"Quality is the parent, the source of all subjects and objects." - Robert Pirsig

Fits Observation: Henry Gurr’s How Our Mind Works

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*** Zen and the Art of ***
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** by Robert Pirsig **

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SUMMARY=> Robert Pirsig Zen Art Motorcycle Maint.

Celebrate: Robert Pirsig’s July1968 Motorcycle Trek

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SUMMARY=>SpecialStudies Zen Art Motorcycle Maint

SUMMARY=>Memories: Dennis Gary English MSU

SUMMARY=>Research Montana State UniversityMSU

SUMMARY=>“Pirsig Pilgrims”&“Fellow ZMM Travelers”

AFTER Above Link ComeUp, GoTo ''Zen and..Last Hurrah”

SUMMARY=>Maps+Info: ZMM Travel & Mountain Climb

Resources: Pirsig & Zen Art of Motorcycle Maint.

SUMMARY=>Software&Hardware: Create This WebSite

Thanks To Persons Who Created & Supported ZMMQ




Click any photo below: **OR**
Mouse Hover, Over Photo, For Album Description

These 12 Photos were taken by Robert Pirsig’s very own camera, as he Chris, Sylvia and John made that 1968 epic voyage upon which The Travel Narrative for Mr Pirsig’s ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘ (ZMM) book was based. Taken in 1968 along what is now known as ‘‘The ZMM Book Travel Route ‘‘ each photo scene is actually ‘‘Written-Into ‘‘ Mr. Pirsig’s book => ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘ (ZMM)

Author Robert Pirsig’s Own 12 Color Photos, Of His 1968 ZMM Travel Route Trip: Each Is Written-Into His ZMM Book. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 2nd Down.

Each of the 832 photographs in these Four Albums show a scene described in the book ‘‘Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘. Each photo was especially researched and photographed along the ZMM Route to show a specific ZMM Book Travel Description Passage: This passage is shown in quote marks below the respective photo. As you look at each of these photos, you will be viewing scenes similar to those that author Pirsig, Chris, and the Sutherlands might have seen, on that epic voyage, upon which the book ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘ was based. Thus it is, that these 832 photographs are ‘‘A Color Photo Illustrated Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘. Indeed ‘‘A Photo Show Book‘‘ for ZMM. Sights & Scenes Plus Full Explanation.

My ZMM Travel Route Research Findings, Are A Page-By-Page, Color Photo Illustrated ZMM. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Album.

Each of these 28 photos are Full Circle Panorama Photos Seven-Feet-Wide. They were taken along the Travel Route of the book ‘‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance‘‘. They show a 360 degree view, made by stitching together eight photos. These Panoramic Photos, complement and add to those of my Photo Album ABOVE named  => ‘‘A Color Photo Illustrated ZMM Book, With Travel Route Sights & Scenes Explained‘‘.

ZMM Travel Route Research PANORAMIC PHOTOS 7ft wide! Henry Gurr, 2002 ZMM Research Trip. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 2nd Down.

This album shows what I saw  on my RETURN trip home (San Francisco California to Aiken South Carolina), Summer 2002. These 55 photos were taken along the Route of the “1849er’s Gold Rush to California” (In Reverse Direction). After I completed my ZMM Research, I RETURNED home by way of the Route of the ‘49’s Gold Rush. This route included the route of the “California Gold Rush Trail” (in Nevada & California), as well as portions of the Oregon Trail' all the way into Missouri. These 1849er’s Travel Route Photos, were taken AFTER I took those Photos shown in the above Album named “A Color Photo Illustrated ZMM Book, With Travel Route Sights & Scenes Explained”.

Henry Gurr’s 2002 Research Photos: California Gold Rush Trail & Oregon Trail. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 3rd Down.

Each of these seven 360 degree  Full Circle Panoramic Photos were taken along the route of the Gold Rush ‘1849’ers from Missouri to California. Each is 7 foot wide! These Panorama Photos complement and add to those of my Photo Album above named  => "Henry Gurr’s Research Photos: California Gold Rush Trail & Pioneer Oregon Trail".   AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Album.

California Gold RushTrail & Pioneer Oregon Trail PANORAMIC PHOTOS 7ft wide! Henry Gurr, 2002 ZMM RETURN Trip. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Album.

Enjoy 225 Photos of Flowers & Red Wing Blackbirds Along the ZMM Route. This Album of  Color Photos shows every Flower and Red Wing Blackbird (RWBB) that I could “get within my camera sights!!”  This was done in honor of the ZMM Narrator's emphasis of Flowers and Redwing Blackbirds in the book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”. I was very surprised to find RWBB's the entire travel route from Minneapolis to San Francisco.

In Honor of ZMM Narrator’s Emphasis: 225 Color Photos of ZMM Travel Route Flowers & Red Wing Blackbirds. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 5th Down.

These 165 photos show ‘‘Tourist Experiences’‘ the ZMM Traveler may have along the ZMM Route.

My 2002 ZMM Travel Route Experience: By Henry Gurr ZMMQ Site Master. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 3rd Down.

Starting Monday 19 July 2004, Mark Richardson traveled the ZMM Route, on his trusty Jakie Blue motorcycle. Mark made these 59 interesting photographs of what he saw along the way. As he toured, he pondered his own life destiny (past present future), and sought to discover his own deeper personal meaning of the book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”.

Mark Richardson’s 19 July 2004, ZMM Route Trip & Photo Journal. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 5th Down.

The former home (~1968) of John and Sylvia Sutherland, at 2649 South Colfax Ave, Minneapolis MN, shown in 18 photos. Despite John's quite negative disparaging statements in ZMM, about their home back in Minneapolis, this same house, shown in these photos, looks to us like a wonderful, beautiful home along a very nice, quiet, shady street, in a perfectly fine Minneapolis Neighborhood!

John & Sylvia Sutherland of “The ZMM Book”: 18Potos Of Former Minneapolis Home>2649 South Colfax Ave, AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 4th Down.

A 36 Photo Tour of Two University of South Carolina Buildings:  a) Etherredge Performing Arts Center Lobby + b) Ruth Patrick Science Education Center, some of which show “Built In Educational Displays

Site Master Henry Gurr's Campus: Photos Of Two Buildings (of 32 total), University of South Carolina Aiken. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn 2nd Down.

A 105 Photo Tour of Science Building
At The University of South Carolina Aiken, Aiken SC.
Also showing a) Flowers & Exotic Plants In The Greenhouse
And b) The Rarely Seen Equipment Service Room & Dungeon.
Site Master Henry Gurr's Campus: Photos Of Science Building, One (of 32 total Buildings) At The University of South Carolina Aiken. AFTER the 5 Albums Comes Up, Read & ClickOn 5th Down.

IThese 15 photos show persons & scenes, related to how we got this ZMMQ WebSite going, back in ~2002. Included are "screen captures" of our software systems in use. A few of these photos show the screen views of what we were “looking at,” some including brief notes & hints on how to get around some of the problems we experienced.

Software We Used ~2002, In Creating and Maintaining This ZMMQ WebSite: Illustrated & Explained. AFTER the 5 Albums Cones Up, Read & ClickOn Top Albun.

Photos of Faculty, Administrators, and Students who were at Montana State College ~ 1956-1960. These persons, especially Sarah Vinke, were faculty (or colleagues of) ZMM author Robert Pirsig, during his teaching (1959 – 1961), as Professor of English, at Montana State College, Bozeman MT.

1947-60: Photos of MSC Faculty & Sarah Vinke (Vinki Vinche Finche Finch)

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An Email From Tina DeWeese, Daughter Of Robert and Gennie DeWeese Soon After My (Henry Gurr’s) Visit To Their Home Summer 2002.

Dear Henry,

The pleasure was ours to have your spirited presence in our lives for
a couple of days! Your passion for you mission is admirable and
contagious. All of us have expressed new intentions to reread Zen
after such long, engaging discussion and reminiscence of those times.
The most interesting thing is how it all touches back into an issue
that is, indeed, timeless...in each of our lives, this search for
Zen, which Pirsig brought so eloquently into the collective
consciousness of our times. Though different generations, we all
share in that essential quest (archetypal hero...), that he brought
into focus through the cultural lens of our western culture. He
pioneered a movement which is ongoing and perilous in our present
global circumstance, but there have been many perilous global
circumstances through TIME, and still, we have that uniquely human
capacity to transcend, to follow through with an inner thread of
personal mythology that, by nature, seeks its way to peace. My
brother, Jan, said it well one night, his wife tells us, when he sat
bolt upright in bed, sound asleep, with a revelation, "The last
frontier! Little pockets of nothingness!" It is in those deep breaths
and moments of rest (Langohr Campground a wonderful retreat!) that we
can be present in the moment. All the rest of our activity is in the
effort we make to get there. And there are many teachers along the
way. I think of Herman Hesse, Carlos Castenada, certainly Jung and
his many progeny of followers - Joseph Campbell, James Hillman,
William Irwin Thompson...Micheal and Linda Sexson. It's an exciting
thread of western consciousness to follow, applicable to all that we
do along this path. The Grateful Dead - so many artists that are
tapped into the journey of perception. Revelation/revolatin,
evolution. I suppose it is our own little reserves of energy that will
guide our way and dropping out from the world and fury gives us the
strength to carry on with whatever tasks we need to attend in the
process of becoming present in the moment, be it with our sticky pads
of notes, or with the horses. Like the zen story that my mother told
about the guy being chased by a lion, falls over a cliff, but hangs
on to a tiny shrub on the side of the cliff. He looks up to see the
lion and, looking below, sees another lion. He sees beside him on the
cliff a strawberry plant with a little red strawberry...and he plucks
it and tastes it for its sweetness. It is in that tension we all live
to find our presence in the moment, eh?

Thank you for your patience in sharing you knowledge of Physics, a
field of science I, like my father, have only an intuitive sense of.
It is a treat to have it all laid out, brings it to life/into context
of a world I know by heart, and through psyche/soul/dream. Psychology
and physics - Psyche/soma. We're all juggling the same pieces.

We're happy that your stay in these parts has been helpful to your
research, and hope your further travels will be as rewarding. Thank
you again for your gracious presence. We were very happy to meet you,

Warm regards, Tina

The Following Email From Tina DeWeese, Is Her Thinking On The Subject Of Robert Pirsig’s Death.

Hello all,

Looking out my window on this snowy April day I can see the tree that fell part way at the very moment I was reading the email from Anthony in December of 2012, only days before our MSU Chautauqua event. Anthony was reporting that Robert had had a fall, was in a coma in ICU and none knew at the time whether he would live. We celebrated his life and honored him with an honorary doctorate while he was sleeping, hanging in that limbo state like our tree, leaning into the community of others still standing in the battle.

He did rally…and in cryptic, unflamboyant ways, continued to teach, when he thanked you Charlie for all the acknowledgement that he wasn’t sure if he deserved, but that he would accept with gratitude. This note from him reverberated for me through years of conversation with family and with friends, a lot wit Tom’s mom, Zona, also a very big reader of ZMM when it was first published. This was his note, from September 6, 2014.

“Wendy ['Mr Pirsig’s wife] passed your letter on to me and I am quite moved by it. It's more praise than I deserve but now on my 86th birthday I'm going to try to believe it. Once past that age you can believe anything you want and people are reluctant to condemn you.”
”Old age is surprising me with its harmony and beauty. Objects which were presumed to be discrete now seem more fused together in this harmony. The Yale professor, F.S.C Northrop, described it as the "undifferentiated esthetic continuum." I now think is this is not just philosopher's jargon, but a reality. Anyway, something for your students to possibly ponder.”
Bob Pirsig

When I related this message to Zona, enticing her to a discussion about the ‘undifferentiated esthetic continuum” , she thought for a moment and replied, “In other words, ‘the beat goes on’.”

The "undifferentiated esthetic continuum”, like Orpheus, transcending the boundaries of death while his head floats singing downstream, our friend Bob’s words travel downstream through time to remind us of the spiritual practice of maintenance in Zen and the Art of whatever context our life draws us into the Chautauqua of inquiry and into the metaphysics of Quality. Undifferentiated esthetic continuum, MOQ…the beat goes on…and the Time Falling Bodies Take to Light, through the anguishes of history, replays through time and through every individual and every individual moment of life to re-mind…that all points are connected.

I am mourning the death of another friend simultaneously to this farewell…emotion which opens the floodgates of grief, living in the wake of all our departed loved ones. Our task now only to celebrate the joy of intersection we have had with these lives … and carry on … toward the Metaphysics of Quality and the undifferentiated esthetic continuum.

The Hopis said it well:

Hopi Prayer

Oh spirit of the desert
Of the mountains and the sky
We give our brother’s (sister’s) body back to you
To feed the trees and grass,
The deer and the lion,
And all living things, big and small,
That live in this land and need us,
As we need them.

Where this man’s (woman’s) spirit has gone
We do not know
But we shall remember him (her)
For as long as we can
And when we forget, as we must,
Everything that has happened,
We, too, will be part of the earth
And the worlds to come
Until we arrive once more
At the beginning again.

For Further Reading

…A) To read much more of Tina Deweese’s writing about Boseman, Montana’s, Intellectual, Artistic, and Literary University Community, go to the following link. ALSO you will see that it is a HUGE page containing content not included in our Sarah Vinke biography.

…B) Above Tina DeWeese Email has 5 times mention => "Undifferentiated Esthetic Continuum" (UEC).
…This is a major Idea created by Yale University Philosopher F. S. C. Northrop, In His Groundbreaking Book => '' “The Meeting of East and West: An Inquiry Concerning World Understanding”. (1979), which was read (with difficulty), by Robert Pirsig back in ~1946, on a ~16 day, 6600-mile troopship voyage from Korea back to the USA.
…Here we notice that Northrop’s book tittle surely influenced Robert Pirsig To SubTitle his ZMM Book => “An Inquiry Into Valus” AND subsequently To SubTitle his LILA Book => “An Inquiry Into Morals”
Click Here For Extensive Reading To Help You Understand UEC. … AND Learn Just How => Robert Pirsig’s ZMM Book Was Deeply Influence By Northrop's Book “The Meeting of East and West”.

What Tina DeWeese Means To Us, In The ZMM Community, Was Stated on Our Facebook.com/zmmquality =>
…January 5 2023: Happy Birthday Tina DeWeese! A Montana artist carrying forward the legacy of her artist parents Robert & Gennie DeWeese (along with her brother Josh), Tina and her husband artist Tom Thornton live in the DeWeese home in Cottonwood Canyon immortalized in Robert M. Pirsig's book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. There she often greets many Pirsig Pilgrims. Tina and her brother Josh have been essential contributors to the community of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance scholars and fans, helping make 2012's Chautauqua Honoring Robert M. Pirsig happen by serving on the organizing committee, helping archive DeWeese papers at Montana State, and of course answering ZMMQuality's many questions.
Thank you for being a friend, Tina!
Official DeWeese Art page:
"Life in the Balance: The Art of Tina DeWeese", Bozeman Daily Chronicle article.
Who Were the DeWeeses? Bob and Gennie.
ATTENTION: After The 2 Blue Gallery Links NEXT BELOW Come Up, Click On The Photo Several Times To Get The Largest View. Then Upper Right, ClickOn The [>> ] Icon, To Go To the Next Photo.
The DeWeeese Home in Cottonwood Canyon & Who Were the DeWeeses.
A 2019 Visit with Tina DeWeese In Cottonwood Canyon & Retracing the 1968 ZMM Hike, Of Robert Pirsig & Son Chris.

NOTE: The above is from Facebook.com/zmmquality:

A Googe Search For” Bozeman Montana Tina DeWeese”, Finds The Following Interesting WebPages,Each With One To Many Photos => .

G) Western Art & Architecture => “Perspective: Gennie DeWeese (1921-2007)” By Michele Corriel, Who Is A Montana Art Researcher & Writer, Plus A Very Good Friend Of The DeWeese Family,. says of Gennie => “A true pioneer, Gennie DeWeese was also matriarchal in every sense of the word; caring for, overseeing and — very much like a mother osprey — encouraging three generations of contemporary artists to fly on their own. Has one excellent photo of Gennie’s Art, anf 5 smaller of her art” .

…ATTENTION: AFTER EITHER of the ABOVE 2 Blue Links come up. you will find this DeWeeseArt.com WebSite, has an unusual format & organization: THUS YOU WILL HAVE TO mover your mouse around, and watch then a “Hand” shows, and then look at lower left that shows the URL where you might go, if you CliclOnIt.

This Charming Photo, Was found on Tina DeWeese Facebook Page, There Saying “Cathie DeWeese-Parkinson, Gretchen DeWeese-Bainum Tina DeWeese:” August 31 at 12:24 PM, Thus This Photo Appears To be, Likewise A Delight To The DeWeese Family.


| [- A Marvelous Photo Of => “A Little Girl Reading To A Young Calf”, Found On Tina DeWeese’s Facebook Page..
Photo Is From above Blue Link.]

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