing or Google to learn more about me.

INTROTRODUCTION: For A Philosophy & Psychology Of Mind, Now Discovered Is: => The Needed & Vital Rosetta Stone For “A Theory (Explanation) of “How Our Mind Works”, by Henry Gurr.

This Theory Explanation, Which Is Confirmed By Direct Observation, Offers A Very Viable Answer To The Mind-Body Problem, And Effectively Closes The Explanatory Gap.


It Is Productive And Revealing To Consider The Hypothesis, That EVERYTHING Our Brain Does, Is AUTOMATIC, SPONTANEOUS PROBLEM SOLVING,

*** WHERE *** =>

I) In Response To Life’s Problems Coming At Us (Over ~95 Percent Of The Time), Our Problem Solving Brain Very Quickly, Yields (Into Our Conscious Mind) => Valid Problem Solutions (Answers), That Amazingly Are The Best Or Near Best Answers, For The Situation At Hand.

Below A) thru H), Which Are The Most Dramatic Of Our Suddenly Experienced Mental Arrivals =>

A) Eureka! I have found it !! (Archimedes)
B) The Light Came On!!-
C) -A Flash of Insight It **AHA**
D) It Dawned On Me
E) Light Bulb (As in a cartoon),
F) OH !! Now I see it !!
G) Epiphany
H) Sudden laughter when hit by the punch-line, In Jokes or Humor, where we instantly see what is funny, with laughter & pleasure!
J) AND the most important example of an => “Eventually Suddenly Realize”, hopefully will happen to you in => THE MAJOR PUNCH LINE … Which Is Below At About 2/3 Webpage.


NOTE1: The above list, A) thru H), of “Mental Arrivals” Deserve Your Fullest Attention => AND Whenever These Happen, You Should Make It A Habit To Directly & Extensively Observe & Make Data Documentation, of These When Caught In Action.
… This is because you already know these as Direct Mental Experiences, and thus you already importantly know examples =>
… Where it says => “Our brain very quickly, yields (into our conscious mind) valid problem solutions (answers), that amazingly are the Best Or Near Best Answers, for the situation at hand.”

NOTE2: NOW HERE PLEASE ESPECIALLY SEE THAT => The Above Mentioned “Instructive Examples Of “Mental Arrivals”, A) thru H) =>
Are the most dramatic & noteworthy => AND for this reason (as was done above), {+This WebPage =>


… AND, ONLY after A) thru H) are fully comprehended, can this WebPage go on to point out that =>

' These Unconscious Brain Processes, Which Generate, Construct, Create The More Noteworthy Mental Arrivals'' (A Thru H), Are Doubly Important, Because NOW You Will Need To Realize That =>
…The SAME Unconscious Brain Processes Operating (For Each Of Our Waking Seconds, On Near Constant & Continuing Basis), ALSO This Problem Solving Brain Additionally Responding To External Stimulation Of The Nine Senses, ALSO Generates, Constructs, and Creates, Into Our Conscious Mind, What We Call Normal Awareness Of => '''
a) Our surroundings (perception), and
b) Awareness of our body, its processes, & motions, and
c) Awareness of our own thoughts.
d) These together form what we call “Consciousness Awareness”!! Here in called “Primary Consciousness”.

' NOTE3: Indeed, Properly Understood, The SAME Brain Systems That Create The Above Mentioned (A thru H), “Mental Arrivals”, But Now Operating On A Continuous Basis, Each Second Of Our Waking Day, Are CREATING Our Conscious Mind !!

… But of course, without additional study, you can’t much understand the above bolded sentences. So hopefully the remainder of this WebPage will help you to slowly, gradually, build to a clear, coherent, full understanding. From which, eventually you will see that this => Theory (Explanation) of “How Our Mind Works”. will accurately fit your own direct observations of your own mind at work!

… From your gradually increased understanding of above A) thru H), you will be ready to see the importance of 1) thru 22), which will be discussed ~9 inches below.

NOTE4: Yes, I Know This Webpage You Are Reading Now => Is HUGE, But That Is Exactly The Point => Indeed HUGE Are The Below Listings Of => The Properties & Characteristics Of Each & Every Mental Arrival, Into Our Conscious Mind, For Our Every Waking Moment, Second By Second: The listing of these starts below.

NOTE5: For a complete & exhaustive listing of Mental Arrivals => Please Click Here For => An Anatomy of An Idea Come To Mind: This Is A FULL & Exhaustive Discussion Mental Arrivals & Other State(s) of Mind.

NOTE6: On this WebPage you are currently reading, the meanings of “Best”, “Quality”, “Merit”, “Coherence” & most other words, are as stated in a Dictionary.

NOTE7: A Mental Arrival, as discussed in this WebPage you are currently reading, is approximately the same meaning as a “Gestalt” . See full discussion below at =>

    A Gestalt    

Here Official Start Of => A Composite Listing Of The Properties & Characteristics Of All Mental Arrivals, Into Our Conscious Mind, For Our Every Waking Moment, Second By Second.

These Are Copied From Various Of Henry Gurr’s 8 WebPages (Listed At Top Of Menu At Left, Under Where Says => “Fits Observation: Henry Gurr’s How Our Mind Works”

Thus Overall, This WebPage Collects & Summarizes => What You Need To Know About Henry Gurr’s Explanation Of “How Our Mind Works” => For Our Every Waking Moment, Second By Second => In Response To Life’s Problems Coming At Us (Over ~95 Percent Of The Time), Our Problem Solving Brain Very Quickly, Yields (Into Our Conscious Mind) => Valid Problem Solutions (Answers), To The Problems Of Life Coming At Us. AND These “Solutions” Amazingly Are The Best Or Near Best Answers, For The Problems Of Life Coming At Us. '''

This Theory Explanation, Which Is Confirmed By Direct Observation, Offers A Very Viable Answer To The Mind-Body Problem, And Effectively Closes The Explanatory Gap.

A FIRST Listing Of => The Properties & Characteristics Of Every Mental Arrival, Into Our Conscious Mind => Where The Following Are Seen To Be True To Real World Test & Direct Observation =>

…1) Nearly always these above mentioned noteworthy, A) thru H), of Mental Arrival Solutions (into our conscious mind (as also mentioned above, are =>
…2) Are Problem solutions, arising from Unconscious Brain Processes. And these solutions can be =>
a) Perceptions of “What Is There”, leading to what herein is called Primary Consciousness. AND
b) Best Or Near Best Solutions (Answers), that include a complete plan, to guide efficient “Real World Action”. These are Solutions to life’s oncoming problems => Which are Generated, Constructed, Created, by our Problem Solving Brain.
… And such Mental Arrivals will appear” Into Conscious Mind => IF (AND ONLY IF) they have Sufficient Optimal => “Fitness”, “Quality”, “Value”, “Utility”, “Relevance”, “Salience”, “Aptness”, “Mental Coherence Strength”.
…3) These Mental Arrival Solutions Always include => Emotions & feelings, plus a sense of => Does one’s mind-body have the mental capacity and physical strength, as well as a sufficient sense of readiness for the actions planned?
… In other words => We automatically spontaneously know if we are mentally clear-eyed, fully competent, and mentally & physically tuned, for the task at hand, and whether we have sufficient level of preparedness, and mental-body strength & mental stability, to do the actions planned.
…4) And Especially Note Well => These Problem Solving Brain Generated, Constructed, Created => Best Or Near Best Solutions => Are built-up USING PREVIOUS Creative Best Or Near Best Solutions (Answers), which were saved into Memory, for just this very purpose. Thus, there is a successive generation, construction, creative creation of, ever improving knowledge, skills, & abilities!
…5) And Especially Note Well => Within Our Problem Solving Brain => These solutions are Self-Organized, UN-Supervised, and Suddenly, Automatically, Spontaneously, “Come To Mind”, “Out Of The Blue”, with absolutely no conscious awareness of their origin!!
…6) They suddenly, Just Appear (or Mentally Arrive) into our Consciousness Mind,
…7) ' And Especially Note Well => 'These Sudden, Automatic, Spontaneous Mental Arrivals'', are ALWAYS presented into our conscious mind => A One-At-A-Time, Unified, Whole & Complete, Logical, Max Coherent, Holistic, Full of Meaning, All-At-Once Solutions => Good Answers, With Positive Feeling Of Success & joy, Emotional No Parts Left Out, Satisfaction, & Feeling of Achievement, even Laughter! AND remarkably free of contradictions, inconsistencies, errors, non-factual data, and other spurious ideas & wrong conclusions.
… As the book "Inside Jokes" so well points out, this sensation of joy is a huge reward (like a food reward), so we as a biological organism will pursue similar such problem-solving efforts in the future.
…8) AND all this is apparently accomplished by Our Problem-Solving Brain, with similar methods as it also makes => Mental Arrivals generally and/or, Normal Perception, Vision, Hearing, Taste, Smell, Sense of Touch.
…9} In addition, and acompanying each Mental Arrival solution, our brain (right along with above (and below) mentioned Properties & Characteristics), will concurrently generate, construct, create, one the many recognized Emotions, such as Happiness / Sadness, Fear, / Anger, Surprise / Disgust, with Feelings also appropriately present.
…10) As is observed, nearly all Mental Arrivals, such as The Flash of Insight event (or the other above mentioned noteworthy Mental Arrivals A Thru H), instantly solve an existing problem, which for minutes to months, has caused blockage or blindness. (See major discussion of “Perceptual Blindness” below.)
…10)cont … For Example => When given a hard to solve puzzle, you may be stuck & could not see the answer to the puzzle. But you try, and try to find an answer. And then in a Mental Arrival such as a "Flash of Insight", you suddenly clearly “see” the puzzle answer!!. Completely.
…10)cont …For A Second Example => When given a hard to solve joke or other humor, you may be stuck & could not see what is funny or humorous. But you try, and try to find what’s humorous or funny. And then in a Mental Arrival such as a "Flash of Insight", you suddenly “see” the point of the joke!! What’s funny arrives totally, completely, all at once. The Mental Arrival suddenly comes with => Positive Feelings Of Success & joy, Emotional Satisfaction, & Feeling of Achievement, even Laughter!

… AND, the next time you hear the same joke you think of the answer much faster.

…10)cont … Note Well => From the above we see that => The original Mental Arrival solution (answer), resulted in instant and permanent learning, thus providing an example of the inside steps of how we construct, ever improved, skills, habits, ideas, knowledge, in our mind:
…11) As observed, these automatic spontaneous Mental Arrival Solutions (Answers, Thoughts, Ideas, Conclusions, Intentions, Behavior, Etc) => Are, for very important reasons, “only-one-at-a-time” and always come with accompanying future plans, feelings, & emotions
…12) As is observed, nearly all automatic spontaneous Mental Arrival Solutions => Are generally Immediate, Whole, Complete, Clear, Understandable, and Full Of Meaning, such as in Poetry or Metaphor:
…b) In above Blue Link, you may learn more by > Top > Edit > Find > metaphor . Especially study hits, 4, 15, 16, 19, & 24 thru 28.

…12)cont Immediately present with any one Mental Arrival Solution, (Depending on circumstance), ''Arrives' into Conscious Mind, usually one the following ~awareneses => Connotation, Essence, Implication, Interpretation, Nuance, Sense, Significance, Substance, Understanding, Value, Quality, Acceptation, Allusion, Bearing, Denotation, Intimation, Point, Purport, Import, etc. Or just simply Meaning.

…13) And these (“only-one-at-a-time”) automatic spontaneous Mental Arrival Solutions (Answers) => Are remarkably free of contradictions, inconsistencies, errors, non-factual data, and other spurious ideas or conclusions.
…14) These Mental Arrival Solutions (Answers), Into Conscious Mind, Have The Above (& Below) Mentioned Observed General Pattern Of Steps, That Are Irrespective Of The Person’s Physical Circumstance(s) or History.
…15) And Here Note Well => The ONLY Reason We Are Aware AT ALL Of The Flash Of Insight … (Or Other Mental Arrivals A) thru H). ) … Is Because Our Problem Solving Brain Has Just Suddenly Come To A Halt. … And Is Stuck At A Place Where It Can NOT Satisfactorily Achieve A Needed Problem Solution.
…15)cont AND we become aware we are “stuck”, and also know we have NO way to consciously “go directly after” an answer, except to quit &wait, and hope a Mental Arrival Solution (Answer), will come “out of the blue”! ….But of course & sooner or later our Problem Solving Brain will automatically spontaneously Generate, Construct, Create => A Best Or Near Best Solution (Answer).
…16) AND, importantly for survival, we are Consciously Aware & Know We Are Stuck, With No Answer. We also instantly know pretty much what the problems is, and instantly know we have NO direct way to “move ahead” to an answer or solution:
…17) Thus, at first, we know we have no direct way to get a good answer (solution), except to ~”Quit & Wait”. for a Mental Arrival Solution (Answer), to Suddenly, Automatically Spontaneously, Mentally, Arrive, “Out of the Blue”, such as Flash of Insight.
…18) OR alternatively => “Quit & Begin” =>. To seek other ways to move toward, toward what we originally wanted, as follows in below 19) =>
…19) Given How Our Problem Solving Brain Operates, We Need To Remember: The Clear Advantages Of =>
…a) When Halted, Stuck, & Blocked With No Available Mental Arrival Solution (Answer) => We Must Prepare, Study, And Struggle For A Solution, THEN QUIT & WAIT! Or
…b) Alternatively, When Out Of Gumption, We Should Quit & Wait. And Only After Gumption Returns, Is It Possible To Continue Work.
…20) Thus most often the better method is => The virtues of this ”Quit & Wait”, as are fully discussed in => For Complete Explanation Click Here To Go To => APPENDIX XI: Virtues of QUIT & WAIT In Creative Problem Solving.
…21) Additionally, I Henry Gurr, believe that => “Some important discoveries can ONLY be found this “Quit & Wait” way! … AND this technique seems to go way beyond normal problem solving procedures. … I think this is because, after you “Go as far as you can, THEN COME BACK LATER”, effectively “drops the reader into to the middle of the action”, without the mind, much remembering any previous work. This gives a sufficiently DIFFERENT “PERSPECTIVE”, that new & newly needed fixes and creative improvements, will suddenly, automatically, spontaneously “just appear” into conscious mind => The needed “better ways to do it; just suddenly pop into Mind!” …..
….. But, A Better Way To Say This Is => In your work, when “The Creative Well Goes Dry”, and you are “Out of Gumption”, THEN => Quit And Come Back At A Later Time => Hours, days, months. Only then, you will see your work flowing more easily & productively!.

… For Example => Now, only here in my typing just now, do I suddenly “Mental Arrival” see” in retrospect, the importance of above-mentioned words these => Some much needed important improvements would NOT be “realized” in any other way!

…22) Thus, from a) The above example of ”Quit & Wait” and b) By the clear evidence seen, in the discussion (In this Blue Link >> Where I Ever So Gradually, Finally Fully Achieved A Full Realization, Of A VERY Important Idea (Concerning MEANING),

…Only then did I, finally and fully “see”. AND, please note well => This important “achievement” ''Mentally Arrived => ONLY after completion of very long series of writing & typing additions of many individual words (and word phrases), spread out over two years, and 6 different Save-As Files, each of which was accomplished by several writing sessions:
… AND as you can see (in above Blue Link) => None of these “Ideas” were achieved in just one writing. Rather, in each typing session, I would go as far as possible. Then, I would Save-As the document, then, ”Quit & Wait” until the next writing composition typing on my computer.

NOTE1: As was stated in 12) above => I Henry Gurr had a) Previously concluded that => Nearly All Mental Arrivals Are Generally Immediate, Whole, Complete, Clear, Understandable:
NOTE2: But NOW, finally with the “achievement” mentioned in above Blue Link, => I Henry Gurr CLEARLY SEE THE FULL conclusion is that => Nearly ALL Mental Arrivals Are Generally Immediate, Whole, Complete, Clear, Understandable AND FULL OF MEANING, Such As In Poetry Or Metaphor.

NOTE2: Mental Arrivals, As Discussed In This Webpage You Are Currently Reading =>
Are Approximately The Same Meaning As … “A Gestalt” .
… As I Henry Gurr, was reading page 99 of Philosopher Susanne K. Langer’s Book => “Philosophy in a New Key: A Study in the Symbolism of Reason, Rite, and Art” 1996, I suddenly had a long overdue, VERY IMPORTANT, and in retrospect obvious Mental Arrival Realization! Namely This =>
… A “Mental Arrival” , And A “Gestalt” are both pointing at the SAME Mental Phenomena, and thus have close to the same meaning!
… AND this means that ”The Enormous Body Of Research & Writing In The Area Of Gestalt Psychology”,, will have much additional insight, into all the topics directly related to Henry Gurr’s “Explanation (Theory) Of How Our Mind Works. '' See the TOP EIGHT Blue Links, In The At Left Main Menu.

The BELOW Two Solar Eclipse Photos Are An Analogy Illustration Of => BEFORE and AFTER A Major Mental Arrival Such As => Eureka!, Epiphany, The Light Came On!!, A Flash Of Insight It **AHA**, It Dawned On Me, And Many Others Similar But Less Dramatic.

These Below Images Are Presented With The Hope That They Will Give Some ~”Visual Intuitions” For Menta Arrivals.

“ | Photo From WebPage Discuss Eclipse Oregon 2017. .

Let This ABOVE Photo Represent An Analogy Of A Mental Situation BEFORE A Mental Arrival.
…The Wispy Illuminated Areas With Flow Lines, Are Called Solar Corona, and let's let them, Analogy Illustrate, our Perceptions that give us Primary Consciousness, of the world around us.
....Let's let the dark disk illustrate the Unconscious Processes of our Problem Solving Brain. This Dark & Ominous Disk, being relatively huge, serves to Analogy Illustrate => Our Subconscious Unconscious Brain’s Massive Computational Power, which uses our Totally Dark & Invisible Brain’s Huge Massive Memory Of => A Lifetime Of Creatively Successful Previous Problem Solutions, saved-up for this very purpose, of finding and Creating Ever Better & Better Creative Solutions, to the Problems Of Life Coming At Us … This Computational Power is of course, the origin of Mind.
…And let the small white area at the left edge of dark disk, analogy illustrate an incipient Mental Arrival (such as Flash of Insight) about to happen.


“ | Photo From WebPage Baily's Beads At Third Contact - 2 From 2019 Total Solar Eclipse. .

Let This ABOVE Photo Represent An Analogy Of A Mental Situation AFTER A Mental Arrival.
…The Three Bright White Areas, at left, are called Bailey Beads, and let's let them analogy illustrate, the Wonderful Illuminating Bright Perceptual Insight, Flash of a NEW Mental Arrival, into our Conscious Mind.
....Again, let's let the dark disk illustrate the Unconscious Processes of our Problem Solving Brain. This Dark & Ominous Disk, being relatively huge, serves to Analogy Illustrate => Our Subconscious Unconscious Brain’s Massive Huge Computational Power, which uses our Totally Dark & Invisible Brain’s Absolutely Astoundingly Huge Massive Memory Of => A Lifetime Of Successful Previous Problem Solutions, Which Therefore saved-up for this very purpose, of finding and Creating Ever Better & Better Creative Solutions, to the Problems Of Life Coming At Us. …This Computational Power is of course, the origin of Mind.
....And Let the various Red Hydrogen Colored Solar Flares, at left, illustrate–suggest the complexity of the HUGE number of Properties & Characteristics of a Mental Arrivals (such as Flash of Insight, AHA, Eureka, Epiphany, etc) that have Wonderfully Just Flared Up!
… In this Analogy Representation => The Colorful & Solar Flared edge of the Sun’s Edge, peeking out from behind the Moon’s Dark Disk, serves to analogy illustrate => The emergence of various Mental Arrivals, suddenly, automatically, spontaneously, emerging out from Our Brain’s Unknown Subconscious Unconscious.
****************************** o0OOO0o **********************************

Continuing From The Above, Henry Gurr’s Further Discussion => Concerning How Our Problem Solving Brain Generates “MEANING” => The Following Are Seen To Be True To Real World Test & Direct Observation =>

Nearly all Mental Arrivals generally are => Immediate, Whole, Complete, Clear, Understandable, and FULL OF MEANING, such as in Poetry or Metaphor:

ALSO We See That => Our Problem Solving Brain Automatically Spontaneously Generates Constructs Creates, This Sense Of => Clear, Whole, Complete, Understandable, MEANINGS, Which Immediately Mentally Arrive Into Our Conscious Mind, Along With Any Mental Arrival Solution, AND Along With Our Ongoing Experience Of Primary Consciousness.

…In Other Words Our Problem Solving Brain Makes Meaning, Sense of Truth, Beauty, Recognition, Insight, Knowing, Comprehension, Sense of Clear Understanding, and Importance. And All This With Felt Certainty.
…AND Although It Is Unknown (Even Inexplicable), How Our Brain Does It => Be Sure To Notice Very Well SUMMARY =>
Overall Our Problem Solving Brain => In The Process Of Generating (Constructing, Creating, Forming, Assembling, Building, Making, Producing) These Optimal (Best or Near Best) Problem Solutions => Presents These Solutions To Conscious Mind, Along With Future Plans, Emotions & Sense Of Mental Readiness, AND Along With MEANINGS, Sense of Truth, Beauty, Recognition, Insight, Knowing, Comprehension, Sense of Clear Understanding, and Importance. And All This With Felt Certainty Right-Before-Our-Mind’s-Eye.
…AND all this is apparently accomplished with similar methods, as it makes => Mental Arrivals generally and/or, Normal Perception, Vision, Hearing, Taste, Smell, Sense of Touch. With all these, Imagination and Feelings generally present.
…In other words, The Evolutionary Established Property Of Our Brain, as is Directly Observed, => Can MAKE Clarity, Understanding, Meaning (plus rest of the Properties & Characteristics mentioned above), right along with Perception, Primary Consciousness, and Our Body Motions.
To Get Some Idea Just What This “MEANING” Does For Us =>

… A) You should Study Metaphor in Poetry. For example, on a particularly effective line of poetry, you can suddenly, spontaneously, become aware of => Owen Barfield’s “Felt Change In Consciousness” as fully discussed in his book “Poetic Diction” =>
… B) For 2nd example => You should “Directly Experience The Sudden Making of Clarity, Understanding, & Meaning, when in your reading, you happen to encounter puzzlement in few words … then suddenly Flash of Insight, automatically, spontaneously, => Suddenly Clear Meaning Is **THERE** with **RELIEF** and **JOY** !!

… And from this, you should slowly come to the added realization that => “Our Problem Solving Brain, automatically, spontaneously, Generates Constructs Creates, not only sense of Meaning but also Sense of Truth, Beauty, Recognition, Insight, Knowing, Comprehension, Sense of Clear Understanding, and Importance. And All This With Felt Certainty.
SUMMARY: Although we have no conception how our Problem Solving Brain does it => These above mentioned: automatically spontaneously, Generates Constructs Creates Mental Arrivals => Are abilities very similar to how our Brain Generates(Constructs Creates say “Perception” of our surrounding world, and with this, Generates our Primary Consciousness.
…“It’s just there”, with no conscious effort.
……In other words, it is an Evolutionary Established Property Of Our Brain, as is Directly Observed => Can MAKE Clarity, Understanding, Meaning, Clarity, Understanding, etc, right along with Perceptions, Primary Consciousness, and Our Body Motions.

NOW A SECOND LISTING OF, & AN OVERAL SUMMARY Of => The Properties & Characteristics Of Each & Every Mental Arrival =>

..!!As Is Directly Observed, These Above Mentioned Solutions, Which Automatically Spontaneously, “Just Come-To-Mind”, Are =>

…1) Remarkably Good Solutions (Answers), arriving SPONTANEOUSLY & AUTOMATICALLY, achieving BEST OR NEAR BEST SOLUTIONS, most of the time.
…2) And these spontaneous solutions (answers), are exactly what is immediately needed, => In the real world of biological survival.
…3) Just watch, and you will see for yourself => That These Creative Best Or Near Best Solutions, Are Remarkably Good Solutions, and are Automatically “tailored” as required by the immediate problem(s) at hand!
…4) And are => derived from PREVIOUS Creative Best Or Near Best Solutions (Answers), and these were saved into Memory, for just this purpose. (Of course this depends on a future that will be relatively similar to previous experience, and “present solutions” will be predictably similar to “future solutions”.)
…4)cont AND PEASE NOTE WELL => At any moment of time, there is just ONE Optimal (Best or Near Best) Solution presented, as a Mental Arrival, to our Conscious Mind! …
…5) AND as an OBSERVED fact, the above 1) thru 4) solutions Mentally Arrive
…5)cont. AND NOTE WELL => This ”ONLY-One-At-A-Time”, is a necessary mathematical correlate of a SINGLE Best or Near Best Solution, which is necessarily for an OPTIMAL (Best or Near Best) Answer / Solution.
…6) For a Problem Solving Brain to Generate, Construct, Create Mental Arrival Solutions => If you think about it => A SINGLE ”ONLY-One-At-A-Time”, Best Or Near Best Solutions, are the ONLY way really, to be able to do it, both in fundamental brain theory and in brains dealing with a practical real world problems in actual real world practice.
…7) Not only are these “only-one-at-a-time” , Single Optimal (Best or Near Best) Answer / Solution, remarkably good, for the situation at hand, they are ALSO Automatically “Tailored” to the ongoing immediate situation,
…7)cont, AND “only-one-at-a-time” , Single Optimal, is exactly what is required for quick “single minded” decisions, and quick action for survival.
…8) Again => These Optimal (Best or Near Best) Problem Solutions, are found by automatic, spontaneous, UN-Conscious Brain Processes, =>
…9) But it is Puzzling (Click Here) Why We Are Completely UN-Aware of the workings of our Conscious Mind . Click Here To Read Why We MUST Be Unaware Of What Our Problem Solving Brain Is Up-To.
…10) In addition to the above => These “only-one-at-a-time” solutions depend on massive memory of a lifetime of person’s experiences, stored in brain for this very purpose of finding such solutions.

… EXPLANATION => These Memories Of Previous Creative Best or Near Best Partial Fit Solutions, Are Used For Making Even Better New Creative Problem Solutions, De-Novo, Entering New Territory: And thus Building Upon, And Creatively Going BEYOND Previous Solutions, That Were Saved To Brain’s Memory. => … Thus, Ever BETTER NEW Creative, Innovative Problem Solutions, which are In Turn Automatically Saved Back Into A Refurbished Brain Memory. AND These NEW Creatively Improved & Solidified Solutions, Now Saved To Brain Memory, Will Be Available For Ongoing Creation of, Ever BEYOND Ever BETTER NEW Creative, Innovative Future Solutions. … Thus A Massive Whole Life’s Worth Of Memories Of Previous Creative Solutions, Which Were Stored In Brain’s Memory, For The Very Purpose Of Future Using Such, For Making Creative New Problem Solutions, Which Therefore Keeps On Creatively Getting Better & Better!!
…Thus, The Problem Solving “Brain’s Memory” of Past Success, is used for Future Action. Such as => i) Re-Call, Re-Member, Re-Construct, Re-Create … Generates, Constructs, Creates => Solutions, Answers, Thoughts, Ideas, Conclusions, Intentions, Behavior, Etc, as => 1) Sudden Mental Arrivals, into our Conscious Mind., and/or 2) Makes Available our Other UN-Conscious Problem Solving Brain Processes.

…11) Our Brain is thus effectively a Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory. ” '' For An Explanation, Please Scroll Down To => And We Must Remember
…12) Concerning THESE ONLY ONE-AT-A-TIME SOLUTIONS => (HYPOTHESIS) => ONLY Those Automatic, Spontaneous Solutions (Answers), Will “Appear” Into Consciousness => IF (AND ONLY IF) They Have Sufficient Optimal => “Fitness”, “Quality”, “Value”, “Utility”, “Relevance”, “Salience”, “Aptness”, “Mental Coherence Strength”.
…13) Mental Arrivals, such as => Eureka!, Epiphany, The Light Came On!!, A Flash of Insight It **AHA**, It Dawned On Me, and many others similar but less dramatic, are part of a much larger class of similar observed mental phenomena, which surely all arise from similar UNconscious Brain Processes. .
…13)cont A Deep Study Of Every Mental Arrival, AND Closely Observing Such In Action, Shows What Our Problem Solving Brain Can Do, Suddenly, Spontaneously, and On-Automatic. You will see by direct observation of your own mind at work that => Consistent with requirements of Darwinian Evolution, that our brain rapidly, reliably, and accurately, comes up with amazingly correct solutions to life’s oncoming problems!

NOTE: Please Be Aware That There Are Authors Who Are Especially Good At Observing Their Own Mind At Work . These are =>

1) Robert Pirsig in his book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” (ZMM) and
2) Owen Barfield, in his many books, most especially his “Poetic Diction” and “Saving The Appearances” .

… Both Pirsig & Barfield offer many examples, which have resulted from watching their own mind, and we can learn much from what they do in actual practice.
… Please send email if you are other such authors. Or have difficulty finding above mentioned examples.

…14) A New Major Idea For You To Eventually Fully Understand => “All Is Slide To => Better & Better PARTIAL FIT Problem Solutions.”
EDUCATED GUESS => In The Problem Solving Brain => If any beginning nascent Partial Fit (a small start), is allowed to survive, the newly formed activation may spread by finding increased coherence in other memories, and/or be amplified by its own positive feedback regeneration. A nascent Mental Arrival responds to its own positive feedback regeneration AND the ability to spread AND become stronger, likely all the while be supplying growing negative feedback (suppression), to the OTHER less-coherence-supporting nascent Mental Arrival Solutions.

…We can suppose eventually there is a Winner-Take-All: This is because the stronger coherences, grows at the diminishing expense of the other weaker ones. It is likely that such positive feedback regeneration, once started, would guarantee a growing (ever winning) Single Solution. And starting from nascent, the developing Mental Arrival, will grow to saturation and thus can’t self-grow any more. In other words: The Positive Feedback Growth is Self-Limiting. This provides an answer, to how endless, UN-stable positive feedback, will not lead to disaster: And in which case (hypothesis), rather than disaster, the saturation is big enough to actually “break thru” into a full Mental Arrival into Conscious Mind!

Thus Solving (By Removing), The Problem Of => “How Does Our Brain Set The ~Threshold For A Solution To Mentally Appear Into The Conscious Mind!
…15) OUR BRAINS ARE BUILT BY EVOLUTION TO DO THIS, Overall, As Is Required By Survival!
…16) THESE IMPORTANT ASPECTS, OF OUR PROBLEM SOLVING BRAIN ARE OBVIOUS! But you Must => Pay Attention, And Take The Time To Check-This-Out!!

… However, of course, it is only “Obvious” if you know when, where, and how to look. And it is the purpose of this WebPage (and my Theory (Explanation) to help you see this “Obvious”.

…17) OF COURSE, IT IS A FIRST ORDER PUZZLE, Just How The Above Is => At All Possible (Even Indeed Thinkable), For A Physical Biological Brain, To Accomplish This!!
…18) AND THE ANSWER TO THIS PUZZLE, Is Factually And Mathematically Established by the Physics Theory of Princeton Physicist J J Hopfield. To understand just how this could be possible, please read 5) & 6) Hopfield, below.

… To understand just how all this could be true, especially the role of Our Brain’s Memory, please study, especially Hopfield Neural Network Model, in My MPPS Article =>
You should ALSO, start the practice of observing (and write notes) on your own Flash Of Insights, which you learn about in my => MPPS Article => “ Memory, Perception, Insight, and Problem Solving – **AHA** !!! ” CLICK HERE.

…19) The Major Problems Of Perceptual Blindness.
“Perceptual Blindness”, is a huge topic that cannot be taken up here. But several examples are below: Please notice that a good bit of the ‘failure to see”, is a result of “Only-One-At-A-Time” Brain Solutions, where THE SOLUTION CURRENTLY BEING SEEN, SHUTS OUT ANY OTHERS!

…Thus, when you are actively watching one set of actions, this shuts out seeing any other action(s), and you entirely fail to see other concurrent very obvious actions.
…B) In other words => When your mind has been recently primed to see certain things, and in finding these, is thus diverted and blocked from seeing others. Example: You were told to look for one item, and thus fail to see others. Only later you see the other thing, and only then realize what has happened.
…C) This B) is “visual priming”: Similar can happen when you see the familiar, and overlook the unfamiliar.
…D) Mental Blockage happens when dealing with Difficult Intellectual Territory => Students or researchers, when trying to understand a complex book (or research topic), may be stalled. And then after minutes, hours, or days, finally break-thru’s, Mental Arrival Solutions, might suddenly automatically spontaneously, start to happen, but only after a long struggle, and possibly giving up temporarily.
…E) Perceptual Blindness has major consequences in daily life => No matter how urgent, important, & necessary are your actions that MUST be done in pending future life events, unless memories of these “important, & necessary actions”, automatically, spontaneously, come into conscious mind, they are equivalent of ABSOLUTELY NON-EXISTENT & VOID: And for all practical purposes => GONE! ABSOLUTELY NO AWARENESS!!

….AND THESE VITAL & NECESSARY ACTIONS, might NEVER come back to Conscious Mind !!!
… Unless comes (by a chancy & uncertain happenstance), a fortunate reminder or situation that gives a particular prompt: BUT. without such reminders or prompts, you might have a long costly delay in completing crucial needful actions, or never! -->
… This Samuel Taylor Coleridge once reported => He had an absolutely wonderful idea for writing a book: This idea was all worked out mentally, and was about to start, when late at night, a knock at door from a neighbor wanting a cup or sugar. When he went back to writing, the wonderful idea was absolutely gone … forever ! …

…G) So, when a good idea comes to mind => DON’T TAKE A CHANCE LOOSING IT! => QUICK Write down scratch notes immediately. Then, as soon as possible, follow-up with edit improvements of your scratch notes. And then promptly get your ideas fully into digital document, and SaveAs, plus save BAK Copy.
…H) Naturally, if you DO get above mentioned “fortuitous reminder or prompt”, even a tiny shred, your Problem Solving Brain, likely can reassemble, into conscious mind, the exact facts & ideas, that you need to know.

…Here please remember => These wonderful and powerful, Automatic & Spontaneous, Problem Solving Abilities, come from our => “Biological Brain’s Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory.” !!

…I) Also please remember => A person’s existing Mental Blockages, Perceptual-Blindnesses, Confusions, Or Doubt, often is => Cleared up by the Problem Solving Brain, by completing these standard steps => 1) Early study of the Blockage Problem, with corresp9nding mind preparation, 2) Extensive Struggle To Solve The “Problem”, and 3) Then Quit & Wait! 4) So … When the person comes back the minute, hour or next day, their brain may, by earlier having been exposed to the confusing scattered pieces, will with wait time, automatically & spontaneously, with no effort, assemble the previous “Blockages” into a New Whole Clear Understanding, just like (above mentioned) Prof Polanyi said => “the [sudden] illuminating “come-together” to full understanding”
...J) Mental Blockages as mentioned in above D) & E), also frequently happens to Professional Scientists. ->… … Which Brings To Mind Thomas Kuhn’s Book “Structure Of Scientific Revolutions”, where Professor Kuhn does a very good job at explaining the in’s and out’s of how and why, at first the majority of practicing scientists, as a matter of multiply demonstrated facts, actually reject and ignore new important major scientific discoveries & related new theories. Essentially they were nearly permanently Perceptually Blind to important new Developing Theories. … Dr Kuhn as much as said “The older generation must die off, before a new Theory could be adopted”.
...K) The Whole Topic Procrastination, Is Also Where Mental Blockages also happens => These boil down to a person’s brain steering them away from starting a big job, that their brain “knows” will be a painful project, despite the project’s ultimate importance!

….To read more on Procrastination AND How To Get Around Its Debilitating Grips, please Right Click on Menu At Left, FIFTH Blue Link Down and open in a New Tab.

In Reading The Above About “Mental Blockages”, My Biology Professor Friend David Strom Suggested =>

But Did You See The Gorilla? The Problem With Inattentional Blindness. Where => The Most Effective Cloaking Device Is The Human Mind.

Daniel Simons, September 2012, writes =>
… For more than a decade, my colleagues and I have been studying a form of invisibility known as inattentional blindness. In our best-known demonstration, we showed people a video and asked them to count how many times three basketball players wearing white shirts passed a ball. After about 30 seconds, a woman in a gorilla suit sauntered into the scene, faced the camera, thumped her chest and walked away.
… Half the viewers missed her. In fact, some people looked right at the gorilla and did not see it. That video was an Internet sensation.
… So, in 2010, I decided to make a sequel. This time viewers were expecting the gorilla to make an appearance. And it did. But the viewers were so focused on watching for the gorilla that they overlooked other unexpected events, such as the curtain in the background changing color.
Right Click & Open New Tab, To see Video .


… The SAME Brain Systems That Create The Above Mentioned “Mental Arrivals” A) thru H), => Are similarly ALWAYS & CONTINUOUSLY At Work, Each Second Of Our Waking Day, With Problem Solving Responses, To External Stimulation From Our 5 Senses, As Well As Responding To Internal Stimulation From say “thinking”.
… These Solutions Are Created By Unconscious Brain Processes, Just Like Those For Typical “Mental Arrivals” (A Thru J), But NOW, For Each Of Our Waking Seconds (On Near Constant & Continuing Basis), The Problem Solving Brain’s Response To External Stimulation Of The Nine Senses, ALSO Come Into Consciousness, Resulting In What We Call Normal Awareness Of =>

a) Our surroundings (perception), and
b) Awareness of our body, its processes, & motions, and
c) Awareness of our own thoughts.
d) These together form what we call “Consciousness Awareness”!! Herein called “Primary Consciousness”.

Indeed, Properly Understood, The SAME Brain Systems that create the above mentioned (A thru J), “Mental Arrivals”, (As Mentioned Above), But Now Operating On A Continuous Basis, Each Second Of Our Waking Day, Are CREATING Our Conscious Mind !!

And As We Can Directly Observe => These So Created “Conscious Awareness’s” automatically & spontaneously arise from our brain’s internal processes, despite the fact that => We have absolutely NO Conscious Awareness of these brain processes, as a fact.

BOTTOM LINE => For The Problems of Life Coming At Us => Our Problem Solving Brain, In The Process of Finding Creative Best or Near Best Problem Solutions (Answers) Which THEN “Appear” as Mental Arrivals, into our Conscious Mind.

I) CREATES (On a Continuous Basis), What We Know As MIND,

And in Process,

II) Completes The Steps To CREATE => CONSCIOUSNESS !!


NOTE: Please Be Aware That There Are Authors Who Are Especially Good At Observing Their Own Mind Creates Best Or Near Best Solutions (Answers). Automatically & Spontaneously. This includes => Robert Pirsig in his book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” (ZMM) … Mr Pirsig offers many examples, which have resulted from watching their own mind, and we can learn much from what he does in actual practice.
… Please send email if you are other such authors. Or have difficulty finding above mentioned examples.


Just Watch This Fun “Power Of 10” Video, And You Will See For Yourself =>

A) How Rapidly Your Problem Solving Brain, Produced Remarkably Good Solutions, To The VERY Unfamiliar & Quickly Changing Scenes During This “Video Trip To The Edge Of The Known Universe!”
B) AND This Demonstrates Another “Property” Of How Your Mind Works! =>
… You Will Notice, As Did For Me, Henry Gurr => AFTER the long trip to the Dismal Cold Total Darkness Of the Edge Of The Universe, It Is A Noticeable Nice Relief, to AGAIN Be Back At The Comfortable, Warm, Colorful, Surface Of Home Earth!!

Click Here To See => This Demonstration, Of Above Mentioned A) & B) “Properties” Of How Our Mind Works!


LIKE A SPARKLING DIAMOND The Wonderful, Wondrous, Gift Of Consciousness, HAS MANY SHINING FACETS!!

… One of the neat things about Consciousness, is that we know we are conscious, AND further, We know that, we know that, we know that. we are Conscious!! Plus we know that other persons (and even animals), around us are Coconscious!

Collected Into This One Webpage, ALL Of The Various Discussions On The Topic Of CONSCIOUSNESS, That Henry Gurr Could Find In His Documents & Emails.
… By reading this below summary overview WebPage =>

1) You will prepare your mind for future easier reading about Our Human Experience of Consciousness
2) Also by reading this page, you will become more familiar with => The Properties & Characteristics Of Consciousness as they happen in Any & All Mental Arrivals.
3) Overall, reading the below will help you to better see “The Big Picture”, as you happen to read any of Henry Gurr’s 8 WebPages (Top Main Menu At Left), “How Our Mind Works”. ''.

Be Forewarned: This NEW WebPage, is currently a work in progress. And temporarily there are parts that are currently incomplete and other places still need further attention.
Click Here For => LIKE A SPARKLING DIAMOND The Wonderful, Wondrous, Gift Of Consciousness, HAS MANY SHINING FACETS!!



…Professor Daniel Kahneman Got It Right in The Title of His Book “Thinking, Fast and Slow “ . (2011) .
”The book's main thesis is that of a dichotomy between two modes of thought:

"System 1" (Thinking Fast), is fast, instinctive and emotional; and
"System 2" (Thinking Slow), is slower, more deliberative, and more logical. The book delineates rational and non-rational motivations or triggers associated with each type of thinking process, and how they complement each other, … ”

Click Here, For Wikipedia Article On Professor Kahneman’s Book.
Click Here To Read More About “Dual Process” Theories.

… In Our Problem Solving Brain, Unconscious Processes, Automatically, Spontaneously, Generates (Constructs Creates), With Dual Process Theory’s “Thinking Fast” => Well Describe Our Brain Systems That Create The Above Mentioned A) thru H), “Mental Arrivals: AND
…After the Problem Solution is fully presented as a Sudden Automatic Spontaneous Mental Arrival, the fully formed Solution itself is UN-Changeable), But subsequent Conscious Mind activity can actually alter, stop, improve, and/or redirect the Future Plans (or Body Motion), that came with the Original Solution. In fact, these TWO “Systems” work in parallel, and potentially one of the “Systems” can improve upon (or even go beyond), the other is highly functional, and just what we want ! .
9) All this of course indicates that our Conscious Mind. does have some power of its own. Such power may additionally include => Language, Thinking-With-Language-&-Logic, Symbolic Meaning, etc. (Or merely seem that way.) (This may be related to the somewhat independent powers of the Right Brain, versus the Left Brain?)
10) This Consciousness-System Power or ability thus seems to run in parallel to the UN-Conscious General Problem Solver Brain System: both “Systems” seems to have its OWN memory, and seem to have independent solutions of their own: These characteristics are in full agreement with the Dual Process Theories, discussed elsewhere in This Document You Are Currently Reading.
11) Thus I conclude that our Conscious Mind System CAN have solutions different from the UN-Conscious (General Problem Solver Brain) System, and Conscious Mind System (perhaps using Language, Thinking-With-Language-&-Logic, Symbolic Meaning, etc), develop answers / conclusions (not un-like my writing composition conclusions I’m doing now), and such conclusions might trigger a new even better solution by the, “UN-Conscious Mind System.”
12) Moreover, these two “Systems”, working in parallel, can alternately, “leap-frog” jump ahead of each other, especially if one of the two, is blocked or stuck or is suffering “perceptual blindness”. … It’s interesting to observe how this works. Here we notice these two systems, are mostly a) Running on automatic, AND b) Both certainly seem autonomous. (For more Do > Edit > Find > … autonomous … )
Click Here To Read More About “Dual Process” Theories, Results Found By Google.

APPENDIX II: IMPORTANT IDEA => Our Problem Solving Brain => Simultaneously Solves On-Coming-Life’s-Problems, And In The Same Process, Act As A Memory Retrieval.

1) Thus, any and all Problem Solutions, that Mentally Arrive into our Conscious Mind, should be considered “Memory Retrievals”, despite the fact that we don’t ordinarily think of them as such.
2) As also will be discussed => How knowledge, experience, facts, and ideas must already be in your Brain’s Memory, available for our brain’s UN-Conscious problem solving processes, and from this your Problem Solving Brain is able to Generate (Construct, Create), a Solution that then Mentally Arrives into your Consciousness, whereupon you then “See” or “Perceive” or “Understand”: For example, to “get” the punchline of a joke, and fully suddenly "understand" the humor. Enough Knowledge must be in your brain’s memory; because problem solving requires memory, indeed massive amounts of brain’s memory!.
3) ''' AND Be Sure to Note Well This Is =>An Optimizing Creative Memory Cycle =>, Which Achieves New Learning, Refinement Of Skills, Better Habits, Improved, Solidified, Updated Knowledge, And Many More Examples.

… This is A Cycle Of Regenerative Upward Spiral Of Compounded, Creative, Building-On-(And Beyond)-The-Previous, Ever Improved Problem Solutions, Then Stored In Memory.

4) The Cycle Steps Are => Original Memory > Memory ReAccesed > Provides Memory Base For Perception & Other What Do Next > Problem Solving Brain Mental Arrival to Consciousness > With Future-Plans, Emotions, & Feelings Etc > Action > Success > Refine & Improve Solution Back Into Memory > Enhance & ReFurbish Memory. =>
5) Above Shortened To => A Regenerative Memory Cycle Of ReAccess & ReFurbish =>
6) Above Abbreviate To => ReAccess & ReFurbish Cycle.
7) Useful Acronym => RRC << For more related Discussion & Problem Solving Brain usages > See 18 Each > Edit > Find > …RRC …

…This cycle is also discussed in the Click Here For => Single and Double-Loop Learning, discussed and diagramed, half way down this Wikipedia Page.
AND As Stated In My Memory, Perception, and Problem Solving (MPPS) Article =>

8) After any Mental Arrival, you typically will remember the new idea, answer or problem solution: Thus you not only have a new experience, you have new knowledge, which in turn automatically will make newly refurbished brain memories. Thus we see that => Brain Memory is both required for problem solving, and (increased) memory, is the instantaneous result of problem solving, most especially if (and pretty much only if) Mentally Arrived into Consciousness!!
NOTE: It is likely that the brain’s inter-neuron connections that were accessed, to achieve a Solution, were the self-same neurons, that are sub sequentially changed / up-dated, to effectively “hold” the new memories, as a result of the New Solution so created into Consciousness.

Click Here To Read Entire MPPS Article.

9) There are important functional reasons why we are totally un-aware of our UNconscious Brain Processes.

Click here to go to Henry Gurr’s APPENDIX VII => Why Is It Necessary For The Workings Of Our Mind To Be Hidden From Us?.

10) Just how the above is at all possible (even indeed thinkable), for a physical biological brain, to accomplish the above , is factually and mathematically established by the Physics Theory of Princeton Physicist J J Hopfield.
11) An additional important Property of Mental Arrivals Is At > Top > Do > Edit > Find > …. (Even Inexplicable)
12) Although the Discussion Points, Above 1) thru 11), are fairly compete, Please remember that => Our Problem Solving Brain Can & Will Make Available, As Mental Arrives into Conscious Mind, are a whole lot more, than what is stated 1) thru 11).

And We Must Remember => … In ALL Circumstances & Instants Of Time => What is really happening in our “Biological Brain’s Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory” => Is Invisible Tiny Changing Of Inter-Neuron Connection Strengths, which is what underlies all of what we “see”, “think”, and “become aware of”.
To See How This Above Idea Works => Click Here AND AFTER This Comes Up => Scroll Down Princeton Theoretical Physicist J. J. Hopfield’s Neural Network Model.
…To Study More on “Biological Brain Neural Network Optimizing Problem Solving, Content Addressable, Associative Memory”
Click Here And AFTER Page Comes Up, Scroll Down To, And Read All Of, => PROPOSITION 3g)

Because My Theory Is “A General Theory (Explanation) Of How Our Mind Works”, And As Such Studying It Will, I Promise, Guaranteed, The Following =>
…Besides providing a new radically different & significantly improved understanding of Mind, my Theory (Explanation) will positively impact your life by guiding & helping you (beyond good knowledge you already well know), to achieve in practically any activity with =>

A) Increased personal efficiency in various chosen tasks, especially writing composition. .
B) Faster recognize what to do to “step-around” mental & physical blockages.
C) Improve creativity & make more frequent Sudden, Automatic Spontaneous, Insights, that just come into mind, similar to that of the Flash of Insight type Mental Arrival events.
D) Plus many other improved abilities, which you can then formalized into refined procedures.
E) The overall result can be improved performance, Ever Better, Easier, & Faster, on whatever you are trying to do:
F) And will make the time and effort to study my Theory (Explanation), well worth your investment.

….Indeed, for these very reasons, you might should study my theory (Explanation), because as Doulas Hofstadter said =>
“life is unfortunately too short”.
… …

Some Final Ideas For You To Remember:
…As you may have guessed, I hope your penetrating mind will find some useful illumination in my ideas as to “How Our Mind Works”.
....You do not need any special knowledge to do this, because my theory (Explanation) is based on direct observation that anyone can do, and will be obvious once you know what to look for, (which my theory (Explanation) hopes to show you.)

Please let me know what you think.

Sincerely Henry Gurr


Below Is A Listing Of My EIGHT Theory (Explanation) Pages, Which You Can Study To Learn About.

TITLE => Based On Direct Observation: These WebPages, 1) thru 8) Are A Full Expounding Of “The Best Available Theory Of How Our Mind Works, In the Creation of Sudden, Automatic, Spontaneous Mental Arrivals, by UN-Conscious Brain Processes:
This Theory Explanation, Which Is Confirmed By Direct Observation, Offers A Very Viable Answer To The Mind-Body Problem, And Effectively Closes The Explanatory Gap.


… … … As You See In The Main Menu, Upper Left, Starting At The TOP =>
First Blue Menu Link: The Hopfield Neuron Network Model, Explains How Our Brain Can Automatically, Spontaneously Find, Best Or Near Best Solutions of "Life's Problems Coming At Us."

2nd Blue Menu Link: Suggest You START Your Study Here => H Gurr’s Compact Explanation: => A Unified Panorama View Into “How Our Mind Works”.

THEN Suggest You Continue Reading Next Page Below:

3rd Blue Menu Link: Collected Properties & Characteristics All Mental Arrivals Such As => , Such As => Eureka!, Epiphany, The Light Came On!!, A Flash of Insight It **AHA**, It Dawned On Me, Light Bulb As In Cartoons, and many others similar but less dramatic.
…From scattered places in Henry Gurr’s 8 WebPages (hereby listed) “How Our Mind Works” => Here collected into one WebPage, are the ALL of the Properties & Characteristics Of Every Mental Arrival: These are such as “Flash Of Insight”, Epiphany, Etc), which come automatically, spontaneously, Into Our Conscious Mind. Or similarly for the creation of our Primary Consciousness, for our Every Waking Moment, Second By Second:
…On this WebPage are also => A Picture Analogy of Before (& After) A Mental Arrival.
…… By reading this essential summary overview WebPage, you will prepare your mind for easier reading of Henry Gurr’s 8 WebPages (hereby listed) “How Our Mind Works”. …You will need to read this page => Because otherwise these various => Properties & Characteristics Of Each & EveryMental Arrivals , In Their Original Scattered Paces, Are Presented In A Way, Such That It Is Hard To See “The Big Picture”.

4th Blue Menu Link: H Gurr’s FULL Expounding => A Unified Panorama View Into “How Our Mind Works”,

5th Blue Menu Link: A Very Important IDEA => Even Partial Fit Problem Solution Is Highly Useful, especially for how Our Problem Solving Brain so easily gives us a Bes Understanding for 1) Camouflage, 2) Concept Confusion, and3) Figures of Speech, Such as Metaphor, Analogy, Allegory, Simile, Similar, Similarity, and 22 more.

6th Blue Menu Link: Henty Gurr’s Explanation of => “How Our Mind Works”, Helps Illuminate What’s Happening In Procrastination, And Helps Avoid Procrastination’s Blockages.

7th Blue Menu Link: Hopfield Neuron Network Model => Illuminates How Brains Generate (Construct Create) Optimal Solutions To “Life’s Problems Coming At Us”, plus Links To Other H Gurr Writing On Mind.

8th Blue Menu Link: An Anatomy Of An Idea Come To Mind + Constructivist Epistemology + Full Exhaustive Listing of Mental Arrivals, Such As => Eureka!, Epiphany, The Light Came On!!, A Flash of Insight It **AHA**, It Dawned On Me, Light Bulb As In Cartoons, and many others similar but less dramatic.

You may access any of these by clicking (At Upper Left) on any of the TOP EIGHT Blue Links.

A Good Place To Start Is 2) Above, And Then Continue With 3) Above..

Appendix I: Interesting Excerpts From Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy WebPage Titled “Consciousness”. These passages, agree with and support Henry Gurr’s “Explanation (Theory) Of How Our Mind Works. ''

… Perhaps no aspect of mind is more familiar or more puzzling than consciousness and our conscious experience of self and world. The problem of consciousness is arguably the central issue in current theorizing about the mind. Despite the lack of any agreed upon theory of consciousness, there is a widespread, if less than universal, consensus that an adequate account of mind requires a clear understanding of it and its place in nature. We need to understand both what consciousness is and how it relates to other, nonconscious, aspects of reality. …
…Consciousness is a dynamic process, and thus an adequate descriptive answer to the What is consciousness? question must deal with more than just its static or momentary properties. In particular, it must give some account of the temporal dynamics of consciousness and the ways in which its self-transforming flow reflects both its intentional coherence and the semantic self-understanding embodied in the organized controls through which conscious minds continually remake themselves as autopoietic systems engaged with their worlds..
…A comprehensive descriptive account of consciousness would need to deal with more than just these seven features, but having a clear account of each of them would take us a long way toward answering the “What is consciousness?” question. ….
…Increased flexibility and sophistication of control. Conscious mental processes appear to provide highly flexible and adaptive forms of control. Though unconscious automatic processes can be extremely efficient and rapid, they typically operate in ways that are more fixed and predetermined than those which involve conscious self-awareness (Anderson 1983). Conscious awareness is thus of most importance when one is dealing with novel situations and previously unencountered problems or demands (Penfield 1975, Armstrong 1981).
…Standard accounts of skill acquisition stress the importance of conscious awareness during the initial learning phase, which gradually gives way to more automatic processes of the sort that require little attention or conscious oversight (Schneider and Shiffrin 1977). Conscious processing allows for the construction or compilation of specifically tailored routines out of elementary units as well as for the deliberate control of their execution.
…There is a familiar tradeoff between flexibility and speed; controlled conscious processes purchase their customized versatility at the price of being slow and effortful in contrast to the fluid rapidity of automatic unconscious mental operations (Anderson 1983).
A comprehensive understanding of consciousness will likely require theories of many types. One might usefully and without contradiction accept a diversity of models that each in their own way aim respectively to explain the physical, neural, cognitive, functional, representational and higher-order aspects of consciousness. There is unlikely to be any single theoretical perspective that suffices for explaining all the features of consciousness that we wish to understand. Thus a synthetic and pluralistic approach may provide the best road to future progress.
Click Here For => Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy WebPage Titled “Consciousness”. '''

Appendix II: Interesting Excerpts From Wikipedia WebPage Titled “Mind”. These passages, agree with and support Henry Gurr’s “Explanation (Theory) Of How Our Mind Works. ''

…The mind (adjective form: mental) is that which thinks, imagines, remembers, wills, and senses, or is the set of faculties responsible for such phenomena.[2][3][4] The mind is also associated with experiencing perception, pleasure and pain, belief, desire, intention, and emotion. The mind can include conscious and non-conscious states as well as sensory and non-sensory experiences.
…The exact nature of the mind is disputed. Traditionally, minds were understood as substances, but contemporary philosophers tend to see them as collections of properties or capacities. There is a lengthy tradition in philosophy, religion, psychology, and cognitive science exploring what constitutes a mind, what its distinguishing properties are, and whether humans are the only beings that have minds.
…Mind, or mentality, is usually contrasted with body, matter, or physicality. The issue of the nature of this contrast and specifically the relation between mind and brain is called the mind–body problem.[5] Traditional viewpoints included dualism and idealism, which consider the mind to be non-physical.[5] Modern views often center around physicalism and functionalism, which hold that the mind is roughly identical with the brain or reducible to physical phenomena such as neuronal activity,[6][need quotation to verify] though dualism and idealism continue to have many supporters. Another question concerns which types of beings are capable of having minds.[citation needed][7] For example, whether mind is exclusive to humans, possessed also by some or all animals, by all living things, whether it is a strictly definable characteristic at all, or whether mind can also be a property of some types of human-made machines.[citation needed]One problem for all epistemic approaches to the mark of the mental is that they focus mainly on conscious states but exclude unconscious states. A repressed desire, for example, is a mental state to which the subject lacks the forms of privileged epistemic access mentioned. …
…One way to respond to this worry [ie: a focus mainly on conscious states but exclude unconscious states].is to ascribe a privileged status to conscious mental states. On such a consciousness-based approach, conscious mental states are non-derivative constituents of the mind while unconscious states somehow depend on their conscious counterparts for their existence. An influential example of this position is due to John Searle, who holds that unconscious mental states have to be accessible to consciousness to count as "mental" at all. They can be understood as dispositions to bring about conscious states] This position denies that the so-called "deep unconscious", i.e. mental contents inaccessible to consciousness, exists. Another problem for consciousness-based approaches, besides the issue of accounting for the unconscious mind, is to elucidate the nature of consciousness itself. Consciousness-based approaches are usually interested in phenomenal consciousness, i.e. in qualitative experience, rather than access consciousness, which refers to information being available for reasoning and guiding behavior.
Click Here For => Wikipedia Titled “Mind”.

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